HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-20, Page 7Algaau 20, 1885, 091199.11"KIETIMILIWSIVIEPIEMIMATIMIZI1112.1. pain wo1•o unendurable, * * What. Lord Kolao loft tho room tha evening, husband and wifo turned an looked at each other fn silence, Lady Penrith was the first to break it, Witt pale, trtuubliug lige she saki to hills, "What shall wa do, Ilild(brau d-•-1vho is to tell lane? I cannot, Silo will die my beautiful wounded dove—IMO win (110 I" "Ah, no; grief docs not kill so quickly; it would Lo hotter if it did," "1 loved yon, Hildebrand," oho said, gently, "and I am yuitu sure if the same thing had Implanted to me, it would iu. clued have been Illy (loath." Lord Punritll kiasucl his wifo's troubled face. "Wo tunst do the host wo can for her, my darling," be amid, "and the Lost, lioavou kuow4, is bad onough. I will breast it to her ; olio will suffer less with no, porimps, than with you. Hoavcn help me 11f over I moot that man again, anis there f9 no restraint upon sue, it woe* will bo Lis lifo •.t mine. Philippa, dar- ling, try to • nor up ; it may not bo So bad. Silo young; she may 4000 ro. cover; she may not take it deeply to heart. Time heals all wounds, oven tho wounds of death. In throe or four yoars oho will Lave lorgotton Lint, let us hope." lint oven as ho spoke, his heart was heavy, and Lady Puurith only wept the more. "I feel," 411e Said, "114 though I had been staIiw,i to Chu heart; 1 feel as though 1 4uuL1 never leave this mom (call fate lata' (1,.(11(1." "00 t'' our 100))), Philippa. Yet, no; for b( r 41iu' we must keep up appear - r c.4; wu must not lot Mai servants poet anything ; w" must go to dinuew 11011111, and endure 1141' or, teal in the •st may we can. I shall tell Beatrice t 14111 Lord Kelso kms gone to tolvu 011 hit- , frtluit 1,1181114s ; filial you can go to .or room, cod 191 bread: it Io the poor ,.111, 1\•) must s1lIi 1 Le, ; w0 01(14111• 11.11k for 11(r. It will never do to have any of this known. 110, least stint of it .A� would be the child's 111iu, liemOtubet how much ut' her retitle dl:pc11(is on your111f•eur.irel now," and tlwaofew vur114 gave the unhappy mother eourago to litlp l curiae, She would Loan and sufitr All was rieuo au ho wished, The vows soon spread throughant the cattle that Lord _Kelso was 41111d(my 4U11111nn1011 to Loudon, and no ouu 1.11)1 the wit to eon- ( uact lois sudden julnney with the tip- 11e1r81(11- of tho fore11111 8.01141(111 ':riw 114111 k -111(11i4(1 to see .1-:.d; i'anrith. i !us - hand told lwilOIc1t 11).• room ;111( 4.• lady Pour nth hnll heard 441,:,1 1.1(1,1.11414 to 1 1, 1l1'1' 11.-li �lltel''9 death 1.1:111. 1"llo went to Ler loom ; Lo sy _•l;t ifs daaglltr. ' It is cruel of hint," she said, in lou' soft, gontlo voice. "Ho said ha should not b 10 111or0 than a fow u 1001709 away. What shall .1. do, papa?" And slut looked wishfully in his face, What could 110 say, who know that 1 19110 would novur moo him snore ? "1 mmol Help thinking them i4 90(110. thing wrong," she cOutinuod, "It would 1 be bettor to toll me. Ho 18 i11, parhaps, or there is sono )12i44f0rtun0. I um quite sure 110 would not go to London without spooking to 1110," "Ib is not pleasant business that has lalcen him away, and he wag certainly smell put ont." "'That would not lnattor," she skid; "uothing but death would make hila for- got mo, If he had onploa44ant busino413 ho should have told me, and I won have comforted hi40, Papa," 14110 co tiuucd, eagerly, "if Iso has lost all 1 mou0y, you would not lot that part 1S "No, my darling," ho said, gents "money should not part you." "Was it about this sumo businessth you sent for him, papa ?" she said, a something of relief canto over her far If her wise, kine., good father kno it, inure 0ou1(1 bo nothing wrong. "1044," he replied; "11 \Vas 1(1811)0 that came to my knowledge, and I me to toll him," "Ali, then, it will bo all right if yo know, papa : you aro so good, so Wf9 SO Clever. You can do anything. \1'11 will ho comp back 1 Will he co11111 t morrow 1" S110 laughed a curious, wistful Iaug that 110 plover forgot. "1 hope ho will not be long away, do not know what I should, do 110 papa, without