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The Brussels Post, 1885-5-15, Page 1
VOL. XII. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1885. EAST lll'IION LIBERALS. COUNCIL DIEETIN(l, • A special meeting of 1110 vi]lagc t, 1 Council was hold lust Monday, a full s I Board present. l ' A communication wits road from Thos, Weatherall, I1, L. S. certifying f flint HaBelay etree-t was 00 fent wide throughout, according to the plans of cl I3rueoele. A lengthy discussion en- - I sued. Mr, Kelly's papers wore not presented to the Council, that is the . papers he washed to get from Gale- . rich, f l It was moved by 11. Graham, soc- a ended by P. Scott and carried that F. Belly and F. Le Bon bo notified to remove the obstruction they now have on Halliday street, as street re. gores to be 60 feet wide from Queen street ;tenth, within 7 days, failing to do so they will be proceeded against under By-law No. 7, 1884. Moved by W. H. Kerr, seconded b1 \V, F. Vnnstono that Thos. Weather- ald's account of $1.00 and Jas. Hicks' salnry of $28 be paid. Carried, Caleb Whitting called the attention of the Council to the ditch in front of his promises. Thos. Watson was al- so present and spoke ou the sidewalk question. Council thou adjourned. Led Teetelay eftoru0on, natwith ding the hast' lens el, a !furl; mina or of delegates from the vitriol' muni eipnlit is ill the riding aesemble at 1 h 'Town flail, P itesels. ])1 Mel)cat:11d, of Winghnm, President o the As'oeialton, occupied the chair and delivered a very interesting nn spirited address on the question be foie the nlcotieg, tiz., the Dominion Franchise Lill. Space will not per mit of giving a synopsis of the nd dreseee given by W. Drummond, o Blyth, Tilos, Strachan, peeve c Grey, Thos, Gipson, M.P.P., of Dust Huron, E. E. Wade, of Brussels, M. 1..1Ici.onn, of Senforth, and John AleC1:•1e, of limeade. The following resolutions• wore pawed by a unanine-am vole of the meeting : Moved by W. Drummond, seconded by Thos. ,Strachan, "Resolver', that this meet- ing while expressing thou disapproval 10 all its parts of the Dominion Franchise Bill now 'before the House of Commons, and en. tering their protest against the plumage of ills same, take this opportunity of stating that from the experience of the past they aro not in the least surprised that the Premier should venture to perpetrate such an outrage on our liberties, as 1t iv plainly obvious the in't'roduction of such a tyrnn• Meal measure, at the close of the session, together with the cowardly and unparlia- mentary methods taken to stifle discussion and early the measure, goes to show the Premier's great consideration and paternal enrefor Peundmaker, Pie -a -pot, Ilial dr Co. is just suet another move its his great ger- rymander to perpetuate his waning, power and place. It is the opinion of this meet- ing that the infamous "Franchise Bill" has originated, matured, and been brought out in sheer "cussedness" against the mileh cow, Ontario, and that we look upon the great statesman's CO mensuro as a retro- grade movement in the science of gover- ment and a perfect insult to the whole el- ectorate of our Dominion, being equally childish ns tyrannical ; ns unnecessary as uneallcd for, and while wo aro gratified that it number of patriotic Tories have vent» to 1a180 their voice against the illea0011, wo trust the nublo band of Ite- fornlers will not rolnx their efforts to avert the most cowardly blow ever aimed against the froedem of the people of our Dominion. Moved by Thos). Gibson, M.P.P., second - i d by E. E. Wade, "what wo as n meeting enter inn• protest a;lninst the Franchise Bill now before the House of Commons, especially against the clause appointing re - 038111g barristers, thus taking the prepara- tion of the lists out of the hands of the lo. cal municipalities and vesting it in irre- sponsible efieers appointed by the govern- ment at Ottawa. We object to entrusting many one 11)1111, without appeal, especially when we censirler that they must be parti- zans also. That wo view with alarm the .additional burden that such a method will add to our now heavy and fest acoumn- lating debt, the people now being satisfi- ed with the present manner of preparing the lists. The Judges have performed their duties satisfactory in the past. We therefore urge tbnt the Bill may bo with- drawn until the people have an opportunity to express themselves at the trolls and no government claiming to be honest will 00101y refuse to trust themselves to lists prepared by the Judges of our land. Fail - tag to do this wo trust the gallant Opposi- tion will still eo11til100 the fight for freedom they are now engagedin." 