HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-5-15, Page 44
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FIt1D:11', .dell' 10, 1885.
(ernes ee•
The following aro the co tictiec of
Knox Church, Craubrook, for 1881 :
Paid for Stipend. $450 00
" Repairs to church
and manse, 87 00
" Incidental & con•
gregatioual objects, 38 00
H. M. Fund, 16 00
e F. Evangelization, 13 00
Foreign Mission14 00
" Aged and Infirm
Min, Fund, 4 00
Assembly, 2 00
Synod & Pros 4 00
Widen & Orphans, 8 00
$605 00
No. of Families 42
" Commuuioants 05
nn 8. 5., about
" Vols. in S. S. Library, ......160
W u l tori.
Seeding is pretty well advanced,
although there is very little growth
in the ground as yet.
The Walton cheese factory will
,mmence operations next week. All
tee :,cessary preparations are being
maoio this week.
Rumour whispers that a few per-
sons got whiskey last week at ono of
our hotels. A number of people are
keeping their weather eye open, how-
passed away after it severe illuess, at !1r. Thomlinsou was subject to epilep-
tie fila, awl the cameo of the terribly
slid ending of his earthly career is
suppoeecl to have been it recurrence
of one of those fits while in the not
of dressing• the animal's limb, and
that while iu the lit the bum became
frightened awl jumped upon him.
The feet that it was with the front
feet of the animal the injuries had
been inflicted eoufirms this suppsei-
tion, The deceased has been a res•
idout of thin tnwu for several years,
having formerly resided in Morning.
ton township, llo was in comfort-
able circumstances, and took consid•
erable interest an public matters,
For the peat two years he hos been
director of the Blunt & Wallace Ag'I
Society. He leaves a wife, two
daughters and a sou, win have the
sympathy of the community in the be.
reavoment winch has so suddenly be.
fallen them. Deceased was a Am-
ber of the Elam St. Methodist Church.
The funeral took place last Friday
I the advanced age of about 75 years,
jThe old gentleman was born in \Vick-
! low Co., Ireland, in 1811, and after
be reached manhood wits employed as
' land oteward, mud gamekeeper on the
estates of Lord Downs and Colonel
Barry, respeutivcly. 48 years ago he
married hies Miry Griffith, hoed
dairy maid on Lord Downc' estate.
They with their family, emigrated to
Caunda about 82 years ago and settl-
ed at Mitchell, where Mr, Aleocic was
walking boos an the G. T. R. 2 years
after he took up lot 0, con 11, which
was then a bush lot and lie resided
there until the time of his decease.
In the 80 yearn, or mire, mu which he
resided in Grey he has lived a very
active life, being 13aililf for upwards
of 15 years and ou a surveyor's staff
for a long time. IIo was of a very
jovial turn and his amusing atones,
anecdotes &o.will long be remembered.
lie was the soul of hospitality and
no one was ever turned away from
his door, in fact his house bore the
title of the "Orphan's Home," from
the number of children under the
care of himself and good lady. Read-
ing was the old gentleman's chief
amusement for the past few years and
it was a difficult utattor to introduce
any topic in conversation that be was
not conversant with. The deceased
although a Conservative in name was
very broad in his platform, especially
of late years. Ile was au adherent
of the Episcopalian church, the in-
cumbent of which, Rev. W. T. Cluff,
conducted the funeral services. The
wife of the departed, who is well ad-
vanced iu years, lies the sincere sym'
-._ patty of a large circle of friends in
t�'ira; ;hcua> . her lonliness. Three sons, William,
Wallace Bell has received the con- George and Thomas, who have been
tract for sinking the tent salt well. iu the Northwest for several years,
The Mechanics' Institute was grant- and ono Slaughter, Mrs J. W. Yeo,
ed $100 at the last meeting o£ the
town Council.
The volunteer company marched
to St. Paul's church
discourse Suuaay,
where au appropriate
preached by Rev. lir. McCosh.
