HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-5-15, Page 88 THE 13RIISSELS POST MAY 10, 1880.. $15 i -b -E \VAI ; .). celebration c WHAT about the Queen's Birthday D111L'r1NO of the Fire Brigade this l'ht' nbtve rt w ort( will be paid any person who furnishes such in- fornlatiltu a- :will Irate to the con- victiol uk person, violating the CANADA ' wuri:R.1NCE ACT in this municipality. The strictest sec- recy in keeping the name of the person: giving; tate information. BY t 11P1i11 or THE Scott Act Association. —»•--- twt'tal the ,:Grits" nod "Tories" 1s ! wade to cls about the state of the GRANDTRUNK RAILWAY. being talked of t'7 come off about thin fence at the ce1uetry, Whoever haft GRAND TRUNK 25t11 inst. charge of the .rouuda should attend (Friday) evening at S o'clock, Own week from next Sunday is 1110 DIa, llAlu.?1i, of I,nndun, 11a8 b0011 Queen's birthday. I visiting friends here this week. Rev. J. ('RAa1:T0N, of Gerrie, will preluwh in the Methodist church, Brus- sola, next Sunday at 10:30 a,ro. and O:JU pan, Itev. 111'1 Clapilisun taloa the work at Gerrie, THE foot ball boys will probably ; Llieir annual game on August 20th ; Un ]021 P 14111 'UU]50111{ REMEMBER the annual meeting of the Brussels lieohauies' Institute to be field next Tuesday afternoon. See advt. LONnow C'lettouian Society hold allow Parkhill for the district Stratford tl t, l R l t ' chillnpionsllip to go by default as itis on the 1801, • t. ditlicult to get away. The trophy ]). HAYDEN is making alterations • is not very'valuable anyhow. in hie store with a viow of utilizing Tun cricket club has got down to it for a residence, we believe. ilous- • work and several games were played ; es to runt are very scarce iu town. 011 the perk this week. A game be. SEVERAL CJlllplaiUtll have been SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. 0, & B. R, Trail: leasee ltr•ass,la St;ltinn, north and .:onto 0- O le 14011114tiortla, I:ning South. 1iui1"•1 % a: -u. ahx,•,1 n••1n 31100';. Il tido. p , d:.' E ,. re,....0.57 an. The morning true eolth and the night train /wadi will on ' only ' uu on Tuetlays, 'Thursdays, QORN, 51'018. --In Morris, on the 10th 11101, the wife of Mr, .1110. $pair, ofadaughter. DIED. Meetutas.--In Brussels, on the 0th inst., l,anla (., infant dMaughter, of r, A. McGuire, aged 2 months, 13 days, Aliooex —In Grey, on the 7111 inst„ lr. Alcock, aged 75 yours, I33A'itttirneIri 11.Zto1'1,r('/... Goa11:Mu GAIt;y0L1.Y 13 Pant NN BEN. SNhite FAIL \Vlieut.. , .. 110 lied \Mucor • tl•3 103 1pring Whoa p•3 115 Barley ;1) 51 Oats 3.1 1'0a0 0.1 Butter, tubs a.1.1 rules ..,11 l.ggs per aleo+u„ 10 Fluor put barn.] 1 01.1) 1,01a Loud 31 limy par toll 1:3 utl 7 1 .1.) lid 50 13 COMPLAINTS 11110(! been matte to 110 { to 1t IIl!(1 Ifeep Olttt a rem ramp 1g Hide, 311 til of pe1•soue feeding their horses hay on the side\vent or sides of the street, while they aro attending to their shop- ping. The constable should attend t') this 'natter, S 31. SMAu4 11 as W01.1101d up his bus- .4ndflatlndly'S•inv84Vert. (1. A. Deadman 111 cit the balmy! .m bit stook and shop with. