HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-13, Page 88
nevi): i; xvirov emit ,t; 0.11.
re tin e Urn/set., :Station, mint hand
011 Ili f
..'11311 I OnlyidNeETII,
7,15 vao.I . 0:40 a au,
.11;50 11.3.11. Mail..,, 2141
1/1s,eii 4:10 l'Express ...........6* isaat
Tho morning train south and the night.
train mirth will only 33(1 .0 Tuesdays, Thurs-
days, and Sitturde s.
A. ohlersamang yo takin'nete•
AuMaith he'llpront it •
Tin weather keeps very *old.
Msator about half gone already.
Tee days aro stretching out to a
good leugth now,
Conk Caledonian nue nn31 a', come to your
gran' eoncert Tuesday evening.
D. MCGILLIOUDDY, of the Goderich
Signal WES in town this week.
ONLY oue Dollar in advance asked
for THE POST for the balance of 1885.
Try it.
Conn lads and lassiea hear the songs and
grand old strathspeys.
WATCH out for the spring advertise-
ments of our merchants. Go where
the bargains are offered.
STEM:ESSE]: and reels. A. rare =id-
eal treat, Tuesday evening.
A. M. Key has gone to Sarnia to
act as assistant in the post office in
that town. A., Al. is well up to the
Mao. lioEiritt has kindly granted the use
of her piano at the 800ttish concert on Tues-
day evening.
WE had a pleasant call from Chris.
Dickson, the well-known bookseller
and fancy goods dealer of Clinton,
last Wednesday.
TEA sets for 52.10, at Thomson's.
SEE the advt. of the Bairnsfather
Scotch songsters in this issue and
keep yourself disengaged for the even-
ing of the 17th.
Bums your wives and bairns. Mute,
song and stories of Auld Scotia will be ren-
dered in a manner never before heard in
Huron. Tuesday evening.
OUR amount ()fluent news is meagre
this week as the soribe who compiles
the local was stuck for a couple of
days in the snow blockade at Listo-
PUEE Cane Syrup 50c, per gallon, at G.
Lem—A. dark brown tassel be-
longing to a muff in the army bar-
racks, or near it, on Friday evening
last. The owner will feel greatly in-
debted to the finder if it is returned
at once to THE Pose Publishing
t Comte are lying around loose.
AN early Spring 5ti 001111t0t1 011,
NEXT Tuesday is St, Patrick'e day.
the war path.
Tint Sohool Board did not meet
lag[ Friday evening.
Miss Horror, of iS
friende in town this week.
ROBT. INGRAM, of Blnevale, was Vis-
iting acquaintances ill town tine week.
25 cords of 2 foot green wnod want-
ed, at once. Apply at Tile Pon Pnb•
lishing Houie.
Mns, JAMES Roes is at St, Joint's,
Out., visiting. Her sister Fannie am!
ompenied her.
Tun atorm of Monday interfered
with the trains and no mail was re
ceive from the east.
WHERE are all of our correspond-
ents gone to ? We haven't heard
from some of them for a month or
J. 111. STRUTHERS, of the Garfield
House, was away at Toronto thin week
engaging IL inillinor for the coming
MISS 'BROWN, Miss Struthers awl
Mr, Burrows, of Stratford, were spend.
ing a few days with friends iu town
this week.
Rome Drossox and family are to
become resident* of Brussels we are
pleased to say. Our retired farmer
friends can't do any, bettor than come
PETER LIVINGSTON, in the employ-
ment of the enterprising firm of J. &
J. Livingston, was in town this week
on business conueoted with their
PROF, HULLO= will give a free lec-
ture on the art and science of bore
eduoation, iu the Town Hall next
Saturday afternoon at 1:80 pan.
All are invited to attend.
ALL owners of dogs are requested
to secure tags at once from the vil-
lage Cleric and comply with the by-
law. The tags cost $1.00 and $2,00
respectively, according to the persua-
sion of the animal.
"Series W04A kinE."—The celebrat-
ed Bairnsfather family will give a
night of Scotch song in the Town.
Hall next Tuesday evening, under the
auspices of the Brussels Caledonian
Society. A large audience is counted
on. The Toronto Globe speaks as
follows of thew :—Shafteebery Hall
was well filled last night by an appre-
ciative audience who listened well -
pleased to the Scotch songs and Scotch
stories sung and told by this talented
family. This is their first appearance
itt Toronto, and they thoroughly well
deserve the good opinions that have
been formed of them where they have
previouely appeared. Mr. Bairns -
father has an excellent voice, and
sang with feeling and power. Both
as a singer and teller of Scotch stories
it is hardly going too far to say that
heisfullyequalto the fatuous Kennedy.
