HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-27, Page 44
-Is 1•I.i .t.•.,1, r:o-•
El" EBY/'7t'I11.11' 3101:A.1 Ned,
in time far the early mails, at the
liths i IIE1,:r, Puessxts, t srasn,.
TERSIs,--'.rhe subscription rate of '1'H4
POST is 01.ro per Annum in Adreanee, ,U1
subs:wiptime; most be paid at the time of
subscribing, if not s" paid 00.0(1 will be
charged. No paper discontinued until all
arrears are paid up.
tag rates will be eh:arred to those who
1 •isa 1 the
John McAdams, of \Vroxeter, has
coin]' to reside with :Donald Mcl)on all,
of the 1st con. of Grey, re report says.
Selected parties art• all the rape nl
this vicinity. An aceoriloon nod two
home-made violins furnish the music,
while th„ retnitiuder of the party en-
gage 1heII H(Ives alt games of flrfeits,
John 1;. \Vhito anal family have
moved to the 1st eon. of Carey. I7hoy
will ocetipy eolith halves of lots 18 &
14, which were previously pn;lsossed
OA • year : by Nobel White, who moved t) Algo•
district last fall. Johnto ft Hard
••- 00,...320 00 (ors= conn and ulaftltai1(1 the vale -
Ralf coliMM, 30 0u.... 2tt 00, . , , 13 1,U
Quarter " 20 u0.... 12 00,, x on able attribute •'htick•to- it-ive-cess,
Eighth 10 00..,. $ 00.... 0 00 Wo hid thein welcome.
Eight, cents per line for first insertion,
and three cents per line fur each subsequent
insertion. All advertisements measured
un Nonpariel--•10 lines to the inch.
Business cards, of eight lines mud under,
80 per annum.
Advertisements without specific direc-
tione, will be inserted until forbid, and
charged accordingly.
Instructions to change or discontinue
au tulver01 0ment mart he left at the count-
ing room of THE POST, net Inter than Mon-
day nom(( of each week. This is frnp'rati'r.
]:niton AND Pi:urit1E1'0E.
1 YEAH 011nx'rtr, 3 3Ic,Tas tea
I•, iIABf'II 37, 1885.
LAST K('Ni)XY was the 88th birth-
day of the Emperor of Germany
and was celebrated with great
Ursa predictions last week eon -
corning the probable result of the
Scott Act elections, on Thursday
of last week, were verified. St.
Thomas carried it by 11, Elgin by
over 1,700, and Lambton by •itbout
5,000. The Comity in Quebec
voted it down by about -40 of a
Tim session of the Local Legis-
lature is approaching a close and
the business is being pushed along
with greater rapidity. The decid-
ing to Dave new parliament build-
ings, the settlement of the Reader
question, the introduction of the
Franchise and Redistribution Bills
along with those of minor import-
ance will make this session: a
memorable one.
Louis Rn.L, the hero of the Red
River rebellion recently exiled from
Manitoba, is creating dissension
among the half-breeds in the
neighborhood of Prince Albert, N.
IV. T., and an outbreak is immin-
ent, The Militia are appealing
for arils to defend their homes.
Several Indian tribes are said to
have taken up with Itiel. Near
.liattleford they seized a number
cif whites and imprisoned them.
Troops will be sent from Winnipeg
to aid the Mounted Police if the
disturbers do not quiet down.
LAST week a battle was fought
between the British and Arabs, at
Suakin in which the latter suffer-
ed defeat and in another• battle
since that the British have again
asserted their supremacy. Gener-
al Graham is in command of the
;advance, Wolseley and his contin-
gent are still near Dongola. The
Arabs are fully alive to their situ-
ation and it in thought will contest
every mile of the ground before
surrendering. One thing is sur-
prising in connection with this
war viz., that what was considered
the great lone land, unexplored
anduuexplorable, has been brought
before the world in a most extra-
ordinary manner.
