HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-24, Page 7Amur. 24, 1835. THE BRUSSELS I" OST. 7 sassmatnenrantne..rmenn.F.Osenrsrmstos7ttt.eteanctstrastenrsota.,,,,,,,F,==,..,-7,77s, ..,,,s7,!....nonan.......onawamatttnanno,....aostmansmoronomastentsavanntuennstraorssegt-..ettt•ortatracarzatana,,„t:,ntatatvester.sonsontomter,snwtt nntyropetear. BAD BK. "won, hes 's pen. eye ?" said this grocery inti. t 1 he bad 'my, art blow in tli III }fl the day of the eyolone, ited left the door open. fy, slint thet deor Yon wnnt to HOW erilrylbilig out if tho storos jjad nn)' more fight., prefeeting girls from (hides t"' evelyiliing is quiet No far, I guess Shite 1 have got a sword its s fighter, the bop; sit! bn oareful W11 o they insult when 1 am around, But I have had the herding weak I over ex• perienced, jel king soda for the Young Christien Atisocialion," Raid the boy, as ho peeled a banana, "Whitt you man, boy? Don't cast any reflections on :moll a noble Associ- ation. They dan't drink, do they 2" "Drink I 0, no I They don't drill!: nnythieg intoxieating, but when it. Come to toile they flood themselves. You know there lies been a National Convention of delegates from all the Young ?Uen'e Christian Associations of the whole country, about throe hundred, here, and our store is right on the street where they passed four times a day, and 1 uover saw such appetites fur Bode. Them hat been one continue' fizz in our store einem Wednesday. The loose wanted me to play it on Rune of them by putting some brandy in with the perfumery a few times, but I wouldn't do it. I imesa a few weeks ego, before 1 had !id a different life, I wouldn't had to he asked twice to play the game ou nnybocly. But a Mall ORO bny soda of the and be perfectly safe. Of course, if a man winks, when I ask him what davor he wants, itud says "never n incl." I know enough to put in urandy. That is differee 1. But I wouldn't smuggle it into a man for nothing. Tim' Chtistian Association Convention lims caused it ()oldness be- tween na n lid nut though," t I int ? Your pa isn't jealous, is ho 9" and the grocery man CALM around from behind the counter lo get the latest gessip to retail to the hired girls who traded is, ith "Jealous flotilla'," said the boy, as he took at few raisins out of a box. "You se P, the delegates were =dandled out to ail the church :nowhere to tido care of, mid they dealt two to ma, and she never told pit anything about it. They mane to supper the first eight, and pa didn't got home, so when they went to Ilse convention in the evening ina gave them a night key, and pa came holue from tho boxing mato!' about eleven o'clock, and um WAS a- sleep. Just nu pa got most of Inc clothes MI he heard somebody fumb- ling at the front door, and lie thought it was burglars. Pa has got nerve enough, when ho is ou tho inside of the house and tho burglars aro on the outside. Hs opened it window and looked out and saw two suspicious looking characters trying to pick the lock with a Skeleton koy, and he pick ed up a new slop.jar that ma bad bought when we moved, cover and all, and dropped it down right between the two delegates. Cosh, if it had hit one of them there woald have beau the solemnest funeral you ever saw. Just as it struck they got the door opened and came in the hall, and the wind was blowing pretty hard and they thought a cyclone had taken the cupola off the house. They wore talk - mg about being miraculously saved, and trying to strike a match on their wet pants, when pa went to tho head of the stairs and pushed over a wire stand filled with potted plants, which struck pretty near the delegates, and ono of thorn said the house was mom - Mg down sure, and they'd bettor go into the cellar, and they went down and got behind the furnace. Pa roan - ed me up and wanted mo to go down cellar and tell the burglars we were onto Metal, and for them to get out, but I wasn't very well, so pa looked his door and went to bed. I guess it must have been half an hour before pa's cold feet woke ma up, and then pa told her not to move for her life, (muse tboro woro two of the savagest looking burglars that ever was, rumaging over the house. Ma smelled pa's breath to ate if he had got to drinking again, and then she got up and hid her oraide watch iu her shoes. and her Onalaska dia. mond earrings in the Bible, whore she said no burglar would over find them, and pa and ma laid awake till day. light, and than pa said he wasn't a- fraid, add Iso and me, went down eel. lar. .i?a stood on the bottom stair and looked aronnd, and one of the delegates said, 'Mister, is tho storm over, and is your family safe,' and ma recognized no voice and said, 'Why, it's one of the delegatoe. What are you doing down thorn,' and pa said, 'what's a delegate,' and then ma ox• plained it, and pa npologized, and the delegate said it VMS no matter, tte they had enjoyed themselves rend well in tho cellar, Ma was mortified most to 'death, hot the delegates told her it was all right. SIM was mad at pa, 11 rot , hiit. Whet! HIM saw 010 broken ilia front steps, and the loud jlnuih 111 Ilia hall, she wanted to 111i pa, and I gnus she would only for the society of the delegates. ihe cmildn't help telling pa be wag IS bald. 01,1 1'0°1, but pa didn't retail. lie is too much of a gentlemau Us talk beet: 10 company, All he said was that a woman who is old en- ough to luuuvus delegates fumed off on to her ought to have sense 011041 to tell her husband, and then they all drifted off lulu couveraation about the oonvention and the boxing. 