HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-5-29, Page 1VOL. XII. firlifirstamturnestesocarmarnemianta COMMUNICATIONS, Billiard Licenses. Te the 30113.07' of TO; P06T. 1>c1r ((it•r--I regret, and 1 am not alone the action of the Council in lowering th fee far ((1 (14111 tables in 13ruesels. In 0th e1' 1110009 1 001111 mon tion the rales aro Ju vreased and there is 110 T011,9011 why i 9110111(1 not be the Hanle here. However, as the license is granted now it le too late tt make amends, but as you aro ewer) there is a by -low governing the tables, ns to hours, allowing minors to play, &e., and for one 1 feel it my duty to see that 1110 1(109 is carrier/ out to the latter. We don't want our boys it: learn to play billiards, they can part with their money quickly enough now. I have not the least doubt but I could get over 1(00 names to a petition, in a chert thee, to have the license fee raised, The "enormous" nd.lition to the Treasury of the present fee is a mere bagatelle, I am, A RATI4vA8n,l, Brussels, May 28th, 1885. Can he lawfully do it 1 'I'o 1140 ]editor of the 7111) )'an:. DRAB B111,-1 11ndor6tand that 00010 of our licenetd dealers under the Scott Act have been taking persons into their shop and treating them to liquor, and 1 thought that was. contrary to law. Will you please give us an outline of what the Jaw is on this question so that wo will know how to deal with offcnders. We want fair play, nothing more. I remain, SCOTT .9.0y,Brussels, May 28tH, 1885, NoTx.— Sub -section 4 of See, No, Oft, of the Canada Temperance Aot Bays :—Pro- vided, also, that the sale of intoxicating li- quor for exclusively medicinal purposes or for bona fide use in some art, trade or manufacture. 9hai1 be lawful only by such druggists and other vendors as may be thereto specially licensed by the Lieutenant Governor in each Province, the number not to exceed one in each township or par. ish 11(4)' two fn each town ; and ie ()Wee not exceeding ono fur every four thousand in- habitants ; such sale, when for medicinal purpo0c0, to be in quautitire of NOT Ln68 than one pint, to ho 0ramvrr> from the premises and to be 11114)10 ONLY 011 the cer- tificate of a medical man havinguo interest in the sole by the druggist or vendor, affirming that such liquor has been pro. scribed for the persona named therein ; and when such sale is for its use in some art, trade or manufacture, the same to be made only 011 a certificate signed by two Justice:, of mo Peace of the bona fides of the application, accompanied by the affirm- ation of the applicant, that the liquor is to be used only for the particular purposes set forth in the affirmation ; audit shall be the duty of 1110 druggist or other vendor to filo the certificates and keep a register of all 0)1011 sales indicating the name of the purchaser and the quantity' sold, and to make an annual return of all such sales on the shirty -filet day of December in every your to the Collector of the Inland Revenue within whose revenue division the county or city is situated. BRUSSELS, weeks later (hon 00081, I11 1110 northern and eastern, parts of the f'royinon 3311013100001.011 the ground until late in April, and on the 201h of the month afoot of snow Poll 01)11' a, extended arca. Rail) fell also , at frequent intervals, and the ground was e, saturated with 01410r, Asa cenaequenee spring work has been delayed in those parts of the Province, and excepting on t high or well.drainod stn10 very, little 00031 OAS sown at (11e date of the returns, In ONTARIO CROP PROSPECTS. Following is a summary of the report of the Ontario Bureau of Industries for lafay. Tho report is based on information fur- nished by 050 correspondents, under date of the 15111 inst.: Tho drought at seed timo last fall made it difficult to get wheat -land into a good state of tilth, especially in a clayey soil, and growth at first was slow and uneven ; but with a toady temperature and warm showers throughout part of September and the whole of October the young plants pushed forward rapidly, and the reports made by correspondents of the 13nreall at the beginning of November showed that the crop had then a most promising appear- . 