Tint war cloud in the East is
not clearing away very rapidly and
consequently the all absorbing
Soudan question has lost consider-
able interest to the generality of
readers compared to the subject of
Russia.and England having a tus-
sle. It does not appear to take
much to provoke a war that will
cost millions of dollars and prob-
ably thousands of lives. Great
l3ritaui, however, must see fair
play to all under her care or where
]ler interests are endangered by
wars] with other powers. What
the result may be is too difficult a
problem to speculate upon but it
appears quite evident that the
time has not yet arrived "when
men shall love war no more," rath-
er the opposite with "wars and
rumors of wars."
1 The Plymouth Brethren are hold-
ing a series of Gospel leni)Ug4 in
Dalnen' Hall. -It is seed that Ihe Sal-
vation Army is coming to Craubrook.
—The sacrament will be dispensed in
Knox church on Sabbath next, Ilre-
parstory services on Friday rind Sat.
urd.0. Thin lisgiving service on
Sabbath evening. Bev. Mr. Moss, of
Pensees, is expected to conduct the
service 011 Sabbath evening.—George
Cenghill, formerly 0 resident of this
place, is. it is said, keeping 0 grocery
st0r0 in the Orkney Islands, Ile
states that lin would prefer breaking
stones in Gunadta than keeping a
grocery store in the Orkneys. --Tho
s0ch11 held iu the Presbyterian church
last Friday evening was quite en en-
joyable ono.
lLiter oeve- '].
Spring show here ou April 15th.
Tho pupils of the iligh School
give au entertainment at Attwood ou
Friday evening.
Barker Sr Co, have a clock with an
illuminated 24 o'clock dial at their
Wm. Welch has taken his beetle
ate partnership in the boot cE silo
Hon. Finch is to lecture un "Pro
hibition" next mouth.
The skating rink has been leased
at $25 a mouth fora roller rink.
"Sins of the pews" was the subject
of a lecture delivered in the Presbyter-
ian Church by Rev. arr. tlampbell,
last week,
Tho following officers were elected
for the Poultry association for the
ensuing year : President, Thos. Male;
Vice -President, H. E. Ram ; 'Troas-
rarer, A. J. Collins ; Secretary, R,
B1t11-sssPlcn's ASSOCi,lTrON.—Tho
annual meeting of the Listowel Bee-
keepers iessooiation Was held at the
Queen's hotel on Friday, 21st inst.,
a good number of members being
present. All the old officers were
re-elected, viz : Robe, Forrest, Presi-
dent ; Chas..lIitclieli, Vice-Preeitiont ;
Geo. Brown, Sec,-Treas. The As -
notation was reported to be in it
flourishing condition, and rapidly in-
creasing in membership. Some
Dietetical discussions tools place Ed•
wards Bros,, of Edwardeville, exhibit-
ed to the meeting a double•walled bee-
hive which they have designed and
which they purpose manufacturing
on an extensive scale. The beehive
upon examination by members of the
Association, made a very favorable
impression, being pronounced an ex.
cellent invention, and as its price
($1.75) is considerably lower than
other doable -walled hives it will no
doubt command ready sato. Obas.
Mitchell exhibited a number of apiary
appliances, indispensible to the suc-
cessful beekeeper. A motion was
passed thanking S. it, Hossou,
for his prompt compliance with the
wishes of the Association in malting
an effort to have the duty taken off
Read our new story commencing
next week.
A. R. Smith has removed his stock
of goods to Oranbrook.
The revival services in the Metho.
dist church have been closed.
Service will be withdrawn in the
Presbyterian chureti next Sabbath as
it is sacrament Sunday at Cranbrook.
Rev. R. Paul preached an appropri-
ate funeral sermon on the deeeaso of
oar late villager, Thos. Ratoliffe, last
Sunday evening.
An old man named Robertson, aged
86 years, died last Sunday and was
buried on Tuesday at Trowbridge.
It was a fearful rough clay too,
\V. P, Davies and David Dobson
started for Min1)06o0r this wook, Mr.
Davies bite a large tract of land in
that State and intends putting in a
good big crop this spring.
