HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-13, Page 7Mellen 18, 1885, mamma. aaaaa Tho bright hours passed, and, with oaoll ouo bringing ilor eeoaror to tlio ouo she loved, lleatrive became happier ovory day, Sho was ill the highest spirits; hor boantifnl race was bright with smiles; to look at her was to fool young auti happy, and glatlsouio, While every day the goutlo heart of Agatha Broolco grow 1110x0 hoar)', 1110111 1111• curtain, morn dcspairiug--hor thoughts and ideas did nob poem to grow clearer, ]'Ivory day alio saw greater preparoa tines made for that marriago which 110001011 to hor a0 cruel, and ]3oatrico, loving her every day, trusted hor more and marc. Silo tallied to Agatha of lion future, of that Futuro which seemed so bright to hor; of what she allould clo when she lived at Garewood, until there woro tlmos whim the bravo, patioot spirit broko clown, and Agatha turned away with a moan on her lips.. Nearer and nearer—every day new brought boxes and chaste to the castle; every day. brought 1owo portion or other of the elaborate 2rousncan which might havo been pre! ltrctl for a princess, Nothing ciao was Nathan about; it was alw..ys Lord Sadao and the wedding —the wedding and the trousseau—uutif even Lady Penrith lags;''^'l and said the subject must be changed. NVinit was she to do ? Sho bad no ono to help and advise her; he hacl 110 certain rules to guide her ; she could not toll, as sho gel oraily diel, at the first glance, what was right and what was wrong. If any ono had over prophesied to Agatha that the time would come whou she would hesitate as she was doing now, not lin (wing right from wrong, she w nalrl not baro believed them. Now she • aid have given much for a ray of 1, 11t to guide her on a dark road. 'ho chill, sero mouth of Octobor ought tho earl back again to Penribh astle. It was like a real coming glome, I 'r he had fore?otton no one. Lady Pen- r;!r raised her hands and oyes in amaze• I ,eat at the number and splonllor of the ]lresouts ha brought with him. The children were in ecstasy—they wished t'.iat such a lovor caro ovory day ; and Beatrice was happier it a quint fanliton. Sho said less, but Agatha raw that alio loved hie) mope. Igor loving heart could nut rest until alio had caught one glimpse of him. She went to one of the (mused month of the eastern wing that sho might biro firm thence as ho mounted His Iwrso. ]lu looked well and strong, but there was 10 happiness in the dark handsome face, She could have stretched out hor hands to hint with a loving cry. All, if she dare! If that beautiful head were turned to her but for ono moment, and the dark eyes flashed recognition into hors ! "I shall drive myself mad," oho said, as she turned resoiutoly. away. She saw little of Beatrice for NM next fow days; only at times she caught sight of a glad young face, beautiful in its lovo and hope. Thou, suddenly as a thuuclerstorna breaks on (. snuouor day, a shock cam to her, au event happon- ed, perhaps tho most terrible and the most unlikely. The whole party—it was a mild, waria (lay in October, 0130 of those which come ab raro intervals—and tho whole party of guests, with Lord and Lally Penrith, had driven over to ono of the neighboring mansions, where they wero expected to tale luncheon. • O11 melt oreaeiOlro. 1011011 tho bona'. ful, -Lately old inausu•u was empty, it was Agatha's delight to roam over it, to visit the picture -gallery and the drawiug•rooms, s,; full of beauty and luxury. Many little things that elle saw this morning touohocl hor bout riooplq. Some music bolonging to Boa- trioo lay upon the piano in the drawing- room; rawingroom; sho saw hor name written upon it in Vauo's handwriting. She bent down and kissed it, hor eyes filling with hot tears. .Just then the sound of foot- steps on tho terrace attracted hor at- tention; suroly thoy had not roturnod yot. Sho wont quickly to the window. Sho knew that the earl and Boatrioo had riddon