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The Brussels Post, 1885-3-6, Page 7
Rik Arena 0, 1880. 191tateaRMTV,iiaalr1191anaitaletaftlalalablailaftaateaRoaelan How many lost souls owo their ruin to you ?—and how many wounet owe to you a broken heart and a ruinoll boom ? How shall yon sum up tho woo and misery you havo caueed, just become Hoaven created you with a handsome face. If good doods boar mon to boavon, whom will bad deeds lead you?" "This a strange entertainment for a fancy ball," bo cried. "Who aro you who mom to know so much about nie 2" "That does not mattor. I havo boon watching that young 1,4irlei Saco to -night until my heart grew hot with indigna- tion, knowing what 5 know of you." "Who are you ?" he repeated. "Of course, as yon havo bandaged rny oyes, and you are a lady, I most not attempt to soe. Aro you some one who has over been kind enough to °are just a Halo about me 2" "I am one who lcnowe and admires Beatrice Penrith, and who knows you, and I think that to make her innooent life ono with yours, stained with 910, 19 a crimo—a foul and shameful deed. I warn you. You do not love hor, yon know you do not—" "That is going too far, my dear Ineog- nita," he said, laughingly. "No, it is not ; it is perfectly true. For a bad inam you have wonderfully good taste ; you lilco simple and innocent girls —they are so easily deceived." "You know me well enough," he said; "that is certain." "I would hove you to pause and think," she said. "This is a night on which a man may bare his heart before Heaven and his own sins. Ask yourself if you know of no reason why you should fear to mar this young and innocent life. Bow many oaths and vows have you ole to athero? How many lives lie -tween you and her ?" el aro no worse than other mon," he I sulteniy. "Shame on the other men," she said. "E should be sorry to think they were 3iin yon." "What do you know of me that is so bad 2" he asked, after a time. "Ali, if I could tell yon the pictures that in my mind I see 1 Do you think a woman node homeless and friendless through you has never cursed you with her dying breath? Do you think that for love of you and hate of yon mixed, no woman has ever appoalod to Heaven against you, and oriod out for its jiidg- ment upon you 2" "Women do these things for trifles," he Eneared. "Men often give to crimes the name of trifles," she replied. "But there comes o reckoning clay, Lord Kelso—ono will come for you. I would rather be a murderer, my hands rocking hot with human blood., than you, with those lost souls on your hands. They will cry to Moven for vengeance against you; when you want meroy for yourself, they will ask whab mercy you showed them: when you etaud at the bar of judgment, they will cry out against you. Is yours a soul to mate with the white soul of an innocent girl?" He shrank back trembling.* "Who, in the name of Heaven, aro you," he asked, "that you dare say suoh things to mo?" "Take warning," she said. "Yon will nover know who I am; it does not mat- ter. I could sooner see a white dove in the talons of an eagle, than a girl like Beatrice Pourith married to a man like you." "I shall do my best to make hor hoppy," he said. Happy I" she repeated, with scorn. "How can you bo either happy or make any ono else happy. You cannot havo a good conscience." "You aro a very plain.spoken parson, whoever you may be," said tho earl; "perhaps you mean well. I have not been quite all that I should be—I acknowledge it ; aud, strange to say, I was thinking to -night, as I stood watch. ing the moon on the river, that if 5 had my life to live over again, I would clo difforent—I would indeed." His voice startled her ; her heart Beamed to leave her and cling to bim. Groat Heaven, how she loved him I She knew that bo wee WiOlked, yolt ehe loved him and could nob help horeolf. "Do tell me olio tbiug," he said, ele it from interest in me, or in Iteatrico, that you have sought me to toll me this 2" "In Boatrice." elm replied, faintly. "Then bo happy about Beatrice," he said. "I will respoct her youth and in - notion° ; I will make her happy. She loves me, aud she shall novor hoar ono word of tho past, which I own is not what it ought to havo boon. Does that promise content you?" Sho mado 110 01152000, INN after a fow minutes sho whisporod to him : "As yon stand to the peosouco of Heaven, Lord Kelso, is there no other mason why you should