The Brussels Post, 1885-6-5, Page 7,Ttree G, 188M. THE 13 LTiT_.S POST. .meet as e 7 tinily forgotten, Sue saw that Miss Wlldinero's spell grow strmlgoo upon. t.lray(1ou Ivory (lay. It was not iu her nature to moult to (tttoaot his att0ntion or In the elightost (!keret) to enter the lists openly against hos rival. During the Ilrst throo days of oho wools, her chief !Wort carts to he so active and idl0orful that her deep'dOspolldcnny should 1)0 hidden from all. Sho 'wee the life of every littlo ,roup of whiali sho luriii,',1 n part. \41,or1('81' she appeared, mirth and laughLorl 0011 1o11o\'od. The voting girls hi thee) house began to se- lcticiw1cge her as a natural loader, and the boyish young fellow's to adore hex, (nal the matures men to di14c•0001' that sho 0ould hold her own with t•honl in con tm•satIml, while another class learn. (113, to th01r chagrin, that sho would not ilia. For every walking oxpodition started she was oady with hos atom!. stock, and tho experts in the bawling alley Mond a strong, supple competitor, ,vitt eye and hand (dually true, Gray- don, as far as as his proocenpatinn por- mitLo(1, saw this with meowed lerplox• dty. She now appeared to hnn as a beautiful, vigorons girl, with healthful illstiacts and a largo appetite for o11,joy. molt. \\ 01l11csday morning was cool and cloudy, 11u(lar; a party was forming to climb to Spy Bock. Graydon was longing for 10000 activity, and Sine(1 do day was so propitious, Miss ii'ilcllnere 8ousentod to go, 0f 0011180 Madge was in renclines8, and in charming costume for 0 !val. The moment they were on the steep path 110 had to admit that she appeared the superior to Miss Wilclnlore. The One Ow0(1 her bloom to ar111(10ial red metropolitan lifo; oho other had '1)o to nature, and now acted as if her is.. t was em her native heath. Her stele as light, yet never uncertain, Hos ; eogres8 was easy, and, although differ - tat, waft (mite 118 graceful as if shewmro omouurling thio piazza, proving that , was au adopt at mountain -climbing, as ovid0ut, however, that to _Miss `Fildumro a mountain v, as a (err',) /moo. ail((, 8110 trod nncnrtrlinly, her Not turned 1)u 100140 adaue% that hurt tar, and before the Bret steep !x!,111 W118 pawed, 3311, p(ulted and cans glad to sit down with other,,, morn or loss ex - :Wedge's breathing was slightly quick• rnod. and color wax beginning to (1omo i.l tu• usually pale Puce, yet she had lout a helping hand more than once. "now easily you climb, Hiss Alden 1" [hasped Mies 1\'1)3101ere. "Have you (a1(ou les-ul(s ?„ "Sc ') c• ropliod, smiling sweetly, "mei lieu, •L ,taster." 2(11. 1• than ere also was beglnning to problem in 21111)1.'): 8hc mold not esti! ni,o, suulr, ,' (1),pan t y (noel) t•ur with shafts of «!tiro, '11(e young girl t-oarc,l for with cordial indiffor. ('lie,, as 0110 of the guests of the house. She appeared to be capable of enjoying her,.,:f thoroughly, with scarcely a cou- SCionau'ss of thu belle's existence, rin- loss, ad i1) 1),11 present case, sem was ad- dresee,l. 