HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-5-15, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST. IraCi,C'r' c Churches OG1C1'Doi „,'Iloilo, Jonos," said Doaoon Gilpin I Ile aro allowed to degenerate, groat lnlitnito will bo niacin if the eat- foto,, what you been (doing the past few t t -wn -- :NI. 13LASIIII,L, 'tumour, thanking hie �f 11many oudtout IH for their llb«r• - - -- days ? I haven't soon you auywlloro . I Iva ether fruit i1' more a epeu(i eut til support for t1. past SIX years llrn,vtl.t i Chrl., a Stitt' tit SerliOes 11k "Oh, I've boon tnining." ".dining I On goof e111ttlre for quality anal quoit- wlshox to inform them the t be. tlty of product thou tho black currant, iagl,anla autat ate old aloud lute att«d up ry 8llull hl 1,1111110'8 ale❑!( 111 ural •«l+tdH atYlo whore bo hopnx to soc all the ,a,1 ,OHtentl•rx and alimony new ❑nos 0(0 yon at to gn'l Ina, a call. I keep nothing het a rdt•uhtns meats, ell Minis ofPoulin. :u'd•i1u,•e3 )1011 1,oltet'ra4 to nil parts oft ., rown 1,eee, Cash pari for 11 a.m. and h.au p.m, Sunday School at 4:30 p,m, lie t..loo. Rosa, 13. A., pastor, Homo ('acre 3t,---4abbatll Sorvieee at 11 a.m. and 3138(1 jt,ul. Sunday $011001 at 1190 p.m. 160v. s, Jones, Pastor, Sr. Jmtv's 1'11^nert...- Sabbath Services tit What in thunder eau you mine in this part of York State, 1'11 like to pool) ?" "Oil, I've been kalaoiniuiug 1l'ife'a cleaning house. AnAPAh io;eotor ir00 with oat11 bottle 0f Tho yoaug plants grow foot ; 1110) boar a crop tho oecoud year after planting, and continuo produotivo for many yearn. They should he placed Bat etoek. 11 a.111. and 7 1,011. 1mobty School at 9190 Shiloh's-Catarrh Remedy, Price SO Ms. 4()10 111 tho ground not 61013er thou six foot a.m. llrv, W. 1', 1'3611'0, incumbent, to ti. A. Pendulum. TIL1,:aCf I' U1 BRUSSELS. �. , )r vices at Tun aev, coos 1 . Thayer, of llarbo», lad., j apart, and tho ground hetwoeu should Mgt 11.11,10v t''fl•f: 1!- ...A hail. r says: "1s❑th 100 off awl wife owe our lives to ho cttili\'ated and kept free from weeds. 10:30 a.m. mud 3:31 p.tu. 5 middy h„buol at 0hil,4: s Cuttxuulp1i01 Cure." mold by lino. A. 2:911 p.m. J,1.(, 1 :'.v. 0. C.CiappisOu, Oeatu,nu, If, in addition to this, till 316109 of flouts C.1Ta'lit• ('n'•atlt.-Sabbath tier. A witness, 011 beim; tadg'ared by 'a over two yel1rd old the cut out, leaving viae third S 11 .11‘ in oven' 1000111 ut 11 a.m. lawyer, and toll rept'Ittcdly thin loo six or Revell of the two \'gar old cued, 1tr.'. 11, J. Shea, l•ri.:t' had sworn to "toll the truth, )1t, 1 a go 1'(l crop may be reaiOuably looked tom 1,311.300 0 h• z,nt•: every '1'llursday ohIlo truth, and nothing but the for. The bush ehuuld bo pruue(1 so ,''coin! 111 (iral:aul'd block, truth," wagasked if loo saw the do- 118 10 give It a eup slhtpO form -open ;I,{s,xlcliOrra Tuesday at 9r before 11111 fondant luck tho plaintiff. Well, ho eeutr0. moult in pulmo-•' block, A. i3. h'. W. Len„c u:..1s ,n 4nd and answered, very slowly and cautious, I last \wodur'.:•6 } ctrmi ,.,5 each mouth. can't exactly ha\' that I did ; but 1 1'0ttosrsn'0 I. 1'.11 :hid anti last Monday saw him tale 11io foot ttwfty three evenings ofcool: :u-ntth in Smala's hall. I tomos, Called chartreuse. G. L. 1st 11 oda; in every month in Ann you made miserable by Indigestion. Orange Hall. Constipation,Diszluess,lossoftippet°,room. Squared of frosted gold the linked Posr Ur:t.::.