HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-24, Page 8THE BRUSSELS ?UST.
Tram 1oa s ltru Station, north and
south es fell...vs
Cning 3 crib. titititg South.
Mut . 7.1 ate Mixed ... „9:40 ant.
Express .11t1,1 .... p.ru.
. P . . p
Th., morning trail: sas t h nn,1 the night tram
north will only ran To..4.lnys, Thunalaya,
111 1:111111' note •••
tar,- quantity of 1 n_lich
4e1t :I! Ge• ‘. lo•kor's.
Blim-rwi-r. weather.
1,. buy wall paper.
OADDEXING will seen be here.
Two or tar- finiiir,-1vedar for sale
SII.Co per loci, Apply at the Station,
01- hall club go to flalt ou
1> Hxnwdirr is about through as-
sessing for this year.
licur lion 4AN'arc' bargains, only
two trumilri more. 8, B. 81110.1e.
MRS. HENRY Srmiez and children.
of Goderieli, aro visiting with friends
iu town.
roe can obtain ths Daily Papers from G.
.,1„ Headman. The. 10test news for only lc.
Tor 14, 11, Smile ter cheap wall paper.
HAYCROFT 131o.s, have made a
number of internal improvements in
their store.
Ten tinder of a f ur-topped kid glove, lust
en. Saturday last, witi bo rewarded on leav-
ing the same at this office.
Seers°. plowing is on the program.
We have been wasaug for a long time
to inane this an uouncement.
Janes Do thaxteLest, of the Kil.
born house, Ayr, was in town last
week visiting with his Brussels friencli.
E Derai) Loweay has been very poor•
ly for the past few weeks. We hopo
the tine spring weather will nM in his
restoration to health.
Al nave been appointed to sell li.jnor
under the 8eott Act, I will sell my larg,i
stook of crockery awl glassware at cos: to
:make room. New is your time for bargains.
Mhat lie soli before 1st of May. Gee.
13, DsirEs, is iluishin,g a comfort.
able littie home for himself and fain-
tly, on the lot he purchased last year.
The building is 18x30 feet.
Sim change in the card of T. O'Neil,
He says he is making every pre[ar-
ation to tuu a No. 1 temperance
house aft-er the 1st of May.
NEXT Sunday morning ltev. W. T.
Oluff will preach to the Odd Fellow's
of Western Star Lodge, at St. John's
chureh tietviee commences at 11
Tim regular quarterly meeting of
the Methodist Ohurch, Brussels cir•
(snit, will be held on May 10th, Rev.
(1, 11. Coruish, of Winghean, will
Thiess is emnothing over 10,000
feet of as fine a lot of square timber
in the station yard, awaiting shipment 1
to Quebec, as can be seen in it gaol
many miles travel, especially the ash
Dimr.Lions TirNTIoN.-Sundity, April '
tkith, being the anniversary of Odd -
fellowship in America, the Rev. Mr. Chef •
will 1.?roseli u. sorMan to the brotharn in tit,
john'o Chnrob, at 11 a. ra. on thet date. A
full attendance of tbo brethren is GOtheitly
requested. J13. BOSS, Secretary.
Wit were favored with a call frotu •
llev..0. Roger:;, of Ailsa Craig, on
Thursday. Six years ago the rev.
gentlemen wa. stationed here as the
Sunisr minister of the Methodist
,ffitireli He sees a great improvement
in sur sinatt little town since C,at
1irlIINO.11111: 0.19. -Alia with it the
time to get ready for gardening, by clearing
away rubbish and preparing bods for veg-
etables and flowers. The most important
thing is to got good deeds, that can be as- '
,:ured only by ordering them from reliable
dealers. Robert Evans & Co„ Hamilton,
Lace a reputation extending over thirty
years, a reputation they cannot afford to i
,eteritic by sending out inferior goods. Tlteir
11:019 411.6 grown for them under special 0)40.
'134011, and are sine fe give satisfaction.
tieeds vent by mail, express or freight. If
you have not their eatalogue, send for a
THE Stratford Herald says, -Goo.