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. furniture. Iia nutencle disposing of J. lints, representative of the well- _ --- --- '—"'"- the Fame in bulk, w° believe. Two known Galt nursery, has been in town ammo; ye takfn' notes drug stores can do all the trailo of for the past week delivering ell kinds An' faith he'll great it. this place. ' of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, over the graves. Tse. officers of the Salvation Army world confer a favor on the residence who live in the neighborhood of their bar`1'ticke, if the drum exercise that goes oil for about an hour every even- 1•allas• ' iu'r bofnre the march were done away —� —�� --- -�' --- MILLINLRY AND HAIR DRESSING,— SSING,— t&0. Tile people appear highly pleas - Duns. By referring to card it will bo seen ed with the stock and will look for SPILI:tG moving IS in full bbeing that Mrs. Turnbull is prepared to at- another visit froin the above named 'rail dead shade trees are0 being re-. ten,( to the wants of the lathes of gentleman next month, Placed this this week- Brussels and surrounding country iu - GREAT ow 0001 s3.—Same, Laird, H:IRah is ,ee , of Ann Arbor, Was the clatter of doing over hats, &e. She cheese maker of the Pockford factory, in town this week. also attends to hair dressing. Wo writes, --Started to 'flake cheese on ANY daily, weekly. ie monthly3110epaper, or bespeak for Mrs. Turnbull the patrou- April 4t11. On the 11th I took ul any magazine published can be haat from 1 G. A. Deadman. 19,027 lbs. of mill{ and 'nada 21 largo TRE smoke of the chip pile ascend- eth toward the heavens. JACKSON STITT baa talten Lt situa- tion in a tannery in Mitchell. Iles. BENNETT, of Hullett, has been visiting at Juo. Shaw's this week, PLEv. J. L. Kegs preached at Att- wood last Sunday, morning and ev eniug. Miss NELLIE Jris, Of Hatnilton, wag 10 town Met week calling on form' el friends, Incn. LONG has hung out 1a brand awning in front of Ler furniture stablishmen t. Do0GALb STr,ATIAN sold his chest- nut mare to Neil Black last week at a good figure. THIS wee({ Jolla Harvey has been on a visit to old friends. Ile talks of going t0 Michigan. TRE report of the battle with Biersforces last Saturday will bo found on page 8 of 11110 1.88011. .(las, D. C'. CLAPP18010 was called to Toronto this week owing to the ser- ious illness of her father. SEs advt, of reward of $15 in eon - election wilt the Brussels Scott Act Aesociation in another column. Tee woolen mill Geo. Howe lend leased at \Viugbam, last year, was burned down la,t week. iboAn B. Gerry's new advt. The window blinds anti springs should be seen by all. Trey are just the thing the doctor ordered. Ox page 8 of this issue may be read a. poem composed by A. M. Taylor, of 'luronto, well known here. A.. 11, gets the poetry down fine. \Vat. HALLmAY, of Goclerleb, and D. Kenny, of Blyth, were it, town last Suudati. They are brother chips as flu as bllsiuees goes. .i. 31v31000 of Odd. Fellows from Western Stile Lodge went t'1 Wing - 1151n On \\ 1 due sally to attend the fun- eral of the late Bro. Merrifield. LAHT Snndey Rev, G. H. Cornish oecnpied the pulpit rf the Di°Modist aural and preached two excellent Sermons. Loth services were largely attended. .Two, SHANNON, wife anddaughter, ,t' Tara, spent upwards of week 00111- ing old friends in the:; locality, Brns- 40ts Occupies n warm spot uu theirtheirheart, Miss, MEE, in Tbon's1n & 1315311'S 0111 ,.tans, opposite the Queen's Hotel, is busy fitting up for Ice creamandstunmer chinks and expects to be ready in a few days. She hopes the public will give her a liberal support, Confectionery. Biscuits and lirxt-class Cigars always on hand, 130.30 010 eaptlu'o is equalled in excitement by tho rush ladies inane to secure and place orders for