The Brussels Post, 1885-3-27, Page 31 ‘t, NON Manua, 27, 1886, T.1-111 13RUSS,ELS POST 3 Mtiefm, - - T111OLD MAN GOBS TO TOWN. Well wife, I'm boon to 'Frisco anI called to see the boys,— I'm tired, au' nuire'n half tloaned with tho travel and tho noise ; So sit down by Om chimney, and nad my weary bones, And tell bow I tiros treated by our 'Hato- cratio 00011. AB 80011 as 1 reached the city, 1 liuntod up 01Ir Dan To know he'll now tho toilebratcal wholosalo bitable:so man, I walked dowu from the clopo'—but Dan koepo a country spat— An' I thought to im hump with him, an' rest my weary feet. M1 the way I kept a-thiuldn' how famous it 'utl lo. To po 'retold town togother—ruy grown.up son an' 1110--. An romeinber tho old thous, when my little curly hoed, Coo to cry out illoodmight, ptipa4P from his littlo trundle bed. novor thought a minit that ho wouldn't want to see, His gray an' worn old fathor, or would be ashamed of ma So whim I soon. his odic% with his sign writ out in gold, walked in without knookin'—but tho old loan was too hold. DIM was BMW' by tho table, an' a writin' ill Et, b00k; Ho knowed me in a s000nd, but ho gave rite ouch it look He never 0,11111 word o' you, but axed about tho grain, An' ef 1 thought tho valley didn't need a littlo rain, I didn't stay a great while, but inquired after Rub; Dan said ho lived upon tho hill -1 think they call it Nob -Au' whon I left, Dan, in a tone, that almost broke mo down, Said, 'Call 111 an' seu mo won't ye, when- ever you're in town ?' It was rather late that ovoidal' when I found out Robert's louse; There was II1USiC, lights an' tiamin', and a mighty big carnage. At tho dour a nigger met me, an' ho grin - nod from ear to oar, Sayiu', 'Itourds ib invitation, or you nebber got in here. said I was Bob's father ; an', with anothar grin, The nigger loft ma standin' au' disappear. ed within. Bob came out on the porch, he didn't order 1110 tic0/17, lint 110 said he hoped to see me in his uillee the next clay. Then I started fur a tavern, fur I knowea there, anyway, They wouldn't turn ino out so long's Pd money fur to pay ; An' liob an' Dun had left mo about the streeto to roam, An' tioither of them axed ma if I'd money to git holm. It may bo the way o' rich folks—I don't say as it Is or not— But wo remember some things Dan and Rob had ;pito forgot ; We didn't quite aspect this, wife, when, twenty years ago, We mortgaged the old homestead to give Bob an' Dan a show. I didn't look for Charley, but I happened just to meet Him with a lot o' frionds o' his'n down tho streak; I thought I'd pass on by him, for fear our youngest son Would show he was ashamed o' in°, as Bob an' Dan had (lone. But as soon as Charley seen me, ho right Moro 'eat all, Said, 'God bless mo, thera's my father 1' as loud rio ho could bawl. Then ho introduced Ivo to his frien'a, an' sent 'ern all away, Tellin"ein ho'd Boo 'ern later, but was busy for that day. Then he took me out to dinner, an' ho axed mo about the house, About you an' Sally's baby, an' tho chic- kens, pigs and cows; Ho axed about his brother's, addin' that 'twas mighty queer, But ho hadn't soon one uv 'om for mighty nigh year. Then bo took tno to hie lodgin', in au attic four otairs high— Ho said he liked it bottor 'oause 'twos near. er 10 1110 sky, An' he said, 'I'vo onlyono room, but 1117bed is very wide;, An' so svo slept together,—me en' Oluirloy, Facto by sick. Noxt day we wont togother to the groat Mechanics' Fair, An' some o' Charloy'o piotors was on ex- hibition there; He said if he ;multi sell 'am, Which he hop. ed to, pretty soon, He'd nutIto 00 u, visit, an' bo rioher than Muldoon.' An' so two days 1111' nights WO passed, an', when I come aWay, Poor Charloy said the timo was short, an' begged rim fru' to stay ; Then 110 took me in a buggy an' druv me to tho train, An' said in,jnat a little whilo he'd goo 110 all agent. You know svo thought our Charloy would novo) wino to much; 110 was always reading novels an' pootry on' total ; There was nothing on the farm ho ovor seemed to soma; to an, en' when ho took to ortintin' lie Msgr.