Whitely, of Seaforth, gave us a call
,tti Tuesday ou his way home from
Lexington, Ky., where he purchased
the roving stallion Carlisle, three
years old, record, 2:101, 110 11. two•year.
31! 4111 Lexington tsar races last year,
lie is sired by the famous King Rene,
clamed by Belle Morgan. Tho horse
is a dark bay, stands 10 hands and
4111 !ncli. The horse has been brought
fiver to take piaci of old Clear Grit,
vo well and favorably known among
horse otytns in this dietriet. Oar.
asle is entered t'or the three.year.old
stakes to be trotted for at the Lex-
ington fair ;also the stallion produce
stakes to be trotted at the fall meet.
ing of the Breeders Association, and
the three year-old stakes at the St, ,
Louie fair.
NEXT Friday is May day.
Cousion, meeting next Monday,
ilievoLes have made their appear.
awe already.
SPRING house cleaning is on hand
with all its joys.
11.14:An Tont last Sunday in Brant-
ford with his relatives.
'rue fatuity of W. A. Tato has re.
isiosssi to Toronto this week.
A wNries are being prepared for a
number of our business places.
R. W. Ttien's sale of furniture was
1.o11tpoue1.l until the roads got batter.
Tne edeket club will he re orgituiz-
1.1 st once and practice comineueed.
Eiswatn Germ, ib former resilient
• of this locality, was in town last week.
De. Huns/sett: Wile Called to
MOH trital this week to see his father
who is ill.
Tut Renal; c'f this week was the sixty.
• sixth anniversary of the Order of Osid.
FARMERS begin to suspect that the
April showers -.lined railway connec.
bons somewli
HORSEMILX should 000 0111' assortment
of horse ents and have their route hills
! printed at once.
THE bricklayers expect to commence
• work at Mrs. Shiel's brick block the
first of next week.
WILL anything be clone about a
celebration ou the (411110Ll'a Birthday
in-13russels this year ?
THE Baa Boy is to the front again
and rehearses his latest adventure on
page 7 of this week's issue.
Tile river has been very high this
week and fences, eaw-logs, wood, &c.,
were swept down by the strong current.
! Sex the advt. of Thos. Town & Son
concerning their lime works. They
will E10011 bo ready to supply' any
quantity of tho article.
Mts. H. Maass, nee Misa Ilelenn,
Clappison, of Aun Arbor, Mich., is
• visiting with her parents at the par.
soilage, this week.
Toronto this week purchasing the lat-
, est novelties in millinery. Herpfiness
- prevented her going stamen
THURSDAY, Friday and Saturday
• aro the opening days of F. 0. Begone
millinery show rooms. Don't forget
to call as he promises a good. display.
H. Desists has a noel lot of baby
carriages to hand. See them before
you buy elsewhere. It will be
1 cult to sectu:e a better olioice. Head
, his advt.
Astiseremso aud daughter
Awn°, who spent tho winter hero,
left last week for Wisconsin. Mr.
Armstrong toult a carload of stook
and household effects.
THE largo bank of snow on. the side-
. walk on the south side of William
street was ohovoiled off last Friday ev-
ening, a beo being got up for the pur-
pose. 88 persons were at work.
H. B. SHALE, a former resident of
Brussels, he opened up business for
lainsolf at Waterford iu the tailoring
and gent's furniohiug line. Handy
will do well, and we wish him success.
DrvIsion Court was held on Wed.
nesclay of this week., Judge Toms
presiding. The court was vury small
and very little business done owing to
the nom appearance of persons inter-
WHEAT took au upward bound on
Friday of last week, at the prospect
of war being declared beteoeu Eng.
land and Russia. There was an ati•
V111100 here of about 8 oents, the mer.
ket still holding at that fign re.
CR/CERT.-A meeting of all inter•
eeted in the formation of is cricket
club will bo hold in the Council Cham-
ber Weduesday evening of next week,
commencing at 8 o'clock. A large
turn -out asked for. II. Dennis, Pres.
THE street scraping has boon it pro-
gress this seeds, Semi. Hopkins'
tender was the lowest, beiug $87.
