HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-20, Page 88
“I'2111:14 ,W.q, 1.8.31
A New bank is mooted iu town. AMENT Baos, mill yard is well sup•
DETECTIVE BOOE118 was in town last lllecl with logs this winter,
WM, Kay, of Kincardine, spent Bev -
rr.1u. liar .rns„_11e Ata ti,u, nort Hand 1V0e1L
'seem se renew,. (WINO Nolan.Now is the time to got your spring
'Vie e, i'7lt•
snail 71,..in :Nixed 940a,m, advt. m the paper.
Preece• .naoato 1Mail 2241Du1.
Mia , two two.: Esi "" 2.55 P,tn HARRY VEAL has gone into the poet
Tl ., ,r.:'.,, t1 ain n -'alit nail the night. CARCO as uasiatitnt,
train north LelSatin , niY ria 1,u lueeday0, Thule- Mias WIDDIVELD has tendered her
dela nun Rxtul nuke•
.------.:._ - _ ._ -':7- resignation as a teacher in ear B01100l•
LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. aull BAWTfur aNle)E1t nffadvthienhous
e. ollielantaang yo tulttn'notet - tile's column.
:An'f althhe ll',rens 1t,..- ONLY $1,00 for the budget of weep
- 1u ly news contained In Tnn PosT for the
JAS. Rosa., is visiting at St. Johns, balance of 1885.
Out, this week. Dias, D. C. CLAPP190N arrived home
orr. and Spleers tide per do'4e11 at Thom last week. In her fabaonoe she attend•
Bente•sd tho funeral of her ulster.
ONLY one Dollar in advance asked MissM.uo Howe and sister have
for THE P.IST far life bnllLnce of 18ii1. been visiting friends at Paris and
Try it. Heepeler for the past few weeks.
TEA sets fur 52.10. at Thomson'st \Ills, THOMAS GRANT, son and
Plum,, Z\icanow predicts thatBall hter, of the London road, were
next sumer will be an extremely iu town last week visiting relativos.
wet one. Tao funeral aermon of the late
PURE Calle :lyre'. 50e, per gallon, at G.
William Shit ‘, will be preached next
Thre aeo3l 3.
25 curds of 'A foot green wood want- Sunday Inn li at the Methodist
ed, at once. Apply at THE PosT Pub• Church.
lishiug 1ii.nee. Ail oyster supper was given at the
Tim, attei,tldi of out readers is dir- Revere Rouse last Friday night. A
ected to a very interesting letter on a good tiles was put in by those iu at -
trip to the Sunny South written by tendanee.
the editor et the Acton .b ren Press,
Ds. SIneiiI1, President of the Ontario
Sanitarium, Toronto, will be at the Queen's
Hotel, Brussels, on Thursday, March 26th.
l)enenitotion free.
Tint early train on 111onday did not
get down but the plow opened up the
track and allowed the afternoon mail
to come up.
SEVERAL of the brightly colored
Vessop, the deceased Call Ra is i eons advertisingHargreaves dyes,
g Y
weather prophet, 1 redieted' that this
taken up their abode at the gran -
winter bo r leas to e a warm one. It is ! nriea at the station.
to be hoped that he is not disappoint, ,
ed if the rest of us havo been, \1'o ADAM Avers sold his handsome
have no enmity against Vennor, it
; Magician colt to Jet). Cranston, of
i Galt, for the sunt of $175. The
will be seen.
THE surgeons of the Ontario Sanitarium, animal is coming 3 years old.
Toronto, the largest Medical Assooiatlou fu ALARMS number of people assembled
Canada, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Bras- at Veal's auction rooms last Saturday
sels, on Thursday, March 28th, where they afternoon. Some great bargains were
may be oonsulted, free of eharge, in refer- given in furniture and other goods.
ons, to all diseases el a lingering character. ' \los Parliament will meet next
A COUNTRY editor received the fol- Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.Thelowing :-"Dear Str-I have looked abolition of the Senate is the subject
carefully and patiently over your for discussion. The Opposition lead
paper for months for the death of off 1,u the debate.
some individual I was acquainted
with, but as yet not a single soul I K. MCKENZLE, section foreman, re -
caro anything about has dropped off, ceivsd a brand new hand -oar last Fri•
You will please to have my name clay for use on his section, It is a
erased." dandy but requires elbow grease to
MISS it &u a Baasaa, of Brussels, writes get her speed up to 15 miles an hour.
to tbe Ontario banitarinm, Toronto, "You A SHEAF lifter, capable of taking off
have saved my life, after local physicians a load in 4 lifts and carrying it to the
gave my case up as hopeless." All suffering
from lingering diseases should consult Dr.
