The Brussels Post, 1885-3-6, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST Melton 0, 1885. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, 10 V110 n lT14Ne101:,V .0,&0.11. Train I tra;se1i 4t,(tton I north at lad ith n- h'llnws: uotNe "merit, uvn HOL,ru. I lint +•- 71 tau 0:4I) a,ul, ,0 Af lv.O l.. .. 1 sur,' . ..11 an,'w[nl0 pm 31:41 , it>.. I _. . . •�..>, 1,131. I ZEPreeo..... U:btl pan The morning train south and the night, train north will only r'tu on 'Tuesdays, There. awl tr n is )',. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. S ,hio1's%mangy, taknl'notol. An' faith 11011 Arent it . TiE spring millinery season will soon be here. JNO, C. HALLIDAY, of Loudon, ,teas in Brussels lust week. Bong Biscuits ne. per lb, Toronto grocery. M1333 MINNio J. Guitar is visiting friends iu Winglitun this week. Menai syrup at Thomson's. Dela. PRIOR, of Exeter, wee in town for several days this weeek. MARMALADE in bulk 15c, per !b. at the ALRx, GRANT, of Quebec, it former The February just closed hae been resident of Brussels, is visiting ills the cold08t on record, uncle J. It. Grant, this week. Horn stealing iH fashionable just F. O. RooURs informs no that he now, says the Essex Record. has had teams all the way from Dur- I.3ollet'lllo Scott Aot advnoatos will haw, Walkortou awl 111U.rletOU %1103 llegln their campaign fit once. salt. He says the Howiek farmers 'Elio 001lapse of the Now Orleans take the lead for salt sowing. Exposition fl'oiu financial inaction ie LE.:'rUlik•---A lecture. en the theme expected to occur very shortly, "We aro all Sculptors," will be de- The Scott Act will Dome into furoo livered in Melville church on Monday in the county of Brant on the oxpir• eveniug next, by Rev, Jno, Rose 13. A.. Won of the present licenses. No charge for atimiseiou. A collect- ille0rauoy, M. P. P. for Fast fou .111 be taken np. Allem iuvtted. Kent. died at Oakville, and was kir- Musical selections will be rendered by led thorn on Sunday afternoon. The sculling match for the champ. tris choir. Sionship of the world between Beach EE the now advt. of A. Vaal con- and Clifford was won by the former, Deming an auction sale of a bankrupt The Orillia Curling Club last week stook of furniture at hid waroronms won the Silver Tankard of trio Ontario on Saturday of next week. Mr. Veal branch of the Royal Oalodonia Ourl- has purchased it at a big ra(luctioti ing Club. and will soil it at a bargain and as It is understood the Queen will as the stook is well assorted, he says, sumo charge of the orphan child of the wants of the public can bo suited. Major Carmieheal, who was killed at Fon THE EAST,—Last Tuesday Abu Klee. The English army estimates for 1888 amount to £17,820,700, whioh includes the expenditures for the Soudan expedition. Mrs. Thome. Robinson, of King ston, Ont., has suocessfuly established her claim to property in Philadelphia worth one million dollars. A. special cable despatch to the Globe indicates a strong probability that the Canadian offers of mesoderm in the Soudan will be accepted. The young man who committed 5nicido recently on the leo bridge at Niagara Falls has been identified as Ohne. Weilbacker, 01 New York. A quantity of silverware and car- pet which were stolen from a Grand Truck car some time ago were found on Saturday iu a barn at Pickering. Last Wednesday the people of Stratford voted on a by-law for the incorporation of the town as a city. It was carried by a vote of nearly 4 to 1. Professor George Buokland, Deputy Minister of Agiiculturo, died early on Saturday morning from the effects of a fit which he had the evening pre - 8r.. Stinson, of