HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-17, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS POST. Al'nu, 17, 1880, C.iS:10,.:iL.'-----•••••'••-`•77119,11A0.y>tYo.taR44nR'o' 441.1i.Y.s"0.",suMNT0-'44! \..:11`071GL ,wMAAII. .LIIILAX N •'.-S.; .'s' ITIA,VFAIIxsils :.rzn-.-M .,A,,•..••.".,. boot y 111i1' s ski l��a��i �Qtli 1.12! ('nrtau,--Sahbnth:vreleo:at 11 tun. and (Lao p.m. Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. 1100. Juo, liana, 13, A., pastor. Knox Cnrusti,..-..a1bi%th Services at 11 11.m. and I1:8e pan, Sunday School at 2:811 p,ul. Itev, .4..b ae•a , pastor. Cl,r::cs,--Sabbath Set'vieee at 11 maul, :"id 7 p.!t!. Sunlsy Sehonlat. [7;30 a.m. i:. r. W. T. ('luffe, incumbent. Mgrtiopt,T t'ut'u •n.•-8abbatll,Iorvienaat 10:30 a.m. and (,:JO pan, Sunday Scloo l at 2:311 p.lu. 1'astu'Rev. D. C.Cdappison. 117'4.A:: 1'.rruoLle ('itt-(teu.—Sabbath Ser- vice third S Lnday in every month at 11 a.m. 1100. 1?. J. Shea, priest, ODD hrLLow'e Londa every Thlreday evantu;r in tir:aua'i a black. 2S.tso: ie h. i.,,eTuesday at . r before frill moon in 11 ne,' block. of A. (1 1 11', L, i ,1: meets on 'ind and last Wt rue ,Lay evenings each 121012211. F01111SSI:a e Lel'112 2,111 and last :llendaq evenings of each month in Slimaly's hall. L. 0.L.1st Monday in overy month in Orange Ilea. Pomo: (200100.--1) ire Hours from e; e,. m, 20 7 p, lir. •enc 111:2.. 1 :lrrsz:itc.ding'icon' and ,bran' in Helm '' 1.1oc1:, over 1.. 1', Smale's store, will i e open from tI to 7 pan, en \1'ed- nesday-, sea F u ,:.y4 and from 4 tl, 1 rain. on Satur , ly s, Farina iNictt('t'. :)1.1cc,•o'.flt1 farmers' are tiLlre 4J hp consult the requiremtnt0 of the mar- kets. The taste (If the buyer llaS to be eon lilted by the seller. The results of experiments at agri- cultural stlt(il`ua and model farms are valuable, but the recorded enperieneell of others seeto mainly to stimulate the good frun:er to experiment and investigalion for himself, on his own land. The animal value of the hay crop of the 11.'t",1 `hates l:2) sx1(1 to be $2- 50,000,rast Tho venue of Oniario's crop, rcel;ened at $10 per ton, is about $10,000,000, and this is nearly one -halt the annual yield of all tho gold mines in the world, Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Hands, or old ((ores of any kind that cannot bo healed. Goon though It bo of years standing McGregor& Parkr's Carbolic Cerate w•111 ouro it. lieyondtlle shadow of a doubt it is the host howling compound over known, Boils, Pestorings, frost Bites, Burns or env Skin 'i'ro able, aro alike corod. by it. Sold at e3 Gouts by Jno. Hargronves & Co., Druggists, As a general rule slam milli can be more profitably fed to pigs and poult• Animal manure is to he valued by ground has !wow settled, 10141 111ey the food consumed, much more than will remain direit;lht during that sea - by the nature of the animal itself. soil. I{rrl.uus G t1tnr:7, if spode have not born already secured, order them at once, It is poor mummy to nos any doubtful seeds. Throw away all stroll and stent with 1110 best, Beets, spin. ash onions parsnips and round peas Sirttw•feil manure, for 1(4F>t1111et, poorer than hay; but manure Mitch is the pruduut of clover, hay, routs, grain or oil.eake is worth almost as 1011011 2)e t110 fond itat1lf is iu money, 'l'hero is neither economy nor profit in footling cheap stuff' to the cattle, It is it 111:-a to the cattle and a 1000 to the fares. lleforring to the Now York State Experimental Station at Geneva, whioll was established in 1802, Gov- ernor Hill said in his message to the State Congress that it is rapidly do - \1I1 1inq, 128 Wilily and acquiring the 4'',ufid('13e0 of 'close practical fern -tiro who 111Lv0 