HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-17, Page 5Arnzr. 17. 1885, SCOP' ,i0P LI(7'1NSI,S. The it,iurd of beets, t'r,lnitlissin 01.1 for the County of hire], loot, the Cunrt House at neon hist Thar clay, Commissioners present -11]s Honor, .1ndgo Doyle, chairman: . Kelly, AVirden; Robert Coruyn, spoettlr lI. AV. 131111 tering as seer tory, s Tho following persons will be grail ed licenses iu complianeo with tl resolution passed at the last ulooti of the board, whoop road.is 11 ..('I t l That ,, 13 1 i � o: by th,, Mead 1.1 11 „ l tin , cot \ct .l.l 1 (u, n ttheI'r,. huts apart I, in , I tie- ✓t; ]! 0 building entirely stparato froth a hotel." 11..1. 'Tarot'•, Stanley; A, litn'x, Golorieli township; .Jou. I)iutloy, \Vingbau; J. P. E1,11.-r,E1,11.-r,.least \Va Elliott,wanosll 141ra'd hayfield Ile... haiku, Brussels; .Jno Patter anti, \\'fru ler; A.Stowrt .1orr ; .f C. Johnston ,'Turnberry; \\ m.] cunei \lcliillop; 1). \'i. tuitadg(, IJ;h,n•n'o L. flalnpbell, IIowick; Mrs. Morley Clinton; Jas. 9loore, Clinton. ani o f f I o O � 1- I 10 ng PHTB ri ii'hnt De Pau Thins( Of It 1' Tho following circular from J. S Hamilton tit Co., wholesale • ligio dealers in Brantford, and sent through the o,1untry, has Leen hatuled us by 1.Ilargtcavos, It speaks for itself - needs no connent —In coney-lt0uco of rho tttrad (t s tato e the AsKrD L.,-0,1 inn suit the trade, resulting t() from spEciAL Au0 surallcd tuuj.ulau THE BRTJP liT P POfi7C 0 5 Y A\fl SATHUDAY., APHJL 1711i & ifflI i fa. "We will show our New Pattern Hats and Bonnets. Come and see the new Orysalide, : lfandi, Tu.rbelli, Lansdowne, Aline and Beatrice Bonnets and Hats. Feathers in all the new shades. Laces ,(� Orna- ments, �+ ments , Ribbons a.nd. Taney G,-ocd.s, X i Lack, late of Linth3ay, has tak- en charge of the MVMillinery Deloa:s_�tment. The Ladies may depend. on seeing the Latest Styles and a much largL:'. display than lay t` -year. ✓ New voz5e�)s ` 1 ,�,I ' r, Att ®ems a El `v' f, av Goo - and the passage Of tho Se ,tt .\c t in s" luny of the t0uuieipnllt2 t, we hay.. '.''n('li(iod to issue our anlllnt, elren for 1885 111 rho spring instead 0 the autumn as WO have hitherto done Tho effect of the passage of the Scott Act has been 01 limit pnrchlts- as to the immediate "'ants of the trade, especially 111 001lnticsh, which tlta Ar.t will 00)00 Into force on til' first of May next ; the prevailing op. UR , Black and Colored. Cashmeres, French De Bei s, New Ottoman. Care Freneh Veilings, New jersey Cloths, New Silks for Dresses, Silks for Mantles, New Ornaments for Mantles, New Ottaman Cord. Silks. l:lt Ipilllr t much l9� - r1: � p{ t{ F-jl �� �v� t.,p j170(,,� r�,•( 'GF1,Trl'�yT t j �1 'I _BR4 ,f,f ! jpH ti,�f Y ,l l lit' �`'�� yalb , FIArt JET V S 'Y �/y Y 6fU l3::.�U�J„1, {J�,$�,�,�p,� (. ( �jl�t �1�f" g' not tort Act have uxl,it.•'l, the rat;; D f 9VOW Open For inspection. QUANTITY, 1, payees will be cOltviuya.l that 1t is not ooduolivo to temperance, order and morality, and they will 1)0 prepared to vote for a 'aunt 4J the liceul+e Nye - 1.1.1A. In the uleautilneifno re:in:dial legislation can Le ol,tnlncd, it be - 00111(:'s the duly of all having their looney iuv(st d in the busiuor•s to ex- ert t!: _,c_,•lv; s las to hold their own financially and ha 1n a position to profit Ly the rcimu id which will tll- ti1lat:l}' take place, A suggestion has lt,.en made that upon tho Scott Act cowing into for() in any munic- ipality, that the hotel tariff should be raised 50 ciliate per day mud einglo meal:; and bels accordingly, That at horror Seenty b- famed with bral.uh Ledges t!1ro,:gl:ont the Dominion, Ulu Members to be composed of those it, the various branches of the lieens- e(I trade, and those sympathising