HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-6-5, Page 5Jun 5, 1885.
4 ritieterocele,
Fonesear,—At the regular meeting
of Court Woodbine, No, 100, C. 0.
held in their Court room, Cranbrook,
on Saturday evening last, the follow
ing ofiieers were installed for the our -
rent term by Goo, Rogers, P, 0, Ii.,
Brussels, viz. ---A, Reymann, 1'. 0.
R. ; Hiram White, C. R. ; Donald
Camppell, V. O. R. ; Jia Whitfield,
Obap.; Danl. Robertson, R. S, ; Al.
bort 0. Dames, 1''. S. ; (]has. .Dames,
Treas. ; Danl. %immer, H. W. ; Jas.
Campbell, J. W. ; Juo. Bothwell, S.
B, ; Aclanl McNay, J. B.
iOXot•rlts- __
Reeve Forsyth and Deputy Reeve
Wray are attending the County Coun-
cil this week.
Court of Revision was held last
Monday at the Town Hail. The
number of appeals \vas small.
Rubt. Dielmon 11813 much improved
the Grower property, lately purchased
by him, by new fences, drains, ,Ca.
The plot is a cosy little one and will
make a very comfortable home.
Wo aro sorry to hear that Arch.
Taylor wee injured last week, by fall.
mg from some scaffolding at the now
house he is building. His back was
hurt. We hope no serioue results
will follow.
The following is a synopsis of the
assessment roll which we copied last
Monday —Total resident acreage
55,212 ; acres cleared 32,9541 ; wood
land 7,606 ; swamp 9,7174 ; orchard
615ii ; acres of fall wheat 4,0861 ;
No. of clogs 887 ; cattle 2,760 ; sheep
8,551 ; horses 1179 ; hogs 1089.
Total value of real estate $1,717,380;
total value of personal property $100,
290. Total population 3,148. From
5 to 16 years of age 1024 ; from 7 to
13, 551. ; 16 to 21, 891 ; from 21 to
60 134.
Crops never looked better in Grey
than they aro looking this spring.
Everything 'was as still hero ou the
24th of lIlay as the mist slumberiug
on the hill.
The fine rains and genial sun have
made vegetation very rapid and Drop
prospects were never better. Fruit
ales promises to be a largo crop
Our worthy representatives, in the
persons of Messrs. Strachan, Milne,
and Oliver are attending the County
parliament, in Goderich, this week.
Thos. Ennis lost three sheep re
cently by their getting fast between a
log and a fence, one was dead when
found and the other two died shortly
It is reported that an tllioit still
has been working for over a year in
this township. Where is the Coffee.
tor of Inland Revenue and his able
bodied assistants
Grey township offers the enormous
amouut of $100 to help put the gravel
road iu repair. If the amouut wet°
multiplied by 8 and Morris supple-
ment it with a like amount tho road
might be bettered.
g I On Monday of this week A. Fergu-
son, oheesemakor of the Morris R
Grey factory, took in tho largo amouut
of over 11,900 lbs. of mills. This ho
made into cheese, 20 in all, averaging
65 pounds. Mr. Ferguson is giving
good satisfaction.
Complaints aro being made to the
effect that several mon from Ethel
and Cranbrook, oleo one from Mitch-
ell, are peddling and hawking goods
through (Grey and Elma without li-
cense. Parties wishing to peddle
goods, can do so by getting licenses
from the clerk of the mnnioipality on
payment of $40 per annum. Lot a
word to the wise bo sufficient and
render unto Caesar tbo things that be.
long to him.
Wm. Milne is attending the County
00110011 at Goderich this week.
Rov, R. Paul and Jno. (lobar are
away at Owen Sound attending Con.
feronce this week.
Loot Friday fornoon Thos. Maun-
ders and Wm. J. Sharp out a pine bre°
into sawlogs, from which they got 14
loge, 12 feet long, all from ono stump.
They left 16 feet of the trunk which
was useless for lumber.
