HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-5-29, Page 3MAO 20, L885. 'poetry. ,.THE A11H1;N'r " I lite with my fru01(10 mut lova them, Although they, are feu' away; The joy of Uu'lr speaking presence Hallows emit passing day. I see their 111('3 awl ;;feet them, At morning, alt noon, :tial 10e, I gather noir tu=t thought,. to 1110, And taint, around thein weave. rri0Idsh]l, i}11"reth all di:aauu)o, And 1o0e "ION, ;58th (ile•. Tho f,),1 1111.4 of 1111161' (1'e love 1100: Ail' Willa 110 111 every cline, Th, rr is no death Id eft'ect]oll ; 1'na'nudug, aunt sweet, inn: clear, Is the chime in my foal repeating,— "The absent are ever net!'." 'l'OTAL ANNIIIILA'1'ION. lle was a Bowery 1 )otblael( bold, Awl his years they numbered nine; [lough and unpolished was he, albeit Ile constantly alined to shine. As proud its a king on his box ho sat, Munching an apple red 1 While the buys of his set looked wisfnlly on And "(1100 110 n bite," they said. But the bootblack smiled a lordly senile ; "No froo hero 1" he cried, Then the boys they sadly walked away, Save ono, w110 stood at 111s aide, "13i11, givo us the core," he whispered low, The bootblack smiled once more, And 111100hi01'0n9 dimple grow in his •' There ain't goiu' to be no coral" '-cheep TJIE LION AND TELE BEAR[. acs the Lion, "Y1'd better beware, Dliather Bear If to move amly surdur yes dare I'll ovine 1110 front paws in 1)011 hair, And kill yer, or perish a.thryin'," Sez the Lion. Sez the Bear, "I'nu only for ehpyin', ntiathor Lion; The rules that yes nude I'm applyill', More land to me Ilnpmro a-tyin' And nx1dle wid me if yes, dare," Sez the I3enr. Sez the Linn, "YO'd better take caro, Mistier ,clear ; If yes Walley step across this here shtick, There's a light one her hands purty quick, And right at yor eyes I'll be fiyin'," Sez the Lion. Sez the Bear, To be sure yes are guyin', Mislhor Lion ; I've creased it, their's no use deuyin', The facts aye, in spite 00 y'er cryin', An' I'm glad that yes trate me so fail-," Sez the Beal'. (1001) ADVICE, Let each mea learn to know himself, To gain that knowledge let 111m labor ; Improve those failings in himself, Which he eon(lcros s0 in his neighbor. How lenient our own faults we view, And conscience voice adeptly smother ; Yet, oh how harshly we review Those selfsame errors ire another. And if you meet an erring 0110, Whose deeds are blameable and thought- less, Consider ere you oast the stone, You yourself be pure and blameless. 0 list to that small voiuo within, Whose whisporings oft have men con- founded, And trumpet not another's sin, You world blush if your own were sound- ed. Or in self judgment if you find, Your deeds to others are superior To you has Providence boon kind, As you should bo to those inferior. Example sheds a genial ray Of light, which men aro apt to borrow, So first improve yourself to -day, And then improve your friends to -mor- row, Wool Prospects. The late 82(10011 has prevented any active movement in the wool trade in our local markets, The washing has been delayed and the clip will not be foiwardod for two weeks yet. As usual this season wool is quiet, and in ear market 1.8 to 90 cents aro the ruling prices. The attention of the wool buyers is turned toward the probable ruling prices for rho now clip during the coining 0101180r. We are ruled 111 prima hero by the United Stales market, and the effect of Lho m0uetnly panic last summer on the other sidri was to depress prices to a point that seemed abnormally low, yet ,.according to quotations there has been 110 recovery, although money soon bottom) very abundant, nor has any improvement iu price boo» 3041- 11essU(1, 00111 i11 1110 more reeent ex. eitementproduced by the oxpootations of au Anglo Russian war. But on the contrary, and 1n the fano of those favoring influences, prices