HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-20, Page 44 TIIE BRUSSELS POST".
• .30 I'enl.tstli::l, -
EVERY 1'13.111.11' JIU)ILV!N(J,
in gine for the early mails, at the
1{ter. 47211111^.T, P 1n'.. t ls, ot,rem1o,
TERN18.--The snhsruptiou rate of TEN
, •r rP'. •. 1 I
Past 113 01,54 per .1 /In , d It t 1 e
subsoriptious :oust be pail at the time of
subscribing, if not to, pall 92.011 will be
charged. No paper diseoutinaed until all
arrears are pail up.
AMR 1ITtHINU IOATEO..-The follow-
ing rates will be charged to those who
advertise by the year:
1 ln:.on t: MONTHS 3 Moaxits
One coluulli, 90010,,...30 00.....=10 00
Half column, 315 00.,.. 20 00.,.. 12 00
Quarter " 20 00..,, 12 00.... 000
Eighth " 12 00.... s 00.... 0 00
Eight cents per line for first insertion,
and three cento Por line for each subsequent
insertion. All advertisements measured
no Nonpariel 10 lines to the inch.
Itusiness c 11 ls, of eight lines and under,
9ti per annum
D 1 ami r l t 10'1-' N Ewa_ill tilirs letrolity. An exeellaut 180 Wits
16 S l/ 1 aervtd 111 D8111 08' to wheel RIOplr
.lfatrlaeraYu�� at, justice watt done, after whi0li the ootn-
piuly adjourned to filo ohureh where
Jos, Coomber, I31 con. Grey is gra.
time out material for new barn to
be erected next mauler,
Last heck, Isaac Beharrell lost 11
valuable mare, She took an attack of
inflamuuttioo of the bowels about two
01011tha ago 01111 never fairly rocovor-
? ed.
A ceratin widower from Michigan
I le seen 00 tho 2nd con, of Grey, visit-.
ing friends, We need scarcely add
the object of his .trip until ha has
completed his errand,
LEA walk, T11o::. ile1 won , while
getting out of the way of a felling tree,
Calle in contact with a log, which was
buried in the snow, While in the
act et jumping over the log he clip•
ped, lacerating the flesh of both legs.
At first lie thought his injuries slight
but thry have turned out more iter- )gurx-te4•
i0118 than he anticipated for he has ! --
been confined to the .louse ever since. Towushhptotincil suet last Muliday
Wle ultelleotultl part of the 1110430/313
w118 Rene through. `1'he paet(1', ltuv.
1), 13. McBee, neenpied Out eletir and
!after prayer made a few preliminary
3'elnat'ke. Short addresses were de•
livered by Rev. S. Jones. W. II. Kerr,
D. lleGillicnddy and Rev. J, Russ.
Eecolleut 11111810 was supplied at suht-
able intervals by Melville &lurch choir
from 13rnsee18, at:der the leatlership
of 1). Stewart. 1110 proceede aino,ult-
0)1 to ,$,160, , Tho meeting was a very
eujoyelle one all through and the hest
of attention 11'3i 141 Val to bothspoiok-
ors and choir. 'Ph 3 310111 votes of.
&whit were given after which the
doxology and temetli&tlou brought
the meeting to a close 3hnrtly after
10 o'clock. A 5103)01 148.0 bold nn
Tllureday evening.
Advertisements without specific three- foe the trans 3:11100 et bll;10081.
tions, will be inserted 11)1t11 forbid, and Eltlsa&l. i John Bnre•ess Iris leased the Parris
charged accordingly. --- farm, lot le, cue, 7, and will devote
instructions to change or discontinue I Wm. 1)111ne is nbin to be avowed I ))is IIIOO to fttrminp',
an advertisement moat be left at the count- ; again attending...to. bnslllea8.
ing room of Tee rose, net later than Men -
Thomas n Collin nod. and st&vewood 1153 been
flay /wee of each week. Thi,. 18 Imperative.Thomas Ratciffe is still very low. got out with a vengeance this winter
He keeps getting weaker all the time, notwitll•tendine the depth of snow.
