HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-6, Page 5Afkaan 6, 1885,
.Attwood. ._.. ._. _
has been oa11ec1 to aorrespoudence ap•
peering in our columns, written by
porsous, who are residonte of Att.
wood !Intl its surrounding'. It tieeum
that wo Have boon taken advantage
of nod !toms, false in the extreme,
have boon sent to no for truth, Wo
will not publish the Bailie' attached
to the aorroepondouce but warn them
of the ilaugsroue grouud tt•ey are
standing ou when they knowingly
distort facts and manufacture yarns
without the smallest iragrent• of
truth, We aro always pleased to re-
oeivo interesting items of news but
will not allow a repetition of the little
game played by HOMO of the Attwood
gossips to pass by so quietly. We
are grateful to the portion who fur-
nished us with the truo state of affairs
and hope the parties who were men-
tioned in the correspoudenoe will look
upon it as au attempt at being "fnn-
ny."—Editor of Tani POST.
11$or-a i
A good many of our farmers will
sow Balt next spring as they say a
trial cau do no harm,
See advt of seed oats offend for
Halo by A.. K. Robertson. He says
they are boss oats to yield.
13y reference to the marriage not•
io •e that our township oma attend to
too matrimonial business as well as
Grey township. We say plenty of hap-
piness to the interested parties.
Thomas Halliday, who lives at the
rtlrp old toll house, is not expected to live,
so your reporter heard. Tho old gen-
tleman hits been fairly well supplied
with the necessaries of life bat per-
sons who aro charitably disposed
might add 0 few of the luxuries and
not miss them.
4I.-11' run Lrroolr.
A. -Reymann purposes holding an
auction sale for the month of Marc.
Partin s having stock to dispose of
would do well to call on him and have
their stock put on the posters aunounc-
iug the sale.
By reference to the advt. of T. C.
Harbottle it will be seen he is com-
mencing an auction sale on Wednes-
day of next week to clear out his sur-
plus stock. This will be a bonanza to
the people of this locality, who will no
doubt take advantage of this oppor.
tunity of purchasing good goods at a
low fignro.
Jno. Mowatt intends erecting a now
dwelling house next 'wring on his
Airs. Sego and Miss Sage are e --
gaged for another series of entertain..
ments in the United State', The
music furnished by them iu Brat.
Rev. T. Gee, of Bayfield, formerly
of this place, was recently surprised
by a lot of his parishioners who pre-
sented him with 75 bushels of oats
for his horse.
"11IATenxoNY."—Rev. T. M. Camp•
bell, of Godoricb, will deliver his very
interesting lecture on "Matrimony"
in the Methodist Church, on Monday
evening, 10th inst. As the admission
foe is low and the lecture on a very
taking subject a large audience is ex-
Etloxsa 'ale -
five have already find four or five
hinds of March's "many weathers"
and are dreading the rest.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley preached to a
largo congregation in Wingbam Pres-
byterian church last Sunday evening.
Thos. Nixon has rented the Tindall
waggon shop to W. 0. Roberts, and
the blacksmith shop to Rolit. Piercy,
late of Brussels.
,';l'he dusty face of our miller, Thos.
Nixon, wears a new smile, There is
it baby in his block, a fresh arrival,
and it is of the sox from which mil-
lers aro mads. We trust the boy
may live to fill his father's shoos with
marbles and broken playthings.
There was a well attended clanco
in Ptttterson's hall on Thursday night,
We do not make this remark for tho
information of any of our citizens or
tho surrounding fanners, for no doubt
they wore all made painfully aware of
the fact by tho sonorous voice of tbo
floor mauagor, calling the changes,
which was borno to their oars on the
still, frosty air. Of course our young
folks must danee, but it is not really
necessary to have the sets called off
in a voice that would snake a fog
horn blush with envy. Up at the
station a Hotelier might have mistalc
en the calls for those of a barn rine.,
ing only that the time of year and
night were both unseasonable,
Gyred sriclfx,
March game in with lion strides
(:loo. Cox, foremast of tato Signal,
publishing house, is very i11
Tho Victoria hell is bona g oo__.
era into en Opera Home, by rho own-
er, C, Orabb,
Albert 5tonehnuSe, tin approtabioe
at Gordon's furniture rooms, broke
his unit the othor night by la fall at
the Princess Roller ltiult.
We regret to atlnouuce tato death
of Ordoo Dark, a bright prosusing
little daughter of our much esteemed
express agent, Frank Lawrence.