'Moved by M. Y. McLean, seconded by John Meltec, that the thanks of this meet- ing aro hereby tendered to the members of the Loyal Opposition in the Hausa of Commons for their noble stand in opposi- tion to the Franchise Bill now before Par- liament, and vee sincerely hope that they will continua the battle and oppose this unjust and dangerous measure in every conatttutillnal111annet', and if they cannot secure its defeat at levet prevent itn p11e- sage and secure its postponement. ., A petition was then cu'oulated, to be fere urded to the Dominion House, which 1.1 ej bears the siguntnree of ilpearils of 100 persona, not all Re- formers either, praying that the Bill bo not passer', rete le County Notes•. 1lre. T. M. Drily, of Stratford, lies been in very poor health since ber tomb:mire death, and her condition creates considerable alarm 111 the minds of her friend(. A thief entered D. Scott's house in Strata lel, Wedneedny, and stole a gold and silver 11111011 and $11 in money from the boys' clothing, A gold °Main \meals° abstracted from Mr. Soott's pocket. A deputation from Toronto and all the couutiee in Ontario where the Scott Act has been carried waited up. on Hon. Mr. Mowat last wook to re- quest the appointment of police mag- istrates iu them counties to enforce the Act, pending their appointments by county councils. The deputation also complained of wholesale and and druggists' licenses being grant- ed to ex -tavern keepers in Scott Aot counties, and urged the Government to interfere, Mr. Mowat dict not give any definite reply. I(3taroll t;o%tasty Notes. David McConnell, who clied at Port Albert receetly in his 89th year, set- tled in Londan in 1812, and was ono of the first settlers of London. Sub- sequently lie built mills at Exeter. Tho saw and oatmeal mills of D. Urquhart, at Hensel], was burned with all the contents. Tho origin of the fire is unknown. The loss will amount to between $4,000 and $5,- 000. L. L. Hooper, of Exeter, who grad- uated w1(11 'first -(lase Honore at Tor- onto School of Medicine, and obtain- ed his degree of M. D. C. M. at -Vic- toria University, left for Loudon and Edinburgh, where 110 will spend a year in the best hospitals. A meeting of the Clinton Football Club was held. The following offic- ers wets elected : J. Jackson, junior., president ; W. Doherty, honorary president; F. Irving, vice-president ; W. D. Stewart, captain ; Fred Cor- bett, secretary -treasurer. According to the assessor's roll, of Exeter, the value of assessed proper- ty is larger than last year, be- ing an follows :—Numbers of acres cleared, 1,002 ; total value of real property, $414,555 ; value of person- al property, $56,850 ; amount of tax- able income, $7,815 ; total value, $79,220. Number of dogs, 98 ; bitch- es, 8, cattle, 126 ; sheer, 20 ; hogs, 27 ; horses, 125. BEAUTIFY THE FARM. It as a pity that so many of our formers pay so little attention to or- namenting their fartns, simply be• cause there is no visible return of pro• lit in some shepo. Shade trees, ]ledges, flower beds, lawns and groves are in many instances considered nuisances ; and, if tolerated at all, it is in deference to the ureent appeals of the female members of the family. This dislike of tlu ornamental is gradually dying away; but, like other advances an farming, the taste for It grows slowly. 