HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-5-1, Page 77m
:1'f.tr 1, 1983,
rushing to her face. Quick as thougnt
silo put her handlcerohief to hor mouth,
awl Nought to eotapo 13otiaa Milder tie
00(10 of a brio( strangulation. " 171ila iN
not going to aIIHO'e1' 111 all," 341(0 thought.
"1 must aoquiro a bettor solf•coutrol,"
Sho at once began talking about Gray.
(100 in the 10081 natural unmoor (,08811110,
asking 111ltuy questions. Mrs.11010's in.
tuition and powers of observation wore
not vary groat, turd 61111 w'a8 without
faio0 1,1, s'tspicion of what ryas pass-
ing hi Amigo's hind. Kc'au.eyed, roti.
cent Mr. Mnlr was not so unheeding,
however, When Graydon's Immo Swath
mentioned ho 1a111j000 (1 to glanca rap
from his dinner -which usually absorbed
his attention. In dealing with men ho
had acquired the 11111(1 of Keen obsorva.
tion. During a busin0ss tralonetian his
impassive fheo and quiet oyes gave no
001(101100 of lits searching sem tiuy. 1Io
not only heard and weighed 11)0 words
to which he liHtonod, but over sought to
follow the mental 100000808 bellied
111(In1; and often men had 1(00uperplexad
by Ulu fact that the 11011/00 had appa-
rently arrived at conclusions opposite
to the tonar of their statements. When,
therefore, ho saw 010 color flying into
Maclgo's face at the unexpected utter -
atm of his brother's name, his atton•
tion was arrested and an impression
Made to which 11111 millet would revert m
the future It might mean nothing ; it
nligl'1 mean a great deal. 1usia0013and
11011(1 life were everything 11 1011'. Muir,
and Graydon's admiration of Miss Wild -
mem 'l l not 02. ,or either
V.: c; 11,..1 .,.. Muir had 00.
quirod (mainly by prnct.0u Madge pos.
00108,1 111' nature. AN WO l(avu 1001),
1 .:.,118 11uit.) free from that Most un-
womanly 11(11:0 of stupidity which is
''tete (sue to the heart :11100 than 1110
Santo w01ne11 1:no5V what i 1 told
Glom if it is told 1+;'.(!11'0; others lo
into the eyes of Giotto around them and
r 00 what is ,•ought to he eoueealed. Tho
r. ,11(1111 1101uau 10111(1.111:11:, le 1. She often
1.11, great row, rs to , usierunu•ut, lint
11:11 001 take ,1, t to 13;u: them,
0 ,., , ,noun 1.,, 1 1:.' a:.. (-11'11 '•:t,,,•;,•;tri.
• htc(1, lo0,•1(1,
• legit ,nt0.
1101111'1 ;i . 111 , r 1.-...,. , 1 ,'1 t'1,' 91-+.
0. u„ ru .. ,..1,;:111. While Mudge
p1•onH..1 nulla '.1 i it;.'ly toward tic p 11 :1
ut her hurls. t.111 (1i11 not (10 so iu Lh0.(g1,1.
less or 111':01134 i dilferenee 01)111(rd
those 111.1 had true: elailas l) 0tl ler.
With lu•r ti -ter silo 10011 salt 11.11 ani
was well, ---that 8110 wag, (19 before, all.
Sorbed and 001(1(nt 1011111110 routine of
her lite. Shu was not so stare about her
brother-in-law. During lu r a1seuco
lines of care bad appeared in hie face,
and there Wail an abstracted and some-
tilnos a troubled loop in his oyes, as if
he was pursued by questions that wore
importunate and oven threatening. Tito
indications of perturbation were slight
inches, but £rout his nature they would
bo Bo in any case. Thus 1110 yOUllg 1,101
also 0000100(1 an impression which
awakened a faint solicitude. ,lir. ,Muir,
as her guardian and the manager of her
property, had been a true friond and
loyal to his trust. Silo entertained for
111(11 much respect and a strong, quiet
affection. llo did not dwell iu hor
thoughts merely as ono who ty11N useful
to her, but rather as one who had been
true to her, and to whom she in for
plata and way would be true and sym-
pathetic, were thorn occasion.
:Undg) was 1011ried indeed by her long
journey but not exhausted. In sensations
so di li'orent from thosewhicb had followed
her journey to the West oho recognized
her imm0asurablo gain. Thou she had.
cntorod Mrs. 11'ayland's cottage holpless,
hopeless, a fugitive from her own weak.
gess. By wiso otdoavor sho had trans-
formed that very weakness into her
strength, and had returned to the scenes
from which she bad lied earnest and
rosoluto—ono who had made her choice
for lifo and would abidoby it. Womanly
to her very fingor•tipo, sho was Gating
with the aggres5ivo (100isioll of a man.