-gad mo eloor through. so we givo to Rob on' Dan all we has to 01111 our ONV11, Ism' loft poor Cluttley penniless to make his way alone ; Do's only a poor pointor—Rob and Dan aro rich as tin; Bob Charley's worth tho pair of 'rim with all their gold thrown in. These two grand mon, dear v/ifo, wore mice our prattling baboo—ail' yot It soma aa 11 a mighty gulf 'twixt them 111111 be oob; An' they'll never know the old folks till likes troublod journoy'a past, An' rich au' poor are tomal undernoath tho sod at last. An' maybe, whon, we all meet on the re. surreation morn, With our earthly glories fallen bit, Elio hanks from tho ripe corn, When the rightoom Hon i/f Mau the awful mit01100 131111.11 110V0 Tho brightoot crown that's shining thoro may bo 011 Charloy's head, estanstdirtax Iierowei. Chatham is figuring on a $50,000 Roman Cataluna cathedral. The Toronto Globe hoe in two yeara paid 011 1110 indehtnese of $00.000. Rev. Dr. Vertion, of Galt, has be. come iusano—the result of using liar. ootice to 0u0000 Edwin Smith, deputy shoriff of Brantford and governor of tbe gaol there, died last Thursday afternoon, Tho Dominion Government is re- ported to hove purchased the North Shore Railway from Quebec for $5,• 000,000. The Governor Gonoral is to be in- vited to ()Len tho Provincial Exhib. ition this year at London on the Oth September. Ransom Forbes, 10 gaol at St. Tom- as for the murder of Stillwel on .New Year's Day, has gained twenty pounds since: his imprisonment. D, E. Cameron, ofLucknow, is an- nounced to deliver a series of address• es in Wellington county shortly ou behalf of the Scott Act. Jamee Boyle, au ox•Toronto jour- nalist, has been nominated as tho Ropublican candidate for the Lieut- enant -Governorship 0( 01)10. Woodstock has been selected as the point at which will bo held the next annual Fat Stook Show under the auspices of the Ontario Agriculture and A.rt Aesociation. The safe at the Merriton railway station, the tgent of which—Alex. McKenzie—is missiug has, been op- ened by au expert, and tho sum of $600 found to be missing. A Kingstou telegram saye nearly twenty Orangemon aro said to have withdrawn after the late meeting of tho Grand Lodge. Discussions on local cases brought this about. T. Squire, of Gosfield, has a pup, born about a month ago, minus a tail. The place where the tail ought to bo allows no iudication that 110-011 au appendage was intended to be there. Constable Armstrong, of Toronto, who was shot by Littlo while attempt- ing to arrest the latter a couple of woeks ago, te suffering from paralysis of the injured limb, and will bo crip- pled for life. The Agricultural and Arts Asso- ciation has declined to accede to tho request of tato farmers in the county Grey to postpone the openiug of the next Provincial Exhibition frona 7111 to 22nd of September. John Erskine, a farmer near St. Thomas, fall from a straw stack while throwing down fodder to a drove of cattle and alighted ou it cow'a back. One of tho it”inial's horns entered his neck and killed him, An act has been passed by the Ontario Legislature authorizing the County of Essex to hien° $5,000 worth of debentures, the money to bo oxpentled in the erection of buildings for agricultural fair purposes. Someone pub a flask of powder in- to the oven 0( 0110 unused stove in the house of Robert Hall, Manville. Tuesday a domestic lighted ri firo in the stove, not knowing anything about the contents of the oven, and soon an explosion took plito. Tho stove was blown to atoms. Tho people of Strathroy are just now considerably agitated over what is known as the MeGowory suit. John McGarvey made a claim on the Council some two or throo years ago for $600 damages, alleged to have boon sustained by water divorted towards his lots on Froub stroet. Tho claim WILS resisted, and later some at. tempts at settlement had failod was triod in (shimmy, the result being atl- 00.00 10 1110 101011, An appoal was taken to 11 higher 001101 iu Toronto, end hero again the denLion, a few clays logo, WW1 ttgaiust tho towo. Camaro:, Peterson woro retained throughout for the town'Ft:Lim:boo & Going for MeGowey. On Tuedity ev- ening a nines meeting was hold in tho B'iremon's Hall, moro ospocielly to ooneider tit° prodectitor's bill of costs. It wes fbuably roHolvod to ran tho 0011010 111110110) to the Town Council to take what action thoy May thitik proper, The -total costs, which must be paid by the town, will amount to at least $4,000, whilo the property in question is probably not worth one•tentli of that amotint, Nowry Sprmg Show 1441 Tuesday, April 14th. NATIONAL. ROLLER WI ILLS. Tbe Mitchell Spring Show 10 an, nouneed for April tho 10th, If, 1)nsty wits eleonel to lilt the vacancy in the St. )1arys Council, n clans( d by tho res1,9,4) ..r H. A. L. 177Me vanoto e 84 SO11$ Proprietors. 