HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-17, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST I . r_ 1._... ..., t1 St I' lie 8110W Wind OW11 of the Garfield ECTUT10o � RE. of May. Rowse take the calm. Drt'lstt1N (.'cert will be held in liras- 'fins patent waticiuo roan anis cheap 4 ,,,,..,. eeeeeseeeeeeseess., [t+1H on \VeIlIlOdtlaj' of nett week. Jahusdld 01good Ingle last Thursday. 1,yet tara alt "1..1'1I1s111 UI;LI5411, 1 • Now in the time to secure bargains, only :Now, don't forget the millineryI tW0 months more. el. 13. Situate, openings on nay account. ,n _tafcnrat[ the Bible :lu1 ('ltriatjan c\, It, `BIIT1:1'K millinery opening ix '1'uu idea to a sunw eterm on the ou Friday (1.n11 Saturday of this week. 14.th of April rather huoulse the early icy vs, the atcaaka ut huiacln)'1 will he dtdivur• l in tlW TitY S. B. Klass,. for clasp wall Kuper. MRTHOPTHT CHURCH, 13RIISR1BL i. 1 i :P('1 r of the concert outs eater. I teiemeut under the ant -piers of lit. 1 Jnlm' l church, on Thursday evening, Thursday Er' /.:1)(ril 1.?8, at 8 p.m., + will appear in car next issue. Minn I this week, Ile has 11 largo stock of I hand last well]( as au <intil'0 11omo Admisslou, 11.5 ,._•Children, 10c. Pro- I nails, Ione()wireand everything else I print. The Videtto is a newsy ehoet ,:cods in aid,+f Trustee Fund of Church. I nanaily kept i11 a 1'l1)t•cleee hardware a111 has imploved inuoli of late and store, end snob the Beaver claims to I ley appearances it seems to be tilting be. stead the advt. I the lead in the town. GRAND TRUNK .RAILWAY.q Hip kipo advt. Of Strachan pros ' AUCTION SALIS,-On Saturday of in this 10s8e, page :1, B110111(11 b se l 0 por- nby every render of Tito POST, They have a largo and well assorted stock and are prepared to give good value to their cestomer8. Their store has been undergoing an Internal re- novatiou and everything is neat and tidy. spring prophets out 111 olio round, Yin- v1411.1 make Ilio \vifd, 011) has asked her Mishima for Homo Looney without receiving it roopouse, believe that silence is golden, by the Rev,, I). Hearin, u A f Craig. ' 13 Creme ,s new advt. is to the front I Tait Wiugltam Videtto came to SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. G. & B- R Train loaves nrus0l10 Station, north Emil smith as follows: (:Ging North. Going South. plait............. 143 n.ru. Mixed . 8:10 Express .........11:70 a.m. Mail 9:41 p.10. laxed 8:90 pan. I ]:xpraeo 8'19 p,ul. The =truing train south null the night train north will only run on TuesOays, Y and Saturdays. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. A chiol's amang ye taklu' notes An' faith he'll prent it. 3h1nne roads. Yoe can obtain the Daily Papers from G. A. Deadman. The latest news for only 1o. A. VERY large flax crop will be sown this year. ,Iran received a large quantity of Dutch Sett onions at Geo. Basker's. WAGGONS and buggies are once more coming into use. Not before their time either. SEVERAL detectives came t0 town last Saturday night from Toronto looking up Little. They did not get what they were after. S0..LE's in the spot to buy wall paper. T.O'NEIL, of the Central Hotel, has built a g„011 sized addition to his stable and will have ample ueeommo• dation for the travelling public. New school readers just in at -1 he Drug i defence of the Bible against iuiidelity stern." J. Hargreaves Y Co. I and scepticism will be reproduced iu LAST Monday Ile. McPhayden re ( the Methodist church, Brnsseltc, by moved to Douglas, a village not far Rev. David Rogers, of Ailsa Craig, from l+ergus. We Wish hire sueoes0 formerly of Brnssell. A4 the ndmis- in