Mrs. Patton was unexpectedly call- Semi, Winker s,., stay s0111 Ito less
ed away last week to attend the fun- I than 16 tone of bay this winter. It
QCT. 313. 1'0.
i . ':11 lIARCII 20, 11385.
IN speaking of the compensation
theory the Montreal Witness speaks
as follows :-The wind is so strong-
ly in favor of prohibition that there
is no need of hatching the direc-
tion which straws take. The whole
bulk of the bluer interest cannot
stand up against the gale. Iu the
face of the big deputation of liquor
dealers to Ottawa the other day,
praying for compensation in ease
of the worst coming to the worst
with them, Parliament has refused
by 0 majority of 31 to affirm the
principle of compensation. That
is a knock down blow for the liquor
interest. We are sorry to notice
that the principal members of the
Government, with the honorable
exception of Sir Leonard Tilley,
voted in favor of the unprecedent-
ed and mischievous proposition.
Oei Thursday of this week the
Scott Act came before the electors
of Elgin County, St. Thomas city,
Lambton County, aucl Missisquoi,
Quebec province, and they were
asked to pass a verdict for the
coming three years. What the re-
sults are We (l0 not know yet but
11.0 1101)0 for the best and feel per-
suaded that the three out of the
four will say Scott Act. St. Thom-
as cannot do better than follow
the example set by Guelph. Wel-
lington County will vote on April
2nd, and Chicoutimi, Quebec, on
April 9th. Information has been
received that the Scott Act peti-
tions for the counties of Perth and
Middlesex are now before the Gov-
ernor in Council, and it is expect-
ed the same day will be fixed upon
which the Act will be submitted in
both counties. The day will prob-
ably be officially announced with-
in a week.
AN exchange says :-Mr. Camer-
on, of Huron, made an able speech
on the subject of tho representation
of the Northwest Territories in the
House of Commons. There is no
doubt whatever, that as soon as
there is a sufficient population in
a district of the Northwest to re-
turn a member to Parliament, in
consequence of the provisions of
the 13. N. A. :let, representation
should 1)0 given, told of there is
anything like the pol.ulatioll in
Assinibuia and Alberta, 03113011 has
been represented, Stops ought to
have been taken by the Govern-
ment to ascertain their members,
and provide them with several
representatives ere this, It is very
desirable that there should be
adequate representation from these
new and remote districts. It is
impossible for •1)ersens living far
away from a district always to
adequately realize the wants of its
population, Those Who reside in
the country and know its oircu)n-
stannces can best express the feel-
ings and sentiments of the people,
and can enable the House to form
a more correct judgment than it
otherwise could on these matters.
eral of a brother, in the neighbor- 1 would have paid him well to have
hood of'lorouto. puna of to it until the present.
There was no service in tine Pres- James Calder was awarded the
1 byterien church last Sunday, the contract for hauling milk on the
' roads being drifted so that Rev, lir. 5113 and 6t11 cons. of Morris, and the
McRae could not get over here, I Ota anti 1010 of Grey. The fignre
Prof. I3ullocic, the notal horse received by him is 13 mills, •
trainer, delivered It lecture on t110 \V, H. Cluelfy has given up the
subject of horsemanship 11)Roberteon'e carpentering business fur a while and
hall on Thursday evening haat. Aft- has taken an agency for tL svallekuown
er the lecture a number of diose pre. Publishing House in Brantford. W.
bent joined his school. A few more 11. should make a "smashing" agene
have come in since, so that the Prof, A.I1. Robertson, lot 26. eon. 5, has
has now quite ci good clays. They purchased a (hero' -bred Durham bull,
are all 1ve11 satisfied wall his instruct "Duke of Fullerton," from J. Robb,
tams and are unanhmeue in pronoun°• of Tuckorswith township. The animal
ing him an expert .n his profession. is it good one, 8 years old, and has a
Last week we received a c0mmuui- full pedigree, Seo advt. in this issue.