together. If any unforeseen incident hall brought them back again —sho must go and see. But a etraugo figure was there. A carriage, evidently hired from the noarest railway station or hotel, stood Wore the grand entrance, and a lady had just dosoonded from it, and was walking up to the hall•door—a tall, statoly figure, clad in a black, simple dress, antwearing a black veil, quite a stranger to Penrith, for by mistako sho had turnedto sho torraoo on the loft—a strangor, yob there was something almost terribly familiar in hor style and °crriago. Tho lady went up to the great -hall door, and Agatha heard a loug, loud pool. In soma vague way it struck horror into hor,—it idled hor with droad, and thou she ropiioaohod horsolf for boing weali and foolish;, yot some im- pulse led hor to the groat entrance -ball, whore sho ovorhoard a footman talking • to (lin stranger. A sudden Horror, adreadful trembling wised hor—tho tones of that voico woro (pito familiar, A 11abf•sharp, half- imporious voico, with a piquant Fronoh aoconb, Igor hoar( almost stood still; a chill terrible as tho gold of death came 0'000 11or, What could it moan? Surely as sho 11,0s living, suroly as sho bright sun show) in a bluo sky, that was tho voico of Valorio d'linvors. Sho stood for a tow moments in, horrible distross and suspouso ; thou sho hoard tho same voice, but this Milo in far .more imporious acoentg, may; "I ]lava travolled some distance, at groat ineouvouienoo to myeolf, to see Lord and Lady Ponrith on vory import• out business, and I shall not go away until I havo soon them. If thoy aro Da at home, I will wait horo until Choy return." It was 'Valorio—brilliant, beautiful Valorio, What had brought hor horo? Valero, who had slain her with 011101 words; Valerie, who ]tail robbed hor of her happiness, hor life, and 1101 lova Valorio, wlioso e0Iel, perfect Paco had bent over her in sho agony that 11801 boon 111000 bitter than the agony of death. Loolcillg noitl(er to sho right nor 11110 loft—never deigmiug to let hor oyes fall ou tho figure standing so silent, Valerie swept through tho groat ontrauco hall, and Agatha anxiously followed her with her 03,118. "Show )120 into a room whore there is a tiro," sho said. "1f I have to wait soma hours, I shall fool the cold." Agatha saw a peculiar smilo on the servant's face, as he opened the door of ouo of the anterooms, whore a good are was blaring. Sha swept in, and the man closed the door. Agatha, with a white, wild look on her face, wont up to him. "Who is that lady, John ?" oho naked. "I do nob know, miss; she would not give any name or any oard. Sho wants to soh my lord and my lady—and see them she will. I abould think she is a French lady, by her docent and manner'." Jelin had no more to say, and Agatha knew that it would not be safe to in- dulge hi any curiosity. It was Valerie, theta could bo no denying that—no mis- take; sed judging from hor manner, Valeri; in her roost haughty and doter- miued mood. At first Agatha felt quite surd that ft was to Beek her that the Frenchwoman was there. She must have hoard that she had made her way into the world of pure and good woman from which she declared her shut out. alio had come to betray her ; to toll the story of her fatal mistake; to ruin her by driving her from this bayou of rest, where she had found New. It must ho that— there was nothing else to bring her here. Yet why would elle porseento her ? W'by, after this long interval of t!n10 seek to do her harm 1 Valerie could know nothing of the Penriths. It eonid be front no intcrost in thsm that she was anxious to betray bor. Another tiling was bow could it he possible that she should have traced her' there ? '1han another, and oven more terrible idea, came to her—one that made liar trewblo. It 1005, por'hapo, not for her that Valerio had come, but for Lord Iiolso. She knew nothing of what 11a11 passed between Sir Vane and Valerie, but she wits wiser now than when elle lived in the beautiful castle by the lake. She 11a11 thought it all over sines, and had come to the conclusion that the part Valerie played had boon suggested by jealousy. Coolcl it be possible that she hall come to harm him? And the wornsn whom bo had wrongod and be- trayed felt her heart warm and her courage rise. Valario should not injure him -110 ono should, 110 one should hurt s. hair of Ins head; elm would •stand before him, if need shoold bo, and re. COiMO the sword -thrush meant for him'. 