HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-24, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS ROST tf',j n 4 pNp1 5� n ' d Thr Coir of harbrll wire fencing ere SIr;TINN. V41{tIYUW e f C1j Lc ypa �iP� �9C191tl;1 Ira uv ,]aril,= )flu l of w war .e e wire rf 1.i - — (0(1 tense At three stl•ant1H to thel•tll I 'Ulm Prime of wails—it baby, :•1.,.t.,... ,u . tie bnthl •,tlet '- 141:4 wsuitliluBake ever 1,!1011 Milos of In rlteoeing a wife always eeloet 71 ;L.ln, till i It,'rll 11,.111. Sunday Hrheel at 011e that will Wash. 2:;;01,.4,. it.', Ju.. Pe -s, B. A. paster, . new (rice. At 7conte per l pound, Atlaln,aull Eve established rho first li.w, w ('nr ,411,-. Sulbatlt ~truces at 11 the faruhers of the conlltry paid 1 lellnte ('Dort. a.,e, ,tut, teem tem, suueey tid,! l at eeeo wire mitimfaeturers $15,000,000 last 11 pee Nev.v J, )t4 • nester, year, That additional 1 Cent per 1 A summer lt.sort._•1>0rrutviot( your •), I] ,., bbnih it rviet' • „a 1,01111d 111:(111.3 ,1,000,000 cuhuue 11 iteittltbor's lawn )cower. 11.1 t:. ,i • I 11v Soli l 01 '1,30 hrot]G to the m:unt5leturers, 'the ,11 tltrtic ,.rayl, has ranched the -•,.it h • I'. , - . invitee. Dt. (floe and hand- ,mutea barns aro an - at • man dee fie rare, 1iowa or, tiny wire 1 Costs them more than formerly,! uauuoud. 2:001, nee, m, 1 ,,..111 to. Sunday.chi i001o1 of1 2:311 h.lu. r r>t, r 14 �t. 1+. C.t'htpiaon. :lcorraepuudoilt of the Tribune and . A L'u:;,uu paper giveH the follow- 11ekee res 4.1(• , r .,:h--Sn4lath Ser. Farmer says: The bast fertilizers ing wise piece et advice to its beelto- I t' ,>, •1 O''1 l v;, ," .r•. mouth at 11 aim• far 414110 treys that 1 lhnve funnel 18 or readers t3 . .'ower marry a gin ill- I t loo third .t• , Rev. P. J. ;,,;t, pre -t• wood rashes and lime, 1 good COM. less you have known her three days (11,13 i'Ite•..m e..ees• every 'Thursday ing of thyme should be sown broad- anti at it Pie'llie• 02111113111• aeemee, • cast on the ground onto or twice a eleeeei 1 -, 1.4, at .lr ).efore 1,'11. year, and 1 1111013 it Pays to hoe the mootit tie .e,- • 4,, 4,,. dirt away from the truuk of each tree A. 0. l-, W. Lopoy.) leets en Sad and sprinkle several handfuls of nein last Wedneiday evtuinps each month,•and POI-MATEn'sI, DoE 2110 and loos }SoniAy' es and lime around them, and hoe evenings 0(6.10110„11111is SW010'1111811. the dirt back again twice ti year. In L, 0. L. 1st enne ay in ,vary month in this way the tree is not only fertilized, !range Hall, ; pot the borers and insects arc pre - Posy (11'rl..l:.--(:''10o Hours front s a, ne vented from making their dopruda to 7 p. m, tions, MECHAllr • ivsT:rrr:' )tending ROOM Ault i tbrary in 11,14,4' Week , ever S. B.8rnale'a s tore, will I-. „1,4 a from a to 7 p.m. on Weds Fit81II04 Soles. nesaays aa,1 Fti,l:a:: x 133..1 from 4 to 6 pen. 1 �• an 3atnrduys. Buttons are features on spring cos• As.sys.ssros.svossssmssrsysoKesss,.....srsts tames, Vat Vete :V<>taiiit. Printed muslins with floral designs are to be worn. All Lwti•ii: sill ciste1.10 sbuuld l,(:w The blouse, or llnssiau redingote, be Pum'1:c41 •..11 ami thoroughly clean is to be worn a good deal this spring. ed. A wide jobito of loco forming a vest Eggs rt 1`? eente :l dozen rive the is worn indoors with e, velvet cutaway ,tame food v:lime as lean beef or mill- jacket. ton at l(1 cats per pound. The bow of ribbon nn the side of C.nekteu•s .troara7at ye . the neck instead of the front is a fan - Tile beat ever. iu the werletor euta,,ruiees S.,rea, ince ltb:uln,Feverireres,Tett(r ey of the moment, t:beered 1.1au0:.1'hilbinins, horns, sad au A new ribbon warranted not to cur] Akin Eruptions,,4 red