li,r,',1oforo d..:11btell1 it,( use- fulness, and that it bids fair t0 great. ly improve and benefit the whole farming interests of the 5111(0. Never 151100 1''U. If you tiro suffering with low and do ,re see'] apirito,loss of appetite, general debility, ilia - ordered blood, w•cul( constitution, headache, or any dleea5e of it bilious nature, Lyn)] means procure a bottle of 1'lloctrlc Bitters. You will L Forprirel to see tin rapid improvement that will f 1 , You w111 be inspired with new life; etre' ad activity will return: ruin end mire l' Cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of l.loctrio Millers, Sold at fifty emits u bottla by t1. A. Deadman. Ben, Perley Poore (hay's the 1301(1. win apple 111111 its (11.121 in Whining - 1.40, near 13:10tou, 215 1' i 111,121 a een- tury ago, on the farm (If t 1112(11 named Butters ; hence for n time it was known no the llutt'rs apple, Itml 2)e the frail 15'11:1 1.011 Oh relished by elle w•oodpecicr.r it was also called the Woodpecker apple, Afterwards, it wits cultivated by Col. Baldwin, of Woburn, and by that gentlemau'o 00116 it 12125 hrOUght Int' amorel 110- tico es the Baldwin tipple Between tIl's (211.1 three thousand self binding ioapor0 vera sold to the farmers 0f this Province last year, and about twice as 1111103' will he made for the coming harvest. This large increase in the dolnland enables man- ufaeturere to produce the machines at a much lower price than they could afford to do throe or four years ago. It is not merely that there is increased competition among makers but in the building of a large number Micro is opportunity for greater econ- omy in the work. A Great Discovery. Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Newton In., nays :—'h1y 1'y than to any other live stock of the for twenty -ave years, and this spring Inoro se - farm, It abounds 111 ,elbutntn, from '•('rely than over before, She Sud used ,iauy h remedies without relief, and being 'urged to which the white of the egg is formed, t1' Dr. Iris 's Now Disoovory, did so, with • wife hats been seriously aneetea wilt a rough and therefore is the proper kind of diet to produce eggs. Now is the time to give OWea with lamb a daily supply of roots and the best hay. If they have this, with plenty of exercise, they will not need grain until thq lambs are two months old. Great care should be taken not to expose the lambs to storms or cold winds, Robinson's Phospborizod Emulsion by its siimulatin8 notion upon the organs of digest. ion and asarmulatiOn, and by its powerfully al- terative tomo andnutritive properties, puri- fies the blood from all taint, and increases its so1121 oonstatuentr. Always ask for Robinson's Phoapborizod Emulsion and bo sura dolt get it. Where grata seed 4as sown last fall the field eh0ulc1 bo harrowed evil rolled as soon as the ground is hard enough to admit of it. This is the the best way of treating grain which has been heaved by winter frost, and it also puts all small atones out of the way of harm to tho scythe or mower knife next summer, Tho eau, the wind, the rain and the frost are ever carrying on Natnro'8 great chemical work of making food for plants by pulverizing the soil and decomposing the vegetable and min- eral matter iu it. '1'o pulverize the soil is consequently the great object in plowing, cultivating or harrowing it, and if the land be not dry when worked the working of it is vain. With—What's the matter now, John? Hus- band -0h, that neuralgia and tootbaohe Doer Mille me. Wife—Why don't you go to John HargrOwvea & Co's.Dtug Store and got abotale Of 'quid Lightning? You know it cures all ouch things as 'tootbaohe, Neuralgia, Head- aohe,Lumbago, Earache, sore throat, oto, It gives instant 