HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-5, Page 88
JUNI: $, L885.
1 will he on the 13russ(:'1S Market
prepared to
Buy Any Quantity of itWool,
for which the Highest Market
Price will le, puitl,
47-4ine I1013'l'. GRAHAM.
Train lcav;s }trnna,tls Station, Loral nod
smith asfollows
t•o Dm wand (ntua North.
Mail u.m. • Mixed .... 10:110 a,m.
l: pt se .... 11 n.tu. I diad ._ 0.51 p.m.
\tta,•d _ r l .1' . I. wt 'rose Pah pm.
Tho morning train ,south and the night train,
north will only ran ou Taeadnys, Thursdays,
and Sa turdata,
ANOTBEIt T1oErrT,--Last Friday
eight some one opened the window in
the rear of G. A. Deadmau's drag
store and entered it. In the morning
it was found that geode and t ouey
to the extent of $20 or $30 had been
taken, This broad -faced style of
thieving should be hunted up as it
little too much latitude is allowedsuch
characters. This is the mond time
this Hpring that Mr. Dem -linin lies
PASSENGERS intending to go to
L nelon should remember they (mu-
nt get by the afternoon train, as the
train on the Lamina, Huron & Bruce
that nerd to connect with one mail
train has been =celled. 13y going
to Vvingbam on the morning freight,
you can catch the "mixed" train for
t.andou, but it is so much "mixed"
that it is not timed to reach tho city
until 5:130 p. m. The morning train,
every other day, is the route to Lon-
don now.
A shiers amm,g ye Lakin' notes
An' faith he'll Arent it,
TomATO plats f 11' sale at MaCr'acken's.
C,:Ina.t'IE plants for sole at ]I Cracken's.
Tee cream by the quart at Adam Good it
Tor are requested to call early and settle
your account. Jas. Duos,
WANTED,—A youth to learn telegraphing
•and express business. Apply to Taos.
EVERYBODY says I1argreaves' Hellebore
keeps gooseberry and currant bushes clean
and healthy,
J. IIARet.tvEt & Co. make the most
pleasant and effectual Worm Syrup ever
taken or used, Try it.
THE cheapest anti nicest stock of Fans
over seen in Brnssels is just to arrive at J.
• IIlargreaves tY Co.'s Drug Store.
AT "The Drug Store." in Graham's
Block, every patent anedicino, and all good
and pure medicines far man or beast are
always in stock.
To-3fo1111ow a fresh supply of Miss Ada
]Son Ton flirts : also it special drive in
trimmed fantastic hats. Choice at 00 ets.
REIIE318E11 that while J. Hargreaves t
Cc. are ahead in the drug business, they
keep a full stock of School Books, Slates,
Paper, Scribbling Books, &o., Sic. Also ex-
quisite perfumes. toilet soaps, articles, ate.
CAur'tos.—We deny the statement in the
last issue of THE PORT, in acl3 by our opposi-
tion,about being "ahead in drugs." Ito
probably believes he is stating the truth;
however, we would caution the public
against accepting such an erroneous state-
ment, While we regret the pride and lack
of modesty that prompted the assertion,
wo are pleased to notice that he accepts so
good-naturedly 0 second place in other
lines. Possibly he may deny this,but thea
the truth will still remain. I have always
endeavored to keep a full stook of such
goods as we handle, We sell nothing but
rim and reliable drugs, and as for prices,
we wilt not be undersold. The lines the
handle are drugs, and all pertaining to
them, books of various kinds, stationary
and school requisites, wall paper, toys and
fancy goods, Berlin wools, etc. Do not be
afraid to ask for anything you may require,
as we have many goods which it to impos-
sible to show. We either have them or cam
procure them for yon, and, withal, we have
not, nor do we intend to accept, a second
place in those lines that we sell, We will
guarantee good goods, low prices and fair,
honest dealing. G. A. DelnotAN, Druggist,
Bookseller and Fancy Goods Dealer,
SEE advt, of Seaforth woolen mill
in this issue. The VanEgmond firm
need no recommendation from us as
their reputation is already provincial
and their work unexcelled.
tween horses owned by Messrs. Hooey
cud Hunt, of \\'ruxeter, for $60 a
side was run baht week under peculiar
circumstances. The distance was
from Wroxeter to Brussels and Mr.