The Bev. G. 0. Rock, of Toronto,
has accepted the call given him by the
members of the Baptist church here,
and will commence his labors on the
17th cost.
A. Roe, of the Queen's hotel, iuvit.
ed the Saved Army into his barroom
onSntttwasy evening
a h
e invi-
to prayer
tation P
meeting held.
Two gentlemen fn the south of the
town are very anxious to try conclus-
ions with any other two with Snider -
Enfield rifles nt ranges from 900 to
000 yards.
The Wingbatu Skating and Curling
Rink Company having proved un-
successful, has (handed to wind up its
ifatrs, and E. L. Dickinson has boon
aro the surviving children of the de•
ceased. Geo. Alcock, wlio was home
for the funeral, will return to Ontario
and look after the homestead.
Dr. 1), D. Ellis, has located at Es•
sex Ceutre for the practice of his
Rev. Mr. Turnbull, the newincum-
bent of Christ's church, is expected to
take charge about the lst of June.
A meeting of the Bee Keepers As.
sociation which was to take place on
Saturday 10th, has been postponed
till Friday 29th inst.
Jonathan Tomlinson, was kicked
to death lay a horse in the stable last
Wednesday morning. Ile had been
bathing the animal's sore leg.
A big programme of sports and am-
usements is being prepared for celeb-
rating her Majesty's birthday on Mon-
day, 25th inst,
The following officers have boon el -
appointed liquidator. ectell for too Listowel Bicycle Club
A 1.v dew to raise money for the for the current year : R. Ferguson,
attrlio=e of sinking and testing a salt Hon, Pros,; W. J. Hay, Pres,; C. K.
well was voted on last Monday, and
resulted in a majority of 170 for the
bylaw, ,Operations will commence
at once.
A new time table came into force
on the G. T. It. on Monday. The
morning express north on the L. H.
& B. is cancelled and its place will be
supplied by a mixed train which will
reach Wingham probably about 8
o'clock in the afternoon.
3, H. Dnlmage, of the Brunswick
Souse, has instructed his attorney,
J. A. Morton, to commence action
against the proprietor of the beaforth
Sun for libel, in saying that his horse
Ridgewood was a fraud of the first
water and had neither record nor
(,•rev •
Joseph Coombes, lot 8, con. 2 is
erecting a new barn this summer.
The new bridge in this locality over
the Maitland is being pushed ahead
and will be a substantial one when
The trustees of S. 8. No. 4, have
put in 80 new desks in the school.
bouse. They woro manufactured by
Stablscbmidt, of Preston.
The following is a summary of the
assessor's roll for tbis year :—Value
of real property, $1,098,800 ; value
of personal property, $80,580 ; total
amount of real and personal property,
$1,778,880; number of acres assessed,
64,708 ; number of acres cleared,
82,427 ; dogs, 417.
Robert McDonald has just erected
a large barn on his farm, on the let
con. The frame is built on a new
plan, the posts, next the threshing
floor running up to the roof, aro
thirty-two feet long. The frame is
one the eal et in creditthe on County
throws g
who is IZugh Carr. 11r. Carr intends
moving to Uncle Sam's dominions in
about six weeks. We wish him good
luck in his new home,
Osrr,' On Thuasday of last week
Wm. 11', Alcoalc, an old and highly
esteemed resident of this township,
Burt, Secy; F. W. Hay, Capt.; John
M. Schi nbein, .Lieut,; E. G. Brook,
The expenditures till May were
Relief, $10; public works, $817.41;
gas, fire protection, &c., $60.25 ;
High School, $400 ; debentures, $1,-
880 ; sundries, $10.12; gravel lot,
$150 ; county rate, $692.80.
For the past twoweeks the continued
cold during the day and frost at night,
have had the effect of greatly retard-
ing the growth of vegitation. Fall
wheat, which looked so well a short
time ago, is reported as having a
sickly appearance in some places, but
it is not thought that any serious in-
jury has been done.