his new sphere of labor. sten is very low everybody should Two or three 'hundred cedar posts for sale Ihear it, See advt. iu tilts issue. Wo at Moo per 100. Apply at the Station. may Hay the lectnre ie very highly re- commended by both pulpit and press. W. LI. McDeueim, student with G. L. Ball, L D. S., has gone to Wing - ham to lake charge of the dental of- ficeiu that town. Anew chair and other necessaries have been put in and everything arranged for the com- fort and convenience of the public. ,lir. 1feDoneld is going to take a lead- ing position iu the profession of his choice. this week $i3,000 worth of furniture, &c. will be offered for Hale at the Queou's hotel, by the proprietor, 1.1. W, Tuck. This will afford an oppor• tunity of securing furuitnrc, sono of it about as good es new, at a small cost. F. S. Scott is the auctioneer. SCOTT Aon.- A meeting of all in- terested in the formation of a tem. perauce (11 getllzatiotl iu connection with the oarryiug on of the Scott Act in this locality, will be held, in the Council Chamber, on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, sharp, A largeturn•out is requested and expected as business of importance will be brought up. MILLINERY OPENING. -Thursday of this week was the first day of the mil- OPENING.- On Thursday of next 1 liuory and dress goods opouing in week the millinery show room of F. connection with the Garfield House. C. Rogers' store will be thrown upon Lverytbiug in connection with the to the public. Miss Filer is in charge store was.in apple pio order from the Hud by the Pow advs. in another col- elaborately dressed windows that won limn we judge that Iho display will bo the admiration of all, to the millinery equal, if not in edvauoe, of past seas- show room, with its lace curtains, ons. The presence of the ladies of flowers, featlio e, ribbons, lanes, silks, Brussels and surroundiug country is satins, bats, helmets, parlbsols, &e. Asked at the opening. Two mottoes with "\Veleumo" upon Flsnrxo tackle such as hooks, poles, Las- thein greeted visitors as they entered lots, lines, &u,, at 'The Drug Store.' I-Iar- the show roomy. Of coast the ladies grsaves c Co. Just see it. wero there and admired the millinery INGERSGLLISM.-Next'lhurstlay ev- goods and passed very flattering on- entn0 Rev. Dr. Talmage's Ieetule in coniums ou Mies Beam's handiwork and the "get up" of the Garfield 'Joan in general, as only ladies 0(111. Mil- linery is a new departure for title es- tablishment hitt if the display and number of orders taken 1s au index of what may be expected iu the way of n successful season they bid fair to have IL As to the styles of bonnets and hats we decline to express tau opinion but advise everybody to go and see for themselves. The opening contin- uos to -day (Friday) and Saturday. n1FLCIIILr1 News. GEO. BARKER received the appoint- ment under rho Scott Aot for the sale of liquors. He is malting the alteration: in. his store to be ready by May 1st. As I have been appointed to sell liquor under the Scott Act, I will sell my large stook of crockery anis glassware at cost to make room. Now is your time for bargains. (fust he sold before 1st of May. Geo. Broker. FOOT 13,1m. -On Saturday of next week the Brussels foot ball club ex- pect to pity Galt a championship game. Our boys won every match they played last fail !.nil Ivo hope the O ICCPte of the past will follow them lentil they secure the chanlpinnehip cop. The match will bo played fit Galt. 0DDFELLL1w8 ATTENTI51.--Sunday, April Stith, being the 00th anniversary of 000 - fellowship in America, the Rev. Mr. Cluff will preach a sermon to the brethern in St. John's church, et 11 a. m. on that date. A full attendance of the brethren is earnestly requested. 