In some respects, indeed, he is evou
superior. Mrs. Bairnsfather has it
singularly pure and sweet sopreno
voice. She sang "I lo'e na a Melte
but ane," "Comin' Thro[ho Rye,"
and other well.known Scotch ballads,
in a way that captivated her andience,
Mies Maggie Bairnsfather song,
"Better Bide a Wee," and Rothsay
Bay," very nicely, though she tvas
evidently suffering from mild. Mr.
Richardson, who took the place of
J. W. S. Bairnsfather, sang "Afton
Water" and "0' a' the Airts the Wirt'
Oan Blew," very acceptably,
A. NEAT little pamphlet outitled
"Tho Canadian Advance" has just
been issued from the Canadian head
quarters of the Salvation Army, giv-
ing a financial and etatistical state-
ment of the army for the last seven
months of 1884. Major Coombe, the
Commiesioner for Canada, took charge
of the Dominion work about the lsb
June last, and the report shows the
mimes which has attended the work
of the army Mucci thee time. At the
beginning of June, 1884, there were
41 corps, 80 outposts, and 120 oili.
cern. At the end of seven months
there were 80 corps, 85 outposts, and
and 265 officers. At present there
are 96 corps, 47 outposts, and 298
officers. The pamphlet refers to the
opposition with which the army met
in Montreal as the most striking vic
tory of 1884. The financial state.
ment gives the following information
Total receipts, $27,998,83, which in-
oludee amount received from trade
account, $0,89856; amount received
from corps for spiaitual extension mud
war chest, $12,848 22 ; received from
andin account of stabioos, $8,220 68 ;
received donations from T.leadgnart•
ors Temple, $8,016 9J. The follow•
ing home are hated hmeng the ills-
hersemente Amont. on ac-
count of property, $1i33,/,/d 00 ; grants
and naltetneee to corpe for expeneee
and officers' se:arias, $7,800 07; Wm'
aunt of cash in bank on actount of
Headquarters Temple, $2,100 08.
WE are pleased to see by the re-
turns of the recent examination of
dental students that W. H. McDonald,
a student of G. L. Balls, passed the
primary examination and received a
certificate of standing es a senior
student in the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, in Toronto.
Fou a nicht in Scotland go and hear the
A. MEETING of the Fire Brigade was
held last Wednesday evening, Geo.
Cameron in the chair. Routine bus•
iness was gone through with and the
See.erreas, instructed to pay each
fireman, who had reported himself,
his allowance for ettendiug fires.
The meeting then adjourned until the
2nd Wednesday in
S. A.—Last Friday evening a big
ineetin, was held in the army bar-
racks. Staff Oapt. Wooley took
charge assisted by Capt. Sharp and
Cadet Themes. As usual the build-
ing was filled to its utmost 041311,6V.
We are sorry to say that a gang of
youths kept up a continual disturb -
/Mee and should be made an example
Cree and Saucers No per dozen at Thorn -
DIED.—Last Sntiday morning
Mortin3er, eldest eon of George Hart -
wick, died after a short illnese of less
than a week, Tho cause of his death
was rheumatic fever occasioned by
etching cold. The funeral took
place on Monday afternoon ab 8.30
o'elock, Mr, and Mrs. Hartwick and
family have the sympathy of the en-
tire community in their bereavemeut.
Tho funeral sermon will be preached
lab the Methodist Church next Sun-
elay evening.
Tim Auld Scotch Bangs. Como and hear
them on Tuesday evening.
SENSIELII Two.—'The local paper,'
says \Vhitolaw lleid, "is the best pap-
er in tee world. All the city papers
cannot Rupp), the place of the home
paper. No other contains the flier-
riages end deaths, to say nothing of
divorces and births. No other paper
gives the time of the next ball, picnic
or political meeting ; no other pub-
lishes the 'roll of honor' for the pub,
lio schools ; rio other dismisses the af-
fairs of the town and county, or gives
in detail the local news, which can be
obtained from no other source. Ev-
erybody reads it, and this le why the
loeitl paper is the best in the world,
and the best advertising medium for
its circulation extant...