Sinclair at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on
Thursday, ]Larch 26th. No charge for ex.
extreme ends of a barn, is the latest
wrinkle Geo. Love has got hold of.
It seems likely to meet with a largo
sale. -
SEE advt, of Brussels Flax 'Mill don • A DETACHMENT of the Army went to
cerning seed. The proprietors have Listow el on Friday night and joined
1,000 bushels to give out and waut it with their comrades in that town in a
taken away as early as possible as jubilee service. Cadet Trott, of Sea•
they expect a much larger crop next fortis, has taken Cadet Thomas' place
year. The business of the firm fat in Brussels.
Brussels mill is well looked after ly Peasoxs who intend visiting the
A. Webster, who underetauds ins Old Country should consult the Allan
business thorougly. The farmers of Line limo table to be found in our
the surrounding country have proved columns. J. R. Grant ie the agent
to their ell1i satisfaction that flus at from whom any information desired
$12 a tan pays and aro reitdy to try may be obtained.
it again.
G' A,. PowELL talks of taking hob
Scoxs i\'aa Hat:, -TLS Mimes- n
father family.eared in the Town iday trip to Toronto next week. He
appeared has been under the weather, as it
Hall last Tuesday evening, )according were, and goes east with the hope of
to announcement, under the auspices brachio up. Mrs, Powell and the
of the brussels Caledonian Society.; children will accompany him.
The Stall was well filled with an aud-
ience that counted au it No. 1 pro -
grant, Tho troupe were more or less
bothered by colds and did not give
Lha patiefactinn expected. Mr.
I3alruesfather got off some good
things in Scotch stories. Tho lady
who presided at the piano did her
par, well. Tho proceeds of the con-
vert amounted to about $50.
BRUSSELS BIer,E SOCIaiv.-The fol-
lowing is the repent of the finances
in connection with the above society
for this year :-Bruesele-north of
river, Misses Stewart and Ballantyuo
$8,90 ; east side, Mrs, Cooper and
Miss Vanetone $14.00 ; west side,
Mrs. T. Watson and Mrs. J, Slcene
$16.75. Grey -Cons. 1 & 2, Misses
I3eharrill and Combas $4,55 ; cons.
3 & 4, Misses Hogg and Turnbull
$4,90 ; cons. 7 & 8, J. II, MoBain
$5.65 ; cons, 0 & 10, Misfire Moore
J. J. DENMAN is pushing the sale of
some of the handsomest photographic
albums we ever saw. He is also sell-
ing family bibles. We see no reason
why Mr. Demean should not meet
with great success, and we believe he
SAyfr.. Lenin has been engaged ne
ohoeeemaker of the Rockwood ehoees
factory, at Villa Nova, near Simone.
Mr. Laird is a first-class oheesmaker
and the directors of the factory are
to bit congratulated on securing his
Piton, Buttock, horse trainer and
educator, gave a free lecture in the
Town Plainest Saturday afternoon.
From the recommendations he has
from well-known horsemen in this
County we judge him to understand
his busmen.
DAVID DOBSON and J. G. Skene have
!Led Menzies $7.2e 1 cons 11 & 12, I gone to Kansas on a proepeoting tour.
Miss Dark $6 80 ; cons. 13 & 14, Mr. Dobson ).las been over the ground
before but wo don't know whether
friend Skene intends becoming a
granger or not. Mrs. Dobson and
family have moved into town.
THE Spring Assizes will open at
Godoricb on Monday, March 28rd,
before Judge Cameron. W. Lonnt,
Q.C., will conduct the business of the
crown. There is a heavy list of crim-
inal oases, two of which are rape, and
the civil list is not likely to be small.