34s.11oss, Secretary. 1 -h'e'm r.s :-Ily a bill passed by the Free stock of pipes, walking sticke, toilet soaps and brushes of all kinds at Jim. liar. greaves C Co's. Also cheap and good wall paper. Tint Seafurth Expositor says :-- Mies \Viddiireld, a teacher from ]crus sets Public School, came hero last Monday with the intention of visiting the Seaforth schools on Tuesday, but, uufortnuately for her, that day had been added to the Easter holidays, and she was 1.11 1114 disappointed in her ,ulticip'etod visit. Wo hope, however, to see and welcome Miss \Viddifield at coma future time, She 5110 the guest of Mrs. Coulter while here. We'll give three cheers, hurrah 1 hurrah ! llnrra1). Hargreaves' Dyspepsia Cure, Hargreaves' Pain Biller, Pills and Condi- tion Powders for cattle aro unequalled. They keep every Patent lfedicine at "Tho Drug Store." Silo. Hargreaves tC Co, THERE is a number of counterfeit tan oeut maces in circulation lit pros - sent. The bogus coins, which are dated 1882, 1170 a Wile bigger also Local Legislature no person or the I the genuine article, and Meant half agouti for any person or persons, not the thickness. The face deooratious resident within the county shall, on are perfect, and there has been no diffioul.y iu floating tt loge number of them in some places. Some bogus twenty cent pieces apparently of the slime make Etre also reported to bo abroad iu the land. CANADIAN ENTERPRISE. -In 1385 than a week frnui the time the report of the fight at Duel; Late wife receiv- ed in Toronto and the volunteers or - dared out, the Grip Priutingg and Pub- lishing Co. produced a large 12 page illustrated paper giving full informa- tion of the outbreak in the Northwest up to the time of going to press. Be- sides a two page picture of the de- parture of the volunteers from Toron- to, on the 80tH March, ,ted incidents connected therewith, four pages aro devoted to eketeltes of the engage- s(' the crowded church anis oppressive ment at Dueis Lake, Fort Carleton, hoot, he tens not quite himself in the the town of Battleford, aucl tha fort early pat of the Berme», (hough he in whiten the police and citizens are gathered strength ns to proceeded beseiged, and other scones of illlerest, end pleased his bearers very Denali The illustrations are well executed before be closed. Tho choir did ex- and are printed m tints. The lettor- ceodingiy well ; one thing especially, press is large and clear, and the pnpet t"I'le Unseen City," which they sang heavy and of good quality. The pub - with wonderfully touching effect im- ligation sloes groat credit 10 001' °n— mediately at the close of the sermon, adieu artists and printers, especially is deserving a special tribute. So when the vary short time at their approlirfnte was it to the 00casi011, disposal is oonsiclered, A special and su peculiarly tender in its 'Whet- artist ttc0urupauies the troops, and ie melodies, embodying sentiments e0 will from time to time s'• I 1 sketches in harmony with the references the of interest en route and 1,4 tem front, pastor had been making to Hint un- as it is the intention of the publishers soon pttritdiee, that few could control to issue .ilio l.11worded War News their emotions while it was being sung, Would that one choirs would j�1Y: u3 mon of>3Ucb. and after October the 1st, 1885 sell, without licouse, tea, dry goods or jewelry ; nor shall they carry and ex- pose samples or patterns of suchcoun- tygoods to any person within the coun- ty who is not a wholesale o.1' retail dealer in such goods, wares or mer- cllandize, FUMY, APRIL17Ta,-Farm stock and implements, lot 16, con, 6, Grey, nommen- ohm at 12 o'clock. Matthew Barker, prop. Capt. Strotten, auctioneer. Tan Mitchell Recorder says 1 -The services in Trafalgar St, church ou SenClay evening, in connection with the death of the late Mrs. Werth, were very ?. 