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The Brussels Post, 1885-3-6, Page 3
1 Melton 6, 1885, Cil]!: BRUSSELS POST n' I talk, E. 1I, Crystor, 11. Glazebrook ; Tho Committee on 1 rail ortation 3,1ortro Waterloo, Win. Wallas Wellington, reported edverael a the resent un- -� ; H p 1 Y t N jl1Ht d]HUrimleati"11 against local freight, G 1 J C. Shipley, E The report of the Connnittee on Agriculture was received and adopted. litre, Nelloe, of Grilusby read an extremely interesting null instructive d BEYOND IU CALL Could I call Leek the days I've sport In vain, Or lent to errors that I vainly chide, As the great son recalis tho rushing tido, To sit and freshen for its flow again— Should I, like hila, with stress of heat and pain, e Cleanse (rc,m my life the stains wheelabide-. Too deep for interposing veils to hide— As It flows swiftly to the shoreless main ? 1 question and I doubt ; nor would 1 dare To play the sun's high part on my past hours, And mould their vaporous breath to fresh young days, Only to run, perhaps, more foul than fair. Let their ono flow sutJtoe, and heavenly powers Distil and cleanse them to my Maker's praise. THE BOYS WE NEED. Sera's to the boy who's not afraid To do his sharo of work ; Who never is by toil dismayed, And never tries to shirk. The boy whose heart is brave to meat Tho lions in the way ; Who's not discouraged by defeat, But tries another day. The boy who always moans to do; The very best ho can ; Who always keeps the right in view. And aims to be a man, Such boys as those will grow to be The men whose hands will guide The future of our land ; and we Shall speak their names with pride. All honor to the boy who is A mac at heart, I say ; Whose legend on his shield is this, "Bight always wins the day." BY THE ItIVER. Only the low wind wailing Among the leafless trees ; Only the sunset paling ; Only the gray oleuds sailing Before the western breeze. The girl beside the river, With strained ear and tired eye, Nor saw the crimson quiver, Nor heard the willows shiver, As the low wind swept by. For sight and sense were roaming Across the barren moor ; Oh, wits he never coming, Through the dull autumn gleaming, As in the days of yore. Oh, bright blue eyes that glistened. Oh, happy blush that rose, Oh, foolish heart that listened, To the faithless lips that christened His love the "wife he chose." How oft ho turned in leaving For yet another Ides I How he soothed the girlish grieving, And swore that no deceiving Should ever cloud their bliss ! He left when summer sunlight Was full upon the stream. Ho made his truth her one light, And in the autumn dim light, She faced her broken dream. She knew her idol shaken, She knew her trust was gone, What hope dead faith can waken Betrayed, forgot, forsaken, The women stood—alone. Bushed was the bitter weeping, As o'er her closed the ]night ; When dawn on earth was creeping, The horning breeze was sweeping, Where broad, and pure, and white, The lilies swayed to cover The fair pale face beneath ; Where pain and passion over, need from ti faithless ]ower, Sorrow lay hushed in death. The Provincial Orange. Tho annual meeting of the Provin- cial Grillage of Ontario was begun on Wednesday of ]net weep at Temper- eres Hall, Toronto, Alex. Servos, Mu.sterO.P,G., presiding. The diff- erent Granges throughout the Prov- ince acre represented, The officers pre.out welt::— WV. 11„ Alex, Servos; W. 0., lt. Gerrie ; Seo., A. Gifford ; Chaplain, D. 'Wright ; Treneurer, R. WVillcie ; Steward, W. Brook ; G. K. 31. Palmer; Ceres, 1VIre. Moffatt ; Pomona, Mrs. Nelles ; Flora, Mrs, Leilhbridge. The follo,ting is a list of tie deice gates :—North Grey, H. Reid, R. J. Doyle and wife ; Niagara, S. A. Nei- lee and wife, A. Servos ; Simooe, J. Allen ; Holton, Wm. Clemente ; Bathe, P. McKenzie, John Kippen, S. Bollachy,Isno 1lloClnre Lund wife ; York, D. AWWMtirohy; Peel, Eli Craw- ; Kent, It Wilkie and wife, W. H. White ; Middlesex, G.Leithbriclge and wife ; J;)giu, Jebel Robinson, Ewen Cameron ; Durham, L. Van Camp and wife. J. E. Gould, A. Da. vidson ; Lnmbton, A. Liuds(ty; De- ism, W. C!orlte, Geo, Island; North Simcoe, T. S. McLeod rind wife, R. Rix ; Huron, Peter Hepinstall and wife, H. Smith and wife, Goo, Hood, Saint, Smiley ; East Grey, David J. Hunter, S. Goodfellow and wife ; On- 0. Ellington ; Haldirnand, John Lindsay ; Teterboro', W, l;yoro, J.S. 