--t1 ;L.. I1::1' 11 1)1 S a. 111. , alt ? hpiloii vitalizer is a posi1000 cur0' tognth0r 100 bracelets. Sol 1 by Cl. A. Doadman, Gold Rud woolen laces are much FASHION NOTES. Cao of the new 01311(108 of groes is to 7 p. til. )1ac1110103 IXs11Trrn Beading Boom and lbrary in Ilolit.t " block, over S. 13. Sma1e's store, will be ()pen from 6 to 7 p.10. on Wed- nesdays and 1'lidays and from 4 to 0 p.m. on Saturdays. "I can always tell when I am iu the United Status or Canada," rc, marked a 1',flnlo traveller the other day. "II o !" ropiied his oolnpa.u- iou, "I'his way :-Wlteu in Canada, VARIETIES. if you smile tit a young lady from the _ car window, she will always turn and Pi' not toil 1 luau he lies. It is run. Iu the United Statoo she will vulgar. Say :hat lily conversation strain Ler nock out of joint trying to suggests to 7„03 mind a patent medi- cine advertiOlLneUt. A now jou31101 in New York is cal- led The Cook. If there is anything in a name it 011.0111 "take the carie." And bako it, also.• Sutton's Catrrrh 'Srulody-a positive cure for Catarrh ,Uiphslieria, and Canker Mouth, Sold by Geo, A. Lea,lman. The dairynillid pensively milked the gold, All 1 pouting she paused to mntter- "I wish, you trate, you would tu.n return the smile. Fon Dyspepsia end Liver Complaint, you have a nrnite,l guarantee 00 every- bottle of Shiloh's Vitaliser. It never fails to cure. Bold b3 G. A. Deadman, A. Clear Ouse of libel, --Brown (to ltllvyer)-Smith called lie a -fool jack- ass in the preset= of witnesses, Is not that remark actionable ? Lawyer -Yes, it is libellous, certainly, Did 110 say anything else ? Brown (anx- iously) -110 said h" could prove it Lawyer -That 1V1311't mal(, any differ- euce. Brown (relieved) -A11 right, to milk," if you aro /tore of that. Go ahead But it only tnrued t 1 butt her. and suo him for $00. :ltc Gregor t 1'::r1:.'4 Cartons Corot() has been antun'd Cure will Immediately rollove t"sledbyyears M trial al:ehas been found Croup, Whooping Cough a nduroucbitis, Sold eem❑tit couven0 610 and effectual method of by (i, A. Deadman. :r+n1yfug atr1.nlia a(•hl. The greatest outlast). by a Now York fire, Officer Coogan valiantly dashed up stairs, and seeing a little golden haired form in opo of the rooms, quickly wrapped a quilt about it and said soothlogly : "Don't be seared deer; 1'11 tale care of you," Then lie made his way back to the street, and heard littlo Emily Popou "Yos, I au pretty tired," he acid, exclaim joyfully ; "O that good po- t'I set up with a corpse." "Was it a liceman had saved my big wax doll 1" wake ?" asked a friend, "No," Le Coogan tool( a look at the golden. answered, sadly "It was not awake ; haired form, resigned it to ite own, it was dead," and hurried to the station house to To tic nocd and tnarm, tbo nourishing and filo an application for a night off. .Invigorating (' 0pe tine of Robinaon's Phos- s renewed etren t1. and gy'i1a 111 i'ONot(tso. tic 1n use for cuts. burns and old sores, 130 sure yon gut etc Grng❑r LParko's Carbolic Car- ate. Sold for 21 elms by Jun. Hargreaves & Co., Druggists. "Iiiud wc'lti., never die" is a trite adage. The ul'.0 stied for breach of promise, wishes it 11'0011'6 a tali .))ty- ing, when h111 loving letters are pro- duced in priut. l nortsed ramal ton tive g 110Oyaney of razed a. l;rtlAlways ask for get('hoopholized u)Pi❑0, and b0 5ur0 300 get it. A clergyman iu Central Illinois startled his congregation with the an- nenrcement 1-"llemelnber our com- munion services next Sunday fora. noon. The Lord will be with us )luring morning Services, and the Bishop in the evening," A loan novel' knows how much 1110 comfort depends 011 small things un til ho searches his hast pocket for a match and knows that if he does not find one he can have no smoke until be reaches home ten miles away, Flail Lightning rure0 Neuralgia ht one min- ute, Fiui'i Li.btniug cures Toothache in one minute, Fluid Lightning cures Baca Mho in one minute, Fluid Lightning auras Lumbago in ane minute, Fluid Lightning believes Rheumatism in one minute, Fluid Lightning cures any pain or actin instantly. Price chola. Per boti.e at Juo. Hargreaves & Co's, Drug store. The poet Rum. inquires, =morn - fully, "Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud ?" We presume Brother Kuox's wife never got the latest style of bonnet direct from Paris before any other lady in town, or he wouldn't have asked such a fool It id one of the peculiarities of oats that it delights in a cool soil, and the longer the season of growth the heavier the grain. A period of cum paratively low temperature, if imam. ponied with frequent rams, may be depended on to ensure a good yield of Oats. Many farmers commit the folly of pasturing their meadowo in spring. It is much better for the farmer who 501113 the need of providing such pias. tnrage to buy fodder for his etock ; he will save by it in a larger Drop of hay, and he should learn from it tbo loeoon of keeping fewer animals next year. In pruning trees it is advisable to out the branches off close to the base, as otherwise new shooto will grow, and further trimming will bo requir- ed next year. Every cut should be made smoothly with a oharp salt', and lu seleoting the branches to bo lopped off an eye should bo had to tho form of the tree when the work is dono, Professor Arnold stated that it costs guess ion, more to mance milk from old cows than I don't believe tont story about, it does from young ones having the the whale 1111."1 ,(,.11011 1" declared Mies same mill( producing capacity, The percd of profitable milking does not terminate at the 11011110 age with all cows alike. Some 11 Old out longer than others, but, as a rule, the best effects do not reach beyond the eighth year of the oow's age, Jenkins emphatically. I suppose not," remarked Smith in an aside to Smithers, "She can't imagine how the whale could be so foolish its to give up a Ivan once 1)0 lead his grip (111 One." - 1MeGi'egor'P Speedy Cures ivory purchaser of eo,mou sons, business ntpa0ity,wheu requiring nn artiolo for a oar talo purpose, purchases only that which has boon triad or is showed first to test before buying. Ton ore allowed a free trial bottle o1 McGregor's Speedy Cure ,the great remedy for Dyspepsia ,Impure Rloo ri and Liver disorders at am). Ilargrea'ies & Co's, drag store. Sold at 4 0. awl SI per bottle. Soo testimonials ft Ont pel'a0118 ill your 00011 OW. "What explanation have you to of - for ?" aokedl to Judge. "I found the poeketbook." "In