1), bito, Sitemel Maxwell, 4.01 M1),(1 pre1nis• PS 011 1101113 streaj illieit still was seized 01: Tneedey night, We have much phmsure ill annosineing 1.) dupublic that (my NeW last, was fined $100 (1 1),1 mlitolefid Roller Mill is in Cwlupb 1' i i011lllmig Order and is giving thy1101 Satis- to throo 111001110 il11prie011 13101,1, tad i011, Jae. Hughee, V. S., of 'Mount I"or- eat, lie:: 11)1 i1 autiev that tho Govortior in Council, had app.:04yd hi;;; Veterinary lospector for tho Nor- th Hiding of the (,,notof Welling. ten, A society cielepos,,1 on( iroly of lad- ies hes boon formed in 1411s0eintion with the St. Yillestit do Pani 00010ty, of St. Josaph'e church, Stratford, to provide relief 1 n• tho euffermg poor of all denominatione or thv. to cvn, vuttErnm. A sound eleepor—He who snoroe. Report from the Love Marlcet ; Ile made an advance ; 13110 a decline. No braes band can play as many airs 3131 a 11 0 11 111 •major can put fin, A golden rnle—Don't call 00 your adversery jest to hoe 1111:11 140 drew. The drunk.0.10 bofu mo r001 11 tha industrious life is earu-nest. Adam and E Ye trocloced nudroes- ed kids along with tho fall styleg, Sometimes Lim 400111811 40110 11 110.1titt bruool tho least needs tho 011st. O'DonoViL11 Pt.).;Sa, 00110 has an al, leged knowledge of dynemite, now knows something of tho tvidow's might. Why did Mrs. Dudley :Moot Erma in tho back 7 Because she feared that if oho shot hun in the fact it would glance of his ohaelc." A singer in Michigan college pe.por anxiously inquires : "Why comes uot my lover to me 7" Have you thought to chain up the dog dear girl 7 Latly—"You have no beaux, oous• Ins or men to bother around, I hope?" Servant (seeking a plece)—"Nary a wan, natim ; only an owld baste of 0. husband." "Does your furnace draw well 7" asked a landlord of his tenant. "I should say it did. Why it draws my balance out of tho beuir every month," bo replied, as he hurried to tho ooal- dealer's to order another load. A little Scotch boy, on his being roe cued by a bystander frim the flock into which bo had litho, saying : -1 am Ho glad that yon got mo out. What a 'Hokin' I Wail 111000 got frac mo author if I had been drooned," nary Sullivau, tho Irish tragedian Watt playing 10 "Itietiard 111, ,amne yours ago at Bhrowehn ry, in England. When the aator 041110 to Elie 110118 "A horse 1 a horse I My kingdom for a horse 1" some one in the pit called out : "Wouldn't an 00001 do you, Mr. Sullivan 7" "Yei" responded the tragedian, turniug quickly on the interrupter, ''p1031110 0011113 round to the stago door." was during a murder trial. A. wilnoes for the defence 103413 00 the stand. "What do you intend to prove by this witness 7" ailed the judge. "That the prisoner is insane," ropiled the attorney. 'Doo the witness know anything about insanity ? Is he au expert 7" "Expert 2" repeated the lawyer. "Well, I should say ho was. He know:: all about insanity. Why your Honor, he has boon as crazy as a loon for theau past ten Yettrs.; Ao.To Was boying.—At ono of tho theaters the other evening a man who'll:Id a seat botween his wife and daughter loft it at the uloso or an net for a trip down stairs. 'When he re:. turned he found a vacant seat two rows back betweon two women, and droppod into it with the reinark : "As I was saying wlion went out, it'a none of your pudding tvliat other 40O00011 wear. Because soma ono else makes a fool of herself by wearing ootton stockings in the winter, it doesn't fol- low that you must do tho same." "Sir I" came from both sides of him at once, and tho way he vacated that seat made 11131 solos of his boots red• hot, "What aro you buying now 2" ask ed Ned Stevensou of Androw Pow.d1 on Mooting tho lea tor in Boll's jewolry store. "I am looking fox 041100 pro.i. out to give my wife on her birthday. I tell you making proeents costs 11. heap