The Standard says:—The hotel.
keepers have raised the price of all
spirituous liquors to 10c. a giase,
With the temperance people charg-
ing him ou one side, and the licensed
victualers doubling upon him on the
other, the toper is evidently getting
pretty well cornered. He'll soon
have to surrender or "take to tho
A SAD O000mmNuvt.—Tho citizens
of this town wore greatly shocked on
Wednesday mornitg of last week by
the report that Jonathan Thomliuson,
a well-known resident of the West
Ward, had been killed by one of his
horses. The particulars of the ter-
ribly and occurrence at'o : Mr. Thom..
linson had gone out to the atahlo at
an early hour to bathe a sore leg on
one of his horsos. Hearing n noise
in the stable a short time after, Mrs
Thomliuson wont to the stable to as-
certain its cause, when, to hor horror,
she found hor husband lying in the
stall, horribly trampled about the
head and face by the horse he
gone out tc doctor. The poor wom-
an had presence of mind to instantly
lift the all but litolese form out from
beneath the horse's feet, call for as,
sistanco. When removed there ap•
geared to be some signs of life ; but
only for a few moments was there
ground for hope, for in that brief
space of time the vital spark bad Pied.
lXo r r us.
See notice of Court of Revision in
this issue.
Seeding is well advanced in this
Judging by the number of entire
horses on the road tots season a per-
son would think almost every second
farmer was an owner.
Rev, Mr, Law, of 13elgrave tilled the
Presbyterian pulpit here last Sabbath.
Thos. Farrow, i1f.P., spent last
Saturday and Sunday at home, re•
turning to Ottawa ou Tuesday.
The Methodist official board by a
unanimous vote invited Rev, Mr.
Lound's to return after the close of
the present couferenee year. '
Archie Patterson has bought from
Joseph Leech the old budding and
property adjoining the tannery, and
will go extensively into the manufac-
ture of clime boxes.
14tt GA'1.'41NG GUN.
It weighs about 2,500 tbs., and is
precisely of the same design as rho
ordinary cannon. There aro ton
chambers that revolve in the barrel
proper, and each chamber has an in-
dependent look. The main barrel is
eight inches in diameter. The size
of fhe cart'idge used is that of the 45
government rifle calibre. Email f eed
drum contains 240 rounds. The fir-
ing is done by operating a crank ;
the cartridge is exploded. by a ham-
mer which works with such great
rapidity that 120 cartridges are fired
a minute. The movement of the gun
can bo so adjusted as to make it either
stationary or oscillating, so that the
gun practice can become either scatt-
ered or centrifugal in its execution.
At 700 yards the Getting gun has
been known to hit a 12x16 foot target
300 times out of 400 shots. At 1;200
yards 118 out of 000 shots have struck
n 9x25 ft. target. To show the rapid-
ity with which the guns can bo work-
ed, it might be explained that the
time occupied in coming to action
frontfrom trot and firing is 10 seconds;
limber rear, mount and off, 18
The first lake accident of the season
is reported in the running ashore of
the steam barge Niagara ou bong
H. 0. Miller, of Fingal, won the
five mile rocs at the Hamilton roller
rink on Tuseday night. Time 21
min., 10 see. Chas. Dunn, of Wood-
stock, was only one second behind.
Tho Galt Reporter noted that the
wheat ou all rolling or light soil, or
where fields lay without shelter, is
badly killed. Many fields have been
ploughed up entirely or in part. From
Blenheim we hoar the same reports.
Tho value of town property assess•
eel in St. Marys for this year amounts
to $1,142,686 ; population, 8,508, of
which umber 900 aro ratej3ayera.
The births numbered 18 ; marriages
46 ; deaths 41.
The well-known livery firm of
Grand & Walsh, Toronto, Ontario,
have assigned. The firm in the early
part of the year experienced heavy
losses in the shipment of horsos to
Europe and the States. Nominal
assets exceed liabilities, bub tho estate
will pay 80 to 85 cents in rho dollar.