him. It would ho hi living without (UU4h1110 or 11311) ell, anything oho that snakes life bright When will ho cotno back again 1" "I do not 110044', it i1 not certain—al thorn 18 the (sinner -hell 1 I MU a very pour substitute for Lord Kelso—let mu talo volt into dinner, Beatrice." And su long as 110 lives, Lord Punritll will never forget that dinner, will MVP)!forget the effort he had to got t11rougll it. Ludyl'ourith came down, and they contrived to gut up 301110 kind of con- versation, but it was easy to see how great the effort was. Beatrice grow more and more sore every moment that something was wrong ; how ;meat and how t'lrrilde that wrong 4t•as 44110 little dreamed, When dinner was 0)1011, Lady Penrith wont to her own room, anclLord i'uuritb tools his daughter to the drawing -room to tell her the. truth. Never Il1ai11 in his life, Lord Penrithsaid to 1111nmelf, could he ever go through such se(no; it was over at last, andsho 1:new that oho t111ou1d cover see the man sho loved so doarly again—ural, to bili him farewell. On the whole, 411 lead Immo it better and more quitti)than he had dared to hope; sue ha, finished speaking, sho had said tav Om l word, and oho 14'449 sitting in the easy chair he had placed for her, polo vn silent, her hands folded, 1101• eyes 1114, c;r, 14d, Lord Penrith took her in hi; arcus and kissed bor. "You cannot toll tho torture it 1:(1: Leon to mo to toll you this, 130at1•iee : and your roller, 9110 fools it so 1(o1114 that olio is quite ill. Yost aro a g..,.1 bravo child, and have borno it wit! Your mother, I know, is breaking h. (mart over you. Let mo take 60111 !message to her that will 0o11solo hor and lacer j There was little - enough to cheer or 'console in 4110 wlaito fact) raison to his— littlo enough. Silo tried to smile, but there was only a quiver on tho white lips. ' 11011 aro very kind to 0(0, papa," she said. "Very kind. Toll doer mamma that 'have hoard it—all—yob that .l' am 'not dead." Ho bent over in infinite distress, the eim1lo, pitiful words wont through his heart, for they hinted to him a state 0f distr01444 greater than he could imagine. Ile made hor 1io down on the couch ; ho boggodher to try to read; he found for her an amusing book, which he opened at a12 amusing chapter; ho left hor with cheering words, hoping in his inmost heart that the worst was over. Ho went to Lady Pourith, and told her the very words, "Did silo say that x110 had hoard it, yob is not dead ? Ah I thou it is worse oven than I feared. Go back to her, llildobrancl; do not leave hor." Bub when Lord Penrith wont back, ho 'found that Iioatrice was lying 'whom he had loft hor, but cold, white, and seus0- loss ; nt first ho thought sho was dead ; after u time ho found that bur heart was still beating ; still, for her s111(o, d0sirotl44 of l(oos)ing up appoarauces, ho wont at ouc0 to Lady Ponrith. "Those is ono },)019011 We Dan trust, and trust eutiroly," 9110 said; "that is MissL'rooko; go and bring hor. I will go to Boatrioo." Lord .Ponrith found Miss 13roolco fu the school -room trying t0 road, but toally ill with 8U8ponse; sho, with tho root of tho household, hall hoard that Lord Ko1so had loft suddonly for London, and Sho, knowing that 'calorie had boon dorm, felt certain that something ter- rible had happened. Lord Ponrith was too ill and too anxious himself to notice the condition in whioh he had found his govornes9. "Lathy Ponribh wants you, Miss Brooke," ho said. "Wo are in groat trouble ; will you come to her?" In 9ilen00 bo led the way to the drawing -room, main 81101100 she follow. ed. him. 130atr)001ay there white and snout, Lady Ponrith bending over her In a passion of team, "It has killed hor, Hildebrand," she cried. "I knew it would." "Hush, Philippa!" said her husband, as he carefully looked tho door. "Re- member that hor wholo future depends on your self-control now." "She wilt have no future I" cried Lady llo heard her now in tho m444io+rsom; she was sitting where her lover bad left her, singing over and over again to liar. self the beautiful linos of the sweetheart song: ^011, lawful. a yen;a month, n any, ilut elan for tho lure that loves (away." TIo stood for