HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-24, Page 3Aeon. 21, 1885. TUE BRUSSELS POST ,lacfrj. 'et 1' 111,Ac;KS111'1'll'S S'l'0111'. Well, no ! \i r wife ain't died, sir, but 1'4.0 lost hie all the sumo ; 141)0 10ft me volna1arily, and lWi(b,r was to Lin me. rile r 4 l ., 1 at„ry, and I IIei;ik you will agree 'Mon l]"4 hu,ar the eireturatnee -'twnu rather rough un nna lithe was a eo1d1,r'.' widow. Ile maul killed a1 Mal Vern 11111; 4(411 lrhon 1 married, site Roomed to sorrow for hila still; But I brought her hero to Kansas, and I never want to Hen A letter wife than Mary was, for Ilvo bright years to ow! Tho of ungo of 00011( brought choorfnlnes, and soon a rosy glow Of happiness warmed -\Tory's cheeks and molted all their snow, I thick elm loved mo some -1'm bound to think that of her, sir, And no for the -I eau'( begin to toll how I loved her 1 Three years ago the baby came, our humble homo to blase ; And then I reckon I was nigh to perfect happiness; 'Twits per's ---'(was mine-; but I'tu no language to explain to you How that little girl's woe fingors our hearts together drew ! Once wo watched it through a lover, and with ouch gasping breath, Dumb with au awful, wordless woe, we waited for its death ; And though I'm not a pious nuul, our souls together them For I IelLVe11 to spare 000 darling, went up in Voiceless prayer. And when the doctor said 'twould live, our joy what words could toll? (Tamped in each others .ernes, our grateful tears together fell. Sometimes, you sae, the shadows fell across our littlo nest. But it only matte the sunshine seem a doubly weloui o guest. Work coma to me In plenty, and I kept tho anvil ri aging, Early and late you'd find me utero a-haul- mering 11111 singing, Lova Duryea my arm to labor, and moved my tongue to sang, And though my singing wasn't sweet, it was almighty strung ! , One day n one-armed stranger stopped to have me mail a shoe, A¢(1 while 1 was at work wo passed a com- pliment or two, I asked him luny he lost his arm. IIe said '11V0a shot away At Valve,( Hill. -At Malvern Hill 1 Pid you know Hobert May 3” -That's 1110 1" said he. "Yon, you! I gasp- ed, choking with horrid doubt ; 11 you're (a mac, just follow mo ; tvo'l1 try this mystery out." With dizzy steps I led him to Mary. God ! 'Twos true ! Then the bittorost pangs of misery- unspeak- able, I know. Fn,zcn with deadly horror, elle stared with eyos of stone. And Irani her quivering lips there broke one wild despairing ,loan. 'Tway ho ! the husband of her youth, now risen from the (lend, But all too late -end with that bitter ery hes' senses fled. What could 110 done ? 11u was reported dead. 011 his return 1l(!,41l",t':' 11) vain F0111e tidings of 111s ab- sent wife to learn, 'Twos wr11 that he was innocent 1 Ilse I'd pace killed him too, So 1lelel 11e never wo111(1 have riz, till Cla. briel's trumpet blew. It Was (41reat1 that Mary between us should decide, And carp l:y her derision would sacredly a- bide. No sinus at the judgmout-seat waiting eternal doom Could 1.111100 what I did, with() waiting sen t• oleo iu that room. Rigid and breathless there w3' stood, with deet,» Its 'Mien ale steel, While Dltu'y's eyes sought each white face, in piteous appeal. Goll 1 Fontana w'01111tn'a duty bo less hard- ly reconciled Between hut' lawful husband and tho father of her child ? Alt, how lay heart was chilled to lee whoa she 1(llolt Clown a11(1 Said, "Forgive ale, .1111111 1 ISG i9 111y 1m81)1mQ 1 Koro 1 Alive ! not (load 1" 1 raised her tenderly, and tried to tall hor she wee right, RUE senlehuw 111 my aching breast tho pris- cued words stud( tight. "But, John, I can't leavo baby" -"What ! Wife and child 1" cried I "Must I yield all I Ah, cruel 1 Bettor that I should (lie. Think of the long, sad, lonely ]lours wait - in; in gloom for me - No wife to cheer 1(10 with 1101,1000 -no 11110 to 11111(11 my Knee.. .And yet• -y-ou aro her mother, and the sacred nlothor-lova Is still the ptirc'st, tonderoet tie that heaven over wove. Take her, but promise, 11hry-for that; will bring no 811am0- 11:fy little girl shall boar, and load) to lisp her father's 1101110.1' 11 may be in the lila to 001141, I'll Meet my child rind wife; But yonder, by my cottage gain, we parted for this life ; Ono long handclasp from 1\I(try, and lay dream of love was delle! One long embrace from baby, and my hap. Mess 1x118 gone, Thcmns W. Walsh wits appointed Irra6nrar of the county of Norfolk, Dr. Cluny was elected to represent Ltvir 111 ;il". 1.1111150 Of C'sIL'111:115, Cnnr>tae,ll:i,t.n IN « ora. 01(11.0011;7,•(4 boon received at Xing - stall to recruit ti4•tillty-live 14011 for "l1" 114(1101•y, Eitel) 11111 11 3'1 the djfforent volun.. teen Undies who 11,1:+ arrived at 1Vin- 111110;; bits ('0011 ((1(1113' the reeipinn1 of (t pound of toba(t00, frau) i11r, 'fuck. ett, of Hamilton. 