losltively cures Piles, or Dopar require 1. It is gnarauteed to giro per- tip at the ends, ie shown this fi0a5011. f, -et antisfactiou, or motley refunded, Prise It comes both 10 satin and ill 109• ,..i emits per h'.. Fur Sale by G. A. Delultuaa, g' If v annual get' oat of cendit en grain. . ori d,.._.. t'. "sill t:t r,'lia]I 1(16 f�'r"1• atSiUv O,4.10.mU l 81,1 Can sx” nnrunbturo It inti ,(' 11 .: t. b11110•.l Ill 1'::15 rums consumption. •tc,l fe0 r.1 . , ::,tris nt. 1)tine, will ceu• Scarfs m orieute1 colours and d0 ,rally linin.: l.itn back to a sense of signs, illuminated with g0111 three 1, )hunger at(,liu. form the trimming of many hate and 1 Grin:) l))a'overy• bollnot?. ea. •.Stn. T... mots. 0f .:rwtnn, 113 4 sav9:—'.wI': Jlarigolc1s f>'0810)14 1,600108, 31(11 Wife has been .•ur. ...el ;ly at:ua0.•d a'i Ill a cough e for twenty -11w y,'o'1, and this spring more se. its and lobelia will be some of the vorely than errs e=•t4t•e, She bad used Laity tide 00medles!within.!,. 1: .!et, and bels, urge; t, favorite artificial flowers used 00 tine ,•y l.r. E;::e's .� r, fnecevery. ti„ ae• wth •springs millinery. 1, t 140 nr t n rte, , - ... t Ole a1 . R -ILL, ton suffer with Dyspepsia told Liver has 11.1. ,lu . ; 911. hn , , 1'. Complaint 2 Shiloh's Vitalizer (4 gmu'antoed good health, 'for tin yareJ Trial1.ot•. - to Clue you. Sold by (1, A, non,iman. tree 111 G..1. I •..t ta:,111', 1)6116 Store. rargt, Brown, beige, dull bite, ashes of size 81. 1 W esters tteegrower Imo e' l' : 3,• roses, cream white, faun and tan or 12) wt•rt]1 '.1 ualullt+ fl'(L11) euventeen r^ lebina0'8 001311rs ere in favor fur acres of land. lie will not be in a tailor-made suits. hurry to cle. 111' Cott. laud. .1, )1: , ,1 Plain shirts, that is, skirts without hickory grove is aid to pay better flounces, or platttugs, either perfectly in its fruit than the ordinary tam plain or trimmed only with rows of crop ; braid or overlapping tuek9 are grow- Wife—W(14'stee matter naw,Je)0? Dns- ing in favor. baud—Oh, that neuralgia and toothache :ear Fon lamp back, side or chs at, non Shi1-,h•s kill ate, wwiie—Why don't you go to John PoronsPlaator. Priao 35 cents. Bold by G. A. IIar re,tv,•s S:1 Drag Stare nail set abnta all )le 3 11(11, of P1111.1Light:0100 Vou know it cures all ooh things 44 enil:,t,11e, Neuralcia, hent- teressy parasols are ornamented with ncuo,tn11lh.10e.Litrache, sore throat, eta It ribbons tied around the handle an,] titres instant rIBef. There is hothiug equal to wwi,i:e top, formed into pretty looped bows, 01006 for 34(:1.'1 l:ndtnre, and in feet, and one gore of the cover is similarly ;ill kinds of ;arm salol( tin Well 1.l, I),, decorated. If yon) tune iht.uuiug to feed 1ue:(1 I'.,1' Aj1leki( of ,drab mottled English hel'lll tllle11t 11103.10W or for pasture l:,e cloth is made open at the throat and Coming spriuo, let your mixture of a short shoulder cape. The grass see.?. contain one pound of 11113 wide notched reverse collar 4(041 the dew: sei'd to the sore, cuffs, pockets aro of dark blue velvet. Serer 5(1,1 VI). 61,0 1101)0ilotat 0160,1 or llolinoon's L 3.11, nr: <+af, ring 154th low and L, r Phosphorized Emulsion! in the treatment of t l r''i„d ; female 10O441,08a, ,mel nervous p1'ilatl'ation, spirits, less of 014'1:10, g'n0rul dr611lty, ,'i: -has given it n wide -spread r0putatlon, and in ordcrc , 01oor?.. :1 al; constitution, 1eadael.0, , every 0480 the story some the sum : "tf y health or any ells"s ,•"rut'ili nts nature, by all means lis so i 1ulprovo,l since nshng,” "f urn liken 11000 ..1.,10,10t,a l,ntte'd 0(11(0)0 Bitters, Von 1t•il! ' wom1111,' that we 1111 not 1100)1ate to 1000111- ,, ry 1 i-, t ts, the rapid improrein Mit that mend it to evely9ug 1111100,) of a health re. ,1 follow 1. a will be inspired with now storey. •.