have con- tinued to drop. Tho present low range of values for wool may oouse- quoutly be considered for tho present lime normal and natural. Notwith• standing the feet that from one-third to one-half of the woollen 411adline17 of the United States has either been partially idle, or running on short time, rho 11011)11 proportion of the eli.p seems to have passed from dealers into consumers' hands, anti the markets appear to bo as well cleared of old wool at Ude time as in former years, THE BRU$SELti POET 3 The deolitle that occurred about April tempted runny manufacturers to buy far in advance of their wants, lint there has been a stiffening ill the values since in the great wool ()untrue of the U. 14.; and what thou appear- ed as good bargains do not to -day appear He very cheap, espec8tlly as more is offered at (11,1 rams fif�ures, If wt, may venture lel opinion 8 should tilin11 that our present or hot - tom quotations -18 to 2(1 coot:; it potuld—would ho 00111 18110I0 near current prices fat' wool for tho comingseason. The host Canada 8(1101 i only quoted at Sid cents 111 .1'hiladel- phia, and when duty and hurdling is counted, the above price, 1H to 20cts., is all that clue be reli(d upon for aur local markets ill Ontario. S'nslllen for 111111' Dressing i'or 1 Asia. Tho spring and summer fashions for ladies' hail' dressing will not change materially from the styl which have prevailed during tho wit ter ; the hair continuos to bo worn high, the bow knot on the crown of the hood, with t4 fow waves 111141 short curls tapering toward the nook, boin almost universal fur ordinary wee Tho front hair id wore vary fluffy in Pompadour shape, a perfect nest of 810x1 waves and ring O11:8; mall ladies use 14 01111111 Pompadour roll to heighten the front hair, and pin their front coiffures. These styles are worn by young ladles also, but there are many ladies, particularly those whose hair is turning gray, who do not thinly these curb aro dignified, and who prefer to wear the hair parted in the centre, and waved in large weaves at the sides, "Madonna style." The straight hang is still worn by a few, but since the little clash girls 1u fancy ato(es have adapted this style, this fashion 18 On rho wane. Fashion• able hairdressers' stores are filled with different styles of ornamoutal hair goods, all intended to save the ladies tho trouble of arranging their own hair. Never Was additional hair so much worn as at present, although it floes not appear so, els it is not fashionable to wear bulky chignons. But the front coiffures which often cover almost all the head, aro so ar- tistically made that no one would sup- pose th'tt they aro merely convenien- ces, removable at will. A fasionable lady can thus appear as a blonde or a brunette, or with golden auburn locks as it may please her fancy, as tunny do. Shell p1ns, plain, are used altogeth- er for arranging the loops of hair. Fancy shell pins, silver and Rhino stone ornaments in endless variety, aro worn in the back hair. Por even- ing wear, puffs of flowers and feathers. For young ladies, knots of flowing ribbons. Teacher --What is velocity ? Pupil —Velocity is what a nlau puts a )lot plate down with, A Wisconsin paper, after d08C1'ibing a farm which the advertiser wa1118 to sell, adds, "Thu surrounding country id the mostbnalltiful the Nal of Na. Tf'+All;t1 P0I11+1LI;.—Iii,IN1 N .1. or tot 211, ton, ':[,tris, lying within 14I. III )nllas of (11(1(01,111, hr 01853 Oro 0(ea10(1 tuad i mostly meter grass halation hardwood bosh. I Good null llny,n, toner 4, orobar,l,,4 rt, t•'arpar- 1 Elwabtre npl lv4o ((1(". PMtn 0'1111 N, 11, -Alio n 11r,1clasa ynk5 u( r,Un1 ,tor 1 Bale. :fuel tura ever !Lade. Tho scenery is col- ()stiitld--tiivilo; also tw t wagons to " OTICis, va sell, and a yoke of Moors." 