not marry Beatrice 2" "I know of nom)," he replied briefly. "Is there no one living who has a claim upon you 9" "No—no ono living," ho replied. "Thom was 0110, but sho is dead." "Dead ?" she repeated. "Yes, cload. It is °video!" to mo that yon have heard somo of the many stories told of my past lifo. Sono) of thein are tone, and 140111 0 aro false. Theee is one who, if 800 had boon living, would havo had a claim on mo but sho is ball," "Ho thinks I am dead," said Agatha to herself. "I will never mideeeivo him." "Bowan I" she said, goutly; "tho time coinos whew ' the lifo of every men ends. You have tham to repont and atono—do not negloct it." "I wish I know who you are," he said. "Of course, if you forbid mo, I cannot remove this handkerchief, but 5 should like to do so—may I ?" There was no answor, "May I 9" oepeabod Lord Kelso, Again no &newer. With a low, baffled cry, lin tore It from his fano, nettl—bohold 1 sho win) g000—gano, and lot had not oveti emu the color of her dress or caught one glimpse of lior face—gone, and ho never hoard her footetops. For a few initiates he was Bowel and half frightened; ib was surely no earthly visitant, ho thought. Who could 14)10 1)0 ?—where WWI 8110 00n0 ?—she who know so iimeh about line ; and what, he wondered, did she lcnow 2 Sorely it was not tho old story about Lady Di— 1 That was, of course, had, but other men had done the same thing. Site could not know anything about Agatha—that Iwas the most cruel blow, the worst Istory, but no one kuow anything of it. l Suddenly bo remembered the band. kerchior, and laughed to himself with exaltation "She has forgotten that," he saia to himself. "Now I shall find hor out." Ho flung away his oigar with impa- tience, and looked•at his prize. Thorn was no mark of any kind upon it—it was a plain sguaro of finesb cambric, with a deep border of fine lace. If he had but known it, it was one of many dozens that he had purchased for Aga. lha himself. ' "I may trace her by it," be said, as :he placed it in the pooket of his doublet; "aucl if I find her—" Ho did not finish the words. CHAPTER LXII. THE {VENEERING VOICE. Puzzled and bewildered, the earl made hia way back to the ball -room ; the cigar and the moonlight had lost their attrae- tion for him. Who could this be --this mysterious lady who seemed to know so nanob abouehim, who could speak to him of his past life with such clearness, who evidently know all that had befallen him—his history, his follies ? But who could she bo? He would. go back to the ball.room, and soo if by the con. soious look of any lady thero present he could make out which or who it was. It bad soared and startled bim more than he cared to own. He had never thought of himself as a wicked man; ho knew that ho had been guilty of groat follies, that wore in themselves almost crimes; but then he had not meant them as such, nor had he in his own mind over givon them that name ; but to find that some one else gave to his career a term that characterized it as criminal, to find that he was looked upon as a wicked man, and that thorowere people who rose in hot rebellion against the notion that ho should link his life with the puro and spotlees one of that young girl, struck him as nothing had over done before. For tho first time in his long life ho began to think, "Altar all," he said to himself, "I have done no worse than other men. I am sum that Crawford in the Guards, and Templeton, and half a dozen others whom I could name, have boon and are worso than I; yet no ono calls them wicked men—the world speaks of thorn as jolly fellows, who havo sown their wild oats." And he began to woudor if there were two ways of thinking, two kinds of judgment—one in the light of this world, and one in the light of the next. If it wero so, if he had to go through that—the keen, rigorous scrutiny of a, judge—ho did not know what would bo - come of him. "These are not vary pleasant thoughts for a fancy ball," ho said to himself, trying to fling dull care away. But when the { Wee of conscience is first roused, it is not so cosily Bile/mod. Lord Kelso had lived a life of pleasure; he had nover troubled himself in the least about religion or appearancos—ho never stopped to count the cost of a pleasure either to himself or others; and now ho was told, in plain language, that theso pleasures were so many ropes dragging him downward. Tho rich, clear music rose and fell, but far above it sounded that whispering voioo, telling him that at the great bar of judgment ho must meet those whom he had in. jurod. 