HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-13, Page 6traiory of Charchas Sooiatiiast
1Ir:Lvtt,Lit Cnrnen.—Hnbbath Services at
11 a.m. and 6,30 pan. Sunday Scheel at
2: p.m . Rev. Jan. Ross, 11, A., pastor,
Kxos Curgcn.-._Fabbnth Services at 11
a.m.. and 6:80 p.m, Sunday School at 1:80
pan. ktev, S. Jones, pastor.
ST. JoIlti's lihrltrlt.-••^Sabbath $ervieoR at
11. a,ill. and 7 p,nt. Sunday School at 11130
a.m. Rev, W. T. c'luife, inountbont.
WrIttflunisT C111214r11.--SabbathServieesat
10:30 amt. and 6:ite ptu. Sunday 8ehool at
3:60 p.m. Paster Rev. D. C. Clnppteon.
ROYAN CATHOLIC 0ltrncn.—Hnbbath Bar.
vine third Senility in every month at 1L a.m,
Rev. P. J. Shen, priest.
Ono Fin.Low's Lenart every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
illAao\to Lonnie Tuesday at or before full
moon in Holmes' block.
A.. U. t'. W. Loner: meets an 2nd and
Inst Wednesday evenings each month.
ou5sT0B'sLonan 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month in Smalo's hall,
L, 0. L. let Monday in every month in
Orange loll.
PORT Orrrca.—Oflica flours from 8 a. in.
MSCUAOIrs' Ixs71Trs0 Reading Room and
tbrary in Holmes' block, over S. 13, 6male's
store, will be open from 6 to 7 p,01. on Wed.
nesdays and Fridays and from 4 to 6 p.m.
on Saturdays.
7F arta lof oteoo.
The dahlia was discovered by Hum -
bolt iu Mexico almost 100 years ago.
Try a thick alkali wash (soft soap
solution) as a remedy for apple tree
;Many a fruit crop has failed to pay
expenses, because the fruit grower
neglected to assort it.
Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Bough
Bands, or old Sores of any kind that cannot De
heeled? liven though it be of yours standing
McGregor A: Farke's Carbolic Comte will cure
it. Beyond the shadow o1 a doubt it is the
best healIug compound ever known, Boils,
Festeriugs, Frost Bites, Burns or any Skin
Trouble, aro alike cured by it. Solo at 00 eeuta
by Jno, IIargreaves it; Co., Druggists.
Old Cato was asked many centuries
ago for the best method of euriobing
a country. He answered : By feed -
rug cattle.
A Great Plncovcry.
Mr. Win. Thomas, of Newton, Ia., save :—'My
wife has been seriously affected with a cough
for twenty -ave years, and this spring more se-
verely thanover before. She lied used nany
remedies without relief, and being urged to
try Dr. 1003'0 New Discovery, did so, with
most gratifying results The first bottle re-
lieved her very much, and .tbe second bottle
has absolutely cured her. She has not had so
good health for thirty years.' Trial battite
tree et G. A. Deadmau's Drug Store. Large
size el.
Air-elaoked Time is recommended
for the plum cureuli° and the cab•
bage worm. In the former case ap-
tly freely to the trees when the bloom
begins to fall and in the latter as soon
as the little worms begin to show
Coughs and Colds that we so frequently ne-
glect, and which so often prove the seeds sown
for a harvest of coueumptiou, should bavo
immediate and thorough treatment. A toa-
Rpoonfal of Robinson's Fboephorized Emulsion
taken whenever the Cough is troublesome,
will re?Lieve the pati ent, and persevorod in will
elreot tore in the moss obstivato oases,
In an interesting paper on flowers
generally, James Trek stated that
last year Ire planted twenty beds of
foliage plants, roses, eta., on each side
of a new street where many children
passed to school. His friends thought
few flowers would escape, but the 1'n.
ly trouble be ball after planting in the
spring, was from some grown people
under the cover of night.
Never Give trp.
It you aro suffering with low and depressed
spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, dis-
ordered blood, weak constitution, headache,
or any disease of a bilious nature, b y al l m can,
Croce re a bottle of Elactrlo Bitters. You will
bi surprised to see the rapid improvement that
will follow ; you will bo ineplred with now
life; strength and activity will return ; pain
sad misery will tease, and henceforth you
will rejoice in the praise of Elootria Bitters,
Sold at fifty cents a bottle by 0, A. Deadman.
John Little, the Fish Creek fruit
man says : "It is It mistake to cult-
ivate too few or two ninny varieties
of small fruit, The secret of profit
is to provide a succession of crops,
then the income will be steady, and
soma of the necessary things about
the business, which cost money, can
be m steady use. Really profitable
and reasonable sure small fruit cult.
ore, we see, therefore, will be found
in strawberries, raspberries, goose-
berries, currants and blackberries."
