HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-5-29, Page 88
MAY 20, 11386.
WO( )1, WOOL!
1 will he .dl the Beursels\Market
daily, prepared to
13nv .'11.1' Quantity of Wool,
for wllic'li telt' highest :Market
Price will le, laid.
t7 link 110111'. OBAHA M•
Train 1,mv.a Prusrvls Stat:On, north amt
south 5, f..lknt.::
Geese roach, Going North.
717. 1).w. Mixe1 .,. .. .0:40 a.m
Mixed .Pxpress . "Ilam. . 0:41p.m
The 010r0010. train =until Rut the 11101)1 train
north wilt duly run 011 Tuea.tayn, Tlturadaye,
and Satuudase.
A chiel's tinning •\ 5 t:1kiu' notes
Au' faith he'll prnnt it.
NEXT Monday is the ht of June,
138 now ,1iI)de tree, planted this various municipalities in thio county
year. will Wait upon the County Council at
for are roquestel to exit early and settle this session and asst for the appoint,
your account. JA4. 1)Ros, ]neat of a Police Magistrate for the
SEE. the new advt. of Adam Good CJuuty. C. R. Loper goes from
4 0o. 1 town,
\Val. Suave, of St. Marys, was i1) We have been asked several times
town for a few days last week, about the new bank that was to bo
°Anuses plants for sale at McCracken's, opened in town. Wo are not in a
WHAT about closing the dry goods ; position to say anything about it, but
stores at 7 o'clock during the summer understood Mr. McKellar to say that
evenings? ; 04 20011 an tho necessary 1111101tnt of
,Tinea DREwe li'oi taken the roof ! stock was subscribed a branch would
nit his cottage and 13 leaving another I be opened.
story built to 1t, J. HARGREAVES & Co, make the most
IT is becoming quite fashionable pleaeaut and effectual Worm Syrup ever
for young ladies 1n this locality to , taken or used. Try it.
Have their hair shingled. Soeteofonr hotel -keepers fiud fault
Deem Ross sr., has purchased n because the ministers attending the
desirably (mated village lot from . District meeting, last week, did not
Mre, Knox, fronting ou Elizabeth I put up at tile hotel. They gay the
street.ministers pushed the Scott Act and
SEVERAL of our villagers protest I now won't help support tho hotels,
against allowing the circus the use of We :lave already explained the cause
the park, as they destroy the sod, to the person who spoke to us, and
they say. we would say in one sentence. At
HRLLEnoRE, a fresh supply, at G. A. meetings of the kind referred to, in
Deadman') Drug and Book Store. connection with all ohurchee, the
Soeto "gaffers" had too much fun persons attending aro always billeted
with a young man, who is scarcely with private families.
right in his head, last Monday. This To-ttoRRou' 11 fresh supply of Miss Ada
kind of amusement should not be al Bon Ton flirts; also a special drive in
trimmed fantastic hats, Choice at 50 cts,
lowed. MRs, ALEXANDER.
THE Stratford Advertiser remarks :
Remus' cirque will be in town on
—J. M. Struthers, was in the city Thursday of next week, as will be
the other day and favored us with a seen by their advt, on page 8 of this
call. He is doing a good business at issue, The large posters speak of
Brussels, and reports himself and what they promise to show. Follow.
family well. ing in the wake of ell these shows is
WANTEo,—An intelligent boy or girl,
n gang of etc„ who
(about 14 or 16 years of age, with fair Eng- gang pick -pockets,
make a fat living from persons at-
tending the show. The manager is
not responsible for this, but we give
the facts of the case so that those at-
tending will be forewarned. A sharp
look -out by our constables might be
the means of nabbing the thieves.
Evnnrsonr says Hargreaves' Hellebore
keeps gooseberry and currant bushes clean
and healthy.
THE St. Marys Journal says :—
Proprietors of circuses, that are an-
nounced to travel through this part
of Ontario during the summer, would
greatly enhance the respeetibility of
their concerns by warning the public
number of holidays before they are to beware of the band of swindlers
well. that accompany them to town and
Toararn plants fct' sale at alcC'rackeu's, ply their' nefarious business in each
A PrBLIC meeting of all interested a way chat it is difficult to catch them.
in the Scott Act will be held in Knox The (wealthy farmer is tho individual
church oh Wednesday evening of 10 ba h The fakirs with
next weak. The lirogiale will eon.