Toronto an ex-cler- .gymau, is charged with passing goods through the United States Custom house at 'Suspension Bridge at an un- dervaluation. It is rumoured that the Dominion Government have decided to buy back the Canadian Pacific Syndicate unsold lands in the Northwest and pay cash therefor. The cotton manufitoturersof the Low- er Provinces have declined to enter the combination recently formed for the purpose of reducing tho produc- tion of gray cotton. Judge Robinson, of Lambton, has given his decision sustaining the leg. ality of a bonus by-law of $16,000, passed by Sarnia 1n favor of the Erie & Huron Railway on the 5311 January last. John Douglas, 12 years old, was arrested, charged with being the boy who stabbed young Kerby in Shaw's Grove Wednesday night. Kerby is much worse, and fatal results etre feared. Tho Queen hos cont an autograph letter to Mies Gordon,, sister of Gen. Gordon, expressing her Majesty's sympathy with the lady in her be. reavemont by the loss of her heroic brother. A shoolting oncarrone° is reported from Montreal, through a loaded re- volver being carelessly loft in au open drawer. `.Two children got the weep- ou while at play, with the result that one shot the other dead. Tho Montreal ocean steamship com- panies fear the loss of their immigrant carrying trade through the superior inducements likely to be hold ant to immigrants to come into the wed, via New York, railway 'rates west from that point having been cut to eu011 an extent that the 0atnldlau railways cannot attempt to compete with them. .A. mooting of Toronto temperance people was held last week, when it was decidod to send it memorial to the Dominion Government praying them to inetruct their commissioners to hien no shop licenses to grecs- ors, in view of the vote of the people last year, that llquer should not be sold along with grooeries. It was de- eided to call a public meeting to dis• ons of the Scott Act to the veto of the citizens. Mrs. A. W. Lauder, of Toronto, was lately honored with a private audience by the Governor-General at Rideau hall, whoa she presented Lady Lane• downo with her two books, "Ever- green Leaves," and "Legends and Titles of the Hartz Mol}ntains;" works which worn vary favorably received by the English and Geral 3n wee, Lady Langdowno lees Ws() not:opted the dkdiontion of bars. Lauller's new book which will ellouly be published, to be called " Windrook 1 or 'Jhe Blue Flower of the Odenwald." morning Mies Maggio Shaw, hiss l01Onro grocery' Edith Town, Moes Kate Ferguson, RIca. HARRISON, wife and 8011, of Mrs. F. 0. Rogers, Mrs, .A. Strachau, F. S. Scott ,uul A. M. Kay left for Toronto. U.u't of the number went on business and others on a pleasure trip. Millinery season, you know, coming on. Teeswater, were in town this week. JIIss ANNIs OLIVER, of Toronto, is renewing old acquaintances in Brus- eels, ('Levirit and timothy seed atMoOracken's. THE Monday eveniug Bible Claes has been resumed in the Methodist Church. 16 small chairs and 8 itrm chairs missing from the Town Hall since January 1884. GREAT bargains in teas at MoCracken'e. WE give a full report of the meet- ing of the Provincial Grange on page 13 of this 158110. ORAN0Es 13 Lemons Mats per dozen at Thomson's. SEN advt. of R. Stevenson this week. Hs wants wood in exchange for goods iu the harness lino. Kay found. Owner can have it by pitying for this uotioo. MISS EMnIA HENRY, of Newmarket, is visiting with the family of Tilos, Kelly, Town Treaeurer. Jon received a large stock of Crookery tC Glassware of the newest designs. Geo. Thomson. MR. BARNHILL, who has purchased it house and lot, on Alexander