HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-17, Page 3Ann, 17, 1888 warp, LAY OF TIM FOIST EOBIN. Oh, I'm the first robin just dropped into town ! Peewee ! prrweo ! peswiddlodowink! Catch on to my ulst, r, all lined with swaue- dOWJI! Wiadlcd.+Widdledowink ! Pray pardon my r,,1.,. ! I've a frog In my throat, Anil I really can't tackle my 'way.up note, With my foot in tho popkets of my staffed twat I 1'ewlddle,lmtiddledeliuk ! So this is iho now ::tyle , 1 beuutifcl spring! Peewee ! rectvro l peewiddlewink l 1 ]Novo it 1ms Iroz,•u my northeast wink I 1'ewid(ir,L c;i,llydotshtli I've 11111 had my br,alc"a,.t e1 ico.creant on toast. And 1 long for a hot shwa to got a shin - roast ; If my nose gots nitwit rctliler 1'11 kindle this post 1'ewiddledewiddledewiujt ! If this is tin, best utyh, of spring you've on hand -- Peewee! poowtuk! pewiddludowiukl lust staff it or frame it, d'ynu understand? P„widdlecicwiildlelewiuk ! Alt 1 hero comes a hunter ith gun full of lead, I taint I'll meander to my little bud, Ile might lint at me and shoot somebody dead ! Ta La; see you Inter ! Don't drink ! Mrs. Tem Thumb's'1Y011diut;'. A team of bay thoroughbreds drew the huudsonle carriage in which no. (itneral Tom. Thumb and the Lili- putiau Count Primo Magri rode to the Church of the holy Trinity, New York, to be married ittet Monday, It took 50 palter men to open it way for the carriage dtrotigh the throng. It took the tiny uiembtra of the bridal party ten Imputes to get from the carriage doer to the little reception room in the oorridor, where they stop. ped awhile to tln•oav aside their outer wraps and group for the wedding march. Nobody was admitted to the church without a cart!. The assembly was notable. lire. Partin Stevens and a party of friends had two pews. Mrs. August 'Belmont looked on near by, and other seats were occnpiod by members of the Astor, Harper, and Vanderbilt familtett. Mayor Grace, who had been invited, was not there, but some of hie family was. The strains of Mendelsou's wedding march floated from the organ at 8:80 o'clock. Fortypolicomeu, W110 stretch- ed in compact filo along either side of the central aisle, drew themselves up statuesquely. The 8,000 spectators all stood up together With n rustle of silk that eoundC(1 like the hap of wav- es on the sandy bench, and the bridal party slowly entered. They looked like the- procession of brilliantly dross - 00 dolls. Ahead walked Major Nowell, the groom's host min, with M15e Lucie Adams, the tiny bridesmaid, the Count Magri, e ith his bride on his arm, walked next. The bride was dres-0d as elegantly as she wee on February 10, 1868, when she walked amid a similar throng m Grace Church to be married to General Tom Thumb. Her robust little form was enveloped in a gown of levender satin, brocaded in uncut velvet. It had a court tram as long as the bride. The front was decked with lace bonded with pearls. The neck was low end the sleeves wore bort. Cinderella slippers of laven- der satin adorned her feet, which loosely fit a No, 0 infant shoe. Tho ,tippers were buttoned over handsome 10.8m btoolcings. A womb that blazed with diamonds Held her jot black hair coiled at the back of bor head. A diamond necklace with a pendant glittered around her throat, diamond bracelets sparkled at her wrists, and lavender kid gloves that reached near- ly to her shoulders covered her shape- ly white hands and arms. The glov- es lowes were of the size known as "four and a•lialf infant's," and they were made on a special block. In her loft 1111011 bhe carried a bouquet of pink la France roses that wore mull bigger than her hoed. Nobody who looked at her smiling face world have thought it possible that she had intend her 40th year. Tho Count Magri was in evening dress, a big solitaire diamond made the bosom of his glossy shirt luminous, and a golcl•lntked chain dangled et the waistcoat sae he walked. The little major was hi evening (reed, too and the brlclesmaid wore a gown of whits satin, cut waiting length, and with low nook and short sleeves. Long whits gloves almost hid her white arms and a blush mantled her comply floe. Her light wavy hair was cut short and curled et tho nock end a graceful bang waved above her eparllling blue eyes. Her smile was just about an Moll long and very win. some end continuous. Rector W. F, Wathine stood amid the mass of Easter flowers at ahs ohancel in a flowing white surplice, smilingly a. waiting the party. Silver•haired William Digby, of llridgoport, who is executor of Gener- al `.Cum `1'hutnb'a okra.) under lite will, took the bride's hand in his own Lig white•1luved palm and gave her away to the 0011/1t formally nidi :8 bow and agraclime smile, Allis Lucie Adams picked the tiny wedding ring from the pocket of her gown, and the Count fitted it on the 1(1'1de'13 1111!lir witli to (1411 11101:3 111111 8110.810 the big throng of o'dookert3 laugh 1t11(llet>, with pl8eser0. `!.'ben the Gunnt imprinted a kiss 011 1(1(3 bride's rod lips and tall Rector Wet- 11111'0 stooping over until it seemed t0 those in back pews that he touched tho floor, loosed the little woman too. Everybody laughed pleasantly again tau he (lit! it. Thou everybody in the church barium! smiles upon the receding pro. oassto11 as tho party walked away and the organ pealed again. Women crowded around the chancel and plucked bndif from the sllrtlb0 until nothing but tho green leaves were loft. The 1nlpetneu1 raid wee prompted by the desire to s1enre menientoeii of the wedding, Alen end women ran after the swiftly driven carriage., land et the Murray bill hotel the couple held It wedding reception. The Co1111t and Countess will ful. fill their emotgelnent with 1.