Oen attention has been called to
the fact that a certain person, well-
known, is malting a lithe fon free with
Misses Ballantyne and Grant $8.85 ;
cons, 17 & 18, Miss Senilis $6 00,
Walton -Mrs. Neal and Miss Mowatt
$16,00. Ethel -J. A. Young ,$10,-
75. Morris -con, 6, Miss Smith and
Miss Boyd $15.40 ; eon. 5, Misses
Mooney and Robertson $8.50 ; con,
1, Misses Currie aucl Blaolc $16;27 ;
«•on. i, M. Black $9,85 ; con. 2,
ieses 1Vileon and Gibson $1.75.
Ce/NNooiion at annual meeting $10.57.
Amount received from depository $6
70, malting a total sum of $149.84.
The anoint was oqually divided be-
tween 111e U. C. and 13. & F- eociet-
les. There are four books out yet. 1 a wootlnile not very far distant from
The ground has been well worked his hoiue. A little buckshot will
eral days in town this week with hie
A xiou stook of envelopes, letter-
Beads, billheads, &e, at Tun Pose
Pnbliehing House.
thee LAOK, milliner for Alex. B.
Smith, and Mise Beam, filling a site
iler position in the Garfield Hausa,
havo arrived and are preparing for
spring openings,
HAMILTON 001IBETT, the well-known
Soottish vocalist, died at Greenock
on the 27th Fob., after a protracted
illness. He was known to many
Sootchinen iu the West.
A meetiu:; will be held for the purpose
of organizing the above clubs, in tho
Central Hotel, this (Friday) evening,
at 7:80 p.m. A good attendance re-
quested, •
LAST Wednesday Thomas Dunford
took Miss Mary Fitzaket'ly to be hie
wedded wife. This did not come un-
expectedly upon ne and we hope all
the joys they 00001 upon may be
THE funeral sermon for the late
Mortimer Hnrtwick was not preached
hast Sunday owing to the illness of
Mrs. Hnrtwiolc. It will be preached
however next Sabbath evening in the
Methodist Church.
ON Saturday of next week the
Huron Salt Association ceases to ex
let. Tho scheme worked very well
for a time but Some of the stilt mon
thought they were not getting it Large
enough proportion consequently the
association broke up. It will make
no dlfforenoo to the Enterprise Works
of Brussels as They will be boomed the
whole year through, Orders are
coming in thick and fast, the only
difficulty will bo to keep pace with
Rile year and the oollectore are de-
serving of great credit for their ef-
Two abstract stateulent of the Iirlte-
sole Pnblie School acoeuute appear
this issue,
'illi 1; whiter in Montreal iS Rlaill to 1
have been all exoeptimutlly unhealthy
'Pins flax mill li•tnds. finished up
their work at the Mill this week.I
The 1'easufl they are HU 11111011 iLhe,ttl
of last year arieee front the fact tout
they have all additional t•britlte" and
consequently mare lauds, We oulyl
wish we had a Nov more snob inetitu-
tions in enr te1V11,
THE Galt Spflug See.l Flair 1,u the
had a game of foot -ball on the ioo last
Saturday afternoon. -The two even-
ing trains were cancelled Iast Satur-
day owing to the storm. -Sunday
forenoon was a very correct picture
of a northwest blizzard. All it want-
ed was a little more cold, -See new
advt. of Geo. Love concerning the
Raymond sewing machine.- Melville
church choir snug at Knox ahuroh
tea -meeting, Cranbrook, on Wednes
day evening. -The hens are settling
down to work for Easter. -Tile ladies
of Brussels should follow the example
of their Ridgetown sisters and form a
M. H. A. E. R. H. C. A. B. S. E. L.
society. Wo don't know what it
means. -New millinery will soon be
the latest attraction. -F. C. Rogers
has purchased about 1500 cords of
cordwood this winter for his salt
block. -Did you see the eclipse of the
sou last Monday afternoon 7 -The
Garfield House has been re -arranged
to make room for 1110 millinery de.
pertinent which will be one of tbe
leading fe'tturei of their trade. ---The
pitch -holes aro something immense.