a moment and looked al her—that peaceful, tender expression was never to bo on hor faro again. Hothought of an innocent Iamb with a knife at its throat—of a white dove, with the cruel bat that is touring its inn000nt heart ; and, strong as ho w1a4, his heart grow Oak at tho thought. Sud- denly Beatrice saw him, and oho sprang from her soot with a joyful ory. "Papal why (lid you solid for my earl ? How cruol it was of you. That ono half -flour 1(1 tho 111u910.1'Oem is the only tiro wo have just before din11or; mud w0 11are 90 lunch to say—I tell him everything." A happy, (hammy smile came over her face, audin tho full gladness of 11er lloart 9110 kissed hor father's Manes, It WENS strongo that ho made no an- swer, but looked at hor with an 01(10. soribablo something in his face, "Whore is Lord Kelso, papa 1" sho criod, "Ho said ho would not ho long." What was 110 to say to hor, when 110 know that in this life she would never see him again CHAPTER LXIX. ]irons' PanEVEn Mont+... "Hy door Beatrice," ho said, gently, "you must try not to bo disappoiutod. Lore. Kelso has been suddonly Minn 011- od to London." How could bo go ou? Sho started as though she had boon shot; the lovely color died from her faeo, leaving the -rosy lips white; a dark shadow came into ler oy0s. "To London I Oh, papa, it cannot ho true, To Loudon, without seeing mo I You aro jading; bub It 19 a 011101 jest— s, horrible josh I Let Inc go to him," "My dearest ,Vestries, it is no jest, and ho had no tiro to 900 yon; ho was compelled to go by tho next trait, and Lo had not one moment to sport)." "Papa I" sho cried, looking at him 11 with groat, solomoyes, her faco grow. in" snore ghastly in its pallor, "papa, to 10(0 the truth—the porfoob truth. Is ho dead ?" "i)oadl" cried Lord Peoria". "INo child, certainly not; it is as I tell yon. Ho has boou obliged to start suddenly for London, and ho had 11ot tiro to sae you." Sho laid hor hand on her heart, "I have a slrang0 fooling Hero," sho said, gniotly—"such a strange fooling, papa, as if somotbiug had 11app0u0(1 to "Why dict you ask mo if ho were plead?" askod Lord Ponrith, who bad hardly recovered from the shock of the gtlostian. "I did not think he could leavo me without ono word or one hiss," she said, slowly. "It is so unlike him; ho novo: forgets mo, no matter how groat his hurry is. It would not have taken him one moment to have said 1Good•by, I3oabrioo; I am comingbaokto-morrow.' THE BRUSSELS POST, 7 ma0On 7 ,VPtralatnau aoansuarro,rouge o, ..aneu'mMmr.�e 4,10.rat .^-..,rn a.:::St::Gru:ur:eara altanaani4tiYiW ri Penth, with fast falliug tears, '"Silo is dead1'' Agatha knelt down by thio white, 44ileit figure ; w(t4 there over anything so like n ln'olcou lily? Slio said, tluietly: "Iloatrico to not dead, Lady Penrith; 9110 has fainted. Ido not (won tltinitslle 114 facing to die.Is she ill ?" "'Poll Hiss Brooke, llil(lobraud," said Lady Penrith "w0 may trust her ; 9110 will loop our secret." "You may trust )no, lady Penrith," said Agatha, gontly, "1 will do all 1 oat' for yon or for Beatrice," "It is a llorriblo thing to toll you, Miss Brooke," said Lord Peoria' ; "but, liko my wife, I have the most implicit 0011 - Homo in you. You know how well tho poor cllild loved Lord Reuse, Wo have lelthat about him to -day which has 11- caused mo to dismiss him from the A's house—to forbid him to seek nay (laugh. 1" tor again, and, of course it has eutiroly 91 put au oud to tho ongagemout." Icor heart beat so quickly, silo foundat lest they should hear it. This was 1110 lid object of 'Valerie's visit thou, 0. 'Do you think itis true 1" sho asked, w with white, quivoriug lips, "I know it—he admittod 111," said ss Lord Penrith. 114 "Would you mind very much tolling me what it was 1" she asked. u Sho could not help tho question, and 0, it did not strike him as unusual. 011 "I cannot toll yon all. Thoro was a 0- little story about some Lady U which I shall not ropeat. There was 11 another one of some good awl innocent girl, whole ho had cruolly deceived," For a moment a groatuhf: t came be - 4' lbro hire oyes, and alio feared lost she (1' should fall (load at his foot. It ons of 'r her he was speaking ; it was her 041412 • sad story that had almost 1(fllui Boa. trice, and had part0d her from hor lover. 