111p1•eesive and instructive. The subject of Rev, Mr. Cuuning- henl's discourse was ''Tits intermod. late state, or paradise." On account Hamilton proposes to light the struts with electricity. Winuipeg in two years past spent about $14,000 i11 l'Lw °este. A. number of Belleville holies are preparing lint for the hospitals in the Northwest. Mel has issned a manifesto setting forth the cauee0 of tbo rebellion from LIS ,tauclpoiut. For selling liquor to Indians a hotel - keeper of Chippewa Hill, North Bruce, was fined °,i 50 mud costs. The five mile Bleating face at Mont- real for the Fox Gold Meant 10110 won by Frank Dowd in 17 mitt. 58S -secs, lie won easily. J. E'. Tem, of the St. Mary's Calle• giantlusthete, has been engaged as SOi0n00 master m the Stritthroy Iu- stiluteeta salary of $000 per annum. Tho Ifiugstou Evangelical Alliance hive 1SS0ell IL 01001)1111' trgiug the (the liU,n of Senility funerals and the re- duction of umne0050ary expense on Lindh occasions.The absconding ptly-sergs,tut of '11' battery Lao been captttred at Water. tuu, N. Y. lie refuses to return to Kingston. and an effort will be made to bring him back. J. C. Criluhrlst, post -master of Woodville, Out., i-aeeivotl it telegram from I3attleferd staling that his eel William was killed ley' Indians at Frog ' Lmke un April 2nd. Neil Livingetoue, of Mitchell, Lought Subler't insolvent stocks at Sarnia and Point Edward, recently, the former at 09e. and the latter at 781c. ou the dollar. Among the owls .coils to bo tried at the coming Spring Assizes for Middle - Hes are four breach of promise of liar. ridge eases. Tho parties interested 111 all c:m1)1(5 couples. W. K. Atl'insou, formerly of the Advertiser stuff, had re-entered the journalistic field, mud js now editor of the Daily Loader, Eau 'Claire, Wis. He'll make ti lively sheet. (Rev A. Id. Kippou, formerly of Dorchester, was inducted into the charge of the Prcasbyterltau congrega- tion of Claremont by the .Presbytery of Whitby on the 1:151, inst. llarry Gilmore stood up Saturday night before Sam Kittle far four mantle with hard gloves on a wager of wordily (luring the campaign, i'o $150. Gilmore not only stood up the cordially wish than s 310005 in their 1 four rounds, but had decidedly the dashing enterprise, best of the fight tllroughoutr 111 w The Hamilton oigttrmnker4 are nu; Aplin. 17, 1886. 811 Htl'ike. BANKING. Jelin E. Delaney, of Buffalo' h1t p t t�'1(1l 114 1'.1(10A11'i , red with the Hamilton, Out,, 131140 - I S. ! nil Club for the 0onlieg season. lie . the' 'lier'e tin Lin null BANK00S• BRUSSELS )1( 00°054 pili, t I 11 , ienmity, the 11050 00101101', have bosu I TRANSACT A (1SNEliAl, BANKING raetiuiu(1 in 13 effete the Part whiter, I The Ifiugeton Board of Trade has , been re -organized after having 1)un head fur eight guard. They p1opoi9 to inaugurate a 001uron8 railway pol- icy, with the view to oinking Kingetou rn110.1) 10111 10 for the Hitllleton, i,tt'ict. The Seaforth, Ont., Association Football Club re -organized 00 Tues- dity, when the f dl'owiug ollioers wore elected :-Dr. Coleman, hon. presi- dent; D, D. Wilson, (lou. vl0e; Dr, Campbell, president ; T. 141. Higgins, see,•treasurer ; and C. McKay, captain. Jake Rodgers, proprietor of the Central hotel, Wyoming, has his pump locked up and