HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-5, Page 66 Tra BIWS8ELB £OST JUNK 5, gelds, Dirootory of Charohoo and Sooiotioo, 011U1011. -••Sabbath Services at 11 man, and 8.30 p.m, Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Jnu, Rosa, 11. A., pastor. li�ox 3 lIV18r31,-Sahbat1l Services at 11 .1,:l, and 13:81) p.m. Slluday School at 2:00 p,lu lt, v. S. Junes, pastor. tit t ers', Chcucu.--Sabbath Services at 11 a.ln.:;m1 7 pan, Sunday School al 0;30 a.el, lbw. W. T. Clinic, incumbent. ;aLtruclnsr env MIL—Sabbath Services at 10:81) sail, and 11:30 p.m. Sunday Sehiwl at 2:90 p.lu, 1'astorltov. 1'. 1.'.Clappi8ou. C.(ra,I.le Curium. --Sabbath Ker, Mee third Sunday ay in every month at 31 1.121. Rey. P. J. Shea, priest. 01,1, Fri.l.ow's Loper every '.l': uralay evluiug in Graham's black. 3E.(sosr•Limo) Tuesday at :,r 3 (101 all 1 Moon ia1E,dmee (dock. A. 0, 1•, W. Lome meets on .211.3 and last \1'ednostlay evenin;;., each month. il'on>;sT•i:a'ALooes 2nd and las; Monday evenings of oaeh month in Smale' s hall. L. 0, L,, lat Monday in ovory 11100{11 in 1 Orange Hall. Posr Ort'icl:.-0ffieu Hours from 8 a. m. to7p,00. �lt;c•n�tttca' Istainvo'Tr: Reading ltoonl and 'brary.in purees' block, over S. D. Smale's store, will be open from 0 to7 pen. o1, Wed- nesdays and Fridays and from 4 to 0 pan. on Saturdays. :F arlaa Notes;. The partly -used plow points thrown aside as no gond in breaking up for wheat last fall, when the ground was dry and hard, will do good service for spring plowing, especially when not, much depth is required. SLE), eotl nights,Sh11 )08d C7100 isble thebythat torfor ocough, y' for you. Sold by G. A. Madman, Farmers who grow only a few to• maloee in rico( gardens do not gener- ally know that this vegetable is more successfully grown in fields with moderate fertility. There is less ex• nberance of vine, but earlier and higher•flavored fruit, with lees tender• cy to rot. S 111Lon's Vitaliser is what you treed for C(n- stlpati0n,lose of appetite, dizziness, and all sympt out s of Dysnepein. Pries 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by G. A. Deadman. In selecting strawberry plants for a new bed, those only should be token which started last fall. The old plants which have borne a crop are practically worthless. In the matted row system the centre containing old plants is destroyed and new rows formed on either side. Oee.mea cured, health and sweet breath fie - cured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 eent0, Nasal injector tree. sold by Geo. A. Bondman. It is not desirable to pastare cows in woodlands, especially in early spring. The grass grown under the shade is less nutritious, and the ani- mals are apt to find -many wild plants, the flavor of which spoil the milk for any use. This is especially true in woods where wild garlic abouns. by Shilohacking 's Cu e sough Vs guaranthe ee quickly0 .Sld by G A. Deadman. A. stone a few inches under the sur- face is often more injurious than ono of equal size plainly visible. A. farm- er this spring remarked that lie had broken several plow points on a• sunken reel(, which he has now re- moved at less expense than it has al- ready been to him in plow repairs. Fontaine bask, lido or she at nee S101011'0 Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by G. A Bondman. Valuable as ammonia is to crops, it is too expensive in comnleraial man- ures to be used on a large scale, or except as it is made on or in the farm itself. We say in the soil ad- visedly, for all fairly fertile land has in it the elemeuts from which eulti• ration will develop nitrogen and other forms of plant food. Cn0125, whooping cough and bronchitis fin, mediately relieved by Sh11oh's Cure. Sold by (1. A. Bondman, When red root is polled In winter wheat so late as this, Dare should bo taken 3o pall up the root Mitten(' of breaking it oil' at the surface of the ground to sprout, again, The plants should be tal(00 to aurae plaeo it the rend, thrown on dry straw and burn. ed. If loft in heaps in corners of the fcncee, many will perfont seeds to maria future trouble. 