T. G, Itatol ill's, 1(110 was home from
Ottawa for the past few weeks on ac-
count of the ilineas of his father. re.
turu,d to the met last Monday. lie
is attending the Normal School in
the city nwutioned ((hove.
Mr. (filbert, of Listowel, who has
worked ut 110 coopering hero for tho
past few( years, has been engaged t0
worn( itp the stock of timber the late
or ((u(Orninelit townsilips lying ,101h -east
of the original "1l'iron 'Tract" of the ('nn.
ad.1 Company, being butted and honuded
on the northwest b11' the (00(11811)ps af'('urn.
herr), awl 1[owick in the County of harem,
and 1Vallwe in the eonn1y of Perth ; on
the south-east by the township of lama in
the cunmly of Perth ; on the south by
the tow r llip of Logan in the :snotty of
Perth, and )1rliillop in the seamy of !fur.
0111 and ou 311e west by the t)(V1l hip
Thomas In Its physical topography, (trey is for
lh30013 Ratcliffe hall on hand. Ile the fleet part 00 inviting territory, the
\till hove here with 1118 1atuily', regular irregularity of its e1•culy lulevett
i• surface being such as to addn beauty to
Win 1peuc0, nu0 obliging pont- the lands,•1pc, 011,1 el1,n•d praetieal'lnd
Master, is away at 13rneefiel,l this cheap natural drainage to ((Base\ every
week vieiti11,3 Bev. (tt•. ThOIUp1On, nen. in its 101,11,18, excepting a portion of
the eastern and south-eaet'n•n x1011(1,
moving to liurfurrl Inlet, 13ritixh Col• which is swampy; while in the ,'hamster
of its snit it eol.tpnrev fnvornlly 1(4111 those
111111)1(, Faun, as he has accepted a tewesltips eenaidered the richest.
call there, The 11rst settlement by any white roan
0131T.—It fulls to our lot this weep tuns 1y 0 French Canadian named 13eau-
chanip, who lived for some time whero
3Innfrvn luny IS, though the precise date of
his 1 eati0,1 is uncertain. But be had
lived there some time, and afterwards re-
moved and occupied the lot where the riv-
er cro:aes thu] cona0ssien a short distance
0(011 of the present village of Cranb.took,
mid wax located at this point before he was
followed by any other ; so that his original
The hatter g"ntleunut intends re•
to write It few lines concerning the
death of an old and highly respected
resident of this; place, w0 refer to
Thos. Ratcliffe, who died ou Thurs-
day of last, we: k. 11tH ball was 11(16
unexpected as ho hull been id for
some time. ilis dieerre was iyspep-
eia and he suffered 1a great deal be-
settlement mist lawn been previous to
fore bis release. The deceased was 1800, as Joilu Mitchell (tv110 was aftorwtards
fat' lllally yla•e Deputy Reeve, and elle of
born in Walesby, Nottinghamshire, ale leading nun in the township's public
England, Came to America when 20 affairs)
settled 1,t 1110 situ of thu plosout
years of age and settled in York Co, village of ei iosworth in Jutta, 131)2, anti
He learned the coopering trade and
en well did lie imam:wand his /118100813
that his equal Was 1101 to be found in
Beauchamp had already been some time
in his second location. Mr. Mitchell was
the (0(11)111 settler in the township, and the
next residents were 110 early settlers of the
the manufacture of anything in his present (phage of 131010 (s. Among those
Niebe eauu, in there Obit:her, 18 24 were
line, The deceased wits mttl•ried at Peter, 101111, cud lluueau Feit,nsat, Robert
Thornhill to Miss Atkinson and ns a sad 3onakd ,IR+Nanghtun, Peter allcDonald.
reinit of tits union there were eight the Hislop family, iueludiug fath00 and as
children, ti daltglht••h•s and 2 soils, munbero[ growu•up puns, . Douglas
r and family of five sons, Thomas Blackie,
born to them. Phe mast of the fam' ,games ,f. Ford, the Selhtrs family, the Ole.