'Phot !ilk would reply with pert, (t. eouttr0)', but in some such am. biguous wap. it soon became evident to 1IIoiOuu 1Ilia tem two girls worn hos. tile, and this both amused and vexed hint. Ifo was beginning to learn that Model, was tho muni skilful opponent. She was )0A•er aggressive, yet (wooed '1,111 in pmb•lted armor wit n attached, 1111,1 her quilt (('plies flashed 1101e under tho light of her smile. ley actinpr, how. ever, as if Miss Wil(hnl'lu w ore never in hor thoughts, except wheal in 00(110 way 1Ybtrnded open them, O11! Dave tho keen• was est \mmewl. The ihettere(1 girl enjoyed her bei,._; ended, elated, :1),d even (let('st0(l grit by jeer own sox, but to ho politely toil( ignored was a new au11 unwelcome cx• and perieuce, u0d she eltai'rd nude' it, mat did 1 80 secretly but that Graydon observed doli her annoyance, p081 After a lest they 8tar,0( 011 again, ho that with Miss Wildlnoro falliug to tho rear. siptt) Befog Madgo passed around a cuirvo had in tho path sho saw a lily on a bank mail abovo her, and with the aid of her alpon• cipit stock sprung upon tho mossy shelf, and plucked the flower, and le11po(3 down joalo with an effort so quick and agilo that it gard 8oemod lilts the fmpnls0 of a bird to thou get something and lass o0. She !nit now. tbo flower in hat belt, and a moment Inc b later was hidden from view. Mi "I hope you observed that feat," Miss 0511 Wildmere remarlcod. "Indeed, Miss flat Alden appears inclined to call attention from to her foot this morning." 11!8x, "I hope the ladies will observe them," rival' ho ropliod ; "the uout10i31011 will, for furog Cloy are pretty. Diel you auto that her (111,'0 boots are ada,ptcc1 to walking ? Y'ou. roll cl could climb with twico the ease if your Amu heels were not so high. For mountain b(1hal scrambling a lady 1100(78 short skirts, Aft and boots liko those that Miss Alden erste. wear8,a„•You should soo oho English huigh girls walking in oho Alps. It's my good peso fortune, howovor, that you aro partially parts disabled this morning. Ii0ro'8 a stoop you t place. Tako my arm and put all the so0let w'013(11t u,17011 It yyouea11,-the more the -She better. Lean 011 m0 as if you trusted not, 1110," (Rano '.Cuero Aces 0. alight frown on her brow Sho as 110 began his speech, but it soon "011," 1pa8sod, and she said, softly, as 1110 still aro 111 111g0rod, "Toll, I'm not an atllloto. I all t11 Should value mo10 a man's strong arm etc loo than strength of my own." 001)8131 "You know that the arm of ono man scree 11 is ov0r at your 8ervi0o," 1110 W ''l±lvor' inlplio8 more patience than I can't a1133 ,11411 1)08800808." little 1 I should think so ; yob you will find "Yo Ino reasonably patient." unkind "Everything is a natter of reason "A 1 with mon," short (bur reason !88111,8 us that !ordain boing things aro a manor of heart with woplo0. Therolore wohopo." "Moo are Much too oeaoting. Thoy mason a thing out and male up til0ir /ideas. If they baso any 11034os oil women's hearts, they 8liollld romombor what tn10asoning organs they aro,-full of Il1nitlttlOnl, !mums, ab1U1'dl'011 •.. 1(((1111 absu1d0011111101m0 at 1111vo you ,1011 80141a bird i11R fu the air, not knowing 'v11 alight? Woo it tine!, and it ma soha'tiou and ewil'tly follows its No good hunter minims at it in Ili of capturing itt1(11.111g 1110 n10n1Un il(•c')n)uu," •-lnrlcl'n, Mutt R'il(lmut'o, if 1 stand veer little pueblo, 1 thin Atvlault ores ogre/4101181y, yet 11 not lrightun elle bird into a very d flight." "You do not ]snow how distant' "No ; 1 mils' sem that lir! goes st for L110 bird 1)11 inm1ent lm see "Ifo might taro found a mon siderite policy wiser." Then she a u 1101 brought the testae of sleep, and when 17711, 1111(1 111.711 to hor room Waren' wry( giving_ - ...FRONT AGAIN. tinuo8. hu so little thought that thus)!thus)!waTo THE hover- :.r ht ur.n11siou for (iisg11deo, and lens 111• (ext tc oulttl'( fur olfort td hrtoreet Liar, kos its "1'11', struggle pronlfses to Ile short choice. null (1001810,,'' sho moaned. "3'011((1348 !lope it has been !drawly shielded.I had no t of 111. c 11(0" altos' all. 110 1,111110 horn fully udtto t in 111s ownthimul)ts t, 11)88 uud0r, '\, a 1111,1•)', 1' have Jn(•rc.ly lost my old 1t .111, ) !ace in din (tlloCLi011, (1013 have 1hadaand0 1101,8 .,((all hal, 110 oppurtuu)ty to win his !staid lute. if this Is to be my foto it is wonto dis(l03er it 330 speedily, and not after it (8." weep! of torturing hope and fear. I'll ('algl(t 1, are tiro truth with w owluto certainty s her." as 3300(1 (18 pos8ihl0, and LI(nil 111111a pr( con• text to join the \Va'huls.,, tided, At last 131(0 latigu(1 of tiro morning friend Often mate I mu d uld Miss Ito 011 sane m, for of al. , you pre. 1o!omit13 for "1100.,, You 1 are gravely, with a little reproach i voice!: "Mr, Arnault in an oldnulla friend of papa's, whom he (arose in bnsin0ss. I thunk my' net' 'toward you should prove) that not inclined to 110 (1181oya1 towelde friends, You Kaye just defend Alden agalu8t a little 1'u111i11iue 8p my part. That was 1))('o. In the way 1 (Tolima Mr. ;Arnault, who roasting equally absurd, yon do n together like. I'm only a woman 1.now, and 0 little spit0 is ono of our rogatives. After ali, at doesn't an to anything. I waned do as mum Min! Allen as for auy ono in the ho (Quito true, which was uothing.) know' bow girls aro." "Certailev, ospOCillly when botl reigning bu)jes." '"l'ho (lieu are always tho rulers sooner or 3"I r; (1((11 8111111 give my allegiance to tho,o gentlemen friends who are the least lilt, n1, :.•4f, -tolerant, pa1)iont, you ::oz'. Mr. _ . a:''t is Co:.uh'g to night f sp,11(11! ":rtli. Ilnnet giveMaior 1) SS (1 niy lima, -I should bo Iillg1atufl(I 117 I dill 1101, -but 1 don'twish you to f ill toward 7110 01' him as I 0110u1d tow a •1 rcot are.; :hiss Aldou if I . _ 1' .. Acre `((•,utter a great di a1, ' . u (roe 1.01r 11101)1( 1 11111, r(n: cal a co.ne:in-JAIL I pay to your 11 :0,1,1 1)r: 1417 c:')'•, 1 t'. " ,(, ii(hnole, I tthinkI understand en y; 1 hop„ I ('n. Your Dimmer of grc(ring 1):a on (11y return from hug abseurc pro (i that; you \refo not (lis• loyal to an 1)111 fr'cnv, If you could keep (no in (Med for ;'et31(3, I eau hope 1 ant nut forgot!. n ,loth:! Cho flours when others hese !sidles r; on 3'011. I lace ever 111.111 y on ill Mina, ao(i I1)light say' move, It women have a little natural vita, men in so:110 situations aro endowed \vith m)0r:1,00s (401138110088, and tho bump of xpplopriutiou !mows almost in. to a deformity." "I Moyer expect to see deformities of toy Mud in Graydon :\Iu1 ," she said, laughing. "Now that we understand each other so well, give me your hand and pull mo up this steep place boforo W111011 w0 have stood so long, while got - ting o:0r another Halo steep place that lay in our path. I'm glad the others hare all 801(8 on, for now you can Helpil! tall you choose, and I sha'a't care." IIs didh01p her, with a touch and1'rncdom that grew into something like1.1'.1118033. Iie telt that he had revealed 11'(11s01f !1,1!341 as completely as it ho had spoken 11:5 loco, and that ho had received and was receiving more than ,,,•uln'a(n