A 'lumber of onr voealiets, who
took part in the late concert at Dam
gannon, tools cold and cannot speak
in glowing terms of their drive by
Mr, Jordan, druggist, with his
bride, a Miss Hastings, of Montreal,
arrived on Wednesday last from their
wedding trip to th6 New Orleans Ex-
W. Snyder, station master at El-
ora, and at one time telegraph oper-
ator in our town, for a hotiday trip,
paid a flying visit to Florida and the
New Orleans Exposition.
At a temperance entertainment on
Feb. 28rd, at St. George's churoh,
Miss Sophie Williams, daughter of
our enterprising citizen, Joseph Wil -
Earns, rend the "Death of Burnaby,"
published in the Toronto Week.
Fraser Deputy Registrar, will be
glad to learn of the successful exam-
inatiou of their sou S. J. Fraser as
M. D., at the Michigan School of
Medicine, Detroit. Dr. Fraser in-
trude going to Edinburgh to take
The ioe on which 18 frsherme
were standing, wont out with its load
on Saturday evening last about a
mile, but fortunately a boat put out
and rescued them in nine from any
serious ending to their fishing exps-
Miss Kate Watson for a numb er o
years one of our most popular teach-
ers, severed hor connection from the
edncationelletaff of the Central School
on Friday last and was presented by
her pupils with a handsome family
album bound in royal blue silk plush.
Miss Watson is about to bo a candi-
date for the school of matrimony.
Wo with her success.
The following musical opinion is
from the Morning News of Toronto,
dated Feb, 19th :—National March.'
The above is the title of a march
composed by Eloise A. Skimings, of
Godortcb, and presented to the Prin-
cess Louie° as n tribute to Queen
Victoria. The music is simple, yet
possesses to bold martial movement,
which should render it popular as a
National Air, Tho words of the song
are appropriate and will inalro an ef-
fective change, when sung in unison
by n full band between the iustru-
mental parts.
A most lamentable occurrence took
place, betneen the flours of 10 land
11 a.m., on Thursday of last week,
resulting in the death, at 7 p.m, of an
old lady resident, aged 80, who was
burned so terribly, that no eye wit -
nose in town ever saw anything so
painful. Tho old lady was the moth-
er of the very popular dressmaker,
Mies Dollie McLeod, who has rooms
for her work over the store of R. B.
Smith, so that her mother was alono
Ebro' the day and while warming her-
self, with her back to the open dam-
per, her clothes took fire and her poor
right hand was an awful sight trying
to get her clothes off. Sho managed
to get out on the street and cry "for
God's sake pub snow on me 1" but
her clothes were in cinders, nothing
could save her then.
Lines respectfully decimated to Mr.
and Airs, Frank Lawrence on the
nth of their beloved child Graeae :—
Sr/RBITM corD4,
Lift up your hearts, to the most High,
To your olivo branch beyond rho sky,
To the decree "all men must die,"
Must ye fond parents bow,
For now yo know, your chain of love
Has ono pure link in Rearm above,
A link your greatest treasure trow,
You. angol Gracie now.
For thea lior angel voice will ring
And to your hearts God's grace will
That now with hon, God's praise you'll
Until yon meet above.
Woep not—courage—har pain is o'or,
Salo in Christ's arms for everworc
Sado anohorod ou the lIeavonly shorn
With the Father of love.
—Eloise d. Sdimingo.'
Gocloriob, Marah 1st, 1885,
as to he able t0 go home. He had
n,u•row shave.
Time. itatoliffe who has been ruliu
for swine time is very :low. .fon
Weamor Iles been stall for talo last two
LADLE 1'Alt ll l Olt F1AJA1•:.
The Farm tomo; onmposed ul north parts
of Ants Nae Se i`J&eui ti 1
nand AI utlh.s front 1Vroxntcr, f, wlleH IroO,
g harry con Gaining IIU ueres,amere oa leen, situ.
molts, but ie now convalescent. Wil
lien 1Iilno has boon sick for the las
few days,
A number of changes of houses
have taken place reaeutly, J. A.
Young, teacher, Into moved into the
lionso lately oocupicci by las` Lynn.
Jatnes King, shoowakor, has moved
his bitsuiees to the shop formerly nosh
by D. W. Miluo for a shoe shop.
Jonathan Hewitt anis soba his honse
and lot bo Mrs. Kerr, of Brussels, and
be has bought Sam!. Chamber's
house and lot, and removed there.
Socisz.,—'The social held at Ben.