street, has taken possession. HoODA_N rooster wanted, welt -bred. Apply at TEE POST Publishing House. CADET SOOTT, who was here for over r3 week aiding her comrades in town, left for Thamesville last week. Srscoes, Smelts and Bloaters at Toronto Grocery. MEN were engaged filling iu the latah holes and cutting dawn the hills on the gravel road last week. STAPP-CAPTAIN WOOLY will take charge of the Army meeting this (Friday) evening in the Town hall. THE fellows who robbed the Jew, near Arthur, had supper at the Amer- ican hotel wlleupassing through Brea - eels. SERVANT girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. J. Dron. NsxT Wednesday evening the de- bate on The Independence of Canada will be resumed at tho Mock Parlia- ment. THE case of BIokor vs. lioOrae whin was argued before a full bench web decided in favor of the defendant this week. WALTER JACKSON will handle the Deering binder, manufactured by Jno. Watson, of A.yr, during the coming 10115013, it is said. TEE tag system for colleoting dog tax will be put in force this year. Tags can be obtained from the Town Clerk on payment of $1.00. Tuts has been a hard winter on wood and coal and there does not scene to be much of a prospect of old Winter relaxing his grip yet. A. GRAND concert, under tho allepi00s of the Odd Fellows, is on the tapes. Tho announcement as to elate, pro- gram, &o. will be rondo before long. REV, MR, EDWARDS, of 'Wroxeter, will occupy the pulpit of the Metbodit t -Church next Sunday at 10:80 a.m. and 0:80 p.m. Rev. Mr. Olappison will go to Wroxeter, IT would be a good idea if people when standing on the sidewalk listen- ing to the band would always leave a Massage wily open and not compel persons to have t0 leave the sidewalk t0 pass. A. F. & A, 1L—Th le week St. John's Lodge received their new furniture for ellen' lodge room from Hess ]3ros., Listowel. There are 8 arm chairs, trimmed with blue Torry and blue silk, the emblem of the order being on each chair, for the Master, Senior and junior Wardens respectively, and 25 norforatcd seats for the members, he furniture is made of oak trimmed with a darker shade of wood and is got up in hendsollie and tasty style. A cerpet fur the lodge room hoe been ordered from England and will arrive HOOD. TEE toboggan elide, arranged by GOO. Oooper and a few others, has afforded a big share of amusement of late. George has 4 toboggans, some of them will seat 8 persons and the fun is something immense, it is said. A good large club should be organized hi town since there is no skating rink or anything of tho kind here. .A. PARTY of one hundred smart, well trained, intelligent boys, of egos rang- ing from 10 to 15 is expected to leave England on the 20th iust., under the auspices of Dr, Bernardo, for farm and other employment m this Prov- ince. Those desirous of engaging or adopting any of these aro requested to make early application to Edward Duff, Superintondant, Dr. Barnardo', Home, Poterboro. Tan annual meeting of the Presby- terian Woman's Foreign Missionary Society wee held last Tuesday, when the following office bearers were elect- ed.for the current year :—President, Mrs. Jno. Roes ; Vice -President, Mrs. Hutchinson ; Secretary, Mrs. Gra- ham; Treasurers,l\Irs. Malcolm and Mrs. J. W. Shell ; Managers, Mrs. Bennet, Mrs. Cormack, Mrs. A. Stew- art, Mrs. Deadman, Mrs. Shaw, and Mrs. D. Stewart. REV. J. E. BowiRs, of the New Jerusalem Church, Toronto, was here ou Friday evening of last week and on Sunday afternoon, according to announcement. On the latter 0033. sion J. N. Kuechtel, in respone to an invitation from the speaker for any- one in the audience