HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-27, Page 5MARCH 27, 1885.
t OON'T1N 1'101 1111)01 PACE 7.'
Veloric 1)'Envor8, who hail world him
tide deadly ill,
11' 113 Kati married Agatha! :law
oma11, and paltry, and trilling all Ow
reas0nm 800nael to bo that 110 had nolo
thought all suJlioiontI For those who
had llir1(od with hint -who had ni)t Mine
half way in this torriblo gam() of flirta-
tion, lto folt no romorso, 110 pity; but
the vory lifo's blood of those two iuno-
cont girls warn on his hands, flow liko
they 3vo'o in eituplieity, in tondut'nesv of
heart, i1, child -like faith l ---haw earl tostly
d and lv
thoy both baliavecl i -n being goo
molting for hoavon 1
How earnestly they both beliovod in
what he had ouco thought to bo tritlns,
but whioh ho found now worn tho 111081
solemn things i1, life. Them camp haelc
to hie iuincl alto old church with its great
shady trans, the ohl-faOhionn(1 porch,
the stained glass window in the oast-
wherc tela fair form or the Christian
virgin Agatha shnno, with the halo of
gold around it -with the wind thatwail-
od throegll tee ITO0E1; leo could hear the
grand chant of tho fair Agatha
could hoar the awoet, clear voic
' couhl sec the child -like fade that 1
at hint with such wonder when he said
thoro was moro than one Delilah, Whoro
was she? Alas I for his vilo and miser.
able sin. What Gnawer could 110 make
to tho Great Judge, when the 8an18---
tho•livos-of those two innocout girls
had to be amounted for ?
Anal as, 01)311,10 to bear the weight of
hie misery, unable to endure the sting
01 console:leo, he 1l11ng himself (103
his knee': tho prayor of the pub
rose to 1)1611118/
"011, 0od l be merciful to mo, a
r or."
'Elm handsome earl, whose eyes had
lured m0 many hearts away -the wealthy
earl, whose riches no loan had counted,
cried out in otter, abject sorrow for tho
wrong h" loot done. Ile knelt there in
tee whist of the dead leaves and tho
,try grass, aud he cried aloud for pity
and for comfort.
He lmo3v then, i11 that supremo hour
of his life, that he loved Agatha Best,
that t1)° groat love of his heart and lila
had gone to her, aid that ]10 had loved
lleatrice because sho was 80 3)10011 141(0
the girl who had bolievod herself to be
his wifo. That was no excuse -it die:
not undo rho wrong, but it was true
that the likeness he Haw in tho charac-
ter of Beatrice to that of Agatha was
the one great reason why he had boon so
attracted by her.
And his love had slain her, as it had
slain Agatha before here Al:, if he
could ace her l -rho one bolo, faithful
love of his heart -if 1)0 could 800 her I
and then tbo pain, the desolation in his
heart grow so great' that his pride all
m0ltod, and ho wept aloud.
1 -lo knelt among 1)130 dead bolos, the
dry grass, and wept aloud. There are
tears aud tears, but surely some of thorn
form jewels in 110011(11. 110 heard a
rustling among tho dead leaves, a sound
as of something brushing the long grass:
ho know that some ono wag advancing
slowly toward Mtn ; he wild not at 11,51
chock his sobs or his tears; but 110 knew
that the' figure had stopped ,just bafor,'
him, mud be heard a faint, low cry of
tear and display,
There was something familiar in tho
cry -something familiar in rho unman
presence. .leo raised his Paco; at first
110 saw' only a long bion dress and a halo
of golden hair, then a pale, sweat face,
with a searod, frightened oxprossioll,
blue oyes, into which 8udiiou fear leaped
-a sweet red mouth parted as though
with Surprise, and the faint sound diol
on the lira.
For the first few min0t0s bo was par.
alyzod with fear, then ho stretched out
hes hands t0 her.
"Agatha 1" ho mice!. "Groat}Ioavon I
Can it bo you ?"
No other face on earth wa8 so sweet
-no voico so tender -no heart so true -
no love s0 groat -no pity so nearly
Agatha 1" he repeated. "Agatha I"
•_ She drew nearer to him, and it seemed
t0 him that she did not touch tho
ground, but floated to him over the dry
grass-or-aud he could have cried
aloud at the thought -was this the
Agatha from the stained glass window?
-the Christian virgin who wouldratber
die than offend God 2 -come to reproach
him ? A shudder of cold and fear cam0
over :nim.