the gentletnau'e pocket, I suppose." "Yes, salt, e1 I hod said I found it somewhar else filen evil•miudeil folksees mougbt hab :,aid dor was :amelia spislcud about do transaction." Why will you aongh when Shiloh's Cure will give imuladtato pouch Price le eta, 50 ctc.,a..d 91.1(1) Sold by Gee. A. neednlan. The Force of Habit. -A clerk in a shoe store became tired of tho busi. mess, and obtained a eituatiou in a hardware star'). Iiis Ara customer, N, farmer's wife, came in nod called for mule slloea. "Yes, madam," he In a recent articlo in the London Times, English farmers aro charged with being, as it whole class, cruel to their laborers, hard•heartod to tho poor, rind neglectful to charitable in- rtitutions. The Agricultural Gazette challenges the truth of thodo It0ou8a- lions, and charges the Times with making them for a politnoal purpo9o- to stir up the farm laborer against his employer, and win him over to the side of tho parson and the land. lord. Although there i9 a ooneidor,able fall in the prices of fat 81001( DOW as coin• pared with two years ego, the shun - tion is not discouraging, Even at presort prices there is a fair margin of profit for feeders, and especially if account be taken of the means cattle - feeding affords for enriching the land, One good result of the . "option given to this industry is tho very general grading up of cattle, our farmers hav- usod on the now spring hats, Cutaway jackets of the dross mate- rial tiro much worn with the new spring snits, A pretty hot pin ie a swtul's head in gilt, 003301 so 0(i to loon( almost like a shepherd's crook. Jotted laces will 91111 be worn O(1 black summer wraps, and boadiug :of all 'chyle 18 158 popular a8 eves. Swiss gircllee, pointed above and below the waist, both in front and behind, ore made entirely of jet beads, Pongee dress sults ale elegantly embroidered in silk of a color to match too goods or fu a pretty con- trasting shade. A horde ohoo wi111 one end broken off, of Roman gold studded with goals for nails, servos its a new design for a brooch. It is again tho fashion to seal one's letters, nod bangles with seals at- tae11ud are among the newest devices in fancy jewellery. Byron collars of "solid" jet, with two ncarfd of beaded not to tie below the throat, aro shown to wear with black dresses. A dainty little lace pin 14 ill spray of fine leaves and a stem of diamonds the flowers being tiny for -get -me -note in frosted gold. Ad for stationery, it grows snorts dainty each soasou, and some very quaint dovioos aro used to hood fash- ionable Freuch notepaper and envoi' open. Many of the now black lace buu- netd are made of 1131 fashiouable "guipure de Genco" lace, mingled with gold loco and trimmed with orn- aments of real gold. Black straw bounotd aro trimmed with black velvet and gold lace. The folds aro soft knots rug through with slender gold pins. These bonnets aro appropriately worn with any col- ored oostnme, The Russian hat has a high pealed crown aucl a wide rolling brim out down at the front and back. The points thus made are faced with vel- vet and a handsome aigrette of fiolr• ers or feathers Calls gracefully over them tit the front for garniture. Bonnets for summer wear for full dress occasions aro to be made of tulle or crape, while, cream, sulphur, lilac, and