Sensitive and timid beyond mostwotne!..,
sho would not loco iter happiness wham
it might bo watt in paths not only 11oligo11
about by all tho proprieties of her lot,
but also by a roscrvo and pride with
whioh her owe line nature was pro -
eminently endowed. That sho loved
Graydon Muir was a troth for life. If
lin could learn to lovo her from what
she had sought to be, from what she
simply was, he should have rho chance.
Her own deop oxporiouce had taught
her 100011 andgiven hor the claw to
many t11itgs. She had studied life, not
only in books, but in its actual mani-
festations. Mrs. Wayland was a social
mine in 110014011, and could recall from
1110 past, volumes of dispassionate g0s.
sip, fret) from malice, In two years
Madge had learned to know rho world
batter than many who are in contact
with it for long periods, but who see all
through the distorted medium of their
own projtldioos or oxceptioual experi-
ences. Although she was 00 longer un•
sophisticated she was neit110r cynical
nor optimistic. Boforo 1100 hopo could
be fuliillod sho knew she must outer Ho-
(uety,atd she s1udiea it thoughtfully,—its
whims and meatu08808, as well as its
laws and refinements. If sho over
00110110(1 Graydon's side sho meant to
stand [hero with m ktowlodgo and eon-
lidenoo as as5nr0d 1161118 Own. She soon
Method Haat 11 is common onongh for
women to souk to win men by ovory al.
luring and oogaettisll device. She would
employ no domes wiatover. ,bho would
merely reappear above 'leis horizon
among other luminaries, ami 5111110 with
hor own pure luborr0wed light. nen
it most dopond upon himself 101)01(1100
sho 0000 110011m0 his own "bright part(,
alllar star.!"
So Hutch sho felt sho had a right to
(lo, and no convontional hesitation as
to hor 000000 s100od it her way. Her
lovo had become the g0001ning impulse
of ler hfo, and its dictates woro impora-
tivo until they trenched upon her e0n-
1i1iv o, womanly pride. Then ahoy woro
met as Gm ] o;,it 1110011 1110 11110, 001
(1111 1101 11100 10(,111111011'(10111114111 think;
11 should never 11111'0 0000,0i01( t0 think at
all. ]ler 1(10001 was betwoen herself
and (1011. Graydon 111006011 6110111(1
31000r know u1)1ua8 his Immo buo(wna
11ow vividly 1100 old haunts weaned
him 1 T1)uro wwa1•, t110 lotalge un 0111011
1e le5e(l to toss tho '.little wraith" after
laving cal'rast llor around ill rho soul.
hhlueo of 11, waits. 'rho sola mu which
had taken pla10 their Ntraug0 p,u•tiug
still st(m(1 n, of old in liar room, Tuurc
hor Load had sunk 111 nn00nsn is 181)134'3
upon his breast, t.ho result of her 1111111,
leublo struggiu to 0,cap0 front caresses
So natural to loin[, but no longer to bo
r0cuivud by hal'.
Whitt way-luarits in lil'u mute, 0010-
nlouplace things become 111 111m light of
luunlory 1 To bur vivid lauey (Graydon
was again 111.000111 in all the p0Hit1Una
now made uluulorabl0 by (loop affection,
T110 past unrolled itsolt ogaiu as it had
so oltuu done before. Shu 811.10 Um pal-
lid, fri4111un011 child that aoarcely (larva
to 10011 deprecatingly 1111110 11,11d50m0
oucg cohogiltu, 11110 saw again tho
11(11,1 yet mirthful oyes that Unarmed en -
cot Ir. lgiugly upon her. She remembered
that fu Um unworthy pat they had
ever luoluul upon hor WW1 a large, i un -
11)1, ai''cli0uat0 tolerance, 1111111111/1 now
1008 chiefly upon 111'1.(011 the blaano for
those years of W01111(1009. 1ler pr0816 1
radiant health ,amt ,.(11(tty proved slow
unnecessary they 11.1.1 been, and hor
bo'.Lrt 111:0•.11..1...;.0, a: no thought of
101141 they 1111.;1,1 east :....
Mary had accompanied hor to her
.x00)11, 111111 was asked, in a caroloes tone,
what had 11ec0n10 of Miss wilduaoro,
"I was told incidentally the othor clay
that she was as great a belle as over,
I had hoped that the would bo out of
Graydon's sway bel0r0 this time. 111ave
hoard, however, that groat hullos aro
often 10101000 in marrying than the 10mo-
11,•tt girls. If )111 1s true that 1s said,
this .hiss Wilducro has made mischief
enough ; but 1 ata not anxious that our
Cir11yilon should mit short her career -
1(1m1 is, if uwrria,a1 would eta it shalt.