Hunt was to win by eight rode. The
trip was made in some 30 minutes
and lir. Hunt was about 16 rods
ahead at the finish, winning the race.
STEAM CooicEa.--W A. Elder is in
towu taking orders for The Arnold
Automatic Steam Cooker, by which
cooping is entirely done by steam un-
der pressure, and l8 so arranged that
meat, vegetables, dessert, a &c. can be
cooked at one time in this cooker with.
out the flavor of one efcaoting the
other. It appears to be the very thing
'mil testimonials are offelbd by the
hundreds of people using Velem. See
the article for yourself,
TBE ninth number of The Canadian
Pictorial and Illustrated War News is
before us. It contains the following
illustrations : Tu the skirmish line at
13atocbo (front s sketch by E. W.
Morrison', ; The (15th Battalion
(Mount Royal 1ljfiee) at Prot Arthur
(from a photograph by Cooke) ;
Lieu t.•Col. Gray, M. 1?. Pe command-
ing Toronto Field Battery (from a
photograph by Hunter & Co.); A 7a.
1'eba in the North-west (from diagram
anal description by the Globe's tor -
respondent, Artillery shelling the
rebels at Kish Creek from a sketch
by E. W. Morrison.) There is also
a very fine graphic two-page snppie•
ment, entitled "The Bayonet Charge
at Batoche," The paper sells at 15
cents per copy, obtainable from local
booksellers and from the office of
SCOTT AOT.—Last Tuesday more-
ing the Central hotel and Revere
House were searched node„ the pro-
visions of the eteott Aot. A hog of
"spruce" wits eu'lureal behind the bar
by Constable Scott at the former
place, and some 30 or more gallons of
liquor of various hinds at the latter.
Walter Smith and Adam Angus, who
went to the Central with Scott, were
not received very courteously by the
proprietor who politely walked them
to the door. In the other case the
warrant -was placed in the hails of
D. Lowery and be was assisted by R.
Malcolm and W. Iiarlry. On rosist-
enco beiug offered J. Reid was called
upon to help search. Lowery was
sworn in by one magistrate instead of
two and consequently an action for
trespass is talked of by the proprietor
of the Revere. Tho liquor was taken
back to Mr, Hall during the afternoon
but he refused to receive it, so it is
still in possession of the constable.
The Soott Act oases are called for 10
o'clock on Friday of this week.
PUBLIC 1\IEETING.—The monthly
meeting, held under the auspices of
the Brussels Scott Act Association,
assembled in Knox church ou Wed-
nesday evening. Rev. S. Jones took
charge of the program, whioh consist-
ed of tt very interesting address by the
chairman on the religious aspect of
the temperance workers. This was
followed by a fine speech from Rev.
W. T. Clutf, that had the right ring
in it. After singing, the following
resolution was moved by B, Gerry,
seconded by Alex. Stewart and ens•
tained by Rev. J. Ross, B.A., the throe
making short but very practical
We, the inhabitants of Brussels and vi-
cinity, have learned with regret and alarm
of the action of the Senate in so amending
the "Canada Temperance Act of 1878"
(Scott Act) as to permit the sale ander it
of light wines and beer; we regard such ac-
tion as in direct antagonism to the moral
and material interests of our laud ; and,
inasmuch as said amendmoats would de-
prive the people of their just right to de-
clare whether the traffic in intoxicating
quer shall be prohibited among then[ or
not, we emplutically denounce the amend.
manta as an outrage upon our liberties,
strongly condemn the action of tits Senate
in passing them, and const earnestly call
upon the House of Commons to refuse its
concurrence to said amendments, but
rather to so alter the Aot as to make it
still more restrictive in its ohmmeter ; and
further, we pledge ourselves, in tho event
of the Senate's present amendments be-
coming law through the action of the Com-
mons, to put forth our united and most
strenuous efforts at the next general elec-
tion to secure the return to parliament of
suuh persons only as will pledge themselves
to prohibitory legislation.