44nce ire every part of the Province. Snow fell early and laid late, 811d 1110 winter was one of tho longest, steadiest and coldest on reoord ; yet the reports received now show that the wheat was alnlo0t in as good con- dition on the 1st of April as ou the 1st of Noveumber. Fortunately the rainfall dur- ing the winter was very slight, so that the scow slid not pack on the ground as it often does, and excepting in hollows and under heavy haulm alongside the fences no 840th. 0ring effects were to be seen. But en the knolls and high ridges the snow was swept off, and in suo1 situations the wheat was either killed outright or very seri0u3ly in. lured. Tho greatest appaiont damage, however, has been caused by the hard frosts and northwest winds of April, and the low temporlturo of the firet ten days of May ; but the plants ienlan\ firmly rooted in all soffit, and the opinion is generally express. ed that with favorable glowing weather a speedy reoovm.y will be made, Excepting in some localitioe of Waterloo county, whole the wh0441 was killed by winter ex- posure, and of Durham and Nortltttmber. fand, whore it was drowned out by April Hoods, no wheat land has been plowed up, nor 10 any likely to be, Tho only insect pests of the wheat that are even mentioned by correspondents are the Russian fly and tho wire worrn, and these have done very little harm, Winter rye is not grown as extensively a6 in former years, but there are 00118ie101•- able areas on the old pine lands of iSIgin Oxford and Norfolk) in the west, and of Lanark, Renfrinv and the northern parts of Hlastings and Frontenao in the oast. The crop has come safely through the winter, and although thin on the ground it has a healthy kcuk. It has suffered loss than wheat from the April weather, The reports an clover aro generally fav0r- able, but the crop is Balk in a very back- ward state. Spring frosts have hurt it in some localities, eepeoialiy 0eeond your mea- dows on loalny soils, The clover of last year's seeding hart been but very alightly njurod either by winter or spring weather, but in Sao regions over whfoh last summer's drought extended itis tvenk and patchy, The seeding season this year is fully two Sha western and southwestern counties the 004400(4 opened ten days or two weeks earlier; yet farmers have been greatly hindered in their work by the rains, and on low clayey and loamy land see)1115 operations are in a vary backward state. But oven on dry and wo11-drained lands the ground was too cold for germination, and fields sown on the 250 of April were only beginning to show signs of plant life towards the (dome of last weok. Farmers are alive to the importance of using new varieties of seed where old ones have failed, but they seldom risk experi- ments with unknown varieties offered by dealers at fancy priooe. Two or three varieties of oats are highly spoken of, viz, ; Black Tartarian, Egyptian and Cluster ; and spring wheat grown from Manitoba and Dakota seed grain has given good results, The varieties of potatoes moat in favor are early end late Rose and the Beauty of Hebron ; but Burbank's Seedling and White Elephant aro well recommended. Fruit trees are generally in a healthy condition. Some young pear trees in the northern counties and districts were killed by the hard frosts of winter, as were also a largo number of plum trees in Grey and Bruce whose vitality had been lowered by disease ; these instances, however, are ex. ceptional. Tho state of vegetation is too backward to express an opinion on the prospects of the 4oason'0 fruit crop, but blossom buds are plentiful on apple and pear trees, and also on plum and cherry trees whore those are not affected with black -knot, Poach trees have suffered severely front the winter weather in Huron, Lambton and all the Lake Brie counti08 ; the fruit buds are destroyed, and it is fear- ed that many of the trees will die, In Lincoln and Wentworth, below the mount- ain, there will probably be a third of a orop, In Northumberland, Prince Edward and Lennox it is believed that all the more tender varieties of fruit trees have lauffered from an ice -storm in the letter part of the winter. Tho long winter WAS a hard strain on live stock, but excepting in the northern and northeastern counties, over which the drongllt of last summer extended, the sup- ply of fodder has boon autlioient. In Bruce and portions of Grey and Simeoe a state of famine prevailed, and many cattle died of starvation. An immense quantity of press- ed hay was brought in by the railways, and WAS 501(1 t0 farmers in the latter part of the winter at 518 to $20 per tort. In the Lake Erie and most of the west midland counties, on the other hand, the supply was so abundant that it sold et $5 to $10 per ton. Cattle are generally healthy, but horses in the southern and southwestern counties have been affected with distemper and numbers have died. Tho intense cold of February, March and April told heavily against young pigs and lambs, and the sup- ply of those will probably bo short this year. The supply of farm labor appears to be equal to the demand, and the tate of lunges per month for the soaoon is lower than it 01/08 lust year. Following aro the figures of both years, for groups of counties With Board Without Board 1883, 1884. 