The Brussels Post, 1885-5-29, Page 7MAT 20, 1886,
1lassen a certain point, and no \vont to
his room, RmWyol 1"erolr, and without
solicitude, "till(( must lot 1310 fu10(0
(01011 easi;y, I suppose," h0 thought;
"and after to -day I ueod Intro lbw bars,
If she had WalltC11 Lith sho could haw
taun him hang; aim."
Miss \Cild1110ry also wont to her room
and load bur father's hot, r, 1t eou-
taiued thotto few awl sigui(1 ant words:
spooking of puosiblo ruiativas with
1Ir. 11, I onphaeizetl a small but im.
portant ward ---'if,' 1 now 000111111013( 131 61.
you still mora etnldmtically, You know I
profer Mr. M. '1'herororo you will (10
well to hood my caution. 111•. M. nnuy
loco over��yl,thing within a brief limo.'
Miss W'ildmore frowned and bit her
Hp with vexation. Than lier white face
took 0n hard, resolute linos, "I carne
near ((nuking a fool of myself this after-
noon," she 1n0ttorod. "I was more than
once tempted to lot Graydon speak,
heavens I I'd liko to bo engaged to
him for a while. Mr. Antonia plays a
bold, steady haud, but llo's the kind of
man that might throw up the game if
ono Ant tricks on him. My original
policy is the bust, I mast pit one
against the other in a fair and open suit
till I Can take my choice. Now that it
is clear that Graydon cares littlo for
that hideous thing ho calls 1115 sister, my
plan is safe."
"What a lovely color you bare,
Madge!" Graydon remarked, as they
mob at supper. "You aro unequalled fu
your ohoi00 of coslu0tics•"
"Not to bo surpassed, at auy rs4a„"
"Where did you get it?"
"Up et C+rand View."
"What, havo you climbed that moun-
tain ?"
"It's not much of a monutain."
"It's a tremendous mountain," cried
:::lie Harry. "Aunt 111udgo's boon
teaching us to climb, and she lifted us
up and down tho steep places 134 if we
wore feathers, anal she told us stories
:.boot Clio squirrels and birds wo save up
t acro. 011, didn't WO havo a lovely
time. Joanne ?"
"Now I understand," said Orttyde
"The glow in your 1'(4,11 e0111e8 from Chu
eons0ion,uus8 of goo,( devils."
(mulcts 3,0111 exertion. Aro von
not 11la 1!ig t,,., such 11t10rt to bo sea -i -
cal 2"
"Therefore my face should be 503(01:i011
with tho hue of shame. You 500 .f 11131'0
011aw'ul (3180, and have hecem0 a cynic
and a heathen from long residence in
"Please bo a noble savage, then."
"That's not tho style of heathen they
(lc%clop abroad.,"
"Madgo told us about tho savages
that used to live in t11u10 mountains,
and how bad they were treated," piped
Poor Lo I No wonder ho wont to the
bad," ,aid Graydon siguilicautiy. "He
was never recogilized as a man and a
"And he wi.s unurpassocl in retalia-
tion," 1ladgo a(1,10.
"Considering his total depravity and
general innocence, that was to be ex.
"It tamed out to bo bad policy."
"In so far as ho was a man he hadn't
any policy."
"I shall not depreciate no Indians
for Chu sake of argument. They vilely
followed the Ser;,og trail, however."
"What on (((1'111 are you and Ma,'';.;
(1011111130.11?" exclaimed Mrs. Muir.
"It matters little at what, but Madge
appeals to be tho bettor driver,"chuolcl-
cd .lir. Muir.
"You intro c staunch champion in
Hours," said Graydon.
"You wouldn't have him take sides
against a woman1"
„O11 no, but you have 1)31001110 1,0
abundantly able to titico care of y0ur;n11
that 1(0 might remain neutral."
"When you all begin to talk English
again I'll join in, and now 1no'0ly remark
that I am grateful to you, _llndgo, for
taking caro of tho children(. Jack was
good with the nurse, too, and I'vo had a
8plo0did nap."