111 Itt011, and everything wits all right on the our - fee, but after breakfast when tho delegates went to the conveutum, notieed pa went down town and bol a new slop jar and, some more plants. Pa and ma didn't speak all the fore. noon, and I guess they wouldn't have up to 'hie time, only nut's bonnet mule home from the millinerr, and she had to have some money ts pay for It. Then elm ealled pa 'pet' and that settled it. When ma calls pa 'pet,' that is twenty five dollen, 'Dear old darling' moa,ic fifty ((ottani. But, say, those Christian young men do a heap of good, don't they ? Their presence seeing to make people bet- ter. Some bop down by the store were guing to tie a elm on a dog's tail yesterday, and somebody said, 'here comes the Christian Association,' and those boys let the dog go. They tri- ed to find tho dog after the crowd had got by, but the dog knew his business. Well, I must go down and oharge the soda fountain for a pionic that it ex- pected from the country. Canadian Newri. A della of POO has been found in the accounts of a Montreal civil offi- cial, who has absconded. The Toronto Temperance E loctor,t1 TJuion met and postponed the circula- tine of petitions for the submission of the Soott Act iu that city till the 2nd of June. Tho Kingstou Board of Trade In- tend uslcing the Grand Trunk author. ities to provide better passenger t10 commodatioe for the city, and to grant local merchants the S1110 rate priv- ileges as given to Montreal. The Imperial peneionors, on being paid at litugston, were warned that in the event ,1 between England and Russia all uuder fifty might be tallied on to serve. The veterans received the news with great satisfaction. The legislation proposed by the Quebec Government fur a reform of the mauagement of lunatic asylums in thatprovinee makes radical chaug- es in the system, Liao method adopted in Ontario being taken 0,9 a [node!. Samuel Mitchell, in whose 09.1.0 the coroner's jury returned a verdict of "justifiable homicide" for shootiug Alex. McIutush at Sr. Thomas on the tith inst., was committed to stand his trial for murder at the nest assizes. Thointte Taylor, who pleaded guilty to robbing the mails at tho railway station at London, was sentenced 00 Monday b five years in the Penitea tiary, His wife with an infant in her arms, created it 810110 whoa the sou- tence was pronounced. A combiued meeting of members of the Toronto City Council anci the Couuoil of the village of Parkdale diseussed the question of annexation of the two munietpalities, and ap• pointed a Bub -committee to enquire into the litument coudition of the A row of eight five -storey tenement houses in course of erection on 62nd street, New York, collapsed last 'Mon- day without a moment's warning, burying in tho ruins all tho workmen employed, forty-five in number, the majority of whom were either crush- ed to death or fatally injured. At the session of the Synod of Hamilton and London a proposition requesting the General Assembly to make arangemonts for summer sess- ion of the colleges to prepare students for mission work during the winter was carried unanimously, as was also a memorial for the better support of aged and infirm ministers. The rations aro served out every morning to officers and men alike on the Northwest expeditionary force, and consists of :--Bisenit or flour (only there is nothing but hard tack) 14 lbs ; cooked meats or bacon, 14 ; tea, 1 oz. ; sugar, 2 oz ; malt, 4 oz. ; peppe , 1.132 oz ; beau, 4 lb. This is tho ration of one men for 24 hours. James and Michael Meagher, tho reputed proprietors of Town Talk, ap pear before the Pollee Magistrate Tor- onto, for examination 10 reforeneo to the °barge of oriminel libel prefarrod aping them by Sergeant Form n Q. 0. R., and John Frazer. Charles Pothana Mulvany, ok.physioinn, was ono al the witnessee foe the pinful- tor, and aknowledgoil having written sevoral articles for Town Talk and being paid by prisonare, The Moos gbres were committal for trial. IN THE COUNTY CUU1IT 1 —sole THIS - COUNTY OF ICURON, 11) THE FRONT AGAIN. The undersigned 151 returning thanks to the People 1.1' Cianbrools IN 110 11 HATTER OI' 5111(1 Surrounding Country for their EJibertil Patronage during the 11414 nt'w1 8 years .1vould respectfully imuiiiu 11 that he r, :quo( d Koji !toucas In. .tre:tilal I Jiutom in mon, Mar ( omen's ose and will be found at the Old Stand, ready to attend ft; the \\*ants 1,,u and .1ohn Diteuons th,PistletlfIth ". * ' AND Nancy Stewart Campbell, Nell Campbell, James Cituipne 11, Myniu or Marion Campbell, Helen Campbell, Charlotte tbunpbell, Hugh Campbell, Donald Campbell, John