1 G. P. They 1110 hotm ul,urie1 six weeks, and She said, "Now, don't oe stay out , late, but tome Mimi, soon to our tittle whey tiles' 1' They had been mar- ried six years, and she mai, "If you go out to -night, Smith, I'm going to lock up the :mutt and go over and sloop at mother's." The following circler ('01. 11 sot of false teeth was sunt to of dentist : "My mouth is three in011os across, i inches through the jaw ; 80100 ho - ramify on tate edge; 8hntpeti lute a horseshoe, too forward. If yon want es me to be more pertik'hlr I steel 1100 to cutin that. Yours tr'uely,---," Have yon embraced all the oppor• tuuitios hero offered you for present - mg your studies 2" asked the dootor. And the sophomore blushed and he said ho believed he had otnbraoed them till except the cook, and she was too big for him to roach around. "You newspaper teen," said a preacher, "must have queer views of things. Yoti are always looking on, never talttug a part. I suppose now your idea of tiro Day of Judgment is that you will have it table off at ono side and report the proceedings to the morning paper. .A romantic scribe thus describes the first kiss of a newly wedded 005• p1e : "Up the perfume -swept (100(1112 of love, and under the roseate arch- way of hymen, they had passed into the joy -lit realms of that higher and holier existence where souls on limpid waves of 8081ati0 fooling, and hearts touch hearts through the blended channel of lips iu rapture linked." Two rival country editors, while at a political meeting, evert, importuning an old farmer to tulle their papers. "Gentlemen, I don't want both," said he. "Wolf, take mine," replied one of tho editors. "Mine has twice as much original matter as his." "That au 2 Well, I b'lioye I'll tako his. I always want the best." 04 r. y VARIETIES. Truth is mighty—scarce. A. baby -carriage is pretty sure to be struok by a squall. "Going to hell on wheels" is what au Illinois minister calls roller skins ing. Some one wants to know 1f tt bee is angry when it stings. We aro not sure about the boo, but the victim is. Elsie (seeing for the first time a calf): "Oh 1 mammal These must bo the little cows that give Co11110n801 mill: 1 All American inventor has discov- ered how to make 11 lino quality of whiskey from wood. Alas 1 our for- ests are doomed. A tailor sued a man for wort(, but on seeing the jury,, 110 told 4110 judge to dismiss tho case, al every juror owed Lam for a suit of clothes. The author wrote : Woman : Man, without her, would bo a savage. The printer made it read : Woman with- out her lean would bo savage, When Mr, Carpenter married hiss Barber 11tet wool{, not a newspaper in the laud said anything about the fu- ture race of shavers. An eloquent editor thus describes a naw organ t "The swell died away In a delicious anffoo,ttiou, like ono sing- ing a sweet song under th0 bed clothes," An economical widow, having lost Ler second husband, moved the head stoup of the first one between two graves, and -added un "s" to the in- scription, ''To my husband." "011, George, I'm ashamed of you rubbing your lips lilm that after that Clear little girl has given you so swept a kiss 1" "I'u1 not rubbing it off, nem. I'm rubbing it in." "Mrs. R. hill, of Lee County, has a chicken which has no feathers upon it, being perfectly =oath nearly all over." It is evidently a "spring chi0keu,'' growing bald from old age. Nob in this latitude ; Tailor ; Will you have spring bottoms i11 your now pants 2 Young man: No ; I guess not. Spring has got so far along that you may as well put in 8111nm0r bottoms. E. W. Johnston, of Barrie, writes under slate of May 18th :—"I hereby accept the challenge that J. D. Mo. Coll, issued on tho 1011 of April last, to any mall in Canada un a heavy weight contest. I will match him for $100 and meet hire any plane in 0(11.1• ata 11111 ho likes to have