Harris' viotimizoccircus nt Galt recently indue-
141 of addresses, music, ate. A Q(1 au old and respected farmer of
largo atteullwce is expected, and North Dumfries to pay thorn $250 iu
every ouo interested in the Scutt Aat lieu of some supposed laud transac-
should be theta. tion. Tho matter was placed in the
Wnvxeu.—A yowls to learn telegraphing Peliee'0 Lands, who succeeded in get-
aud express business. Apply to Taos. tug back 51"200 of the money fi'attdtt-
FLr•.TanER, lently obtained,
S. LAIRD bas 8 young teen from WAR News, --The eighth number
this locality now, viz. Simpson, Mc- of The Canadian Pictorial and Illus.
Farleuo and Mooney and this week tratecl War News hae Neon received,
he sent after his throttler James. To It is a very line Bamber, and 0ontalu5
give au idea of the amount of work to the following illustrations : A Look -
be done at Rockford factory we may out on the Qu'Appolle Trail (from a
say 26,253 pounds of milk was receiv- sketch by E. W, Morrison); Depart-
ed on the 25111 inst. and made 87 large tiro of the Montreal Garrison Artil-
08 Ib., cheese. eery (incidents from photographs and
Ica cream by the quart at Adam Good ce sketches furnished by P. N. Boxer) ;
Go's.. Experiences of the Royal Grenadiers
ON Monday the cornet band went (from sketches by our special artist,
to 131nevale and d;i'aoursed 801110 of V, W, Curzon, wide Gen. llliddleton'e
their excellent mnSIC for the edifice,- command); Funeral of the two inani-
tion of the Bluevilliaos. By way of bore of the 90111 Battallion tat Winnie
recreation James Jonas took a Band peg (from photographs, sketches and
in some of the sports and captured special information supplied by the
let prize for 8 standing jumps and Rev. J. B. Silcox, Thorn is a two-
deet with Svtusgrave in a hundred yard page supplement aleo issued with this
race. Jimmie is 110 "8loueh" on fast number, which contains a number of
time. W. Grewar carried home the ehotolhos by the special artist of the
1st prize for throwing n baso ball the War News, F. W. Curzon. 80010 0f
greatest distance. The Bluevale those sketches are very graphic ones,
band offered w'ery largo inducements representing the cdifferen \ lews of
to the stetre drummer of our band to the battle of Fish Creek, int which
become a permanent resident of that Mr, Curzou wee present. Tho paper
place and open It school In "snare-
druanmery" tint S. 13. turned a deaf
ear to their entreaties,
1iu'rrsse and eggs aro cheap.
PRE pie 010 sen0On will 40011 1)0
A. M. Baer, of Sarnia, was home
for a few days last week.
Miss; ilr.LLA SCOTT, of Tcesweter,
spent several days this week with her
Brussels friends.
See the inlet, of the Listowel wool.
en hill Ilia weals, The proprietor is
1,11811i11 ; malt and le doing n largo
Reeve 1oueu goes to County Conan•
ail nest Mousley. Ile has committee
work to attend to, hence his going so
; early in tho week.
LAST 111)010}' 1101) a quiet day i0
! town. Tho Salvation Army pie -neck•
ed at Marsden Smith's in the after-
noon, The cricket match on the
park was about the only attraction
for the villagers.
'lee Cheapest and nicest stock of Vans
over seen in Brussels is just to arrive at J.
Hargreevee te Co.'s Drug Store,
Goon AVERAGE.—Wm. B1ab1ill,
butcher, 1111011 eight head or cattle
since May 1st. They dressed 4,590
lbs., au averse+ of 574 a head, for
the mouth. l+ 1e bought from Robt.
Brown, of Grey, dressed 780 lbs.
A'SCOTT Act deputation from the
lish education, to learn the printing. Ap-
ply in person to Tmt POST Publishing
REV. H. 1McQrai111E, of Wingham,
will preach in -Melville chnrcb 011
Saturday at 11 a, in„ sacrament ser-
vice ou Sabbath morning. Rev. G.
Brown, of 1\'router, will praach in
the evening, and on Monday at 11 a.