to ask any ques- tion, brought him to task on the sub- ject of faith, and the Trinity. Many in the audience imagined J. N. cor- nered the rev. gentleman. Caleadiai1 News. There is some talk of establishing a silk factory at Crediton. It is proposed to form a branch of the Imperial Federation League in Montreal. Walkerton High School Board is making an effort to raise' a company of cadets in the sobool there. Hon. Ieeac Burpee, M. P. for St. John, N. 13„ died in New York on Sunday, after a lingering illness. Mr. Beaudry was defeated by Mr. Beaugrand for the mayorality of Montreal by a majority of four hund- red and one votes. The fiscal statement of tbo Province of Nova Scotia for 1884, presented 3 to the Provincial Legislature shows a a balance of $18,698 unexpended. A. merchant of Joliett who went to Montreal with five hundred dollars in Dash to pay hie debts wa8 ±booed out of it and all his jewellery in a gam- bling den on Sunday night. W. D. Balfour, M. P. P., of South Eseez, is pushing a bill in tbo Legis- lature whioh provides that all voters' lists shall bo published in newspapere at least six clays before every election. There has nen quite an exoitemeut at Oil Springs over a big well that has been strdolc, 11 has boon timed by experts, and is pumping at the rate of 150 barrels per 24 hours. It le on the south half of lot 19, con. 1, in the township of Enniskillen, hear the famous East Gum Beds. The well is 80 feet below the water vein. A five mile skating race came off at the Speed Skating Rink, Guelph, last Saturday night. Thera wore throe entries, Black, of Fergus: Speight, of A.aton, and I,ee, of George- town. The Aloe was fot a gold med- al eucl tho ehampiousbi;l of Ontario, Speight being the aolID(.t.lrdl;ed bold- er of the tetter by his defeat of Daw. son, of 1.,,:,13r; i. Black defeated Speight by Aleut four yards, Lee be- ing nowhere, Tine 19.44. Thursday night at 0 o'clock, while tobogganing on the mountain four miles from Collingwamll, John E. lloborley, sou of Geo, lfoberley, bar rid ter, was almost u3stautly killed by hie toboggan striking :3 stump. D, MoOrauey, bt.1'. P. for East Kent, whose illmo8i 11131 for Houle time past been the Oal18e of retinue alarm to hie friends, died at tbo reei(1o11Oe of his mother-in.law et Oakville at half - put six o'olook on Saleirdity morning, Ile was tho ee00nt1 sou of the lute Hiram MoOran oy, of Tref agar, county of 1-Ittlton, ttud a brother of Willinui 1lcCraney, H.P. for Halton. .He was burn in the township of Trafalgar in 1881, and received his education at Oalcvillo Grammar school. Having chosen the hew as hid profedyi4'l, Ito wits 011110(1 10 the bar in 1871, and be- gan to praetioo in Bothwell, of whicli place he had been at the time of his death a resident for eighteen years. IIe was mayor of Bothwell for 81x con- secutive years, beginning 1868. In addition to the practice of 11tH profOI- sion he turned liis lttt00330n to farm ing, 8,1E1 also dealt largely in teal os' tate, in both of which occupation ho was very sncoessful. In 1808 he married the eldest (laughter of the tato Gen. ';vane, of Oakville, )Ir MoOraooy wee first returned to 3:10 Ontemo Legislature for .beet Kout is 1875 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hou. A.. McKellar. He lvae subsequently returned again at the general election of 1878, and a- gain in 1888. He was it Reformer in politics. MARRIED. S,lo wLE-11e05nreoN.—In Morris, on Wed- nesday, Marah 4th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Bev. John Ross, B. A., Mr. John Sample to Mise Jane Robertson, eldest daughter of Mr. A. K. Robertson, all of Morrie. M0DoN.wn--MOLAuc0Lln.