pale green being the favor- ite tints. The trimmings are delicate flowers and loaves, ouch as the mim- osa and white violets and follago, Blaok loco jackets aro rovivod, and aro now nntdo of piece lace, cut with darts Loud side forms, precisely as basquod aro, One of tho 1)rett1051 of Froucb tl,ro(1l1 not has fivo deep points on its edge, eovorod with btu laid in accordeon pleats. A palm loaf of jot is above each point. One of the happiest inventions of the clay is that of reiuforeed silk for umbrella coverings. A stripe of a heavier quality is woven whore the fold usually resolves itself into a rant, - long before the umbrella shows any serious signs of hoar, and this now sill( will prove a vory great econoluy. Some of the now lace guilnpes and Russian ehomisettos, with elbow sleovoo to correspond, to be wore tho coming 81)010ler under cordletd or Swigs bodices of velvet, are oue of the prettiest of ulodorn fashions for young ladled, 6113 they give fullueos t0 a slender figure and dress a medium ono with dainty offset. Warts 000 Cattle. Warts may be boot trootod by re* moving them by moans of oharp scis- sors, and touching the cut aurfaoo with lunar'oaustic, chlorldo of zinc, or blue stone. When it is not desir. able to cut thom off, they may bo strangled by applylug L. ligature of strong thread about the upper por- tion. Said ; what .110 do you wear 7 Ho is ing boon taught that for tho export Tho brolg0s over tho rivor in Bel. now crying to got back into the slice tract) 501100ss woo only possiblo with lovillo aro to be 8,1ise(1 to prevent line. the largor and bettor broods, and it I (image from future floods. -COURT ill 1,1:t'L,'+Iff\', Not icei., h r.b;• ;;n'.• 1 of 111e Uorperaliln of t1." \ aL•t.r .,t Dross anis, will Mood tis :! 0a301 of Revision, at tbo Connell Ohnin 'l', .m 1111osdn}', Tiny the 26th, 1885, at tho hour of 4 0'01,01), 11.111, 1'er:gine in- tereslcol will govern thenlwolves accordingly. ,linty 0, 1r,30. 1''. N. SCOTT, Clerk. CLEANLINESS lJ -NEXT TO- G OILINESS. --0-.- Tllo subscriber is ptoparoa to d0 all kinds of Painting, such ns HOUSE, SIGN, CJAAOIIIAGE, PLAIN nu 011NA\IENTAL 1'arornln. -.-0-- PAPER I'IANGING, KALSOMINING -AND-- fa•rgrio11i1112.• Gt .rely(.(-tictlt:1-. -0- - Spring time will soon lit at btm,l s, loavo your Ordors Early. Work done in tbo most s,atixfaatnry manner and satisfaction guaranteed. I will be found at my old shop north of the bridge. Wm. Roddick. Ca>ia,diali Pacific Railway Time Takla( rY 1f . ',�'wyM` >--.I..,n,,,, r ,'•.��'•.� tom• Teeswater Branch. Mall, Express. Mlles. Gluing West. n Toronto„ Dep 0 Orangeville 4 Orangeville Jct 70, Amaranth t .. 10 Waldemar.. .. 19* Luther .... 23i Arthur . .. 301 Kenilworth- . 38i ltir. FOREST .. 44 Pages j.. ., . 471 IlAnntsro.t.... :6i Fordwloh . , 00 Corrie .. .... 7.30 a,m. 0.50 ' 10.05 " 10.10 (6 10.24 " 10.81 " 11.0,,3 " 11.30 " 11.54 15,n1. 12.15 p.m. 12.53 " 1.03 5.40 p,m. 7.05 o 7.22 „ 7.39 'r 7.3.•1 7.14 4.111 13.20 4.413 9,£11 £1.10 11.31 11.4" 021. Wroxoter . 1.10 " 0.40 (34) Winghata Road 1.84 " 10.03 74 Tooewater.. Ayr 1.00 p,n1.110.1:i 01010s. Pining 53,10E Expreas, Mall. 41 ti CI 0 Teedwabor Dep 5 Wingham Road Ili Wroxeter .... 14 Gorrio ...... I7:I Furclwieh .. .. 261 Elarrietou .. .. 80 Pages 1... ... 351 141.11, Forest.. .. 