tho match. do McColl can either put up or shut up.' BuzzOn's Qum will ilumodialely. roliovo Coup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Hold by G. A. Deadman, A cable has been received from the British Government by Lord Lans- downe stating the Imperial Govern. meat have appropriated it sum of money to pay the widows of the Canadian voyageurs who lost their lives in Egypt during Lord Wolseley's campaign, They will receive £100 sterling and the mothers of the voy- ageurs who lost their sons on the ex- pedition £SO each. In both crises the full amount of wages for the six months fur which the unfortunate in011 enlisted is oleo to be paid. The annual convention of Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and Caua(la met at Atlanta, Ga., hist tveoh. Major Joseph Hardie, of Selina, Alas was elected president; Goo. P'. Coxbsad, St. Louis, secretary. Eight hundred and fifty associations were represented. Toe associations include 112,000 members; 17,000 active members iu committees; nearly 1,000 young !}en's Bible class- es; owning $4,800,000 worth of pro• rorty ; t xpens)s of committ00 for year, $81,000. Eighteen 4308 buildings hav0 118011 dedicated during, the year. The report show's It remarkable growth In every department of the worlt. Gon. Wolseley will sail for home by the next steamer that leaves. It is s111tft1 that Ilio Czar lies pre• seated Gen. E,em4roff with 100,000 roubles, It is reported that Russia Lots halal a disguised agent at Cobol for several months. Singapore wants the Imperial Gov- ernment to proceed with the defences of the colony. Tho report of a conflict between Itallalt8 iotd Abyssinians is confirmed. Tho Italtans lost ono officer and 27 men. Advices from 'Tiflis state that riots contiuno in Turkestan among a largo number of iuhabitans 0011 oppose the payment of heavy war taxes levied on them by Russia. A Shanghai despatch states that the British steamer Waverly, with a cargo of spoltor, has been seized by the French on the ground that her cargo is 0ontraband of war, i 1'ho ('onleil of aha Corporation of the I County ,.f Huron, will meet in the ('curt 1(ousc, in the '.['own of (1 derieh, on TUESDAY, JUNE 2x8', 1585, Nl'1S'I'. All ac"„wits against the County touat Le p('eOOuted on of before the peenwlday of aha i 3000100. PETEReLD.1,1ISUtil hi•Sie Co, Clerk, ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. 'ruo oxau,ina Win of L' 18(4Qntt,t, for nd1010- (1nn to high School et, will be 11 lard til Seafortlt, Clinton (111(1 1I'in rlriaun, —(1\ Thursday & Friday, July Sud k llrt1, 19 lo, text, Cnmmon0tig promptly at 0 0'0100k u,m„ lu 11,o ftedtbytunoiethptituuo ti%ntr,1)eoud Plume anti addressee, not later than the0.111 of June, to J. 0. Harslone, .LI .A., Priu,i a rl of tett' High School. Photo in CIE Mora to J. Tutnhttll,A.1t, thoec 10 wtn0hal nm, to B Clinton )',, , Principal of the Public 8ehcola, 40110 1), 10. ,IIAALOCY, Impactor P. S., Paas Huron. OUNTY IIURUN JULY E1AMI- ssi NATIONS, 1885. I'it'st-class, Glade 0. Non-professional at the Normal Schools, Toronto and Ottawa,. on Wednesday, July 15th, at 1:30 p, nl. Third.class, Noo-profsssional Examination at the High Sclicals, is the County, on Monday, July (ith, 1 p.m, Second-class Non-professional Examination at County High Schools, on Wednesday, July 8111, at 11:05 a,n1, For Firer -clues certificates, Grades A. and B. Examination will begin after tho conclusion of the Professional Examination. Candidates mast notify the Secretary, on or before First of Juno, the School where he or she desires to write, naming the optional subject he or she wish- es to talco, and the certificate he or she now hold, if any. Tho notice must be accom- panied by a certificate of character and a fee of $'3.00, er $0.00 If tlto candidate op. plies for a 2nd as well as a Brd class