HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-4-17, Page 1VOL, XII.
O. 11M1,24.1
DISTRICT NEWS. 1)11,11,—Last Tuesday an old re-
¢Jr rola l)1'OOIe.
f)B1An IS'r1t.---••i flit wolll(1 0011for it
favor by inserting the following ;-•
TLe public extullioation of the pupils
of Cranbroolc school w'es held on
Thursday, April 2nd. Owing to the
unfavorable stale of the weather the
attendance of visitors wag not as largo
as had been expected but In other re-
spects the exautination was an entire
suceees, The pupils were examined
in the different subjects by threw pros-
ent • and acquitted themselves in a
mnnner highly creditable to them•
selves and to their teacher. The pro-
ficiency of the whole school in mental
arithmetic is eomething remarkable,
difficult problems being solved with
uncommon rapidity and accuracy by
even the junior crasser. At the close
of the examination a number of the
visitors deliveredshortaddresses, all
expressing theix satisfaction with too
progress the school has been making
and congratulating Mr. McKay on his
success ars n teacher. Tho trustees
of Crnnbreek school know enough to
retain an efficient teacher when they
have one.—ONE TTOAT WAS 013E11111.
i9Hot•rr ie.
Auction sales have boon very cam•
moo of Irate.
The new ebaeee factory nt Bolgravo
is underweigh.
Thos. Wilkinson, 4th line, intends
erecting a new residence this summer,
The fuimei s of this lino ore getting
np a lot of good houses crud barns,
John A, McEwnu, nod Walter EI -
listen, left 011 a pleasure trip to the
cid country last -leek. They sail
from New York nod will be gone two
or Ihtee moll Ills,
S. B. Fralick, wife and Hourly, ex•
pent to statt fir the Northwest this
week. 310. Fre lick intends making
his la -mo there. We hero' that old
3lr. Fralick will remove to town.
Report says that a second house is
being erected on Arch. 'Taylor's farm,
on the gravel load, and Quit it will be
inhabited ei u long by our young friend
Dougal. Is he going to kelp batch ?
Litt 'week we predicted the mar-
riage of J. 11. Thomson and it came
tree, as he took Miss Clnirlotte Whit-
field ns a partner for life. The hap-
py couple have the hest wishes of a
large circle of friends for their hap-
piness and success.
S. S. No. 8.—Tbofollowing is the
mime. for the above school for March :
—•Jr. 4111 --Mary Hnllidny 1214,
j''rnucis Stubbs 972, Phonic Littlefair
854. Sen. Ord—Bertha Lawrence
1274. I'+mnu Cloakuy 1270, 1i. C.
Baines 1160. Jr ;3rd—Alfred liuesell
1080, Annie Campbell 1070, Charlotte
111181(10 10157, James Clonkey 1082.
tic coed clues• -Hugh Campbell 1142,
Willinul Lawrence 1018, Adam Halli-
day 857. ben. pert second—David
ilueeell 1018, Isaac Stubbs 890, Mag-
gie Watson 871. Jr. Ord—Special ex•
amination in Alithmetio.--.-Alfred
Russell 85, Annie Campbell 70, John
Littlefair OH, Charlotte linalcui 07.
J34o. H. Conxsv, Teacher,
Last t!aturday it brother of Robert
MoKeo's uicd at'1'eeswnter. Ho was
well up in years it11d had been poorly
for 8un10 11111e.
The depth of snow oil talo roads 18
as marvel for this time of the year.
People lead a good dual of seeding
dome by April 15th, 1884.
The Blum Centro Motel was sold
under nlortemg0 on 'Tuesday of Met
week, and was purchased by JamOS
Long, of Grey, for rho sum of $805.
The property colsists•of the hotel anis
outbuildings and ten acres of land.
