HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-5-15, Page 7MAI' 15, 1r..
affairs would Itoop him in town
Into in the following wook,but het,
tho hornet to whiolt sho was going mite 14
quiet family botol, sho would have no
Mr. Mnir had telegraphed tho arrival
of his brother, and Mai latter had
writtou0 fon, cordial lint haety bone to
both his sietor•iiislaw oast Madge, Whoro
110 spoilt 11114 eveidogs war; 11111010W13 to
Mr. Muir, lint that gonblonian had little
tronblo in goossing w10.01 ho saw his
brother greet tho WiIdmores as if ho
undorstood their plOuH, and laughingly
promiso 31r. Wildmoro that he would
sec the laslios and their holongings safely
established 10 bho Umlor•Otill lluttso.
Graydon observed tho elight cloud on
his brother's faco, but ignorcal it, fool•
that his profuronce was au affair of his
own. ilo boiioved 1411014 14110 long.wiehod.
for opportsinity to press hie suit; with
vigor had come, and had no hesitation
as to hisyurposo. Ho did wit intond to
art precipitately, however. Ho would
first loarn ;Met flow Mr. Arnault stood,
and become reasouably assured hy Miss
Wilduiero's manlier toward hitusolf that
her proferonco was not a hope, but a
The enterprise in which Mr, Muir had
engaged, and which now so tiosoil his
tinaneial strength, was outsitto of his
regular businoes, and Graydon know
nothing 01 114. The yottfig roan honeyed
that his own means and exceptionally
good prospects woro sufficient to war.
rant the step ho proposed to take. Ito
assuredly had the right to please him-
self in his choico, and he felt that ho
wooltl bo fortunate indeed coohl ho win
ono wl sea so many had sought in vain.
.4 nos= mitered Mr. Mittr's wind to
aterpose any authority or undue in•
?Thomas He tueroly felt in regard to
Lai matter a reptignanue natural to ono
o Mien in disposition to Mr. Wildmoro
and his daughter, and it was 11 sourco of
',tor tuortificatiou to him that he ucw
.. 111(1. liiineolf in a position not
t:..tt of tho broker, in what w,.111d ap•
Pear, in the pies, lib cemeet of ar:.tint. to
be an ontsble • .',l.,t ion. I Ol•tho
ride to the izlom• nil,: be inentaliy
Pared " 1" vhir with
that of :Ueda: e•-ek.i.ei., o. %Vito i•
Mg Graydon's evident in.:dilation,
would hay) boon glad re itaseptize 11ey.
inauifostation of trait.. that pronlisod
well for 1114 futon ; 1)111 the young la. 114
81114 eVillE.1 Illy no tlivr vritlt
O 'Atm:Weis Om received, o. su
neiniiroldi 1)(
11(0 o. 0 Paor Mrs.
r • t 1.• 1111.,-8.4140 left to In .11 Igo
1,1,, 1.11. 1, 111 could. wir 1.,••
.10:1 to 0:ue 1W1C1.1 10011 140 00 b.
but his strange 10.00 vo:se ouly
frighteued bho
To Madge it had soomed an ngo
shim the tolegram announcing Oray•
don's arrival had thrilled etery stories
wit', !yew au,' tem Then had come
hie 4. y note, proving '01,
arrectimotte ,,,l1.
111' Amigo to 11in1, as or u1.I. 1. 8140.1
the ono 10011 of all tile world to bi 1', lig 1
110 C 4h:elating "il." 1400,1 ho tit. sparse)
of her restrithst.
.1 rue to her old toot: •.:. howoror. silo
had spent no thoo idlo 114.11,11.ing.
Sho had cultivated Dr. Soinnites ac.
quaintauee, and ho had already aeconi-
pamod her and her etstor througli a wild
valley, on the occesion 01 41, visit 14) 1,110
of Ins pationts. Lath: J auk had im•
proVed under bis care, and Mrs. Moir
NATIA growing serene, rested, and oagor
for Saturday. Madgo shared her 11(1.
1'..t('11110, and yob dreaded the hour dur-
ing which slio felt that a glimpse of tho
fature would bo revetdod, She had
driveu out daily with her iiitator, foul
familiarized horsolf with tho topography
of tho rogiou. Itaviug formed tho ac-
spliiiiitatice of 001110 pleasant and com-
paratively active pooplo iu the house, she
had joined such walking expoclitions as
they would venburo upon. In rowing
the obildron upon a small lalro, she also
disposed of somo of her superabundant
vitality and the noryous excitement
which auticipation could nob fail to pro.
duce. In the evening thero was 010140or loss dancing, and her baud was
eagerly sought by such of the young
mon as could obtain the right to ask it.