1' t9u nli 00111'11i1.:141) • pilAL'1I11011 1AL.h .1P A BALI 1. gain.—The 111.1,1 001lI 1in3 81.8111 1116 4o 4044 and 184r1tt1111 11(11)11 01 a Irivi ug town in Grey Co, (1-00t1morsel, 1aho0l,o1urallus, do Thu Toronto, Grey dr Bruce ral1road rune th across e rear of the lot, Low inlet. to tho mon paying 4110 0,1111. ]34a), terms i1 on tine. T1110 13 a splendid opportunity for 0 poor man ora man with a family. 'elle owner would exchange fur n 0,u(Ilcr farm In nurou Co. I'ur further purlieu 11d a 1131) ly if, lY. 11. 114111(10, 131'03801.=., P- 0, MEAT '1IAlBKET, 311)10 133110141144', 0(81(•434$&.11, ANDREW CURRIE, Prop'r, FRESH An SALT MEATS • Oithobestquality Ow u) -r unhand and /lour 1 onto ill any put toitho Vlllagcireo 01 charge • FAT CATTLE WANTED, orw11I0111110 11101test n ark1i prier will bo pa1d. X nlon make Specialty oib03104,1ids rand iklns, Dore corset (be ?lure. next door 81171111E Vary Pm -amble, 10 H'le taher'4Jr4s ellr34, More. .11A11B11' 014130RI) .C9.�..f ALIVE r The undm'signcd begs leave to announce to the Public generally that he has purchased the Entire Stook of 1). Frain, harness maker, and Navin brought a Largo Stock of his Own 91a1 ,he is prepared to Conl- Vol 0 with the Meanest, tot he Buys Strictly for Cash A. Oonlplete Stock of LIGIi1 AND HEAVY HARNESS, COLLARS, \CHIPS, BRUSHES COMBS TRUNKS, HORSE BLANKETS AND 'TALIPES, Ant Everything in the IIarneas Lin 1✓ I3arness made to Order from best oma term] on Shortest Notice, ) ' Repairing Promptly Attended to. ate'" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, rte 11. Ca elicited before Purchasing Elsewhere 50 CORDS SHORT, II41RD WOOD) Wanted at Once trill 110 talon) in Exchange for anything in the ll:n'ncsu Linc. (mss' Don't forgot the place.,inDr Graham s Block, D.1rnin'sOld Stand, Main Strout, Brussels, A ('BEAT ()HANCE TO Make Money i Outfit worth a Largo Sum of Mon - all Free. You will find Your Portuno 111 our Circular. Gr'eat Chance for Lady 4gemts to Mame Money, Terms and Outfit Theo. You will find our Circular a Prize. Address, 111N13 A11'y PI)IILISIIorG Co. St. Catllorincs, Ontario, TO T H E FRONT AGI CINM The undersign('n In returning thanks to the Pool)1(: of C'runbrook and Surrounding Country for their 1.41 bad Patronage during the past 5 years would respectfully intimate that he has again realwled busi- ness and will bo found at the Old Staled, ready to attend to the \i'aut44 of 1118 Customers. ---IN 'TIl.E BLACKSMITH LINI': PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. `�'. _..tF; 7 _AG C Cr 01\T S Et01 will Ile Linder the Management of a first -Class Mechanic. ZRcspaiTi•ng of 411 Kinds tlitenc7e(i to. We also ,Mapre a,,,'peeialty of .Afen' I t`or/ Sot. uta :in First -Class Style and Guaranteed - to Give ASatasfaetion.. We arc the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada llallnfacturirg the Victoria Road Ch1,tg allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of All two wheel Vehicle1. Intending Purchaser; Should Call and Examine. 1344E: 38 BR ADWAY eat" Read and don't forget that Moss Bros. have just Opened out the Larg- est Assorted Stock of Tweeds over shown in Brussels, consisting of BEAVERS, FRIEZES, NAPS, FANCY WORSTEDS, IIALTI','1N, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, and as those all have to bo run off this Winter to leave room for Spring Stock you can depend on getting it (loud and Cheap Suit or Overcoat. Cal? and .;. ,=maim Our fStoo a1111 you will be Satisfied that you can Buy Suits and O'4'ercotits Cheaper than any place else. '1,VE HAVE ALSO ENLARGED OUR STOCK OF HATS & CA115 IN ALL SHAPES ANI) STYLES. OUR STOCK OF UNDERWEAR IS ESPECIALLY WORTHY OF ATTENTION, being of Exceptionally (food Value. 501110 Extra Largo Skis in Shirts and Drawers of Good (duality. in v EFL:X.5' WA g _aSa FP /UFA i , la ,l"'d.. 1'y :^ 8 we Show It Complete Stock. of Desirable Goods, Suits Made to Order on shortest possible notice,. Call Early and Secure your Ohoice• a.s two Intend Rustling these Goods off at Once.. ROSS BROS.5 Fashionable Tailors.e 'male's QM Stand,