"I'm evidontly tho delinquent,"laugh.
cd Graydon, "and havo loci Cho way in a
couvorsatiol that has boon as bad as
whispering in company. What will bo-
om() of ma ?Yon (mond going to church
to.night, Maclgo 2"
"I did not expect to. 11 your cou-
scienc0 nods soothing—"
"Oh no, no, My conseioneo has been
seared with a hot iron—a cold ono, 1
mean. '1'110 offeots are jest tho same."
At t110 supper -room door they wore
mot by Dr. Somn1005, with a world of
comical trouble in his face, and he ((row
-Madge asicio.
"\Vhnt's a man to do 2" 110 began.
"Hero's oar choir-loatlor sick, and Cho
rest won't chirp without him. I can't
sing any, morn than I can dance. You
can—sing, 1 mean—both, for that mat.
tor. I'd give Cho bust cast of a ily I
over had to take you out in a reel. Woll,
hero's 11(0 trouble, It's nearly mooting.
time, and what's a Sheeting without
mu51o? You can sing,—I'm surd you
can. I'vo hoard you twice in tho 0118apol.
Now, it isn't imposing on good nature,
is it, to ask you to come over anti start
the tunes for us to -night 2 Como now,
go with mo, , It will be a groat favor,
and I'll got ovon with you bolel:e tho
sninmor 18 Over."
Madgo hesitated a moment. She had
hoped for a cleat with Graydon that
evening, which might load to a hotter
understanding, and end their tendency
to rather thorny badinago. But the
hoard him chatting gayly with Miss
Wikt)nore and Mr. Arnault in tho dis-
tance; thoreforo she said, quietly, "It
is time. for 1010 to got oven with yon first.
To rofuko would not bo nioo after tbo
loroly drive you took us the other day."
"011, you matte that square as you
wont along. "'Voll now, this is famous.
What a meeting we'll havo 1"
"You oxplahn to 1\Irs. Muir, and 1'11
got my hat."
•1 111 1n melt," 1110 (tactor hegau, loin.
ing Cho (:',urs on elle piazza.
"Of (aurae you aro, You aro alway'S
in lack," said Mfrs, Muir,
"Oh no, o11 uo. Draw it nlild0r than
that. I've f181wd many a bad day. I'm
lu hock to -night. Whet 310 yo think ?
Yon can't 811088,"
"Yon and 13113(lgo 11a(1 your (leads to.
gather, amt so something will happon,
Aro yen going to capture it mountain ?"
"Yes, a brace Of '0111 berm long. Well,
MB good luck would baro it, our choir-
loador is sick. I thought it was had
Melt at first, and mount to, giro hila all
awful dose for beiug so inopportune. It
]las turned out famously. 'All things
worlc together for good,' you know.
That text 00y11100d, faith 01100 (731011 T
had hooked a three -pound trout, and in
111y atgnru0ss tumbled into where the
fish was, 0ll, hero you are, Miss Alden.
Wo'II go right along for it's about ti1((0."
"Dot you haven't 0xplai110d," cried
Mrs, Hair,
"Wu will 1.111111 w•0 conlo back," said
Cho do''tor.
"011, I'm merely going over to tho
011(3p01 to ludo tho do....c. mit with the
singing," said 1,I(alg0, u.:....oa(y. ".1 i",.1•
"Well," remarked _:r, S:nir, 111((11 rnrv,
"if 11.0000 (1, young Ieliuw, 111 ((''14 a trail
I'd. follow, and not that wlil.. '.the -wisp
"What (lid you say, Hoary 2" asked
his Wife,
"It will bo hot in town to -morrow,
IIary. ft's ;growing cuul'uundedly hour,
Wall Stroot."
"Not serious, Henry 2"
"It's always serious there."
"Oh, well, you'll cemo out all risl1t.
It's a Way you havo."
)1r. Muir looked grim and tronhlod,
but the piazza was clus::y. "She can't
Help me," ho thought, "and if she was
worrying mho might hind.' me. Things
are no worse, and they may soon be het -
ter If .I had fifty thousand for a mu10111,
though, tt(o strain would bo over. She'd
be uagglug me to teato a lot of her
luouev, awl I'd sae \Vail Street sunk
first. Well, well, WHO:acre awl I may
together in Cho Kann ditch."
Lor a for moments (dray((((( and lir.
Ar0(tat rat uu either video( ths tanker's
ilang111110, etch 8001311,g the advantage.