The resolution was then carried by
a unaoitnous, standing vote. Tho
doxology and benediction brought
this interesting service to a close.
POST Stains —This is Juno.—A
number of t'duckings" have been ill
order at the footbridge near the flax
mill.—Trout fishing is all the rage
these days.—Thos. Hall occupied the
pulpit of the Methodist church last
Sunday morning and Rev. J. L. Herr
in the evening.-111elutosll tC MoTag-
gart's bank has been removed to Leek-
ie's block. A. Cousley has tauten the
position of assistant in D. McKinnon's
stead.—Semen Laird llae removed
his barber shop and billiard tables to
the building vacated by the bank.—
A. special meeting of the Council was
called last Friday forenoon to en.
deavor to push the Howe isoolen mill
along. --'Halliday street was opened
its full width, 66 feet, last week. --A.
concertina hag been added to the or•
ehestra of the Salvation Army lately.
—It is reported that St. John's church
contemplate the introduction of a pipe
organ into their ohuroh.•—White frost
last Monday morning. No damage
done, however, -18 new members
were received into Melville allure!'
last Sabbath.—Seo tiro new tilne table
which mune into foree la et Monday.—
Mrs. Thos, 1IoOraeken t.11 son are
visiting friends at Coningsby for few
weals. --.lies Grace Elder, of Sea.
forth, spent a few days in town last
wook.—dlrs. W. 13' Vanstono is away
at Walkerton ori a visit.—Reeve
Young le off at the County Council
this week, ---\V. B. Dickson has put
up three fancy awnings upon hie
officio windows,—Divisiou Court will
be held in 13rnssele on Wednesday the
24th inst.—W, 11. Moss lune greatly
improved the appearance of his resi-
deuce on King greet, It is a cosy
little placo.—Dltvicl Bose, jr., Lite
purchased the handsome cottage on
Til.rubcrry street, from 11re, Knox.
The price paid was $750, we believe.
He will [alto possession *Alertly,—
The circus arrived in town early on
Tltnrsday morning from Fergus, They
have 11 ears of their own for transport-
ing their goods,—lira, Wni. Va lstone
and Miss Addie aro visiting at (halt
this cock,—Service was withdrawn
in Knox ohnrch last Sunday,—The
crops aro growing splendidly and the
prospects of a bountiful harvest ap•
pears to bo assured,—Rev. T. L. Herr
is attending the London oouforouco
this week, at Chathan.—A. question
frequently asked now is where tlo you
get your "spruce ?"—James Droll is
pushing the Singer eewiug machine
agency.—Tho Orangemen in this lo-
cality talk of going to Stratford on
the 12th this year, --See the now advt.
of Geo. Thomson relating to his gro
cery. Mr. Thomson is a thorough
business man and is doing a splendid
trade. Sue what he says this week. -
11, W, Tools announces a clearing sale
of his large stock of furniture, which
he lately removed from the Queen's
hotel, on Saturday of next week at
12 o'clock. Sale will take place in
Graham's block. --Tho square timber
at the station was shipped this .week.
The manucr of loading with the en-
gine attracted a good deal of attention.
--Tho brick work on the block of
Mrs. 3. W. Shiel is now complete..—
.Warm days but very cold nights.—
Wesley Yeo is home from the North-
west,—John Ament wants to rout
his largo„ barn, behind Thomson's
bakery. The building is a good one.
See advt. rn this issue.—Rev. Samuel
Pear was in town for a few clays this
week visiting hes son.-1lrs. Cormack
sr., who has been visiting et St.
