HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-27, Page 68
irootory of Qhurohoo and acetones.
MELVILLE t iiFAcu,—Sabbatb Services at
11 a.m. and 6.60 pan. Sunday School at
2: p.m, Ilov, Jnu. Roes, B. A„ pastor.
1KNox t'itrucn.--Sabbath Soryiees at 11
a. al, and 0:30 p.m, Sunday Seheul at 2:80
p.m. Bev. S. Jones, pastor.
ST. Jo11 '3 ('hrtu•n,--Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. cud 7 pan. Sunday Sohoolat 0;80
a.m. 1.4 v. \C, '1'. a Wife, incumbent.
113ruenr;r (arses.--SabbethSorvinee at
10:30 a.lu. ;old 0;30 p.m. Sunday School at
2:30 p.m, Poster 10cv, 1), 0. Clappisou.
1101IAN CATnoLID Cannon,—Sabbutll Ser.
vice third Radayin every month at 11. 0.141,
1iev, P. J. Shen, priest. .
ODD 1'LLtow's Lenon every Thursday
evening in lirahnm's block,
MASONIC Lotion Tuesday at or before full
moon in lIelmos' block.
A. 0, 1', W. Loioc meets on 2nd and
last \\'eanesday ereninge each mouth.
Fonesrou'sLenoi 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month in Smalo's hall,
L, 0, L. 1st Monday in every month in
Oronge Hall.
POST Orrins,--.Oftleo Hours from a a. m.
1L'c1i1Nlrs' IESTITCTA Reading 1000111 and
tbrary in Holmes' block, over 2. 11. Smale's
store, will bo open from 0 to 7 p.m, on Wed-
nesdays and Fridays and from 4 to 0 p.m.
on Sstnrdays.
..1 tarsi Notes'.
Put the euger making utensils in
Do not neglect to provide a supply
of wood that will last all summer.
See that all farm and garden im-
plements are in trim for spring work.
Large quantities of potatoes should
never be kept in cellars over which
families live.
Are you troubled with Balt Rheum, Bough
Hands, or old Sores of any kind that cannot be
healed? Even though at bo o3 years standing
McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate will ours
it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the
hest healing compound ever known, Boils,
Footerhngs, Frost Bites Burne or any Skill
Trouble, are alike aurea. by it. Sold at 35 mite
by 300, Hargreaves 14 Co., Druggists.
The use of honey as an article of
diet varies the daily bill of faro and
promotes good health.
The black walnut ie of easy oolt-
ure and rapid growth. Plaut by it-
self, as it 13 a bad neighbor, and fruit
trees near it soon perish.
According to the Commissiouer of
Agriculture of Tennessee the sheep
interest in that State is "nearly par•
alyzed by worthless curs."
Put a few ears of corn in the oveu
and let them remain until reduced to
charcoal. Feed this to the fowls and
notice the increased egg production,
Oucklen•s Arnie Salve.
The best salve in the woridtor Cuts,Bruleee
Sores, Ulcers, Salt 11011m, Pover Bores ,Terror
Chapped Hands, Ohilblaiae, Corns, -and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively euros Piles, or
nopav required. Itis guaranteed to give por-
t act
or -
fact satisfaction, or money refunded. Prion
2) bents per box, For sale by G,A,Dcadmau
A. single bee with all its industry,
energy and the innumerable journeys
it performs, collects only about a telt-
spoonful of hooey during one season, -
and yet more than 100 pounds of hon-
ey are often taken from 0110 hive.
J. L. Wilcox practiced covering his
strawberry grounds with straw, just
after the fruit Alas gathered, and then
burning the Straw ; it destroyed in-
sects an,l weed seeds, was a great
saving in cultivation, and the fruit
was larger and nicer.
ramie who are troubled with Bronchitis, or
weakness of the throat or Lunge should not de-
lay, but take Bobllsou'e PnosphOrized Emul-
ioa regularly, according to tbo advice of their
Physroian , or the directions ou the bottle. Al-
ways ask for Robinson's Phosphorized Bmul-
aton and be sure you got it.
Before the Spring opens look well
to your hen houses. If they cannot
ba made air tight there is nu use in
fumigating with sulyhur, Kerosene
is always a silo and sure agent in the
destruction of hen lice. Use it lib-
erally, saturate every beam, perch and
nest with rt.