PaoMt.ENT among tato greatest medical die-.
coverles, by 0115 many cures it line affected.
MoOregor's Spoedy Cure lands the van. Bub -
looted to the minutest chominal analysis, it
nettcceLone thlesueingrdtnsharatr ing ofthose
apeolnos daily offered to the nubile, Every
Le varioupossesses
co !plaintPeculiar
for ivhichl it thailliboon
oomnounded, end its saliency is being este b -
Robed by testimonials hourly received. Wo
are therefore confident that we have a prepay
.atiou whtoh we can offer to the yobbo with the
assurance that tt will be tonna not only a re-
lief but en absolute lure for Dyspepsia, Liver
'L'ouiplalut, Indlgeetlon,0onatipatien and Im-
,ore Aland, Free trial bottles at Hargreaves'
Drug Store,
A well known writer on stock top+
ice who Uses the 11on1 du plume of
Phil T.hriton says spring pigs, as n
role, are worth more than any other.
It is of much importance therefore, to
save as malty of them its possible+. If
lost the main profits in the business
for the year are gone. Considering
them es a source of wealth to the
breeder and the nation at large, great
ea10 should hi, taken in providing for
their snfe delivery, and in so Reneg-
ing tbitt they may thrive end do well
Nom the first, 1030 one having sows
iu farrow at this time should allow
them to be neglected,
Prepare in time for spring work.
the matter now, John ? lits-
mid—ab, that neuralgia and tuotbaobo 11.ar
1008 ran. \Vile—wd't ou ygo , to John
1Fluid vLighting?hyrttYntl11ouknow Itcurestall
ac to Tmti=g , l Isruotre, !lortNeuralgia, 6e sit
given htetaat roliel,
Sued Potatooe,--l?raueie Barry, of
Ohio, writes : "But while 1 aro
thoroughly convinced of the advisabil-
ity of nutting to 1 eye, where justice
is done to the business in all reepoete.
I would not udvis the ordinary farm-
er, who expects to remain ordinary,
to adopt it. If 1113 has other matter
of more consequence, or If ho be not
thorough and pains -taking by iustinot
and habit, or if disposed to plant
more land than he can care for per -
featly, he had better touch the one -
eye business lightly. For such I
have 1)J doubt it will be wiser to
to plant several eyes iu a piece, or
perhaps a whole potatoe minus the
Seed end. I would say—never a
whole p0tate, unless itbe the peach -
blow, or some variety with compar-
ative tow eyes,
rsackies's Artie entre.
Tato be- sire in tbeworl tiler Cuts,B entries
Boron, OJ io, i e, Snl t )theme, Fever Berea ,Tetier
Chapped Hands, Uhilblatae, Corns, and all
Skit Lrup dons, and positively euros Files,de
nopav required. Ot to kin arauteed to give per -
Riot satiefaotion, or money refunded. Price
26 cents par box. For sale by 0,A,Deadmau
A boxing match hos been arraug•
od between Hattie Stewart, of Nor.
folk, Vn., who claims the champion•
ship of the world and Annie Lewis,
of Cleveland, The affair will take
place iu New Orleans, and the stakes
are supposed to be $1,000,
An Iowa editor wrote an obituary
of one of his subscribers, at the re•
quest of the widow, in w1ncli he in.
advertently spoke of the deceased as
having gone to a "far happier home."
The widow is out gunning, and the
editor has Rod for his life.
A Wheeling paper says that West
Virginia sports a lawyer who clued a
dead man, got judgement, issued an
execution, advertised his property,
sold it and got the money, etuolc it in
his pocket and spent it for whiskey
before the court was apprised of the
man's death.
"What's the reason you don't speak
to Jones who passed us just now?"
"He insulted me the other day."
"What did he say to you ?" "He call-
ed me an old asi." "Called you an
old ass ! How ricliculous ! Why, you
are not old ! You are just in your
prime I You will not be au old ass for
ten or fifteen years yet."
The French journals state that a
duel was recently arranged between a
Frenchman and an American, the
conditions being that one shot should
be exchanged and that the precedence
should go by lot. Tho Frenohmau
got the first chance, but failed to bit
his adversary. As the Yankee lifted
his weapon the other called out: "Hold
I will buy your shot." After consid-
erable higgling the Frenchman agreed
to pay $5,000, and the duel was at
an end. '
"Now, sir," said the prosecuting
attorney, pompously, "you are B rail-
road man, you say. Now, sir, let's
see how touch you kuow about your
business. What motive, sir, has your
company for running its trains
through the city faster than the ordiu•
antes decree ?" "What motive ?"
"Yes, sir, what motive ?" "Como,
sir I" "Why, locomotive, I should
say." The witness was fined for coo•
tempt of court.