with thein in opposition to the Scott .'tet and "prohibition without com- pensation." The Society to bo call- ed "Tile Knights of .Freedom," and constituted after 4110 lllannor of the various locl'et 13enev0lout Organize, tions, the feo t0 be a nominal one, say 25c. each (platter, and 1 ilongst other benefits that it, membeis.shouid have hotel acemlulucdtatiou at the old fig- ures, the fee to bo paid in advance, so that 000]1 111ern ier's receipt would he a sort of pass -port that until out of date the bearer was in goo -1 standing and entitled to 4110 beuofits of mem- bership. un-bership. If it worn possible that such an organization could bo estab- lished, it would doubtless be a benefit to tho trade, as at elections it would bo a powerful lever, and tho hotel men would have confidence that tho challcoe of I1 sworn nolnbor of the organization proving a traitor to utero would be small. Tho men m rho trade worths have rho satisfaction of knowing that tho mon who sought to damage thoii' interests hacl to pay higher rates for 1 UOOmmodation than those who supported tho licensed trade in their demand for British fair play. In the present state of affairs the proposal appears to us one which should commend itself to tho trade. The main streets of Hamilton aro to bo illuminated by tho ciaotric light. Wm. Cane bit Sons' planing mill at Newmarket, together with the factory, foundry, and office, was burned to tho ground early Friday morning. An order -in- Council in Saturday's Gazotto declaroe the Soott .A.ct in foroo in the county of Carloton and 1110 city of Guelph on tho expiry of 1110 proson1licensee. Through rho Kindness of Win. Goodorham tho Willard Tract De- pository wore enablod to present eac11 member of the 7111 Battalion, as they passed through the city, with a Dopy of Sankey's song book and a book for soldiers, New Canadian and Scotch Tweeds for good style. Suits made to order from Hats c New Tapestry i11r, els, New Union Ordered. Clothing, made tip in R eady-made Clothing. ats and. Caps in all the Lf^ test Styles, for children, boys and men; boys' "Hats at 40o mens' H is at 50c. Czr nets nice �" low L G . , t11.�rns au 40o. Lace Curtains, Table Covers Wiit e u. lts at 75 cents. Table Damasks. —.; -bem e . oe22 that We Take ?ieae .ze Oho-M.22g Oho-M.Cteoels T _ . C'o.me and See whether you purchase or not, as we are Suz' ,you, grill be pleased with our Stock and Prices Quoted. " Choice Sfoo oftroceries always on Hand. the Highest Price Paid for Butter and Fins.aU s ea RYurort toot times- LNoi;es,. ' 13cars ado showing up in McKillop t0008blp. Mins Maggie Martel, of 2nd con., Tuckersuuth, has just colnplotell a patchwork quilt, in which thero aro over 1,600 pieces, and no two of them are alike, 1113 she lilts 111 it plocee ool- leotod from various f0roigti places. Pcr It'Ih Coudire)" Not O , , The ,auditor's report of the town of St. MIarys for 1884 is a very satin• factory ono. It shows a debenture debt of $580,276,57 end (ash halilitiea of $6,084.80. To offset tide indebt odness there aro cash assets to the amount of $0,682.26, leaving the not liability of thio town at $88,678.11. The Gowauston Farmer's Club met nt Gowaistewn April 7th, when it was 1000011 and reaolv011, that in token of our 00041001 to the memory of our esteemed Secretary and Treas- urer, Elias Holuisworth, who died Sunday March 8811), we deem it to bo the first duty of this the first mooting of this Club since the event, to place on record an oxpression of oar deep regret we as !1 Club by his sudden and unexpected removal from among- st ata. His amiablo.disposition, (iota- billed with unselfishness and upright- nose in private end public capacity mado him respootecl by nil who had rho