Mrs. Mui' remark that she would be-
come a hello in spite of herself proved
trim ; but) svhilo she affected no exclusivo
or distant nits, the most callow and for-
ward youth fon ab once the restraint of
hor line reserve. Her sonsitive nature
eintbled her, iu 41plow of pnblic resort,
to know instinctivcly whom to koop at
a dietanoe, and who, 11110 Dr. Sommors,
not only invited but justified a frank
aud friendly manner.
As 14110 111110 for the gentlemen to ar•
rive) approaohed, Mrs. Muir showod
more restless inteirost than Madge. The
01113 autieipated a bib of amusement over
Oraydon's morprise ; the other looked
forward to meeting hor fate. Mrs, Muiv
was garrulous; Madgo was compara-
tively admit, and manitained the SUM -
blame of hatorest in a book so naturally
that her sister oxelninted, "I oxpect yen
will ilio with a, book 111 your 11011(11 I
could no more read now bliao preach a
sorinon. Come, it's 141(110 140 4,01:0 your
toilot, Lob mo help you, and 1 want
you to gob yoursolf up 'porfoctly rogard.
less.' You must outshiuo btu= ell at
tho hop this availing."
"Nonsunso, Mary 1 Tboy won'b ho
More for an hour and a half. I'm going
to lie clown ;" and she went to her room.
When her sbdier sought adinibbanco half
an hour latoe tho door 11'00 10014011 and
all was quiot. Ab lasb,111 her impabieueo,
pile knocked and criod, "Wako tm.
Thoy will bo hero soo»."
"I'm not asleep, and it will 0014 140110
mo long to dress.°
"Well you are tho coolest young wo-
man 1 over knew," Mts. 114101r called out,
finding that admittance was denied hor.
Madgo had &tumbled 1.0 spend the
final hour of her long separation alone.
Hor nature had b000tno too loop and
strong to soak trivial diversion from bho
111111110000 sear wongnoct upon hor sprit,
As 14110 thought of the possibility of fail.
ure, and its 11081110, her courage faltered
a littlo, and a few tears would oomo.
At last, with°, glance heavonward wilioll
proved that thore was nothing iu her
heart to keep hor from looking thithor
for eanotion, sho loft 1140111'o�0), Serelle
and resolute. She had takonlior woolen's
dostiny Mtn lior O814I1 baud, to mould 114
in her own Way, but in 110 arrogant and
Mrs. Muir uttored a disappointed p
tost. "0 Madge, how plainly you
drossod I"
"I know yois wouldn't like it at first,"
W08 tho (mit% eeply. By the tinio thoy
had melted tlio parlor door opposite
tho 011101., mar 814111011 they proposed to
8140(1 1(114 010 travellers, 11101 ileittarily ex-
po tea, Mrs. Muir was conipolho. to au -
linos lodge the correctness of Madge's
taeto, ller ('(1141111 111) moro clistractocl
attontion front liereelf than would tho
inloldi lig calyx of a rosebud. du he no.
1101041'' proportions her Soo figuro 814118
outlined by close whits., drapery, which
111E010 her appear tailor than she road).
11111. A single lialf-open .Jacquo edit
rose, liko blip one slio had sent to Gray-
don at their parting over 111,0 340011111(4:14,
was faetvited on her bosom. Her dark
eyes burned with 0 sill -pressed excitc-
ne r ! %ion, if not 140 8,11110
11,1 t Lai b of 'Miss Wraltnero, was puro, and
had a richer lme of health. But elm
Wag pato now, iter red lips half clo•
strop -SI their esetilsito curves in firm
, (impression. The mouton t had nob
qehe ('01110 1014 ae.imi, when those red
s most bo 11:111, to bersolf, true to 14011
poleax), oven WI ilo they 51101(0 114011114
which mi-Ait 1,e ru's'ort.ding to others.
i\irs. Muir, with triumph, saw the
glauees of strong admirution torte"( 10-
'1111414(1 hor sister trout ovory side. .:11,,,Igo
saw them also, but only to read in them
1110 verdict she 11111,4.411140 obtain Loth Cie
Litel bloc oyes for whose cowing eloi
Ftseilliies, with Mr:. Muir, hieing the
long hall .14:v..ii which Oro, anti 101111
ad yams-, she knew sho would sco him
below 1 recognize her. How
4140011 mg, of breathless interest,
v...,111,1 in 114000 (0041100(0
hilt, 1101.01 1 111u1 novel: in,ng1n-
cid 1E1 1 inoy Were passing.