A story 10 told of a ehretvisll Scotch
woman who tried to wean her hnsbaud
from the draw shop by employing her
brother to act the part of a ghost and
frighten John on his way home. "Who
are you ?" said the guidmnn, as the
apparition rose before him from behind
a bush. "I am Auld Niok," wee the
reply. "Come awn', man," said John,
nothing daimon. "Guff's a shape 0'
your hand. 110111 married too a lie•
ter o' yours,"
The question of compensation to
liquor dealers was discussed in the
Dominion Parliament last week,
An Ottawa despatch says: The
Gatineau paint has been the scene of
another brntrtl and disagreeable oc•
curtailer). Last week rut old man
named Oliver St. Pierre, who has
reached three score years, was found
lying in It comatose condition on the
ice near the river's edge, about a utile
below Ilio village., When lifted up by
a few neighbors he was found to bo
covered with blond. A ntttnber of
ugly goalies were noticed ou hie head
and his face was black and blue. Hie
bands were badly wounded also. The
suffering plan wife oonveyoct to his
home near by, and when subsequent•
ly lin recovered cau•:cioasness he said
that ho had been beaten almost to
death by two bl•otl ; named Homier,
Pone efTreffsln 11u:.,.e1) wbalive near
the le ",i. They were neighbors of
the old 111113, dud a long-standing (tis.
puto bee existed between 111010 over
801110 land.
Marion 18, 1885,.
I41i0Mil, !MEET 1!05113,"
.arrival e1' Qat 51031treal owl etta1v5
t'oyagenrs., Ilrerh'd by a0n(Lamas-
tae Pe)nouatrellonn.
The ('lugltnitwaga voyageurs ar-
rived at Montreal on March 8, and
0101'0 welOnmeil 1)t the Bonavtnture
depot by an immoral oral crowd, whose
(hears veno 1)1001 enthusiastic, The
meeting between the natives and their
wives and relatives WSe finite oIT,ct.
ing, the usual stoicism of the Iu,liatt
being discarded. After breakfast,
provided for the party .311 '1 neighbor-
ing hotel, was clone justice to, tbo
most of the men proceeded to the re-
serve with their wives and friends ;
others drove through the city in a
largo wagon, but there wits no dem.
onetration. The party looked robust
and well despite their stormy voyage
out. All spoke well of the treatment
and kindness shown to them by the
British military in Egypt, and are
roady 3.0 go again ;f their services aro
About one hundred and sixty of the
Canadian voyagsnrs returned from
the expedition to tho Nilo arrived in
Ottawa Friday night March the 0.
They reached the 1Juiou depot of the
A.P.R. about 10:15 and were met by
Lord Moigund, Messrs. Mackintosh
and Tassie, 'M.P.'s, Mayor Macdoug-
all and Ald. Brown. Escorted by
two bands Bud aceompaniod by on-
thusiastre crowds they followed a
circuitous route through the city to
the drill hall, where an ample repast
awaited them. Barely one hundred
and twenty of the voyageurs got as
far as the drill hall, many of them
hurrying straight home.
When everybody had satisfied his
appetite, Mayor Macdougall, in a few
introductory remarks, gave them a
a warm welcome home, uud present-
ed them with an address from the
Lord Melguud, who was received
with loud applause, said bo was pros.
set on behalf of his Exceileney the
Governor-General to wish them a
hearty welcome on their return froth
the Nile. They had clone well for
Canada, and hitd distinguished them-
selves nobly. (cheers.) Their career
glad been followed anxiously, and re-
ports of their success had been re-
ceived with the utmost pleasure, as
every report had praised them,
(Cheers.) Those who had regarded
their services with disfavor at first had
afterwards admitted that they were
worth all the money and a great deal
more. (Great cheers.)
Mr. Mackintosh said he could but
reciprocate all the words uttered by
the mayor and Lord Illelgund. They
had returned covered with glory, and
be was glad to sea that the sentiment
for the empire was so strong in Can -
ado. He would not say mach, as he
Nit cure tient they had not forgotten
the girls they left behind them.
(Cheers.) He was glad to see them
back again.
Ald, Brown, Mr. 1lnkloon, of Win-
nipeg, and others followed to the ef-
fect, and after three cheers for the
Queen and Lord Molgund, the band
struck up "God Steve the Queen,"
Canadian INe-whi.
Walkertou Methodists have extend-
ed a call to the Rev. J. W. Holmes,
of Listowel.
'ahs Dominion estimates for tbo ha -
coming fiscal year amount to $81,757,-
082, an increase of $1,288,121 over
last your.
Hastings, wbioh is probably the
.greatest barley -growing comity iu the
Province, will vote ell the Shutt Ant
in April.