I imagine 81) • w1(1 a101100 bo a gay 00-
0101y woman. Well, .1l•u1g0, 1 suppose
you must make n„ your mind to bo a
belle yourself. '3'3'hy don't you cut out
this 'speculator,' as my husband calls
her 1 If Graydon ba 1 111y oyes it wouldn't
bo difficult task."
"Graydon hasn't your oyes or mine
either," was tho brusque reply. "I pro-
puso to 11340 my own. They may see
101110 one that 11(000 never met. Ono
tiling at least is oortaiu,—I don't intend
to tint Out 11188 11'i1(l100ro 00 any 000
elso. no elan 1130 loins me will 1avo
to (10 fila cooking 11081 emphatically ;
and I warn volt 1 eforel: Ind, sister 011110,
that you 0.1:0.1 nuloc let the idea of
Illatch.101111(1t; enter t"our head. Since
I have been away I have clevoloped
01000 trill of ley own than =solo,
Thera is no necessity for leo ever to
1:0: rrw, 1111,1 if I do it will be booauso I
wish to, not because any ono olso wants
me to. Nothing would sot mo against
a marl more certainly than to too that
130 had all('', 1vlio 101110 ma11'l00riug is
hi.; behalf ;" atm she concluded with a
hiss that robbed hor Swords of a point
1-+o sharp, perhaps, for her sister's feel-
ings. Slat know firs, Muir':s poml11arm%
t.ios well enough, however to boliow0
that such words were needed, and silo
had intended to speak them in Boom
1010.1 at tho earliest opportunity. There-
fore she was glad that she could utter
the warning so oarly awl naturally in
their now relations. 1,01 was it 111.
cllo.1 for, siuco tho thought of bringing
3I111g1 and Clraydoll toyothar 110.13 al-
ready entered 12r., 'diiir's mind. A.
scheme of this character would grow in
fascination every hour, Poor Madgo
1.11.0 well aware that, with tho bolt in.
tentiou+, 110 0110 could more ocrtaiuly
blast her hopes than her sister, whose
0100134 would bo unaccompanied by the
nicest tact. lloreoror, any such at.
tompts might involve the disclosure of
Mir secret,
"Well, you have changed in every re.
spool)," said Mary, looking at her won.
"For the hotter, 1hopo. Illy fooling
in this respect, however, seems to be
perfectly natural. I don't sea how a
soli-rospocting girl could enduro any.
thing except a straightforward, down.
right suit, with plenty of time to nlalt0
up her own mind. I can do without the
mat w110 does nob think me worthy of
this, and could probably do without him
000 way. Because a man wants to
Marry tl girl is only ono ,mason for as-
Sou1, and thorn may bo dozen routine
to the contrary."
"Why, Madge, Trow you talk 1 When
you loft us it soomod as if ono might
pick you up and marry you and yo.3
would not have 1pi):it enough to say y,..,
or no, 1lavo you had to rofuso any on
at Santa Barbara? Porhaps you didn't
refa50, Yon Have told me so litflo of
what was going on 1"
"That isn't lair to mo, Mary. I em.
111aiuod to you that I wis10(1 to give
you a pleasant surprfso. To plan 1t
ploasuro for you 00115 not ttnsistorly, lad
it ? I haven't Miss Wildnero'e ambi-
tion for misoollaneots conquests. Why
s1otild I write about men for whom I
cared nothing, and toward whom my
manner should have made my spoken
negative utneo0seary1"
"Other girls would. Well, it seams
that their suit was downright enough to
satisfy you. Good gracious I How
many wore there ?"
Madgo 1aug110d, yawned, and hal: 010.
ter saw that her dark oyes worm full at
tho languor of sloop, whioh added to
their beauty.
"Oh, not many," sho drawled, "I'll
gossip about thorn some othor lino
when not so tired. I'll indicate thorn
by numerals. Why should I babble
1.bQir Macon in connection with what
!3".:1:1774 ?1T 7
111' 1 e 1,11e.1 so sa)1011! ? 1 weudee how
•' 1 r Ido, Noor) l (.111(04 hall u'innrre,l
t1 ,
• fi 1 1011 solt.1'+ 0110'1' u.k
w1„•.0 1 (11 :.11,111e0 Ono, Two, Tilroo,
awl '0.1 011, til .1 twill 101mVcr just aH 01111,
Woo;, 1L?"
' .i„ (rad 011. 1 wish to know their
la ((111' 0000eatiell, 3(1:,1 t1'lleChui'
1.. 3c t' 1.,1101 Ir 1101,''
(, and 10)•,1111 to
1,. u: 101 ; ,inti' 1110 1,101) their
a,Nl'..t1,:1.1•. :, 11,11..1 at leas:, 10 a1,l.ear110 1
101. 1110 present. 111,1' 11:411.1' 141(0 114,1
1:,1 11.,r 1)111(401 (801(14 and rilltiAand.