'rhes ; 'HeeX , i l U Nash ; South Simeon, Thee. Porter and wife', Thos. IZizon and wife ; Last Grey, Chas. Moffatt told wife ; Dun - as, II, J. VII Wier, hili I\Ierltley aid paper on "Hoose told Homo," intro - wife ; Lanark, John 11, Frazer. Jae, duciug many now Mono, •'hied if a. Lyle. The worthy master in his opening address said they eamo to legislate, not for an empiro or province, but for that great Democracy, agriculture, which from the earliest period up to the present, lige been the solo oeeu- pation of the true freeman and of earth's noblemen. Iia rapidly refer - rod to the centennial anniversary of the settlement of Ontario and conse- quently tho centenary of the birth of dopted, would prove it entree of Ileae• tare and happiness in the homes. The following officers wore elected: —W. 1\I, Currie, Wingham ; W. 0., T. S, McLeod, Dalston ; W. Seo., 12. Gifford, Meaford ; W. Treas„ R. WVilkis, Blenheim ; W. Lecturer, I), Kennedy, Petorboro' ; W. Chap., D. Wright, Maliks ; W. Steward, Thos. Beagles, Onehtowu ; A.L., W. Brock, Adelaide ; 0; K., J P. Palmer, Fen - ohm Falls ; W, 0., Slater C. Moffatt, agrioultura in the wino ; to the ro- EdHill, \W,P., Sietet Leitlbrid cent abundant harvest and the low Stratbburn ; W. T., Slater Crys or, price of produce ; to the increase in Delhi ; L. A. 8., Sister McClure, the number of live stook kept on the farm and the improvement in the elites of animals ; to the improvement to farms and buildings noticeable throughout the Province ; to the in- crease in value of farm property of over $50,000,000 In a year, and to the efficiency of the Ontario Bureau of Industries, whose statements are so valuable. Regarding the present agitation in towns and cities concern• lug the exemption of certain persons and properties from taxation, he said: —'I thiole it of little concern to us, there being very little exempted pro- perty in rural districts. A now and more vexatious form of taxation lens sprung up from an unexpected quarter recently, viz., monopoly on books us- ed in common schools, and I think some move should bo made to relieve of this b us eau and y unjust burden. Would it not be well to urge upon the Ontario Government the necessity of throwing open the right to p•blish standard school books to all publish- ers, and thus invite competition ?" He referred briefly to the discrimina- tion in railway freight rubs, and sug- gested the memorializing of the Governmsut, urging the equalization of tariffs, He congratulated the Grange on the organization of the People's Salt Company, and looked forward to an alliance with the pro- duces in foreign countries, and a di- rect exchange of commodities with them. lie alluded to the scheme of colonizing some of the townships north of Lake Huron with young Patrons of Husbandry, and oonclud• 0d by congratulating the Grange on the presence of so many ladies at the meeting, well able to advocate their views on any subject. The addrs was sent to the appropriate commit. tee. The Executive Committee's report and that of the Secretary were read and approved. Tho afternoon session was spent in receiving suggestions from the var- iouscommittees on Legislation, Tran- sportation, Education, Good of the Order, House and Ilome, Temper- ance, Agriculture, and Claims and Grievances. A committee was appointed to wait on the Minister of Education : and the meeting adjourned. Grange assembled on Thursday. After business of a routine character had boon disposed of the Hon. G. W. Rose, Minister of Education, was introduced and delivered an address in wluoh