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Malian 20, 1885,
Tho rounded moon was shining bright
(Tie so the story goal)
Upon a chilly winter night,
'When all the fields and lanes worn white
With many,drifted move.
The winter winds were piping shrill
WhTis s0 the story rends)
en honest Simon 1'ettingill
Ilia nutter drove heroes the hill
To visit Betty Leeds.
Now Sinton was a likely lad
('Tis so the story goes
And could the choice of girls have had,
So Betty Leeds was proud and glad
To be the one ho chose.
She somehow know that winter ovo
('Tis so the story goes)
A call from Simon she'd receive,
Nor would hor trusting heart believe
1:Ie'd stuy for drifting snows.
And so she donned her ribbons bright
('Tis so the story roads)
Piled on the logs and trimmed the light,
And waited through the winter night—
This trusting Betty Leeds.
All night she waited but in vain
('Tia so the story goes).
And no'or saw she hie face again,
For white and frozen, in the lane,
It lay beneath the snows.
A smile of rare and perfect grace
('Tis so the story reads)
Lay like a blessing on his face,
As some sweet thought had loft its trace—
A. thought of Betty Leeds,
A woman, old, with hair grown white
('Tis so the story goes),
Still piles the loge and trims the light,
And waits for some ono in the night
Who sleeps beneath the snows.
"News of battle, news of battle"
From the far Egyptian shore,
Whore ahandful cif bravo heroes
Fought as men no'er fought before.
whole the British standard's flying
To the nation it has said,
Spite of all their jeers and lying,
British valor is not dead.
Hear old Scotland's pibroch ringing,
See her lulted sons advance,
In their grasp their bayonets gleaming,
Beady for the Arab lance.
Through the battle's smoke they're rushing
All their swarthy foes they spurn.
Every soldier proved a hero
Like the Bruce at Bannookburn.
Watch the men of Stafford charging
Fiercely, bravely up the hill,
Which the Arabs are defending
Full of fiery zeal and skill.
Inch by inch the men of Engand
Drive them backward from their path
Till their foes in heaps lie round them
In a deep and bloody swath,
Say not then that Britain's glory,
Or its valor has decayed.
Neer was laurel nobler earned than
By the Cavalry Brigade,
When through hordes of countless numbers
Like ILO avalanohe they burst,
Bringing water to their comrades,
Who were perishing from thirst.
Burnaby and Berle and Stewart,
Oh, what glory gilds each name,
Never brighter ones or braver
Ere were linked in deathless fame
While we read the heroes records,
Tears perchance may dim the eye,
But their deeds will toll the nations
British valor cannot die.
It is a Port of joint affair -This op-
ium smoking.
The enrhust Tubular bridge -Tho
bridge of the nose.
Egotism is usually pretty unani.
I11Ol1H-all 1.'s aucl no knows.
"I uta to tell the truth I" exclaim
eel a political orator. "Yee," cried
hie rival, "end you're the worst shot
I ever knew."
What is a luxury ? asks an ex.
change. A lux'ur'y is something you
don't want until you see somebody
else with it.
It is rare for a red-headed girl to
have a freehle on her mouth. When
one is found site is generally kissed
on the sprit.
A scientist estimates that there are
128,000 haire at it man's head. This
is an item belt no bald-headed chap
will clip out and paste In his hat.
One half of the world doesn't know
how the other half lives ; but, in
faehionuble society, that isn't because
it hasn't tried its prettiest to find out.
We never speak as we pass by,
Althu' it ten: bedims his eye ;
L know ho thinks of when Ito wrote
/y t• his Ilatn0 across my three month's
School iuepoctor-"Wel, my little
than, eau you tell me what is the
plurnl of baby 2" Small boy -'twine!'
(And as it happened it came home to
the poor gentleman.
Don't let it happou again, thats all,
said Johnt.y's mother, when she heard
ho had played trntlnt, "It didnt hap-
pen (sob) this time (sob), I didit on
purpose, Boo, hoo, hoo, I "
Important Passenger : "Say, pilot,
what's the boat stopped for 2" Pilot :
"Too mush fog," I.P.' "13ttt I can
see the sky overhead." Pilot : "Wal,
'til the biter busts we afnt a -going
that way."
A literary swell -An editor wit
the dropsy,
Departing guest ; I am sorry to
say, landlord, I'vo no money. Land-
lord : Why didn't you tell mo this
last night. Guest : I hadn't tbo
Heart to worry you all the evening.