cation from Ethel commenting very The store, dwelling, &o. belonging
strongly upon "Sandy," as they style to R. Crittenden, Sunshine, will be
him. As the letter was very Person• sold by mortgage sale on Friday,
al and as eve have no desire to help April 1010. There is a nice little
031 the "war" we do not publish it. business to be d000 here and it is
Both 911011es in the emit have had
their say, 43iz.:-Those who favor
either sides have more than once giv-
en expression to their feeltuge and wo
think the best thing to 110 is to bury
the hatchet. No good can come of
personal abuse and had we Icn0we as
much as wo know. now 103011133 what-
ever relating to any unpleasantness
between parties in Ethel would have
found place in our columns. -[Note
by Ed.]
80310011 REPORT.-BOlew 18 given
the result of a written examination of
the Ethel Public School for tho month
of February :-500 class -Total No.
of marks obtainable 682-A. W.
Robertson 460, Eliza A. Tindall 444.
4th class -Total Marks 542 -Mary
Lang 276, Albretta Milne 262, Janice
Spence 258, Wm, Sanders 121. Sen.
9rd class -Total marks 505 -Melinda
Milne 861, Maud Annie 353, Aaron
Cober 820, Ernest Maginn 820, Jas.
Robertson 817, Adelaide Milne 298,
Charles Rupp 298, Charles Slemmon
286, John Sanders 264, Walter .Sharp
247, Mary Coats 281, 14Iary' Laird
224, Fred Laird 215, Uriah Henry
211, Carrie Lake 2Q4, Norman. Cober
194, Lizzie Mattnders, 187, David
Green 174. Jun. 3rd class -Total
marks 870 -May Sharp 244, Bertha Solon REPORT OP 8. S. No. 5. -
Fogel 286,, John Slommon 280, Nor- Examination in Goograph :--4th °lass
mac Robertson 426, (Jolene) Sanders. -Wm. Johnson 09, Robb. Russell 94,
Minnie Littlefair 81, Wm. Russell 88,
Teddie McOasey 78, Minnie Tucker70,
Mary Halliday 78, Alfred IIasiem 77.
3rd-13ertha Lawrence 88, Miller Pro-
ctor 88, Emma Olnakey 79, Oland
Tucker 60, Caroline Haslem 50, Ella
Clark 48. Tho value of the paper
was 100, both classes ware examined
on the same paper and with the same
valuation, Jno. H, Oornyn, Teacher.
An exchange speaks as follows of
an old resident of Morris township:
-We are called upon to ohrouiole the
death of another old resident in the
persou of John Isbister, who died at
rho residence of his son, Wm. Iobister,
on Sunday 8th inst. The subjeoe of
this sketch wag born on the Island of
Pomona, Orkney, Scotland, near
St1'olmless, a litt]o town of the west
side of Ireland, o1 May 8rd, 1801,
and was thorfot'e nearly 84 years of
age at tho time of his death. Ho re,
ooivod a liberal education 111 his early
days, and when he readied the age
of 15 years he imbibed the idea of
a sailor's life and then 0ommenood au
eventful career. He entered the
British merchant service in which he
remained some five or six years,
During that time he was twice ship -
wreaked, saving nothing but the
clothing on his person, He subse-
queutly deoided to enter the 80rvio0
of George IV, In the town to whioh
havens conveyed after his second ship-
wreck In met a recruiting sergeant
hoped some good m 111 will get hold of
Meesrs. Hughes & Newsome, fram-
ers and builders, have tiro entreat'
for 8 barns iu Groy township and a
house, bare and stable ill this town-
ship for the coming year. They are
pushing young men and will do a
areholders of the Belgrave
factory are to meet on Saturday,
March 28t1), at 2 p,m, to pay 10 per
cent. of•each share, 101 the milk routes
and transact any other business that
1s brought before them, Gee.. Hood
is the Secretary..
