The Brussels Post, 1885-5-1, Page 68
bootory of Churohos lid looiatios
MLL1n 4 (.'nt'uetl.—Sabbath 4oryloes M
11 4.111. and 0,3o p.m. Sunday Scheel at
2:30 p.m. Rev. Jno. hogs, 13. A„ paator,
KNcx Curncu. -Sabbath Sorviooe at 11
a.nt, and 6:331 pan, Sunday School of 2:80
p.m, Rev. S. Jones, pastor,
ST',.7ous's (']linen, -•Sabbath Herviooa at
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 11;80
Rev. W. T. Chafe, incumbent.
llarnoptsr ('nro,11. -Sabbath Services at
10:30 man. nn1 0:30 p.m. Sunday School at
3:811 p.m. P-letc•r Rev. 11, C, Cloppison,
Iio$'0 (1Tu' 1,to Cavum,---4ai,batll Ser-
vice third Sunday in every month at 11 a.rn,
Ray. P. J. Shen, priest,
0113 Fia.o„w's Lot,aa every Thursday
evening in Graham's block,
MAsegicLepnt: Tuesday at or before full
moon in Ilolmes' block.
A.. 0. 17, W. Lopa11 meets on 2nd and
last Wednesday evenings each month.
Foaaar1a'$Lopea 2nd and last Monday
evenings of eaah mouth in Smile's hall,
L.0,L.1st Monday in ovary month in
Orange Hall.
Poor Ornccr.—Office Ilours from 8 a, m,
to 7 p. m.
+.hrary inHolmes'bloak, over S. 13.Smale's
store, will be open from 6 to 7 p.m. on Wed.
neodays and Fridays and from 4 to 6 p.m.
on Saturdays.
"You're the plague of my life 1"
exclaimed au angry husband, "I
wish the 0111 Nick Lind you." ''So I
might plague you in the next world?"
calmly inquired the wife.
In angor flew her agile jaws,
And swear words darted from her
The maid was fighting mad, because
Sbe couldn't make her bergs may
Itobinson'a Phosplloriaod Emulsion is ppar-
tlmnlarly adapted to delicate females, in there
low states of th e eyste 11 that themselves in se j
AysfrRb peculiar izmlwaastkoonsos ospho ed arm.
alelon, and be sure you got it,
. A Hamilton paper Beads a para.
graph "The silent dead." That's the
sort of deed p•ople we like ; if there
IS anything that annoys us and makes
us want to get up and do something
violent, itis a noisy, garrulous, over•
bearing corpse.
The followed is aro,,: J. W. Ptolemy, of Win -
nMeg , formerly grain buyer for Wm, Gill-eby,
of Hamilton and Grimsby: -'r was for many
years much natio led with Cost ivenese, B i Jlou s-
neos, and ultimately Dyspepsia, I suffered
very much and tried many different anedloines
Which gave me only tem n orar y relief Had then
I was as bad as ever agate. I was recommend-
ed by a friend, who had been restored to health
by it, to try AlaGregor'a Speedy pure. i did eo
and it was not long oefore I felt like a new
man, and I have enjoyed excellent health ever
elute. Ifirst commenced taking it February
7111,1870. Bold by Tao. Hargreaves ec Go.
The editor of the Key West Demo•
sial is said to be only forty filches
high and weighs but thirty-five
pounds. When the man wtth a club
COMM to interview "the chap who
wrote that artiols" the editor of the
Democrat crawls foto his paste -pot
and pulls down the lid,
Fluid Lightning.
Fluid Lightning not only mires Toothaohe
instantly, but also Neuralgia, Headache, Ear-
ache, Rheumattem, Lumbago and Solstice,
pain of any mind cannot remain one minote
where it is applied. Whoa you hoar of Fluid
Lightning you hear of 000 of the greatest mar.
vela ever known in the way of a medicine, as it
never foils to aura, and not in a week or a de y,
but the instant it is applied 10 the affected
part, Sold by Into, Hargrea'r a k Co.