Geo. Brigham; of this township,
has secured in agency from an A.
merman firm for the sale of a large
largo size cabinet album and from the
low figure nt which the article is
placed he 18 meeting with good sue -
aeries Mitchell, Molesworth, is
manufacturing bee hives by machin-
ery, and hoe over three hundred on
Hand for sale ; they aro of rho latest
improvements. He has purchased a
mill for snaking ionudatio.n comb, and
has also two hundred pounds of boos
wax, to make into comb foundations,
In foot helms all emanate supplies,
honey extractors, honey knives, smok-
er and all -that is required for the
silent in the person of John Sample,
Oth eon,, died, after an illness of sev-
eral months. 'Ilia deceased was an
old resident of this section having
001no. to Morris township some 30 yrs,
ago, He took a groat interest in ag-
ricniturnl affairs and was invariably ,
appointed e, judge for live knelt at
full shows, In polities Mo. Sample
was a Liberia) and in roligous belief a
Presbyterian. A wife and eight child-
ren mourn his loss. The funeral
takes place to day (Friday) at 1 o'.
cloelc, interment at the Brussels coin•
According to announcement meet -
lug of persone interested in 0onnec•
tion with the carrying on of the Scott
Act iu Huron County was held in the
Temperance Hall, Clinton, on Tues-
day last. The attendance was large
and everything passed off very har-
moniously. D. D. 'Wilson occupied
the chair. After the 1100(1 Fal state-
ment of the Treasurer and various
other reports from the Secretary wore
read, Police Magistrate Young, from
Halton Co., was introduced and gave
tl most interesting fled instructive ad-
dress on the working of the Scott Act
in Balton. Tile speaker was plied
with queries concerning the Aot to
which he gave full and satisfactory
anewere. Reports warn given of the
various municipalities in Huron and
a free discussion 81180ed,
The following resolution was pre-
sented to the Convention and carried
unanimously :—"Whereas informa-
1 tion has conte to us, through the
newspapers, giving a list of those ap-
pointed by the Dominion 33oard of
Commissioners under the Soolt Aot
as vendors of liquor, for medicinal,
meeh1ni0111 and sacramental purYOs-
es, and believing ilio salve to be true,
it is hereby resolved that wo view
with alarm the granting of much lic-
ensee to persons who have heretofore
been engaged in the business of sell-
ing liquor ander too Crooks Acs, as I
hotel•heepers and other licensed liq-
no1' (10al0110, believing appointments
of this 1(iud (aro calculated to bring
the Scott Act into contempt and open
the way for the coutinuence of too
drinking habite twit that this Aseocnt-
tion would call the attention of the
Board of Commissioners and the
Government of the Dominion to tine
serious departure which it is deemed
has been made from the spirit 1auc1
the intention of the Act, inthat all
druggists in the county have been re-
fused license,"
Resolutions were also passed con-
cernieg tho appointment of a Police
Magistrate fur the County, which wits
left in the hands of the Executive
Cowinittee to deal with, and the col-
lotting of the appropriations levied
upon Elie venous municipalities Met
A grand union pit -uta for the Co.
will be arranged during the summer,
the ministers of the 0001113' 11(33111(1 it
in charge.
It is the ultentiou of 11(u Associa-
tion to appoint au 11(10111• who will lay
the information of iufriugeutent of
the law ham o the Police 1Lagislratn.
The Scott Act will receive a fair trial
in this (stun -L). and those who violate
it may expect to suffer the cense.
A hearty vote of thanks was passed
to Mr. Young after which the Agsooi•
noun adjourned to meet at the call of
the President.
The name of Deputy Reeve Beatty
of Soaforth, has been mentioned as a
suitable person Mr' the position of
Polies Magistrate;
Scott Act passed in Chicoutimi 013
Friday last by 600 majority.
The Alert has boon ordered to Hal,
ilax, where else well be handed over to
the Caua(liau Government,
Gull returns from the electoral dig -
of West Northumberland chow
a total majority of 74 fur Mr. Guillet,
Canadian Pacific railway traffic re
eeipts for last week showed an in-
crease of $53,000 over those of elle
corresponding week last year.