'McCregoe O park,•'. Carbone Coral° has been tested by Peace of trial and has been found themes) euuv'nient and effectual method of imolyfny ear1..,lis ae;,3. The greatest aanieen• tie ill nee for elite, 11E1110 and o1d gore,, no sure yon Get Me0roger h P0rlte'a Carbolic Cur- ate, ilold (urge scuts by Jun. Hargreaves df (30., 1i rURgis1s. A hared hoe which is never gfonnd will Wear 010011 longer than ono which frequently 1101110a in contact with the grindstone, but the extra amount of labor that can be perform- ed with the sharp implement will be sufficient to pay for a new hoc every three days, to say nothing of the sav- ing of nlnsole. It is poor economy to work with a dull axe, soyt110 or 1100. saireo'0 Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by (11, A. Deadman 010 a Guarantee. It Oates consumption. There are many excellent Orme, and all nee needed, as no ono can take the 1 „,re of others. Some hero better adaptation for plowing hard, dry soil which others will not pene- trate, while these latter will clear themselves in mucky, wet soil. On a good sized farm every fernier should have two plows of different patterns, one to use in tbo spring and the other in the fall. To the aged and infirm, the nourishing and invigorating properties of llobinsou'a P11os- pphosized Ittnulsiou give renewed strength and bnoyoaoy of spirits. Always ash for Robin- son'e Phosphorized Emulsion, and bo Duro you get it. Tl1e Indians had 110 1(10110010030, nor any 111011D of knowing the day of the month. But their rule for plauting corn wag it very simple and good one, and that was when tho loaves of the hickory or butternut were f tbo size of squirrel's ears. At this time the ground has become warm enough to germinate the seed and push it for- ward. Corn is a semi tropical plant, and more impatient of cold than the smaller grains. Barley perfects its crop 50 rapidly that it needs manure ie closer con- tact tvitli the seed than any other grain. Its roots w111 not run through the soil so deeply or so far as those of oats. Houde barley is especially benefited by the manures fine enough to bo drilled with tho seed, and is often rather injured than helped by Coarse manures, plowed guider, as is the general practice in manuring corn. AleGreger's Speedy Cure. Every puroheser of 0ol1mou sense business capaoity,whon requiring an article for a cor - tafnpurpose, purchases only that which has been tried or 1e allowed first to test before buying, You are allowed a free trial bottle of McGrogur's Speedy Cure ,tho groat remedy for Dyspopsfa , Impure Blood and Livor disorders at Sun Ram -oases & Oo's, drug store. Sold at 0. and $1 por bottle. Seo testimonials 3r0m persons in your own town. Clicking and over -reach are caused by striking one or both of the front with one or both of the hind shoes, or in over -reach by hitting the heels 'of the ford feet, It is done by the bind foot before it reaches the ground and after the'fore foot commences to be elevated. It may be prevented by lessening the length of steps by low• ering and shortening the tons of hind feet, and, 1f necessary, the front ones also. Concave front shoes are advise - able, and not longer than the heel of feet; moderately light shoos aro best. VARIETIES. .A. writer asi(s : "Do bees sting for revenge ?" Wo are not sure about that, but they certainly don't sting for the victim's amusement. The plump girl is now in fashion. Soil -with any clay in it should not In the Legislature—Mr. Speaker, I be plowed when thoroughly saturated with water, which may be known by 'grater standing in the furrow after the plow has passed. Some degree of moisture ie desirable, not only for ease in plowing, but because stirring the soil when moist aids in the de- velopment of plant food, WILL 3011 suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint P Bbileh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to ours you. Sold by G. A. Deadman. It used to be thought that only sand was suitable for