HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-24, Page 5-T Amin, 21, 188, ES. THE BRUSSELS POST DISTRICT NW (..7rac3trrooir. See advt. of teudirs wanted for painting 1(1 2(11 house. The Telephime , 222 telking (plume eintimitideatiou to us thie week, Valentine Gramm well have hie Rine kiln in complete relining order by the let of May inal will be able to atten(l promptly to all nrdors received I after that date. Cranbrook is likely to have Ude- graph facitttice at an early day, The Great North Western hero offered to open an olliee here if the villagers will phlox the pules across to the lino north. A eubscription list ie now un- derweigh and is beiog liberally signed to raise the necessary funds for that pnrpose. E. (Jarrow having removed the ma- chinery from his saw mill disposed of the building by auction on Monday last. Alex. 4.)elga tty wielded the ham- mer. The bidding was quite spirited. John 'AleLall 011 1111 Wee the purchaser at the suni Of $111. Mr. MeLauch- lin intends removing it to his farm and converting it into a barn. Biehop, misuser, is through with his work for this year. Thu Morris & Grey cheuee factory will commence work about the let of May, A good season is .0o23nted on. Lest Tuesday Mrs. Walker and hor two sons, Osias and Jerry, ha Brus- sels for Newbraske, where they intend making their future home. It is their intention to go extensively into farm- ing. Donald MeLauchlin is making pre- parations for building a largo barn. He will move au old barn and will build another alongside of it. They will measure 08x44 feet and 50x80 feet reepeetively. A stone basement will be under the wholo barn, Last Wednesday Alex. Forest, John Dickson and Alex. Grant started for the west. They are engaged by the C. P. R. in connection with the ex- tension of the telegraph lines on the British Columbia side of the Rocky menutains. They will keep their hair cut close while the Indians are "MI their ear." nor':2s. The farmers are anxiously waiting to continence plowing and spring work. Tho friends of the Scott Act in this township aro devising liens to carry the Scott Act 11110 succe• silt' operation. It is the intention to make the law breakers smart every time, James Wetsen 1(0 1011133111d the Crit: tenden property at Sunshine, poying the sum of $800 for the mune. Sev- eral parties have been negotiating for the store to commence business. The Exeter Reflector says :-On Sunday evening the 5th intit„ at the residence of his son, in the township of Morrie, Houry Matter passed over to the great majority at the advanced age of eighty-seven years and fise months. He was born in County Down, Ireland, in 1708 -the year of tho Irish Bebellion. Left an orphan at an early age lie was, when but a child, forced to grapple with life's re - elides, relying entirely on his own re- sources -a circumstance which may account for the remarkable independ- ence of character -vhieli ho manifest- ed throughout the whole of his after years. At the ago of eleven he re- moved, to Glasgow where ho remain- ed about thirty years. In 1841 he emigrated to Canada, and for eleven years endured tho hardships of pioneer life among the roolty wilds of tho township of Dalhousie, county of Lan- ark. In 1852 be came Westward and settled on he Thames Boad, Usborne, in which township he lived till a few years ago, when ho remofed to the township of Morris, throe of his sons and a somin-law having farms in that township. Ho possessed a strong, hardy constitution, end scarcely knew what it was to be sink a day in his hfo. On Monday night, April Brd, he was seized with paralysis, from which he never recovered and on Son - day evening "the spirit peacefully took its flight." Religiously or pol- itically, ho was net a blind follower of any soot or paXly 1tepreforredon