-Salt now sells at 60 cents per bar-
rel, wholesale, and 80 cents, retail. -
Hay is scarce and sells quite readily
at $18 a ton. -Otic lynx -eyed con-
stables surely see the furious driving
on Main street and know it is contrary
to law. -One weep from next Wed-
nesday is the let of April. -Auction
sales are all the go these days. -The
attendance at the various churches
last Sunday was very meagre. Knox
church service was withdrawn in the
evening. -Instead of 10 per cent in-
terest on back county rate the interest
ie G. Wo will have more to say about
this again. -Service is held every
Wednesday evening 1i St. John's
ohureb during Lent. -Alex. Stewart,
eon of Daniel Stewart, is going in for
book -binding hot and heavy. IIo can
do a good job at a email figure. -If
yon have F. 0. Rogers' municipal
manual you had better take it home
at Once. See advt.-Presbytery of
Maitland met last Tuesday in Wing -
ham. -The total receipts received by
the Treasurer of the Bruseels Branch
of the Bible Society for this year is
0149,84. There are four books out
yet. This is t1 good showing for a
oleo() year, -The sorriest hand is work-
ing up some good music, -Hadn't
you bettor pay your subscription to
TOE Pose 2 -Money is as scarce as
"hen's teeth, -Tho "Lion's" Scotoli
lantern was observed by all observers
last Tuesday night. -Tho maple sug-
ar season will soon be hers. -Prof.
Bullock has organized a class in horse
training in town--Braseel8 will run
a Deputy Reeve pretty close next
year. Who speaks first 2 -Harry
Cormack has been sent to Kansas
pity by the 0o. be is engaged with at
Chicago, anti 011arh'1 Cnrinaok, who
was Harry's eompaiion et Chicago,
has been sent to Memphis, Tonnes-
Reo. The boys will see a good deal
of the country. -The first excursion
train to Monitohit will run on 'Tues-
day of next week.
stimulate him to got over the feriae
pretty lively it hie alightly visite aro
llth attracted a good utteud,tuee of j
farmers, end there was a large 111:1!1 d i 11'1+'e11:U ii L h 1 U t'. i A W
lJt OMoo, area Pit Bieck, tL'useul s, Alunoy
to luau.
Mauch 20. 1885.
11. ,IN'PUbll lc .\fc'L'AllDART,
No tee o f hand ileo on rated.
1)tnfn•tatlnu' ed on deposits repayable 011
1001,1ptnanent) on Diva a to 0e11 0011000. 5-5
tity of grain on Laud, eunenicrable 113
which changed hands. White Bug.
Man Spring wheat brought trine 86e.
to 90c. ; oats from 350, to 45e, ; peas
from Guo, to 750, ; barley from 06o.
to 70, --
LAII1D.-IN Brussels, on the 14th inst., the
wife of Mt. Samuel Laird of a daughter.
Hoon-LITrLo-On the ilih Inlet., at tine
Methodist parsonage, Biyth, by the llev.
J . B. Fisher, Mn, Gideon G. Hood, to
Miss Elizabeth Little, all of Morrie.
DDNPe11)-NITZA1tERLY.-I11 Brussels, 1111 the
18th last„ at the residence of the bride's
aunt, by Rev. W. T. 01111, Mr. T:toi,
D unford to Miss Mary Fitzalienly, all of
Sa3NE.-In Grey, en the 12th inst., William
Shinn, aged 53 years.
TUESDAY, MAncrc 247x. -Farm Stook, Im-
plements. Lot 8, Con. 8, Groy, oammenoing
at 1 o'clock. thigh Carr, prop. Capt. Shrot•
ton, allot.
MONDAY. MAnoic 301n. -Farm stook and
implements, Lot 16, Con. 7, Morris, com-
mencing at 1. o'olook. Mary Purvis, propri-
etress. George Kirkby, auotioneer. -^-
Bru.lit7ele5 fllai'leot.
Oo111te0TED IIA0EPULLY Eva0Y \Vault.