ily are settled 11x0113(11 bore, 010.. lire. I'adzuan 1n•othurs, John Stewart, Jolla
Joseph Wbelptou, Ethel ; 111•x. Alex, Blair, Donald Allen, fund \131.00 fanulies of
Mosier, Newmarket Mrs. W. A. Lamuuts. From this time forward t1s
Oalbielc, 13russel1 ; Mrs. Jim. Keys,
settlement 10(38 rapid, and the growth and
fie; •J. H. Itateli$e, Buffalo; The public record, of Grey slow t1
township to have leen organized as a sep-
arate municipality in 1856, and the minutes
of the first meeting of the Council are dat-
ecl "Grey, concession 11, lot 10, January
21st, 1856 ;" and from them it appears that
" The following gentlemen, composing the
" Cuuncil-elect, assembled here this day at
" the appointed time, viz.:—Peter McDon-
" aid, Peter 1 ergasou, Robert Leckie, John
" Robertson, and Thomas 5(•,01((11; when
" a lir. McDonald being elected Chairman,
" DULIt'ml 1'erguson ]vas appointed Seoro-
taly of the meeting. The sovemal mem-
"• burs having respectively tendered their
" oaths of office, Mr, Robertson mored,
seconded by Mr. Leckie, and carried,
" that Peter McDonald bo Reeve for the
" present year * * *, " The nlfuutes
are signed by John Stewart, whom the
Council appointed the first Town Clerk.
Mr. McDonald held the position of Reeve
uninterruptedly for nine years, ending his
development uninterrupted,
Mrs. J. A. Caldbicic, New \Vostmm•
ster, 13. 0. ; 11tH. E. Tompkins, Eth-
el, and T. G. Ratcliffe, 310w' at Otta-
wa. All the family worn here during
the father's illness except Mrs. Gal•
hick, from 13ritesh Columbia. Mr.
Ratcliffe was a leading member of the
L. 0, L. and Treasurer of the Sons
of Temperance Order for the past 8
Or 10 years. Ho had lived hero for
about 18 years a11d was universally
respected by ell who knew him. He
died triumphing over death. The
funeral on Saturday, despite the in•
teneo cold, was largely attended, the
above Societies and Rev. 11r. Paul,
taking charge of the burial servioes.
The hymn "Nearer my God to Theo"
was sung at the grave. We noticed term of oflice witl1 the year 1864, when he
the following relatives and friends 1 was sneceealed by elrchihald lisDunald,
from a distance :—Oliver Smith, of 1
°no of tlo ollest settlers in the 001/31100
King township ; Mrs. Pulford, Walk- ofce for three yenrstip$o woad folIowedt10
Meilen 27, 1888,
Manitoba is t1l,' watchword,
Sp1•ine Show itel'e on Friday, April
The quoit cl1b and base bell boys
are organizing for Next sondem,
The Saved Army )(eve 130e11 having
tt large time 11118 weeny with a jubilee,
Saone of the town lxaporH aro putout;
up the fhnulcil ou th. ratirmtd gneH-
'rile Exchange will be rtut as a tem-
perance. boas., 1>.y Clete, Schmidt,
after 11ay 1st.
J. T. Mitchell, u1 the Vitiate, bas
taken 10 lunged' a \vile, The happy
bride wa8 a hiss Mullin, of Cicorgc•
$80 was banded the town band for
their services during the meeting of
the Orange Grand Lodge hero a few
weeks ago.
\Vho will be the individual to secure
the license for selling 110311r8 under
the Scott Act is the glnnatiou. The
Board of Commisnlclners clot at Godo•
rich this
1 week.
Tho beating of our public 8011001
building is anything but satisfactory
and ]although la largo quantity of fuel
is consumed the rooms ere often far
from being even comfortable.
