HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-27, Page 1TrLS POST. VOL, XII. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 27�1885. NO. 38, COMMUNICAT IQN, 'Wm wish It to he distinctly outland...el that we de net holt ourselves responsible for the hulnlnas 6)(1111,A140.1byaarrespon den to, al. heunh.nttr aolemns are oven tefroe and full discussion on all subjects of local u1. retest. 14 1T TRUE To the editor of Tun Pees•, Dann Sn(,—My attention was called to a quotation from a letter in your issue of the 20th Inst., purporting to be sent from Mies Emily Marker to the Ontario Sanitarium, In the interests of truth and justice I feel called upon to take notice of it, Un- answered it is calculated to reflect unfavor- ably on the medical profession here, and induce the credulous to throw ((Way their ml+fiey on professional vnituroe and the very lowest form of medical advice. In the first place, it is an injustice to the three or four medical men here, who have neither examined her, nor expressed an opinion as to her case. In the second place as far as I myself am concerned it is utter- ly- mama. Instead of saying her case was hopeless I told her, distinctly, that similar cases almost invariably got well. In proof of the very beneficial results of her treatment by the self constituted Sol- eus I may mention that not later than last Friday, at midnight, I was roused out of bed to give this same Lmily Barker some medicine to relieve Ler suffering from the sante complaint. 1 question very much Miss Darker lav- ing written- this letter. It seems more lnrobabletltat it has been dictated by some- one else and sigiud by her withouf under- standing the full meaning of its contents. It might bo well for the public to know that this self -elected presielent, Dr. Sin- clair, of the so called Ontario Sanitarium, has no claim whatever to superiority as he hue just recently left a meagre country practice in Port Elgin, and holds a degree inferior to any of our local physicians, with one exception only. ltespeetfullyyours, )3russels, Mar. lard. Wm, GRAHAM. COC\TY SCli0OLMASTE1RS. 'f11e Executive Committee of the East and West Ifuron Teachers' As- sociation met at Clinton to make ar- rangt mints for a county meeting, to he Lord in June, according to the De- e elemental circular. The following members were present :—From East Huron--llcssrs, Malloch, McFaul, Lough, Tnnrbull, Grove e and Duff ; Kest Huron—Messrs Brown, Greg. cry, Strang, Biller and Balls. On motion lir. Duff wits appointed chair. man, and Nr. Hails secretary. It was decided that each association would hold a meeting on Thursday, 311110 18th—the East Enron probably in the morning and the West in the afternoon, and .friday and Saturday will be devoted. to a joint convention. On motion the teachers of Clinton, with lir. Malloch, wore appointed -a committee to make arrangements for a conversazione, to be Lela on Thurs- day evening, The discussion of the following top. ics, irgether with the Director of In- satut( s' work, was appointed as the program for Friday and Satu"day's meetings : 1. Regulations for the Entrance Examinations—to bo introduced by Alh:. <i11rnbull. 2. Local institutes, to be introduc- ed by ntroduceedby Mr. )1n11ach. 8. Prepense for 2nd anti 8rd class tench(Vs--Ilr. Straub,. 1. School Law—Mr. Miller. 5, Promotion Examinations—Mr. Duff. 6. Drtwing for Entrance --Mr. Cresswoller. 7. Entrance Literature—Mr. Greg. ors-. 8, (Subject to be chosen)—Mr. Harstoue. On /1101 ion of Messrs. Gregory and Aliller, Clinton was selected as the place of meeting. The Secretary wart instructed to endcavoe to secure reduced railway forces fur those attending the conven- tion, and Messrs. Turnbull and Mal. loch reduced hotel rates. It was also decided that the expenses of'the meet- ing would bo borne equally by the two associations, Blenheim, in the county of Oxfo•c1, has had more than its share of law for some time past. 111 fact, it seems to be It tort of peradiee or harvest field for the loyal profession. Three cases of alleged perjury and ora of forgery in 0L0 week make a rather startling list.. Chas. Ditniels, a well - knots') inec)r]ne agent, who bas re- prestnlccl Harris & Co„ of Brantford, for seam, Is now 111 jail fit Woodstoek on ft chili pc el' forging a note, tieing iris colsin's name. Daniels was well knee 11, and 0118 regarded 118 one of the meat m1000001'01 agents employed by the Brantford firm. His fatally connections ]n Bleuhehn olio highly respectable. 