all important mottos to think for himself, and ho Wee at all timee able to give a reason for the faith that 'MIS in him. A man of genuine integrity and ecrupulonsly honest, he was con- sequently highly respected by all who knew him. Ile was buried on Tues- day in Brussele cemetery, The fun- eral, notwithstanding the almost ina- paesable state of the roads, was very largely attended. Mao a:1mm.. Cricket is coming to the front. A by-law to raise $1.500 to sink a teet salt well will soon be voted on, a Next Sunday Rev. Mr. illeCtitill i l 1..... Ca d'tn raci5o aailwa,y Tiro ablo, 14 i:i,,,,,..,,,,,,h,„; ti th,, odd Fellowe Of ii,this It is rumored that Adam jaeltson, 'I at one time a young druggist hunt, i eon of 1. G. Jackson, te one of Iliel'a followere.--:-..-; ,- _ The members of the 1, 0. 0. F. . Teeswater Branch. lags iu this town have alinemt con- pleteI1 arrangement., for tho preettiita- twit of ninele initiation ceremonies lit • tint town hall, and it is likely the affair , will come off within a couple of weeks. A theatrical company composed of lo. cal lights will oleo lend their aid and 1 MM. liele, Wl) t.:01 r, Mau. JiilrOfll. 0 Toronto.. pop' 7,20 a.m. 5.40 ILM. 0 ()mow:vino , ' 0.50 - 7,05 ., ' ' 4 Orangeville .1e110.00 " 7,42 " 71 Amaranth 1 , j10.!1 '1 7 V " , 7.38 8 present a laughable farce. tei: 1 an -1- :to in " 7.44 " Sumac; Snow. --'1"11 (1 Turnborry 231 Arthur .. , . ., :11.08 . " 8.10 Agricultural Society held Its annual 30* lienitwerth....1 show of spring stook 011 the Market 34- ;mit staiser „ !1.1.23,e a.m. 8,411 " , " Square, Wingimm, on the 17111 feet. 417/ 11,110081.(N, . .. :12.2 58)101 0,01 5411 Pordwiell , ,. 12.05 " 1 0.31 " 00 Gerrie .. , . ..1 1.08 " 0.40 0 021 Wroxeter .. ..1 1.15 " j 0,40 " 09 Winglnue Head! 1.88 . 110.08 . 74 Teeswa ter.. A rr I 1.55 pan.J10.15 " There ware fifteen horses and live bulls exhibited. The following is the list of prizes awarded :-Imported Heavy Draught hot80s-(4 entries - let J(114. Anderson, Ferlyee "War rior," 2nd Thus. Agnew, karnock, "Honest John." Canadian Heavy Draught -(4 entries -)181 Nixon & Winghtun, "Pride of the West," 2m1 Jos. Stnellie, Bluevale, ',Good Cheer.'" General Purpose - (4 entries) -1st Tas. Tippling, Wing - ham, "King of Quality," 2nd 'Vegan b Page, Belmore, "Scotian]. Yet." Bead and Carriago-(8 entriee) - 1st Wellwoocl, Winghain, "Ethan Allen, jr." 2ncl John Gibbous, For- dyce, "Dictator," Diploma, Jas. Anderson's "Warrior," for best horse in any class. Thorenghbred Durham bull, aged. -(8 1 ntries)-1 -1 J. A.. Fortune, Wroxeter, "Kinnellar," 2nd John Barbour, Ht. etelens, "Duke of Maple Ridge," (11224.) Thorough- bred Durham, under two years -(2 entries) -let, Time. Henderson, Wing - 1111231, ''Sir Francis,' (1128(1.) Liestaxwel. --- The roller rink 122 to be opened this week. A large and (wetly addition is short- ly to bo made to the tom] library. Quito a number of new, buildings are proposed to be erected in town during the coming sturnner. Tho Council have decided to extend the waterworks from Wallace street along Main to Dodd street, Rev. Jeffrey Hill, nf Christ Church, lute been appointed. by the Bishop of the DiocJee to !North Chatham and Dover tp, xectiry. J. W. Scott, sold the feller day to George Zilli,tx, of the Queen's, a vac- ant lot 00 Wallace street known as number eighty-four, far $500. Miss Cron, en of the teachers in the public school, has, in consequence of continued siclinese, sent hor signatien to the beard who have ap pointed Miss Clitnio iu her place. Notice has been received hero that an eleven composed entirely of the leading medical cricketers of tho Pro- vince will visit us on the 25th of June next. A club of eleven modicals is something new. It is proposed by emno of the more enterprising residents of the town, to purchase the site of the burnt block, on Main etreet, nearly opposite Dodd street, by a joint stook company, and erect a building thereon. Tho ground floor could he utilized as implement rooms, while the whole of the second flat could bo converted into a public hall• . W. 0. T. U. Course.