Marys for several months returned to
Brussels this week.—By the lst draft
of stations Rev. J. Rennet of Clinton,
is placed for Brussels, This list is
under correction.—Quite a commotion
was created in Melville church last
Sunday morning, shortly after the
service eommeuced, by Win. Ward,
of Nebraska, taking a fainting spell.
no was assisted into the fresh air and
soon revived.—While other places
are calling ou the Board of Health
to clean up dirty yards, tbo. wo can
say Brussels was never, to our know-
ledge, in a batter sanitary condition
than et present. Health Inspector
Hicks performed his duties faithfully
and the lloark of health etre on the
alert to attend to all complaints. This
is au it should be.—The Novelty
Shower Bath works received a $500
order this week, for their celebrated
baths. This is a good thing for the
boys,—T. Watson received a car load
of mowers Wednesday from the well-
known Massey Works, Toronto. This
indicates a good trade to be done in
this line 111is spring —Dr. 11IoNaugb-
tun intends moving his office to
Leckie's block, in the rooms lately
vacated by E. E. Wade,—Tho chief
excitement this week has' been Scott
Act, trespassing, search warrants,
&o.—A Bluevale correspondent says:
—The wife of 1.1. Piercy, blacksmith,
arrived from the Old Country on Mhy
201h. Bob has lately beau keeping
baoh. but now he intends to quit wash-
ing dishes.—J. & J. Livingston have
90 acres of flax in ou their own no -
count, besides all that farmers have
token. It looks splendid,—It it [lee
intention of the East Huron Reform
Association to secure sus services of
Hon, Edward Blake to address a
,noes meeting, to be held at Brussels,
this summer. The lion, gentleman
has beou written to. --Jia. Jones,
watchmaker, has removed his sloop to
the Queen's hotel bioek.—A now
adv[, of Geo, Howe, concerning the
woolen mill, came in too late for this
issue. Ile waute any quantity of
wool nod has a line assortment of
goods in his line.
Gan radian. 1W e"vvig.
A large number of railway navvies
aro crowdiug into the Rookies to hurry
on the completion of the 0.P,R ,
whioh is now expected to bo through
the mountains by August 1st.
The Paris (Texas) Tribune prints
the story of the murder of J. W. You-
mans at a boarding-house in that
place. The murder is alleged to be
the act of a jealous husband named
S. P. Holmes, who was separated
from his wife. Holmes also stabbed
his sister fatally teed wotutdod his
wife at the same tiule. Prof. 'You-
mans was (35 years of ago, n natives of
Toronto, and was a clever musician.
For to number of years he lived in
Bollovillo. He was born in Prince
Edward county) Ont.
Sohn Thornton & Sons, dyers, of
Bradford, have failed, with liabilities
paced at $50,000.
1t', 13, McCormick, of Pelee Island,
leas beau 11180d $100 and costa for
praetioing tnollieine without register -
jug According to law,
East S1meo0 has three feiniliee ro
siding uo their aides named Begg,
Borrow and hteole, all of whom aro
highly respected.
Owing t0 the rumor that Aeiatie
cholera had made its appoarauctt at
Quebec, it is said that the Govern-
ment is nialuug every effort to euforwt
strict gnnrautiue,
A young slaughter of W. Little, of
Wardeville, died Monday oveunig,
Sho swallowed 0 pumpkin seed some
mouths ago, which lodged in the lar-
ynx and caused snelt an irritation
that dutch consumption sot in.
rl little daughter of John E. Devlin,
of Rochester township, Eases, was
crossing a strip of woods near her
home last Tuesday when she was at-
tacked by it bull, The animal gored
her, and before site could Ata rescued
by it roan working near by she was
injured so badly that her recovery is
\Vord has been received at Toronto
that General Booth, of the Salvation
Army, will arrive in July. He has
ordered the '1'orunto detachment to
form a brigade for service in the N orih-
west among Indians and half-breeds,
Several Montreal Salvationists .have
signified their desire to join the bri.
gado. A largo slumber at Toronto
have volunteered, and the selection
will shortly he made. The brigade
will proceed to the Northwest on Geu.
Booth's arrival
John 11cLenn, a prosperous farmer
babhelor of seventy, living on the 7th
con., Lobo, about seven mules from
Strathroy, was the victim of some
very rough treatment at the hands of
two maskedburglars on Sunday night.