04 14(00 begun to arrive, with con-
(41'!.nait 1 onstle, ((((11 14110 hasty ac1V8,11110
1,111 tad 1110 office of mon oeking to
ro. ister their 110.11108 early, in order to
secure it elude() of roome. At last alio
8011' Graydon's tall form (1011 larighing
lace, and for a second something ap.
preaching to faintness caused hot: to
close her eyes. \\lion she opened dim
agniu they rested upon Miss \\ILI/Imre.
'rhis young holy understood the art of
ina:cing au impremeive and almost
41'11110 p11111 entry on new scenes. Thero•
fore she had bout in 110 haste. Indeed,
haste hail 110 )110110 ituaaig hor attributes:
it 814118 ungraceful end usnally not offec.
doe. When, the'refor,-, the crowd had
;aimed on. and thew was a compare.
tivo ewer soma. in tn.() nati,stio 0 1 Van eat
drawl 11 at csrayilon as 11 11014 mind
W115 011(1,143' ongro„suil with 11114114 lively
(11101, 'Nos.14 mi. a 1 1 1011 1,41IL W118 8110
1101,118010118 of 1101 attoition they at-
traat.al. Ciraysleu WW1 0110 41 1(110111
014,1i 110141 WI11.11, 1 turn and too0 as lio
11111 1.10110V. 1 that t. 01..1 W111
.1.,1' 81110 C011iii :it W1111
11 1110:1101 tho soli-
.., 1..eltteu ot r eotiott who
it.ways culiously the .1.w -comers
11 ...Ina •:' 1.10114, anti Lliere wow
milk; .1 1 1 ,4 A of admiration aa the
two p es....d 11 1' 0. moment bofore tho
it.si.t.e. :11111 /01141:401 110:1)4., Then it 014:1
801,0 C111 4 a 1,141'0/1. :ng lady and
n 1 I I ILA', tttl,1 1.1111,1 011013 811 ag,liog after
Clem, v. hilo lir. Muir brought up tho
loar, (.41(144.011 lied wino light wraps
thrown oe.. eofully (Ivor his anti, but tho
tome:lent curried the less ornamental
bales es. e.si of the party, for 1110 0(11411(11'
gut ete hail already overladen tho office.
boys. He now handed the valiso—a
sort of Unlace upon the baby—to
porlor, auil rather grittily acknowledged
Mrs. Wildine.re's mingtod thanks and
fceldo protestations.
1. aso resistor for us," said Miss
Wilibuore, gluncing carelessly yet ob-
servantly around. (111 interveniug group
hail 1 urtially hidden Marlgo. mid her
sister. It W08 11100 014iCI011.4 111E11 Gray.
dou was too nmeh occupied with his la'r
compailion to look far away. Ho coin -
'hue, thi tilting, meantime, "Some dny I
nifty register for her again, and tlito toy
1181110 will 01111100 101' 118 ball." The
smile '.141 11011 follo \veil the thought
brought 0111 11113 11.11411,11114 Or 1110 11014,1.
HOMO 11101110 10 13001' MILdgil, W110 per.
rnittoil 1111 1111080 of expression eii that
1(010 to (away° het seeritiny. So true
Wa0 1110 14144114140301000 of 1101' 111.
tetiso intetest that she guossod 1111)
thotteht which was so agroor-blo to hint,
and 8110 grow paloe
Mr. Unit hastened to grout his who,
011(1. 111011 Graydon rcoognizod her. II0
canto at mule and kissod her in his ac-
ed: t benety way. Madge stood
near, utinotod, unrecognisocl.
"Micro's ISIculgo ? Isn't she wall
enough to 00100 (JOWLI ?" ho askod, his
eyes following Miss Wildmero, who had
entered the parlor,which she =let cross
to reach her room beyond. A.Its, Muir
began to laugh immoderatoly, and Mr.
Muir followed his beother'e oyes with
vexation. Graydon was on 00 qui ((Iv
instantly, and Madge drew a stop near,
or and began to smile. For onco the
1.10 -
punctilious and elegant Graydon forgot
his courtesy, and looked ab Madgo in
ubter astonishment,—an oxpression,
howovor, which passed swiftly lute ad.
miration and dolight.
"11.1aclgol" ho oxolaimed, seizing both
her hands. "I couldu't have believed
it. / wouldn't havo boliovod it now but
for your oyos;" and boforo alio could
provOnt hfm ho had placed a kiss upon
hor lips.
Miss Wildmoro had soon tho unknown
botu,ityas sho passod, had invoutoriod
I "%O.."( I .4 1111,
i. 111. I11,1i .41,1,1) 00 1110 41.. 1,11 (114')!