Tho ontortainmout given by the
Sons of Ta grand successe last ,+'riThe even•
ing mun s
mg being fine, the school house was
woll•fillcd. M. S. B. Magiun oocupi.
ed the chair. A. very appropriate
speech was delivered by theRev. R.
Paul. The music rendered by the
band was good. The band, consists
of tho following members, E. H. Tom-
pkins, Alfred regal, George Robert-
son, Jae, Spence and D. Cameron,
T. P. Simpson ohordod on the organ,
and D. W. Milne played on the bass
viol. Mies Raobiel Readings
aird,, W. E. given by
D. Cameron, J. Maxwell and J. A.
Young, 13ecitations by Mr, and airs,
111„ S. 11. Magnin, anti Mrs, D. Eck.
mire, The following are those who
took part in dialogue, Miss Aunts,
Mise alr*rgaret Jauo Sharp, W, E.
Hicks, Jas. Sponte and Alex. Robert
son, Songs wore sung by T. P. Sim.
peon and Alex. Petersen].
Duce.--Laet Saturday afternoon
the people of this locality were sadly
surprised to bear of tho deceaeo of
Benj. °Tindall, near this place. He
felt sick while working in the field on
Tuesday and in the evening a physio.
inn was sent for. Ho gra,lually grow
worse, inflammation of the bowels set
in and death relieved Lim of all pain
shortly after 4 o'clock Saturday. The
deceased was born in Ramsay tow-•
ship, Lanark Co, aued came to Grey
township about 30 years ago. Along
with his father and 4 brothers they
took up 000 acres of land, the lot on
which Mr, Tindall died being one of
the number. About 24 years ago he
married Miss Mary Jane Graham, of
1'llma, who is now left with 7 child-
ren (3 sons and 4 daughters) to mourn
the loss of husband and father. The
eubject of this stretch was a good liv-
ing man, and had been an active
member of the Methodist ohurch for
years. He was 10 comfortable air•
oumstancos and anrrounded by many
comforts. Tho funeral on Monday
was largely attended, the interment
being made at Elmo, buryiug ground.
The deceased was 51 years and 11
months old, Mre. Tindall and fam-
ily may not assured that they have
the sympathy of the entire aummuu-
ity in this sudden and unexpected be-
ids towel.
The Hon. 3,13. Finch, of Nebraska,
will deliver a lecture here un prohib-
itory legislation, on the 4111 of. Juno.
The Entrance Examtnatione in con-
nection with the Listowel High School
will be held on the 2nd and 8nd July
On Tuesday afternoon, of last weelt
after a lingeringillness from consump-
tion, 11IcBeth Green cited at his
resicleuco, in the 47th year of his age.
At the second meeting of the Dairy-
men's Association seven factories reg-
istered 680 boxes, principally the first
half of May make. The stock was
nearly all bonght at from 7 to 7tcts.
Our town has 1300 acres of land
within its bounds. Total population
2,702. Total real estate $670,85:
personalproperty $57,600;128 horses,
82 hogs, 259 cattle, 41 sheep, and 74
About 2 0'el°e13 on Tliurday morn-
ing of last week a fire broke out in a
frame dwelling owned by Peter Lillie°,
and oecupitd by a tenant, which was
totally destroyed. Insured in the
Oity of London for ,$400. Also a
large frame stable adjoining, owned
by J. W. Scott; insured in the Mer•
eantile for $300. 'Total loss and
origin of fire a»known.
Thos. Gregory shipped 1,800 hams
to Toronto last week.
Tho married men defeated the sin-
gle mon et a game of cricket last
The Scott Act case against 1toe
was dismissed and Scllluidt was fined
A granger's excursion from Wing -
ham to Guelph will take place on tho
1st of July,
The Videtto says :—The lot select-
ed for the salt well is situated on the
west side of Leopold street, between
Patrick street and the ashery, and
has been leased by the council from
John Brennan for $50, with the
privilege of buying for $900. Mr.