marked "Scott Act Pump." When an anti Scott Act meta comps aloug he is shown all attention, but the Scott Act supporters are charg- ed 50 cents t1. meal mid other things ill proportion. It d A banquet was given Saturdey uw ouiug in the house of Oommons r.l• slanrant, Ottawa, to Hou. G. W. hued, ;Minister of Education, who i, ou a visit to the city. There. teas a largo atteudauce of members of Parliament and the Liberal press, Mr. Blake and other prominent Liberals being pres- ent. Dir. Thomson, II.P., occupied the chair. Tho party broke rip et midnight. It i, the intention of the Ottawa Cricket Club, ha cooperation with the Moutreel club, to 1180 every eude,tvor to have the annual iuternetioual )latch wwitlt the States, played this year under the auspices of tbo East. ern Cricket Association, and iu the event of suoeess it is very likely that Ottawa will be the plane selected for the e1100ltnter, as the Montrial ground ham for some time past beeu in poor oontlutioe, MARRIED. Aozaa-FRLLs.-13y Rev, A. X. Hartley, at the residence of the bride's mother on April 0th, Mr. Robert Ager to Mise Elizabeth Fells, all of Morris. 0100• SAn1L5.-In Grey on Wednesday Apr. 16th, 1883, aged 00 years. AUCD.ION SALES. 1'IoxnAY, APaOL 20asa.-two building, and household furniture, at Cranbrook, com- mencing at 1 o'clock. Ed. Garrow, prop. A. Dolgatty, auct. SA•runaAY, Ana, 18mi. Hotel furniture, &c., at Queen's hotel, Brusselo, commenc- ing at 12 o'aloulc noon. B. W. Tuck. prop. F. S. Scott, auct — ^ 131-n s5allr letee elect. (Io UTED CArucyoLLv EVERY WEE1. White Fall Wheat .... .... 80 80 80 81 80 81 50 60 31 30 ss 00 0() /led \1'intm' Spring Wheat Burley . Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes... I-Iay per ton IIities per lb Dressed Hoon Salt per bbl., wh"lo.4alc . Sheep skins, each Wool 111 19 00 400 450 30 135 19 011 15 00 7 8 0 5e f1 75 00 530 e0 1 00 18 00 196E PEOPLE'S COLUMN. •psi alp/TANTED, 13Y 1ST OF MAY, A Y r nurse girl tocome during then ihiy, ply to— 13; -NEED GRAIN. I03AS, A 1,-03 pouts. 111.11L :Y—OO dents. t[. lfARBD Loto , h4,C7, Gray. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders ,5,111 130 received, at epee, far Baran - in gOl,til1 Street, and spilling 100 refuse itway, Full partloulara may he obtained fromCle6130 Reeve. "ARM TO RENT. -1:,0`1' 12, CON. 2.. 7, Grey, will he rented for 10110 01! (100 .wears. There or 1 21 a01'Oe Of fall wheat sown and Pall plowing 10110. I'uoeneslolt given al Buy tinio. .JOAN hreINTOS22. 80118 LULL FOR SERVICII.--TIIE L., undersigned will keep during the present season, 0110011tH half of let 30, sou. 5, Morris, a Thorough -bred Durham null, with registered p0,05705. T01:1111181.00 per 00V7 ptayable at entl, 0111011500.A. K. ROR EhTSON06ox. TTOU1314 & LOT FOR SALE, ON Jt -JL. queenOtreat. Those Is 0)00 a shop on the Lot tial emote he utilised for It�� 1stable. P1111bo said mlroaeouabli.BA0VTINkiIMIR relARDI FOR SALE. -BEING N i of lot 28, amt. O, Morris, lying withte e lames of Branch', 87 acres aro 010100,1 and mostly andernrass, balance tlnr,hv0od bush. Good buildings, toners, orchard, she -For per. Maulers applyto G100.i ORSYTH. N.R.-Also a er0t-ulnas yoke 03 exon for eau), G, ri, 00tf RTOTIOP,.-'1112E PARTY WI -I0 lel borrowed 1'. O.Rngere' M,tnlofpal 11 mast w111 greatly oblige by returning it itt 111100. Af- ter tills notice there will h0 no 0x011'" for do. tabling it any longer, 'Thorn 18 assn 4 '.00(100 for not knswin .Whoitbolongsto Ulu mune ie written in 1,ll on the sever' ie. 0. 1010113, H4 IL11OINt100. Note Sul hang 1 lseaunbod. toren 411owc,l on depotitn repayable 01 d,mlun:i. Prompt-tttenti on,ivon to coil actions. 