' It is I, Vane, be not afraid," she
"Agatha 1" he repeated. "Ah, Heaven
send that this be no fancy, Agatha I"
Sho drow nearer, until ho Clasped the
folda of 1113 bino dress in his hands,
"How shall 1 know that it is rosily
you ?" due cried. "1 am mad with grief
and 8110030. Have you risen from the
dead ?"
"I am living aud woll," she replied.
"I am 0o spirit. Touch my hands; they
aro warns with life -not cold in death."
Ho touched them, while the tears fell
from his oyos and his lips quivorod.
"Ah, they are warm and living
enough. Kind, sweot hands thoy wore
-gontla, loving hands that ministored
to me. Oh, Agatha, :low 811011 Hook at
you ? What shall I say to you ?"
"Did you mean to (lo m0 that cruel
wrong ?" she asked, gently.
"I will not win your pardon, oven by
n. lie," Ile anew'ered• Yos, at iir81 I
did moan it. You wore 31113' a 8immle
eountry girl ; but more beautiful than 1
had ever seen, and 1 thought -ah, well,
]; daro tot tell you what 1 thought ; but
I loved you. At first ft was only a mild,
moat, Iuad fancy. I had many such
before, but I believed that it was sweet.
08, doopor, and mote lasting. I confess
all my shame and sorrow t0 you, though
your 0y08 smite mo with pain. I meant
to taloa yon away with mo; but ,just:
then I did not think to make you my
wife. I decoivud you. Yob,
youu'8alf, I think tlioro was 1,0 nth
it the world who would halm b
i0 that luarrlage, You did, Aga
knew it,"
"I did," she said, "I bolievod
Now 1 cannot think how 1 woe (if
or e0 blind; but it wam real to fele."
"1 know it, And then, Agatha, wliou
wo lout boon awayonly a few days, I
found that 1 really loved yon ; 1 3oon(1
that my Mout, and soul, and life wore
ongroHsod in you, olid I would Halo
giv0u the who1( world to have undone
hat 1: had done. I swear to you that
oxoopG i Hlf 1313tH t.ularnt
o 1'311
(I1' d
lover lnrlcshir0 dot 1l Salvation Aru1v I .i 1( lti AI y "olszssveata a e ° Hess Seton•• •0
bila, I (13)'1,3, :f 1';Ruto1', has been prow
to Lnuduu,
in it, '1'holtiw Ituest11, f'ebor"e,, has
loved you so well I would halo given
my lifo to halo und0na 1133 wrong ; and
1.8wo0r to you that 1 livod ht ail agony
of fear lest you should (Ivor know what
I had dono, I staid so long in Switror.
land, always hoping that 1 oould invent
801110 (3x3080 for going through a legal
form of lnarriego with yon, My life is
all Stained with sin -I do not deny that
but 1 ropoat that 1 longed to lnako you
my wifo ; that you are tho only woman
whom I halo truly loved or wf8lxod to
; 1100 marry. But for that vile woman's deed
0; he -that accursed woman who thrust her.
self betwn011 us, you would Iitwo boon
my wife, and this horror would never
Lave happened, But toll mo, Agatha,
what Image you how ? Oli, my lost
darling, Illy loot lovo I stay hero with
1)70 :whit°, and tell m0 -what brings
you Hero?"
Sho sat down ou the fallen trunk of a
tree, with tho dead loaves rustling
vu ou 1 around her, and ho knelt at hor foot
Beau I whilo 81(33 told him all that had happen-
ed t0 lior 811100 the 8110111 morning when
sin- ho had loft her, as thoy both thought,
for a few short hours-tho Avholo long
history; of the kindness of the noble
French lacy, the tragedy of the unhappy
Phyllis Norman, of the way in which
fate or Providence had brought her to
Pouritll Castle, She spared neither him
nor horsolf tho (details, and she lingered
long over the story of 13oatrico.
llor voice was very low and gond°,
but to him it was as Cloar and torriblo
U8 the voice of au accusing angel.
"Of all the cruel de0:131 of your life,
'Cane," 8110 said, "and 8om0 of them
1)av0 been vory cruel -this is tho worst.
That innocent, loving girl -what harm
hail sho douo 3"
"None. flayed her because she was
so liko you. In her faco there Ions a
look of iuuocontwondor and sweet girl.
ish surprise -just such a look a8 you
wear -and it was for that I loved her,
Then I behoved you to bo dead, and I
mourned for you as Townley mourn coon
for tho wfvos thoy lovo. I meant to
snake hor happy, Agatha. Be just to
me ; it is the punishment of my sin, no
doubt, but it was oat my fault that my
euomy followod mo and wroakod her
wicked vongeauco on thatinnocent head.