Bell, the contractor, has all his ma•
ohinery ou the ground, and by next
weep it will bo running and drilling
operations commenced.
Who hos not hoard of Molesworth, the
olachan 0' ]arks, where the nimble whack
of shoe peggile and tho ring of anvils make
the hours flow merrily by.—Tho ilsnal
gaiety was put to a test the other evening,
when it was noised around that en old and
highly rospootod couple of over throe scorn
aid ten summers, a Mr. and Mrs. Lepor,
were really in possession of au infant baby.
The awls were 810013 away, the hammers
quietly laid on the anvils, and in n body the
Molsoniane =robed west one .011(1 a half
miles on the Grey boundary. Here on a
rich, sunny, rolling slope, its front lining
the historic) township for pot lambs (Wal-
1000) is situated the bum of this aged non-
plo, Mr; Loper being interviewed as to this
mysterious puzzle about the baby, related
tho following:—Tho evening before, just
about 11 o'oloolt, a knook was heard about
tbo back kitchen. On going thorn ho 'open-
ed the door, when a muffled porion laid on
the It0or a basket and eniakly retreated.
Patting his band in tbo basket, he naught
Hold of a baby's head, and in a moment was
hard on the heels of the hard-hearted yil.,
lain, but owing to weight of years and a
heavy basket, ho was obliged to return, 0e
the young prattler had waked up, with the
jolting, and est up hie music, Mr. Loper
dealt the impostor out some 8o1 very eom-
plimeutary ejaculations, and retired to tho
house, The baby was left in good flannels,
with a $10 bill and 110100 very ulne00ssary
iustruatlona an to her mono and training,
wilieh, by the way, could not fall into bet-
tor hands. A cow is stalled and fuel pur-
posely for this baby, which is now prized
vary 1dghihy by these people, Hero also re.
sides Peter and Al're. Morrie, daughter of
Mr, and :1lra. Leper, Peter, we are sorry to
hoar, has Won very indisposed of late, A
lulppiel', kinder, or more upright family is
not easily found. Although years have
passed since 1 looked ou their cast' home,
nestled among the trees and the beehives,
still in memory 1 often ponder over their
hospitality, which every oalier must have
felt, and my thoughts often wander to that
spot as ono of the brightest, happiest homes
on earth. In those days, when the temper-
anu0 wave is spreading over the land, when
I loots bank 20 years 1 ee0 Peter standing
atone, almost single handed, battling in hie
own broad, honest way for this groat meas-
ure. And on that little hill -top, in sight of
his hones, stands that little temperauoo
house as a laetiug monument to his great
perseverance. Truly may it be said,"Ho
cast his broad on the waters, and ho has
found 11 after many days." Many jokos
went the rounds about Peter's straight -laded
temperance principles. One said "Peter
would not grow barley, only it was a naoes-
sary Drop in his basis of rotation." Another
00131, "Peter would not use the cows' milk
when fed on (shopped barley," Still an-
other, that "Peter walked the whole way to
Mitchell, 30 miles, on 0110 000asioi, his load
being barley, he would not ride on it."
Theso aro true, as far as Peter's genuine
temperance line was hewed. Long may he
and his happy partner, IlIr. and gra. Loper,
and the now -come baby, "woo Barbara," live
to enjoy their comfortable home.
Rev. air. Lunde and wife are at-
tending conference in Owen Sound.
A. supper was given at the Royal
Hotel, on Monday evening, under tho
patronage of the Scott Act supporters,
Over forty ladies and gentlemen were
present and partook of the excellent
spreacl presented by the host au 1
hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.
After tea a few hole's were spent soo
iably in speech making, singing and
social cleat. Tho gist or all the
speeches were expressions of satisfac-
tion at the workiug of the Act, so far,
here, and words of praise for 11[r,
Johnson's sults observance of the
Brussels Public School.
Tho following allows tho standing of the
classes in Principal Shaw's room for the
month of May. 5th class—Max. 436.—
A. McDougall, 202 ; C. Ma)enzie, 207 ;
D. Armstrong, 205; J. Bennett, 254; M.
Moore, 214; J. Stewart, 212; Thos. Mc-
Laughlin, 108. Thos. Hneehtel, 102; 141.