There wore two other tenders one for
$40 ancl the other for $00. Tho
scraping was very necessary judging
by the amount of stuff taken off.
A SLIGHT change has been made in
the East and West Bidings of Huron,
under the Re -distribution Bill. }HUI.
erto part of Turnberry has been in the
East Riding and part in the \\Tut, &
that part of Blyth east of the gravel
road line been in tho East ancl that
part west, in the West Riding. Ha-
der the now Act the whole of Blyth
goes into the Wort Riding, and the
whole of Tarnberry into the East.
DURING the past week the telephone
men have been at work plaeing tole.
pbonos in tho station, E. E, 1Vatle's
residence anti office, F. 0. Rogers'
gore and salt block, IlrrireaVes drug
store, (central office) Y., , roll-
er mill, Dr, Holmes' resideuce. Dr,
Hutchinseu's reeidence and F. 8,
Scott's recutionce. ()there will be put
in as soon as the trunk line is cons.
Aottlc, 24, 18815,
C. 11. 111ennaren has eounneneed
business 31.8 a tailor in \V, H. Morris'
old Matta, Grant's block He invites
the patronage of the public and guar-
niiteee satisfitetion. See his advt.
Wane has moved his law office
to the romne formerly occupied by 0.
11. Cooper, to the left of tho stairway
instead of the right. The change is a
great unprovement, lie has teleph-
one communication with his residence
Tim thee table of the Teeswater
brateli of the C.P.R. may be fouta 111
this isaue. Title road is in good
shape. Elegantly finished mambos
are rrui and everything is clone for
the comfort itud cunveitunce of the
travelling inibIle, Thos. Fletcher is
the agent for the road at Brussels.
Timms is to be it Firemen's Grand
Touruistuent in 13 rantfora on J too
8rd, Invitatiuue have been sent to a
very large number of fire departments
in Canada and the United States to
take part in the afi'air. Many accept-
ances have already been loco ived, and
we doubt rot that it will bo an Im-
mense afiair. Among the invited is
the Brussels Fire Brigndo.
Nom:es-This week we have inail.
od accounts, amounting to over $100,
to our subscribers 11110 411.8 in arreare.
We have peening claims that have to
be met, suon, stud although $1.50 or
$8 is a smell amount to the individu-
al subscriber in the aggregate it ie 13
very important matter to us. We
have no room to complain 0( 0111. sub-
scribers as a rule, they are good pay
but we semi the notices this week as
reminders so that we may be enabled
to pay our debts.
Tim following circular hits been is-
sued from the Educational Depart-
ment :-The examinations for admis-
sion to high schools at midsummer
will be held this year on Thursday
and Friday, 2nd and 8rd of July.
The examination lo the nonprofes-
sional subjects for third and second
class teaohers will begin ou Monday,
6111 of July. For first class, grade 0,
on Wednesday, 151.11 of July ; for
grades A and B, on Thursday, 23r(1
of July. The profeseional examina-
tion for first class will be held on
Wednesday, 22nd of July,
The entertainment given in the Town
Hall on Thursday evening oflastweek,
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
Society of 81. John's church, was a
most successful one and oarried
through to the entire satisfaction of
the large itudience. The proceedings
coin tnenced with an exhibition of Mao.
Jarloy's "wax" figures. To describe
this very unique, novel, amusing au
entertaining part of the program is
beyond our descriptive powers and to
one, short of Mrs. Jarley, could ilo the
subject justice. The following were
the characters represented and the
names of the performers :-Oristoph-
er Columbus, C. 11. Cooper ; Japan-
ese lady, Miss Adams ; Oasablanca,
John Drewe ; Martha Bangs, the bpi.
goner, hire. F. 0, Rogers ; Little Jack
Horter, Giffard Elliot ; Mrs. Jack
Spratt, Miss Pattison ; Jack Spratt,
D. McKinnon ; Maid of honor, Miss
Drewe ; tars. Winslow, Mrs. Moss ;
Queen Elizabeth, Miss Ronald; Sir
Walter Raleigh, T. Edwards ; Madam
Squallini, Miss Grace Ronald ; Cleu.
patra, Mrs. Wade , Nero, W. H. )loos;
The pedeetrian, E. 8. Cooper; Mary
Queen of Scot's, Mrs. Geo. Rogers ;
Executioner, erank Kelly ; Little
Nell, Miss H. 11. Wade ; attendants,
John, 0. Waterer ; Peter, W. 10.