Things one would rather not have
said :—Mr's. A..—"Come and lunch
with ns to -morrow. You will be in•
terested in the schoolmaster's bride,"
Mrs. B.—"Oh, yes ; how do you like
Ler ?" Mrs, A. --"Very well, only
she's a little unused to the ways of
society. 1 sliouldn't ask her to meet
Moe person."
Halt Atheism.
Salt Bheum, Pimples or Blotch
A Boy's Economy. --A boy eaves or
eight years old was passing along
,Elizabeth street yesterday with a
dime in his fingers, when an-
other boy accosted num with : "What
yo going to buy ?"'Camphor.' "What
for ?" "To keep moths away." "Say,
said the second boy tie he 0030 010817•
er, "I'll tell yon what I'll do, If you
spend five cents o' that for candy I'll
lend you my dog all one clay to hunt
down the moths, and if be don't on
'OM 1111enc1 tho honest rattrap
this pity, You can just as well e
five cents as not.
ezertMer'o Caro will hmnealately relieve
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronohltis. gold
by 0. A. Headman,
Fon Dyspepsia and Livor Complaint, you
have printed guarantee on ovary bottle of
Minutes Vitalizer. It uovor fails to aero. Sold
by G, A, D °adman,
A Jawbreaker.—An officer of the
Welsh steamer (iwalia, now in port,
says tlutt a new vessel of that lino, to
he built at Sunderland, is to have
the name of Llaufairpwllgwylhgyllgo•
geryohwyrndrowlleanttysiliogogogoo 11
\\ here slid yon find the name ?" It's
pure Welsh," he said. "Have you
never hoard of the Englishman's per-
fect cure ter lockjaw 2 Here it is
printed," lis blinded the reporter
the following card : ''Ie your father at
home 2" asked an Englishman of a
Welsh boy whom he met ou the Great
Orme's Bead, Llandutluor. "No, sir ;
he's gone to work at Llansantflrntd-
glom Ceuwy." "Is your mother in,
then 2" "She'll gone to work at Llan-
fihaugel• trier-bofrdd." "Dear me I
but where is your sister ?" "My sla-
ter ? "My sister has gone to school at
Llanfltirpwlgwngyllgugsr•ychwyrndro -
o.11santtyeiliogo g o g o c h," "Good
gracious 1" exclaimed the English-
man, "I must go and take a smile."
,t. PA1tALI,t3L,
Bangs on a girl give her an unruly
look, like a cow with a board over her
face. You take the gentlest cow in
the world and put a board over her
face, and turn Lor opt in the pasture
end she gets the reputation of being
unruly, end you would swear that
the would jump fences and raise mar.
ry Lades, and you wouldn't give 00
much for her by $10 only for beef.
It is eo with a girl. If she wears her
hair high on the forehead, or brushed
back, or ever.] frizzes and has a good
look, you will go your bottom dollar
on her, and feel that when she tells
her young man that she loves him
there is no discount on it, and no
gigging back ; but take the same girl
with her front hair banged, aucl when
she looks at you you feel just as
though she would hook, and you can't
trust her. She has a fence jumping
look that makes a young man feel as
though be would not be safe, unless
she was tied Lund and foot, so she
could not get nut of the pasture.
The Supply Exhausted -
There 17 as once an old minister who
was always deploring deeply the want
of proper judgment in the members of
parliament in the selection they made
in appointing magistrates.
He thought they should be intolli•
gent, Christian men, when the re-
verse was the case. Very soon after
a number of men throughout the
country had been appointed to this
office, the old minister was riding out
in a nice covered buggy, and was met
by one of these newly -appointed egg•
istrates, who addressed the old minis-
ter in these words :
'Indeed, Mr.—, you are out in
le to -clay, why don't you do aayour
eter did 2"
'How was that 2" said the minister.
He rode an ass."