Itoneer COOPER celebrated the
Queen's Birthday by cuttlag the ends
off two of the fingers of his right
haute while cutting staves at ducat's
mill. The fingers were speedily
dressed, but Mr. Cooper will have a
Jetties SoorlsLn and family have
removed to 'Jhiltllanl,
Mee, Tiros, STEWART has been very
ill for R01n0 Wet ltd and is still intlls-
S. Peen goes to conference), at Owen
Sound, next week, no the reproaeutr.•
tivo froth Brussels,
QUEEN VICTORIA was 60 years of
age last Snnday, ante le now l0 the
48th year of her reign.
rieoe, \VATsoo sr„ who went to tho
Emerald i -le last fall, ]las 001)1011011.
to 13ruaeels safe and amend.
Loose 110115 at t1, A, Madman's,
Mits. D. C. CLAPPIgox's father died
last Sunday night, titter along illnoes.
lie wad well advanced it life.
1 nwARn Vein:cm 1140 pnrehased the
north half of tile tut adjoining hie
promisee, on Turnberry street from
I1'. 0. Rogers.
• Ae exchange says :--J. W. Browett,
druggist, has purchased the residouee
of Jueoph Gibsou, Thinned street;
I Ingerdull. Price $1,500.
BOARD of Health met last Tuesday
Ievening. 'fele toavu has received It
pretty tilorougtl renovating this spring
and if care is taken to keep thiuge
tidy 13ruesels is in a fair sanitary
AT "Tho Drug Store," i1) Graham's
Block, every patent medicine, and all good
and pure medicines for plan or beast are
always in steak.
A. Cuaaxe left Brussels with the
intention of tatting a hand in the
Walkerton celebration last Monday
but the flood near Ilarriston washed
tint the track and public traffic was
Tull Montreal police magistrate has
commauded .L. E. Sheppard, of the
Torouto News, to stand his trial at
the next Court of Queen's Bench in
June, for having published what is
olauned to have been a libel on the
(15tH Batt. ohoerd and men.
J. HAeer caves and G. A. Deaclman
have agreed to close their drug stores
at 8 o'clock every evening except Sat-
urday during the summer months.
Customers should make their pur-
chases in time so as to enable them
to keep this good resolution.
\Nook.—Brussels wool market is to
the front this year. R. Graham has
a n0ti00 in this issue uuuouuoiug his
iutention of paying the highest mar-
ket price for any gnautity of wool.
1.1e is a good buyer too and can be de-
pended upon. Theo the now woolen
mill will soon be in ruunmg order and
will handle a large quantity so that
the bulk of the wool trade will be
done Lome flits year. Consult the
Brussels buyers before you salt a
pound of wool
Baton's= that while J. Hargreaves &
Co. are ahead in the drug business, they
keep a full stock of School Books, Slates,
Paper, Scribbling Books, &c., &c. Also ex-
quisite perfumes, toilet soaps, articles, &o,
THE MI LULU Calico Ball, held last
Friday evening in the Town Ball,
was one of the best ever held in town,
and despite the very wet and dis-
agreeable weather, a goodly number
1V0r8 11) attendance. Persons were
present from Listowel, \Vingham,
Blyth, Seaforth, Teeswator, Sarnia
and other places, The .costumes, al-
most all print, were neat, attractive
and becoming. Excellent music was
provided by the Listowel quadrille
band, led by Prof. Holland, The
Stall was handsomly decorated with
cretonne, in drapes and festoons. In
addition to this, there were a number
of large mirrors and beautiful pie,
tures. After supper, which was serv-
ed about 1 o'clock a. In., dancing was
reeumod until 4 a. m., when the com-
pany separated for their Logue), car-
ryiug with them pleasant reeolleotione
of May 22nd, 1885. The ofoieut
eonimittc.e of management did every-
verything for the pfoa5ure and comfort of
the gnats, and all agree that tho ball
was one of the most pleasant over
held io Brussels.
One by one the wonders of our
childhood are being renewed. A des-
patch from Kiugstou gives the follow-
ing concerning a negro who passed
through \Vosters Ontario fourteou
years ago : —"A htimltn monstrosity
arrived here yesterday. An old ne-
9)0, who said his name was Dr.
George Thomas, called on several
doctors and startled them, and today
he appeared before the students at
the hospital. He has two tete of
ribs, and cue lie can drop auntie they
completely cover his abdomen—in
fact, some of the bones reach his
groin. He cats raise and lower thein
at will. He has two hearts, one on
each side of his breast, and these he
can drop into his abdomen, a large
lamp beneath the atomaoli indicating
their looatiou. Then again he Dan
cause pulsation to cease entirely for
some time, The moeclee of his anew
are very large and hard, anti Iso can
allow a thick iron bar to be bent over
them. The old fellow says he has
travelled through the United States
sells at 15 cants per copy, obtainable ' and England exhibiting himself, The
from local booksellers and from the doctors were surprised and the slue
office of publication, (lents nonplussed.
