HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-5-15, Page 514IAT 15, 1895. THIS BRUSSELS POST.` 5 OI800 utlinn 1NOrivvs. TeeeIte Caledonians excurt to the Ganes 111 July. A. further drop has 00011rred in freight rates between Morttrtul sled Kingston. Mr, Phelps, who e116et ails Mr. !.Jew ell ns 1Juitell St(11)o8 Mlnieter at Lon- don, sailed from Now York for ling. laud. A Kingston boy mimed Robertson, who tumid collo blank cheques in the street, 11(18 110011 arrested for filling one in the (111110 of a lencline• busi- ness firm told attumpliug to 011811 The taxpayers of the village of Essex Centro have decided In bailie debenture8 to the amount of $.1,500, the money to bo used In the er001)1on of buildings and the purchase of land for agricultural exhibitions. A despatch received from Calgary anuounce8 that the 10011 of Beaver, between the first and secoud ar0seings of the Columbia River, teas completely destroyed by bush fires ou Wednesday night. Most of the personal property was saved. W. Saunders, of London, Hugh Mil- ler, and R. W. Elliot, of Toronto, left for Ottawa to interview the Govern ment with regard to ammending the Scott Act. The druggists claim that the provisions of the Act interfering with the sale of tinctures, 08seucee, etc., of which part is composed of el. Bohol, is nu injustice, The Govern- ment will be asked to change this part of the Act. The Winnipeg Times says :--jTllo contract for the construction of the Regina aucl Prince Albert railroad, better known as the LOug Falco rail- road, has been lot to h'uley Bros., of St. Cloud, the same firm that built the plank roads here litat summer. G. R. Pugsley has just returned from England, whore he made the necessary Gnancinl arrangements. It is intended to start work at uncle, the. first sod being turned at Regina on Tuesday next. According to the cou- tract the road must be completed to Long Lake, by the first of August next. H. P. Becket, a well. to-do farmer living near Victoria, Norfolk county, met with a sudden death on Tuesday. He was out shooting, and it is sup- posed that in getting over the fence he put his gun over 111 front of him and in doing so it was discharged, the contents entering his abdomen, kill. ing him instantly. Iio was found some hours after by neighbors sent In search of him by his wife, with one foot,on the fence and his back against a tree. Mr. Becket W08 about 42 years of age and highly respected. Ho leaves a wife and four children to mourn hes sudden death. A. handsome Ceuadien girl, of English parentage, called on the chief of police at Rochester last Friday for aes10talncc 1)u apprebeucliug a would. be lover who she claimed had betray- ed her confidence and swindled her out of her money, II0r nacre is Ed- ith Chambers and her home is in Hamilton, Ont. She said that s110 mot a young man mte10c1 William MoVittie in Hamilton several months ago and au affection sprung up be- tween thein which resulted in au en- gagement of marriage. McVittie was he stated, au employee of an under' taker in Hamilton. Three weeks ago he went to Rochester, saying to Ed- ith that he could do better in Roch- ester. and exacting from her a prom. ise that she would join him there and marry him as soon as he had become settled and should send for her. Last Wednesday she arrived alone in Roth. ester, iu answer to McVittie's letter requesting her to come. He (let her at the depot and took her to the Oris- sy house where he engaged a room for her and where he said they would board after tliey were married, 110 called on her 0very subsequent oven- ing and spoke of his affection for her, but recommended that they go to Philadelphia to live, as he could do mach better 01101'0. Edith acquiesced in everything ho said and gave him $40 in money, every cent she brought with her, for safe keeping. Ho told her he bad made Itrrnllgements for thein to go to Philadelphia Tuesday night, but that an important Masonic meeting prevented his leaving until 'Wednesday morning. Bho went to the depot to join him, brit he did not appear. She then discoverer] that ho had left there Tuesday night in 0om- pany with a girl whom he called his wife. Miss Chambers says the girl he had with him was Maggio Mortio, aged seventeen, with whom he left Hamilton, and with whom he was living all the while he was in Roch- ester, iv.Oes Chambers' mother is dead, and she says oho is too hnmil - a ted to return to her father. Her brothers aro iu Manitoba, ono in the Canadian army. She is terribly dis- tressed by McVittio'e treaObery, and says ehe will follow bill to Philadel- phia as soon as oho gets money, POPULAR STALLIONS, I'IlNClR, 01' WALLS." -Tho above horse will take tiro following route this season :--Monday, will leave nus own .table, lot 9, con, 12, (trey, and proceed to W. A, Shaw's, 01:11 eon., for none ; froln theme to Thos. AI(L'arliU('i for night, 'Tues- day, will proceed to Itobt. Mofl'att's, 1st veil„ .Burris, for noon ; then via Oilmeal. and Winglialn to Robert Currie's for night, \Veduestlay, will proceed 10 13olgravo for noon, thence along 0111 line of Morris to J. Scott's for might. Thursday, will proceed to the Central hotel, Brussels, for uuon; thence to 1). McArihur'e 7t11 con., for night. Friday, will proceed to 480108 llislop's, Pith toll,, Grey, for (101(0; 1(1(811ee to \V10, 11lllton's, sr., 10tH con„ fur night. Saturday, will pro- ceed to ,Toho Iioug's, 12111 con., Grey, for noon ; thou via Craubrook to his own stable, rhos. Calder, propriet- or and groom, "YOUNG KING OF KINTYBI ."