garden purpos- es. For very early forcing some mix- ture of sand is advantageous. But heavy soils, even clay, are good when well drained, and by some practical gardeners are preferred for the bulk of their later plantings. Fluid Lightning cures Neuralgia, in ono min,. oto, O'lulrl Lightning 0(1r0s Toothache in one minute, Fluid Liglltningmires Pace Aohe in one minute, Fluid Lightning cures Lumbago in one minute. Plaid Lightning relleven Rheumatism In one minute, Fluid Lightning ',urea any pain or sena laetautly. Ptioo 25ote. Mper bottle at ,rn0. Hargreaves it Go a, Drug oro. A. few turnips should be put in early for llomo use, but unless there are facilities for marketing by tho bunch, it is boot not to plant the main crop until Pune, Turnips growing in very hot weather, teepee, Tally 111 gercdetis heavily immured, are 10pt to bo wormy- and worthless. For the garden, a little coal aches in the drills 10 f0 specific against t11is, arise to (t point of order—" Half asleep member—".I'll take a sour toddy." Be liberal with your paint at this season of the year, ye owners of dous- es, &o., and you will never have roes. on to regret doing so. It pays to use paint on buildings and fences. Yank up your carpet—l(alsomino your ceiling—paper your walls—scrub your floors—beat your carpet and re- lay it—do this and a score of other things and then inform your friends that you have got through blouse. cleaning operations. A poor emaciated Irishman, having called in a physician as a forlorn hope, the latter spread it lingo mus. gird plaster and (lapped it on the poor fellow's breast Pat, with a tearful eye, looking down upon it said, "Boater, dochtor, dear, it 110001es me that it is a (gale of mustard for so little mate," A youth wlio was supposed to be dying of pulmonary consumption Coughed up a tack that had boon In his respiratory organs 301100 en years, while in a skating rink in Columbia, California, not long rig 1. If he glad struck the floor about ten. pounds harder the probability is that he would have ouugbod up a keg of rail. road spikes. Why not turn that rink into a home for oonsumptivee ? A puppy'e joke is not very fanny, but there is something waggish about a dog's tail, Tho lnsvy'er ought to he a good poet, because he is tteoustelued to writing "Veraua." "Is my voice 11 baritone ?" "Yoe, n whoa herrow tone," He wished to join the choir, but his services were not rec110i('ed. A little girl sent out to hunt eggs 011,111(1 back unsuccessfully, complain - nig that "lots of buns wore gentling round doing nothing." Nothing slakes the landlord of it summer hotel s1) mad as to read the, some weather prophet has predicted a cold summer, 1)r. 111112 Walker pante fur histri- onic fame, 5110 is writing ft play. 'There are to be no breaches of eti queue and few scene shifts in it, "If t( 111110 could only catch freh 1(3 easily as he can lie about it I" te- mente 11 Texas editor. fle (00111, if he Duly understood fishing as nail as 11e does lying. According to recent statistics there etre in France mud Greece 100 sou• working days, including Sundays; 1(l England 84 ; in Russia GO ; in Bel- gium 06, 311311 in thoUnited States 60. 13030111'0 head is pretty thiuly thatched, and when a good man with a. subscription paper romiuded Lim that the hairs of his head are num- bered, old Bosom rubbed 111s poll anil said, "I'll pay you if you will get me the back numbers." lay wife is tall, my eon is tall, Much taller than hie father ; To be about as tall as he, I very, very much would rather, I look small and I am small, but What maims me feel small rather, My wife cuts down my 1011'S o1d clothes To make them 111 hisfathor, A boy urging his father, for whom he was a clerk, to join in the early closing movement, was Oharply re- buffed, whereupon lie said, "1 wouldn't bo like a rat in a trap, any- how 1" "What (lo you mean by drat?" demanded his father. "I mean," said his son, "that t1 rat in a trap is ,always opposed to the the early closing movement." "There are 270,87.4 miles of railway on this earth," said