THE BRAISSELS t'OST, Aimee* 13, [885
wrionerseal mcorgarommonen.m.m..m.m.a.r... ,,,,,......../....mqualsontn=areersvamego.T.rmnsegurosavaingrcow.,!rnatxrrc-ontrso.v.macc,,,,x,row.nmmtatommagn
111400XLP,DOWNTIGHT Will soon ho in
Eome, 010UOTITON was relievrng at
Attwood etatton lead week.
TOBOGGANING ia nxeitiug 111010 in-
. Wrest than ever in Brussels.
E. E, WADE was at Clifford this
week attending to tenne Luitiness.
lUrus. Plume nee Miss 810111* Max -
wall, is visiting old Montle in town,
Goon Friday comes on the Ord of
April and Easter Huntley on the tith.
500,000 feet of logs in Vaustone's
inill yard this wiuter reedy for saw.
A MIMING horse Wadi the only Sell-
aution 00 Main St, on last Wedeln -
\V, 11. SIMILAR 110.8 !Mind 1101.110
after a three months sojourn 10 the
Seento 18 coming tine way. The
sun is travelling north at the rate of
200 miles a day.
SHIPMENTS of the National Roller
Mille for the past weelc are 1,000
barrels of flour to the lower provinces.
WE aro delighted to know that
there is ono man in Brussels who
inntgines. he knows bow to run a
newspaper. That man is J. D. Ron-
CAPT. SHARP and Lieut. Thallium of
the Salvation Army ferewelled last
Wednesday night. They go to For-
est. Oapt. Laing, of Stratford, rill
take cornmaucl.
Tuts cornet band and a largo num-
ber of people accompanied the Hal.
lelujah lassies to the station on
Thursday when they took their de-
parture for Forrest.
350, HARGREAVES, Of 1..111(1011, 1111(1
W. A. Hargreaves, of Paisley, were
visiting our townsman, Jno Ilar•
greaves this week. Miss Alla) Wil-
son, of ?Walkerton, and Mise Ida May,
of Peisley, aro also here.
THE Gramme property, containing
22 acres, was purchased this week by
Robert Dickson, the price peal was
$2.000. This little farm is very
conveniently located and will make
n very comfortable and desirable
place of residence.
Buck, the two men charged with high-
way robbery, were brought before
Justice Armour at the Assizes Guelph,
and pleaded guilty. His Honor, after
giving prisoners a severe lecture, lien.
tenoed them to fourteen years each in
DID you ever stop to think what a
tireless letter writer a good local paper
*is ? Day after day, week after week,
reaching into year after year, ib goes
on, telling of the marriages, births and
deaths, and the coming and the going
of the people of the town, the business
success or failure, accidents, crops,
improvements, meetings, revivals, in
fact events of all kinds. All is grist
that oomes to the hopper of a good
local paper. Why if you uudertake
to write a letter eaoh week to an ab-
sent Mewl and tell half the news that
your local paper gives, you would soau
give up in despair. The supposed
pleasure becometiresome, the letters
ithorten, further apai.t, mad finally
quit. Why the difference ? Because
with the newspaper it is businese..
People in a live town recognize this
and [eke pleasure in giving the editor
the newe ibeins you would never learn
of. If you want an absent *friend to
have ab the heppentegs of your town,
you can give hiin all of interest each
week by sending Do POST.
C1ttl11 (MINA NeW cc.
At a meetIng of the Railways and
Canals Committee at Ottawa, the
Bill to incorporate the Lake Erio,
Essex & Detroit :Railway (Jo., passed.
The tvheat, prospects 10 Essex
county wore never better th In this
season, Partnere say that the ground,
in vita of the cold weether, is frozen
only two inches.
It is proposed to establish 10 Tor-
onto a Zoological and Acclimatisation
Society of Ontario, and with that ob-
ject a publicetneeting will be hold with
Prof. Goldwiu Smith iu the chair,
It ie said that, Judge Stewart has
been appointed to the Chief Justice
ship of the Superior Court of Quebec,
vice Meredith, and that the Superior
Court Judgeship will be filled by Mr.
Andrews (Mr. Ceron'e p(trtner).
The Proviucial Secretary, Air.
Hardy, eutys positively that infringe -
mental of the grocers' liquor license
by-law in Toronto, after the let of
May next., will be proseeuted, as also
all who eel( 1Iiffiout a Provincial
Dr. Moore, of Dorchester, is sup-
posed to have been murdered on
Thursday night, of last week, near
Loudon. Ile left bo Mkt] II patient
and his horse and sleigh Were found
next morning spattered with blood,
and giving further evidenoe of a des -
Iterate struggle for life.