43i lienilworth .. 50} Arthur .. - .. 011 Luther ...... (11 Waldemar . 110* A,martunth •t . 70 Orangeville Jot 74 Orangevillo . 122 Toronto .. Arl 5.15 a.m. 5.28CI 5.47It 5.53CI 13.02 0.'23 0.35 0.01 7.00 7.2(3 7.58 41 M r 15, 1€355. ..BRUSSELS LIME WORKSS TI L L AHEAD, . rg OWN S O1'+l. 1'he xllbd,rdiore take 01..0 npplrt0ulty 111 0D. turning thanks to so- Inli-thlta,tx of 11russel, and vicinity tui' taut patronag0, am) bug to ()tate that barimt 311:1 i, 11.•1'. fat (111 I'roveillllit,l Ln th,dr lillu mud moil.. at bur^_Ing, th"y tiro uow It� a b,•tt.'r position than et ur b,A,ro to supply LII. Pula) with.p'ir4Ll:ars Litho, 'Phis bring 1)11 ,•luaeuth spasm) of olio 1.001- 0( 1 s1 a es in lir r 'Ix,wnl having given u,• IIm 116 1 -ttlsf an u s 6.?, the pulli,. Imo 1,0. y 10( roorn tlul gimp. tr,atnumt and a first -Mins urtn•Ip G•„0( 11 F, lr ir:,Leta, long+ 1t 14 001110 :.t. 1711' hihl ,11!'1 t5 neuts d.divpre,i, We al:n barn a No. 1 limo lar plauotsrlg at tite tutu, pro., I1nm0u,lmr t1.,. 0.1,t - )(rumelo Lime \\'srltr. 4.4 r�OWN' & 4ON. ALLAN LINE. ROYAL HAIL STEAMSHIPS. 'i0 a,ns'IiRI'OOL,0.0NI/ OND5)1) 0(1,01 LASS 015 LONDON, 0(e, Steerage, 1313, Liverpool, Imidrine.. orry Quoemitown, ()botany, Or holiest 10 Qltahrr. 11,10 atvltvi❑ l:o IOW as by any first-class lino, SJMVIER A1-)ANGEMENTI SAILINUS F11076 QUl1T31C0. SAII.\IATIAN ,Saturday, May Otil. POLYNESIAN " 10111. CIlRCASSIAN, " 23rd. PARISIAN " " 30th, PERUVIAN " June lith, SARDINIAN " " 1311). SAIRMATIAN,....," 2011, POLYNESIAN...,,, " (12711.. CIIRCASSIAN " Jaly 41111. PARISIAN " " 11111. P13RITVI AN .1" 18th. SARDINIAN .. " t.2011., Th11o last 0onnec110g with the 840 101' at Quebec len vas 'Caron to Wednesdays at 9:30 8, m, Passougors ,anbntve \wnduoodnos at Ash) p,m, also, and O❑uneo twith the Steamor at Ital- (fax, by (laying an additional faro of $4345 lst,ntd ea.55audolaxx. No onttie,0hee1, or pigs aro carried 011 tbo Mail Stammers of the) Allan Lino. For Tickets and 11 or the and «very informs. tion apply' to 9. R. GRANT, Agent, AI (111. 11.083 urasect.o. BABY CARRIAGES, •� BABY OARI.IIAGES. JTJST TO TcI..A.-ND a -Choice Stock of Baby Carriages that Cannot fail to snit the wants of the Public. Call and see them. LARGE STOCK OF HARNESS ON HAND. 9.15 p.m. .iu2.50GLve 7)100 Lb Call. 9.5 3.013 3.20 8.40 CRANBI(OOK LI1IE WORKS. 3 57 J 4.1(1 " ---- 5.10 Tho subseribol' wishes to notify' l DE✓V'✓VIS. It 7.08 " 5 17 " 8,04 " 5.24 " " 8125.35 " 5:85 •' 3.115 " _10,10 a.m. 3.130 p.m. in Complete Running 01110:' by tho Refreshment and Dining Rooms 1st of MAY, and will be able to TORONTO JUNCTION, OR.(NG53VILLE ANO Lime at any tomo during the Soa- CA1tLFTON JUNCTION, =,VNT:I=Mlorr 353.4.= -Ca z'FJ err son. Price at Kiln -14 cents THROUGH TRAINS Bushel. the PUBLIC that ho 13111 have his LIME KILN furnish Any Quantity of First-class --TORONTO AND AND MONTREAL.- ( Gramm T. FLI)TCHERdi, TICKET AGENT, nIIVSSILM, CRANB1I'OOK, P. 0. ea 9 per E THE L The uilder1ignad leaving completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has no\y the Mill in First -Class Running Order, and will be glad to sec all his 0111 Customers and as many nett/ as possible. Chopping done. ones Plow and Fled.Always on Lands HXGIIEST PRICE PAI.) FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD W}IEAT ITT 1 IL.N ,