••tivily will return: )r..:n Tho newvei;t 13 ') of deeoretiu , cloth evel .,ee e, 1._ mei hOnerf.,rt11 yru 1, 4111 rt•joiem,u I raise of E)ectria Bitter:,, 3 11(1,15 15 t0 CI1nhl8tlt01h 11 patternpatternall 3eh! et tltty ce1.15e1.1,••a bottle by G. A. Deadman. over thou). It 19 very easily dant, _11 ; ;,:y .i):_: 1( dairy 11 is •twAw4 rand lilt were not that the sleeves baa:.., 4'2:1:1"..ya: ou r. small sC•tle were decorated lis well ns the body, 1%1,°" firs;, :;n ar,ulnul'1 ,ler; 131 ti1c it might be done of completed gar. ,la:ryiewi ,,ice o::i'rri(:ucD uu42 ]r,as menta. ha can (iirl:+.:'L ',1' 111:4,}r gtlallti fled a,f Ire you troubled with Salt Rheum, 1111(0 1318 dull, prod act,. It is very easy to 11,tnds, or old Soreaogf any kind that cannot be increase if it ie; deemed best, but op• ilLeCtiag0rRPhrk9'a 06,1 olio Oeyutotgll"auxg .:rations minuet be curtailed; with111 It. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the hest healing compound ever known, voila, 5061000108.", Footoringe, )rest Mites, Burns or any Skin p8,ta uol'r among 1110 greatest Ina Bonl die- trouble, are alike cured by it. sold at 86 omits •ovaries, by tee many 5)1,00 It hasalrootod. by duo. FLargseoveo h Co„tDruggletn• ila0te500 4 Speedy (`ire lands the yen. Bub- Cao1P, whoop1(0 Dough and bbro1101i(10 100• )acted to the 71 innteal chemical analysis, is medintoly 181(03004y Shiloh'e Otto). Sold by has been !mind to o0ua4iu none of these injur- G. A, Deadmani teasMgt-elle/it., rharaoteldring the worthless Amber is a stylish colour for house epeemdaily offered to the public. L•-yyy ingredient nt possesses a poen liar adaptability to wear, fwd iS A b000111114; 8ha40 t0 Ali the various complaints for which it has been rlingi: all 1 cam >lexigll31 11 being a 110)1• comeeunded•ntel its sillescy to limig ear 'Itched by testimonials hourly reeoivnd. We tral tint between yellow and 1)60wvi1. Peal amber bends are now nsod as a decoration for Houle handsome even- ing costumes. 811111161100 nights, lnudo miserable by that f.1 Germa11 test for watered milk for you 8 d byU I13.110,01,0n.a the remedy i4 said tri en1 1-t in dipping a ut,11. In millinery there 18 twilling pr0t- po]islled 1310) 114 n" '••110 111t1 n. deep tier than the 5111, crowned poke bon. vessel of milk a)1(1 them immediately Ileto. The 1:1'1104 of 113000 at• 1 1Ls111111V withdrawing it in en upright 100111on, if shirred velvet, while the crown is If the milk 10 pare a drop if 1110 fluid of soft sill(. The favorite combination will hang t_, the needle, but the 111. of black and white is seen more often .1111011 of seen a email proportion of than any other in these bnunoto, and water will prevent the adhesion of the is always appropritlo and becoming drop, fon' young and old; 0011101/0 V 11,1(1aer to what yell need for 0115. ('ATAA0N oured, health end sweet breath ao- st0pat1o11,1005 of appetite, 11100iues4, ane all cured,Ily.(041101'4 Catarrh ltmnody, Prion fi0 ,ymptotnsofDyst,el'sia, Price 10 and 76 cents cents, Nasal injector free, Sold 'by 300. A, nor bottle. sold by G. A., Doadnhan. Deadman. An EItnila IN. Y.) farmer is re- Satin shoes and slippers aro very ported 10 11av0 0010 au increased much worn, au(l it in a pretty fabric weekly pl•c.iit on a herd of 26 cows for the manufacture afoot covering, ,imply by taking the 011111 off from the for its brilliant lash. Ills not only rho drinking wwnier daring the waiter. It pretty shape of the 14,et, hilt of malt- Watt done by means of t1 steam pipe mg 1t 1n,11t smaller. Satin the colour