Bush fixes prevail in the vicinity of BANKING.
Q1ebea city.
Fire did $7,000 worth of daulage 'UfoIN'POS11 & 11u'TA(IGAUT,'S
to the Ottawa Frau Tress bn11111114 al,
anti steel, Wednesday night,
The receipts of the Dominion from 3ANKERS• ; BRUSSELS
Customs and Exciee duties for the TRANSACT
tete clays owlet]. Tuesday worn $700,
000 mere than those of the corms -
ponding period last year.
Ou 11Onda)' Thorne» .Tuetice was
reported miseiug from 11auhtltun. He
was last neon o1) Sunday sitting- at
the head of Mackay's wh irf, hawing a
bottle of wbiekey fa his 11':1'1 si 11,
Thnrslhty night hie body was 1011)1,1 ,
in the water off the head of ilackay'o
During a heavy thunder storm itt
Ilarriston Sunday, the hoose of John
McKenzie was struck by Itglitniug,
which knocked the end of the roof off
and bared the cud of the hones, also
brealciug off all the plaster epetaire.
l ortuuately moue of elcKenzie'e fam-
ily swore at home, Monday mO01(1119
the river flooded higher than ever
known. Groat damage wile done,
One bridge has beau 8100511 aeay.
Natoli of hand d1300untad.
Interest 1) 10 trod on dopoelts repayable, 01.
Prom p tet ton tiongivo oto oullue1)uo S. •1,
:1 .LL'1i'rlltle E L L I 0 1'. L A W
.,A 0)13uu, uruot's clock, 1rueeols, Money
AL I • 0111uo formerly occupied ,y A. J. Me
Uull,ldatl„Li Leckie's block, diouoy to1end.
11 T 15. DICKSON,
•rich) Soliultox 1th Con veyauuor t &cd. Oltl o111•a
Crant's nlosk, liruaatla. Wormy to Luau.
A LEX, RUB122.SB, ULL;lili OF
.L the Fourth Division Court Co . Huron ,
Conveyancer,N01at•y P111,110,1, tnd,Luett and
Insurance Anont,l'uuds invested and to Loan
Collections motto, Chloe, Graham'u islook
HAYcnc0T---In B1'u6s018, 011 the 211th inat.,
the wife of Mr, Thos. Haycroft; of n Mit;DICAL CARDS.
L'dwo,N—In Morris, on the' 27th inst„ the 1( A. D1cNAUUe11'U.lef, 31. D. 0.
wife of Mr. Jas. Bowman, of a laugh-PLystutuu,
ter, Chat formerly uuuuuuur, oweu andl'esldousa
Chat furwrrlySd by Dr. T. G. Holmes
uurtn 0l bridge,
n rloi54550)1.
PnocTo11—HOPPER—At the parsonage, Blyth,
by the Bev, S. P. Parke, on Wednes-
day, May 20111, 1Vn1. Charles Proctor,
to Miss Ellen M, Hopper, both of
Lorxl,s—F0LT0N—Oa the 22nd. 1Ust., at
the rssidouoe of the bride's brothor-iu
law, Jnnheo S. Timmins, 13luevale, by
the Bev. G. H. Cornish, Superintend.
ent of the Wingham District, Miss
Mary Helen Fulton, of the township
of Winchester, Co. Dundee, to the Bev.
G. H. bounds, Methodist minister of
113ritO5'e1t3 Market.
t . A. HUT'CHINSON, 111. D.
L. IL. C. r. Edinburgh.
Has rumovod to Ilia residence en 11111 Street,
1)1000(140 fermurly ououplod 1)3. Dr. Graham,
end .5111 e0 1.10)0 ,o alga,,, ,10 5tl1) rdt,100 au
44100,,( llargre0 von' ,J rug Stern.
ge ± L. BALL L. ll ,b„ 110NUlt
�1 • Graduate 44.1 .'G..uour of ,au ltoya
(101)55001 11001,1 501•50J•in, Toronto. Glace
tndlr0tuera d(our 1,'10,0. Wiuguaw 00150 on
Woduen,lay, nest (0501)10 pales token w alt
operations. hours Baan, to J
WhiboFall Wheat..., .... 00 00
Bed Winter
Spring Wheat
Peas ......... ..,
Butter, tubs and rolls •.,•
Eggs per dozen..