Tableau -Door ; coat -skirts ; boot,
"Sam, you are not honest. Why
do you put all the good ponchos on
the top of the measure and the little
ones below 2" "Sams reason, dot
napes the front ob your house all
marble, and de bank gate chiefly slop•
bar'? salt,"
Superiuteudaut (to now sales•
woman)-" Why hoe that lady gone
without buying 2" Saleswoman -"Wo
haven't got what she wants." Super.
intendant--"lwant you to understand,
that we hire you to sell what we've
got, and not what people want I"
Flow They Should All Road. -An
engraver's mistake lately caused the
bride's parents to say on the cards :-
"Mr. and Mrs.—respectfully re-
quest your presents at the marriage
of their daughter," eto. It was not
SO very much out of the way after
It is hard to be good early. A
mother recently took her four year-
old to church, but had to be constant-
ly chiding him for spealcing out to
meeting. He finally broke out
"Mamma, if you won't let hue talk,
take off my shoes, so I can work my
Oscar Wild defines fashion iu dross
as a form of ugliness so unbearable
that we have toalter it every six
months. IIe remarks that, on a Par-
is fashion -plate he had once seen U71 -
der a bonnet a note : "With this kind
of a bonnet the mouth is worn slight.
ly open."
A Mott street Chinaman has re-
nounced draw•poker. He sorrowful-
ly relates his experience as follows
"I got flo acee, bet five dolia, nobody
plum )n ; I get tree hinge°, bet ten
della, nobody clum m ; I get flo
flusher), bet fifteen della, evly son of
gun Glum in."
"I see," remarked father Hoedown
of Haokoneaalc, to his wife the other
day, as he was rending his morning
paper, "that Prof. Poilem of London
says fenoin' is healthy exercise for
girls. Now that's just whet I told
Milindy and Mary Jane when we was
a layin' that thousand rod worm
fence last fall."
Tho daughter of a New York mill-
ionaire has applied for a divorce on
the ground that her 1mt ebaud basely
deceived her. He assured her that
he was a coachman, but since marry.
ing him she has discovered that ho is
only an editor. Wo didn't suppose
there was such a brand of heartless.
villainy abroad in the land.
She had had n hard trial with him
during his life, but had meekly borne
her lot. Now that the encs had come
and he was passing away, As she
bent over him he looked up and said,
faintly : "I'm going," and he went.
"He's gone," she said, wiping her
eyes : "poor fellow, its the first time
I ever knew him to keep his word."
A fond father presented his 4 year
old boy with a trumpet, . with which
he was greatly infatuated. All day
the boy tooted away delightedly, and
at bed -time, when his grand -mother
told him to put the trumpet down and
say his prayers, rho little lellow.satd:
"0h, nu ; I'll toll you what let's do,
grandma, you pray and I'll keep on
An Arizona editor having got his
rival in jail for assault and battery
thus gloats over hint :-"Our quon-
dam contemporary is lying as usual -
this time an jail. Wo understand
that the saloon keepers are moving
heaven and earth to get him out, aa
their business has fallen off since he
has been cooped. When ho gels out
what a thirst ho will have,"
h l anitoba, is
Governor fi!tI7 a11U1t, NATIONAL ROLLER
,��g ry LER I� LS
of Manitoba, is drr.h I dQo,.9B r4 8 ^� tl
The Scott Act will be voted on in
the County of Wellington on the Led
By it vote of 14 to 0, the British cep`fc(yn° c-°"'p� /ry pq yy a�q q� s aal�yry �qy�1
(it7117111 hitt l..ngielrltll C[) lute thrown hitt v ° �"+"•,� °s'U22�•i WoD ie & SOUS,
), rev t� o P./.y le '®uta sOS
a 13i11 glviog lvolllnu the po14')' 0i ui
vl,to at parliamentary an luttnieipal
On Senility of host t'ok Louie Itiol We has
wade a 118t'y speech at Da (oche, N. W. Boller Mi
T., urging the httlf•bt'eeds to take ad- faction,
vantage of the tremble bet wean Bug.
laud and Rush', and strike for their
Canadian Fr eevm.
The Federal Bank Bill was report-
ed in Committee at Ottawa.
The Soudan has already cost near-
ly throe and a half million pounds.
The expenses of President Cleve-
land's inauguration foot up $45,000.
The Governor,Goneral has re^
ceived an official acceptance of the
offers of Canadian regiments for set'
vice abroad.
John A. MOIilnis, of Ingersoll, was
killed on Tuesday night 1n a railway
oollieion on the Illinois Centre! rail.
way, near °bohauee, III.
It is reported that the British Gov.
eminent received a despatch from
Russia pointing to an amicable settle•
went of the Afghan difficulty.
In the Ontario Legislature 'Tuesday
a resolution approving of the Govern-
ment's action with respect to Raaclore
was carried on Il vote of 40 to 80.