John Earle, of the township of
Baine, a veteru school teacher, has
disappeared. It is thought he per.
iehed on the ice in 011e of the back
The Alvineton Fair Play has mats,
ed to emit. The printing material
has beau seized under power of tt
ohattle mortgage held by Wallaeo
Graham, of Parkhill, and will he sold
by notion April 17111,
llarohing on to War.
Terrible Massacre at
Frog Lake.
A. despatch from alarlee Crostini
reports that all who were taken prig
oners by the rebels at Duck Lake
were released except Indian Agent
Lash and two men named Tompkins,
wile were arrested when repairing the
telegraph line. Tho despatch oon-
firins the statement before sone of
I{err brothers' escape, Biel sonten•
oed the younger brother to death of
ter be had left, lint failed to recapture
The Hudson Bay Company received
another despatch from Prince Albert
stating that the balance of Carleton
which was not consumed at the tune
it was evacuated by Irvine and Croz-
ier, had been burned by the rebels.
Fort Pitt is garrisoned by only 25
police. It is thought that these and
all settlors around hero been massa-
cred. Pitt is surrounded by the
worst Indians in the Northwest,
meetly under the leadership of the
notorious Big Bear.
Iuspeetor Morris, with the Mounted
Police, made it raid en a bu)Fbreed
camp near Battleford Thursday night,
and captured ten men.
It appears that the frog Lake In.
dinus invited Quinn. and others who
Were killed into their camp and shot
thein as soon tie they came,
Messengers from the north say
Biel intends to matte a stand at Ba•
touche's Crossing, and 1f beaten to
retreat north or else endeavor to reach
the American frontier. Tho bolt in-
formation shows that he hits 500 half-
breeds well armed, and that from 300
to 500 (]roes and Teton Sioux aro
co-operating with therm at Beardy's
reserve, Between Batonebo's Cross-
ing, Clark's, and Battleford nearly all
the Indians are on the warpath. Tho
settlers have lost everything. The
Teton Sioux are burning the home.
steads at Gardomis C"cwaing, north
of Grandis. In short, the whole
country is iu 11 bad shape.
The Indians up to this point are
quiet. General Mithlleton has talked
with several bands, and dietribulocl
Mud among them. They gay the In-
dians north would not fight if they
had something to eat. A vast quan-
tity of provisions will be required for
the northern settlers and the people
of Prince Albert. .A large number of
half-breeds are within ra few miles of
here, Helium hour ago 85 of Bout,
ton's mounted Lnfautty left here to
oiu General Middleton. Major Boul
too figured iu the first Red River re-
bellion, and was sentenced to death
by Biel. Ile told me this horning
that he has the greatest confidence in
his cowboys.
General iliuldletou's force will
number 800 when the reinforcements
rett011 it, Col. Otter's numbers 470,
with two gittlings. The troop" are
in osoellout health and spirits. The
weather is flue.
The hostile Indians are moving on
Fort Pitt. 'l'hey captured all the
suppliee at Grog Lake, together with
a number of rifles with ammunition.
Fort Pitt co•taius several good atones
among them L. C, t311ccr'r, Jannis
Haly's, Abrnhun Montour'+, and J.
Pritchard's. Bev. 11'nt0ers .Le(1rnif
and Marta 1n charge of the Roman
°atholie lml•s1011 at Pitt, have gone
out. to parley With the lndiaue, and
may succeed in h011110g them, Rev.
Chun. Quluney, of rho Chnroh of
England, is not at home. Pierre
Boudreau mud John Fitzgerald, two
farm iustruclors, have also gone out,
as they have influenoe with the 11os•
tiles, Provisious at .Pitt aro scarce.
Confirmatory iufornutLiou of the
Indian uprising along the North bee-
katuhowall, 'w'et of Battleford, and
of the reported attack on Port Pitt,
was received yosterday afternoon by
the Hudson's Bry' Commissioner.