Mrs, Alexander's Miss Adak Flirtlirt Hats, Wedding Hats, Babies' and Mothers' Hats. Any and all competitors challenged far tiff-tony needlework, excel. Hier. Grand smnnlel' opening tho 21st, 22101 and 23rd hist: dtEAtlsltrr Algoma, weather permitting, sails from Owen Sound to Port Arthur on May 14th and a steamship every Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday thereafter, Traine from Wroxeter leaves each morning to con. sect with these beats. Cheap fares from Brussels to 8.11 parts of Manitoba and west. For pat'ticulars, fares, d c, apply to T. Fiddler, Agt, C. P. It, Tau following facto are gleaned from the asseSaer'e roll for 1885 i— nstal value of real estate, $259,770 ; personal property, $40,800; taxable income, $5,400; total assessment, $310,970 number of dogs, 59 ; pop- ulation, 1,278 ; )lumber of Battle, 101 ; sheep, ti ; hogs, 41 ; horses, 115. Children between egos of 5 and 19, 291 ; lee.wccn 7 and 180 161 ; over 10 endunder 21, 00. 11g public. of the IIAOT Sunday Rev. W. G. Hanna, B.A., occupied the pulpit in Melville church. This being hie maiden effort in this locality a large number of persons attended service.. His ser- rlous gave the greatest satisfaction and. if they are a sample of the rev. geutlemau's preaching ability the people who secure him for their pastor will be very fortunate. A. recent amendment to the Ontario Liquor License Act reads:— Every person, not being the occupant or a member of iris family or lo.lger in his house, who buys or obtains or at- tempts to buy or obtain intoxicating liquor during the time prohibited by this Act for the sale thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $2 or not more than $10 and coats. RIINAwAY:.—Last Monday the team belonging to Henry Ball ran away onTurnberry Street. No great dam- age was done. In the afternoon of the same day Jut). Speir's horse was tied to a post opposite 000018'0 butch• er shop. Mrs. Thos. Grieve, Dir. Speir's mother-in-law, wens seated in the baggy, when the animal tools fright, broke the tie line and ran away. The rig was upset throwing the occupant violently to the ground. l be buggy wad badly demoralized and the horses legs badly cut. C. 0. F.—At a regular meeting of Court Princess Alexandria 0. 0. F., held on the 1101 inst., the following officers, for the present term, were duly installed by Bro. Geo. Rogers, P. C. It. :--Bro. P. Thomson, C. 11, ; Bro. W. A. Tate, P. 0. 11. ; Bro. Juo. Nott. V. 0. 11. ; Bro. Walter Smith, R. S. ; Bro. Sarni. Senile, F. S. ; Bro. Wm. Blasbill, Treasurer ; Bro. Geo. Ilartwick, S. W. ; Bro. Richard Williams, 1. W. ; I3ro. Geo. Cameron, S. B. ; Bro. Chas. Ritchie, J. 13, GIPSY WAN FOR ONE 20811.—Wo wa10200,. 000 subscribers before July let, 1883. to our large Illustrated publication, Tn>: Fine. BIDE lltao.tzrns. In orde rte get the above number of subscribers we must give away subscriptions the first year, and the second year we will make up the lost as most of them wall subscribe again, paying our reg. ular price. Send 25 Cents in silver, to pay postage a1'ld you will have the above Mag- azine to read ovary week for one whole year, If you. accept the above offer, we oxpsetyoa will be kind enough to distribute among your friends, a few small books containing our advertisements and 187 of the best household receipts, for which we will make 300 a present of a handsome, silver plated, five -bottle easter, or a plush covered photo. album. State how many books you can give away for us, and wowill send the books and Castor (or Album) prepaid' Order for your friends also, and you will never re. gret it. Address,Fla1slmtMA0Aenttt,Htlme, Ie. Y. Ftowxxs.