Ex- amination. No name will be forwarded to the Department, unless the tee accompanies it. Forms of application may be had from the Secretary. The Head Masters of tho High Schools will please send the applica- tions of their candidates to the County In. specter of the division in 81)1011 the High School is situated. D. M. 1l2ALLOCH, PETER ADAMSON, Presiding Ltspector. Secy. B. Exnl'el. )lay 13th, 1885, 45.2in, Tito Mo,( 1)eIlgl,tfal SU ;'r MER TOUR Palma 84oat,0,0, Low $atao. Pour Tripe nor Wank iletwoou DETROIT AND MACKINAO And Every Wools Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Writo for our "Picturesque Mackinac,” Illustrated. Contatao Fun 0artloulare. Mailed E'ro0. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, GM Pass. AOT.. DETROIT. MICH. CENTRAL HOUSE, BRUSSELS,—Asvr:u aha 1,0 of May, i''i:l, tl,ii }'!pular House will tie run on Purely 't', ,-, )''l•n nn! I'rinclpica, 0unforming atrletl y le,t,, 1140 latter of Toe Oauadn Temperune'. act. rirst-Class of Lonna 1lntn:hwtnrea and 11,4c n3Y411,1a of In.. Ported ('o(,,r,, will be hont,.n bund, 01 w011 a1 all ot ua"pensno„ t1'?,,.rages. Patron - low snit0,1',I, nv evnry aa,e„n,m,4at,.au will he Tilted 110('.411,0(y, oousiataut wt th the t1elef. ')e 'r, t1'NEI7.. t:1itN AND 11Pti('1'; LOAN ANL 1N\'LsTsIENT ('t)111'ANY, Thfs Company- ens or8)1(10ed alt 115 18th of April last, and 10 uowfna(111vuoperation, and is prepared to reoeiv0 applications for luaus on good farm security. - 1'bis Company being a local institution, can offer to borrowers greater facilities for getting their luaus executed with dispatch, than can be had front outside or foreign Companies, aid) 801101(1 tlayp and weel(0 are often required to close lq, a loan. When Title and Secnraty are satisfactory - borrowers may obtain their money from this Company on day of application. Dee attention halt Leen paid to eouilning Solicitors' charges to the lowest dates. Mortgages imrehased if security and tit- les are approved of. A Savings Bank Brandt will be shortly, opened by' the Company, Depositors will be paid the Highest Current elates on their deposits, The Company's offices are en the corner of Market Square and North St., Goderich, in the Building adjoining the Dry Goods Store of 1'. C. Detlor ,0 Co, DIRN:U1'OlH : J08E1'n 1VtiaiAns, President, W. J. 11. 1lor.nus, Vico-President, Stn L', .1. C'.nrwintlrr, 811/111700 a1100,x$, Wu. M. GM?, 8081,1101, J. M. Roamers, Dungannon, Jori\ Acusses, Goderich Y. Jon(1..0, • J. H. (oz,00ltxr•„ Sotariro)is--Coul:aox,Hcr.T,4 C.ynanox. Hoaust H01110x, 'Manager. Goderich, May 7011, 1885. 44-:3m, THE DAY IS FIXED) AT BRi3"SSJ]IS, T URS AY, JUNE 4, 1885. TEL, er, i -K eZ44 31.�18'a ,AL 1 'y Now, Absolutely World Famous - PLATE S,li.®W S..'<� Menagerie of Trained Wild Animals, and Congress of Celebrated Eyestrain Stars. A slum of wonderful features and the greatest ever porfeotod or conceived ; the top of the ladder of fame, overshadowing all competition, challenging all rivalry in equestrian and gymnasts, the only Umbrella -Eared Elephant, with the largest oars of born brutes. The largest and most savage den of lions in captivity, entered and performed daily. The handsomest Royal Bengal Tigers. The only "Grave Robber,” The smallest lion les, -the largest horses-, the only lode 1111(1 female Samsons on this con- tinent, pulling against horses and elephants. - --.-.Wt ,7 eiai$is:.., ever witnessed. Read the bills and advertisements _not one tenth can bo told in this limited sluice. Two performances (1ai1y, afternoon at 20 evening at 13. Doors open oIn' hour earlier. Admission, Popular Prices. Don't forget 1110 flat(', Thursday, .Ione 4111, LLE DORA, Wonderful Tattooed Fejee Island Cannibal, only one ever seen in Am- erica, The best bloke trials incl ring horses, and the GREATEST CIRCUS PERFORMANCE