- The fourth Icahn 01 1110 above course will 1120 giv- en by the Rev. Jno Smith, 'of the Er- skine (Presbyterian) church, Toronto, in the Congregational church, on Monday evening, 2711i of April, at 8, Subject "How to prevent DrunIcen- nem and 82100 Forty Millions of dol- lars annually." The last lecture of the comae will be delivered by Col. Bain some time in May, The Nova Scotia estimates for the year were presented in the House of Assembly on Saturday. The rev- enue is estimated at $509,608, aud tho expenditure at $507,122. A Belinont correspondent writes that a great deal of spot:illation and talk has been caused in Belmont aud vicinity by George Billington, of Smith Dorchester, having lett the neighbor- hood. Ho sold his farm, nonsisting of 200 acres, to James Bunn for $18,- 000. sold his farm effects, and on 1110 night of the sale cashed the notes and went away, Tho simultaneous peanut= 01 1110 wife of' a Yarmouth farmer, '231 1300)210 talking, and there 0110 Many W110 would bo glad to hear of tho whoroabonts of either party. Mrs. Billington was prevailed upen to sign off hor dower of the 200 acre farm under the impression that her Imehand intended to purchase the lilonreltouse homestead in North ;Var. mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Billington had not been living together for seine timo, on account of domestic infolicay. Mrs. Billington is left without means of support. 111Lies. LloIng East. Express. r; 111 11 171 91-1f 80 851 431 1101 014 114 014 70 74 192 Teehwater Dep Winghain goad Wroxeter Gordo Fordwich Harridan ?ages t Mk. Forest.. , Kenilworth Arthur Luther Waldemar.. .. Amaranth Orangeville Jot Orangeville .. Toronto . , Arr, 5,10 5.28 5.47 5,53 0.02 0.25 0,85 0.51 7:00 7.20 7.53 7.58 8.04 8,12 8.35 10,45 0.111, 11 2.15 p.m. 2.80 2.49 2 56 " 3.00 3.29 3.40 3.07 1.19 ,1,80 0.10 5.17 5.24 .5.35 5.55 a.m. 8,115 11.30. 11 ti 46 66 41 Refreshment and Dining Roams TORONTO JUNCTION, ORANGESILLE ANIL CARLETON JEN crioN. C:t‘T THROUGH TRAINS -BETWEEN- --TORONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. FLETCHER, TICKET AGENT, ERESSELS, TAILORING. O. H. Maddaugh bogs leave to notify tho people of Brussels and surrounding country that ho has open- ed a shop in GltANT'S BLOCK, formerly occupied by W. H. Morris, whore ho will be please(1 to attend to the wants of all favor- ing him with their orders, The best of satisfabtion guaranteed, CRANBROOK LIME WORKS. The subscriber wishes to notify the PUBLIC that he will hare his LIME KILN in Complete Running Order by the 1st of 11A.Y, and will be able to furnish/lily Quantity of First-class Linie at any time during the. Sea- son. Price at Kiln -14 cents per Bushel. v amilimivz9 CRANBROOK., P. 0. BABY CARRIAGES, BABY CARRIAGES. J-TTST1 'O I-IA.1T ID a Choico Stock of Baby Carriages that Cannot fail to snit the wants of the Call and see them. LARGE STOCK OF HARNESS ON HAND. Give 7110 a Call. 11, DRAWLS. aka OF TIDE -- ery AT T-111-7, 5 enin FIELD HOBE LAST The Show Room was CrQvided EVE From Thursday Morning until Saturday Night. Y JOY SATISFIED n11 agroeing this Departnient, under the 2.1(11(12 ',;;lit ti; v.:ea Ji ftiVr4.9 \JIM arD 9 RE A - Cee S ® Ion't leave an order until you GARFIELD 11 and see their AGNIFICE,NT DSP -OF- NEW, CHOICE, FRESH_ IUSE _AY and well selected Stock of Millinery. -1)- The Garfield House Discounts them All -FOR- & Fanoy Dry Goods, EATS OAPS, OOT S Sr, SECOE 59 .LITD Gn0011111IwS. ,rfi 1 "14 GET T '411t Li 1)U Cox. of TuraboriT Is'inh1-7tHalg PA$0 23