—In Grey, on Wednesday 4t11 inst., at the residonoe of the bride's father, by Rev. John Boss, B. A., Mr. Alex. McDonald to Miss Jane MOLauclltie, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. Thos, McLanobliu, DIED• U1 D8nw00D,—In Salem, Oregon, on the 22nd ult., Wm. Underwood, formerly of Grey township, aged 50 years. AUCTION SALES. FRIDAY, MAR. GTit.—Farm stock, irnplo- ments, household furniture, ct;o., at Lot ''22, Oon. 12, Grey, commencing at 1 o'clock. Robe. Leckie, prop. A. Raylnann, aunt. TUESDAY, MAB. lOru.—Farm Stook, Im- plement, and household furniture, at Lot 9, con. 9, Grey, commencing at 3. o'clock. rjavid Dobson, prop. Geo, Kirkby, aunt. WEUxseDAY, MARcn 18Ta.—Farm Stook and implements, on Lot 32, Con. 14, Grey, oommeecing at 12 o'clook. John Harbot- tle, prop. A. Raymanu, aunt. If3crx$15aala ateCtiotekot. ConnsoTso CAREFULLY EVERT WEER. White Pall Wheat........ 78 80 Red Winter 78 80 733 80 50 07 28 20 57 58 18 00 30 00 400 4.310 30 35 7 0(1 9 00 7 8 5 50 1 00 50 18 Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls .... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Hides por Ib Dressed Boge Salt por bbl., wholesale ., Sheep skins, each Wool 5 85 02 1 00 00 THE PEOPLE'S COMM 'OAHM FOR SALT.—TI1AT VAL- .L noble form, being eomposod of the north ha f of lots 'x0.20 & 30,00n. 3, Morris, 200 soros, Terms easy, Apply ou the promises. 13, anarmeIS Q]1ED OATS FOR SALE.—A L) quantity of McAllister Outs. They aro nu early white Ont and very productive, Apply to A. H. ROBERTSON, 31tf Lot 20, Con. 5, Morris Mr G V willing, of Mono aster,Ifialt., writes "Mywile has boon almost helpless for ave yrs so helpless that she could nob turn over iu boa alone. She user two bottles of 171ootr10 'Et - tore, midis so much improved, that she is able to 310 her own work," Mottle 13 atoxs, will do all that is claimed for diem. Hundreds 01 Methuen -MU attest theirreat aurally, pow. ors. Only fifty °Oute a bottle at Headman's. revW0 IIA.RES WAN'TL+'D, Weighing troln 11 to 18 cwt„ not more thou 10 years of age. shorn a4 year old horse for sale, He is eland. W111 110 sold on easy terms, Ayply to—GI00, Al1Ms'rncone, 05.13 13ruesels, SEED OATS FOR SALE. t ''515 undersigned hoe a quantity of the Dole - Motel Monarch Oats for solo. They aro a white yarlety and warranted Olean , The 00od was brought from Pennsylvania 2 years ago, They have eat(00od parties wbo have tried them es fur as yiol d i0 concerned, Apply to AI.13x. DIOLGATTY, 35-M Lot 4, 000.135, Grey. OOD FARM FOR SALE. Ho tludorslgnad will offer for solo, by Pub. 110 Anotlau. 01 the Qulten'e Holum, kruseele, on Wednesday, March Xialh, 1885, Alit o'clock psi., that valuable Form, being Lot No,7, Wm, 4, Grey, containing 100 aoree, 50 cleared in good order,balance well timber- ed with a good quantiy of Pine and other timber, Rood Frame Bank limn with splen- did stone stabling. Log House with frame addition; small Orchard, RC. Tho form is well situated, on good rata, 11 miles (rout gra- vel road, 1330,100 fr0,1, Breese%, and in good eett11 moat, 'rhe property will bo sold in ord. er to 01050 up on este t° and offers a good chance to intending purohnser5. ?'rivet° of- fers reoolVod up to the riate of sole. Terms,- 10par cent, playable nh Day Of fleln and 1131. epee lit ton Clays, Farm will 10 sold 511bjoot ton 500orv031 bid, A. HUNTER, gilvoontare. 3t .1 ,'IUXENT.nUr,L, f BANKING. 