.Or'. Wilkinson, of hiootetown)
formerly of London, has invented at
new hind of wrench which he has
patented at Ottawa and Washtngtoe,
vtt 11111tH pleasure in ltunlnuleing to the public that our New
11 is 11n Complete Bunning Order awl is giving the Best Satis-
rights. SHORTS,
The report of the Quebec Bureau
Veritas for January Blume 11 total of
101 ves•'ols of all tlatioualities lost tit
BOB during that month, of which nigh.
teen were steamers and eighty-three
sailing vessels,
Sir Tilley claims that the coal tax
added 000,000 tone to the output of
Canadian mines. If it, did, it also
added half a million Hailers to the tax•
ation, levied nearly if not altogether
on the people of Ontario,
The Quebec Legislature was opeued
last Friday. The Speech fi'oin the
Throne pointe out that the Dominion
Government has beau reetnorialized `
to increase the subsidy on that part 1?L
of the Quebi o, Montreal, Ottawa, di
Occidental Railway between Montreal
and Quebec from six thousand dollars
per Milo to twelve thousand, the same
as was paid on that part of the road
between Montreal and Ottawa,
We also mance the following Brands of Flour :
Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and
Snow Storm,
Gristing Attended to with Promptness.
The prion of wheat in Euglaud in
1884 was, the etatistae5 for 248 years
show, not so low for a century, In
1780 and iu 1884 the annual average
price was exactly the same, 85s, 8d.
Previous to 1780, for 52yoars, wheat
was under this average, and for 87
years above it. Wheat shows a tend.
enoy to rise and fall every four years
and this should show an upward tend.
onoy. These statistics relate to ling•
The number of letters registered
this year is estimated to have been
about three millions. Of this num-
ber 115 failed from various reasons
to reach their destination, including
84 registered letters. stolen from post
offices by burglars, or contained iu
malls lost, or accidently destroyed.
while, under conveyance. In the re.
maining 21 cases, composed of ro-
gieterod letters, embezzled, lost or
misdellvered, by persons employed in
Post Offices, the value contained in
10 of the number was recovered, or
made good by the persons in fault.
A. peculiar aooiclent happened at
Morpeth on Monday. Some one ad-
ministered a dose of poison to a dog
belonging to Mr. Macartney, tailor,
Maoartney's daughter, Mrs. Agar,
picked the dog up while it was ie eon-
vuleione and attempted to give it an
ometio, with the result that the animal
bit her thumb clear through, and dy -
ing immediately her thumb remained
in the dead dog's jaws. An iron poker
had to bo used to pry the jaws )tp)u•t
before the thumb could bo released.
Naturally Mrs. Agar was much alarm-
ed, and hastened to a doctor, who
treated the wound with caustic.
At the Division Court in London,
the other day, a ease in which a tech-
nical point of considerable interest to
merchants was raised, came off. HIGHESTDumbrill, a merchant of Serathroy.
sued the Grime! Trunk Railway for
$11. 28, the value of eleven pan08 of
glass that the plaintiff claimed had
been broken to tcanslt between that
city aucl Stralhroy. The judge found
for the defendants first on the ground
that no proof had been f'rniellod that
the glass was all right when given to
the oompauy, and secondly that the
plaintiff could not recover beiten80 he
had nob furnished the railway with
particulars of his olaitn within 80
hours after the goods had been de-
A Winnipeg despatch says :-Tho
Farmers' Oonveution passed a long
series of resolutions. They insisted
on a re -distribution of the seats 1u
the Legislature, the introduction of
the ballot, the extension of the South-
western Railway and the maintenance
of the present wheat grades. Ono
resolution passed declared Manitoba
would be a splendid field for emi-
greets if her rights were obtained,
Resolved, "That if the Leglslalnre
which masts on the 10th of March
endorsed Norquay'e bargain, anotbi r
convention 011011ld he called to 0011•
ileum them." The Convention then
adjourned, Some oxentatnout wla
caused by an alleged Secessionist
meshing. A crowd ceiling thernsoly.
es Loyalists went to capture the
ineeting, and found only 0130 Seoee•
monist, Steward, of Rounthwaite, who
a0ted its Chairman. Ile was mai-
treated by some of the crowd. Il is
supposed that the whole salaam° was
gotten up by the enemies of the Far -
mess" Union, wait wished to connect
the latter with it. In this they de-
cidedly tttilatl.
1.d.1A G lig WORKS
—3r tNIIF ICTt7ltrk 00—
all made of the Bost Material and finished in a workm ii -like manner.
Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to.
Parties intending to buy should call before
RISFI;RAINCE8.-141%rSden Smith, B. Laing, James Cott and William
McKelvey, Grey township ; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little, Geo. Brewar,
and David Breckenridge, Morris township ; Thos. Town and William
Blashill, Brussels ; Bev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turn -
berry township.
JAS. 13TT S_
Tho undersigned having completed the change from this stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the hill in
First -Class Running Order,
and will bu glad to see all his Old Customers and as many new ones
as possible. Chopping (nom.-.
F1ouy and. Aged Always on Rand.
WM. 1MII-11\TJ-
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