We are going ba slave he new cheese
factory at 13elgrave. Itis lo be a 2'
story fralpe building, 82x70 feet, and
ie to bo completed by May 10th. The
contract was awarded to D. MoCasey,
his tender being $900, last Tuesday.
Tho faot6ry will be built on it lot pur.
chased from M. Brandon.
'We are very much pleased to be fn
a position to congratulate our young
friend G. G,. Hood on entering the
benedintino army, taking Miss Little
,ay Ins partner. We hope suecese may
attend them through life and Little. -
Hoods grow up, like olive branches,
to comfort them.
224. Willie Maginn 107, Walter Jam-
ieson 172, Peter Grant 169, Mary A.
Elliott 156, Harvey Dobson 155, Ber-
tha Simpson 152, Lucy E. Milne 151,
lltattie Evans 141, A. Schofield 131,
H. McNeil 126. 2nd class -Total
marks 260 -Isabella Dowdell 293,
Jerry Annie 209, Bonnie Davis 205,
Fred, Milne 208, Lottie Ldee 201,
Hattie Jamieson 105. Enos Gill 184,
NobleMilne 178, Carrie Sanders 172,
Walter: Richardson, 171, Nellie Young
146, Thompson Laird 140, Alex. Mc.
Neil 138, Julia Schofield 111, Willi-
am Maunders 90, Walter Wholpton
75, lst class -Total manes 200 -
Ada I3lelts 174, Maud Jamieson 171,
\Vlnnio Rayner(' 167, Amorson Ann1s
168, Lucy Sanders 156, Eliza Dun.
bar 155, Willie J)elsworth 155, Clara
Peebles 147, Annie Maunders 144,
Blanche Milne 139, Herbert Paua-
baiter 136, Emma Coats 125, Laura
Dowdell 120, Edwin Robertson 94,
Priscills Whelpton 73. J, A. Young,
eeraniterooI, ,
Council meeting to -day (Friday)
Soo advt. of sale of stock at tho
farm of Robt. Brown on the 81st.
Tnn.nlnnTTNE1.-•Tho tea -meeting
hold in connection with Knox church
last Wednesday evening was ono of
the most successful held this winter
anti enlisted for a feral of 21 years iu
Ibis 1Iajesty'e navy. Several thrum
410 tvtt0 111 0043131(3 ellgags 11(11to, an0
031)331,1 the battle of Navaroe0 ill wliioli
the wll:dc9 Tlu•ltisll fleet 11'88 11100311 to
atoms. Ilia terms of service, holy•
over, was out short, for !It the end of
six 30i05 110 not with 1311 10001,10113
which clisglutlified hila from further
sarvico, and he w.ts diseiergell with a
pension, Returning 'to hia native
laud 11(0x11)' afterwards he married,
and for 47 ye3338 lived happy with his
partner, The result of this union
was Rix boys and three girls. For
23 years previous (0 coming t0 this
country ho taught school in rho Par-
iah of .:vie, iu113 in 18557 came to tine
country, first settling in IIamilton
and 3.11011 removing to Dumfrios,'\Vitt..
erloo county, where he taught school
for five or six yeare, Iu 1861 he
came to Morris township, where he
resuulall his oocupation of school
fetching, fur which ho had a partio-
111tte liking, Dud kept at 1t for too or
eleven years, when 110 1.0)313 001111.381.1011
to 1'esign° through. growing infirmit-
ies mid old age. Mr, Iebister was a
staunch Liberal in polities, as also is
his family ; a faithful eupportel' of the
Presbyterian church fur over half it
century, and passed away at peace
with 131.8 Maker nuc. mankind. In all
his d0111111ge he wag upright and hon-
orable, a true friend and neighbor.