Campouil, Isabella Campbell, Edward Campbell, Dunolut Campbell, Margaret Hughes, William Hughes, JILMEM thoupboll, Angus Campbell, Cat—orino Gaultier, Alexander Collider, Johu Campbell, DULIOLIal 011,111pbOil, Donald OWLIPI)(111, Jamas Campbell, Neil Campbell, Angus Clark,Goorge Clark, Flora Molleusio,Itobort Moltentio, Ise. MOM KollY, Hato12eluy, Potor Holly, Marlon Thyroid°, willlain ItoonIdo, Donam moLoury Margaret ItteLoury end Nlizaboth 1,1cLoury— Lefendants To the above named Defendants and all un- known persons having or claimiug any estate or into rod i ri the lauds and premises herein- after particularly described: You, and each and ovary of you, are hereby required to take notice that tho potitien /or partition of certain lands and promises 1.111111b- lp— A.11 those certain parcels or tracts of lend and proteins situato, lying and Mang in the Township of Morris, in tue County of Huron, and forming part of Let nurabor thlrty in the tenth Concession of the said Township of Morrie onot e particularly described as village Lots numbers Seven mud leleht, Knox's Sur- voy, of Cho Village of Walton, as laid down on It plan drawn by G. Mol'hillips, P. L. So and registered in the Registry Wilco for the County of Huron,and Moo village hots numbers eight- een, nineteen end twenty, in tho aforesaid Village of Walton, and being a port of lot num- bar Ono in the sighteet th ooneession of Grey, In the County of Huron, will be presented to the County Court oi tho County (Millirem 07 (0 tho presiding Judge thereof, at his chambers in the Court House, in the Town of GodoriolL on Saturday, Inc Twenty•flfth day of April, lams, at Twelve O'clock. noon. And you, and each and every of you, aro hereby required to appear at Lilo said Unto and plan awl state what elatroe, it any, yott have to the lands Lind premises obese closortb- ad and in default u,f year so appearing tho sold matter will bo proceeded with lo your eb. nonce. Dated the 1610 day of March, A.D. Intat. PHILIP 110L1', 18 5 In. PlaintiffsSolicitor. MEAT ,NIARKET, HAIN fermata, hat Shing 4NDREW CURRIE, Prop'r, FRESH AND SALT MEATS 0 !the bostquallty altvnY0021bana and deii.v erou in 003.11075 of thoVillagetrec of charge I tennsts Very 'Favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED, For which the highest market price wit lb o pad. I also make a Speeteltyotbeymphicle sand 19ort'll'orget tlic Place. nos I doer to F le leher'sJowellryS tore. ANDI1HW 0015113 11 ALL ALIVE! The undersigned bogs leave to announce to the Public generally that ho has purchased the Rutin Stock of D. Frain, harness maker, thud havin brought a Large Stook of his Own Illake ,ho is preparod to Com - pie with the Cheapest, as he I3uys Strictly for Cash A Complete Stook of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, BRUSHES COMBS TRUNKS, HORSE BLANKETS ANI) VALUES, And Everything in the Harness Lin Harness made to Order from best ma tonal on Shortest Notice. -"'" Repairing Promptly Attended to. cs- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, A Oa olieited before Purchasing Elsewhere 50 CORDS —0P --- SHORT, ILIRD WOOD Wanted at Once will be taken in Exchange for anything in the Harness Line. its- Don't forget the place, in Dr Graham ra Block, D.Frale's Old Stand, Main Street, Brussels. R. STEVENSON. A. GREAT CHANGE TO Make Money ! outfit worth a Largo Sum of Mon- ey all Free. You will find Your Fortune in our Circular. Great Cha7U3e for Lady .1lents to Mahe Money. Terms and Outfit Free. You will find our Circular a Prize. Address, 'tom A.ItT PUBLISHING Co. St, Catherines, Ontario. INjDS 0 in JO 1--R ET_ 2_NT G- -IN THEiBLACKSMITII LJNE PRO1VIPTLY ATTENDFD TO. H w A & GO 1\T sI -1 0 1= Will be Under tho l Management of a First -Class Mechanic. Repairing of .111 Kinds .1ttended to. We also Make a 'Specialty of ,Al'ea it .0714 goi up :in First -Class Style, and Gi.i (1 7'ant(T(1 to Give AS'atzslaction. Wo are the Only Firm in the DoMinion of Canada Alanufadurirg the Victoria Load Clazt, allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of All two win cl Vt.hicles. Intending Purchasers Should Call and Examine. JEFiLEUMEL. NAT ONAL ROLLER MILLS, Wm. Vont= „on$, Pnprieton. We have much pleasure in announcing to the smiths: that mix New Roller Hill is in Complete Bunning Order and is giving the Lust smtis- faction. SHORTS, MEAL CHU & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, We also make the following Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. MAST' HURON CARRIAGE WORKS ! JAMES BUYERS —MANUFACTURER OF -- BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, all made of the Best Material and finished in a workman -like manner. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. ThwErrageEs,----1.19,rsile.n Smith, B. Laing, ;farms Cutt and William McKelvey, Croy township ; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little. Cue. Brewar, and David Breckenridge, Morris township ; MOS. TOW11 and Willi= Blamhill, Brussels ; Rev. E. it, Pear, Rirltton, and T. Wright. Turn. berry township. REMEM13ER TUB STAND—SOUTH OE BUDGE. LT A E. T_T 117_,