I'0':omu, 1 :,iluald.n.,• "11'1t, Mailv0,,,
boo ,•:.11111110,4 1. ",unit Bosh •i.; as whit()
alit x11r001i( :1:, ,l0ry, t1,11 1111110N1. OH 110111
1,0 t01.011 1 1t',1 3) wondt'rfnl trans.
formation. 11'0,11 Noaroc'ly 1,!11(!\'e, 111110:1
1'14, 1!,ters, 111(11s. IOU 11.4011 gr,111'5 N0
b:altiful the:t 3011 almost turn oven ley
Lee 1."
'21,000 is nn::.:a; 1,0 Woi:derf:I ab lr;
1lary 11:no-t any girl In -„y 'win
1101111(1, awl therefore) woro or 1:1.1
1(101,ty. it silo has the 8emso 11(01 will to
111ai:u the effort. Y01( know what I was
W11,11 1 left home, 1 au„g1st0 l doctor:
1.41134 11100u than 0)1)11ling else, and it was
011)11ly 1113' 111111;" au t 811,1 Hhle'l1 deep.
ly, "i. 1011 I wcut to wort iu a 0.,1(0.,111
.EAT 11A.J1ET,
MAIN s`8'ttBE'r, l3(00113S6A.P3
Oftile bostqunlity always on1and end (15110
5rooinamypariofthe Villaaefree of charge
TMIMS Very Favorable.
801 whloO 1130 highest MA rket prloo wilib e
Ials0make a Speolaltyofboyinghldesand
Skins, [loo'tforget the Place, 'taxi d our
to Fie te0er'n.levrel lr)B tore.
ANDR111' CUI1)))
Tho undersigned begs leave to announce to
the Public generally that he has purchased
the Entire Stook of D. Train, harness
maker, and lutein brought a Large Stock
of his Own Mak( ,ha is prepared to Com-
pel() with the ineapest, as ho Buys Strictly
for Cash A Complete Stock of
And Everything in the harness Liu
t3' Harness made to Order from best ma
tension Shortest Notice.
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
r.000gA On elicited before Purchasing
• Wanted at Once
will be takou in Exchange for anything in
the Harness Line.
lam'Don't forgetthoplata, inDr Graham s
Block, D. Frain's 01,1 Stand, Main Street,
Make Money!
Outfit worth a Large Sural of Mon-
ey all Free. You will find Your
Fortune in our Circular.
Gr'eat Chance for Lady
illgelats to ,Make Money.
Terms and Outfit Free. You
will find our Circular a Prize.
S't. Cathcrines, Ontario.
C. H1 Maddaugh
begs loavo to notify tho peopl0 of Brussols
a111 surrounding country that ho has open.
ed n shop in GRAN 1 S .11LOCH, formerly
oocupiod by W. II Morris, [where ho will bo
pleased to attend to tho wants of all tavor-
inghim with their (8111)s. Timbest of
satisfaction guaranteed.
¢uc%aw'+u1.11.4 am:m 11 sac'xm?11.110m 111. v. ,1..- may, qR,E03 ,.yam
The undersigned lin returning thanks to the Ire ol+la (,1' C'1'ttllbrOO.IC
and Surrounding Country for their Liberal Pittrt'lnlgc ilbring the paat
8 years would respectfully intimate that 11e has again 118unl(d lluai-
(1088 111111 will be fuuutl at the Old ;stand, ready to atton,l t,1 the Wants
of his Customers,
al 1E_ H AC+ -0 rz:= B::0F'
will be Under the Management of a First-C'1aiii Mechanic..
Repairing of .1 hinds „lttc•'iuled to.
•12Y'e a so Make a Speciaty of'_Xeu' ff ol'1: got up
ill 'Furst -Cass St e and Gual'Cllltf'(SCt
to Give SatlsfaetZon•
We are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing the
Victoria R®tL Oar[,
allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of All two wheel Vehicles.
Intending Purchasers Should Call .and Examine.
J' 1
Wm. Vaisto 0632$ P190pictorgo
SVo have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our Now
Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and is giving the Lest Satis-
We also mako the following Brands of Flour :
Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and
Snow Storm.
Gristing Attended to with Promptness.
—111ANUFA C T V llr.P. OF—
1111 made of the Best Material and finished in a work111n11-like manner.
Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to.
Parties intending to buy should call before
RIiFl:IiENCES.--M TS(1en Smith, B. Laing, lla111es Clltt and William
McKelvey, Grey township ; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little. Geo. llrew'al',
and David Breckenridge, Morris township) ; Thos. Town and 'William
lilashill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Tear, Eirktou, and T. W.rig iii. 'Turn•
burly township.