41-8 LEGAL AND CAIVEVANCII'3D. r' Il'1'0 tl) L'LLI(3 1', L AW ''.,A (11110,., 11tant'e Mock, 11 russols• stormy to 1Oa11. To • L. WADI?? BARRISTER, &o. .11.„'J Oaleo formerly oomlpied 0y A..1. Me Oeli,11o0.,1 a Leckie's Cloop, Money to lend. I/1V B. D[OKSON, ((oleo with Garrow k Proudloet,Godie; rioll) 's 111 tor, Oonvoyan oor, da. Otnn. Grant's 111001, nrnsasts, Ato,.oy to Lunn. LIiIX. HUN'1'1 R, CLERK 01" 4. the Fourth .010.81011 0000E 00. (i0r00 Conveyancer ,Notary Bublio,L w d,Loan and Lowrance Agent,I0unds Inyested and to Loan. Oolleetions media. (niee, C4rabum'n nloak, Brussel MEDICAL CARDS. 1 A. MuSA,Ut lll'ON, 1i. D., 0, ty o 1f., L, 11,0, P„ n;d1uburgu , Y11yeOtAnl, Surgeon nail leceoehour, ORioo and residence that formerly 3uutiploll b 3' l) r. '0, O. 1I01111os, north of bridge, u ruseels. jOOTOR A. 1McI E'LV^Y. 1'hysi clan ,8urgoon 111113.4 cc on chem.. Graduate of Trinity University, of Toronto Formerly of l:thel,lato of b'ordwfuh, 0.4110E AND 11EHInl5Nct1.—lirlek house 0p; dosito81ug11s11 Ohura1,111nin St„Hrussola.28 • A. HUI'CEINSON, 11. D. reeL. R. C. 3'. 11.141111Uir11h. I•Iae re moved to his residence no MIS tre0t, the haute fot•nlorly000upind by U1. t1ralam, and will 03110,1 i40014.10. if still retains au o0eo at .1 4r4o,, twos' J0(14141000. DENTAL. 7 L. BALL, L. I). 8., HONOR �J4 . at -militate and 1(0,1ber of the stays College of Dental aurgeu'ts,100,1 wWhen hen m Struthore dloo a, Visits SVivabam oillee 011 Weduoed ay. 11 est possible pities taken 1„ All operations. 1Ce urs 811.=. to 5 pan. I' 'TEL CARDS. i 131ER1CAN 11012EL, BIIUS- .t� S1.Lees...me t umbel. proprietors, large Bud uonvenientuanlplerooms, Special atten- tion bellcolmereiul and other Travellers. The Liar is always supplied with the eh Moust humus of Gi,inors and Rigors. An attentive h,etlortilways 00 hand, (IENT1tAL HOTEL, BRUSSELS. %._,/ -As 1111100 taken possession of this ]totes 1 tvi11L0 pleased 10 000 ail my 011 fMends ,aud hope by keeping the best of cul tare, good 110 eolumadatioll and boas stable, with ut ten tivo bar -condor au1 hostler to secure many not' ones. T.O'N11:1L, 1?roprie tor. UEEN'ei HOTEL, BRUSSELS. -This wo11 known hoLel wusntver in bet • tat' , mini no order than ,tt1(00001,1, 151) the now proprietor nus thoroughly runttent Cho clause. The marts supplied wall, the choicest liquors nod Mors, Perms Sl per day. Good Sample Rome 01 Commercial men. h, 10, 01101E Proprietor - BUSINESS ESS CARDS.U w 11. McCRACli.E1, Issuer Littrriage Licenses. Odle() at his gree, err, r•rnbml'y' street, 12.2) If01114 NOT'T, VETERINARY t� Oaogoon,Gra,ioate of Ontario Vutorivary College lokento, Residence, the house lately oo0npied by Mrn,J. P.Irker.Main street, 13r o. eat S. • \feNAI1t, ISSUE It OF 131eilt- �ringo 1.3 leo uses, by lip potutmont of Lieutanaut-0overner, Columierdonor, Ito., 411 14, Con, oy'ane,n• and Agert Vire Ltell ranee Co Office at the0rnobroolt Pest Ofaoe. ROBT. CUNNINGHAM,',.; Iaasitrctnce Agent, GUELPIr, ONTARIO. H. L. JACKSON, bra iaal atohmake' and Jewelled Satisfaction Guaranteea in all Repairing. - --,SHOP AT -- W. .9. .0,1.('0003'5 9T0513i, t11(11Ssiees 1 3ARDI F011 SAL111 Tf-IA'P VAL- ria f of 10farm,, 0��180, ao1=n, 1, ) orris, 100 unrest Terms easy. Amity on the prom1eso. u. Irl;Ar lex ,("iRANBRO0.IC SAW MILL.v - Tho xnilscriber has taken the m(Ohinory oat of his milt and raised the .hill. 11e will bo ready to curt tight along, On0tonl Hawing$2.25 per 111. Logo taken iu 71x. change for Setving. When trade is falcon 162,50 per 111, will bo charged. An,, XT311,s or, Lutfaiut Fon BALs finlike {GIVE M1!1 A CALL, 111CI.11 bt WREII'I ., Pr(sv