The funeral uotwlth8111nding the
stormy weather, it was ono of the lar.
gest ever seen 01 Wiugham,
The regulae meeting 5f tbo town-
ship Council will be bold ou Friday
of this week, at Cr,ulbrook.
Thos, 131111 has returned to his farm
lu Dakota after a visit of a oouplo of
menthe to his home in this township.
Quite a number in this section view-
ed the eclipse of the sou last Monday
afternoon. It could b0 seen with the
naked eye anytime between 12:80 and
2:80 o'clock.
A good deal of excitement has been
stirred up over the Logan affair and
people all agree that his sentence
should be a severe 0110. When one
dose won't cure the se001113 should bo
The contract for building a bridge
across 1110 Maitland, on the sideline
between lots 5 and 6, con. 2, was let
to Peter McDonald for $276. The
bridge is to be fiuished by August
The Gorrie Enterprise, in speaking
of Thos. Gibsou's politioal meeting iu
that place, says 1 -Thos. Strltohen,
Reeve of Grey township, spoke at
solo length, arguing over the grounds
of tile Mercer 01001., tho refusal of the
Domiuiou government to permit Pro-
vincial governments to have the right
to charter compaoios, the Streams
8111, 117e Boundary Award &c., as evi-
dences of rho hostility of Sir John's
government to the Provinoee.
In a rimed issue it was stated
that L. lfol34eil and M. Shine had
purchased a half interest in the blood
stallion "Sir `Patton Coachman." Last
week Alex. Delgatty, 12th con., pur-
chased the interest of Mr. Morris,
from whom Messrs. McNeil • and I
Shine 'had bought, and the horse now
the property of throe Groy men men-
tioned above. "Sir Tattoo" is well
known 'fu this looality and is the got -
ter up of some excellent stook as may
be seen by the handsome span of colts
owned by Henry Ball. The horse
will travel through Ibis section next
The auction sales on the farms of
D. Dobson and 13obt. Dickson, last
week, with George Kirkby and Alex.
Delgatty as auctioneers, respectively,
went booming, Everything was sold
and at figures that said a good deal
for the reputation of the owners and
the chin music of the electioneers.
To give an idea of Dickson's eels wo
quote the following prices :-A span
of young mares sold, separately, at
$160 and $171, cows averaged from
$40 to $50, one solliug for $56, 2
yearlings, a heifer and steer, brought
$85 and $28, roepootively; sheep sold
high, ewes, by tho pair longing about
$18 and lambs by the pair $11. A
fat cow was knocked down at $61.
The sale netted $2000.
DECEAs0)n,-L1283 Thurectay after-
noon Wm. Shine, who has been ill for
sometime, passed away, aged 53 years,
Ho had been a resident of Grey town-
ship for over 132 years, having taken
up the farm on which he died, lot 6,
C011. 12, when it bush lot, The de.
ceased was born at Petorboro' and
was married 131 years ago to Mise
Olemantina Tennant, 03110 still sur•
vives him. Throe sons and four
daughters, with their mother, are left
to mourn the loss of a father and has.
baud. The funeral, on Saturday
afternoon, was largely attended. Tho
funeral sermon will be preached next
Sunday morning in the Methodist
ellnroh, Brussels, of which church the
deceased was a member.
Merton 20, 1888.
The Guelph daily Mcrieey of last
Friday says :-03) Wednesday even-
ing (lovent:mint h)aleotivo Rogers left
for Throe county where he 11(311 reason
to believe that to ni0 of the etolen jow-
oliery belonging to Siman8113' was
secreted, Ile 13,15 1101 mistakenn and
seceeed0,3 111 securing quite a quantity
of the phuiller, conelatiug el knives
rout fonts, jewellul'y and w8. telur13, on,
the farm of ;hes, Bird, Ilueoll county,.