Sinclair, For nearly au hour and a
quarter Mrs. Jarley eutertatiutel the
audience in recounting the wonders of
Tho above mail -
her "wax figures."
honed "figures" performed their part
in a manner that cannot be excelled.
the costuinee were of 31. very fine or-
der trod represented of characters
good. In the cuucert department in
addition to solos and duetts and the
violin, by Miss Lizzie Jackson, and
Herbert Jacksou, W. M. Sinclair sang
"The white squall ;" Miss Pattison
"Just for the old love sake ;" Miss
Grace Ronald and W. M. Sinclair,
"See the pale ninon ;" A. Strachau,
""Ilby senttuel am 1 ;" Misses Cooper
and De Oentelon and E. S. Cooper
"National March ;" 11 paino solo 'May
pole (1)44)00 was given by Miss Patti.
5011. As pleasant at part as any of
the evening's entertainment was 'The
flower cantata." The various parts
were excellently sung by Mabel Tate,
Alice Drewe, Ettie Drewe, Mabel
;Jackson, Hattie Rogers, Emma Coop-
er, Alice Wilson, Idit May, aml Edith
Estmau. The girls were all attired
in white with crowne and wreaths of
flowers. \Vo believe Mrs. Hargreaves
and Miss Grace Ronald are deserving
of the credit of instructing the little
folks in their respective parte. The
closing tableau, ssi.$) Stout's light,
was as nice a scene as we have ever
witnessed. There was over 180
cleated. The ladies of the Society
particularly desire to express their
thanks to the members of the baud.
Ktmccensuid.-Mixd.ta,-In Myth, on the
118,11 inst„ by the Bev, John 8, Mattel,
Mr. John Kirkeonnull to Mies Eliza-
beth Minor, all of Morris.
prums.-iti Stories, on April 23rd, Mallior•
et, fourth daughter of the late James
Purvis, ag,..1 ss 't'o 1 tuotil, 3. In.
torment on Saturday at 10 o'clock, a, 412.
Alt rION 8.10121.
non , 111r 10,r,--Farin Stook, iirmle
menta, ,te., Let 1.5, con, .5, Crey, 0u11l1113110-
ing at 1 o'clock, Win, Darker, proprietor,
Capt. Strie , auctioneer.
TVERMY, Arall. 28111.- -Woll-hrol Vann
Stool:, ((he eolnte t4 the late Johd Semple)
1,01 8, Con, 8, Urey, commenting at 1 o'.
clock, Mrs, Semple, Inn ,prii•tre.,i. Alex,
De Igit tt y, anetieneer.
1111-1 1.Sisfelr4 t• IC(' le.
00Unlin1'En Ca500t:11A MIMI' Wa1414-
WIlit0 11011 Wheat.- il)) (12
Red Whiter
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs add rolls .
Lggs per dozen, 10
Flour per barrel .... ,4 Oil 4 00
Potatoes 30 • 00
Hay par ton 12 00
Hides por lb 7
Dressed Hoge 540 4 75
Salt por bbl„ wholesale .
Shoop eking, each
01 92
90 02
50 00
35 17
00 - 05
13 00
.50 1 D., 0.
18 00 ti s .1,. , hysieto
lurgeen end Aueouelniur , tunes IIIIULIOOI40118a
111,44 funnorly Jueepust by Dr, 1'. G. 1101111es
aorta of onus°, 0 russets.
TRANSACT A CiEN1,111AL, 13AN10fl (1
.Nutusuf kl,liticountua.
1 11 toye0t lo 100,1 311. 4011941 repayable I.
ttien tIongivon tueellootious. 0.0
L .I. 1% 15A W
I...A Wilco, .1rant's k, 1;011,1401a. Money
to loan,
SV.1.0 13Altitin.12.1?,11,
• 1).11io orly ounup oil oy A, J. tie
(1011.i4, .10 beekle'a :Annoy to 1 0,1 .
v v • (late witi, ...farrow .2 Prou.ltoot.tiode..
richt Seheitor, tionveyaneerJ4
, 0. Oillee in
Grant's Alutiey 80 Leah.