1lo had botrayoll her, wronged her, in- flicted the deadliest injury upon her, but no ono should over hurt him. Sho nowt' give her life for him cheerfully, as also had given her heart and. her love. And the woman who should hero hated Lilo, found herself weeping hot tears Jest harm should come to him—never whilo oho could avert it. ']:hen, again, oho could not see what harm could ho done. It did not matter to Valerie whether he married or not, or whole he married. Ono tiling was certain, ho could never have any thought of marrying hor, or ho would havo done 50. S110 was miserably anxious. At ono time she thonghb of going to Valerie and asking her what sho was there for. Thou the fear came to her that eke plight pOrllaps bo doing mom harm than good. Sho did not know in what planner her rash interference would encl. Site stood at tho window whou the party returned, and the first two who oamo up the long avenue wore .13oatrico and the earl, riding side by side—she smiling, blushing, happy, as eho would never bo in this world again. Tho sun- sbino fell upon her face, on hor figure; they seemed to have found a Immo in the rluiiant oyes raised to hor lover's face ; and as silo looked thou, la the light of the sun, in the light of her love, sho never looked again. They rode up to tho front, tho grand entrance, and with some little confusion of laughing and talking, thoy entered the house. She know afterward all that passed when time had healed tho bitter wounds. At first no word was said of the strange lady; then tho foot- man oamo to toll Lady Penrith that a biaitor was waiting for her. "A French lady," said Lady Ponrith. "I have no idea who it can be." She wont at onto to the autoroom, whore Valerie, tall and statoly, awaited hor. Sho roso in silence when tho mistress of sho eaetloontorod, and made hor most statoly bow. "You wish to goo mo," said Lady Pon- rith, quiotly, wondering who this bril- liant, beautiful Fronchwoman could be. "Yos. I have come same distance to Bee you, Lady Ponrith ; I wish also to BOO Lord Penribh, and—and a gontlo. man who is staying bore," "I do not quito undorstand," said Lady Ponrith, haughtily. "You 'will unr10r8tand afterward, madam. I cannot explain. I must sho Lord Ponrith. Will you kindly allow mo to ask you one question ? have you a gentleman visiting you eallod Lord Iiolso ?" "1 do not understand Mao question," ropliocl Lady Ponrith, "I do not fool inclined to answer it." "I know that I am cloiugg something quito unconventional, Lady Ponrith, but I foal quito suro, when you know the motive, you Will say that I am more than justified, I have,a oarriago wait. pre BE o0NTt)loon THE BRUSSELS POST, ONIIV TO LOAN, 7 uz ...1.,mvm:^raIIZZXZWIMIG,,.rut.I.L4w•10' •••-•^••.-•r ua.mar...4uxum-ns •^••g «N..w,,am,n,,• Pries to Fund0. :17 -Pry at r1111 eon0 1'ubboh- !na1Ions". 111•4 \fns, l3 II A al ,, 13utnhor. 1 ,nnklug 1,18 alanyox6Uul ere f or Ehuir ]bor. 1(l ouppnrt for the pm/talk Oars wishes to /Worm them that bo• lug burned out. of Eh0nidutond has 1E20dup a 1110), h1 81111210', !hook in 11ro1-olaot 86y1t Tibor() ho hnpns to one all h1, 121,1 oustomnrs rtn4 1(x ninny naw 01(00 no 800 fit En giro 11101 a hall. I keep nothing ha t 110A -ohms Inea(a al lkl ndn of Poultry and enuxagc Moat. Do. livered to ,,11Partx of the T00e Fros, Cash raid l or Fat Stock. INTERESTING TO EVERYBODY. Stoves, Furniture &c. The Sterling Cools Steve juri the thing for fanners use. Has it largo oven, takes 27 inch