"0, I cannot do that ?" was the re- ego
"\Vhy can't you 2" asked the mag
"0, I cannot get ono, because the
Government bee just macto magistrat-
es of them all."
thoroughly removed by a proper application '
of 2,2aSregor k Parke's ll embolic Coe ate to the
part, and a taw doses of lloGrogor's Speedy 813'
Cure tor impure blood. Be sure and get the ma
genuine. Prepared by McGregor & Park. gold 1
uc00 oente at Hargreaves and Co's, drug store, '
"What d'yo leave that door wide
open for ?" exclaimed the gentleman
iu the office to the intruded peddler.
"Oi thought, surr," was the quick
reply, "that you moight want
to kick me clown stades, and Oi want-
ed to ma11e it convenient for ye, Burr.,,
The gentleman was so token back
that lie bought two apples for five
cents, passing of a bad quarter in the
yliiloh a Catarrh Ren edy with
60 ole, gold
:iv G. A. Doadman.
"I don't see what makes the bread
so heavy ?" said a young housekeep•
er. "Perhaps yon didn't put in en-
ough yeaet," suggested her husband's
mother. "011, no, that couldn't be
it," replied 1118 young°wife, ingenious.
1y, "the more yeast I put In the beav-
ier it would be, you know." As the
,young cook had studied mathematics
her knowledge was 1101 to be quer•
tioned, and the old lady was silenced.
An individual six feet high end
stout out of proportion presents him-
self at (lectors ofiiee. "Well, fir,"
says the prince of sciences, "what can
1 do for you e" "DJoctor," replies the
giant, in a voice that makes the win-
dows rattle, "I've lost my appetite."
"God lacy the nllfnrtuuato wlio has •
found it, then 1" 11126Were the doctor, I
soleulull', "f(1' 1m10as he's a million- . t
W. railway. The owner was Rued
$100 and 80 days in goal.
J, Paine and 3, II, 1-1u11, of Mark-
dale, have taken out a patent for roll.
er skatee. \Ve uudoretaud they have
refused the stun of $10,000 for the
patent for the Dominion.
!or (oto riaL, Diph thnrin,l and C'eopunitive
erl MLouth.
sem by Geo. A, Headman,
A horse and buggy stolen last .De -
comber from in front of a Loudon
hotel was recovered at Toeswater. It
is supposed the thief was Little, who
was implicated in the robbery of a
Jow in Wellington a short time slues,
A meeting of members of Parlia-
ment was held in Ottawa c11 the 24th
inst., to dlsense the question of Im-
perial Federation, It was decided to
hold a meeting hi Montreal on the
911) of liay, when the matter will be
taken lute farther consideration,
Why will yon cough whoa Shilob'e Cure w111
give immudinte relief, Price IV 08,60 Er., and
01,00 Sold by (leo,.4. Headman,
The match for the championship
between Whyte, of Chosley, and Ben-
nett Toronto, toolc place Tuesday ev-
v.ening in the Walkerton t'iuk. The
conditions were that Whyte had to
skate 86 laps while Bennett ram 80
laps, the stakes being $100. Both
men wore m good oondltion and ready
to start when galled on. At the word
go Loth theta set off, Whyte winning
by about 10 yards. Time, 9 m, 2
aeoouds. Bennett made a good allow
but had no 011anoe.
A stranger named Jas. Blaolc,
about 40 years of age, from the vi-
cinity of Palmerston or Durham, at.
tempted to get a free ride on the G.
W. R. train going west from Paris by
jumping o1, the cowcatcher of the
engine, [3e unfortnentely fell off,
and tho eugme passed over bis legs.
°rushing them fearfully. Medical aid
was promptly o1, the spot and ampu-
tated ono leg. The strain was too
great for his system, and he expired
an hour or so afterwards.