021102, In some German vineyards the ex- periment has been tried of soaking the stakes used for trelisses in sul- phate of copper, to prevent rotting, and it has been found that wherever these stakes were used the vines were free from mildew throughout the sea- son. If this remedy is found to be effective, it mill be ono of vast import- ance to vineyardhste ; it certainly de- serves to be tried, Ilnekiort'15 Arnie Satre. Tho best solve in tiro world( or Cuta,Bru(sos Sores,IIloere,8a1t Rheum, Foyer Serail ,Totter Chained.Flands, Chilblains, Corsa, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively elites Tiles, or napav required, It le guaraateod'to give p80, teat oatiefaetlen, or money •refunded, Price AS coatsporbos. ForStile bya,A,Doadman The prevalence of the pear -blight has given the areo.peddlar fraud a new chance for his operations. Ire is abroad with varieties of the Chin- ese end Japanese pear, which he (slating to be blight -proof and which he offers at $1 to $2 per tree. Set the dog on him at sight. There is not la Chinese or Japaneoe pear tree worth cultivating, except as a curies'. Fty, or for ornament, (root grntitylag result,) Tho drat Settle rs- ltevedherverymuoh,lad tLo seaonn bottle has absolutely cured her. She has not had so good health for thirty years.' Trial bottles free et G. A. Doadinan's Drua Store, Largo aro Si. No plowing should bo attempted where the ground is 00 wet that it tarns over in compact masses. Quick- er germination, n more rapid growth and a larger 000s are obtained by waiting until the land is dry enough to crumble when turned up by the plow. If a fiF1d is intended for some early crop, and is not dry enough to admit of timely working, it is better to reserve it for a later crop ; then you know that snob a field is in need of underdrainiug, and by tine im- provement you may make it workable at as early a period as the cermet piece of laud on the farm. PnonrrnrsaT among the greatest medical dls- oovaries, by the many anreo It has r.Gtootod. McGregor's Speedy Cure loads the von. Sub - has boected on found to contachemical o f those lnsljurt Laub ingredients oharaotorizing the worthless 01)00111os daily offered to the public. Every ingredient possesses a peculiar adantubility to. the various complaints for which it Sae been oomnoundod, and rte olnca.oy is being estrb- ]ishod by testimonials hourly rem:dyed, We are therefore confident that we have a proper. (tion which we can ofror• to (ho public' with the assurance that it will bo found not only a 1.0 - lief but an absolute lure for Dyspepsia, Livor Complaint, indigestion, Constipation and Im- nre Blood. Free trial bottles at Hargreaves' Im- pure Stars. It is sometimes said that the inter - este of farmers receive more encour- agement and fostering aid from our Provincial Legislature than those of any other interest. Consiaering their importance, we deo not think they do by any means. The property of farmers pays the bulk of the country's tnxee and is the chief source of our productive wealth ; besides, the farm- ers as a class add the least to the . criminal and charitable expenses of tho localities where they reside, And while there are many 80110016 had colleges in the country for the train- ing of men for business or profession• al life there i0 only one whiell gives special instruction in farming. Poor fences always begot unruly animals, which results in damaged props and general loss. The judio' ious planning and laying out of fields will be found a greet saving. Often fully double the number of rods of fence is supported than ie absolutely. required. Sometimes two or three fields are kept for mowing, when by re -arrangement of fences all might be eonvertcd into one meadow, and so wiill fields used for grazing and plowing. When the frost comes out of the ground in 21,cpriug the earth becomes soft and the strong winds cause the poet and board fences to sway over, and at that timo they flood attention. Straighten them with props and keep them in lino until the may be sown early, 118 11 slight frost will not injure thein. Deans, ,)1{,)1110- bore and all others of the melon Fafn• V Nl;'.I' ily, t'nlatue0. 