'I'ho taste for beauty, while imperfeotly developed in many minds, is more or less inborn, and is pretty sure to assert itself when the means aro at hand. la the ease of the farmer, ,as he becomes more pros- perous, it often happens that in fixing up the old hones or building a new 0110 it 18 probably placed i11 a piuoli. ed -up yard, instead of leaving around it a large and well laid out garden, with flower beds and a nice lawn; the whole surrounded by ornamental shrubs. Then, again, in many in stances oven when they have well laid out grounds in front of the houses, with a picket fonco facing the road, the remaining front of the farm is al- together neglected, the sward just as it was left by nature before the land was cleared. No attempt whatever is made to improve its appearance, whereas this could be done at a very trifling cost, by just plowing the sward, levelling 111e hillocks, seeding the whole down (gain, and planting a row of trees with Bore and there an evergreen. Depend upon it, that if over the property has to be disposed of, a purchaser will be more readily found for a farm that looks pleasant than one that is void of any ornament. DIEL .1.mrrEI. GALLANT FIGHT 11Y VOLUNTEER ) The Scott Act went in force in Huy ou, Bruce, Slnlcoo, Unll'oriu, Oxfor and Norfolk on Friday, flay let "' Grand Truett traffic receipts ft, last week showed a decraltoc of tu'e1 ty-nine thousand dollars es compile, ed with the same period last year.. The advoeatoe of the Scott Act have concluded not to submit the m011sur, tea the electors of Taeex County until some timo near the close of tho year. The Minister of Militia has decided to Increase the numbor of companies in the Essex Battalion from four to five, each composed of forty-two men. In the Newfoundland Assembly, Thursday night the expediency of eon - tinning relations with the United States involved in the fishery clauses of the Washington treaty was discuss- ed for several hours with closed doors. In Colchester the other clay, a re- fractory juvenile drew a revolver on a school teacher who threatened to whip him, end when the teacher talked of arrest the boy skipped to Detroit. His parents are now anxiously look- ing for him. The contested will case of the Dio• cele of Huron vs. the estate of the late James Oxenham, of Plympton town- ship, has been compromised by the estate paying the Diocese $1,100. Oxenham left $3,000 to be need iu building an Episcopal Church at Watford, and his heirs contested the will on the ground that the maker was of unsound mind when the will was drawn. Macklin,Mrs. Jos, Macklin, wife of ono of the members of the Halifax battalion in the Northwest, was burned to death at her borne, Albermarle street Satur- day morning, The bed in which she was sleeping caught fire, and before the aooldent was discovered she was past help. Deceased was formerly know as Mrs. Martha 1'fariffts, and was about 50 years old. It is stipples - ed she was smoking in bed. A private letter received by a lady in Hamilton, from the wife of Rev. L. Gaetz (at ono time pastor of the Queen's Avenue Methodist church, London), states that the rev. gentle- man spout a number of days amongst the Indians, near his residence, about eighty miles north of Calgary, trying to tranquillize them. When be found it of no avail ho returned to the house, and after burying most of their valu- ables the family started for Calgary, carrying some of their most portable household goods with them. After they had Ieft, the Indians weut in and totally demolished house goods and stook, and the labor of yenta is thus swept away. They arrived an safety at Oalgary. The Cclnada Southern Railroad drawbridge over the Detroit river be- tween Grosse Isle and Antlierstburg wee slowly seiugiug open on the 8th inst., in the forenoon, and rapidly ap- proaching from the Canadian tilde was a hand oar, on which were spat. sol two men, a woman and a boy. As the oar neared the widening gap its occupants discovered their danger. Tho men made a (desperate effort to atop its motion. The effort unavai!