The case against the bridery con-
spirators, on trial at Toronto the past
week, was given to the jury on Tues.
day, and they returned a verdict of
not guilty of "conspiring to bribe,"
The'io Legislature will now, at
its next session, have 10 Ileal with
Messrs. Bunting, Meek, Will(ineon
and Kirkland, and their chola course
in attemptiug to bride members. The
verdiot only deals with the question of
conspir•any, and i•1 contrary to the
finding of Judges Proudfoot and Sen.
kler, who sat on the Commission,
John Waugh, ex•mayor of Niagara
Falls, who has beeu failing in health
the past three months, walked out on
the railway suspension bridge this
week and climbed over the railing ped
got hold of one of the river girders
underneath the bridge. hanging by
both bands with His body dangling in
the a1r, some 160 feet above the rocks
near the water's edge. It would seem,
however, that he repented of his rash
resolves, for be held on for dear life
until reaened by three young men
named Herr, Howe and Gillespie. Mr,
\Vaugli has for some time past shown
signs of temporary ileanrty caused by
siokneee. •
Tam Illustrated War News, publish-
ed by The Grip Printing and Publsb•
lag Co., promises to prove a sucoese-
fnl venture. The third ntunber just
issued, is of oxcsptional merit from an
artistic point of view, and the an.
nouneement of the fact that the ser-
vices of °apt, C. W. Allen have been
secured as editor, indicates that the
literary department is not to be ne-
glected. A cartoon in the last issue,
assuming to fix the responsibility for
the outbreak in the North-west, is one
of the best of J, W. Bengough's best
ris. The cartoonist has effect -
guarded his position against at-
tack by the sup -porter's of any partici
alar view, policy, or party, by provid-
ing enough of explanations of the
outbreal( to "go round." The picture
is full of bite, and the whole number
is oredltablo to Canadian illustrated
Canadian New
Geu. Grant will be 68 on Monday.
Serious damage has been paused e
Merrickville by Roods on the Rideau
It is proposed to convert three un-
used cemeteries in Kingston into a
park, g e
Oenetlpat(on, Dizziness, lona ofbnppiate, Yellow
Elkin? Sbiloh'o Vitalizer is a positive caro.
Sold by G. A. Bondman,
St. Patriot's street bridge over the
Rideau at Ottawa has been unshed
Mitchell, who 111110d McIntosh, at
St. Thome, has been found guilty of
Tyrno llsv. Goo, H, Major, of Durban, Ind„
fiI111oi eA6onsumlltioVe rpt? Vag o�A
A fire at 1110 Producers Refining
COmpany'e works, Petrnlea, paused
damage to the extent n'' $;1,000.
A young married auntie hu East
Saginaw e('11 their cooking stove for
wo pair of roller skates.
An illicit still was seized hast ween(
few mince from Lisle, on the N. R. I1.
1)0'11 1.,0 n ruined Mall before the
Pursuant to the doereo for administra-
tion made herein the creditors of Alexander
Henry, late of the Township of Grey, in
the Comity of Huron, yeoman, who died h1
or about the month of August, 1880, are on
or before the 11th day of May, 1885, to send,
by post prepaid, to D. L. Wang, Esquire, of
the Village of Brussels, in the County of
Huron, the solicitor for the Adminietlnfsix
herein, their Christian and surnames, ad.
drosses and description, rho full particulars
of their claims, a statement of thou' ac.
counts and the nature of the securities, if
any, held by them or in default thereof
they will be peremptorily minded from
the benofit of the said decree. Livery orod-
itor. holding any seon1'it,y is to product, 1110
nalme before me at lay Chambers in the
Court House, in the :them of Goderioh, on
rho 10tH day of May, 1886, at eleven o'clook
in Ole forenoon, being rho time appointed
for adjudication on the claims.