11 is said that in ad. clition to the alleged forgery, Daniels' fiinaucial affnies aro in ailed shape. MA1'1'LAND PRESBYTERY. the peeve and Mr, Bryans be a corn- I ltobmtt I' fila regular mcetieg of the Presby. tery of Maitland was held in the lrree- byterian church, Winghaur, on T1108. day afternoon and evening and Wed- nesday horning of last week. The attendance was foil., but not as largo as it would have been had the weather been flue. The moderator, Rev. Juo. Ross, of Brussels, occupied the chair. The Woolen's Foreign Missionary Society m connection with the Pres- bytery, also met cu Tuesday lifter. noon. In the evening very favorable reports were presented on the state of religion within the bounds of the Presbytery by Rev. lir. Anderson, of Whitechnrch ; on woolen's foreign missionary work by Mrs, Leask, of St. Helens, and on the temperance work by Rev. Jas. Murray, of Kincar- dine. Several interesting addresses were delivered, and the balance of the time was taken up by the business of the Presbytery. The next meeting will be held in Kincardine in July. ih•asseis liock Parliament. The regular meeting of this secret urtica appointed to meet with the has been octan; ted in the lnitufo lel Senator Simpson died. Sunday parties lutaresto:t in said ditch, anti ' interest in I;aet Bent. 111 morning at goner3ownafnvtlle, aged 7,4. if possible arrange matters. Carried. Fears are expressed that Ila effect generally of the disco?. Moved by Wn1. Elliott, seconded 1 vines on Pelee Island have bonseri- murder trade, be to somtivhat hamper the sly 'Wm. Milne, that Lewis Bolton, of ' ouely damaged by the frost. One of the oldeet residents of Listen -eel, be ro•ltppoiuted `Township I lVul, Barr, Q. C„ of Cubourg, has WaI'detille, 31r. Thos. Neale, died a Engineer. Carried. j been selected to emiteet West North- few days ago. Tho Antlitors' report was laid he- I timberland in the Reform interest, Kingston City Conned hie deter. fore the Ceuticil find examined. It 1 George Gulllett, the lata member, mined to impose It licence fee no the was moved by Walter Oliver, second. has been unanimously selected to t'olirr 1'11110 In that city. eel by Edward Bryans that the report I contoat West Northumberland in the Messrs, Kay & Harford, ut Wood. be adapted and the Clark be instruct- I Lifberai•Couservativo interest. ve this wee oil to';publish the Abstract in 'I'ms1 A man Denied Cassidy, employed Iarrlelellof fipples to ylt shipped 5(10 P AtUAalt1.8 ' !oar. (,anted. Moved by Welter Oliver, seconded by Wm. Elliott, tient the Reeve and Treasurer bo authorized to borrow from the Bonk of Ilamilton, at Wing. bum, ilio sum of $800 for township tel 11)0 gas works at Iiocholagn, Quo., irony of the Westertw Ontario Or. lost hie life Wednesday evening by fingernail will intend a monster de- railing into a tank of molted tar. monetratinu in Guelph on .fitly 12. J. W. Bowlby, n Brantford lawyer, Rev. Charles 1lnmilten, Bishop - Las beau summoned before the Police elect of Niagnrn, will Le consecrated purposes, Cnreicrl• Magistrate for throwing waste paper at Fredericton, AT, L'•, on the let of on the sidewalk in o front f his ', of g a etiny, Tho following Patbmastere were It is proposed by the lloutreal The writ fat Levis election has appointed for the current year :— City Council to tax telegraph and been issued, nominatum to take place Con. 1, (boundary)—Alex. Thomp- telephone companies $400 per year o11 the 7(11 and the elective on the eon, Delman McTavish, John Arm. for the privilege of erecting poles in 141.11 of April. strong, Robert Vallee, David Stew- the city. l y art and James Scott ; cons. 1 & 2— ChiofJustieo Cameron' at Goderich, the 61,11 liner eof Plympton,riding weee ecenet- Andrew Simpson, Wrn. White, Alex- during 101 address tel the Grand Jury, ly viotimtzed to the extent of $200 ander Ross, Duncan McDonald, John replied to a newspaper criticism on by a etlindliug h 1lcDnna c 11 y , Win. Brown and Thomas his judgment in the West fiNorth- ay fork agent. 