010x, (1022 tender and 1111152 Wait 1111111 ' Coril•pintitiilg tune.' Cabbages and other plltuts still re- nittiuiug in windew•h0xes or hotbeds, must h0 planted ottt if the weather will allele. , , .10 former 1. malls w'O 1121'O 2(101 O 11 planting 2).n asparagus bed, l;'gin now by dosing seeds to raise plants... .in sowing seeds of all kinds, be 511re that the Boil is brought tutu 01000 unutaet with them; 21110 ie especially important, eh0111d the Bowing be followed by a dry time. (11 11 120;1,) settle this is done with 11 roiler ; with email Tutu - titles tt>,' 0011 in (.''t,01 down with the bath of the evade.. .Tho contest with Weedy begins with the 001111011. Where 1241113' cabbages have.' been 111a11tee1, g" over the SOU with a rake every day or two, to keep the 11.411,)(10 1111(12)1'. A rake with 10,15, sharp teeth, is 101 ef- ficient weeilims implement in light soils. n... x.rlY.,4YP.,Wx,n!,IpiRnt,x^.aiw,vssux'u.Tmisr n•IMFMIVIVatt+,,011Sc,.naksWvasr DLA8HILL, away 2121 oa1,n•, Gv th ,r llbor- c 1� d anpl,ortflu• ti,,. pu t : i years "'bu w0ao:, L, (1002 t`,au tL"[b. aslimmai on 01 the old atw,.l 1iu,� 11(2 ,1 'up n ettup hr gmaln's if hn`'2 ,u 21, 6.vho i e13•la whore hn 2(0(2, 0 to sm, ,ell the old 0(101Nnera and v.s 011111y 1101(' meet von '(1 In 1(1va (1122, it hill. r Imnh no 2110(1 bol drst-0111,4 musts, all 2110(1,) of 1'nu1C0Yued iausea:122 ,t Deitvuro4 to nil 1(102,) of lbo'l'.'w (Dr; a. ('2242 pa21 fur h'at (41001;, VARIETIES. A little girl on seeing a 1)0ac0012 for the first time, remarked what a beau• tint] hustle it had. "Only a match box," remarked k'ogg at the theatre the other night, referring to 6111,0401.111 Wilere the young lover's 5121. ""Jo, I've clever been eea0icic, bet I'1'0 001110 mighty near it," said a lawyer to it lady friend. "That's funny. What do you mown ?" "I 0008 HAW two 11100 kiss 012011 other. Ugll l" Said lir. Suet 111 1.fr. Lard, "So your sou greduute4 the other day. Did he carry off any, of the honors ?" Well, no, I b'lieve not. 13ut there wasn't no one 111 his class had a finer dress suit. 1 paid $76 for it. Bridget—"R`ot's the most genteel thiug fora lady to carry in the street, Nora 1" Cook—"Sure, thin, 001110 'refers a three v01t12116 book ; but I prefers f roll of music, mesil1, quite careless and 11isy like." Horseshoes were unknown to the Greelcs t111d Romans ; and yet the people of those nations had consider- able look. They escaped the dyna- mite Beare, the crazy quilt craze, tramps and the roller skating maul , In 1031)01180 to y41Ley'8 question, "Why does my lover hiss me on one side of lay mouth ?" we would sug- gest that there is a limit even to a lover's kiss, end that a fellow can't be expected' to opread hie mouth all 0201! creation. Whose koepeth an apiary, being in tiro 128 trade, isn't tp bo surprised 0'11011 he is bettayed himself. Whoso Itecpoth an apiary, if he is not a be- liever, has only to bo stung by a boo to become a boo leaver at once. They say, that morning prayer's at Harvard cost $5,000 every year. This estimate probably doesn't inelndo the numerous $5 fees paid to local phy- sicians by etadentat for certificates that their etato of health is so deli- cate that early rising and attendance at the chapel might possibly prove fa- tal. "Nellie, let's you and I play inven- tor ?" "I3ow shall we do it, Tom- my ? "Why, you be the inventor and go 1n and get Rolan cookies out of the box, and 1'11 be the caplatidt and Dome along and eat them all." „But what will I get out of it ?" ,Why you'll get all the fame. loll tell mamma a it was you who tools the amities." 