-It'IOn- c1ay, will leave his own stable lot 14, coo. 4, Morris, and proceed on the CO17t10 sideroad to Johnston's hotel, I3luovale, for noon ; thence to the gravel, thence north to \Vin. Weir'e, lot 10, con. A, Howick, for night. Tuesday, will proceed east 81 miles, thence north 1} miles to James Gal braith's, lot 11. bol, 14, for noon ; from thence west to Wm. Job's, lot 0, con. 9, for night. Wednesday, will proceeded to Queen's hotel, Winghnm for 00011 ; thence 11 miles south. thence 101 miles east, thence to Alex. Stewart's hotel, Ilolgrave, for night. Thursday trill proceed 11 miles south, thence 11 mules east, thence via noble's corners to James L;,t•un's, Morris, for noon ; thence south to Taylor's corner, thence east to Neil McDonald's, lot 19, colt. 0, Iltlllctt, for the night, Friday eight will be at thigh Forsyths, con. 7, Morris. Saturday, will proceed to American hotel, Braesold, for noon ; thence to his own stable. James Spell', groom; Speir Bros., proprietors. "YOUNG CONTEST." -This stallion will take the following route :-Mon- day will leave ens own stable, lot 10, con. 10, and proceed to Conrad Mich- ael's, lot 24, con. 12, for noon ; then into EIma to Wm. Lyman's, lot 10, con. 11, for night. Tuesday will pro- ceed to Wm. Holmes', lot 81, con. 11 for lto0n ; thence 1+ miles north, thence west to old Newry, thence to Mills' hotel, )lima Centre, for night. Wednesday will proceed 21 mus north thence west 21 miles to Searl's hotel, Trowbridge, for noon ; thence along the 2nd con., Grey, to Wm. Smith's, for night. Thursday will pr0000(1 to D11110811 ifcDohalcl's for noon ; tete: cc to his own stable for eight. Friday will proceed to the Coutral hotel, at Brussels, for noon ; thence to his own stable for night. Saturday will pro. coed to Robertson's hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thence to hie own stable for 1 night. Robe. Brown, proprietor, J. Brown, Groom, "PJUNCE our Wat,us."-Will Lake a route as follows :-\Iouclay morning will leave his own stable, and proceed to Win. McCall's, s 1111 lot 17, con. 7, Morris, for 110011 ; thence to Peter Jackson's, con. 8, for night. `Thee - day will proceed to John Buchanan's, con. 10, Grey, tlleuceto W. Bishop's, coo. 21, Grey, for the night. Wed- nesday will proceed to W. Bateman's, oon. 0, Grey, for noon ; thence to Edward Bryans, eon, 2, for 2 hours, thence to Demean McDonald's for the night. Thursday will prooeod north into Howielr to John Jordln's, for noon ; tholes to Robert Miller's, Wroxeter, for the night, Friday will proceed snide to James Turnbull's, con. 4, Grey, for noon ; thence to American hotel, Brussels, for night. Saturdity morning will proceed 00 James Smal's, s hof lot 14, con. 0, Morris, for noon. Robert rlfnrh11, pr0pricter. "Witnnms,"-This stallion will take the following route this season :- Monthly horning will leave 1114 Own stable, Ethel, and proceed to Corrie's hotel, Attwood, for noon ; thence south 21) miles, (1101100 west to Silver Corners, I.leufryn, thence to his own stable. Tuesday will proceed to Trowbridge for noon ; thence to Molesworth for 1 flour, theme to his own stable for night. Wednesday will proceed to Tuck's hotel, Cra11- brook, for noon ; thence to Biornes' hotel, 'Walton, :for night. Thursday will proceed to the Central hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence to his own stable for night. Friday will proceed north to 5th and Gtl1 00110,, Grey, for noon ; thence west to gray - el road, thence south to the 7111& 8th Dons., thence to his own stable where he will remail until Monday =ruing, R. Lang, proprietor end manager. That pure bred Clycdoselalo colt, Baron Thoro, will not take a route this 50astnl put will stand for sorviee at his own stable lot 16, eon. 10„ Grey, 11, Brown, prop. AU 008 F011) 1-IAT(1t.ING, BROWN and otok bo bred ihn very best 1141,11,8 In Canada and MY nolle (1110., been tetra. birdsmated, nted, containing lane 1011 nrn1.ela0e , Myna well.i oolo,l awl fresh: will ho sent v express to par flus desiring Moen from l a dictaooe. A f atoll guaruu teed. Addr, ss' 411 tf, J. It. 001I'2Q, Brussels. �CENTRAL. HOUSE, BRUSSELS.