1 . 11 1.'011 1. , 1 , I,. ., (1413,
1 "41 8.11:1 IL '.:'•01().,. 11,3111 1:i 10,1. 1.111,y
11 l'1,3,!VII'S i". 441 worth+ and saluto
sedii ea.ai otte...iis glances,
the Monty ally withdraw into a
11 ter. tl ortiorof the a' artment, Mil(l4)o'5
mese a. I ,..10..‘111.l., A.) iLigi 111 Kili10 of
horsed'. 11 ro-o r breeet.
Graydon wo,ii,1 1104 11,01111111.11 her hand,
nod, as Mrs. Siiiir he 1 pi cellettel, 10-
41)4)1(11(1 in little mom 1.114111 oxclutuation
s'rliero now, he rational," e111401 t;'.10
young girl. !noshing, her heart rot the
loom. lit bill or glioloese 1111t1 1.11(101 1111,
llo so: iodood bonding upon her look
Of oh...Intim., atrectien,
"Why have I heou hopt in tin) dark
about. 1411 thin 1" bo at last asked, into.
"For the 801130 reasoo that wo wells
:Iftelgo ineant to siva tie a eurpriso, and
stuicoodcd. I couldn't got m or it. awl
thoy wore always laughing et mo, r
dobortionecl that I slimed. 1101'0 1143' MIN14
04 4.4.111. ()II, wasn't it rich 1 To think
the ohsgaut and relined society man
stanoin.4 there etaring with his evet, and
(340 11(1 00N2.11W10.)
Nine beel.quality always oultand nod tleii,N-
orea in auype.rt °kite Villagefree of charge
TERIES Very Favorable.
2vthich 1110111(1114551 muzket price lb e
Paid .
Xaleo make a Specialty oibuyiughide sand
Stine. Don't forget the Place, next d mit
to 014,tetteroJelvell1'3Store.
The mularsigned begs leave to announce to
the Public generally that he has purchased
the Entire Stook of D. Vrain, harness
maker, and flavin brought a Largo Stook
of his 0W.11 Make ,ho is prepared to Com-
pete with the lheapost, 08 110 Buys Strictly
for Cash A Complete Stock of
And Everything in the Harness Lill
Harness 1118(10 10 Order from best in a
1014151 011 Shortest Notice.
Repairing Promptly Attended. to
A U,z 0110110(1 before Purchasing
sass Don't f orget Ole piaci!, in DV Graham a
Block, 1.).PUIL111'S 0111 S411...1141, 1111111 Stroet,
Make Money !
Outfit worth a Large Bum of Mon-
ey all Free. You will find Your
Fortune in our Circular.
Great Chance for Lady
,rigents to .Make Money.
Terms -and Outfit Froc. You
will find our Circular a Prize.
Fowit Air Puumstuxo Co.
St. Catherines, Ontario.
C. H. Maddaugh
hogs iettve to notify tiro peoplo of Beussols
and surrounding country that ho has open.
ecl a shop in GRANT'S .BLOCK, formerly
coeupiod by W. IL Morris, whore ho will bo
pleated to attend to tho wants of all favor-
ing hint with thoir orde', T110 best of
satisfaction guaranteed.
The undersigned 111 returning thaulcs to the Cranbroult
and Surrounding Country for their Liberal l'atrtala.ze during the past
8 years would respectfully intimate 1111114 114.' lias again rustum d busi-
ness and will be found at the 011 Stand, really 111 atteivi to the Wants
of 1118 C Ilf40111LTS.
:EJTJ 0.7Er 14IO_BPI1\70-
T-11 W &&- SPQp
will be Under the Management of a Firi-t-Clas, Mechanic,
R6pairinl Of d Einds ,41tici/e1(.07 to.
We a so Make a Speciaty of „Ven. fl (irk fibt up
F ir t- CCM St e and Gunianto.:a
to Give ,s'attsfaetion •
We are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing fill•
Victoria noaa Cart,
allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of A]1 two wheel Vehicles -
Intending Purchasers Should Call and Examine.
aos=p-wat; zaivEcFria,
7'anotorle Son,N -:= rvoluietras
We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our Nov
Roller Mill is in Complete Running ()rail' and is giving the Best )ati-
we also make the following Brands of Flour :
Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and
Snow t orm.
Gristing Attended to with PromptnesS.
I-Army:s(1'ream) or—
all made of the Best Material and finished in a workman -like manner.
Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to.
Parties intending to buy should call before
BainnanEs.---Marsden Smith, B. Laing, James Cutt and William
Gl'ey township ; Wnj. earneren, Win, Little, Geo, Brewer,
and David Breckenridge, Morris tcwnship ; Thos. Town and William
Brussels ; Rev. E. A, Fear, Hirkton, and T. Wright, Turn.
harry township.
LTAS. IST3- -"2-Za?„8