.His house, of which he is the only
occupant, is situated between two
Mille, it coueiderable distance from the
road, and cannot be seen from it. On
the night mentioned, says the dos-
petcll, about nine o'clock he was sit-
ting ne his chair reading, and -while
in that position fell asleep. He was
in this condition when the house was
entered by the burglars, who, after
barricading the door, began beating
hnu in a most brutal and fiendish
manner. When they had rendered
hum insensible he was carried to his
bed and tied securely to it• The vii.
liens thou made a thorough search of
the premises for money, but there be-
ing only a few dollars in the house,
they were obliged to depart disap-
One of the most destructive fires
that have occurred en Londoe for
many yearn took place last Friday.
About 0 o'clock the brigade were
summoned, when it was discovered
that the Phoenix Foundry, on Bath-
urst street, between Waterloo and
Wellington streets, owned by John El-
liot & Son, was in flames. The fire
originated in the dipping -room, and
spread so rapidly that in two hours
the whole establishment was destroy-
ed. The foundry was one of the best
equipped in the Province, stud the
stock of agricultural itnplemeuts on
hand was the largeet the firm had
ever had. A considerable amount of
property was saved, but nevertheless
the loss will roach fully $150,000.
The insurnuce amounts to $60,000,
distribnted among the following com-
panies :—Londou t& Lancashire, Im-
perial, Hartford, Connecticut, /Etna,
Connecticut, London Aasurauoe, Brit-
ash America, Commercial Union,
Royal Canadian, North British &
Mercantile, Phoenix. The burned
works occupied one-third of the entire
block bounded by Bathurst, Welling.
ten, Horton and Waterloo etrdots.
About one hundred employees will be
thrown out of work by the disaster.
The firm have tuade arrangements
with Stevens, Turner, & Burns,
whose premises they will use In which
to complete their unfinished orders.
McGoon—Horreu—In Bolgravo, on May
20th, by the Rev. E. A Chown, John
lvieeool to Miss Diary Ann, youngest
daughter of John Hopper, of Morris.
11IR1t00 abase—lain alt—I11 Blyth, 011 lbfay
101, by the ltev, 3. S. Fisher, Mr. John
Iffirlcconnoll to Mies Elisabeth Miller,
both of Morrie,
E3riessiteiatll .31Etti kat,
White loll Wheat........ 85 87
Bed Wiutor 80 87
Spring Wheat 85 87
Barley 45 50
Oats 31 88
Pens 58 60
Butter, tubs and rolls 10 00
11 00
Flourgo tar e
per barrel .,..... 5 00 5 50
Potatoes... .......... 20 80
Hay per ton 11 0) 12
Hides per lb.. 0 4,
Dressed Hoge 5 ,SO 5 00
Salt por bbl., wholesale ., ,11 80
Shoop skins, cash ....,00 100
Wool 16 17
Natalie! haud,llsoounted,
intoresttllowod on depots repayable; on
['rote plat tsutleng loon t000llectious. -6
t�'1Ib'k'Alt1) ELLi01'. LAW
VI ttlitce, Orant's 111ca6, Brume's. Mousy
to loan,
1L'.1 E, WADEBAIt1.USTER, &c.
Onion tortnerlyoecu[ituda y A, J• MO
Ooll,Esq„in Leekio'a [nock. ?dsnuytnlend,
V8 Y• (hate with (?arrow k lereudfoot,Gode -
rich) 5olleitor, Conveyancer, ho. Olneo in
Grant's Block, Brussels. Money to Lunn.
13. the Leourth D,vluton Court Co. Intron ,
Oonvsyaneer,Notery Pubtte,L tud,Loan and
Iusuraoco Agent, bunds loyosted and to Loan•
Cotleetlone tend°. Ulaae, Graham's Block
'j' A.. 11'foNAUUHTON, M. D., C.