.lindane last Tuesday evening was a
grand success. Tho euterbaintnent
was excellent. Alias Hartwiolt, of
Brussels, gave three recitations; bliss
Donaldson, of Attwood, snug "Stool
away to Jesus," and "There is a
meeting here to -night" ; James Don•
aluson gave a reading entitled "Cold
water pledge" ; John ()ober a reading
"The Dutchman's 'Cross"; readings
by Eliza Tindall, A. R. Smith, David
Tindall, Miss Carter. Jemima Tindall
played "Angelo meet the at the Cross-
road" and "Tenting on the old camp-
ground". Something over $18 was
realized. Isaac Lake occupied the
chair. Everybody came to the con-
clusion that Mr. Tindall's was the
place for it social,
A, R, Smith is on the war path
with Inc big sale of goods. I un-
derstand he has only until the and of
a this month to dispose of his entire
stook, I suppose we may expect bet-
; bargains than ever for the balance
of Lis time here. He has a large
stock yet and he vows lie will sell
every dollar of it at some pride. He
has been cousulerably harassed by
some offended villagers but we think
( the trouble is now dying out. Sandy
says it is surprising how quickly some
women can put up stove -pipes, (there
is money in it ladies as house-clean-
ing will be on in a few weeks), ,1'mith
says he can heartily recommend cer-
tain ones for a quick job. Send in
your orders for ehuap goods and stove
pipe fitting.
W. P. Davies is away at Brantford,
Revival services are in progress in
the Methodist choreh Here.
Walter Govou.loek moved into his
house last week. Wo are getting
quite a numbor of retired farmers in
our villego,
Willie Nelson, who was injured in
the Roller Mill, has so far r000vorod
John Hill jr., who has been in Al-
goma for several months, was visiting
his parents this week.
Peter Robertson, 9th can., is get-
ting out material for a new barn to
be erected next summer.
Bailiff Scott, of Brussels, sold half
a kiln of brick at the Heuflyn bridle.
yard. last Monday to a man named
As will be seen by advt. in another
column Alex. Delgatty offers some of
the celebrated Monarch was for sale.
He will exobange one bushel of Lis
oats for 2 of the oorninon variety.
The sales of -farm stoolr, imple-
ments, &to,, belonging to D. Dobson
and R. Dickson will no doubt draw
large numbers of people as they aro
both known as good farmers and
breeders of good stock.
L. McNeil and Al. Shine wero not
satisfied, ib seems, with their Canad-
ian draught stallion "Challenge," and
their imported horse "Highland
Chief" but last week purchased a half
lutenist in the well known carriage
stallion "Sir Tutton Coachman," from
Enoch Morris, of 1-Inllet. This last
addition to their stock of horseflesh
is a good one, as the horse is about
as neat an nnitnal as can bo found iu
this part of bite country.
Miss Travers, a young lady from
St. '.Phomas, who has been visiting
frioudsin Montreal, met with a severe
accidout at the Park toboggan slide
ou Thursday evening, roo°iving a
number of painful bruises on the hoed
and body,
M'essre. Walker a& Bowie, of Mon-
treal, have entered a suit in the Su-
perior Court on behalf of Miss li.
Henderson, daughter of the late Wm.
5. hLendersou, of 1,Voodstoak, to re-
cover $;75,000 from John IIondursou,
a retired fur merchant of Montreal,
who is plaintiff's uncle, and the trustee
of her late father's estate. Justice
Johnson granted an order directing
defeudaut to render a full account of
iris trastooshipsince his provioun state-
ment was made to the widow in 1864,
The total amount duo the deseendants
of tho late W, S. Ilsnderson is placed
by exports, inolucl>.ng interest. at
`171,000. The plaintiff is the only
member of tho family now iu Canada,
and is suing for hor own moldy of
the estate. It is said Limb a large
amount of real estate in Quoboc 'land
Ontario belonging to• tho• family, ono
farm tot Woodstock valued, with its
stook, at ;$40,000, was sold by the
trustee and no account given of it,
and that sovoral thousand pounds
starling of securities and two policies
of inauranca in English offices on
deceased's Life wore roalized on and
no account snbinitted,
!inns, wheel within a row roils, de nacos o hop.
a es from Brussels, nn taut (travel
lmdreadytm etnarluq, La 101;o ;,wumu, gaud
rk octan, tmlunan tiara wood, Nprtnq
j crock th hrow dui t, the farm. Boxy 10(1 of
11*51.51 ). A ,ply to
11. n. llulcNiON,
Hard war° ,lferrhant, Snwnrillar,
20-0f !intaact% Wroxeter.