02 eourso ho flattered himself 1111005 all nonsense; but, oh, Heovon I if it wore true—if ho had to Moot those to whom ho had been pitiless, whom ho had dragged down from happy homes, fair lives, into shameless ruin I What if ladyD—, the beautiful ‘voman who had given up husband, ohildron, and everything lifo holds acme—what if she confronted him, and asked for justice! Fair young faces appealed to hint. Groat Heaven I if ho could live over again this should never bo. And ono fano, fairer thau all others, sweet and tenaer, homed in golden hair that was like a halo round it, came to him from tho depths of silent wator—Agatlut, whom ltu had loved host, deceived mash, and most cruelly betrayed. Ab, well, he know this—so suns was ho of her love— thee sho would never reproach him ; othors might, never Agatha. "Why did I not marry hu 2" ho aeltod himself, "By this time she would havo mad° a good man of tno." Thou ho cam to the concussion that ho =net shako off those thoughts. Of what avail to bo a great earl, to havo greater wealth Nein ho know how to sponcl, to be handeoroo, and honorod, and flattered, if couseionco were allowoa to sting, reproach, and torture him as it did an ordinary man? It was strong°, but no thought of Beabrioo como to him in that hour; and he, the bravo oarl, who had novor faltorod, stood for a fow ininotes before tho entrance to the ball. room with a boating heart, actually hesitating whether bo should go in os not, booms° some ono iu tho room know all about him, and mold give the whole story of his carom!. "It must be somo woman whom I him flirted with, or, What is 10000 probable, who has flirted with me." 170 BE CONTINUED THE BRUSSELS POST. 7 ONdY TO LOAN. Priva Vu ode. Appqat pai•liel,• lug !loom 18.4 ATJI1, 13 L A 8 13 nmoller. t ...ankh:ft his many este:nem, f or their I her, al support forth,' pest six oars wishesto Inform thorn that he • lug burned out of thoold stand hese Etc(' up ahor in Bloch In first -plass 80211 whet.° he hopes to soe alt hie old customer! and as loony new ouos as /wont to givellim o call , 0 keep not!, t"1: hu 1 ars-o1/1ss moats ankinds 0/ Pinntry end Sausage Meat Do. ltverod to al/parts of the Town Free. Clash 'mid tor Fat Stoolc. WHEY FOR SALE. The Directors of the Morris and Grey Choeso Factory will meet at the Town Hall, Brussels, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28m, 1886, to let tho remaining Blilk Routes, and to Sall tho Whey for the Coming Season by Auction. D. MoLAUCHLIN, Presiden I. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. A Partnership has this day boon formed ho- tly/ma the audereignod as Milers, grain and produce dealors, In the Village of liruesols, lu the County of under the nen le and arm of Vane /ono & 8 0118. WIT. VANSTONE. WM, VANSTONE, 0. It. YANSTON10. Dated Illetalan.,1585. INTERESTING TO EVERYBODY, Stoves, Furniture &c. The Sterling Cook Stove just the thing for farmers use. Has a large oven, takes 27 inch wood and weighs over 400 lbs. The Alarquis, one of the most oonven- ient and handsome town Cook Stoves over offered to tbe public, also in stook. CALL AND FEE TTIE "DAVIS" SEWING MACHINE. It is Simple and Durable and does :4 larger range of work than any other machine in the market. A FULL SUPPLY FURNITURE, —0025151120 — IMAMS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, MATTRASSES, &C. GENERALLY ON RAND. Nag door to J1 Droe's hardware otore, W. J. jaok$on.. MEAT kLARKET, 3I2.I13 STREET, 8025188808. ANDREW CURRIE, Prop'r. FRESH AND SALT MEATS Of the bestquallty always onhanci and dolts ore,/ in anypart of thoVillagefree of charge TDDITE. Very Favorable, FAT CATTLE WANTED, Forwhieli the highest market price wilThe paid. Ica° make& FlpoolaltyofbuyInghitlo tend Skins, Don' t forget the Plaice, next !loot to FletcherleJewellr) tore. ANDREW 01710III ALL ALIVE ! Tho 'undersigned begs leave to announce to the Public gonerally that he has purchased tho Entire Stook of D, Frain, harness makor, and havin brought a Large Stock of his Own Make ,hs is prepared to Com. polo with the Impost, as ho Buys Strictly for Cash A Comploto Stock of MGM. AND HEAVY HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, BRUSHES COMBS TRUNKS, HORSE BLANKETS AND VALISES, And Everything in Mao Harem Lin r.10e Mimosa mark to Order from best ma- terial on Shortest Notice, 11tt" Repairing Promptly Attended to. me. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W A. 06 olicital before Purchasing Elsewhere 60 CORDS SHORT, .H.IR:D WOOD Wanted at Once, will be talcon in Exelumgotiortanything in the Bariaose Lino. LS' Don't forgot tho plaoo, in Dr Grahams Block, D. Frain's Old Stand, Main Stmot, Brutieels, R. STEVENSON. TO THE FRONT AGAIN. The undersigned 111 returning thanks to the People of Crunbrook. and Fittrrounding Country for their Liberal Patronage during the past 8 years would respectfully intimate that lie has again resumed busi. ness and will lit' found at the Old Stand, ready to attend to flu, Wants of his Customers. .ALL IKI1•TJDS OP J0.8331--1VG- -IN THE BLACKSMITH LINE— PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TI 1 W A.0-0-0 SIE -10 will be Under the Management of a First -Class Mechimic. Repairing of .111 !rinds .Itte,nded to. We also .fake a 'Specialty of Arezu Work eat u'p in First -Class Styte and Guaranteed to Give Satzsf'action. We are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing the Victoria acad. Cart, allowed by Competent lodges to bo the Best of All two wheel Vehicles. Intending Purchasers Should. Call and Examine. .ars' .f1J-1,7ri Bmssels stone Grist 84 Flouring kill. The undereigned, thanking Itis many oobtOmorl tor then patronage during the poet year, )Niebes to inform the public that the mill hos undergone a thorough repair, some (dale latest improved machines have been introduced --but still retain the stone grinding system. FINE FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOM CRACRED WHEAT —A ND -- AM Sorts of Mill Feed Delivered Promptly to Order. CHOPPING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE ENTIRE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. C+W H US A_ `111:ZI.A1_/.. WM. ROSS. -D Commencing Feby. 2nd. 1885, tho following editions of Tun DAILY Mons will bo mailed to subscribers throughout Canada, tho *United States and Groat Britain: DAILY GLonn—lvlorning Edition .. 31008. 81.75 0 mos. 83.60 12 mos, 57.00 DAILY G00ng-1.2 o'clock 1.00 2.00 a 1800 DAILY GLOBE— 8 ac a 1,00 a 2,00 COO DAILY GLOBE—StallECNE Morning Edition se 85 a THE EEKL.I' GLO SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP—TWO MONTHS ..01NT'T._.= 15 =NTS 1.25 E We want to increase our present largo list of subscribers by ton thousand Within the text 80 days, and for this purpose make tho 041000 libel and unprecedented offer. 5* addition to the above liberal offer Ole MON CEO following : ANYONE BENDING Us 15 cents and 5 subscribers wirrocoive alt extra copy for two months free. .1 1.00 anc110 subscribers will recsoiyo an extra copy for flvo months free. 2,25 and 15 subscribers will =atm a copy of Biography of the late Georg() Brown. '3.00 aud 20 subsorlbors will roceivo 11 copy of Tun Mtn's/us GLOBE for ono year free. %BO and 80 subseribors will receive 8. copy ot Saturday's DAILY GLonn ono yaw froo. 81.50 and 50 subscribers NvillrocoiVe © of 'rum DAILY GLOBE four months free. 115.00 and WO subscribers , metro a copy of Ton DAus (Rona 000 year fres. Subscribe 150W and secure reports of both. ParliamentS for only 15 cents. •,* ka`31,11111AMIZT.7',t01,;),',0`;TIV?,11 ,1-.grgFP,ht,Ill'e12nrig THE GLOBE notion, anon ea Wilkie Collins, lilies Itraddon. Justin Illetlartliy, It. 0. Igarfoon, SEWN Donchey, VuhIan, 1110081, Mrs. Oliphant, Singh Conway, and others. A shay Of enthralling interest, entitled wry,r,Axtres by Rise Itraddon, is running Itt TIM Datlif and WEEKLY GLp0e130E0,0a.nldeatli,livotholeseoconirttholdelyttain.Uallecido:insattlivrtactlisotialett sue/loaded. by a story from Otto poworful 51815 is 001111110tod utero 00JIOW Titan O. In addition to the regular continued story, Mort:11mo always running in the 2201111, 2o'1oek 0010101,14 00 Datrx, and in Tun WallITCVY GLOBE MO or inoro additiOnrir 110V0h1 by anthom.,OfZ WOrld.wido reputo. Itt this xnaunor readers got live or att. comploto novols 'mob year , AS ASI AGRICULTURAL linewsr,trall 711111 'IVREKLT 000111.1 18 EINSIIIttlit*Rgll„. SPURGEON'S SERIVIOP0 (r_tovised by Spurgeon's own hand), givon evcry 888010in Saturday's Winn= bey imam, speond and exclusive armogernont fr me Roy. C. r.r. Spurgeon is, beyond question, Oho meet w1d and is always moy, prarotioal and instructiVo. Address, THE GLOBE