.L'a. too i;tviniou Court Co, Heron ,
lionvoyageor,Sutary ind,imaz. µtot
411011001100 Agb t, Valid lnyosteclan to Lean
Uollontione made. 01110e, ltraliaunl Blank ,
1 3)108.3 girl t000 me dtrlatids:4,110.btEca4A
noble farm, being 001111100M of the north
ha f of lots s o. 29 .2 50,00n. 3, Dorris, 200 mires.
Termseasy. Apply en the premises.
E. 041ALI01)0
1. 7, Grey, will be rented tor f,nir or eve
yearn, There are Si acres of fall wheat sown
and fall plowing done, P00009E1011 given at
any time. JOHN broINTOSH,
undersigned will keep during the present
season, on eolith half 03 41.11,3, 0011. Morris, a
Thorough.bred Durham Bull, with registered
pedigree, ',Varela 51.00 per now, payanni at
A. K. 11013ERTSON,
end of season.
97 Proprietor.
Queen Street. Thom is ,,loo 31 0110p oil
the Lot that could bo utilised for a stable.
Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to-
'41028, emu 5, Morris, lying NVIthill
miles of Brussels, 87 acres are cloared and
mostly under grass, bahoute harelwooll bush.
Good building s , Moots, orchard, d:o. For par.
Honiara apply to
N,13.-Allsa first-class yoke of oxen for
G. F.
borrowedP, C Mogen.' kluntelptel Manual
will greatly oblige by returning it at once. 4.1.
tar this notiee there will be 00 0301145 for de-
taining it any longer. There is aieo ne excuse
for tun knowing whoa belongs 00 the 1101110 10
written in NE cm the eover.
37 V. 0. R0011118.
EilOWN and WHITE ',semen,
My 04001: 1100 been bred from the very best
strums in Canada and my pens Lowe boon care-
fully mated, containing none but lirse-elase
birds. Eggs tvell.paoke.1 and fresh; avIll be
sent b vexproes to parties desiring them from
a distance. A fairhateh guaranteed. Address
40 11. 3'. R. SMITH, Brufnaels,
The subscriber hen 20 colonies of Pure 11441.
Jay, and Siro.ltaltan Beef) for sale. They aro
first 014404 )3000 as the Queens were reared by
the beat brooders in the United States, They
have wintered well, are in prime condition ana
will be sold on reasonable t ems,
39-4 W. HARTRY, Brussele
a enders: Wanted.
Tenders will be received by tho under-
signed, until the 8t1t day of May, for point-
ing the outside of School House No. 8,
Grey, some colour as at prooent, two deate
No. 1 paint. 34.13. (TUTHILL, sea,-trea.
42-2 CrailbrOOk, P. 0.
tho lot et May, 1885, this Popular House
bo run on Purely TeMperanite Prinelplefi,
conforming qtrietly with the latter of
Tap Oanada Temperance Act First...dues of
Local Mitunfactures and Bast Brandi of 1m.
ported Cigars will be kept on band, hi Well as
all kinds of temporanoo lieviarages. Patron-
age solicited, as every accommodation will bo
rated reasonably, consistent with the time,.
42 T. O'NEIL.
I hereby convey my thanics to the Con-
federation Life Association for the prompt
payment of $1o110, under policy No. 11,282,
for which the life of my late husband
insured. Through the kindness of the NO.
Mr, Manning, the sum assured was oadd
within one week af tar the proof papers were
sent in. MARY ANDRUS,
Winghodn, February 2, 1885. 42.
TOWN St :54c3r4
Pile subscribers take the Opportunity of re.
turning thanks to the inhabitants of Brusaele
and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to
state that having made 90 van.] imereVemente
in their lcIi,l n.0111E43 of burning, they 4400 0011
tn butter position than ever before to SlInply
11,8 0,1111(3 with rirst-elitee LIM°.