1\1jtilNT'Ohlt c McTAGGART, 1 BANKERS • BRUSSELS TRANSACT A (11011113Ale BANKING 1)U101:;BSs, Not000f hoed diseounted. interest allowed on dep03110 repayable on demand, Prompt. uttnntl on glvon too0110ctim10, 9-b LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ,' l UfJi'ARD 13 L L I 0 'E. L A W VI Unice, Grant's Moak, Brussels. Motley to loon, 13' • E. \VADL, I3AI111ISTbdLt, &c. Olden formerly auoup led o A. 2. Me Coll, Plug., in Lookie's cloak. Money 101und. VW B. D101(SON, r ►• (late with tlnrrow ,k P rood foot ,°ode - rich' Solicitor, Ccuvoyahoer, .yc, 01000 in Grant's Block, 8reesal0. Honey to Luau. A LEX, UUUNT'1411, CLERK OV .C1_ the Voureh 331331010 u Court Go. Enron,' Uauv0ytncer,Notnry Publle,L lnd,l+uall and insurance Ascot, Puede Luv00ted0Rd to Loan (11110031000 made, 011loo, Graham's Block, Brussels MEDICAL CARDS. Air• lioPHADEN, lt. D„ 0. 11. 11. • G.P. 8, u. Pity stolen A0- conoulor. 011100 and residence, over Nightie. gale &Uo'selOro, rr A. MoNAUGHTON, 11. D. 0. o M,, L 11. 0. P., Edinburgh. 1'hysloien, Surgeon and Aoconollour, 001ea land rusid0n ee that formerly acuuptod by Dr, T. G. Holmes, uorth of bridge, 1 vessels. DOCTOR A. Mo1ZPLVI+,Y. I'hy'el else, Sur3Oen and Ace/wee/ate. Graduate of Trinity University, of Toronto Formerly of 1Ethol, late of Fordwioh, °puma. Awn Rusronams,--Brlek house op: dosito English Uhuroh, Mole St.,Brueeels. 2e A. HUTCHINSON, lel. D. �• L. R, C. 2'. Edinburgh, Inas removed to hie rosldonue on Men Street, the house formerly oaouplod by Dr. Graham, and ,vial bo ;were at night. (Usti(' retains au 011100 at Hargreaves' Drug Store. DENTAL. L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR • °rodent° and mombar of the Royal Collage of Boatel ,iurgoo-1e, Toronto. 00105 (n Strother,, Block. W111 vielt 3Vingh0m office only on Wednesday unbinds student returns from College. Best possible pales talion iu all operations. Charges moderate. Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. HOTEL CARDS. 17ERIOAN HOTEL, BRUS— H 80108 ltmnig & Gmbol, proprio tors, large and oonvonlent 01,01010 rooms, Spoaf alatten- tion to Uemmorohil and other Travellers. The bar is always supplied with the ollolooet Mamas of LIquors and Cigars. An attentive hostler always on hand. (VENTRAL HOTEL, BRUSSELS. tJ—API have taken possession of this hotel I will b5 pleased to sea all my old lrieuds,aud hope by 110011ing the host of liquors, good no oomnlodntiml and hose atablo, with attentive bar -tender Bud hustler to se0ura many now rums, T. O'NEAL, Proprietor, �UEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS. j—minutiae! known hotel was never in bet- ter mulling order Blau atpr9000t, as the new proprietor has thoroughly refitted the house. Tho Barts supplied with the choicest liquors n011n1000, Tertns Sl por day, Good Sample Rommel or CooliooroIaI 1011. 10. 1y, TUCK Proprietor ROSINESS CARDS. w . II. 1lcORACKEN, Issuer Alerting() Lieons513, Oftleo at his groo Dry, T'•rnbmry street, 12.23 �- WIN NO'T, VETERINARY Burgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Toronto, Residence, the house lately ooa0pi011 by Mrs, J, Parker .Main street, Br m— eals. , Mole AIR, ISSUER OF MAlt• _C13. ringo Licensee, by nppolntmout of Lieutenant -Governor, Commissioner, &,„ Q: 13.Oouyoyiumor and Agent/tiro Ineurone° Co 011iao at theOrnnbrook Post Oalee. ROBT. CUNNINGHAM, Insurance AJenat, GUELPH, ONTARIO. H. L. JACKSON, Pratioal latoh>»aker Jeweller, Satisfaction Gffaranteea In all Repairing. --SH IP W. .1. .3, .5ACRHON'9 911Ol3&, BRUSSELS 1a e.—.C00lC SAW MILL. _-1t!--'-- Tho subscriber has tken the out of his mill and raised the minillinerHe will bo ready to cut light along. Custom sawing 82,26 nor 83.. Logs taken in lix- °bang° for Sawing, When trade is taken 12.50 por lit, will bo charged. ALL 'trees 01, LetrR5rl POR ,.SALE G'R).AP G7VB ME A GALL. ttrzu,A.81 W3g'1ferne Pk•op.