If she dies it will be Valerie wifo has
slain her, nob 1. I would have boon
good, and kind, and true to her. Oh,
Agatha, angel of ]my life, come back to
mo 1 You wake into lifo all that was
bust in mo -come back to me, and teach
1110 the way to heaven. iioaven knows
that if any ono bad taught me or train-
ed due when I was young, I should have
been a different roan. 1Vili you forgivo
me, Agatha, darling? I humble myself
1)31313) you -I kneel boforo yon, and ask
your pardon as the highest boon that
ilaavou eau grant me."
"Yon did mo a cruel wrong, Va110."
"I did; but you yourself have taught
me the greater the sin tho groater bat)
repentance -11110 greater need for mercy.
Forgive me, Agatha, oven as you ask
forgiveness yourself l"
And for all answer she laid her han(1
ouco more in his, Thoy wore silent for
some timo, and thou tho earl, in a low
voice said :
"Yon will lot me atouo to you, Agatha,
for the wrong I did you -you will be
my wife?"
"I 11avo not thought of that," sho re•
plied, simply.
"I1, justice to yourself and to m0," dao
said. "Oh, my darliug, I deceived you
once, trust nl0 now. �I will spend the
reu:minder of my life in trying to atone
to you for the wroug."
"I can11013 say. Yes, I own that it is
rightful restitution-nothiug more. You
aro bound to give me hack the fair mane
of which you robbed, me. I admit that,
but tho q1ue8tiou must stand. Whilo
Beatrice Boos I must r0main with hor ;
if she (1338, I do not drink 1113,0 will bo
mach llopo left for either of us; if site
lives, I will think and decide."
"Will she live, do you think 1" 11e
"I :rave never thought her in such
Bangor as otllors have done, And now,
Vane," sho continued, "]v0 must part. I
shall stay at Penrith Castlo, In six
(months' time, if you wish, you can write
to 000 here, and i will givo you my do.
"Heaven grant that it may be 1 yes,' "
ho Dried.
"13oavon grant that it may 1)0 for the
boat," she added.
"Agatha," ho asked, "will you write
and tell me how Beatrice is? It will
oasonly heart and minden much,"
"I will write to you for that purpose,"
she replied, "but nob for any other;"
and he thanked 11er.
13mb:1 a did not dio. The visit, which
every ono thought was tho last of
hor life,roved to bo the turning -point
of her illness. Tho earl had left her
with, as ho thought, the last broad,
almost on her lips. Wlton she mono to
horsolf again, it wag wit11 it 301180 of
palm and rest to which sho had long
boon a straugor. 1b vary often happens
that a strong lovo dio8 under the in.
iluonce of a long illness; such was the
ease with hor, That she lovod hint
well enough to die for bine, wa8 tru0;
alio had oxponded what she thought to
bo her last breath and hor last degroo
of strongth in trying to (10 him good,
Ho had talon the doaclliost sting of
his tllorougld,n,1 short -Intro
"1)uchr:s "1' 1Vhitevah•" to 1
loftay, of 'I'nckoreinith, for $
11,,, 1)11.3 Hold recently to 1/1)
llitrhnll, ' l Ilibhort, 31 null (1,111'
1111)1:13 11113 x1313(1 Sena Act el
ion in I1luvnl f11)','o (:(llut boxes woe',,
Moho) iron: .1:,: Conrt.hous(; at (-t
oriel:. Un Saturday a hotel 111,
(0103(31 Bailey of that 111,11(8 w318
costed on the curifeeelou of 11 yo
:mined McPherson, who gave evid0
that lie laid stolen the 1)0x10: 111
30Ntig01100 of 111,3 iteo38011.
The town treaeuror of St. 3Luy'11 a
tUn')I of 3,500 iill1dai(3131le, receives a'
Hillary of $225 ; i1, llitc11e11, which
Lam 2,500 inhabitants, tlio soma ofile.
or gots $50 ; 111)(1 111 Chilton, a 2,600
town, tie salary paid is $100, while
in Soaferlli Mier° 'hero aro 3,000
peopld it is $75.
bpoalfiug of the 17r. Moore clope-
nlent-t11e Exeter' Time, says : It is
reported that this quite vdlege of
.Exelcr came clear 1 Wittig (e0 of
brightest orlanlents It few years a"
through somewhat :Midler circm
slide cos, It is gen trolly buffalo rob
and 1(00(8 that are a88a83wu(ed, wh
131)3 men manage to escape.