1 was held int Wednesday evening hi Elliott ; eons. 3 & 4— John Strttehao, the Council Chamber. In the absence Walter Beldon, Hector McKay, Chas. of the Speaker W. Il. Kerr was voted Dobson ho Campbell, Darnel Spillit and Adana car Duke ; eons. 5 & 6—Frank Oliver, v. 11. Lang, R. McKee, Wm. Bateman,we, John Rnynarcl, Charles Greve and 1111 Charles Hudson ; cons. 7 & 8—Jas. a Cardiff, Hugh Lamont, Augur Lam - he ont,Angus Lamont, Malcolm Lam- er out, John Cober, Robert McKelvey, or ,John Gill, Mr. 'McDonald, and Chas. of Maynard, side road beat, Truman el. Smith ; cons. 0 & 10—Henry Ball, is- Peter Robinson, William Habkirk, ea- Robert Brown, Robert AlcLauohlin, James Love, John K. Baker ; cons. 11 & 12—P. Betz, Mr. Dickson, Jas. Slcmmon, A. Krosslor, Maury But- tery, Loured Michael, Lewis Mohler, and Wm. Pirrie ; eons. 13 & 14— John Jilslop, Daviel Grant, John he Robertson, Peter Sinclair, sr., Geo. 8 Brigham, Duncan McInnis, LukeSperain, Joseph Whitfield ; cons. 15 16—Andrew Hislop, Wm. Telfer, John Stewart, Wm. Fulton, or., John McTaggart, James Livngetone, and James Fowster; eons. 17 Bennett, Robort Blair, Ernes Oriel, Jamas \Villiamsou. Jno. McNaught, mull road beat—David Milne ; Graham Survey—Andrew McKay ; Walton— Charles AlcDonald ; stile road beat, eon. 12—James Mitchell ; blind line beat, Oranbroolc—W. B. Atkinson ; side road beat, eon, 0 --Win. Bishop; gravel road beats—James Simpson, Jamee Strachan, Alexander Forsyth, Donald 111eLauahlin, James Kelly, John Heslop and Adam Shoidtce. Fence viewore—Alexander Rosa, Jas. Turnbull, Lawrence Dobson, Robert Brown, Robert Bowen, Malcolm Lam - mit, Joseph Whelraon, Goo. Welsh, Philip Betz, Peter McDonald, Wm. Fulton jr., Hartwell Sperain, George Avery, John Whitfield and James 01- Iver. Pound keepers—T. MoEwan R. Oathers, J. Robertson, Isaac Tuck, Hartwell Semi!), Thomas Turnbull, David Millard, and William Beirues. The following accounts were pre- sented and ordered to be paid, viz.— Jas. Fulton, rent for road to Kendalls, $7,50, Jas. Livingston and Alex. Stewart, each $10,00 salary' es And ;tors, Wm. Whiteford, gravel $2,80, Mrs. Barker, clothing for David Kins- man an idiot, $6, Robt. Lang, bal.armangravelling mill road Ethel, $12. Connell then adjourned to meet again at Robertson's Hotel, Ethel, on Tuesday the 26th day of May, next, as Court of Revision. Wm. Spence, Clerk. to the chair. After the rending of t minutes of last meeting, the Spent alinouneed the resignation of the Go eminent and called upon J. Dye lion, member for Jamestown, n lender of the Opposition, to form Government. The following wilts t result ;—Premier, J. Drewo ; Ministof Justice, \V. B. Dickson ; Minist of Agriculture, A. Hislop ; Minister Public Works, F. S. Scott ; Minist of Education, Dr. Htttchinso) ; Min ter of Finance, J. M. McIntosh; Iri vincie.l becretary. Jno. Alexander. The Bill to be brought before the House next Wednesday will be the abolition of the Scunto. Messrs. Graham, and the Cleric of the House will Lieu be members of the Government. 'rhe members of t House shuul(1 be in their paces at o'clock next meeting night. , John McCartney, William Grey council 1150(1ng. A epecinl uleetiug of Connell called by the Reeve met at Tuck's hotel, Crnnbrook, Feb. 201h, for the purpose of reooiving and opening lenders for the building of a new bridge over the river Maitlrtud between lots 5 and G, con. 2, all the members were present. Tho following lenders were receiv- ed and opeee1, viz„—John Harbottle $440, Robert McGeorge $500, Robt. Jamieson $475, .Qanl. McNaughton $402, D. W. Dunbar $424, Peter McDonald $267, Robert Lang $449, John Ainoley ;4190, Simeon Raffia $847, Peter Bishop $845. It was moved by Edward Breams, seconded by Walter Oliver, that Peter 1IcD0n• old be awarded the contract for build- ing the bridge provided he furnish sureties for the (due completion of the said contract, sttreties to be furnished forthwith. Carried. The following orders were granted —Alexander McNair, postage and stationery, 57.20 ; Mrs. Steele, ro 1111881011 (1 taxes, $2 ; Donald Mc- Lauchlin, eatery as Collector, $100 ; Alexander AlcNair, expenses to Wing. ham end Brussels on township busi- ueas, $G.25 ; Win. Spence, register- ing births, Cl°aths and Marriages, $1G ; Thomas Strachan, expenses to Wingham on township business $5. Council then adjourned. 