0) M. L. 11, 0. e., tC tieuurgh. 1?nyelsls n,
Sur6•eonuodAueouuliuur, Canoe andresidoueo
that formerly )conpled bylir. '2, G. Itolmes,
north of bridge, u ruseols.
L. et. 0. P. Edinburgh.
Has removed to his residence o„ 11111 Street,
theueuae formerly ouuuplod by Dr. Graham,
Ana ,will bo mere at u1401. . Ce still retains an
wfleo at afargreevua' 1 rug Store.
,(--et L. BALL, L. 1). S., HONOR,
N.A • tlradleito sal 1 11 Amb it .,f too Ltoya
College of Boatel Surgo.l•ia, Iron to, Ullice
in 8truthore Bleak, Visite 0Yl 'sham ulnae un
Wednesday, Beat pooetele pales takes le all
opevatiuus. !liars 8 a.m. to 3 p.m,
.0._ SE LS,htenig0 Grebei.proprio tors ,lar ge
and u ouvenisntsampis rooms, Special kitten -
ttou to ttomul orcialand other Proyellers, Th e
bar is ulways supplied with the ah °least
branusof Liquors mud Oigtara, Au attentive
uoetleralways on hand.
of Thorough Bass, Voonl, and Instru-
mental Stasi° on Pl.tnu, Organ and Gnitnr,
Reference—Ladles of Le re tie, Guelph,
nesldouc,—No. 2, (south) Brick Terrme°,
41-8 in. Brussels, Out,
Issuer Marriage, Licenses. Onice at his gro°
ery,T^rnboary street, 12-22
P eogoon,Oraduate of Ontario Veterinary
College Toronto. Residence, thehouse lately
occupied by Mrs .J, parker blas us !root, Brui.-
Lieutenantt•Govlernor,, Oonnolby tsslonor 1 ,Ce „ Qt f
B.Uouveyanoor and Agentklre Ineurnnoe00
Olnee atthsuranbrook PostOmoo
tog done by Mrs. Turnbull, Besi-
donso—Nurtle of school house, antler of Mo•
0 h,an1111138018.tu s1r, 3, r1138018. OAnn—WVu would
ro0oolmend Alra, It. Turnbull to the uluizeus of
Brussels mea goad etrnw tmltlner. Wulle ell
LnkotWld situ ":we 2051 sattstmotton to Lor
customers ill making over and driug t oat and
straw hats, (1.Graham & Sou. 45,(,,
Insurance Agent,
last seliptg article, reference required,
Apply to W. A. ueLDEIt, Wingliam.
houses for sale cheap, sidewalk and shade
trove, both ocoupied. Al ply. at Post °Moe.
isoes0f given
irido ll iersos s„sign eft. These?tron tho
tug will be lir, soon ted aeoo'ding to law,
43din Lot 18, Con. 7, Groy,
soriber south half lot 19, con &Mas it laoorris, end la ptluff by of parre , mr-
od to tnko either horses or cattle. Par tonna
apply In DAVID Iereii0U ereare
48-4” Proprietor,
the eternises Or the undersigned. lot 29,
oon.12. Bray, on or nbo.tt May 2110 is 2 year
old mare colt. The owner Is ror9mested to
prove property, pay expenses iautl tako her
aweyy, or 13 will he sold as the law directs.
inine or coder from 3 05 nl derstgils4, whoowill'solli thorn from
20 ciente to 61,99 per bundle,
450'„ 001,111AD WE ABLE,
Lot 29, con, 12, Grey,
nudorsigtoil will keep for sarv(eo on lot
22. coe,12, Grey, a thoroughbred Durham Bal l
Beaconsfield 4th, Terms for 8oaeo11 81,09 per
Dow'with the privilege of returning if moos -
Nary, to ho paid Janant ,lee0,
48.4, 301313 OABN0013AN, Prop,
Thomas building is altuntetl on
lmas street opposite the Queen's hotel
etabto, `Would street,
suitable for a livery stable.
heir terns, whioh aro (iborel, apply to
48.41 Joust EtENT, 13r11 88010.