The Birds aro relatives of Littlo`s„
told be vl4t3.1 their place Shortly after
the robbery and hid a lot of the jew-
ellery on their premises. With the
Jewellery rcmavered 01 I30autford,
Port Albert, and the 13irl1 farm ata
1172000, Silnouilcy hes got back 81)0113
$850 worth of his property, Dotoot•
ire Rogers deserves credit fur the
manner in which he worked up the
ease. Ile returned frons Unroll this
forenoon, and states that he has good
hopes of steering more of the property
in time,
Auo111ee smiling miller, --this time:
it is a gid and Alex. Iiay is the joy-
ous' parent.
James 3lolIardy, ono of the hands
at Leoch'e sew mill, cut his foot se-
verely wall 1131 axe he was using and
a clay or so after the accident was
talem with violent: lumbago. Under
a physician's care ho is not improv-
A lir. Conde, who is soaking to
establish singing eohools in this
neighborhood, advertised himself horn
on Sunday last by preceutiog in the
Presbyterian Church and starting the
tulles at the Methodist prayer -Meet
The Literary entertainment given
by the W. 0, T. h'., on Wednesday
evening of last week, was well attend-
ed and e0neidering the low price oe'
11111111101011, 10 cents, was financially:.
a success. The library fund, to which,
the Foeticide go, is $5 richer in eon.
The preachers and school teacliore,
who Snake 13lnovale their headquart-
ers, were greatly inconvenienced by
the storm of Saturday and Sunday.
Rev. lir, Louuds' 2 o'olook service
here was allowed to go by default,
the pastor being ton actively employ-
ed in a distant portion of his field of
labor to give it his attention viz., -
breaking too road from Glenannon to
Bluevale. Will mud Bebt, Stewart,.
who teach schools about 7' or 8 miles
out in the country, plodded the weary
way ou foot, while T. A. Reid with
groat difficulty reached his Delmore.
school by noon on Monday.
Perth 'County Notes.
C. J. Macgregor has been appolut•
od to tho vacant position in 11. M.
Custcme, at Stratford, caused by the
death of T. 1)1. Daly,.
Tho 11003 Perth County buildings
will be erected ou the Daly property
at Stratford, which has been pur.
chased for $3,500.
A Kirktou correspondent says :-
"That a minister of that place has
the hardihood to preach moderation
in the 080 of intoxicating liquors."
the National Hotel, St. Marys,
with the stables nod all their con•
tents, was burned Sunday morning..
The fire was discovered in the stab.
les about 12:80 a.m., anti spread rap-
idly to tho frame portion of the hotel
on Water street. At this time the
fire was got partially under control,.
but the eugina gave out, and then the
fire was soon beyond the control of
the bucket brigade. The principal.
portion of the hotel was stone, and a.
strong effort was macre to save it, but
after the engine became useless the
fire caught on the roof, and the whole
building was soon in flames, The
I01ayor hired to Stratford for assist-
ance, aucl the tiro brigado, 11/13h au
engine, was sent over by special train
reaching St. Marys about 4:80 a.m.,
and rendered valuable assistance in
Reaping the firo 000133 ed to rho hotel
buildings. A strong gale was blow-
ing st the tune, and all of the south
side of Queen Street was 11)001100uod,
The loss is estimated at $20,000 :
partly covered by insurance. Tho
building was owned and occupied by
Wm, Donnie, It had been for a
number of years tho loading hotel of
the Stone Town, A young 'emu from
Mitchell named Ford bad driven over
from Mitchell and put up Ilia team
at the National Notal etablo8 only
half au hour before the fire was dis-
covered. His team, valued at $700
were burned, as was also another
horse, belonging to ])r. McKay, of
St. Marys,
Bogus Hayfork [non are operating
n Kent and Lamblou counties. Far-
mers are learned to beware of them.
Essex Contra doctors report an ad,
ditfon of about twenty-five to the in-
antile portion of Essex Centre's pop. .
ration during last week.