Co!. Jeffttrd the other nfternoou et the Chatham. Councillor George Grant, a man of figures, remarked that "if all the tracks were placed end to end wo could run around the globe almost twelve times without having to 'switch off' or 'change koers."' Not to bo out• done in a recapitulation of "solid truths," Ives pleasantly ventured the assertion that tell these iron roads had cost something like $2,400,000,- 000, "which cum," said he "if stack- ed up in $5 pieces would make a pile over 4,690 miles high," Filially stat- ed that the railroads now he existence are distributed over the earth RS fol- lows :—America, 140,280 miles ; Europe, 114,8.20 miles ; Asia, 11,400 miles; Australia, 6,575 miles, and Afrien, 8,545 miles. A Barrel Hammock. The season for hammocks is here, and I will tell yon how to male a comfortable, inexpensive one, says OHO who knows :—Bring your old flour barrel from the collat. or store- room, knock it to pieces, clean lend paint the 'Aims. Procure a rope four tinges in length of the place where it ie to be auspeuded, and in size a little larger than a clothes line. Now halve the rope, double each piece in the middle, and commencing two yards or so from the end, heave it over and ander each stave about throe inches from the and of each one, Ivhieh tell] bring the rope crossed be- tween (molt ; do both sides the same and your hammock is complete. One end of the rope should be fastened up higher than the outer. Al first this may not seem firm, but evlleu there is any weight on it the rope becomes "taut" and secure, Silk bags fur shopping purposes aro going out of style. Buttons for lawns and other wash dresses are more ornamental than they have boeu, The moat stylish collars and cuffs etre cut with squiir'e ends. Plain col- ored 0009 are went with hung) dresses. Heirdrassing is becoming more elaborate, 'I'lio style, however, is still to wear the hair on the top of the head. Gold and silver braid for trimming tailor-made dresses has had its day, and is now seldom x0011 oxoopt on white and oolored flannel drosses de signed for wear at the seaside, Tho plaid flatmate of French manufacture promise to be very much in vogue for mountain wear, They are handsome and durable, Tile grids aro made up either in box•plaits, or are tucked in comparatively broad tucks almost to the waist, w111011 is out either in sailor style, or made in plaits and bolted in with a loather or whito belt. 7013 01? LUGGING TO ILLT. OF Tho 1,u terelguud has 20 acres of laud, lot 25, 0011.5, Grey - h1, wants logged. Ttl, work will he subdivided to snit persona baking the Job, Two 00(000130, 11031 and 1881, will be allow- ed for onmplatingftho work. Por Outlier par- tl1uler0 apply t0 2'1I08. 1V1111la, Prop. 10.4 ^Athol b.0. ��TOUSI, ,C LOT FOR SALE, ON ere Queen Street, Thorn la also n shop on the Got that sold b1, ututacd for It stable, Will be sold on rea0una(do torus,, Apply to - A, 1)0Wr1N 411111'1t -vy.�...TA'1, 111:1 Ael If. IL L. 3 3 anterial, thanking his many 0,deliltnla, fox• tlauir liber• al sllppert. far the past sic ywirs ='r' 1 '(1'lPl1l1 ttOdor 1,lWhim that be- ing b,i,nod out of tho 01,1 .stand leas atter up (0 shop Ll Sul -tlm s 11 i,ek In Il rst.elnss style where he hopes to se� all tea obi 011110,1.1.10 and Pm moll' 1,''.v°ilea lie sec et 0" giro 1,1x, (0 rail. I keep nothing hitt nrxt-claw1,101,0',, ell kiwis of l',.ultrV nc,l :i ags,lg., )1, ,,1 Il,')r:. 2..3 t, Minutia of the Town Prue, (3,18(1 paid for 1'01 Stock, CLEANLINESS --NLi1'I.' 'r0 -- ,f -V ODLINE;SS. —_0 --- The subscriber is plopttrad to do all Kinds of fainting, such as HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, PLAIN Int 011N:111ENTAI, Pefsrrxo, PAPER HA9NO1NS, KA1.SOMIININO1 --•AND— Gerairaiaa= ati Apcoccilaltty. --0— — •BRUSSELS LIME WORKS STILL .I.-IJL-lI), TOWN Sr. ree0 N • rile subscribers into this opportunity 01n.. 1 . to robin thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and 1.1 el01ty for past patronage, and beg to eta,. that hal nig made 001. rel Ito movements W their Is lin and iamb. 00 burning, tiler 111•. HOW In n b,itor povittmu 1110", xr'r 1,11,10 to supply the l' ,b1,( with 19rstdatte0 1,111,, , This being the '10V.Lti1 ,;,nam 111 nail• 1,1181. 