—Last Wednesday we strolled into the grown houses of our local florist, Thos. Iielly, and had it look at the flowers. He has a mag. nificent display, from the prickly cite - bus, and beautiful gala lily, to the sweet scented geranium ftteohia, hang- ing plants, &o., &c., an endless var. iety of every shade and style. His flowers and plants never looked bot ter and anyone wanting anything of the hind to beautify their home or garden should call. A visit and a chat with Mr. Kelly will give you more information in a little while about flowers than reading for menthe about them. In additi a to fiowere, planets, shrubs, bulbs, 1w„ linea lot of cabbage and tomato plants that are in a very thrifty condition, No one, who has a little leisure time, will re- gret a visit to Mr. Kelly's green houses. cheese. Some of the patrons sent over 700 lbs of milk. Sam. is the boy to handle the milk and turn out the tip-top cheese. BADLY BEATEN. --Leet Saturday night Jamas Drewe was injured very severely by being struck on the head and taco by some sharp insturment. His arm \0118 also damaged. Dlr. Drewe says, we are informed, that when he was going home he was set upon by someone, unknown to hem, near the bridge, who struck him and knocked him down. He says the party must have made a mistake in the mat. Another report says the injury was done on Mill St. near Wet - 'son's crossing or thereabouts, and in the rachet that took place shots were fired twice from revolvers and blood freely spilt on the sidewalk. As an investigation is desired, by the lovers of order ou Mill street, probably the real facts of the case will be brought out. 1\lr. Drew° is still confined to his room and is under the care of a physician. We regret to say that the names of some of our citizens of re- spectability were at first mentioned in connection with this unpleasant affair, but we are glad to say, from diligent enquiry, that we do not be lieve such to be the case as the parties at first blamed are entirely ignorant and innocent of the matter. Fula.—Lastleriday ]horning, about 4:90 o'blo011, the fire alarm rung our citizens out of bed and a rush was made by the firemen for the engine and -hose Harts. Tho fire started iu Thos. Norton's etable, just back of the terrace, but owiug to the inflam• mahie materiel it soon spre id to II. P'oster's stable and then to Eneohtol's stable, which were congealed, The engine was taken to the Gunk, near the Revere House, and throw two strstiale of water ou the fire in good time, What caused the fire appears to be a Mystery. 801ne say tramps and some give other reasons, not very well defined. 'Niter° wan no Meer ante ou the property. lir, Foster \vas probably the heaviest loser, out- side of 001111'8 of the buildings, as lie lost a quantity of hay, a 110,3 pall of bobsleighs, part of his harness and stable outfit. lie had it close shave to get, ono horse out 03 tho bedding was on fire before ho got out of tbo stable, Had the wind been high the lose would not probably rest on the three persons named, Its it was burl• ing shingles were carried a long dist- ance. .After' the fire \vas over there ; wits still 4 4. foot of water in the tank. 1t \vas immediately filled up (again before the engine