lie reviewed the new School Bill now before the Local Legislature and dealt exhaustively with other im• portant educational matters. He re• furred to the pleasure it gave hint to meet so many patrons of husbandry from all parts of the Province cue year ago. He considered it a pleas- ure to oome before theta again to ex- plain his new Bill and to receive sue. gsstious for the perfection of the school laws. His object in making changes was to simplify so that all (night easily understand, and to av• oid all disputes and litigation as mush' House, Landry at first charged him as possible, Ho did nob believe in with having written 80100 personal at. holey lsglsletion. Ho mentioned tacks on his wife and family, the au - several proposed—ohanges—Govern• thorship of which Laugolisr admitted. moat mel+ey ]n 00110001100 with lion- Ltiudry, who is ouly n small plan, resident children, the equalization of then drew a cowhide whip from his of assessments in union sections and pooltet Bud streak Lnnglier in the 5370 obaugiug the houncltu'ts0 thereof, with the handle, cutting him consid- teuahera' enhtirys and vnUlttj000, uud erably. He followed up tile assault fees. Ile did not favor the idea of by lashing Llan over the head and sending children to school at too 001, ehouldars mail the Minister of Oust. ly tau ago, nor did he approve of the ems called for the sergant•at•aniue to introduction of agricultural chemist- put Landry out of the building. The ry .010 our common schools at pre- ,attack Was preuloditeted and coward - sent, as teachers were not qualified ly, 05 Landry lead 0 bully from Quo - to tenet the subject judiciously, He boo named `Prudel standing by t0 inks stated that the new series of mailers his part should Ile got the worst of it, were on the whole cheaper than guy Lnngelier knew that if he resultedpreceding serine, though some of the ower class Lochs were higher 1n Lnn<hy's attach within the precincts of parliament Ile ecoid be severely rias. Before retiring the Lon, gontl0• punished, and has taken the proper maul ionsansit1l tl a tithe de of delegates course in instituting civil proeesdings uesttone atked by the delegates ffeln against Lis assailant. For It moment ariotts parts of the Province, He the excitement was intense. Tho tvas atthe co ly Liston re to throughout, debate stopped and members and nos ud at the conclusion received n hearty potters crowded about the combat - vole of Unwire. ants, Wllliscroft. lexecutivo Committee— T. S. McLeod, Dal:,ton, and Charles Moffatt, Edge hill, Auditors, W.H. White, Chatham, and S. Belasby, Paisley. Delegates to the Domiuiou Grange, E. H. llelburne, Uxbridge ; H. Glendenning, Manilla ; T. Mc- Leod, Dalston ; Q. Ourrie, Wingham; W. Brock, Adelaide ; Chas. Moffatt, Edge Hill ; R. \Willtie, Blsuheim ; J. Robinson, Middlemarch ; G. Leith - bridge, Strathburn, and R. J. Doyle, Owen Sound, Canadian Is ewee At Pain Cloud, a short dlatance from Chatham, es Foster Jarvis was loading a log on Ins sleigh the Boole slipped off, and the lug rolling off struck a lad named Wm. Toultonse, crushing and instantly killing him. Among Lord Chas. Beresfo'd's commend in the Soudan is Lieuten- ant Morehouse McKeand, lately of the 80th regiment, Winnipeg. Lieut. I\icKeand went out with the Canadian voyageurs, and remained there when they returned. At Amherstburg on Friday, Bert May, it miller in D. A. Barron's hour. ing mill was caught in a shaft and seriously injured, both legs being broken. Hie head and arms were also badly crushed. He died from his injuries, A woodchopper named George Banks, living alone in a log but near the Puce River, in Essex county, was found frozen to death Wednesday morning. He had been drinking heavily for a few diva, and when last Been alive was staggering towards his but drunk. He was about 40 years old, and had no relatives as far as known. Last Tbnrsclay evening at the Woodstock toboggan slide Beverly Ingersoll, son of Col. Ingersoll, coup. ty registrar, met