• ed. The woman and ot10 of the men leaped from the car on to the bridge. The remaining man stud the boy stall struggled with the machine. The sud of the draw was reached. The hand cur and its two occupants plunged over the side, and the water closed over the unfortunate victims. Their bodies have not been 1001111. The names of the emu drowned Was Arthur Brodie, 11.0. agent at Grosse Isle : the boy's name was Baby, and he belooged to Amherstburg. A writ was issued at Osgoode Hall, et the instance of the Owen Sound Steamship Company, against the Oanaclian Pacific Railway Company, claiming $40,000 for services render- ed and $150,000 for damages for breach of contract, The steamship company claims that before the ab. sorption of the Toronto, Grey 13 Bruce railway they had an agreement with the company giving them the exclusive right to carry freight to and from the company's line at Owen Sound during 1884 and the two fol- lowyears. Tho contract was as- sumed by the Ontario and Quebec railway, which subsequently became part of the O. P. R. system. The 0. P. 11. steamers were to have run dur- ing the existence of this agreement from Algoma Mills to Prince Arthur's Landing, but it was found they could not land at Algoma Mills, and the 0. P. R. Oonpany, ignoring the agreement, ran throe vessels between Owen Sound and Port Arthur. NO, 45. Hamilton Jae contracted for 55 el r1 (atria lights for 133 cents per night. 'Phe MoCbtry Maunfllcturing Coin r patty, London, sends 20 Men to the - ''runt with the Seventh. Tile 0,1111e of orale, amllillnition, and eccoutramento lately received and now in store at $ingetol is .1;90,000. John McLennan, of Lindsay, is ap- pointed Sheriff' for the: orients' of Victoria, sloe George Kempt, decoae. ed. The Ravine and Rifle Pits ;Taken. 5 VOLUNTEERS o'ttr:RS NILLf:11 AND 111 wouoeD En. IIA:n1:L L1. as M1000. Courier has arrived at Humboldt with news that I3lttoebe wait taken by Gen. Middleton Monday evening. Artillery continued to shell evening's position of Monday and about noon Riel sent a meetings) to Middleton threatening to massacre prisoners if firing on their bonsai olid not owe. Middleton fearing Riel would carry out hit threat ordered troops to charge. Troops oracle rapid advance with field batteries, capturing rifle pats and ravine, and driving rebels before them. Fighting was deeper - cite, many of our brave follows biting the dust, With tremendous cheers volwlteere chef] clown on Batoche capturing houses and releasing all prisoners. Rebele are in full flight. Following is list of killed as fir as known :—Lieut. Filch, Royal Grena- diers ; W. N. Nippon, Perth ; Capta. French and Brown, of Boulton's scouts ; Private Fraser of 90th Batt. Wounded -90th Bate—Serge-major Watson, Sergt. Jalces, Corpl, Gillies, Private Young; Grenadiers—Major Dawson. Lieut. Laidlaw, Privates Cook, Quigley, Barbour, Marshall, IIrmison, buglorGanbam ; Midland ]lata., Lieut. Zlellinell, Corpl. Hellin - ell, Private Barton. Rebel loss not known yet, but must bo very heavy. Northoote and another steamier Dome down river as plane is captured with "0" School of Infantry and Mounted Polios and thought they would cut off rebels retreat. Nothing later has been received from Batoche but it is the general belief that the backbone of the half- breed rebellion has been broken and Riot's defiant host of marksmen turn- ed lute fugitives from justice. Noth- ing is definitely known about the movsmente of the rebel leaders, but private advices received at Winnipeg indicate that Riot; Dumont and oth- ers have crossed river and started west, Scouts who have returned to Battleford from Poundmaker report that Indians have decamped from scene of Otter's fight. They do not know in what direction but some think northward towards Fork Pitt. This would indicate more strongly than ever that they received severe chastisement. Advices from Edmon- ton district state that five white per - sous are 1n the hands of Indians. Big Bear is said to have a very large force and campaign in that region it is thought will be a serious one. Cnsaacliataa N©0vs. Thereday of last week the Welland canal was opened. The Oolliugwoocl and Port Arthur boats are running. The Ontario Medical Association, of which Dr. Worthington, of Clinton is Presidotlt, meets in London early next month. Thirty-four students have success,. fully passed their first intermediate examination of the Law Society at Osgoode Hall. The 18t11 of June has been fixed as the date of voting ou the Scott Act iu the counties of Lincoln, Middlesex, and Perth. Rieh,.rd Carnoy, ex -Sheriff of Al- goma District, dial at Fort William recently. I -Ie was one of the oldest settlers in Ontario. Subeoriptione to the Red Cross Ambulance Oorps are still owning to to the treasurer in Toronto. The re. eeipts 11030 