Tho 501(1113 lady enjoyed 1110 situation
iuuncnaely, llud for a 111)0 baa tib art to
enter. :"11 both. Arnault at last boldly
and frankly tool( the initiative, paying,
"Please take a walk with ale, 131155
1\'il(huero. I (lave (01110 u,. the way
frau Nov York for tau ple-sare of an
0000111:; in. your society, You will exouso
08, lir. Maur. You 1(8,-0 had to -(a' and
101 1 111713 to-eorrow, for I mint take an
eptly 11:ain."
Miss \\'il'tnore ian'ha), and said, "1 t
must go with ran, r .eldy, or, you will
think son have meld,• a 1.11(1 'rat' ill rail -
red" tickets, as wed as shares, for you
aro lilco the rost, I Kul„ ose;" and with a
mulling glance ha 1. .;,.rd at Graydon
she dtsitimeared.
"Yon are mistslton," he said; (7031lore-
sawthis '8qlaez0' ill 31,0 1111101(011, and
have 1110111, to lad if Um 8uuurity is
(111111" We Were Mee, doing bettor.'
"Poor papa 1' "110 sigliej, "his 00cari-
t108 arched:init.1 snppo111. Ile docs not
write very cheerfully."
"(lis security is tllo host in tho city,
in 11)0 e.taaati0)1. P,1 1610 this littlo
lu(1:' in Id'ufcrelco to- government
"Oh, aoa't load papa anything cm that
bares, fur you r.o.0,1 sur0l0 manage to
claim the col'at,rai, or wbatover you
call it ill) 0) r Wall street jargon."
"Son aro iuf utr,ly better off than tho
=dm:1tyin these hard times."
"How so :""
"115 0110 word yon eau mal(o three
rich, 301118 if M1.111(10c1. Your father
only uee(1R to be tidal 0vor a few
"Couto, conic., Mr. Arnault, this is Son.
day, and yon must not tall( business,"
"11y fault leaned to virbae's side for
"I'm not just sero to which side it
loads," 10,18 1100 laughing reply.
"Aro you going to accept Muir?"
"I'm not going to accept any ono at
present,—certainly not Mr. 11Ioir before
ho asks 1110."
"Ile will ask you."
"Has 110 tukon you into his coufi-
denoo 2"
"011, he's as patent as a country )bor.
"(lir, Arnault, w0 must change the
subject ; such questions anal remarks
aro not in goal taste, to 88y the least.
1 approciato your friendship, but it aloes
not giro Son the right to forgot that I
am a frac girl, or toign01011(y assurance
that I proposo to r0luaiu frco for the
"That is all 1110 1358)10an00 bloat 1 re-
quire) just now," 110 au1werod. "I harp
beau a frank, devoted suitor, Stolle. If
you do not act precipitately you 1vi11 3A1
wtanly 111 the end. I shall not bo guilty
of tim folly of dapreoiatiug Muir,—he's
a g 16.1 follow in his way,—bat you will
50(0) 110 (0(11031100(1 that 3(01) C10IIflOb)1(f(0130l
to 11(n11y 11111."
"1 thud' I ecus afford not to marry any
ono until my heart prompts 1110 to act,"
slio replica, with well -355((11'0(1 dignity.
Her swift thought was, "Ho also knows
that the ;vluirs are embarra.s0od. How
is it that Graydon sp0ak8 and acts in
Cho assured confidence Of continued
wealth 2 Is he deceiving mo?"
131v. Arnault changed Cho subject, and
novo could do this with more adroitness
than he, or be a Moro entertaining gal-
lant 11 110 chose. At tho Ramo Limo he
maintained a anbtle obsorvanoe,in spito
of his vaunted frankness, and ho soon
believed he had r0a8011 to hope that Miss
Wildmcro had been influenced by his
words. Almost imperceptibly she per.
mitted additional favor to come into her
manner, and when she said goodnight
and a150, in view of his early
start for tho city, it was at 1110 foot of
t11o_ stainway,_$110 casually 110ma14ting
1111101 81141 w'0r(i(l not c1,100 (131311 ag11(1n,
"Aly brief visit ba( not boon in raga,"
ho thought. "1 lav,( ilvlac '41 Ilattfer0,
11)131 that noir 111(•13115 it 1 ,,,o. deo. 11„
will marry tho survivor of tit..., financial
gado, and in every 111411'5 philocoplly the
toirvi 113 of the fittest is always tho sur-
vival of Cho Cria,"_--___
c'I1.11'•i'1';11 XIII.