Tho Hudson .Bay Co.'s chief factor at
Fort Pitt, whore the Indian massacre
i8 reported to have occurred, le lir.
McLane, who has a barge family.
:Another (lespatoll by the Hudson
Bay Company says affairs at Edmoti-
tau aro approacning 011818, The In-
diens on the Saddle Lake reserve
number about 1110, with Little Han.
ter as chief.
The Queen's Own arrival at '"Swift
Carrot last bight.
NO. 41
A despatch sent by Major Crosier , SPRING MOWN.
I to his father, Dr, Crozier, of Belle -
vine. It is the first official nnu<uwce- l'hn fallawintf is the prize hats of elhi-
meut of the fight at Duek Lake, and (081 sof entire stock shown during Elia
(1 , past week.
came by way of Battlofor(1 under (late14,118111%
of Prinoe Albert, April 7, and rune
as follows :—"The whole force of the
rebels attacked my escort ILIA tried
to surround us. We drove thecal
back. Our e'lo behaved superbly
agninet overwhelming odds, From
g 1this despatch it appears that
too police and I'rince Albert v01nn•
Mere under Major Crozier were at-
tacked by the whole rebel force, and
and not by a small detachment, as
the accounts published this morning
The people of Winnipeg were start-
led last Friday morning by the an-
uouneemeutof Elio Indian massacre
at Frog Lake, where fourteen persons
have been murdered by Indians.
News of the shocking occurrence was
obtained by the operator at Clarlce's
Crossing, from Lieutenant-Colonel
Morris, Inspector of INIouutcd Police
at L'attleford, where a man who oe•
caped from Frog Lake, which is west
of that place, told the story of the
massacre of men, woman and ebitd-
ren gathered in the barracks for pre,
Lection from 8300(10 and blood -thirsty
redskins of that district. P'rom the
iuformatton that reached the Com-
missioner of the Hudson Bay Com-
pany, few particulars of the terrible
event aro learned. The news was
oarried to .Ilattlefold by FI, Quinn,
nephew of the Indian agent at Frog
Lake, who escaped while the Indians
were raiding the houses of those liv-
ing there, murdering inmates, After
much difficulty 1a avoiding Indians ho
reached .Battleford on Sunday, the
5th instant, and there told lits stury.
Fourteen persons were killed, as flet
ae known, though it ie possible, and
very probable, that others shared the
101118 hate. Among the victims were
Mr. Willisoroft, C. Geouru and Mr.
Gilchrist, It is stated that the latter
three are lay brothers, who were :w -
818110g tho Catholic missionaries (Fa
there Fafttrd and Morehead) in their
labors among the savages, but another
report says the Geouiu referred Lois a
half-breed, and 1101 a lay brother.
brie. Delaney, wife of the Indian in-
strnator, captured byIndinns, is still a
a prisoner in their hands.
General Middleton ie within 3 mays'
march of Biel nod w11011 the meeting
fakes place a lively Ncen8 will ensue.
Biel is prepared to fight and has 1500
men, itis said. General Middleton
(heti some 800 men under his command.
The m(trehing is very heavy.
C'aataadi011 NOWS.
The Easter Sunday collection at
St. Joseph's Church, Stratford, am•
(mined to over $700.
J. 0. llughos, a former Stratfordite,
while working receutlysim a Cleveland
rolling mill was crushed to death.
Tho spiry of the Presbyterian
Matruh, Ridgetown, was strack I,y
lightning in 'Thursday's storm, and
the 11(111 118 11 off the top
Kitigelon unbitten are excited over
nn order issued by the Grand 'Pruni(
;ulthor'ities forbidding them to drive
into the railway station, and 0 test
case is now being tried.