wvas taken bade to the engine house. Dunoau 0, Rosa will probably gbrludon tlthletiio again for 14 week or two, and It)10001100 an intention to anter the pulpit. A. San r'rancieco despatch says that, Charley Mitchell and hose llttd some hot words at a sporting house at an early hour in the morning. Both had been drinking, and ROSS remarked on separating 1— "Mitchell, 1 ounlcl whip p011 if 1 had you 111 a room." Mitehell replied :— "Well, you have the here Dow. ROSS threw oft his coat and made a feint at blitoboll, but wag met half way, and struck under toe right eye, the blow knocking Ross clean awaits the room and stunning him, Friends theta interfered and separated the eombatLnts, Ross being, badly punish- ed, Dressed Nuys 1-4111 par bbl„ a•hole,+alp . Shoop skins, each Wool 112 U(1 BANKING. kVA. .IN'.ruSll & ,Uta21.GGAIi`L, 3AN1(ERS .1RUSSELS TRANSACT A t1liNI';ItAL BANNING 101 1331300. Notbeofhand Lisc,unted. 101001,11$010011011 110po1410 repayable on demand, i'rnmet, Mei tlul:given to canoe 1Iou 6, -t LrUAI. AND tldNVEYANlyI H . {�11'1�1tU 11L1,10t. LA\V 'lJt 4 G0 office, arnut's Black, !bulimia. money 0u to isau. UU g AY J' E.WADE,13111t1i1d'1'1!ilt &u. - 71•011700 fmlvuerlyocoupiotl uy A. 1. 110 NI Cull ,7la7.,la Look fu's sleek. Money to loud. 1 >) VY 11. DICKSON, rich) Solicitor, Conveyancer, 1O. 031100 in (traut's Inclk, Brussels, Money to Loan. A LEX. LtU:IT111i, U.L,laltli U1' 1. the Fourth 11tvisiuo Court Cu. LIUrOO, Convoyancor,Notary 1'ublio,Ltnd,Lunu and (11amenco Agent, Hu nils irtyo0tud and to Loon Oolloo1loas 111 ado. Wilco, Graham's Block Brussel u, U0 . Mato with Jarrow&('roudfeot,Code - THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. I RVANT GIRL WANTED AT once. Apply at '111171 P1BT Publishing House. rel \V 0 ELIGIBLY SITUATED JL houses for sae chomp, 81100011 owl 0)1 1 tr000, both ooenvied. Al ply at font Office. 45.410 ,{ IACT.ION.--NOTICE 1.3 LIE 1lE• V by given to all persons trespassing on the premised of the undersigned. Those trespass. lug will bu pr , 00011ted according to law. emtsa1I BArtemar1 45.410 Lot I8, Con, 7, Gray. -1 WE 33911A.YE D FR011 THE pramtsus at the uuaoreiguad, about two weeks ago. Sou Is white ill outer with a dark nose. Any Information leading to her recovery will bo tnaukfally- received. Word may be lett ut rein 108.0 Puwinuntg House, tl, S. WELSH, Brussels. 'EARDi'110 REN]',—LOT 1'1, (JON. 7, Grey, will bo rented for four or live years. NOM aro 44 soros of fall 1711005 sown Hud full planing done. Possession given at anytime. JOHN Me1NTU3H. 506f �1All 11 FORS E 1' \' SAL.-1'11&'AL• noble farm, being composed of tin north ho 1 of lots ',o, 28 et &U,00n. 3,At0rrie, 110 acres. Terms easy. Apply on tun premised, u. 311AL1084 ANNUAL MEETING. Teo /sent meeting of the 13russals 51eit fan. los' Testi Luse 0111 bo hell in the Institute roams, on ruesday, May 1017, at 4:15 o'clock, p.m. A large attendance is asked for. A. EIIN tLit, 13,.v. J. B08S,B.A., Soo ratan.. President. FOt3 OF LOGGING TO LET.— C The nod 'reigned has' 20 am of land, lot 25,cou, 5, Grey no wants logged. Tela work will bo subdivided to salt persons taking the job. Two seasons, 1b(5 mud 1855, will be allow- ed for oompleting,tue wo7k. For further pir- 1)011 rs apply to THOS. \VIIITE, Prop„ 154 81tuo1P.0. ITOUSE & LOT FOR HAUL, ON Queen Street 012ore is Mao tt shop on the Lot teat could bo utilized for a stable. 30111 be sold on reasonable term\1'r 1 0 1ai1A. R j1A11,11 F011 SALE.