Mr. Alex. Delgatty, Auotloueor, has re
calved instructions Crum the undersigned to
sell by Public Auction, on Lot 8, Con. 11, on
Thursday, Mar. 12, 1885,
Tho following valuable property, viz ;-1
span general purpose mares, rising 4 and 5
years old, supposed to be in foal to imported
horse "Puzzler,' owned by J. McMillan, I•Iul-
lot, 1 span of carriage horses sired by Black
Warrior, 2 roadster fillies, rising 9 yrs. uld,
1 gelding, rising 3 yrs. old" by Magician, 1
gelding, rising 3 vr,, old, by Magician, 1
filly, rising 1 you, utd, by Mngioiun, 8 cows,
in calf to a thoroughbred bull, 2 eows, newly
calved, 2 heifers, rising 8 yrs. old, 1 fat cow,
5 heifers, rising 2 yrs. old, 7 steels, rising 2
yrs. old, 8 spring calves, 1 thoroughbred
uhropshiro ram, rising 8 yrs. old, 10 super.
ior Leicester ewes, all in lamb to a Shrop-
shire ram, (3 owe lambs with a cross to
Shropshire ram, 1 combined seed drill, 1
Bradley temper, 1 sulky horse rake, 1 sot iron
harrows, 1 set wooden harrows, 1 iron plow,
lllouroo make, 2 chilled plows, 1 general
pnrposo plow. 1 gang plow, 1 souller, 2
lumber waggons, 1 double carriage, polo and
shaft', 1 market sleigh, 1 Portland cutter
with pole and shafts, 1 fanning mill, 1. root
cutter, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 grain oracle, 1 horse
hay fork with rope and galleys, 1 double set
hoavy harness, 1 double sot light harness 1
set single harness, 1 saddle, 2 set whiffletros,
2 rieokyokes, forks, scythes, ohains, shovels,
and a number of other articles, also aquaut-
ity of hay and roots. The whole will be
Positively sold without reser•vo as the prop-
rietor has sold his farm.
T>,alts.—All sums at and under 55 Dash ;
over that amount 12 months credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint notes.
8 per cent. off for cash on all credit amounts.
Alex. Delgatty, Itsbort Dickson,
Auctionoor. Proprietor.
PeialEX.i3,AG 01:3
ATO ---
Stoorngo, 311, Livorpool, Londoltorry
Queenstown, Glasgow, or Belfast to Quebec
and always Its low as by suy first -Bloss line,
,Sailings from PORTLAND.
CASPIAN... ... , , ...Thursday, Web. 26th
SARDINIAN" elaroh 5th
No Steamor from Portland March '46th.
PARISIAN Thursday, April 2nd
No Stemmer from Portland, April 0th.
SARDINIAN Thursday, Apr. 16th
No Steamer from Portland, April 29rd
SARMATIAN- Thursday, April 80th
The last train aonnocting with rho steamer
at Queboo leaves'rurontn Wedneadayo at 8:00 a,
m. Passengers oanlcave Wednoednys at 630
p,m, also, and connect with the steamer at Da1-
itmx, by paying an additional fare of $4;40
108 and 32.06 2nd 'lupe.
N'o sante, ahcof Ole Alllan Ido'.
Nor T1ckota and Berths and every informa-
tion apply to
J. R. GRAD', Agent,
At the Lost Oaiee, Brussels.
Own. Pzgure
HATS, CAPS, &c.,
\Vill commence at the Store of
T. C. HARI3OT'TLE, Craubroolc,
on Wednesday evening, March 11,
tiand will continue until further no -
This sale is got up to clear off a
Largo Stock of Winter Goods to
make room for Spring importa-
tions. Now is your CHANCE.
PRICES.Don't fail to be in attendance.
Come and get Goods at your OWN
T. C. Harbottle,
MM am A N N
M BI 1'i M A A N N N
M M. r M A A N NN
{o►� WEEK
B. GE1.1L'C,r .
Noted, Cheap Furniture Store,
Having Bought out a Large BANKRUPT STOCK. OF FURNIT'CTiE,
at 57c, on the Dollar, 1 intend giving my Customers aucl the Public,
generally, the Greatest Chance they ever had of Buying First -Class
Furniture at their Own Prices. Tho Stock will be the Largest ever
WITHOUT brought into .Brussels and will be
to the :Highest Bidder. Don't forget this Great Sulo, on
A. chalice like this only happens once in seven yenta's. 1' urAAleutber
the place—Voal'a Auction Rooms, opposite the New. Woolen '
TERMS.—All Sums of $5 and ander Cash ; over that
months credit will be glucal on approved notes. 12 per cr amount 3
for Casal on credit amounts. ant. discount
•A TI3 U & V- 3A1 L�
Licensed Auctioneer r
afHuron Co.C
Sales attended in the country on very Liberal T
wane, &a,, &t'.