Shaw, *131; II, McFadden, *113; L. O'-
Connor, 112 ; M. Herr, *51; I. Ritchie, *18.
Son, 4th—Max, 490.—R. Wynn, 840 ; G.
Rogers, 210; R. Ross, 197; M. Cooper 183 ;
II. Dickson, 181; J. MoNaughton, 176 ;
R. Armstrong, *157 ; A. Young, *140; W.
MoCraoken, 142; A. Smith, *136; N.
Gerry, *112; T. Iinechtol, *111; Thos.
Wilson, *87 ; B, Walker, *29; I. Walker,
*29 ; A. Town, *29. Jun. 4th-1tax, 490.—
Jae. Burgess 160; M. MoNaughton, 155 ;
13. Rogers, 147; 53. Shaw, 120; N. Burns,
118 ; R. Alexander, *101 ; L. Jackson, *93 ;
S. Plant, *80 ; M. Stewart, *80 ; M. Turn-
bull, *81; M. Jackson. *28.
The persons whose names are marked
were net presort all the time.
A correspondent of tho Tilsonburg
Observer writes :—A farmer in Bay -
ham has a sturdy son who is about 25
years of age. IIe also has one horse
and an ox. As a rulo for general
farming purposes, he harnesses the
horse and the ox tugether, but the
other day the sun made up his mind
to take the plane of tho ox; so ha
carried one end of the neck yoke and
walked alougeide of the horse, draw-
ing rails on a lumber wagon. Ho
thinks ho drawe more steadily than
all Ox,
About noon last Friday Thos. F.
MacOoomb, of Welland, jumped over
the river bauk near the now Suspen-
sion Bridge falling a distance of about.
50 feet, striking with his face on a
fallen tree, rolling down some 20 foot.
When he was reached about 20 mili-
tates after the fatal leap he was dying,
and only lived a few minutes, He
came hero from Welland Monday of
last week to give au entertainment iu
the Town Hall, and has been drinking
heavily ever shied, and the freak is at-
tributed to that cause. He ie well-
known throughout the frontier coun-
ties, having always taken a deep in-
terest in amateur dramatics, of late
years given dramatic plays in differ-
ent towns with his little troupe, known
ae Mo0oomb's Merry "Musicians."
Ilie friends have on several ocoasions
noticed him not strangely at limos,
especially when under the influence
of liquor. This morning after break-
fast, he and one of his companions,
Allan Morningstar, toots a walk to
the Falls on the Amerieall aide. On
their return to the Canadian side,
and about 400 yards north of the new
bridge, he climbed over the iron fence
followed by his Mud. Looking over
the preolpie° ho turned around, and
remarked that it would be a terrible
place for a man to go over, to which
his friend said, "Yes; come, let its
go home.,' When Mao0oomb, lifting
both his arms, said, "All, hero goes,'
and fell backwards over the precipice,
much to the astonishment ofhis com-
panion, An inquest will behold.
--Or...l-r rli: H i--
—A JO13 LOT U1'' ----
O U S E.
ea 's & Boy's Zara. & Soft Felt Eats,
Bought at 40 Cents on the $ to be sacrificed at the tlarfrelll house.
C.A.A.I.T ID ST1 Hd x_-71
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,
Bought at Manufacturer's Prices, to be Cleared Out. Call and. In-
spect these Goods at the Garfield House.
A Lot of Hochelaga Gray Cottons,
Bought for Spot Cash with a big discount. Be Sure and Secure those
Cottons at the Garfield House.
T ±'I 'WW1
of our most Sanguine Expectations.
Latest and Most Becoming Styles,
has made this Department of the Garfield house
hJ Rd's . V , 0 , .. .,
Highest Price is Always Paid
----A T --
E n Lb tit let,
Cor. Turllberry 8& King Struts.