—BEING N 4 of lot 2e, 0011, 5, Morris, lying within 3 miles of Brodie's, 87 acres cru weaved and mostly under grafi, balance darda',od bush. Good buildings, faeces, orchard, Ste, For par. thin Mrs apply 14 GEO, I'01tSYTH. N.H.—Alan u drat -class yoke Of oxen ,for sale, nett G. P. UL L 1'O Ll, SE11VICE; .—TFIE subscriber has a thoru'drud Durham Bull for service on lot 5. non. 5, Grey, 'Perms, 51, if paid at thug of service, or 41.4) to be paid la Ateuyry, 4891, wan privilege of returning, 01302. SMITH, Proprietor. \ OTIOE: — P THE PATRONS O the Moms ,0 Groy Choose and Eater 11501075' are hereby notified that the faa0t.ay will commence operations on the 14111 inst. DUNA.n .OuLAIICHLIN, Prue. !TIRE PARTIES WHO UNLOAD - 14. oil trio rn']biah on the 5131 line of Morrie, 701100011 311,000 (Move's and Gllrri0'8 slaugh- ter house hast week aro rogeeet0d 80 remote it forthwith or they will be pro0eoutedamord- ing to 140, As the parties are 10001011 this ne- tted is given as a warning. INU, 0100:1100, P at,11maoter. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. NOTICE. --The Court of Revision for the Township of Merritt, for the year 1805, will be hold at the Town Hall, on the First clay of jettac (ie.7/, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Alt parties interested will please take notice and act accordingly. ltay (i, 1805, W. CLARK Clark. OUNTY HURON JULY IYA11'II. NATIONS, 1880. Fh'ot•class, Grade C. Non-professional at t110 Normal ;schools, Toronto and Ottawa, 011 Wednesday, July 15th, at 1130 p.m. Third-class, Non-professional I9xamination at the High Schools, in the County, o11 Monday, July 0th, 1 pan. Second-class Non-professional nxa/Ulna0IOn at County 1:11811 Schools, on Wednesday, July 81.1, at elope mon. For first-elaes oertifioatos, Grades A.. and B, Examination will begin after tho conclusion of the Professional Examination. Candidates must notify the Sooretmry, on or boforo First of Juno, the School whore 110 or she desires to write, naming the optional subject be or she wish. es to take, and the certificate bo or sho now hold, if any. Tho notice must bo aocom• pani.ed by a certificate of character and a fee of $2,00, er 1)4,00 if the candidate ap- plies for a 2n1 as well as a 3rd class Ex- amination, No name will bo forwarded to the Department, unless the fee mom paniee it. Forma of application rimy bo had from the Secretary. -The Heaid Mestere of the High Scheele will please send the applica- tions of their ca11/1(dmt00 to tho Comity In- spector of the division 4)1 30111111 the High School is situated, D,1vI, 3ALL0CI3I, PETER t. '3A-IISON, Presiding Inspector. 8 ,.y. 13. Exit's, list' 12111,1885, 4P.2in, MEDICAL CARDS. y A. \1u:4.1U1s.t11U,.r, 11, JJ,, C. V e 16, L• 11,0, 1,, adiuburgu. Yityeioleu, ourgouu and Aueouubouf, Wilco and residence that formerly 40001 011 by'Dr, 0. U. Gaines, mirth at bridge, Brussels. J. 11. 110110111148014, 111. 1). Z. 1'. C. P..eialnb arab. Has removed to las residence on Mill Street, 110uuudu formerly occupied by Or. Uraham, and will bu 111000 an uigu4, lie .tall retains au mime at liarsrom von' L rug Score. DENTAL. n L. BALL, L. D. a., 11UNUit k.A . tiradnuta a.IJ .nlu.,lboi' 01 Lad 11(70. 30110110 01 01111,1 0.111400.1b, 1.07 110. 