ot' money." -Why don't, ytm do as 1 lo 7 I have nover hule,1 to maim iny wife presout on hor birth• day ovary year (or twenty-five years and I am not out cue (tent time far." "How do 7011 among° it ?" "It Is vary eimple. After 400 wero merried, when her birthday eamo around gavo her It twenty dollar gold piece. When my birthday came around she gave me tho twenty dollar piece back, and WO havo kopt, 111,11 0171 over since ! and neither of us is out a cow." SHORTS, EAL, ORAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON HAND. We also mak'boo Mho% h:g Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing 'Attended to with Promptness. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. _EJ _A_ S"I2 :El TT IR, 01\T C A It I. A E \VOIL1.S JAMES BUYERS —MANUFACTURER OF-- BUGGIE 8, CARRIAC ES, DEMOCRATS, WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, &c., &c., all made of the Bost Material and finished 111 a workman -like manner. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. limirminicons.—Mc.reden Smith, 13. Laing, James Cutt and William McKelvey, Grey township ; Wm. Cameron, Won. Little, Geo. Brewar, and David Breckenridge, Morris townshi? ; Thos. Town and William Blashill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirldon, and T. II -"right, Turn - berry township. REMEMBER TI -IE STAND—SOUTII OF BRIDGE, �.A.S. 13 E T E L co -RI IT ek 317,71e,, -Ex /a The undereigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding,Thas now the Mill in First -Class Running Order, and will bo glad to sou all his Old Customers and its many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour an.c nea Alway$ 011 Encl. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD WHEAT. -Vcr M• MIL IV M. E RE a Commencing l'oby. 21u1, 1895, tho following editions of Tao DAILY GLonn will be mai:lad to subscribors,throughout Canada, tho United. Statos and Groat Britain: DAILY GLOBE—Morning Edition .. 3 mos. $1.75 60100. 03.60 12 mos. 07.00 DA0110 401.00E-12 o'oloolc 0 .. 0 1.00 0 2.00 0 4,00 DAILY Gxonn— 3 0 00 1.00 0 2.00 Deux GLonri—Baturday Morning clitton o 35 0 05 THE 3.\1 EEKLY GL SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP—TWO MONTHS 01.-1-1.-Y" 15 0=1Ni-TS 1.25 We want to increase our prosont largo list of subscribers by ton thousand within alp next 3011875, and for this 011011000 (1(1100 tho abovo liberal and unprecedented offer. In addition to the above 111,era1 offer woman:: the following : ANY01411SSIMIlici CS 15 cents and 5 subscribers wilVrocroiVe an extra cony for two maths from r.60 and 10 subsoribors will receive an oxtra copy for flva months free, 2.25 and. 10 subscribers will 1000(00 11 copy of Biography of the late Goorge Brown. 3.00 and 20 subscribers will 0118(0011 oopy of Tmo Wiongt,'Y tmonm for ono year free. 4.50 and 30 subscribors will receivo a copy of Saturday's DAILY G14E91000 year free. 7.50 and 50 subsoribars willyaceivo a copy of Talc DAILY Glenn four months free, ..15,00 and 100 subsoribors Will reootvo riobpy of Tian DAILY laLOBIC ono year froo. Subscribe now' and secure reports of bOth PaributtentS fOr only 15 cents. THE GLO B.E 'inItitroll'Art;nts47.4T,IVITI'gr.1°A;<1,1?olfgalggreFseutie notion, sual, lyilltie Ootiioto, Miss Itratition. Justin IlleCarthy, 11.0. kamcono Sarah Isoneltoy, William Mach, 0100. lllibliant, Hugh Conway, and others. A story of onthralling intorest, entitled WYLLARIPS WEIRD, by 00008 IlradolOm Is now running in Tun DAILY and Wskimx 9110010, 0100 141311 bo continued till convicted. 1t will be succeeded 07 11 story from the powerful:lion of JUSTIN mec.txtelse, and aftor the last nruned story is Oomploted Hero will follow ono from Br 0, PARJEON, the famous noveliat. In addition to tho regular continued story, Moro are always 1100)11000 11) the 12 and 3 o'clock editions Of DAM', and in T11111 Nvionmxv Gx.onm ono or more additional- novals by authors of world-wide repute. In this manuor reactors got 1100100 91X complete novels oaoh year. AS AN AGRICUILTIMAIL NEWSPAPER TUE WEENIES 00,0E01 00 ENSTRIPASSED, SPURGEON'S SERM ibsd°?n104;1gTi,;0:g0W0giY'Skgat'r,a,k(1141%11VAgrf Tho Rey. C. H.Spurgoon io, boyond question, the Most 401,1 and 113 always racy, Dracaena and lostructivo. • Address, THE GLOBE h9