introduced into the tank. Itis easily of the timed is most used, although done f1) n smaller way by adding a black is much iu favour, and what can 1,1111 of Let water to each barrel cap- 11Ci4 of the ipianlity given. ,"•q therefore cunfld01,t that Ivo 111100 n prepay, ,.tion 4.41(011 we can o1111r to 111 0 130110101011k the assura100 that it will be found not only a re- lief but tut ab01,1ut0 •cure for Dyspepsia, Livor 11omplahut•Indit;e„tiou, (1oustipntion and Im- pureBlo011. Free trial bottles at Ilargreaves' D run Store. ''Ti' t;roon)0 aro brothers aid so are the brides." is the way the Boyle Roche of the Guelph Mercury speaks about a recent (double wedding in To. route. "A new baby at your house, I understand 1" seed a gentleman to the governor of a northern state. "Yes, sir," "Boy?" "No, a future coacl11nan'8 wife," "I don't like to have my husband chow tobacco, remarked a young mar- ried lady, "but 1 put up with it, for the tin foil is just too )handy for ally thing in doing up my front crimps." It is t4 molan wretch who will slily drop it hair °witclh l0 a car loaded with woman, null then smile as he sees every \volume grab for the back of her hear. when she notices it. Can a man's pocket bo empty when he's got something in it ? Yes, wheu 110 1.1118 a big hole in et. Wo are netted when a young lady is of age, lied we unhesitatingly reply not until she is )Harrier.. A gentleman tvlho did not trust to his memory, wrote in 1119 memoran• cum book, "dins1 bo married whet I get to tovu." A little fellow of five, with his first boots on, being told that the baby wanted to kiss him, replied :—"Yoe, he takes mo for his papa 1" A Teutonic friend ran a foot race and 1041 it ; but ran again and won. Ho 5111(1 :—'•I'tu first et hast, if I vas pohincl 1)0fore." "Woo Is that I(Or049 the street ?" "Oh ? that is a very close friend of )nine." "Indeed 7" "Yes. Never lends 11 cent." Josh Billings says that the best medicine for rheumatism is to just keep still andthank God that 1t isu't the gout. "Sally," said a follow to it girl who had red hair, "keep ,away from me, or you wilt set me afire." "No &u - ger of that," was the answer, "yen aro too green to burn." "Jane," said he, "I think if you lifted your feet away from the fire, two 11114111 111100 00010 110at in the reo(n." And they hadn't been har- ried two years either. A lady meets )4 a girl wl)o had va- cantly loft her service, inquired 'Well Mary, where do yon live naw ?' "Please, ma'am," rejoined the girl, "I don't live 110whOra now, 1'111 )tar- ried" ,l11,1.:, hnvn neither time nor 11(011lla• flail to pans paregorics on the deceas- ed," romerked an orator. "12auegyr• les," Corrected 1a person present, "As you please, sir," remarked the orator "the words are anonymous," "Ain't you 111113081 boiled ?" inquir- ed a little gal of a gentleman visiting her father and mother. "No, little One, 1 can't Hay that I am. \Vhy do you tisk, Daisy ?" "011, because I heard mamma say that your wife kept you In hot water." A I3angot' young man blackened his moustache with a 101(11 eereb, and then took hie girl out for 1.1 ulluuli'4111 stroll. When the fair one appeared io the brigut light of the family cirole a couple of hours hater, her face look- ed liko a railroa'1 map. How can nine pigs be put in four pens, and 1111 odd 1)111111)01' ju 011011 ? Matte one big pen, and in it throe small ()nee. Iu 0)1011 al' these little Item put three pigs, which will be odd numbers 0yich. Of memo: the big pen will 111100 au odd ',umber -- the whole n11)0, 'Do let 1130 have your photegreplh,, said tt dashing hello to 4a gentleman tvho had been annoying her with his (Lodi!tiohe. '1 