3c,a denlitli;s in tiro stints, and hovlug given un- ites li110u satlsfnotbn, 90 far, the publfa can re. ly o° res sir tug good treatment ami It i1 rxt.elasa ,inial,, (rein us, 1'irst.c 1140 ]dine at N cents ,,,t the kiln ((11,115''11,18 11 d1Pereli. W0 8.140 1/111.11 a No. 1 (Duo tot. plastoa'Iug (11 the 8(011,' lariat', 13x,21,1311,,1 3110 Apel - Ilressels 1.1m, \Verllr, tb ALLAN � 7 pN,ryj� & SON. ALLAN LINE,, IIOYAL 11:1.11, STLAmsuirI3, ?w I'9iECU AGrfl1eleIce 5l3'E11 P91111., 1,11Leda\Itpatl('3,G LA381(0 L000(N, Otte, Steerage, 1313, Liverpool, Londonderry Queenstown, Glasgow, or Belfast t0 Queb00 sad always as law as by 0 n first -ulnas lino, SJM.V(ei AR2ANGEMENTI SAILING8 FROM QUEBEC, SARIIATIAN ,Saturday, 'May 11013, POLYNESIAN " " 10th, CIRCASSIAN. " " 23rd, PARISIAN " " 30113. 811BDINIAN Ju "a tit,. SA11'IATIAN 0th. POLYNESIAN„ . 27th. ' Ith. OIIICASSIAN Jnly 4ti1. PARISIAN.. ” 1111,. P3031W\•1AN " 38331. S:IIRDINIAN 25111, The last train oonaooling with the steamer at Quebec loaves Toren to wo.luo:WI ye at 0:310 a. m. Paesengersonnla,lve Wednoodays 1,t 0110 p,nl.aloe, and aon loot with the steamer at 'Hal- ifax, by paying en additional 1000, of 09;45 let Iand10.551n d class. Noonttle,abeep or pigs 010 carried on the 11ni1 Steamers of the 1.11(30 Lino, For Tloketsand Bertha and ivory in forma tion apply to J. R. GRANT, Agent, At the fest paler, Brussels. Spring time will soon be at hand so leave ' PERUVIAN your Ordors Early. Work clone in the most satisfactory manner and satisfaction guaranteed, I will be found at my old shop north of the bridge. Wm. Roddick. Canadian Pali&o Itailway Timo Tablol Teeswater Branch. Miles. tieing West, Mall. Express. 0 Toronto, , Dop 7.20 San, 5.40 p.m. 0 Orangeville . 0,50 " 7.05 ' 1 Orangeville Jet 10.05 " 7.22 " 7)1 Amaranth t .. 10.15 7.32 " 10 iWnldomar,. •. 10.24 " 7,38 121 Luther „ , . -, 10,81 " 7.44 2111 Arthur .... .. 11,08 " 8.10 1305 Kenilworth.,.. 11,00 " 881 Mr. FOREST .. 111.58 a.m. 8,40 44 Pages;.. ,, ..,12.15 p.m, 9.01 47;1 IIanlltsrox, . ..112.28 " 1).10 501. Fordwioh , . , , 12.55 " 11.81 00 Gerrie .... „ 1,08 " 9,4n 02i Wroxeter 1,15 " 0;401 00 Winghare Road 1,38 " 10.05 74 Teeswater.. Arr1 1,55 p.m. 10.15 Gahm East. Express, Dfafl. 0 Teeswater 1)531 5.15 aim l 2,15 p,m. 5 1Vingllam,load 5.28 ' 2,30 ' 11 Wroxoter ,.., 5.47 " 2.40 14 Gorrio . , • . 5.53 " 2.50 x7:1 Fordwich .. (3,02 20i [Iltrriston .. „ (1.35 80 Pages;...... 9.05 8301 'It, Forest.... 0.51 ' 157 435 Kenilworth .. 7.09 " 4.111 50} Arthur .... .. 7.211 " 4.39 014 Luther ... .. 7.53 " 5.10 94 Waldemar'.. .. 7.58 " 5,17 051 Amaranth t , 8.04 6,31 70 Orangeville Jet 8.12 " 5.35 74 Orangeville .. 8.135 •1 5,65 122 Toronto ., Arr. 10.45 a.m., 8.35 pan. Refreshment and Dining Rosins fl —AT— T011.0014) AT— '301(00TO JUNCTION, Ifl3ANI:I1Y1LLE ANO CARLIITON JUNCTION, x,'r:rvcxzmiosr BAglaMEITn err THROUGH TRAINS —7311Tw01311- —TO1RONTO AND MONTREAL.— T. IMETCRER, TICE.ET AREENT, »RUSSET'S, BABY CARRIAGES, BABY CARRIAGES. JUST TO 11A]\TJD It Choice Stock of Baby Carriages that Cannot fail to snit the wants of the Public. Cali and see them. LARGE ,STOCK OF HARNESS ON HAND. Give arae cis Call. H D ...KVI,S. Clite.N1314CO1i LIMIE WORDS. The subscriber wishes to notify the PUBLIC that he will have his LIME KILN in Complete Running Order by the lot of MAY, and will be able to furnish Any Quantity of First-class Limo at any time (luring the Sea- son. Price at Kiln -1.4 cents per Bushel, Bio Gramm, CRANBROOK, P. 0. ETHEL rsiar's Tim The lliltlersiglle(1 leaving completed the Change from the stone to the Celebrate(, Hungartttn System of Grinding, has now the ItIill in First -Class Bunning Order, and will 1)c glad to see all his Old Customers and as gunny new as possible. Chopping done. 0I108 Flour and rood Alvtrayo li'a ,d. HIGEIB"=T PRICE PAIS) FOR ANY QUANTITY OF 0001D Wrl1AT "rm. zz1.. rM