PIOUS per barrel
Potatoes... .... . ... 3U
Hay per ton 11 00
Hides per lb 7
Dressed Hogs 5 50
Salt per bbl„ wholesale . lit)
Sheep skills, each 50
Wool 16
0'3 92
00 00
40 50
35 54
00 00
10 00
SEES, Ii.mui8& Gmbal,proprletore,lar g
am( convenient:Lw41er0o111a, Opoolul,1(10b-
11011tutie elm ormoleud uthor lravellore. 'rhe
bar Is always oupplts0 with the choicest
brauus0f t,ii;u0re and Jlgars , .111 attentive
hoetleralwayson hand.
13 lVJ 11313 - O'00NN011, TEACHER
S 0L Thorough 11510, edma1, and titular.
.00 Mental
iceiur0uco-La,Uos o 011 f Le Urged
e(tu,tG elph.
1 00 Residence—No, Y, (south) 1(510111'urrauu,
17 14-aiu, nrussels, out.
100,000 POUNDS
Wool Waned
I am prepared to pay the highest
cash price for good fleece wool deliv-
ered et the
I-Iavtug boon ten yearn in bueinoss
hero, it has always been myendeavor
to pay higher than the market allows
and in the past years have paid city
market prices. Wool being so low in
price, it will afford me pleasure to
pay the highest price plug. In ex-
changiug wool for goods will allow a
few coots more. Will also guarauted
to sell my goods at cash prices, I
don't have two prices• --easel and
trade—my rule is one price only.
Running the year round enables me
to carry ;t large stook. This year
having a larger stook than usual, will
offer you the Bost Stock of Tweed in
the Dominiou to choose from.
Double & Twisted Full Cloths,
Flannels, Blankets.
.►11 (seeds 0r tele Newest Patterns anti
Latest bestgne.
Carding and spinning done o11
short notice and guarantee to make
best of yarns. I use only the best of
lard oil on all ley work.
Come early with your wool and
you will find us ready and willing to
give you our hoot attention. \Vo will
bo happy for you to
Inspect Goods and Prices
Before disposing of your wool,
I remain, ,yours respectfe:l,v,
B. F. 131iW 0.TC.
Issuerllarrlago Mclennan. (Ace at his groin,
ory,'1'•rnbetry Strout, 12-20
0 011108 0 e30ronto.. Residence, nhohouso lately
0000PIotl by Airs ,J earner Mains Lroot,&rn..
Lieutenant-Governor V
1) .Couroyaneeraud Agent fire Insurance Co
(Moo at the)ranbrook PoetOtllce
deuce—North a soba.done ,) 11 y uod,1earner
ar ort1of dont.
01100)0 515001, (russet•,, Cann —We would
)ri ssslo04014 good etrnwbm lliner o9Valle in
Lakutlold 411,1 gave good sat)5faualou to her
customers 111 m.ttm5 oyer uud (1/105 full and
stn/,' naty, 14 . Groh tm tC Sou. 45.-1L
Insurance Agent,
trimhouses , both 00011)1)0,1 tie Olean, alyntewalt Posand stelae
t Off oe,
by given te,111 persons alampawing on the
preen Ines 0f the undersigned. Those trueness.
Ing win bo Pr 11(000W a0oording to low.
ELIJAH 11 Ar1.M&N,
(5din Lot 1, Con. 7, Groy,
1411E STRAYED Flit.)A1 T[IL
J promises el the undersigned, about two
wolka ago, She l5'white in color with o hurl(
none. Any information loading to her reeovery
will be thankfullyro5Pl7ed. Word may bo /oft
at Pers Peer Pab1)55)0g house,
11. S. WJILSlz, Drussolr,
or five
75ar5, G'rlhera tars Si acres of farey. will be rented ll wl pat Hawn
and fall plowing dou0. Y5550551ph given at
anysetime. Jo),N Ma
liable farm, being oomposod of the north
Ila f of lots No, 203100,0003, Norris, 200 wires,
Terms easy. Amity o5 the premises.
$15 1.31E Vy RD.
The above reword will bo paid
any person who farnishos such. in-
formation sus will lead to tho con-
viction of persons violating the
CANADA T btr3lteNo3 Acv in this
lnullicipality. The strictest sec-
recy in keeping the name of the
person giving the information.
ay O.iUa,.tt. Or '.t1 I
Scott Act Association.