Prof. Greeueides, of the Experi-
mental firm, Guelph, stated at the
Institute held i0 Hamilton, along
with many other good ideas, that an
nr:ricultt:ral horse should be examin-
ed by nu experle1ced veterinary be
fore appearing in the show -rings to
compete for as prize.
Wife—What's the matter now,3ohn? Hus-
band—Oh, that neuralgia and toothache uoar
kills mo, Wile—Why don't you go 00 30140
)turgrellvea o Co'a. Drug Store and got a botOle
of Fluid Li slitting? You know it sures all
meth things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Head -
Ache, Lumbago, Earache, Sore throat, oto. At
gives instant relief,
A corrospoudent asks how to grow
black Walnut trees. From the For -
11810y Ii1.port for 1877 the following 19
gleanlc1 : Before dry lay the outs 1n
heaps nu rlry ground, cover with
straw, and over this 8 or 4 10011011 of
earth. Plant in spring late acorn?,
except the black walnuts and butter-
nuts should be placed two flet apart.
Wm. V Robley, Grundy Co. Mo„
gives his Way s£ caring for wot rub.
berboots :--Mako two little sacks the
length of t110 boot and a little nar'roa'-
l:'r ; fill thein hall full of 0olnlnon
salt, and at night, when the boots aro
,taken off, put the tacks inside so they
will cover the solos. 'Tho salt will
absorb the clampness. Plato the
sacks whore they will dry during tho
day and they will be ready for the
following night.
Hobert Johuetou gives an illnetra- Tiny figures aro displayer] in dress �.our „ytl�ar �t salrro-xamo®—n
tion of the value of a mellow and gal- goods in place of the larger 01108 uf
former 41011,00118,
White hate, trimmed in white, will
bo the fashionable wear for little peo-
ple in the spring.
,Plait] or brootuled velvet jaok010
are rieh!y trimmed with old taco, salt
embroidery and handsome buttons.
Violate are more popular for etroet
wear than other flowers. Exquieito
buuahee of different ehados may be
Narrow -brimmed, high crowned
hate aro likely to be touch in favour,
SS they are generally becoming, and
admit of great variety in trimming.
Among the prottieet and moat art-
istic of the now woollen costumes aro
those which are embroidered in che-
nille shaded in several colours of
A very handsome walking dress
for the bride is of grey cloth and
plush to match, the tablior being em-
broidered with grey, relieved with a
tracery of golden threads.
Drese waists, differing from the
skirt with which they are worn, ars
again in favour ; consequently a skirt
which has seen service may be worn
with a now t*teque of different colour,
Short mantles will bo worn this
spring, made of the same ]material tie
the suit, or of velvet or light cloth.
They aro cut short in the back, with
square or pointed ends in front, and
are trimmed with lace or passemen-
Vtolot powder and orris root tiro
used 111 tiny brigs, which are 0onosa11-
0d in various parts of the newest
dressoe ; they are sewed in the hiring
and the folds of the drapery. It is
said that bunches of withered violets
can bo dried and used to perfume a
The hair is still dressed high with
frizzled or curled fronts, in spite of
the effort made to do away with this
arrangement, Wire hairpins have
almost entirely disappeared, the long
tortoise -shell pins being used instead
for fastening the coils or bralde at
the back of the head.
The outlines of dress for this spring
are more elaborate, fantastic and
splendid than artistic Or elegant ; for
waists are very long, skirts very am-
ple, bustles big, sleeves tight below
the elbow and full and high on the
shoulders, and draperies more acoont-
rio than graceful.
Vowtlx County leroteB.
"Is tbo world bettor or worse ?" ie
the subject of Dr. Talmage's lecture
in Stratford.
There is a prospect that the camp
of the first military district will be
held in Stratford during the coming
It is thought that potatoes will be
exceedingly scarce this coming spring
owing to the terrible severity of the
Some crack has a letter in the
Stratford Beacon urging that stops
be taken to have the now Parliamen-
tary buildings erected in Stratford.
Another writer in tho same issue of
the same paper wants the citizens to
try to induce the Provincial Govern-
ment to erect an asylum in Stratford
for indigent insane persons.
A practical jONG Was perpetrated
the other day which, however, proved
to be a joke on the joker. The Sar-
nia Sun gives the particulars as fol.
lows :—"D. R. Street of the Bank of
Montreal, Sarnia, formerly of St.