I1Vhaat.... .... 78 80
78 80
4 60
16 00
5 85
1 00
White Fal
nod Winter
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls .,
Eggs per dozen 10
Flour per barrel 4 00
Potatoes 30
12 00
Hay por tan
Hides per lb..... 7
Dressed Hogs 5 50
Salt per bbl., wholesale .• 60
Sheep skins, enoh 50
Wool 18
Queen Street, There is else a shop on
the Lot that could be utilised for a stable.
Will be sold on reasonable terms. AppMER,—
uablefarm, being (Imposed of the north
ha f of lots ^!o. 20 ,4 10, son. 9, Morrie, 200 acres.
Terms easy. Apply on thepromf0°s.
B. FR00101:
Wolglalnofrom 11 to 18 cwt., not more
than 10 yours of ago . 1 have e. 4 year old horn
for sale. Ho le sound. Will be sold on easy
terms. Apply to-GEO. ARMSTRONG
35-1f Brussels,
1�EED OATS 1011 SALE. -A.
quantity of McAllister Oats. They aro an
eo rlA, wIih,ROB;1TSOON,y productive. Apply
8115 Lot 50, Oou. u, hloorla
1.11ARM TO RENT. -LOT 12, OON.
L 7, Grey, will leo rented for four or ave
yours. There aro 22 acres 0511111 wheat eowu
and fell plowing dove. PJOIty 1,I given at
any time.
undersigned will knotS, during the present
season, on south halt of lot 29, Jon. 5, Morrie, a
Therough.bred Durham Bull, with registered
pedigree. Terms 01,00 Per cow, payable itt
end 3otooa0oa. A. K. ROBERTSON,
of lot 28, con, 5, Morris, lying within 2
milks of Brussels. 87 soros. aro cleared and
mostly under grass, halation cordwood bush.
Good buildings, femme, orchard, to. For par -
Stealers ninny to 0150, FORSYTH.
'0.13; Aleo n arab-class yoke of oxen for
onto. G. F.
The uudereti m,d has a quantity of the Oslo-
braked Menorah Oats for sale, They are a
white variety and warranted °loan. The Reed
was brought from Pennsylvania 2 years age.
ne ion• satisfied
yiel d tparticle
annieerte.i Ao pply tried
A1.,1 o 4, O1, . 2
85.4f, Grey.
IN borrowadF. 0.Rogere' Municipal Manual
will greatly oligo by returning 1t et ouoo. A.5 -
tor this nottoe there will be u0 neons() for de-
taining it any longer. 'there is also um exou0e
for not knowing who itboloagO to the name 10
written to full on rho (lover. F O ROGlORB,
V The Vann being nom po80d of north )parts
of Lo -s, Nos. S% 59 4100 In the lot Own, of Turn -
berry, containing 110 10ree, more or leas, 0511-
atod 21 miles fromWroxotor, 5 miles from
Oorrlo,71:,11100 Irons 11rne0u10, on rho Grovel
Road. Sohool with in afew rad0. 40 aoreeehop•
podroa0y for 010ar105, 20 0or00 swamp, good
err ok throng )the clean n 15883105of10n 8'of Spring
mora talo perfeat, Pria° }32,500, Apply to
J,lMts DR1'WI'l, 5i, 11, DUItNIOY,
Hardware 9/Lambent, eawmill0r,
29-01 11T1ee919, Wroxeter.
131it1tl.-i'1'1$Lt, &u.
.9._/. 0.11.i..i, rau+rly°seep iud 0y A.1. Mo
0011,15011.,10 aeur no's d look. Money to loud.
tAT 13. DiutibUN,
iV • Ua10 wit, '3 lrraw ,1 Freedtaot. (lode •
rich) 13oltotur, Convey,umer, &a. Olnae is
,lrant'e Bleak, Brussels. Money to Loan.