amount, to $2,864. At a re0811t meeting of the Brant- ford Orange organizations it was de. tided to ran a special train to St. Thomas; ou the 12th of July, and to participate in the monster Orange de- monstration to be held in that city. Her Majesty's war ship Bulldog has arrived at ,Halifax from Bermuda. She will proceed thence to Newfoundland 013 fishing protection service, There aro uov four British war ships in this port—the Tenedos, Fantotne, Alert and Bulldog. Sir (Ilrnrles Tupper, High Commis - sinner of Canada, has returned to London from Antwery. He had an interview with Icing Leopold, who exprossod the hope that more intimate relations might be established between the Dominion and Belgium, The United Order of Foresters of the United States )las beou forced into insolvency through loss of memnber- sh1p, 1'he Windsor Board of Education is agitated over the rplest1o11 of whether Freueli shall be taught in the schools or not. The difficulty 111 Hamilton over the tollgate qusstiou yet continues and the farmers have torn the Vele street gato down, Ingersoll has a Poultry and Pet Stook Association with G. E. Perkins as President, and J. '.i . Christison as Secretary• The old bell from the R. C. church, London, Ont., has been sent to Troy, N. Y., to be recast and enlarged for the now cathedral. A petition bas been forwarded to the Minister of Marine and Fislieriee asked that a range light be pineal in Kingsville harbour. The Windsor Town Council has voted $400 to the Board of Health to prepare for the reception to be givou King Cholera. According to the assessor's returns the population of Hamilton has in- creased two hundred and eighty-two since the last returu, while the real estate shows an incieaee in value of more than $600,000. At the meeting of Toronto City Council it was deoided to send a dep- utation to Ottawa to interview the Government regarding the harbour improvements, work on which has been stopped. While Abraham Moore, of Both- well, was out walking iu the woods a mile south-west of the village the other day, he came upon a largo wild cat, which gruwled savagely at him. Being unarmed lie quietly retreated. Mining has been carried ou during the winter in the Lake of the Woods district w1t11 very satisfactory results, some remarkably rich veins leaving been etruok. One sample assayed yielded a value of over $2,000 to the tun. Mrs. Frances Ann Harris, the al. lapel counterfeiter, who sine Jaou. tory last has beou out on bail, was tried before Judge Horne at Sand wish. She was sentenced to three months in the county gaol for having counterfeit coin in her possession. Rev. Leo Gaotz, a former pastor in the Queen's Avenue Methodist church, Toronto, is to receive a call to Zion (thumb, Winnipeg. His settlement north of Calgary has been practically destroyed, $1,500 worth of goods and provisions having beeu slvept away by an Indian raid. Tho thirty-second Battallion, Bruce Volunteers, received orders Monday night to start immediately for the North•West. The Montreal Garrisou Artillery, about 280 strong, Cook their departure by 12:80 train Monday amid a most enthusiastic demonstration from the citizens and their brother 00111013010, A mild sensation was caused at the Middlesex Assizes by the stubborn refusal of a convicted prisoner to testify in a case of highway robbery. On being sentenced to a year's im- prisonment for contempt of oourt, however, he thought better of it, and after giving hie evidence the Chief Justioo revoked ilio sentenoe. A sad oecarronce took place on the 21n1 line of Adelaide on Saturday, 25th ult., in which Gilbert Holt came to 011 untimely end, In attempting to targe his horses past a small pile of brush ono of the animals became frightened and kicked him in the region of the stomach. Es lingered in extreme pain until Wednesday the 20th, when he passed away at 11;50 p.m. Application has been made to the Lieut,•Govornor of Ontario for the incorporation of the Sandwich, Windsor &; Walkervillo Street Rail- way Company, the capital stook being $200,000, distributed among the fol- lowing dial:oholdere :--•W. 3. Mateo, Joseph Nelsonville and 11, A. Mc- Hugh, Windsor J. W. Aspin, Ar- thur Rankin and Gordon McWhinney Sandwich.