".01' 11LL 11;; 1,1 <11'l',IiN'I':.e."
Graydon felt that it'.e138 scarcelypol-
siSl( to resent 'r..lrnanit's la0tius ur
to blame '1'310 f0ruler
3,0', (dilly 118,1 a.. gu , I a right to 34, u
,108 all bin.'•(dL an 1 (von to his prq'u.
„w.a1 11111111 it would It wu barn 1n11ra.
1111(15 111 ti11' lot ly had she not given Sumo
reward for his (('/13.'14 Mug juuruoy. It
0. 4) natur04 t4,.,1 .A'. Arnault, au old
bi0ud of the i:ucras, should sit at
tlwir table anti receive the consideration
that he enjoyed. Graydon h(ul littlo
ea111e for complaint or vexation, (43000
his rival would du,,ar1 in th.) morning,
and, judging from to -day, his 01)11 suit
was approaching a snocessfnl ternlina.
Lion. Tho coast would be clear on the
morrow, and 110 dote'miaed to make the
most of ouportnnitios. He now even
I'ursuaut to an order a the Judge of this
Court made fu this (auto hearing dale the 9th
day of May, A.D., 1885, 1, hereby, notify all
arties haying all lions or charges or ouc-
ranees on the patt, 01 lots
numbers 27 and 28, 3(1 the 7111ole, or(ny 00 ee80103 Of the
Township of Grey, in the County of 13uroo, to
produes before oto at my Chambers, In the
Court Mouse, In o Town 01 Godoriah, on the
8th Gay or Jane, A. D. 1885 at the hour of
19 o'clock In the for enoo1, full particulars of
all such liens, charges and o0mlmhrnaet 8, to-
gether with sn115180tory evIdenoo of Cho
ala minis clue thereon.
Dated at Goderloh, in the County of Huron,
100121e day of Mar, A. U. 1801,
E. 79. WADE, D. Mc DONAL O,
I'Iffs. Solicitor, C. C. C. 18,
mLAT i1AMU] T,
Of the bestnuality ahva)'4 unhand and dolly
0358(11 anypurl of thoVillagofree of charge
TERMS very Favorable.
orw111ob th0 highest market price toillb o
Igloo makes Specialty ofbuytnghidosand
Skins. l)oa'll'or1ct the Place, next ,1col
toFletoherWerrellr) Store.
ANDREW 010E121
Tho undareigned begs leavo to 0.101001100 to
Cho Public generally that he has purchased
the Entire Stock of D. Frain, .31(1011000
maker, and havin brought a Largo Stock
of his Own Make ,110 is prepared to Com-
pete with the 7heapost, as he Buys Strictly
for Cash A Complete Stook of
And Everything fn tho Manaus Lin
t^ Harness mode to Order from best ma
108(01 on Shortest Notice,
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
r A Oa elicited before Purchasing
Don't forgo tthe plane, inDr Graham s
Block, D. t'rain's Old Stand, Main Street,
C. H. Maddaugh
bogs 1010.10 to 1101ify Cho people of Brussels
and surt'o0uding 0olntry that ho has open.
oc1 a shop in GRANT'S 13LOOIi, formerly
0000pi031 by W, 1'I, Morris, whore ho will bo
pleased to attend to the wants of all favor.
ing him with tlloir orders, Tho best of
satisfaction guaranteed.
The undersigned. 111returning thanks to the 1'eopl1( of C1'allbroolf
and Surrounding Country for their Liberal Patronage during the past
8 years would respectfully int1111111)' that lie has ,twin 1•11111m311 1)1114-
11181$ 1tll(1 will be found 11t the Ohl Stand, ('0idly to aft( 1(11 to the W311
111' his Customers..
A.1_0) I I T JD S O LI' 1 F O t=3 HT 0-
Hi WA G- G -O N
will lie Under the Management of a First -Class 11'eell.a.nic •
Bepaia°ins?' of .itll :Kinds eflttenc7rrl to.
We ase JWalrc' (1 i'7i(cicily of Neu' iT or'lr ;