This being the eleventh neaten Of our buil'.
11008 dealings in 111118We...31 having given un-
qualified satisfaction so far, the public eon re-
ly on reeinving good treatment and it II retelaSs
14.61010 110)0110, First-01%as Lime at 14 cents
at the kiln 11141 131 cents delivered,
We also burn a Ne.1 Iltao for plastering at
the 00100 4)0100.
Remember the spot -Brussels 1 Imo Works,
13 trowN SON.
DO Of 0 lt A. MolisELVE
Graduate of Trinity OnlVer01 t y, 01 voron to
Verolorly Of Ethel,late of Forthrlell
Ginolcla Ann linenniNOM.-liriak house op:
duattachiglieh Ohuren,alain et.,Erussola.28tt
JA. SON , 10. D.
L. It . 3'. 1). 11.11 u burgh .
Has removed. to Ins resideoue d tree 1,
tilt, 1101100 fOritittly (1.11.1v1.1. uy itranain,
awl. ut. rotaina o
OttIOU 0.1 11.1fge0.1.f oseu4 tore.
•t L. BALL, L. D. n., li0N011
k..A • t0raill111011 31,10 AltnolJer of the itoya
Guitese .uuutal Purim tu. 04100
in .3 tra Ulan, u( 50, , V."1•51. l)l4�t)4u od1,, o
W.304100.140% 410.41 00011)10 plLt US inane la all
0301111101.10. .41.0111.6 8 0,.m, to 0 1/.111.
thi'rEL CARDS.
Lek alli11110AN 1101'EL, BB 1.15-
21. 8121,S, L...nnig Outliel.proprleture,large
eau convententtainpleroutna, doocial artell
Una Co Oce.uuernial and ()tour Pravollers. The
01110 alwity, sorption 10100 1310 0)0)0050
brlLtItIfi 01 UlqUOrii Ulla Gigars . attentive
Metier 0.1WItyS tlll
U.1.4.EN'es HOTEL, 13.1.11181SELS.
-TUE; well known hotel was 050011 (10 be t-
en .tming order than atpretentota 0)10 3)011
proprietor nes tuoroughly refitted the house ,
The 11 arissupplied with the etiolcost liquors
m1,10E0).11, Perms 51 per day . Good Sample
Rooms( or Commercial 1111111, It. W. TUCE
limner Marriage Llcile603. Cillue at his groo
ory,114rebeiry, 840001, 10-113
11) Shrgeon,Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
Grillage Toronto, Residence, Illations° lately
uumepl edby afr ,J. Parker Alain tree Ern t-
A illoN AIR, ISSUER OF 11A11
. doge Licensee, by appointment of
1.leUtinial1t-0o9'ernOr, Commissioner , tbc.„ 041
1) Akin veyanourand .igen t Fire Insurance Co.
Chloe at theOranbrook Poet Ofiloo
Insurance Agent,
GuEi,111, ONTAAIO.
Pratioal hmaker and Jeweller,
Satisfaction Guarantee° in all
--SI-1.0P AT --
W. J. JACKSON'S sTuatz, 1111111I59IEL5
liEN111 vs. 1.-1ENRY.
Pursuant to oho disarm for adminiStra-
tion made heroin the creditors of Alexander
Honey, late of the Township of Grey. it,
the County of Huron, yeoman, who diod
or about the month of August, 1883, are on
or before the lith clay of INfity, 1885, to sond,
by post prepaid, to E. E. WADE, Enquire, of
the 'village of Brussels, in the County of
Huron, the solicitor for the Administratrix
herein, their Christian and surnames, ad-
dresses and description, the 14 mIS partioulars
of their claims, a statement of their me.
counts and the nature of the securities, if
any, held b' them or in default thereof
they will be peremptorily excluded from.
Lilo benefit of the said (bare°, &cry creel-
itor bolding any enormity is to produce the
ipenno before me at any Chambers in the
Court House, in the Tow001(01101.101), on
the 19th day of nvy, 1885, at eleven o'clook
in the forenoon, being the time appointed
for adjudication on the claims.
'10.44 Looal Master at Goderiali,