wood and weighs over 400 lbs, The Marquis, ono of the most canyon - fent and handsome town Cook Stoves ever offered to the public, also in stock. CALL AND FEE TIE "DAVIS" SEINING MACHINE. Itis Simple and .Durable and does a larger range of work than any other machine in the market. A FULL EUPPLY eF FURNITURE —co NBls'r1N0 00— CHAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, 1 LOUNGES, MATTRASSES, &O. UIONEEALLY ON HAND. Next door to J, km's ho,rdweire store W. 3. Jackson., MEAT MARKET , 11 211A3id S01r(:ET, Ittii,§SR0.S. ANDREW CURRiE, Prop'ra FRESH AND SALT MEATS Of sho 1ss(quality 8lwaye onhand and do/iv oroo in any part of Chs Vlllagofroo of charge TE1.11$8 Vary Favorable, FAT CATTLE WANTED, rerwhienshe highest narkof price willba paid. Iaimo make,a BPo0lalty ofbuyinghplooand Bklns. Doa'ttorget the Place. next deer to F letcltat'sJtrwel)ryS tore. AN Aunty 011111(3$ ALL ALIVE The undersignod begs leave to announce to the Public generally that he has purchased sho Entire Stock of D. Train, harness maker, and Navin brought a Largo Stock of his Own Make ,he is prdparod to Com- poto with the hoapost, as he Buys Strictly for Cash .A. Cmnplote Stock of LIGEI 'ANI:) HEAVY HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, BRUSHES COMBS TRUNKS, HORSE BLANKETS AND VALISES, And Everything in the Harness Lin ea Harness made to Order from boat ma terra]. on Shortest Notice. M"' Bopairing Promptly Attended to. Ma'' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IIIF A Oa olioitod before Purchasing Elsowhere 50 CORDS SHORT, .H4RD WOOD Wanted at Onc e will bo taken in Exahungo for anything in the 'Tailless Lino. ra.- Don't forget the place, fa 1)r Graham e Block, D. Frain's Old Stand, Main Street, Brussels, �. STEVENSON. A ('BEAT CHANCE TO Make Toney ! Outfit worth a Largo Sum of Mon- ey all Free. You will find Your Fortuno in our Circular. Gretrl C1anee for Lady rJyen s tO Maile Money. Terms and Outfit Free. You will find our Circular a Prize. Address, Parc A11T! Purtr.1srlurro Co. St. Cather'inos, Ontario. TO THE FRONT AGAIN. 'Jibe undersigned in returning thal,k$ to the People of Crtluhrouk and Surrounding Country for their Liberal Patronage (luring the past 13 years would respectfully intimate that he has !(gain resumed blisj- neBH and will he found at the fIhl Stand, ready to attend to the; Wants of his Customers. . T,T) I I TMS OP t OBBING —IN THE BLACKSMITH LINE— PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. `I'.B HI W A G GO N S K O P will be Under the Management of a First -Class Mechanic. Repairing of 411 Kinds v4ttezcled to. We also Make a Specialty of ,New Work got zap in Flint- Class Stytand Guaranteed to Give )Satasfaetion. Wo are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing the ` %lotorir 'Road Out, allowed by Competent ludgosto be the Best of All two wheel Vehicles. Intending Purchasers Should •Call and Examine. ly' _`F,-' -kd78 a :lam' -, 38 BR 1 ' AD AY HOUSE. 3 'r.J•• React and don't forget that Ross Bros. have just Opened out the Larg- est Assorted Stock of Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, consisting of BEAVERS, FRIEZES, NAPS, FANCY WORSTEDS, HALIFAX. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, and as those all have to be run off this Winter to leave room for Spring Stock you can depend on getting a Good and Cheap Suit or Overcoat. Call and. E.: :amine Our Stood, and you will bo Satisfied that you can Buy Suits and Overcoats Cheaper than any place else. WE HAVE ALSO ENLARGED OUR STOCK. OP - HATS & CAPS IN ALL SIIAPES AND STYLES. OUR STOCK OF UNDERWEAR IS ESPECIALLY WORTHY OF ATTENTION, being of Exceptionally Good Value. Some Extra Large Sixes in { Shirts and Drawers of G000ddQuality. In , LiaLTIINGM wo 5110W a Complete Stock of Desirable Goods. Suits Made to Order on shortest possible notice, Call Early and Secure your Choice as We Intend Rushing these Goods off at Once. OSS B,ROS.? Fashionable Dara. Safe's Cid Stald,