12OULAR MEETING., Connell mot fit Demes' hotel, Oran - Look, March 20t1r, plummet to ad- journment. Members rill preseut, the Reeve in the chair, Minutes of last regular and special meetings read and approved. Communications from Carrow & Proudfoot, re balance of costs in the Green clue ; James fiobbs, Wing - ham, application for the position of Tovnehip Engineer, were road. Application of Phomas Johnston and John Jae/teen for privilege to work their statute Liber ou nide road between lets 10 & 11, eons, 17 & 18, also asking aid front the Council to open up said road to the boundary. Moved by \Villiam ilihre, emended by Ed ward Bryans, that Moine . Stradh- en and Elliott be authorized to exam. ire said side road and end report at, next meeting. Carried. 'Phomas heritage applied for dilute to be dug or road inn fruit or lot, 7, eon, 0, to gni shim nn outlet for the water on his farts, Moved by Win. Milne, seconded by Win, Elliott., that Cana<liare Zr ewuu. Diphtheria ie raging in Hamilton. The 0. P. R. has offered to carry Red Fyfe wheat, for seed purposes, free of charge. Miss Bridget Rogers, ,,f Milliner, nu inmate of Orangevill jail, 11(ts en- joyed single blosseduose for 107 yore. Dr. Gralutui, of Newbury, removed a four and ono -half pound tumor from lir, Hammond, of Glencoe, the other day. Afr. Glen purchased over 2,800 bushels of clover seed, at rt,mherst• burg, during the winter. The aver- age price was about $4.20. The skating race of five luilee for $20, et St. Marys, between Coleman, of that plaice and 'rhos. Town, of Seeforth, came off on Tnes(lay, as an - flounced, Ina was wen by Coleman in 21 pins. 50 sous, umberlaud election ease. A gentleman who took a sample of silver ore from the Rabbit silver mine, Port Arthur, had it assayed iu London, England, when it yielded at the rate of $0,000 per ton. J. H. Smart, reeve elect of Kings- ville, South Essex, has been unseated and disqualified for two years for hay. ing bribed ono of his supporters by the promise of a road cornmislioner- ship. Half of the workmen employers on the Canadian Paeifie eonstrnotion at Lake Superior have expressed their intention of taking up fauns in the North West when their services are dispensed with, The Scott Act petition for the comity of Frontenao was filed at the registry office in Kingston on Satur- day, there being a sufficient number of names signed without those which were wrongly subscribed. At the Napanee Court of Assizes (Judge Ro80 presiding) \\Tiger, charg- ed with rape, tried at last Assizes, the jury failing to agree, was tried a- gain, found guilty and sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary. Thomas Mills, son of D. Mills, jaw- eler, Dresden, appeared before the County Judge last wok on a charge of indecent assault, preferred by his sister. Ho was sentenced to the Re. formatory for twenty -throe months. Tho benefit concert in aid of the poor of the town, in Albert Hall, Strathroy, on Tuesday evening last, was well attended. Mayor Smith occupied the chair, and a pleasing program was rendered. Nearly $50 was realized. A strange case was partly heard in court at 11lontroal of a Airs. Waldron suing Mia. Eaves, her own daughter, fon' $,5,000 damagos for slander. A large number of witnesses gave evi- dence testifying to the defendant ap- plying odious terms to her mother. A number of young men at Ports- mouth, Frouteuao county, incensed at the refusal of a boy to fetch liquor puna rope around his neck and swung him to a beam, releasing their victim only when the rope broke. The boy received two severe cuts in fulling. Last week a man, a native of Den marls, aged about 40, fell off the tend er of a freight train at Woodstock crossing, where ho had concealed him- self. Both legs were shattered below the