he gal1t]0111a11 Wm de- lighted, aid in a short time the lady received 111e picture. She lave it to her servant with the question, 'would you know the original if he should call 2' The servant reviled in the at. firnitttivo. "lV('ll, when be comes, toll hits 1 am engaged." In a certain family a pair of twins matte their appearance, and were shown to their little sister of 4 years. It happened that whenever the hanse. hold eat bad l(ittens rho prettiest wore eased and the rust drowned. When the twins were shown the ohild by their happy father, she looked at them earnestly, mid at length, put. ting her little finger•tip on the 0110013 of one of them, looked up and said, bo prettier than a pretty foot daintily with all the seriousness possible, 'Pa. shod in black satin ? pa, I think well save this one.” AMC 1, 24, 1885, •:� .m v ®. _,zar,. ..ac.veause .,,.,-na..,.es -.n slams—tiow4 )1, 11 T, A8 III1'.L, 1�T]Minh„,, 11 Glen: his Dimly alx1oul0r, roe 111. n' Moir, -tt rnlppurt• f"rth„ 1,n. 1 six terra 1,1,44, (u inform tomo tin) hos 113)4 bm and on( lit 131,, old stand has 1301,'4 up a alloy in Sinale'0 e1n, 0 111 (104' lids style !,here he hopes to moo ,Nl thv r114. customers 11,1 111111tooly 11„n• unuuU r. 14110 f11 , 4)11.4 1) , 1 13 0411, 11001,,!4011 hue trxbc4laa 111,41(n, all kludn of Don lLroe iol 9am,ng'\tan( (1,,livornd null 1',r(,; ,d tho l',wn Pre''. ('111, pa('1 (,,r Fat Stork. f 11,TI:1 I I \ 1 9;i • ge 11 OIIIONL6:'i. 'The subscriber 114 pieparea to Ito 1311 kinds of 1 4ihting,.o'4'h 00 1(0114E, 1.111 1N, ('11111110 l•„ PI, UN on ORNAMENTAL, PAts•ryso, --.-0--' PAPER HAMM, ESAl3®MIlliNG —AND.- G't•ftir'liiy,„>", 13, 1.11)/.K0 iu1ty. —0 --- Spring time will soon bo at 1ui11 so leave your Orders Lally. !Pork clone in tho most sntisfaetnry manner 11)11 satisfaction guaranteed. I will be found at my old shop north of the bridge. Wm. Roddick. QTEEL NAILS, BEST CITE ' NAILS. WIRE NAILS, Finishing Nails, All Kinds. BARBED pp-qq�� V . LvE, eek Thorn "Wire, TWIST F E AND 4114E OE r\ IRE. :B. Gerry. ALLAN LIIt(F.a 1iOYA1, MAIT, ;l'P1;AM]SHIP S. r't'fi11ll•let.'1•C.11, to;3t18 5.115, etu'ctor.,t.c0,1al,•an:IS sal:t,S4.1(I o, 1,1)81803 ,18,36, Olo')'age, ina, 1 ,4 1, :•I. 4ondedel'rY 141.. xtova, hlaa4oa, or It lfnxt to Quebeo and a I,var1as l:nv ,14 by an{' 111.41 -rinse line, WINTER ARRANGEMENT, 18553 nilin,)H from r, AND, ('Atil'1 \'\ »1,0, Fob, 201h 14AR1)1\111\ •• '11111 eh bth I:'r,lturlAN " 12)1, SARMATIAN 10th No Steamer trete Purtl'uul Morel, 011111. PARISIAN. 'Ph11rsday, April 2nd No Stcan,or from Portland, April 'nth, SII1IDINIAN Thursday, Apr, 100h No St01111110 from Portland, April 21x4 SARMATIAN Thursday, April 30111 The last train connecting w'1111 411e steamer at Quebeo leavex'E'ureuln Wo.lh)osdayo of Sono n. in. Passengers Dan 1ea10 Wodnoodaya at 0:30 (1,10. also, null oolmoot with the steamer at linkilex, by paying on additional fare of 34145 1st, and 89.66Mad class, Nu cnttlo,aheon nr pies urn carried on tan Mail Stomn,rnof the Allan lino. Par 'Tickets and 1h•rt',s and 'very 11,1901011 )lou apply to J. R. GRANT, Agent, .1 the 0.091 4110''. Brn.v,els. AM DTII PADLOCK Hardware :3u01'e. Clearing Sale .P1'eviOles Down ri ©tits Away —1+011-- 30 Days Only. NOW 1$ THE TIIIE TO BUY Cheap Hardware. Jana Drew , i TH E L iff,,1..,w7c3j lic,5 Tho undersigned leaving completed the cllango from the stone to theCelebrated IIungarian,System of Grinding, lla8 now the Mill in fir's! -Glass Running Order, and will be glad to sea all his Old Customers and as many .new as possible. Chopping done. 01188 Flour ani, Feed. a 1Way'r 021 iJ aide HIGHEST PBiCI PAT: ) E011 ANY QUANTITY OIs GOOD WHEATS IZIL -Z