1\'iliiuui 15htclt has secured tho 00u-
traet for the conveyance of mails ho•
twee.0 hero and oeswtater. Ito fc to
begin nn lot April. The mail will
leave here shortly after11 a,nl. after
the arrival of the L., 11. & B. train,
and return in time to catell the L
I1. & B. going south at 2:50 p,m,
Everybody is wishing for spriug.
Grey Council ml101308 appear in
this isms.
0 Thele are ft great many people ou
the sick Het just now.
'.11110 ]abstract of the Auditors' roper
may be found in tide iesne.
Read our new story, commencing
next week, entitled "A Young Girl's
wooing, by E. P. Roc,
Quite a number of the boys in this
looalityare members of Prof. Bnllocic's
horse educating chtsoes. They appear
to enjoy 1t.
AI, McFadden, barrister of Exeter,
son of our old friend Uriah McFadden,
has been haviug a busy time of it lat-
ely attending the various assizes and
courts where he had business. Ho is
succeeding famously.
The subject for disouesiou at rho
Farmers' Olub, held in Shine's School
hoarse, on Friday evening, is which
pays the better stall feeding or graz-
ing whom beef is wanted 2 The sub-
ject is a live and interesting one to
A gentleman has been canvassing
some of the farmers in our township
as to taking stock in the now Traders
bank to be opened in Brussels. Several
have consented to 1(alt0 shares and
more will follow, as outside of the ie.
vestment, the bank will be a great
convenience to the people of the stir -
rounding country.
Robt. Work arrived home from
Dakota last week looking halo and
hearty. Ino says some of the Harmers
had sowed grain before ho loft and
plowing 0(1)8 being doue by others.
Prices for grain are keeping up well,
Mr. Work will go back again in the
0011r90 of a month and continuo his
farming. D.43. McIntosh will also go
west at the same time.
Free.—Last Friday forenoon the
dwelling of Al. S. B. Maginn, lot 28,
con. 8, about a mile east of Ethel,
was destroyed by fire, The fire orig-
inated at the roof, catching, it is sup-
posed, from the stovepipe. Mrs,
Maginn was alone at the time of the
fire, but neighbors came to her assist,
ance and saved the most of the house-
hold goods. Their place was not in-
sured. Ho will rebuild in the spring.
Some of the member of the Brussels
Mechanics' Institute are complaining
because of the oocasional non-attend-
ance of the librarian on the days and
flours for changing books. Now, your
correspondent does not take advantage
of this as a means for to insunato that
country members aro bettor able to
conduct the affairs of the Institute
than those of the town, not by any
moans, but on the other hand can
testify to the very able management
of the library and would not cease to
have access to such a fino collection
of books for twice or thrice the pros.
ant membersblp foe, bat only states
the above as a hint that such, if true,
sllonld be avoided lest it tend to re,
(aril the increase of cotutry members
erten : Mrs. Brothwaite, Clandeboye;
Hiss F, Ratcliffe, Toronto, and H.
Williams and wife, of Durham. A
strange coinoidence in Airs. Ratcliffe's
family is that 5 sisters aro all wit•
own, Mrs. Ratcliffe making the fifth.
The subject of this notice was (34 yrs.
and 10 months old at the time of his
With a cheese factory on tho north,
east, south, and w091 of us we ought
to do well,
Allan Speirs contemplates taking n
trip to the 01d Country next spring.
He was over last year.
Bank barns, new houses, wire
fences, 40 are on the program with a
number of our farmers.
The minutes of the township Colin -
oil came to hand too late for this issue.
They will appear next weelc,
Our now story "A young girls woo-
ing," by E. P. Roe, commences next
week, Read it. Tim Peer will be
sent the balance of the year for one
Daniel MoQuarrie intends going
to the Northwest soon to take ohargo
of a farm for S. Grigg, of London,
for the summer. The boys will man-
age the farm hero. Quite a number
of others also intend going west.