-AI'rl:n _/ the 141 of May, Iai3, 1111.1 popular Moue, Will he run on Fundy Tomporano, Principles, conforming stile Gly ween 1111 letter of Tau chants Temperance let, hirst.Clnes of Local M,unitautures lel Must Bromic of len- ported Cigars will bo kept'm baud, tax w,dlno ell 11101(5 of temperance Beverage.. l'al.r,,. ago solicited, as every asaom modatlou will be rated racoon:Oily, oo0s(otent with the 1im„n. j 42 - T. ('NEIL, T0'l1ICE TO CONTiA.CTORS I Tendere will tit received for UP, cnmpletinn of the bacon' out of Mslvnla 4huroh, aecrrding to plan, and spee(aoatlons. 'renders will Moo be ('oes(vnd for hew painting o1 all the outside wood -vi erg of Melville Church according to the spool noations, Both elm obey° eootracts to ba completed by July 20111, Plinio Bud speeiaoa- t(ons lofty bo soon at Alex, etewarl's, sr. Thn lawn1t or any tender not 00000Harily accepted. Tendons will bo reeolvod up to Saturday, ylrly Nth, and are to b0 addressed to the Chairman or seureta1 y, and marked "Tenders." By order of the Board. A. W1'Ine'PF,It, ALES, eTN iWART, sr. Secretary, Chairman. 8100508,, May nth, 1885, 44.2 LEGAL NOTICE'..-PU1tSU,tNT TO I Statute 46 Victoria, Chapter 9, notice is hereby given that the creditors, and oth- ers, having claims against the estate of Thos.11atoliffs, of Ethel, cooper, in the County of Iluron, who died on or about March 19011, 1885, are on or before the 10tH clay of July, 1885, requested to send pre- paid to Win. Spence, Ethel, Executor of the deceased, their Christian 11011300 and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of their securities, if any, held by them, and that after the said lath day of July, 1882, the exocutor of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled therutu, regard being hail only to the 01(1111(5 of which no- tice shall have been given as above mink - ed. The said executor wi,1 not bo liable fur the said assets, ut' any part thereof to any person 41' persons of whose clam, (0' claims notice shall not have been received by bion at the above mentioned data. And all persons owing anything to tho above estate are requested to settle the saute with the Executor of the said estate 011 or before the said 10111 of July. WM. SPENCE, Executor, Ethel, May 13th, 1885. 45-8in COURT OF REVISION. Township of Grey. Notice is hereby given that the Municip- al Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Grey will meet as Conrtof Revision at Robertson's Hotel, Ethel, on TUESDAY lI.1Y the 26th,1885, At the hour of 10 o'clock a. re, Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly, Grey, May (1th, 1885. WM. SPENCE, Clerk. MACK NAC. -The most Delightful - SUMMER -:- TOUR Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trips Per Week -Between DETROIT ANI) MACi3:INAC, And every week day between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND. Write for our "Picturesque. t1It)Ckl)taC," Illustrated, Contains f nll particulars: Mailed free. Detroit .d Mackinac Stehle Navigation {:e. C. D. W1II'TCOMB, Gen. Pass. Agt., DETROIT, MICA. 4(1 11) T0110N AND BRUTCII LOAN AND JUL INVESTMENT 00110PANV. This Company was organized o1 the 18tH of April last, and is 110w1n active operation, and is prepared to r000100 applications for loans on good farm security. This Company being a local institution, can offer to borrowers greater facilities for getting their loans executed with dispatoh, than clan be had from outside o1' foreign Companies, with whom. days and weeps aro often required to close up a loan. When Title and Security aro satisfactory borrowers may obtain their money from this Company on clay of application. Due attention has boon paid to confining Solicitors' charges to the lowest rates. Mortgages purchased if security and tit. 1118 aro approved of, A Savings Bank Branch will bo shortly opened by Oho Company. 'Depositors will be paid tho 1lighest Current hates on their deposits. The Company's ofilea8 aro On the corner of Market Square and North St., Godorieh, in the Building adjoining the Dry Goods Store of J. C. ])oiler & Co. DIRECTORS : Jost:pn WILLIAMS, President, 07. J. R. Homes, Vico-President, Sia It 3, 0anrwnrocr, Sao 111111 : 05080)48, WM. M. GoAr, Soafosth, J. M. Rowers, Dunganuol, Jong Aoln,soN, Godorieh F. JORDAN, J. H. Carman, Sol,rorols-C,151115ov,11bLv & Cannes. Iiou.tcr IInnrON, manager. Godorieh, May 7011,1885. '14.3m. 'acuivs� allele OF THAI-: AT THE CA Fla E ning LAST WEE The Show Room was Crowded From Thursday Morning until Saturday Night. EVERY LAi1Y ATBSFVE all agreeing this Depart -molt, tinder the Management a i 7,51) ri) -WILL BE A - Don't leave an order until you Vim ?he GAHPTELI HDIISFJ : tn'1 sta. their AGNS 'DCENT D SPLAY. NEW CHOICE, FRESH and well selected Stock of Millinery, -0- The Garfield House Discounts hem. All Stapley & Fanoy Dry Goods, ZIaSi>:i 1(W f>tS 01761 1.++rA S9 BOOTS P2 AAMppl jjO ���11 9 �y AND '1701aht1McEM',fkr."V a arf old Tl<sE S use Tit Oor. ® Turnberry Zing Sts.