pleasure of his acquaintaooe ; and we hereby tender to his widow and family our eincero sympathy iu their sacs bereavement, and 110roby diroot that a copy of this resolution bo for- warded to th0 widow of deceased. A. Public Library I'iy-law will bo snbinittOcl at Hamilton. Tho Gringo, of Kintore, sold their hall last week to the council Au atrocious u1:order has boon 001ninitted at 11.Iooaejaw. The body of lfoleslii, v Gorman Jew, was found M the creels weighted clown with a logging chain, The murder was traced 4o Conti+re, a1101h00 Jew, with whole Moloski load boon staying. Conners 181n 011st0(13. Tbo following are the 0010011 ro- tnrns of the Scott Act poll in Well- ington County : 01UN 1e0NAr,ITY. 0011 AGAINST Arthur Erin township Iirtllnooa Garafraxa West Guelph Township Luther Minto Itlaryboro Nicol Pool Puslinoh Pilicington Haunt Forest Palmerston • Harriuton Arthur Villitgo Mord Drayton Elora L;'ritl Village l+'orgus 243 408 847 877 831 100 340 395 195 402 297 150 158 129 156 87 06 100 00 46 189 355 284 130 107 177 187 150 800 149 9.2 178 154 124 105 75 90 28 88 108 25 117 Total. 4510 81,86 —Guelph city having already adoptod tho Act, tho whole district is now of ad against House. F G n WWII JfR H HATCHING. n G1z�oltx. FLAX 1 Ni FLAX I FLAX ! 1ty stock bas boon bred from tho very best .d. FLAX FOR "���E Iikl�Bd ”385• strains hi (11111 I0 unit u1y pens 11avo boon oaro. tally Mated, containing non, brit Scut -class birds. linos wcllq,aoi o 1 and fresh: will bo 001st 10,1,0 to parties doslrink them front 0,ll4itwco. .t Pail•I111(011 (;tucrnnino(1, Addr,00 'tout. L R. 01021'01, 13011400114, ES FOR SALE. _ _ n 7 bo subam'ibor hos "A colonies of Pers Itai. Lin, and Niro -Italian 13o0, for solo. 1bay aro lirst.claas Boos as rho (Za eons wore 1''oarod by tllo 1,011 broedors in rho hotrod y taros Thoy haw , w1110 0 ,110011 , aro to primo 101, 01,00 and will bo told on reas0uablo terms. 00.1 W. 11Ai1100, 1lrussols, IN TR HIE NUM Or INTIM (C'IIANCI;IRY DIVISION.) ?D.ENIt'1 vs. IUENi Y. Dormant to the doom for administra- tion mad() 1laroin 1110 creditors of Alexander Henry, tato of tho Township of Grey, in the County of Intron, yoomau, who died ht or shout tate month of August, 1888, aro on or before tho 11111 clay of May, 1885, to send, by post prepaid, to 111. 1., %um, Itlsquiro, of tiro Village of Brussels, in the County of /Luton, Olio solicitor for the Administratrix herein, their Christian and surnames, ad. dresses amd clesoription, thio (till particulars of their claims, a statomout of th0ir ac. counts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by thorn o1• in default thoroof they will bo porornptorily excludod from tho bonofit of tho said docroo. (Every cred- itor holding any soonrity is to produoo the stone before too at my Chambers in rho Court House, it the Townof(44110rieh, o11 the 10t1) day of May, 1885, at 01ov0t) o'clock in the forenoon, being rho time appointed. for adjudication on the Maims. (Signed) 8. MALCOMSON, 40-1 Local Master at CloderielL Livingston taro for tho farmers ill the vicinity of Jirussole who intend raisinrt Flax daring the opining srns0n • 1,00 els of the Boat Imparted IIOLL,1tliD 0Is, DUTCH SEED, Which they aro prepared to deliver at their 1Vfi11 in Brussels to farmers in quantities tr' suit. To enema a Good Crop, the Bost Seed is absolutely rot/Ulna. Orderly Early. For Flax grown front the above erod 511 per ton willbo paid, if of good growth, and harvested in Proper season. J. tt J. LIVINGSTON. .4. Wobster, Manager, 3i 3311RLI1! FOUNDRY 11ANUF.1(ri'11R,13RS 0I' ENGINES, BOILERS, 7IILL i1TA(11IINJ IiY, &c. SIJ2aU Upright .J 774irtey --AND— • BOILERS A SPECIALTY. Por further particulars apply to ✓e,Zsonc„'G0., Bor'ZZr2; Ont.