1985 1884, Lake Brie eoun- 1(80 815 83 $17 20 328 36 825 03 Lake Huron eonntles 10 58 19 00 ee 10 26 1e Georgian 11 ay counties,.....,,, 16 48 18 07 20 0) 20 55 west Midland counties 16 57 1.7 42 28 60 14 77 Lake Ontario counties.,....,,,, 10 91 17 96 34 51 28 44 83.. Lawrooeo R Ottawa eoun• tias 11 u e t ktidland10 00 17 73 04 11 27 88 oouuties..., , 10 24 17 55 25 J0 16 86 Northern ,t 1 a trlota 17 11 17 25 20 62 26 68 for 1110 bre• vinee 16 42 17 70 24 56 26 78 Lost yevr about 2,700 self-biudere were sold to the farmons of the Province, Aid a material drop in wages w0.3 the result. This year the manufacturers are preparing to supply 8,000 self.biudors. After the close of the Paris B011ree on Satardry routes deol]uod to 80f 1710 on 111e rumor that the L mperor of Germany wee dead, '1'uo convicts named Robert Spen• Ger and Thomas Buckley, both of whom worn Bent down from Toronto, effected their escape from Kingston penitentiary Monday morning. Tee Alert, with supplies for the obeerwatory stations in Hudson's Only and it fresh slait of men to take the places of those who will return with the steamer, sailed from Halifax on Wednesday. Further proofs of Villauy appear against W. H. Rall and Robt. Fox, the alleged Union Bank of Scotland forgers, 111 Montreal, 1'lloy have been identified by Mr. Weir and Mr. Lab's() as the men who fleeced them out of $1,000 and $1,200 respectively same years ago. In the first cites it was with circular notee of the same batik, tend in the second it wail with Bank of England notes. Rall le also wanted in Ohmage where he is known' by the nam° of Ed. R. Marshall, alias A. C. Wilson and his crime is complicity in the Vail Gleason forger• lea to that city, He turns oat to be a native of Louisiana. .... V..1' ALS i, ps wm,.e..amownu.,w rm+,er,aa3w .amrre .__ N O. 47, IV 1- ARID, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1885. - ._. mmogo O night, and were making for the South, 1 Moved by 1'. Scott, eeeeeded by R. Peter AicJ)onahl from the Carrot Graham that .lames Hicks be 1n - river settlement, asineted the Indian struoted to remove ,it ono.) the in following the trail. Remarkable feeco now obstructing Halliday street quick time was made in following l3., and that he be jndelnn:lied for an which was invisible to the iuexper- 104)9 by IL.is Council. Carried, y lanced eye. The Indians (lull lust 1". lieliuu wee allowed until next /tilled a bear, and the Cavalry men • 1011 3.r 130001)1 11i') femme on 010 8:440(1 helped them dispose of some rump street, on amnia of hie er.9p b:» ng steak. It ie expected that the rest of in. the tribe will give themselves up. The Conned Hien adjourned for a White Cap states that armed half- month. – _ from Prino° Albert, via Humboldt, to ham if lie slid not join Biel. The Winnipeg, May 22.—A despatch breeds and Creep threatened to shoot Cxcnctclinra 1Yosvc�- wlu0h point 1t was taken by courier, hostiles took nil White Cap's one, ennoeneee the arrival there 01 Gen, killed and ate them. He deceived the Naxen Bros. MJ, is incorporated, Com- Middleton and tho troops under his Indiums with all manner of promisor. Piny, of capital stock is incorporated, command. They were tendered an The aavel5ade, which has just arrlv- with a Capital dodo of yi500,0(10, ovation, both by the citizens and the ad, is decidedly a unique one, head- Wm. Richardson, of the ,Strathroy Mounted Police, who rejoice in the od by Mrs. White Cap 0u Lieutenant Pop and Socia Warks, has 48 Opo defeat of the reels nail the capture Flemming's charger, w110 gallantly of Riel. offered a mount to the distinguished Capt. Haretono, of the Royal Gren• lady. ethers, has been appointed brigade r. L0m1e0x, M. P. P., and 0. Fitxpat• the spread of major, in plane of Capt. George H. the advocate.who figured so coo - Young, of the Field Battery, who has opiononsly in obtaining a reprieve for Two cases of cholera are reported gone East in charge of Rx01. Iv edam L'ontet, the Baia St, Paul , to have appeared on an inward steam- A telegram from Clarke's Crossing murdress, now in the Kingston pent- at. o Grosse ro oo Isle have bine landed announces that Biel is being taken to tontiary have been retained as the at Oa Gros s4I1le quarantine station, Regina by Swift Current, up the counsel to defend Riel in hie coming ' On Alay 24, 1549, 990 years ago trial in the North West. They have " the English liturgy was first given to been sent for by a prominent French- the on loo worshial p iii enabling the Canadian gentleman in the province, nation to worship iu a language who ie a great friend of Riel'e and which they understood, who line greatvolunteered to meet aft the Goldie & McCulloch, of Galt, have wh expenses incurred by the counsel in at present contracts on hand for the his defence, erection or reneoddelling of fifteen Ottawa, 11TH 27.