(Signed) S. MALOOMSON,
40.14 Local Master at Goderic1,.
1. i •'1. 's llutuher, thanking lila
I minty 0u0tomorn for their Wm -
al support tot 1110 pent six yearn
wleltos to inform 11,01,1 the 0 be-
ing Intl fled out of the old stand hue Jlttot' up
a shop 1n $malo's 13 loop in brat -alma style
whore he hopes to non all the old custom ern
and as 10atly 11014 01100 as sou at to gh'o 311u ,e
oull, I keep nattier bet nrat-gluon meats, ell
hinds of Poultry antanuseg0 Mont Delivered
to all parte of the Town Prep. (han11 paid air
Pat Stock.
Tho subscriber is pieparod to d" all kinds
of Painting, such as
—AND - •
Cratirriusg 1t i"13)(eiatlty.
--_0--- _.._
Spring time will soon bo at hand el leave
your Orders Early. tVork done to the
most satisfactory manner and satisfaction
gnarautoed, I will be found at my old
shop north of the bridge.
Wm. Roddick.
lvIAY 1, 1885.
STILL r1II..t1I).
Phe anbsorlbora take th,0 opportunity of re-
turning Li kIl to the lullnlli
mnauto of li,'uooelu
and vicluity for past 110trnnege, nod bog t':,
state tblitl,aaoigg ala 10 oev,re l intorevemente
W theirkiln and motto of bar^lot;, 11, v urn now
11, a better pnsltl„u 111,1,1 orer 1/,f0r1 to NU 1/111y
On PO 1411 with Piret-olass lank',
This being rho eleventh 0011,ec11 1,l our buai-
210011 ,1 00111004 In nmese Is, end having given un-
qualified oattohwtlou no tar, t11011110401011 re-
ly nn roc o i v3 1,K gond treatuen t anal a s I'Nt-olas,
artium 11,11111. P'irot-elms Limo at 1.1 oent0
at the kiln and 15 cents dollvered,
Wo also burn a No, 1 lino for plastering et
Um Name price,
113,1.3101' the spot--Brusoolo Limo lyorka,
1.4':3 J7ERA,c l L',il:T
TO --
LIVElt1'001,7,0103OSILEIL5sy,GLASG 001'
11,0218t0N, life.
Steerage, 811, Liverpool, Londonderry
Queenstown, Glasgow, or Belfast to Queba,
and always en low as by any a ret-olasa lino,
Sailings from PORTLAND.
CASPIAN .Thursday, Fob. 26th
SARDINIAN " March 13111
PERUVIAN - " " 12th
SARRMAT'IAN " " 11(111
No Steamer from Portland Mandl 6(111,,
PARISIAN Thursday, April 2nd
No Stoamor• from Portland, April 0th,
SARDINIAN Thursday, Apr, 16th
No Stoanter from Portland, April 23r1
SARM,,iA'IAN Thursday, April 10111
Tho lest train oonneoting wllh -ho steamer
at Qnobeoleavee Toronto We In00da51 at8:30 a.
in. Passengers 000111201 Wodnoedays at 0101
0,111. also, and connect with tho steamer at Hal-
ifax, by paying an additional faro o1 0.1146
let , and 86.55 31, d claim.
No cattle,aheop or pigs aro married on the
Mall Stcamorl of the .Man Line,
Por Tickets and norlhs and every intermit
than apply to
J. R. GRANT, Agent,
.tt the fast Oftice. Brussel*,
All Kinds,
Buck Thorn Wire,
B. Gerry.
a Choice Stock of Baby Carriages
that Cannot fail to suit the wants
of the Public.
CaII and see them.
Give me a Call.
Tho subscriber wishes to notify
the PUBLIC that ho will have his
in Complete Running Order by the
1.sof MAY, and will be table to
furnish Any Quantity of First-class
Lime at any time during the Sea-
son. Price at I\iln--14 cents per
V. Gramm,
,i, T H E L
The undersigned having completed the change from the st0110 to the
Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First -Class Running Order,
and will be glad to see all his O1c1 Ctistohnors and as many new ones
08 possible. Chopping done,
Flour and, Foot Always s oz Rand,