A 14 -year-old lad named Ailions, of
Dublin, will probably lose au eye in
consequence of bursting gun caps on
a stone.
Judge Torrance, at, Montreal, on
Friday, fined Cloophns St. Ongo, ho-
tel•keeper, $100 and costs for selling
liquor to Octave Roy, au habitual
drunkard, after the letter's wife had
given him notice Lo desist.
Rev. !Pother Willlitlse' congregation,
of Chatham, talk of erecting a $50,000
oitthedaal in that town. It will be
55x155 to 100 feet, with semi; circular
annex in tare. rear for the alter. It
will bo rafter the Boman or Romanes-
que ntyles of architecture.
Detroit Free Press; Alex. Cameron,
of Toronto, uud John Curry, banker,
of'IViudsor, sold to the 11)11Telephone
Company for $2(5,000 all 011011 lines
of wires running from London west-
ward, The lines aggregate about
800 miles in leugtb.
—An old lady holding a ticket from
Lapeer, 11!011„ to Ogdensburg, N. Y.,
fell off the limited express going oast
Must Friday morning between Stratford
and St, .Paul's, and 00135 10111001. From 1
papers found Li her possession hor
name is supposed to be Nelly Law-
renee. The body lips eat the station
there. awaiting instructions from her
friends, whore the _authorities are
trying to find,
`+0`.11`$5:1E':Y.>*AtC,t1.,1 42A:i
3.61')1)10031'„),o.YI)owossesLY, tlu,AMC 4)it•,
Steerage, 513, L1vorIool, Londonderry
Qnecnat,Sru, Oiasgow, or Iio.lhmt t, (Mn,,br:e
and aPsnvs no Inw 1'w by any Arst-clans line,
Sailings from 1'Oit'1'LAN1).
(IAHI'IAN Thursday, ara” b, 10t11)11,h
SARDINIAN March +0th
Yl':1tt1FiAN " 13111
h Al1MAT'IAN "
No Steamer from Portland March SOtll,
PA1018fAN Thursday, April 2nd
Ne Reasoner from Portland, April Otl1,
3A1tl)INI:1N Thursday, Apr, 16th
No 4tuauiar
from Portland, April 33rd
SAli1Ia.'I'IAN Thursday, April 30th
The last train oonneetiug with the steamer
at Qseboo leaves 'rorente \ edneodaye 0.10:00 a,
m, Passengers Can leave \Veduocdnye at 5:31
1Lm, also, end oouueot with the steamer at 7.141-
Ifax, by paying an additional /aro of 54;46
1st, and $2.66 Lu d class.
No cattle, sheep or pigs are carried on the
Stall Steamers of the Allan Lino.
Tickets and Berths null every informa-
tion apply to
J. R. GRANT, Agrint,
At the )'est Office. llrsrna4'la.
Own Figure q
HATS, CAPS, &c.,
Will commence at the Store of
T. C. HARBOTTLE, Oranbrook,
on Wednesday evening, March 11,
and will continue until further no-
This sale is got up to clear o& a
Large Stock of Winter Goods to
make room for Spring importlk-
tions. Now is your CHANCE.
Don't fail to bo ill attendance.
Come and get Goods at your OWN
T. C. Harbottle,
Small Upright Engines
For further. particulars apply to
Nelson d' Co.,
Berlin, Oat.
Money to Loan.
of Private funds have just been placed in
my hands for Investment
Borrowers can have their loans complete
in throo day s if title is satisfactory.
Apply to E. E. WAGE,
T3TWLO&W NO. 20.
Itwil loan the [armors of tlio sarrotutdtng
townehipe to eau at the
And seemly etee}: of
'ft Ali 11 OW 8
CHAFF 0If r're1RS,
l LAND Li aLLEitS,R0
Whtobsae got up specially tomootthe wants
of Elio. Vann iageommunily
Weals° give sioeinl attention to repairs of
every description on
Steam If ngloe .@ )toners, 0leapors. 1100•
ere ,TnreshingMaehlner,, l')onglas,
and any tin pitmen lased
on ho1arot
Fullstook of Stoat*, Witter rind bads Pipet
Wecord lhlr Invite Innreetim, ak the old
band 6t111 st, ,near tate l'or' utlleo,
At )11\1 Ar 1:) T it
Hardware Store.
Clearing Sal®
.PJ'c violb.s /U :+'foci/1-tffk'l nlf
Price Away -Down
—FOIL --
30 Days Only.
Cheap Hardware.
J' sea Drcwe,
1 .1 J G-
---FOR TfiF
MAI 1I01 -1 N N
1111 1031 AA 1114 N
10 11 11 11 r\ A. N N N
Al 1111I 11 A:1.0. N N N
AI 1I BI 1 A 1 NN
11 111 A A 11 N
1:3. CFIa,avy.