Marys, wished to play, a practical
joke on H. Goldio of the Bank of
1110)ltr'eltl, St. harps. Ile got hold
of a little canine of tho genus =pyre'
which he christened an Italian Ter•
rier, mad had it expressed to Goldie
0. 0. D. thinking that the hatter
would pay express charges, imagiu•
ing bo was gutting some very valuable
and rare dog stook. But when the
so called Italian Terrier arrived at
St. Hrarys, Goldio would have none
of it. Not much ; though ho did live
in the interior he knew a thing or
two. The coneequ0nce w108 that Mr.
Italian Terrier was returned to Street
who had to pay express charges both
tivatetl soil for preserving moisture
in droutb, A portion of hie ground
was full of weed seeds, and to give
the etrawborr)ee and vegetables a fair
chance he had to keep up a oouetant
cultivation, Tho season was very
dry, and 0o great was the contrast
between this portion of his garden
and the most, that persons who pass•
ed and saw the difference would hard-
ly believe that it was not in copse.
queno0 of the mellow and 001110101031
portion being watered, although 00
water was given to it.
A Ilreet Discovery.
Air, Wm, 'Monies, of Newton, Ie., says:—'My
wifo hes been seriously affected with n cough
for twenty-five years, and this spring more s0.
veruly than ever before, She had used sunny
remedies without relief, and being urged to
try Dr. Kingp's Now Discovery, did. so, with
most gratifying results. Tho drat bottle re.
Moved her very much and the0000na bottle
Las absolutely cured {ler. She has not had so
good health for thirty years.' Trial bottles
true at G. A. Doadmav'e Drug Store, Large
size 01,
Canadian Live Stook Journal :—
The time has arrived when young
stock will shower in upon us. Above
all sector, in the year this is one of
the most ei 4110al fur the stockmen. A
little inattention at such a time ine1n0
the loss of hundreds and even thous.
ands to some farmers. Let night -
watching bo done if need be. Set
the alarm to call at midnight, or oft-
ener, and opportune the vigils to dif-
ferent members of the family in turns,
whore such can be done. By all
means see to it that the new comers
are not left to perish with cold or
from any forst of inattention or neg-
lect. It is both cruel and short•sight-
cd 80 t0 do.
Never (live Up.
If you are suffering with low anddepressed
spirits, lora of appetite, general debility, die -
ordered blood, weak constitution, headache,
or any Lemma of n bilious nature, byall moans
procure a bottle of 1'liootrio Bitters. You will
Us surprised to see tbo rapid improvement that
will follow ; you will be inspired with now
life ; strength and activity will return ; luau
and misery will cease, mud henceforth you
will nil oleo In the praise of El eerie Bettors,
Sold at fifty cents n bottlo by G. A. Deadman.
Rural Canadian :—There is no nee-
essity at this day for the breeders uf
improved Berkshires to resort to an
occasional outside cross with another
breed for the purpose of avoidiug the
evils of continuous breeding from an-
imals of the same stock. Excellent
strains of improved Berkshires are
found in almost every region of the
globe where swine aro kept. The
best families, thus widely separated,
are subject to different climatic in-
fluences, and the most varied systems
of management. By this means all
the real or supposed advantages to bo
secured by the introduction of fresh
blood am be as surely and without
doubt more safely reached by the
bringing together again parts of fam-
ilies, thus separated for several gen-
PROMINENT among the greatest medical die-
eoverie8, by the many cures it has uffeoted.
McGregor's Speedy Curo loads the van. Sub-
jooted to the minutest cbomloal analysis, it
has been found to contain none of those injur•
8050 ingrodlente eharaotoriziag the worthless
specifics daily offered to the public. Bvery
ingredient possesses a Peculiar adaptability to
the various complaints for whlob it has been
compounded, and its efficacy Is beteg estr b.
13shod by tostlmoniale hourly received. We
are therefore confident that we have a prepar-
ation which we eau offer to the public with the
assurance that it will bo Ipund not only a re-
lief but an absolute sure for Dyspepsia, Livor
Complaint,Indigestion, Constipation aid Irn-
pnroBlood. Frog trial battles st Hargreaves'
Drug Store,
At this particular season the ques-
tion whether to buy or raise cows
must be decided by many a dairyman.