(111)11111 1(1111vi1l bo on exhibition again to- morrow night at the circus. They will go to Europa in .',fay and eventu- ally to Italy. "What to your present to your bride ?" the C.,uat mote asked to -day. "An estate in Italy with it great big mansion on it," Le replied. I in- herited it from my father, along with my title. The estate 't0 near Bologna. 'Perth monnttnty.- W)tCO). Stratford spring show on the 28rd inst. The fall wheat promises well 0.r• ound Trowbridge. Mitchell gives $100 to the Nleohan- ies' Instituto this year. Some of the Mitchell youths are a little"fresh" at religions gatherings. Mitchell is vary desirous of send- ing a Volunteer Go. to the Northwest. P. Livingston will rebuild tho flax mill at Milbank, .It was destroyed by fire A new man has purchased the Mill- bank woolen mill. Ho 0003011 from baotland. What about the Soott Act petititu for Perth Go. 1 How long will it be kept at Ottawa ? Palmerston gave a majority of 24 for the Scott Act. They aro not afraid of it ruining business, it seems. This county is getting hedged in pretty well by Suott Act and WO 131110t "down" the Welling Lou majority when our time cornua to vote. J. ()tidy, of the Garner House, St. !Marys, Ilan presented the Journal office with au egg moasuring 8in,x7in. and weighing nearly four ounces, Some miscreant attempted to pois. on tt heavy draft horse belonging to Thos. Preston, of Elea, by mixing Paris Green with outs and putting it in tho manger. Lieut. J. L, Ilotson, aided by Corp. Brooks, have commenced to drill a squad at Avoubank, to be in readiness should the volunteers be called for the Northwest. On Easter Sunday a man near St. Marys devoured, so his neighbors state, 82 cooked eggs and not being satisfied went to the barn and sucked a round dozen more. G. B. Sperling, NI. A., a St. Marys boy, for severe/ years Resident Mae - ter of the U. 0. College, Toronto, has been appointed one of the examiners of the Toronto Public Schools. Under the auspices of St. James' Church, St. Marys, the Rev. Mark Turnbull, of Kirkton, delivered it lecture on the "Stege of Derry," iu the Town Hall on Tuesday evenlug of last week. The Stratford Times in speaking of the first meeting of the aldermen for the new city of Stratford says ; "They ell looked pretty as red wagons and wore swelled out to the utmost that their vest buttons would allow," Whilst logging in the bush ou Fri- day, Fred tlrarroll. son of James Car- roll, of Nissouri, was severely injured by a tree that had lodged, slipping and striking him with so groat a force es to break his leg that it had to be amputated above the knee. Ii. S. Turnbull, of the fourth line, Wallace, has, or rather had, a cur- iosity in the shape of a hoiler calf with two perfectly formed heads and necks of the natal size. The rest of the body was quite natural. The an- imal only lived a short time, An exciting sawing match came off at Woodham, on Thursday, The log was a hard maple, 17 inches in diatn- eter. Pater McColl and D. Grey, of Lobo, won first plane in 22 seconds Burgers Bros,, seoond 1n 24 seconds ; Avery & Wilkie, third in 80 seconds, About 600 people were present. TIIE BRUSSELS POST 3 FOli TME 111 6311 all Wo would.respeetfully Invite All to Inspect our stock which will be found to cluntiere y with all competitors. Our Stock of PANTS for Spring and Summer excels any hcaetofore shown and comprise,. some of the Latest, and most fashionable and Stylish Patterns in the Market. New and of Undoubtedly Excellent Value. We aro Showing sumo :Beautiful Colors and Good Value in LADIES' TAFFETA JEIISEY GLOVES, also I3LACK and COLORED KIDS, the best to be had. UR STAPLE ESL AILTMEN Ji_ Contains just what You want, at Prices and Quality that don't fail to Please, such as Ducks, Cottonades, Denims, Skirtings, White ancl Gray Cottons. r0. ISM 9 PL TEA White and Colored Shirts, Regatta Shirts, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Silk Handkerchiefs, &c., Etc. Call and make selection. s 16D & S Y { r E 1L by the same old Standard Firm of COOPER & SMITH. The general satisfaction given by this make guarantees us in placing on our shelves a much Larger and More Complete Stock than usual. We can give you a Better Article for the Money than you can possibly securo from any other source. An Inspec- tion is all we ask. Cli00 ma 'ay Something Special. See our Coral Pattern, in Plain and Gilt Stoneware. GROCERIES FRE SH AND CHEAP. BAZZAR PATTERNS ALWAYS ON HAND. Any that should happen to be out of stook will Secure MONTHLIES FREE. Gall and See the Latest Fashions. who can do se to visit ns and we will endeavor to make your Call a Profitable one. If you do not wish to make your put'chaees now you will probably see something that may take your fancy whoa you do wish to buy. Don't be Satisfied until You See and judge for 7oune1fw T °` L