On the day of rho visit of Harris'
circus to Ayr, Mr. Mullet's butcher
shop was entered and about $40 tak-
en from the till. The thieves went
into his bedroom and stole his pants
and socks. He followed them to
Galt, but no trace of rho party was
found. They also entered a room oa-
oupied by officers of the Salvation
Army, but ;secured nothing. James
Pinkston was up Thursday before 13,
0. Howell and J. Wyllie, J. Ps., Ayr,
for carrying a slungshot, which dead-
ly weapon he was trying to use ou one
of the circus men iu a light.
May 15, 1885.
zjl' `1' 1';11 an iuc•reclible amount of
ti trouble and thought we have gat a
Boot Store that any town or city
�; might well be proud �of. The Stock
is So complete frond t1e tinlallest C:uolc
to the largest Bot, and from Stroll celebrated
makers Its NV. B. Hamilton, Cooper & Smith,
'l'o'ner, Valiant & Co., ,Tats. 1Vltitllani & Co.,
who stamp their neentes on every pair, who
do not make any booty with shoddy insoles.
We will pay pay Five Dollars for every pair
of oar stamped Boots that has any paper
about them.
1\T0 have made out a Price List of mfr
Boots, Hats, Caps and Groceries. This price
list is Worth Ton Dollars to anyone with a
family. •This price list describes everything
about the store, nothing like it has been
printed in Brussels. This price list tells how
you can get a nice little pair of Boots for the
Baby for e few coppers. Do not fail to get
one of these price lists, yott will see Boots for
small boys and girls for a few dimes, in this
price list you will sec fancy Carpet slippers
for women at 25e., Prunella I3oots for 85c.,
Buttoned Boots for $1.00. Got a price list,
it will astonish yon. The price of all our
Hats & Caps are quoted, we cannot give any
idea of the prices in this, volt will need to
grt a list and thou come and sec the goods.
Wo litre Ono Thousand Hats to choose from.
Do von want Cheap, Cloud, Fresh, Grocer-
ies, gilt edge Butter, crisp Sodas Biscuits,
Pure Spices, Fresh Canned Goods, best fam-
ily Flour, strong, good flavored Teas, fragrant
Coffees, fresh Oranges, Lemons and Candies,
Nuts from every country, matches that are
sure fire every time, Brooms that tiro SUM to
sweep clean and everything else First -Class,
and at prices away dawn? Coude and give
us a trial and. got a Price List.
A dealer in Brussels is advertising and offering for sale a llis>•;lt:trl.r:
IIIUTA'rION of the
of which 1 am the SOLD AGENT ill ]31trSSP:Lo, nail the 111010 ural Cau-
tioned against purchasing the spurious artinle. The parties ill Canada
who are placing this WRETCHED IMITATION 011 trio market are now being
sued for ten thousand dollars damages. The Genuine ]suck Thorn
Pence, the BEST and CnrAr>;sr fence in the world, can ONLY 1)0 pur-
chased at the "GOLDEN PADLOCK."
I am also Agent for the Ontario Barb Fence Company, who make
the best Barb Wire in Canada.
English three ply plain twisted fence, a remarkably cheap and dur-
able fence for Gardens.
Several tons of Land Plaster in 200 lb. sacks for sale.
zutzwels min_ J_na,„
This fencing is made of a Solid Flat Shp of Steel neatly twisted and
well galvanized, presenbiug aha largestpossible surface to the view.
Although no part of it is made of wire it is no heavier and as cheap as
Barb -Wire Fencing, but is preferred by some principally as a top
strand, being more easily seen. The Lyman' is the ONLY ribbon
fencing made in Canacdo, and is much superior to the imported fanning
of the same description.
Window Shades, and Hartshorn Sf rings,
A Lot of Fancy Window Shades, in Cloth of Different Patterns.
Also Hartshorn Springs. Call and see them before putting up the old