with an accident which may result in the lose of its rightleg, Mr, Ingersoll, while stand- ing near the foot of the hill, observed a young lady tumble off a toboggau. He went to the rescue, and 1058 Lim- solf ran into, breaking his right limb in five places. Those on board the toboggan met with injuries of a less severe nature. A most disgraceful Beene took place in the lobby of the Rouse of Parlia- ment at Ottawa Thursday afternoouwink)winthe House was in session, in which a member of parliament named Landry oowhided Chas. Langelisr, editor of LeElectsur, of Quebec. It appears that for some time Landry, who edits the Nouvelliste, of Quebec. and Laugeiler have been marrying on a bitter warfare in their re:poative journals, Personal attacks have boeu indulged in, and family matters have been pretty well mitered into by both parties. Laugelier had boon oo- aupyiug a seat in the press gallery during the debate, but an steeping into the lobby he was confronted by Landry, who had been watching his movements from his ,eat iu the q v tario, B.I-I. Hilbown and wife, H. Glendinning, C. B. Afiller; Went- a worth, D. Patterson and wife ; No Deo breed may rise another ten The oris ln.111re Hug survives theism s11. 2801 BARRINGTON, 61280 The undersigned. will keep for service at Tuck's flute], Uraobrook, that pure bred Berkshire hoar, Barrington, bred by 0, M. Simmons and Quirt,: Ivan 1', O„ Middlesex Cu., Ont., from the best imported stoetc on both Hides with registered pedigree, also that euro bred Suffolk Boar, Young Chant. pion, bred by Janwe Atoll Esq., 1falton Co., Ont., from imported .took on both sides and Is n first -eines pig in every re. even. The above pigs have token prigs at Toronto, London, Seafortll, Brussels, Wingham and Newry, competing against the best hogs in the country. Inspection invited, Terms one dollar ut the time of eerviee with the privilege of returning if required. JACOB 0, 'rucK, A OREAT CHANCE TO Make Money ! Outfit worth a Largo Sum of Mon- ey all ]+'roe. You will find Your Fortune in our Circular. --U-- Great Chance for Lady . gents to Make Money. Terms and Outfit Free. You will find our Circular a Prize. Address, FIND] ART PUBLI$111NG CO. St. Catherines, Ontario. BERLIN FOUNDRY IZANI:P'tC'1•CRBItti OP' ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL MACHINERY, ,Ac. )Small Upright i ngin e.s —ANII— BOILERS A SPECIALTY. 1'`r'r further particulars apply to Xelso7:, Co., BerZiia, Oat, Money to Loan, PRIV.f1 TD J3 UJVDS. $20,000 of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for Investment AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WADE. NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS. �. Vanstone $ons, ®m0 Proprietors. We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our New Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and is giving the Best Satis- faction. SHORTS, MEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON HAN©. We also make the following Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. EAST HURON CARRIAGE WORKS ! JAMES BUYERS —MANUFACTURER OF— BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, &c., c&c., all made of the Bost Material and finished in a workman -like manner. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. Rrlmrnwors.—M'l.rsden Smith, 13. Laing, Jaulos Cutt and William McKelvey, Grey township ; WVm. Cameron, Wm. Little, Geo. Brewar, and Daviel Breckenridge, Morris township ; Thos. Town and William I3lashill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turn. berry township. REMEMBER THE STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE. JAS. 13UYEIS_ -+ T H E L ,ISS est whip,>, :10L i The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the 1\Ii11 in First -(lass Running Order, and will bo glad to sec all his Olcl Customers and as many new as possible. Chopping done, 0110e Flour and Peed Always on Band. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY 01' GOOD WI3'.EAT.