&Iore calves aro probably dropped in
March than any other month, and it
is one of the best months for having
calves come for raising. They get a
good start before grass comes, and if
they are well cared for they tvi11 have
acquired size and hardiness by fall to
put them in good shape for wintering
and for coming in when two yOnls
old. There is need of calling the at-
tention of dairymen to this matter,
as the number of miloh cows is fall-
ing behind the increase of population,
and they are growing comparatively
eoal'c0 and High. The price of good
ouwg is above the cost for raising,
and it le to be hoped that more of the
calves of good COWS Will be spared
from the butchers' block, to the end
that the quality, as well as the num-
ber of our cows, may be increased.
Ashes of roses is a favourite spring
Polonaises aro out long and plain,
with bouffant backs.
Some of the new ehal)011 of straw
bonnets look like a hussar's Helmet.
A novelty in purses is a little knit-
ted silk stoclting, with a plated claim,
Flannel dressing gowns and jackets
aro profusely trimmed with worsted
Daffodil yellow silk or satin under.,
drosses are the first 0110100 for blank
lace p01nmtians,
!'lain black net yr 1'3 aro roml:l ; in
again, Dotted net A. ui,1g is la thing
of the past,
ll.11. drnss0s are brightened by
wearing bows ,:f bright red, blue and
yellow velvet ribbon on the front of
the corsage,
The Woodstock Tunes says:—An
extraordinary colored 011(011 has been
exhibiting himself 1r0011d town aur.
ing the past few days. Ho claims to
have two 1learls, ono on each side of
the lungs and from the pulsations on
(moll side of tho body 11 good many
people believe his assertions, Ile
DRS 4100 two 'complete sots of ribs,
one over tho other and both move-
able. Endowed with more organs
than the ordinary run of mortals, lie
appears to bn gifted with almost sup-
erhuman strength, 1a) ho can lift 900
pounds weight o.11 cue band, itnd
Can bend a rod of iron, throo-quarters
of an inch thick, by striking, it on his
blare arm, and two strong moa could
not bend the iron into its original
I3o heady to Commence
reading our NAw S'ruiiY
_tl 1 T dtl S°I
$1.00 secures
BALANCE O1' 1885.
It will bo a Good Ono.
--- 0E----
8,031100, Hie.
Steerage, $11, Liverpool, Londonderry
Queenstown, Glasgow, or Belfast to Qudhna
and always as low ns by any 11 rst-class line,
Sailings from PORTLAND.
CASPIAN Thuredny, 1'ab. S 0111
PE1RUVIAN" " 13th
No Stoamor from Portland March drill,
PARISIAN Thursday, April 203
No Steamer from Portland, April 8th.
SARDINIAN Thursday, Apr. lath
No Steamer from Portland, April 23rd
SARMATIAN Thursday, April 30th
Tho last train connecting with the steamer
at Quebec leaves Toronto Wodneselayu at S:00 a.
m. Passengers can leave Wednesdays at 0:00
p,m, also, and connect with the steamer at Hal,
ilex, by paying an additional 3nr0 of 14415
1st, and 30.65 end class.
No cattle, sheep or pigs aro carded on rho
Mail Steamers of rho A11an, Linc.
For Tiokoto and Berths Ella every informa-
tion apply to
J. R. GRANT, .Agent,
At the root Omcc. Bemuse la.
Own Figur
I-IATS, OAPS, &e.,
Will commence at the Store of
T. C. HAR.BO'TTLE, Cranbrook,
on Wednesday evening, March 11,
and will continuo until further no-
This sale is got up to clear off a
Large Stock of Winter Goods to
make room for Spring Importa-
tions. Now is your CHANCE.
Don't fail to bo in attendance.
Come and get Goods at your OWN
T. C. Harbottle,
S7772alt Upright .Elkiirzes
For further particulars apply to
.Nelson 6. Co.,
Be7'lbis, Ont,
Money to Loan,
of Private Panda have just been placed in
my hands for Investment
Borrowers can have their luaus complete
in throe days if title is aati:.r 4otory.
Apply to E. E. WADE.
Alnliw, 37. 1885.
M A. AI M 0111
. �.srar ; Store.
Clearing Bale
J'°i'eriolbti 1(1 ,1 !)('l, -tct!11ilbi
Prices Away Down
30 Days Only.
Cheap Hardware.
J a . T:rowe,
A A.
B. GER yr.