Cauacloaira Pore -INK.
(1"w I J. & d. Liviugstou 1)ev,, for Ila• farmers is
rote•, : the vieinityrd hru,sela who i,,3. ),d rni.:ia;r
200. (311:: during the rol,(iugae,31),) 1,:;U 1.1,3,.
11 101
(la of 313„ Hent Imp.;tr.l
t'a ft01,LAN1) Olt 01'1'('11 1411110,
iVhh'b they are prepared to deliver at their
f�W1 THE YEA 1)88 i.
out- 1 Mill 1,, 11rusoeN to fargner, in • letetitle•.
suit. '1'0 en01ns a 1 i0„d Crop, the 13est 9aed
is nbsolet,dy 1bge110d. 0,,1831 hardy. For
Flax grown from 11)1 above m'„ t $12 pox ten
wink( void, 11 of 3;0,,,1 gem -36, anti hervested
i1, Propel' sna8uu,
d. & .1. LIVI;�(;:ITh;;,
A. \'eb'ter, Manager, 37
the 3 1'1'1 STATE NOTICE.
i TU'1: 'I'3( t'1oli01T01tb,
Pur l.nnot t0 the Act 46 Cin , Cal,, s, (0utaric,
r [ Croy, t3,,, County, 01 5(810,3
yoobmn, who ,lied on or about the Tht]'tonoth
day of August, 1694, and o3bors having nlsinls
in respect 1)1 his iterate aro horoby notified to
send, 311 cr before the 17111 day of April, 1981, to
oho undersigned, ,n . of tho Executor, of the
said 0e tato, th„• b. trios and addresses and 1511
particulars of t.. ,- ..,elm and of the Loam Wes,.
1f a0l', hold by total and properly attested, ami
that Immediately after tho wild data the assets
of the said (10censod will bo 11:strlbutod moon i,et
(1,008 o0tltlod bher(", havin9 r0Gard only 40 i.0, dolma e,1 whloil the axrantnrtl halo thou n,th'e
lig f131,1they
ba(e4(1100131)n :unto for any 1(000113 s1)
y person of whose claim they
11- 1931)113 not aavoilldn0)1)0',
ee bated at Brussel,, A-01:011 26th, 18)1,
.23 .3 to-
Trios, KELLY, Executor,
The bribery plot trial has been pas
pored till llie 81st.
Full returns from the county
Elgin givo m majority for the Soo
Act 011,863,
7 he stoppage of the survey work on
the Canadian Pacific line from Port
iiloocly to Coal Harbor is causing
great excilemeut (rmo0g British Col-
umbia speculators.
The Ontario Government has ap
pointed John MacLennan, merchant,
of Lindsay, to lie vacant shriovality
of 'Victoria on the recommendation of
D. J. McIntire, M. P. P. for South
Information has been received at
tho Hudson Bay Company's house,
Montreal, of the moue of the crow of
Hie vessel, Prince of Wales, that left
Moose Factory in August last for
Eligland with $200,000 worth of furs.
After tido ship went asbora on a small
181nnc1, the crow landed and took up
their quarters in huts in the woods,
but were nearly dead with hunger
when discovered. Supplies have been
sent to their relief,
rif T1to subscriber is (315pare'd to do all ]finds
t of Painting, such as
Lake 6t. Clair, from Belle .River to
Stony Point, 1s still dotted with fish
shanties, some of thein three miles
from the shore, The chanties aver-
age 9x4 feet in size, and can be moved
whereever wanted. A hole is cut in
the ice, and a shanty set over it.
The fisherman sits by a small stove,
spear in hand, watching a decoy lain •
now. When a fish comes In sight ho
darts the spear at it. Muskalonge,
pilon, pickerel anti black base aro
speared. The fishermen spear from
daylight to dark, and average 75 to
400 pounds daily. The fish are sold
In Detroit at 5 and 6 cents a pound.