— S lecial.) In flour mills, in different parte of the the House of Commons this afternoon, Province. Hon. Mr. Oaron said :—I have receiv It is stated that the London dyna- ed to -day from the General a tele- prisomiter Cunningham,esentenced to im gram frac: Batticford, which, I think, toms of ins for life, has shown a been will bo of interest to the Rouen. It toms of insanity mace ]o has bean is as follows : "1 have made prisoners confined ar Chatham prison, of Poundmaker, Lean Man, Ye/low We learn 1000 Port Arthur ox - Mud, Blanket, and Breaking- changes that sinne the sure has gone Through-the-Ice—the most infiuon• off' 3.h° mining interests 114 are fine againto tial a,nd dangerous men about him. the front ; also, that a tedy there. emu. I have also the two men who 14111ed mgr hotel 1709 been erected there, Payne, the Indian I130111net011, and About books volumes of new and Fremont, the rancher, White Bear, valuable rarye hath just been added who killed Payne, and Wahwat'ita, to 3.6° library of the Strathrte Me• who killed Fremont. My next Leek tion denies' Institute ; also the latest ed - who may be .Bi Bear. Poundmaker D of Worcester's hdictionary. colo brought in the teams taken, and gave Delos R. Davis,avie, hasp colored o 11e - up 210 arms 11nd five revolvers, omfor of i ex„m who has passed 3.t suer Have ordered them to give up flour admission n to the an 18 Toronto for taken and the horses and cattle, lawn ro the bar, 1e the first eel - taken and am sending part of the ored lawyer in the country. pollee to see if all is given tip. Mrs. J. C. Smith, of Middleton The 00th just arrived by steamer, and lams finished a pees, whic quilt con- in camp. The rest aro coming by taming 1 1,100 pieces, which she hed- land. If obliged to move on the In- made is six months, without neglect - land. liana, I propose to organize a force of lug 3.t single one of her household mounted infantry out of police, duties, Boulton 'emo1nted infantry, myscouts Neil Sinclair has just cuiupleted and some moamted artillerymen—in what is considered by a Western ex- alt about 800 woo—and with light change to be the deepest artesian well carts and 1)e little baggage and 9011- ever drilled in Canada, It is 011 the plies as possible, 8o es to seem the farm of G, A. Cook, i41. 111, P., Nor- tvl>ofo country and strike rapidly. I wick, the depth being 1,025, expect Big Bear will soon give up. If A naw trial has beau granted in the lie does, I shall treat him as I have 0880 Of Ryan against the Canada done Poundmaker. If he does not, Southern, w6ic6 was taken from a I shall attack him immediately." jury at 3.h° loot Sandwich Assizes. e Ryan was killed while empluyed as COUNCHI, ttEETI1(7. brakeoman on the road, mud his The regular meeting of the village brother is smug for $5,000, Council was held on Tuesday evening Rev. 41. Langford, a Old, 'wee is about to of this week, All the mambos pm - was charge of a Church id Winnipeg, ant, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes leas presented with a pares contain- mit, last regular end special meetings Iigret$21e N25 odi Go Chliral mroh,beRamiltone were read and paeeod' of which he has been pastor for the The following accounts were pre- 1 anted :—A.. K. Robertaou,188 shade Poet throe yearn. trues 1)t 12¢ cants, $17.25 ; J. Hicks, Hanlau arrived from Australia last Health Iuspeetor $8 ; Walter ,Smith, week. Speaking of hie defeat by bet - 54' days work at nee 81(10 walk' $7.18; .Beach, he eaya: I simply met a bet - Guo. Love, culvert, $4.75 ; Mrs. Hart ter man than I was at the time. I charity, $2; 11. Foster, hauling en was beaten fairly and squarely. I gine tend Gose role, $1. Moved by shall return to Australia in eighteen W. H. Kerr•,'joeconded by R. Graham menthe and try him again. Beaoh that the above 14000111118 be paid ex• is the beat man I ever mgt, and I am cepting 11r. Love's and that it lie authorized ,to say he is ready to row over. Oarried, any Man in the world for from i5,- Teuders were then opened for lune - . t° $25,000, and allow travelling bar, gravel, and cedar. The follow - health. IInnlan is In excellent ing were the tenders 9—Plank, Wm. health• Vaustone & Sons $12.50 per M, L. It is now annouuoed that during McDonald, Walton, $11 ; 13. Gerry the voting on the Scott Act al Kings - $11.50. Cedar, Bateman 1;• cents ton some returning-ofJroerd initialled per running foot ; McDonald 13• Dents