1u 108ponee to tai appeal smbscrip.
tions LLnlnuntitg to $1355 were given
by Toronto citizens towards defray
ing the expenses of sending a Bed
°rose ambulance corps to the North-
1'i1r dead body of a German Jew
named Moleski, omployod on the Can-
adian Paeifie railwlty, has been found
near (loose Jaw, with strong evidence
of foul play, there being three fear£ul
outs, made by an axe, on the back of
his head.
A female passenger on the Windsor
ferry was soarohod Elis other day by
the customs officials at Detroit, who
found 472 yards of straw braid con -
coaled in her clot hing, and confiseated
it. The smuggler gave her name as
Mary Meson, of Bello River,
James Hadley, a son of Mayor
Hadley, of Obatham, was tried and
oonvicted at the Sailclt 100 Assizes of
having embezzled a sum of money be•
longing to the Essex Centre klannf-
ttottriug Company, and sentenced to
three months 1n the common jail,
Members of the Army Reserve reel -
dents of Canada have been ordered to
hold themselves 111 readiness to return
to England. An old soldier, living
in Toronto, says that there are about
4,000 Army Reserve men who have
been making their home in this
The Spring Show war held Isere oll'rmer
day 1...d was attended by a goodly number
of people. '1110 jmlgus went through their
work in a eatisfuetory- manner. The prizes
were awarded a8 follows :—
Holeos, heavy draught imported C1ydse.
dale, Ed, Henry. Heavy draught, Caned
Fan, let, Jno. McDonald ; Ind, P. 00113son.
Draught, imported, 1st, Fred. Gatlin:.
General purpose, let L. McNeil ; 2nd, W
Boyle. Blood, with pedigree, It. Lang.
Roadster, 1st, L. McNeil ; 2ud, W. J.
Moore. Colt, 9 years old, heavy draught,
F. Henry. Colt, two years old, heavy
draught, John Guy. Sweepstakes, diploma,
1:, Hanry.
Bulls, Durham, 9 years old or over, S.
Vipond. 2 years old, let, 13. Ford ; 2nd,
W. Forest. 1 year old, Wm. Dewey. Ayr-
shire, Jas. Hamilton,
intner ev5.
Last Wednesday the annual Spring Show
of the East Wawanosh Agricultural Society
was held on the show grounds at 13elgrave,
and was fairly well attended. The exhibi-
tion of stock was good although the number
of entires was small. The annexed prize
list will give the list of prize winners :--
Horses, heavy draught, 1st John Mc-
Millans, "Puzzler," Mullett township ; Ind
Thos. Agnew, East Wawanosh, "Honest
John." General purpose, 1st, Thos. Ag-
new, East Wawanosh, "Star of the West ;
2nd, Thos. Calder, Grey, "Young Prinoe of
Wales." Road and carriage, 1st, R. G.
Wellwood, Wingham, "Ethan Allan jr. ;"
2nd, A Govenloul(, McKillop, "Telegraph
Boy," 3 years old and under, any class,
1st, James Anderson, West 'Wawanosh,
"Warrior ;" 2nd, Burchell i0 Diokson,
Turuberry ; 3rd, James Tipling, Wingham,
"King of Quality." Best horse, any class,
diploma, Jno. McMillan's "Puzzler."
Bulls over 2 years old, 1st, Jno. Barbour,
West Wawanosh, "Duke of Mapleton ;"
Ind Jno, Cowles, East Wawauosh, "Earl
of Strathallan." hent bull, of any age,
diploma, Jno. Barbour's "Dulte of Maple-
The judges were Samuel Black, Turn.
berry, Robt. Medd, Auburn, and Jas. Big -
gine, Clinton.
The President and Board of Directors
are an energetic lot of men and with their
obliging: Sec., I", Anderson, they push bus-
iness right aleng,
The Listowel Spring S(100 WA. bell on
Wednesday, April 36th. A large crowd of
spectators wens present. The show was a
very good one, elthough out quite up to last
year. The following 18 the prize list :—
Honese—Imported Clydesdale, let I3d.