RAZING UP Ali OLD LAW. -The Brant-
ford Courier says -0n Tuesday last
at Onondaga, Dennis Legally and
:Robert Ireland wero arrested by a
coustal)lo from Norwich on a warrant
charging them with failing to pay the
rent of a farm, in contravention of
chap. 19, passed in George II reign,
which enacts that anyone removing
the chattels off a farm after the rent
is duo shall be ]nnloted in twice the
value of the goocle, and in default of
payment be sent to the house of con
rection. It appears that it year or
so- ago the defondents rented a farm
near Norwich from A. P. Miller not-
ing as agent for ono Dossing, a South-
ern gentleman, who owns the prop-
erty. They paid the first six month's
rent in advance, but owing to unrem.
unerative operations during the sea-
son were unable to meet the next
half yearly amount which became due
last February 2, A fow days prov'
lonely they accordingly left the farm,
removing their goods, and stating
their intention to enter into the dairy
business and pay the debt they owed
Miller as soon as possible. They
came home to friends in Onondaga In
the meantime and wore, as above
stated, apprehended last Tuesday,
and aro now in tho Norwich jail
awaiting disposal at the bands of two
.P's, This is the first time in Ont-
ario that any one has boon arreated
o)1 this statute of George II, It is
claimed that it is not 11, fin -co hare,
end that tbo lllagietratOs and pros.
cantor have laid themselves open to
cen8ur0 in connection with the pro.
ceed)ugs. The usual °o3rs0 in such
a case would have been for the plain.
tiff to Halo rued the dnfoudants in a
civil court. 'Tiro outcome of thomat•
tel' will bo awaited with s0m0 halo)'.
Graining' 1, 108pe0iali'.y.
Spring time will 80011 be at hand so leave
your Orders Early. Work done in tbo
most satisfactory manner and satisfaction
guaranteed. I will be fouled at my old
shop north of the bridge.
Wm. Roddick.
Auditors' Report 1384.
.1. McNair, 111aeco1111twith the Mental.
polity of Grey.
Balance from last audit 8 270 83
Error, 10 00
Malntosh & McTaggart for note
8 months, 500 00
Laud inlprovoment tumc1,
From Elnia Clerk on amulet of
drain cola. 5&0,1881, '82 &'84
Non-resident tax collected, 91 05
McIntosh & McTaggart, for note
13 months, 000 00
Tavern Inspector, bat, for 1883, 22 09
" license for 1884 160 87
McIntosh & McTaggart, for note
3 months, 500 00
Wui. Spence, engineer's oxpensee
ditches & water 003(,805 Act, 21 00
Boundary line fund, 183 68
Clergy reserve fund 30 21
Bank of ilamilton, for note two
Wm. Spence, ditches & water
course Aot, 43 50
County 7'reaa11081' ellaro 9 insane
persons, 77 50
License fund May lot to Dec. 30,
1881, 40 00
Treasurer Elmo, 00 account land
drainage 5 54
Treasurer Brussels R. R. dobont
ur08 159 67
Government School Grant, 581 00
County " " 531 00
From Collector at different times, 14737 20
Uncollected taxes on roll, 95 72
Uncollooted dog tax, g 00
(i9 84
28 81
500 00
819098 03
Roads and bridgos 81830 82
County rate, 4086 82
Trustees soh0ol tax, 6461 68
Government school grant,
83 00-
County ,I IL58100
Township drains and engineering, 12712000 00 G7
Paid money harrowed,
Salaries of township officials, .. , 670 00
8electi09 jurors, 12 00
Charity, 357 95
Gr,eu'slaw suit, 1193 82
Paid for gravel, 100 80
(301orume111 drain, con. 16 & 17,507ins00 34
Interest o1, 13. R. debenturos, , , 490 00
Drain, con, 5 & 8,
Sitio drain, con, 10 & 17, , IGS 3750
Prin, 74 86
Paid fortingwird fences, 1)t
Intoroston 1n0ney harrowed, .,,, 00 98
Muui0ipal election 1884, 40 81
Clerk postage and stationary, 90 00
Treasmar " " " 7 85
Non.rosidont tax collected, 1(4 58
Uncollected taxes on roll 1;;84, O5 72
Local Board of health,
Miscellaneous, 4410 7000
1lalanco on hand, 181 23
819008 98
7E Life undersigned auditor81 of 1,118
township of Grey certify that we
have axalnined tho Treasurer's accounts
for the past year and t10 Vouchers belong.
ing Iboreto and find Om Same correct,
Trea8arer'o) ALEX, STEWAIRT,
Office. j ,TAB, I,IVIAI3GSTON,
Grey, Feb. 20511, 1885. AOD1310543,
"A, Young i1'1's looih r'I
i `lhjo is tho 10 of our
Now 57.1,1133, written by
;1,0. P. 1.-2,07...d. •
C1,111)(wilct... with 1110 INT
( '1AcTeie, and i1' you a14'
not n()1)• a subscriber
Send Along four 1)011(01',
11s 311111 1110011llt will He- 1
- --POP '3'01.1:-
.BALANCI; O1' 1885.