the ballots Instead of the foil, whiola 4x4 scantling ; B. Gerry $12 per M. was torn off. Tho temperance men Gravel, 8oreened, Thos. Town 70 contend that these votes should b0 re- mits, uneereened 55 cents, broken *tad ; that the initialling of them stone 50 cents ; Jno, Wynn, screened violated the law and deetroy0(1 the 50, unscreened 41, broken stone 86 secrecy of the ballot. They have ap- pointed a °ommittee, who will seek a Moved by W. F. Vanstone,140cond• scrutiny, and if they can have the ed by R. Graham that McDonald's erroneou8ly marked ballots rejected: tender be accepted for the lumber and The returning•officer, however, con- Wynn's for the gravel, Carried, tends that the initialling of over 80 Seines Laird asked for a reduction ballots does not epoil them, and legal on the billiard table license. It wail gentlemen say the election cannot be moved by W.F. Vanolon°, seconded upset while the legal technicltlitiee of by 1, Scott that Mr, Baird be grant the cave are being diecnesed. Hew- ed a licouso for the 0 months of the ever, )hero is great excitement 11i year according to the By.Ja2v, and some cir0100. The county reterne in that a rebate of $8.50 be allowed the complete list totals for the Act as liar. Carried. majority of 51(i, Gen. Middleton AT PRINCE ALBERT. Melt Tli,lcen to Repinta. POUNI)M4t31EIt AN1) PYRITE (',3.P I15 T111> '101)18. KIEL'S LEGAL ADVISERS. bottles in eiroulatiou in his business. The International Sanitary Confer - since has permed a resolution declar- ingslancl quarantine useless to prevent disease Saskatchewan river. Battleford, May 22.—On the even- ing of the 10th four waggoue were seen approaching, the forsmoet one bearing a white flag. When they reached us the teams were found to contain twenty of the teamsters cap- tured on the Swift Current trail, Fon• taiue, who was wounded and fell into the hands of the Indians, some friend- ly half•broeds, and Rev. Father Cool], in, liliesiouary to Pouudmaker's band. The teamsters were delighted with their releaeo. They state that while on the trail they were surrounded by 100 Indians. They had no escort and but little ammunition, and yield- ed to the demand to surrender their )arms, The Indians promised them escort, but the Stoneys compelled them to return to camp, where they were well treated. Poundmaker was very polite, and the half-breeds wait- ed upon them and attended to their wants. Three bags of newspapers were in the mails oaptured and were opened. The news of the eurronder of Biel demoralized the Indians. The half-breeds say that the Indian force at Cut Knife Creek was 460, and that the total force is about 500. The Indiana were caught mostly asleep and were obliged to fight. Ride emissary and two ether half- breeds were in the fight. After the battle Poundmaker wanted to go to the Rockies, but the Slonoys wound- ed_ {7) him, Little Poplar is 1101V With Big Bear. The latter was in. vited thrice to join Poundmaker, but sent no answer. Big Bear was con- sequently not in the fight, but one of hid 0013e was, The Iucliau lose is stated to /have been 50 kith d and 17 wounded. Private Osgood, killed in the fight with Poundmaker, was bnr- ied by the half-breeds, who obtained the necessary permission from the chief. Riol's appeal brought Pouudmak- er's Indians East, and they are now encamped 40 miles soutll.0148t. Only 50 cattle are left. The half-breeds say that Biel ordered them to join Poundmaker. Elliott, the eou5l.ablo, according to the half-breeds, fell un- hurt, and travelled towards the trail in the open Other Indians sur rounded him, and he fell, after tieing his rifle to the last. An escort, consisting of GO men of the Queen's Oen, Police under Col. Rerobmer, and two guue, leave on Saturday to fetch forty wagons of supplies and ammunition, including the gifts of the ladies of Toronto. The names of the released team- sters are : J. F. McNeil], J. G. Potty, \V. McNeill, A, W. Freeborne, Goo. 1'. Morton, W. bioXone, F. %eta- way, D. McLean, G. Barnes, John S1era. G. Brodie, Frank Cox, Wm. Fish, Jas. Fish, Tilos, Hynes, Chas. SileriS', W. Parkin, Thos, Rooney, R. Gaudy, D. McEwen, Neil Brodie. Hnmbolt, N1ay 20,—White (pap, the chief Sioux who assisted Biel in tho rebellion, was oaptured last night with 22 of hie tribe at Dead Moose Lake by Lieut. lb[errit and It party of fourteen of the Governor-Genoral"s Body Guard. After some hard riding two days ago Troopers McNab and Sin11u 0, while on a reconnoissance, captured eloosoquo, White Cap's right hand man, The Sioux led the cavalry party to the last camping ground of White Gap, and for two dale tho trail of the chief was follow- ed rapidly, The Inches travelled all