Tht• Scott Act has been carried in
j Drimonond county in, Quebec.
\!oting on the Scott Act telcee photo
ill Linebtou uontity on the
Gn11, Grata has litul several
leg spells mid 111a 0011/1ll.1011 is 1008
It is slated *lett Gleistone rerneeti ,
request from the teethe' for hit re. 1
The number of enrolled volunbeere
in Great Britthi is 215,000, the
greatest yet attained.
The conspiracy ease agitin4t 1113*11
mg, Aleck et al mil (wine up at the
Civil Assizes 13 Toronto oil the 161,11
Smallpox has broken nub atneug
the employette on the Nanaiwo (13.
1'.) section of the Otteadien Pacific,
A fine of $200 or shc months im-
prisonment hits been iutposed on
Parties found guilty of bribery in ttie
Lennox eleotioe OMNI.
The aunormooment was Made in
the British Parliament Friday that
the Government intended to increase
the strength of the army.
Scott Act campaigns have been
opened in Haldituend, Peterburoe
and Ontario counties, leaving Went-
worth, klalibm•ton, and Welleaul the
only comities ill Ontario ib which the
temperance party is not organizal.
Hatatiltoe was elected iu South
Winnipeg. The vote stood,—Ham-
ilton 600, Luxton 529. The voting
Wad open and the patronage of the
Dominion and Local Govern matte and
City Council was exemneed for the
Government candidate. With the
ballot Luxton would have boort elem.*
ed by a heavy usajority.
J. Rose Robertson, of Toronto, has
given $1,000 to build a new wiug to
the Lakeside Home for little Mind=
on the island. The new wing will
hold 60 cots. One of the conditions
of the donation is that the convales-
cent children from the Boys' and
Girls' Homo, Infante' and Orphans'
Home, and other city charities, be
permitted to have the advantages of
the Home the same as tho children
from the Hospital fur Siok (3hildren
itt Toronto.
WATSON.—At the residence of her son, Mr.
D. 'Watson, Seaforth, on the 26th ult.,
Margaret Scott, wife of John Watson,
of 81. Marys, aged 73 years.
Hsumnar,—In BrIlEISOIll, on Sunday, March
8th, 1885, George Mortimer, eldest son
of George Hartwick, aged 16 years, 5
The following lines were written in
memory of the deceased brother
Listen to the death boll toning,
And its accents of consoling,
Telling to the ;tolling breast
That the weary is at rest.
To the weary mourner whispering
Of an everlasting spring,
boothing, thus and reconciling
Softening, and to tears beguiling,
With its measured murmurs deep
Agony that could not weep.
A. mourner's face, s, tearless gloom,
.A. life whose breath is words remembered;
A heart that is an empty tomb,
Whose treasure is to death surrendered.
Can I 808 another's WOO
And not be in sorrow too,
Can I see another's grief
And not seek for kind relief.
and iinplOinelltS, on Lot 32, Con, 14, Grey,
commenoing at 12 o'clock. John Harbot-
tie, prop. A. Reymann, and.
TUESDAY, MANOR 24TIL—Farm Stook, Im-
plements, Lot 8, Con, 3, Grey, commenoing
at 1 o'clook. Iingtt Carr, prop. Capt. Strat-
ton, anat.
- - -
Wh to Fall Wit eat .. , . 78 80
lied Winter 78 80
Spring Whcat
Barley 710 80
50 57
Oats 28 .
100007 58
Better, tuba and rolls
Eggs per dozen 20 05
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes... , ... (0 0 0
8G 1100
Hay per ton 7 )
Hides per lb 7 8
5 50 5 8ti
Ds Arletss41),
1):Ig.,'wholosale . 1 OD O'2
Sheep skins, eauli • 50 1 00
Wool 18 00
lie /table farm, being composed of the north
ha 1 of Iota NO.22 & SO, eon, 8,11Iorris, 200 mores.
Termseasy. Apply 011 tho premises.
L) quantity of McAllister °ate. They nro 0(1
early white oared Very proauotive. Apply
0111 Lot 20, 0011. 3, morrief-
TOA.Itill TO RENT.—LOT 12, 00N.