Our Stories fire an in-
; te'reslillq 2,13111l'1 o1' ,1311'
paper and w t' 111' tluter-
mined to give none but i
I the nt:wr. The Story
many Botcher, ms 1ar thanking
Vie-• ad support for the 1,40G six y0ar0
wishes to 3ufor
w them that. 1)s.
fog limner] out of the old stand Sus fitted ll,
a shop to pes ors Nook in arst.ceters
where ho hopes to ace all the 0(11Moo,
call. and fol ke p nothing hutow arstcht st to l' meats,, all
kinds of Poultry and s unease Moat Delivered
to 141 parts of the '1',110 k'reo, ('us1, laid fur
Fat Block,
-0F THE ---
ion McNDeil and John leu ice aeon,D11110- L Ialn[ma,
Nancy Stewart Campbell, Nell Ceupbell,
J814306 Cuwpoen,Mysic or Marion Campbell,
Bohol Campbell, Charlotte Campbell, Hugh
Campbell, Donald Campbell, John Cumpietl,
Isabella Campbell, Edward onntobell, Dunoan
Campbell, Margaret Hughes, Veil/lam, Hughoo,
Alexa dorugt uldor�l,7ohn' Camp1 bort,
D000au Omnpboll. Donald (]timnboll, JamComon
c)81(8, Flora ht Touzlo,1so00r1 Mus e1onzte Is
An11u 1(511 •, 0100 Bony Peter Kelly, MarionIia05140, 1Villiaw 11,108tdo, Donald MoLoury
Margaret AfoLoury cud Elizabeth AicLour3-
DTo the above named 11810ud0o10 a ns nal 01,.
known personsheving 533 eteimfug any estate
or intoru5t in the lands and promises bore ln-
alter particularly (108013(3,0313
required tq talo uatiao that: foo' petition f i
partition of certain lands and Ire uieos at au, c.
All those oortai0 miracle or tracts of loud
and promises situate, lying and holm; in the
Township of Morrie, in 1a0 County or Huron,
and forming part of Lot number thirty in the
tenth Commission of the said Township of
Morris um oxo bov(onlend 1nicht, IInox village ,
ley, of the Village of Walton, as laid down on
u plan drawn by G. McPhillips, P, L. S, and
reg)oterod i0 the Registry Dales for the Country
Of Eluron,nnd also viaogo Lots vumbdre eight-
een, nineteen and twenty, in the 010100afd
Village o1 Walton, and being a part of lot 1b1a1 OountysofiHuron, will bes presout dr5to
the presiding Judge thereof, at h e chamber',.',
in the Court House, in the Town of Goderioh,
on Saturday, the Twenty-fifth dal' er.4pril,
1885, 01 '1'w'oleo O'clock. noon.
And you, and each and every of you, are
hereby requlrod to appear at the said. tare
Savo to rho and
anwhat mises above 80081(tbyon
ed and i1, default of your so appearing the
said oaten, will 1)s proueedod with i0 your ab.
Dated the 18411 day of Ahtroh, A .D, 1305.
PHILIP 1100'1',
fi8.31 in. Plaintiff,' Solloitor,
lir, Alex, I(elgatty, nnotiuneer, has re-
oeired iustruotions from the nudoraigned 10
e011 by Public Auction, on
Tuesday, Mar. 31st, '86,
AT LOTS 10 & 17, CON. 10, 011117.
The following 81301 --1 driving mare, 9
years old, 3 driving marc, 8 yrs. old, in fool
to "Magiaiau," 1 stallion, 3 yrs. old, Canad-
ian bred, general purpose, 1 stallion, 1 yoar
old, imported, and will bo sold subject 'to e
raservo bid, 6 Durham bulla, nndor 2 yrs. old,
pedigrees rogigtored in now Canadian Hord
Boole, 3 Durham cows, supp0e0d in Doll, 1
Durham 00w, with calf at foot, 1 Durham
baiter, 2 yrs, old, 3 grade cows, 0nppo otl 313
Half, 1. grade cow, with oalf at 10,113,1 tat cow,.
12 Leioastor °woo, 4 Leiooster ewe limbo,
Leicester ram lambs. Also 1 threshing ma .
obine, lips boon run by °team power.
s 3131004 to all�a portion Ad ilia axed.
lent stook,
Tartu m --All earn a 1)t aud under 86 cash ;
over that amount 10 months erodit. 6 per
tient, discount for 430811 on credit amOunts,
1Proprietor, Auctioneer,