01)100 111 blrtt111ere Bloom, 11.1.t. Windham edict) Ott Wednesday, Bent p0eetole 1/411w1 Lukuu 10 all operatione. Lours 88,1,. t0 5 p.m, HDIEL CARDS. A 81L1t1UAN 1101'L+ L, BR ; S— eca- 1ELb,A,uuts,1 ltt0uul.proprieturx,lnrbc ..founven,Ont.i..mpiel'OO io, 4e0• 1101110 denlmorulllusod ovum 3rltvellurx. Aum bdrix always ,0U1lpla,.d lY14u lou SIIUlee.1 totalld.U1 Ln0UOIb ,. 0 .a g."'a, .>0 .1.401111.0 Ilustluralwayo On nand, BUSINESS (ARI1S. U'U0 ±1011, 1..'.uAU1i1sit J..1� of 0h0ruugu Hues, vocal, and lustre. Wental 001100 u„ 1.1,1.,0, .''4011 amt vattar. -,1t0007000u•-1,.Lul,l u1 blirutte, I0l103),0, lin0,denue—:,u. 11, ltiuulul Oriuk Terrace, 4L-410. Jt'uaeulo, 001. vV".11. eloURAU.KEN, IU0100000Mlarrlmgu Lluunxux. 0111te u( hex grey„ ory, L'•ruuulry' street, 11-4) r0HN NOTT, VETERINARY 3urgeun,vradu,to of 0utario Veterinary 0011egm Toronto. liesidenue, 4heuunce lately 000101043 Alm) 1'31,00 ,naluoLrOet,Bruh- oOLl, A �MoNA11I,1SSUEP U1' MAlie C3. rinse Liounuos, by , epolutmout of 1,ioutouant-Governor, Uommiooloner, to (4f B. 0Uu70yanOOrand Agont3iru Lnsuran0eCo• Ofaoo0t theJrunbrook Poe tO Moo Will lLINERY & HAIR DRESS - log dole by airs. Turnbull, awn. dance—North ouhout hien, 1Jemir of Me. obailie street, ftreseals, Cato—We would r0n0nneadalLg'a .sItruarubumllno u1o1r0, iWzu11u0 e Lakelleld ois1 she gave eovd 0nd dying 0 en tt her O 1a halo in making over and 118th (016 and 0104.7 halm 11.4131)11 l t lou. 45.4m ROBT. CUNNINGHAM, Insurance Agent, GUELPfi, ONTARIO. MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, in, the Township of T'ur)zberrt/, and T�t.11n.r/e lif 7F'rOreter, both in. the County of Rayon. DURSUANT TO POWER OF Hale 00nttned in a nation tiortgoge, wile() will bo pr08)1001 at the Limo of sale, and in paymett of which default has been 171085, taore will bo offered for sale, by Public auction, at the thump CENT/Du, Isomer, In the Vill ego of \Vrnxotnr, on Wednesday, the twen- tieth hay of May, et. D. 1855 at Oho hour of twelve, 110011, in two parcels, 1110 following valuable lreeh0ld properties :—.1st parent—Tao north parts of lots nnmbors fifty-eight, fifty she and sixty, in the first eonoes0ton of the township of TOruberry, in the Conn by o f Huron, aortal/ling by admoneurenlout ono hundred and ten intros Oland, more or leas. 2nd 'panel --being 001071000) of two Horns, can lairs out on farm lot number twoatvbiaht, h1 0000080100 of the township of Howlett, in gala County of Huron, and may bo doseibod 118 (011owe (- noandod o0 the north by the Ono Between 10ts twonty.aven and twon6y.01sht on the Galt by the west side of Carroll xtrbat, in the vlllago of 0,Vroxotor, on tete south by Main 0170,61 and on the weet by ttve (acres, 0100011 by John sandamon, Paeool No, 5 is Bald to 0u11tti,) 41 nares of elOaran50, is 01110.ted 011 the Main gravel road betmtihdeoihr'(rHrnnt to Brussels st0Wroxeter buhldloge oil the lac Faroe] No, 2 is sitne,top in the vtltage of Wroxotor, Don WW1 0014 two twos and 1f wvell adapted for sawmill or other manufacturing buslooes, 01' a0 a market gard5n, Torus,—Dior earb01 No. I, ton pot cont down on day of sale, 811 0150 in thirty days wilhont intoroet, For parte! No, 2 one third of pun., ohaeo m0)10y down oh day of stile, halftime In thirty days without interest, Tito clear, nave a mortgage of $700 to the Canadian remanent 7 Oan h 0170(150 Co. witleh purchaser will as. sumo as part of wfarblin ° money; Conditions win bo made ]mown on day of s ain. For ihrthor partichlars apply to ft. B, D1tr- ion, wlxlx,t,,. James Drewo, brussels, to the Auotioueer, or r, s. so0•pt,', lb, 1s 45-8 Auotinoor, Vendor's or's Solicitor.