knee, and he died while in a state of collapse, from which he never re- covered. The first name it unknown, but the following was found in his bundle :—"Mrs. Elistone, No. 386 46111 street, New York." At the opening of the Assize Court, at Walkerton, William Duke was placed upon trial charged with eta. hauling funds collected by him while noting as colleotor of taxes for the township of Butner, in Bruce noun• ty. It was shown that he had col. looted various sums ranging from $5 to $40, and given receipts to the parties, but had made a return to the township that the taxes were uncol- lected. Tho total deficit in his Ito. count was founts to be some $70. He was convicted and sentenced to six menthe in jail with hard labor. He will likely be rolnovod to the Central Prison to spend the term. Iie 2(100 then tried o1 the charge offraidulo(t. ly falsifying the collector's roil, eon• victed, mud sentenced bo three months in the 001nmon jail, the sentonee to run concurrently with the romper info. George smith & On., of the Lamb - ton Mille Woolen and Shoddy Manu- facturing Co., have assignd. Their IiahiliLies Bud assets (1(8 not yet known. The Comedian Pacific 1s agitating a scheme to secure the land grant of the Winnipeg & SoathWeetern to build a branch to the Turtle Mountain coun- try in Dakota, The Belleville Milk Company were ou Thursday fined for selling milk in bottles containing short measure, end their stock of bottles, seven hundred in number, were confiscated. Alex. Cameron, of Toronto ; Francis Cleary, Thomas Dow, W. J. McKee and John Curry, of Windsor, have made applicstion to the Ontario Leg- islature to be incorporated as "The Western Outlerio Mortgage and Secur- ities Company," with headquarter e Windsor. Mrs. Osborne, wife of Rev, ?Jr, Oe - borne, Baptist minister in Newbury, is very 111. Some weeks ago she ac. cidentally scratched her huger with a rusty piu. The finger and subse- quently the hand, became inflamed, audit -is now feared she may be oblig- ed to have the hand amputated above the wrist. The Police Magistrate of 131unliton gave judgment Saturday afternoon in the cases of W. G. Dunn & Co. and Jobe Cox, charged with breasting the Adulterated Food Act, on the charge of selling cayman° pepper mixed with shorts. lir. Dunn was fined 810 and cote. lir. Cox was fined it similar amount for selling cassia and peas as ground cinnamon, The first judgment under the Alar. ried Woman's Act of 1884 was given at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Friday, in the suit of Donnely vs, Donnely. The plaintiff owned a hotel in Port Hope, and sued for an injunction to restrain the defendant, her husband, from in• tailoring with the business, which he had been doing, claiming it as his nem. An interim injunction was granted, Bud subsequently, after argument, it was made perpetual with costs. Detroit has a female doctor with, a new theory. Aer theory is, briefly, that all diseases and iihnents arise becttltse of ectsoiousuess—tout fs, no one would be sick if they did not believe they were. Arsenio could bo taken with impunity if we (11(1 not know it is pion. This startling dis- covery will tend to diem:itg0 any eu. terprising person who mnyhave in- tended to commit murder by placing arsenic in some other person's food. The principal talk on the streets of St. Oatherinee is an elopement, which is reported to have taken place on Tuesday evening. The p,i1•ties con- cerned are Malcolm Wilson, ledger. keeper in the Bank of Commerce, and Mss. Hankey, wife of the man- ager of the came bank, e'ha wire twat' at the time, Wilson being left in charge of the bank. Wilson porches. ed tickets at the local ticket office for Buffalo, and taking it hack drove from ther° to f Aire, 15 (1 herr. who took throe valises They hissed the train' and are sup - poised to have procured a conveyance and gone on to Thorold to catch the the evening train on the Welland Railway for bort Colborne and thence to 13nffelo, The woman leaves three young chihlrau, and the moon two datiglutci's, one (1( whorl is 10 year.; of lige. A sheet time age Al. Wilson converted a mortgage for $2,000, which ho imid, into mon .y.