Mt G V Willing, of Btanohester,14lich.,writes
"1,13' wife lino boon almost ]biplane fir five yrs
so h alpines that elle °out d net turnover in had
alone, She need two bottles of nloptrlo 111t+
ters,andln 00 mural improved,0ii tt she is Oda
redo het own work,' Lloctri alt,it. ern will do
101 that le 0htimed for them, 7111nlr0de of
Only nifty attest
their ttle great 1)onimItU 0 pow-
1110 fourth Utyleiau Court Co. Huron,
Cooveyan0ar ,Notary Put 110,L 11,1, Loan 0E0
fusurn11c0 Ago ut, Funds l n v estud and. to Loan.
Oollecilano muds. Unica, Grnham'u Block,
s1.OPII:1DEN, .,1. D.,
��. 1\i. 11.
1 . G.P.n.P. 4,,i ',asiu;uu,attrgeun,andAc-
000011or.. Odteo and residence, over Nigh tin -
gale ort 4o'aster°.
if A. MuNAUGIITON, \L. D., 0.
11 o M., L. 11,0. 1., 1C llnbar;n. Phyaioleu,
Surgeon and Aec000hour, Olfou androeideuee
Vint formerly >eehpiwt by Dr. T. O. Holmes,
north of bridge, 11 ,003,)e,
4'hyslcian,Sura'enn and Accoucheur.
Graduate of Trinity University, of 'Toronto
Formerly of Ethel, late of 1 erdwleh,
°PRroE AND 1tzetnsacE.-trick Louse op
dostte English ULuOob, Muiu St., Ilruoeels.28
A. 1HU'1'0HINSUN, \I. D.
L. It. a'. 1'. Edinburgh,
111Weleevod 10 his n,eideno0 on Mall Street,
tile house formerly occupied by Dr. Graham,
and will be Sacra et (lige.. flu still retains ,1u
omo° at Hargreaves' Grua Store.
__._ ...._...._ .. DENTAL.
L. 13ALL, L. D. S., HONOR
• Graduate nod member of the ]loyal
College of Dental Bargee es, 'Toronto. Ocoee
113 Struthoro Bleak, Will visit \Vim:ham Wilco
only on Wednesday until hie student returns
from College. Best possible pains token in ell
operations. Charges moderate. flours 5a.tn
to 5 p.m.
SIMS, lunula 0 Gmbol proprietors, largo
and00n1'Ontantoompte rooms, Special ,octan•
tion to Commercial and ether Travellers. Tho
bar Is 1lwnys supplied with the choicest
braves of Liquors and Cigars. An attentive
hostler always on hand.
0.J Asn have taken possession of this hotel
I will be pleased to see all my old friends ,and
hope by keeping the best of iigoore, good a0
ooulmodatiou and hoesatable, with attentive
bar -tender and hustler to secure many now
0000. 1', O'NISAL, Proprietor,
-TM a we1l known hotel was never in hot.
tar leaning order thou atproeont, as the new
proprietor h30011lar0000)). rcatLed th0 1)01100,
Tho Maris supplied with rho 0110010001tquors
nue nigltrO, Terme S1 per day. GOoll Hanoplo
ltoomsf or Uownorclel mon, B.\Y TUCK
\i. 1I. MoC1tACIi:EN,
Issuer ;Ioniugo Licenses. Oleoo at his groo
cry, l "rnbou'y street, 12-23
Cl Sergoon,Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
oollego Termite, Itesidenoo, the house lately
ocotlpled by iLrs,J. Parker .Maiustreet, Brut -
eel s.
�1toNAIR , 188UEit O1' \1Alt•
. - tinge Licenses. by ttupofntment 01
hi su tenon t -Governor, Commissioner,
B.Couveyaneer and Agort Fire insurance Co
Mae at theOranbreok Post Office,
Insurance Agent,
Gt1ELPn, ONTAltro.
gratioal Watchrilakor aid Jeweller,
Satisfaction Guaranteea in all
W. .1.
--SHJP AT --
JACKSON'S 10001RE, 8001)5011,8
The subscriber has taken tho machinery
cent of his mill and raised the milt. Me
will bo ready bo cot right along. Custom
sawing 42.25 por M. Logs taken in Ex.
change tor Sawing, When trade is taken
82.50 por M. will be ohargod.
19OC.Iv,A.LLX %V' XITIM$ Plt'og6.