So you aro going to have a charter-
ed bank at Brussels aro you 2 We
saw a gentleman named MacKellar
canvassing for shareholders in this
township. A number of our farmers
approve of the idea,
The Ontario Gazette of Saturday
contains the following notice of inoot••
poratio11 :—Tho Boigrovo Cheese and
Butter Manufacturing Company has
been incorporated for the manufacture
and solo of cheese and butter in the
township of East Waweuosh. The
Incorporators are: --Wm. Wray and
James Russell, of Morris township,
Huron county ; John Robertson, John
Coulton mutt Janos Owens, of the
township of East \Vitavanosb, Huron
IIIBT00)cAL (lolsrcn, -•In shape, this town.
ship in that of a rectangle, approaching
nearly to it square, the projection of its
bounds running nearly midway between rho
cardinal points, in size it is rho third in
the county, containing 04,746 doges, the
largest soper(lcial area of any township,
except Ilowielc and Ashfiolel. In position,
it is the eastern (in the county) of the range
tau by John Leckie, during the years 1808
to 1872, inclusive ; when he again filled the
office for one year, 187) ; at the end of
which Thomas Strachan, the present. in.
eumbent, was elected to the position, and
has retained it by re.election each succeed.
iug year. In 1863 the township became
entit1011 to a Deputy Reeve, and John
Mitchell, of Molesworth, was the first elect-
ed, holding the position by re.81006ion for
There are quite a number of post villages
in the township. Two of them, Iienfryn
and Ethel ars railroad villages ; but this
one fact constitutes the chief advantage
0vor the other villages in the township.
The latter 1100r the centre of the township
of Grey is by far the more import-
ant of the two, however, coutaiuing large
steam mills, taverns, stores, and mechanics'
shops of various kinds.
Cranbrook—known as "The Plot," from
the fact that the Government laid it out for
a "town"—is situated near the centre of
the townnhip. James Tuck, who built the
hotel which his eon still carries 011 in the
village, was the first settlor in "The Plot,"
having settled and built his hotel, the first
public -house in the township, in August,
1854, three yea's before the Government
laid it out in 10t8. A store and poet office
was opened in 1855 by Wm. Tanner. The
place now contains throe stores, two hotels
and a number of mechanical establishments
and has a daily mail off Brussels, 5 miles
distant. The population is variously stated
at from 250 to 500.
Molosworth, on the north boundary, is
partly iu the township of Wallace. It was
settled first by the Mitchell brothers, pre.
viouely mentioned. 11 ]las a daily mail off
Listowel, an office of tho Montreal Tole.
graph Company, a store, hotel, and several
]mechanics' shops of various kinds.
Walton, at the southern corner of the
township, is also partly in Morris and Mc.
Killop, It contains post and telegraph
Oleo, two hotels, two stores, steam saw
mill, with all hinds of minor mannfactur-
iug establishments to supply the local de -
]nand ; and has a daily mail both ways to
and from Brussels and Seaforth per stage,
the former distant 5 utiles, and the latter
10 miles.
Jamestown mud 11m'risbank, on the Mor-
ris town tine, are simply post offices, though
at the former place, sitmated at the crossing
of the iutddlo branch of the htaltland, there
aro indications of a village springing up,
in the way of a store, hotel, blacksmith
shop, 330 , ,3o,
The impresnton obtained from a perusal
of names of the various officials, ale., from
time to time, would impress one with the
idea that (ho inhabitants aro chiefly 1•eotoh
and this impression is borne out by the fact.
Whether or not this oironlnstnnce is the
cake, it is at all events the foot that the
people of Grey comprise as a whole one of
the most intelligent rural cmumunitiee to
be found anye 130(0 in the whole Province,
an opinion formed upon first negttaintauee,
to bo strengthened by further intercourse,
and corroborated by all wlioso experience
ban given thorn the knowledge on which to
baso a comparison.
Tho Manitoba Logislaturo was open-
ed on Thursday of last week.
Mayor Nash, of Emerson, formerly
of London, was fined $10 and costs a
few days ago on complaint of Alder-
man J3eemo. The offence consisted
in ordering the policeman to remove
the Alderman from hie chair at the
Council board without first obtaining
a judgment of the court that the seat
was illegally hold,