gnr- a,. Sha 13,1 not rebuke uucr, w1,:eh was that of 31 local, ' :n re •,.a, no, emmitta.l in that, nothing til.,) could Lind )Ler. Silo porulitmel the avowal of his 11,-e!, ,., : , , ;•en 111 her thoughts (iurira; , , (,,.,,, ,' and tho natural inf,•r,:,,,'(11,1' 11, 1) i,1 are stilt 11'00 b('cau':1 et his 114:11 u) , hoar,.. This 1(1,,1 1iAed him with node, andiuspircd bit11, (18 she di - led f t should, with 011oou8 though tel impulses toward her. Khat it sho (refer to nlaiutaiu a littlo lougor the onto half resorro that precedes a tivo engagement? It only insnru( tbo cup of happiness should ho ad and enjoyed nano leisurely. Sho seen too much life, and 011joyed too y of its pleasures, to act with 'me- ntion now. Sho understood him, yet loved hila well enough to bo ns of one whom she believed he re ed as a sister. With amusement 110 g1t; "Sho is not ov00 that to me flanged if I know what sho is to 0yond a laratty,v0xatious ))uzzlo 1" ss Wiidmoro's strategy had 11ccom- ed one thiug, however. Believing ho was absolved by Magee course everything beyond cordial panto - he had resolved to carry oat her 8 wishes. It was no great cross to n 1Madgo's society, and if Miss Wild - saw that he was not consoling him. tiring oho hours she spolt with 1113, she would shorten them in hie r. 011 r0ae111(1g a certain point ho seg. (1 : ('10810!(1 of scaling that rookyt 111101 1)110 cost of the party, sup. ye follow this grassy wood road to unknown. It wi11 be 011sior for hall climbing, and yon aro bettor y than a crowd." gssentocl smiling, and 1\.[adgo (diel o Graydon again lultil they loot at r. was pale, and looked weary, sho thought, "perhaps my hopes ready vain 1 Thoy 11avo boon a1o110 o morning. Ito may have s34ol(on; les so happy en(1 content that 11e lame spoltou and received the an. 0 0r8vo(1, If go, I shall soon ,join ayla)d8 i1) 111y native villag0, for koop np Much lougor without a 10110." u aro tired, Madge," leo said, not it lo," 8110 ropliod, oaro]ossly. '41 nap this (1ftoluoon will lusuro my wady for the !lop tomight,' CHAPTER XV, P13a1Lnxliln AND 111101111;Pn. tladgo was so discouraged that she contented 11ors01f with a manner of list- less apathy during dinner, 100(1 then re - she waked 8110 found late 0v0niug shadows in her room, awl Warned that Mr. Muir had arrived, it boing his p1us- pomo to spoilt) the Fourth and the ro- luaiuder of the wont with his family. Weariness and (10spu11duncy aro near althe and i1) bauiehillg ono M(Ldgo found 1(ors1lf better (11110 to cope with oho !tier, ,1t oily rate, sho (104ernm0d to Mem 1)o weakness. If Graydon world 110\'01' lova 11017 110 !Mould at least be emu - (TO 13E CONTINUED.) IN THE COUNTY COURT -0r VIS- COUNTY car Y-SU][t4BIY, Di THE BIATTER OF PETITION, H- JV7>; Ir vs. HEATY. Pursuant to en order of the Judgo of this Court made i1) this cease bearing date oho 4111 dayot tray, A. D„ logo, I, hereby, notify all parties having 003:118(10 or 011urgos 0r encum- brances 07 and 28, in 7111 concussion of the Township of Grey, In tido County of Huron, to !lou tHousee, i0 the `To111 wn of (4o('n'.orlob, on the (3(11 1)1(3' 01' June. e. 1). 3880, at the Hour 01 1all such liens,' charges nod on0u 0lr 00(8 111 senior with satisfactory eviclono0 of the amounts due thereon. 00do( in the County clitoral], tan 121( day of 1)003', A. D. 1881. 