Henry's "Duke of Argyle," Ind 11. Laitch's
"Lord Derby." Canadian Clydesdales, 1st
J. H. McDonald's "Lord Haddon," Ind Col-
lison iC Scott's "Duke of Argyle." General
Purpose, 1st Geo. Eby's "Tom Dinuie," Sod
efemliater's "Tinto." Carriage or 'Road-
ster, let L. A.teNeil's "Sir Totten Coach-
man," 2nd W. J. Moore's "George Brown,"
Blood, P. Collieon's "flora, Botlz0bild.
Poreherons, 1st Pled Gatdke s "Beaufort,"
Ind Fred. 330381er's "Leviathan." Two-
year -olds, J. Guy's "Top -Gallant." Sweep-
stakes, Ed. Henry's "Duke of Argyle."
1301,1.e—Aged Durl ,,1s , Denj. Bondor's
"Royal Toru." Two -your -old Durhams, 1st
l\ -m, I'orrest's "1101050n Graeme," end S.
Brown's "Sidemen." Yearling Demons,
J. Shearer's "Brown Puke," Ayrshires, J.
Hamilton's "Eureka." Sweepstakes, Wm.
Forest's "Malcolm Gramm."
The East Huron Spring Show was held
in 131105001801) Thursday and -vas 010 of the
mot successful show held for years. There
was a splendid show of horses, en). chilly
in. the heavy draught class. Owing t.1 the
bad condition of the roads ve,y few balls
were entered, but those shown wile good
animal;. The ring where the horses wore
shown was very wot and muddy, I he fol-
lowing is the prize list:
Horses, Imported heavy draught, 1st Jun.
M c 1lilhtu's ".Puzzler," Intl Thos. McLauch-
lin's "Rankin buy," 3r,1 E. Henry's "Dupe
of argclo."
11145• '3 years, let Jno. lfcylill:ul'N
"Knock --Down Eine," Intl 1:, Henry's
,'Galloway Bing," ltd Gen. Armstrong's
"Honest Jimmie."
Canadian heavy draught over 3 years.
Jas: Tait's "Scotland Yet."
Curler 3 veare, 1st Thos. McLauehlin's
„Prince of `-'•ales," Incl Thos. Cald,r's
"Prince of Wales," 3rd 0, McDonald's
"Prince of Wales."
General Purpose, over 3 years, 1st M.
Shines' "Highland Chief," 2nd R, Brown's
"Yotulg ("clrtost,"
TJnder 1 years, let B. O'Hara's "Young
Wellington," 2nd D. MoLauehlin's "Yount;
Enterprise,"3rdA, K, McAllister's "Tinto,"
O Oload and carriage, 1st A. Delgatty's 'Sit•
Tattoo," Ind R. Govenloek's 'Telegraph
Boy," 9rd R, Lang's "Wildare."
finder 3 }'ears, W. Swallow's "Pilot."
Bulls, Dnrhams over 2 years, let James
Simpson's "Dominion Prinoe," 3nd Ulu
Hislop's "Royal Prince."
ilrider 2 voars, 1st llobt. Brown's "Red
Duke," 2nd 1. Forsyth's "Sic Richard,"
9rd Jno. Ilielop's "Earl Gray."
Ayrshires, Juo, N, Kueohtel's "Donald."
The judges for horsee were Alox. Gard.
ver, Moleillop i S. Black, Blnevale ; B.
Ford, Newry. --For bulls, Chas, Proctor,
Mortis; A. Miller, Morris; R. McKee, Mo.
Ellie p,
There were 2$ horses in all exhibited,
Tho implement men were the centre of
attraction and talked up agrionitllr(1 im•
plements iu great shops,
'1'11e 33f:Cormick lfanufacttn'lng
Company of London have agreed to
pay all their bands called out for
active service full pay for throe months
and to keep their situation open until
their r'tur.u,