11 is rumored that till] Erie & Hur- on Railway Celnpluly is nog0linting with the owners of the largo side- wheol 114nnle0 Rupert, of Toronto, to plaeo her 00 dm Rood Eau and Cleve. land route during the summer. Jennie, the 7.y'rar-old daughter of 11Ir, Clarke, Toronto, lead her clothing ignited by 11 playnlato last Thursday slight with a lighted match, and be. fora assistance arrived sho was so terribly burno(l that her Weis dospair- 0d of. A burglar Urolco into the Burnside wing of the Toronto G.neral Hospital Wednesday night of last week and was busily ongaged in selocting med- als and cups (von by Surgeon Doolit• do in bioyclo rocas when he 40(16 die. Curbed. I -Io managed to get oft with ten dollars. A Halifax despatch says :-Three el0p0s are now working at Spring Hill Collier, and an average of 1,500 tons of coal are raised daily. Yester- day 1,008 gross tons were shipped by rail. This is the largest ont-pat yot attained by any colliery in Canada, and is unequalled by only ono bitu- minous coal company in the United States. The skeletons of a lean and two horses have been found in 1,118 hills, in the Kootenay region, B. 0. Upon Elm clothing of the mao'e skololon was discovered a miner's certificate bearing tho name of M. Hilton, who in company with ons William Kemp, left civilization ten months ago to prospect for gold. The impression is that they lost their bearings and wandered until the horses wore too weak to travel, whereupon Hilton stayed with thorn while Kemp struck out. Ho 1111,1 undoubtedly met with a similar fate. Tho drink of the United rtngdom for 1881 i6 formiclablo beyond expres- sion. The beer section of it is the most formidable of all, amounting to "V"17.ite £74,183,6'20, or $372,418,100. The 3 11i In97 10 01101 W ali0i El fug We would respectfully Invite All to Inspect our stock which will be founts to compare favorably with all competitors. Our Stock of PRINTS for Spring and Summer excels any lleretofor'o shown and comprises some of the Latest, and most Fashionable and Stylish Patterns in the 1Larket. New and of Undoubtedly Excellent Value, We are Showing some Beautiful Colors and Gooch "Value in LADIES' T:.FFETA JERSEY GLOVES, also BLACK and COLORED KIDS, the Hest to be had. OUR S"APL DEPARTMENT Contains just what you want, at Prices and Quality that don't fail to(lllease, such as Ducks, Cottouatic,, Denims, Shirtings, White and Gray Cottons. total mounts up to £126,840,250 - more than six hundred millions of dollars I This frightful amount is I about four trillions and a quarter dol lore above that of 1883. Of all this nighty sum at Ieast 0110 hundred and fifty, if not two handrail millions, coma from the working, struggling, starving classes. How can there be anything but starvation, crime), and misery when such sums are worse than thrown away on strong drink ? Public attention is directed to the following provisions of the fishery laws in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Pielcerol, tnaskinonge or bass cannot be caught from the 15111 April to May 15t11. Net fishing with out licenses is prohibited. Nets must bo raised from Saturday night until Monday morning of each weak. Nets cannot bo sot or soineo us0d so 006 to bar charnels or bays. Indians aro forbidden to fish illegally the saws as white/nen. Each person guilty of violating therm regulations is liable to lino and costs, or ill default of pay- montis subject to imprisonment. No person shall, during ouch prohibited times, fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell, or have in possession any of the kinds of fish mentioned above. t'rin'e hacking cough 0.911 he so quickly surra by Fhiioh's euro. \Vo guarantee it, sola by G. d, non(bnon. The Winnipeg Times says :-Itiel's younger brothor, Joseph, still lives on the old farm in St. Vital, about 4 1m108 up Rod River, on tho east side with his brother. Ho is 0 tall, fine iol(ing man, about 25 years of age, and six feet high. Ho is of a quiet, peaceable nature, having none of the fire eating charaetoristics of his in- surgent brother. Joseph 110o8u't talk English, and tiro Times reporter does not talk French, but tho latter roan. aged to got a few facts worth publish- ing. M. Rio] has nn knowledge what- ever of his brother's movements, and has 11011111 nothing from him regard- ing them. When L. Biel was hero iu August, 1888, be borrowed some lnonoy from Joseph, which w11,8 1101 ropaid. To cancel the debt, Louis agreed to flood over some property near the Portage which lyse 111 1134 wife's name. Joseph sent the doode out to him same, time ago for signet' ore, and they worn rotnrnod proporly executed on March 3rd. Although Josopl3 wrote a long letter to his brother, the latter said not a word ftr reply, but merely returned tho legal instruments -a cavalier style of treat. inept which tho younger brother does not appreciate. Joseph had intended going west on a trip, but iu view of the dilfioulties he will discreetly stay ;'11 1101ACi Ff+J�4J71 ts �r OS M4147 L � and Colored Shirts, Regatta Shirts, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Silk Handkerchiefs, &c, Call and make selection. B!'3 ems+ & SHO s'/S, it by the same oldStandard Firm of COOPER SMITH. The general satisfaction given by this make guarantees us in placing on our shelves a clutch Larger and More Complete Stock than usual. Soca can give you a I3ettcr A1'tiele for the Honey titan yon Dau possibly secure from any other source. An inspec- tionis all we ask. Something Special. See our Coral Pattern, i11 Plain and Gilt Stoneware. GROCERIES FRESH AND CHEAP. BAZAAR PATTl RN S AL VACTS ON HAND. Any that should happen to be out of stock will Secure 1IONTIILIES FREE. Call and See the Latest Fashions. 1 who can do se to visit us and WO will endeavor to make your Call a Profitable one, 11 you do not wish to make your purchases now you will probably we something that may talc your fancy when ,you do w•isif to buy. Don't 3'e ati f,ed i,,tii " 'ora, See ana Judge for Ton elf. fitaaw tl'nr ma st "5i'xriatei,,