1. The wiutor's almost poet, the time is coming fast that brings the genial sunshine bright and clear, clear, older, anti the paragraphers gay will shortly put away the Real- 6lt1u joke until another year, year, year. 2. The Dual mem and the plumber, all through the owning Summer, will be allowed to tape 18 well-earned rust, rest, rest, and, springing from its tomb, the 1000relnn joke will bloom in new and handsome garments gayly dressed, dressed, dres- sed. 3. Tho pie 1110 sandwich, too, exi8ten00 will renew, and jolters on its make-up will decant, cant, cant, declaring it Is made of neither ham nor bread, but from the hardest hind of adamant, shut, mast. 4, Then, both in prose and verse, the jokers will rehearse the tale anent the loo 008, who till Tato, tato, late, sit on the stoop and spoon, or, 'heath the silver moon, together smug upon the gard- en grate, gate, gate. 8. Blit this is merely dons for purposes of fun, in- tended as alittle harmless chaff, chaff, obaff—no malice in the play --to drive dull care away, and make the melan- choly person laugh, laugh, laugh, • '1'(l._. (4 01 N, Tho subscriber is pi ipared to do all 11indez of 1'ubltfn;t, Buell lid ; 19N, (',4 itMAG-D, 1.'G YIN on 011N 2.111•: N'I'AL 1'.tta'1.1Ye PAPER IlY} 1'G u.��i4I [.'lig NI'116sJ J0 ladtllll UA'a 6A -.AND - (42't1111103>- st t,ipv.er 21i(2,4. Sprint; lire., 1(111 MP .11 be 1:4.11:111.1 a , leave your (lrdo'co Early. \\'ark dome in the 10,)31 iati,factnry llnttlh". r 11115 , then guurun.,,:1 I. will be taunt at nor all hap ie 11 2:1•Jl,•,i�l:b•.. Wm. Roddick. STEEL NAILS, 1±ST CUP :TAILS. AvIRE NAILS, Finishing 'Nails, 101 All Kinds. AR is ED WIRE, Fuck Thorn Wire, TWIST .L VV AtAND PLAIN FENCE WIRE. a 4 'e2°r3Y. 1Mani, - UP ROYAL, \MAIL S'l'E,A1MS1111'S, tt1Y7fte'..A(lrr.''1 Lit1,13 .. _ .,..a,.,, 8, 14'R115.005.,52551 cl 5C!D'1?. g.. 4_ .6II.A 10(()14' C,Lt918015, 1512, Steara,ba '313, '1,ivorpool, fin nloud eery Quernat'"en, Glasgow, 'Ir Belfast to 50ehnl' and alwa0,, as lair an by any araC -rams,) lino, WINTER ARRANCIEMENT, 1805 Bailin;t 1 front P2412'1'L.1N11. (':ASP LAN. . , .... 'rhm•sday, [fab, 9etl i SA1RDINi.AN dare], nth Pl1I2II IAN " " 19111 S A11:a1ATLAN.... , " " 10th No 19ternuer f:•.' ( Po---•tl1(11 March 0(1111. 1'AIRISIAN' '1'leireday, April and No Steamer (ruin Portland, April nth. SAIIDINIAN.. Thursday, Apr, 10th No WeinerSfrau ['orthind, April 23111 SAIRM:','1'I.AN '.I'Inn'olny, April :3Otlt Tito lu,t train c" l',' ' •1' . 'wit1, 'he x(01,81,1• at QuI bo l r (0(01. el. r':w 01, , l: - l , a lit 5:1111 P.111.11,180, on - coon, •t '„ he , leunlnrat nal• ifnxr ly oaring t i lit,ounl faro o1 081(1 let, and '_.,,10(102 e. No enttio , rL,'ep or pi::. arc carried 011 the 32111 5tuu,ners of th 111:0, l.iuc, For Tick. is In,l Ih err, :1: 1 every inform', tion apply to !to R. UHT, Agent, At. the Pent ttlllco, rlrnaaela. AMS\l:OT:II PADLOCK BiarC.wabr;J Store. Olef ,rimlair Pi'e.viou.' to .S'ff,rt%-tahiam' Prices Away ley Do 'n, — FOR -- 30 Days Only. NOW 1S THE TIIIE TO BUY Cheap Hardware. Ja5o Dr'e`t e. 6 at. relLrOctia% MULL,ETHEL 4,4 The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has DOW the Mill in First -Class Running Order, and will be glad to see all his Old Customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flatx and Feed .A.lway a : a Ade HIGHEST PRI01•1 i.' ATT) FOR ANY QUANTITY OP GOOD WHEAT WM. M LL\TM