7, Grey, will be rented ter four or five
years, There are 22 acres of fall wheat sown
end tall plowieg done. Possession given at
any time. aons mortmo
VARiM FOR SA.LE.—suniG N et -
.$0 01 103 Re, eon. 0, Morris, lytua 'within 2
miles ot Bruto:9s, 87 antee are &eared and
mostlyunder grato, balance hcrawoos bush,
Geed 12011211)138,reeeeet 0053104',]•`0. Vor
Motion amity to ORS '2414,
14,13,—Alse 0 arctalass yoke ,(1 oxen for
13513 13. 11.
01 BANKerts • 011113eSes
b; °Gnu 1411114.1,Ilnacnit,tod.
III Wrest /*lowed on deposito repayable en
T romp attoit Hon give u oulleetiens. 5.13
%se 03»o,, argil/ Vt1 111000, Brussels. Money
to loan,
10 Id. NVADE, .1.3.11t LUSTER, &o.
_kJ • Oilloo formerly °eking led oy A. J. Me
Uoll,llsq., I 0 kookie's Stook. Money to lend.
UT B. .1.)L0li8ON,
Y r • tette tette (terrew PronilfoOt, Gods •
rich) Solieitar, L1ouveyanoor, dee. Oilloe in
Grant's Bleow, Jeussols. Money to Loan.
.41 the Venni/ .010161411 COurt 00 . Huron ,
(Jou voyancer,Notary Put mid, Loan and
Insurance Agunt,Puuds inyesteilaud 50 110531
001180 1104 Wade, 011.1co, Lirsham'a Block ,
Iker AletletiADEN, 31. .0., O. M. Al.
111 • 0',P, ii, i Pair inelaii,Surgeon marl .5,e-
000013(00. 0.1100 outl roditiouue, oyor Nightin-
gale it 1.10'11st/ire.
it A. AloNAUGHTON, .D. 0,
0/ es, L, 12,U. P., Physleln,
surgeon said Aeceitelio u r 0 01 au au a rosidone o
tbat, formerly )(wagtail byDr. IC, G. Holmes,
mirth of bridge, )30110•015, f
Physic &au, diirge,,u and Accouciteu r.
Graduate or Trinity University, of Toronto
Feral erly of JO thel, late of Pordwich,
OrriCai AND ItESIDENcin,—Briok house op:
ilosito English (March, Main St.,Brussels.20
ceA, 111/12013INSON,
L. M.11, P. Edinburgh.
Has removed to his residence ou 60i11 5[root,
the bongo formerly oceupled by Dr. Graham,
and will be 311000 03 He still retains au
(igloo at Hargreaves' Drag Store,
l_A • Graduate and member of the Royal
College of Dental surgeocc, Toronto. Oilloo
in Struthers Bleak, Will visit Winghana office
only on Wednesday unbinds student returns
from College, Beet poesible pains taken 1,1 1(1)
operations. Charges moderate. Hours 8 aan.
to 5 pma,
21.. SELS,Isnnig 13 G�bel,proi,o'Ietor,,16158
and eouvenient sample rooms, Special atten-
tion to Gomm orcial and other Travellers. The
bar is always supplied with the choices t
trance of Liquors and Cigars • An attentive
hostler Always on hand,
V.J.--As I have taken possession 01 11115 hotel
I will he pleased to see all my old friends and
hope by keeping the best of liquors, good rm,
eounnodation and boss stable, with attentive
bar -tender and hostler vo secure many now
CMOS, T. O'NEAL, Proprietor
'ttet —Tele well known hotel was never in bet-
tor running order than atpresen t, as the now
rorftoi111tro II y
d!gt00881;khi:ri;8.0hdvth tretiiciuor
and Mauro, forme $1 per day. Good Sample
1tooms I or 00ininorOtal mon, W, TUOX
leaner ttarriage Licenses. °Dice at his groo
ery,T,ralielry street, 12-23
ei Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
Collage Toronto. Bosidonce, thohouso lately
occupied by Alma*. Parker Mal n street. Brut/.
• VINO Llouueae. by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governor, Commissioner, ,to,, Qi
B . Couveynne or and Agent Fire Insurance Ca
Office th 0(JranbrOok Post 00100.
Insurance Agent,
Pratiaal latahmakor ad holler,
Satisfaction Guarantee; in al 1
vv. .5. JACKSON'S STOW:, AlliliSSELS
subscriber taken the machinery
0)71 0* his mill and raised the mill. He
will be ready to cut right along. CJuSton't
sawing 02.25 nor M. Logs taken in Ex.
chango for Sawing. When trade is tithe
IMO per M. will bo charged.
teX 1,171IXTE• Prop.