11, T•,-w:1DE, 1). litcDCNALU, Pill's. Solicitor, 0, 0. C. 11, MEAT \1ARBET, RAIN $Tlttsl8T, 21111'(00.1.)1 ANDREW CURRIE, Prop''', FRESH AND SALT MEATS 0f 3h o bostqual(ty always ol.hand and dotty orad in anypart oftho Villegefroe of charge TE1011 0 Very Favorable, FAT CATTLE WANTED, Forwhlohthe highest merket pilo° wil lbo aid /also waken Spoeialtyofbuyinghlda son Skins. A►mn'ororget the 11100, ,cad oer t o47etotter's,1ovrellv3S tore. ANDREIV 017E112 ALL .ALIVE ! theThe undersigned begsletwe unce to Publio generally l o the that oh spl( obased maker, and 1re Savin brought tock of ll. u1Lage narliarness Stools of his Own Mak( ,ho is prepared to Com- pote with the 713eapsst, as he Buys Strictly for Cash A Oomplote Stook of LIGId7 AND HEAVY HARNESS, OOLLARS, WHIPS, BRUSHES COMBS TRUNKS, HORSE BLANKETS AND VALI, ES, And Everything in the Harness Lin Harness ma310 to Olclor from best Ina corral on Shortest Notice. Repairie g Promptly Attended to, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, n ' A Oa olicit0(1 before Purchasing Llsowhore Don't forgot tho place, inDr Graham s 13look, D. Drain's 01d Stand, Main Street, Drussols, StlEtl usilO . TAMORING. C. H. Maddaugh begs loavo to notify tho pooplo of Brussels and surrounding c0lmtry that he hag open• ad a shoo in GRANT'S BLOCK, f0rmorly 00oupied by W. II. Morris, whore lie will be pleased to attend to oho wants of all favor- ing hum with their unhorse Tho boot of satisfaction guaranteed, The tuulorsignoa lie returning thanks to the People of Cranbraok and Surrounding Country for their Libel'(il talent, Patronage during r 8 yea3's would res pectfull 11 the pest 1 y intimate that he has again resumed busi- ness and will be found at the Old Shand, r('ftdy to attend to the Wants of his Customers. J -1Z MINT --)S OP CfOJ:3 -IN THE BLACKSMITH: LINE - PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, ,T�.•TL j W..E3.C-C-ON SI -101= will be Under the Management ol'• a First -Class Mechanic. _Repairing Of'..1ZL Kinds .lttended to. We aso Mak a bpeciatN o%` „7''e7L' 'ryo7'k dot u 7:7e. F17'8t-Cass Sty e and Gua Pan teed. to Give ,Satbsfiletio77• We are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing the Victoria P cad, Cara, allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of All two wheel l'ollieles. Intending Purchasers Should Call and Examine. NATIONAL ROLLS 1' ILLS, Wm Ironstone & Sr1 , P1'019114'011. Wo have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our New Roller Mill is in Complete Bunning Order and is giving the Best Satis- faction. SHORTS, MEAL, MN a, CHOP CONSTANTLY ON VIAND, We also make the following Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness. ALL KINDS OF LUIIIBER CUT TO ORDER. :.A.ST IIUI01\T CARRIAGE WORKS JAMES BUYERS -lOANL'i1'.t11TUREIt OF -- BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, 1hc., &c. all made of the Best Material anti .finished in a workman -like manner. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to, Parties intending to buy should call purchasing. oelore limeanNors.-Marsden Smith, B. Laing, James Cult tl,nd W6'i111a1n MoKolvey, Groy towllsliily , Wm. Cameron, ni. Lit'�les G‚oo B1'(1'(1)'3411, Blaand Daviel Broekonridgo, 14torris townshil9 ; T11os. .12033'33 and T 'illialti, berry township. ssols ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Eirkton, +;end T. Wright, Tul'i7; REMEMBER THE STAND --SOUTH OF 13lm)GE. T --ACEs ETJ' Ezzs.