HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-3-6, Page 1VOL. XII.
,15,..2,1._� ...,...
Canadian Cattlemen,
.Aa^AteoelatIon Wormed roe their Mutual
Protection. Constitution ,Adopted
end tinkers Elected.
About fifty of the live stock dealers
of the Dominion assembled at the
Albion Hotel, Toronto, last Friday
afternoon. Wn. Williamson, of
Brampton, was moved to the cbatr,
and Mr. Bickerdike was appointed
secretary. Tho following gentleman
were among ihose present :—Win,
Maine, Toronto; P. Bonner, Toronto;
M. Giliham, Clifford, D. N. Craig,
Brantford, J. Lumness, Toronto; J.
Willie, Exeter; S. Ryan, Toronto; G.
Pauline, Chesley; 3, Telfer, Montreal;
Win, McLean, Goderich; J. Rowlands,
Paieley; B. Winters, Seefortli; J.
]tiohardeon, Toronto; E. Blong, To.
route; E. B. lfurgan, Oshawa; Wm.
Cudmore, Clinton; J. Smith, Brant-
ford; G. Armstrong, Brantford: W. S,
Williamson, Brantford; G. Gould,
Oshawa;— Williams, Osnawa; D. Rob-
inson, Glasgow; R. Lamont, Chesley;
0. Flanagan, Toronto; W. J. MaChel-
laud, Toronto; H. Keily, Toronto; E.
Lemon, 'Toronto; M. Thompson,
Montreal; J. Dunn, Toronto; A, W.
Aikens, Cookeville; J. Snllivan, To.
ronle; T. Batter, Liverpool; D. F.
Stewart, Ailey Craig; T. Bonner, To.
route; Wm. Ilearnn, Guelph; T. 0.
Robertson, St. Mary's; S. Price, Mon-
treal; W. W. Braig, Montreal; G.
Downey, Forest; I. H. Mee, Strath-
roy; Gil Dick, Clinton; A. R. Hutch.
ing, Port Elgin; Wm. Hogg, Ux-
bridge; A. M. Poole, London, Eng.;
D. O'Leary, Toronto; S. Pears, To-
ronto ;—Johnston, Cobourg.
The first busiuees before the meat-
ing was the discussion and adoption
of the constitution and bylaws. It
was decided to call the souiety "The
Dominion Cattlemen's Association."
The association will embrace all par-
dons couueoted with the live stock
trade in the Dominion.
Difference of opinion existed as to
how the dealers should be assessed
for the benefit of the fund of the as-
sociation. Some wore in favor of a
$6 entrance fee, with a $8 annual
fee, while °there favored an entrance
fee of $10, with an annual fee of $2.
Ono side urged that if the lower fig.
ure were adopted a larger member.
ship would be obtained, while the
other held that a good fund should
he in hand to enable them to fight in
the courts, railway or steamship corn
raffles who dealt wrongfully with e
member. After a number of amend.
mente had boon put and loot the en-
trance subscription was fixed at $6
and the minuet fee et $8,
The oifioere shall consist of a pres-
ident, first and second viae -president,
secretary and treasurer. These with
other members shall con'ttituto .the
Executive Committee.
After the signing of the roll the
balloting for the officers was proceed-
ed with. John Dunn was eleoted
president, A. J. Thompson first vice-
president, Samuel Price second vine.
president, Bobert Bickerdike seOre-
lary, Edward Blong treasurer, Ex.
ecutive Committee, Messrs. E. B.
Morgan, T. 0. Robinson, Edward
Lemon, W. W. Craig, 0, Frnnogae,
W, S. Williamson, A W. Aikens,
Wee. MaLeau.
rhe meetiug adjourned, with votes
of tliatilis to the tempurary officers.
The election for reeve of Amherst -
burg rook puree Monday and resulted
in a victory for Mr. Maguire by six
of a majority.
George Shea, of Palmerston, skated
thirty laps or two miles on the rink in
that town and beat A. Woods, of
Galt, who had to run twenty-four
laps, The race was for $25 a eide.
r, McIntire, of Toronto, has laid
before the Public School Board a re-
quest that it arrange to set apart cer-
tain days for the practice of the art of
swimming tothe scholars at the Island
baths, He offers to provide instruct-
The -Victoria (13.0.) Limes of the
18th Feb, seye :—".Ti'rault Elliott was
found dead in his cabin, in bed, yes-
terday morniug. Ito came from Lon-
don, Ont., and Liao a brother residing
in Godorieh. The body was taken in
charge by Sergoaut Flowin who will
attend to the burial, oto. Deeeesod
worked for some time on the dry dock,
and hada claim against the contractore
for unpaid services. There wile found
on his person over $50 in money,
ilo had beou drinking for some time
precious to his death,
NO. 35,
duaed and disouseed with coueidor- j ly has a very bad record, and is wolf-itnowu
able interest: --"Tho tru( °hire, of imenthetroitand Purti;nron. W1100 (0110
wearing 801ne of the goods stole.
�'[. They will ,e e
judge Armour at the netecti for the county
g d conduct," 1 of Wellington, end Detective R....- who
Farewell to F. Frey.
Last Friday everting about 10 of our
townsmen, and several from. the township
of CleeY, teat down to an excellent almond
at the Central hotel. The supper was giv-
en by the proprietor ax to farewell party to
F. Troy who 1laa leased the Albion hotel,
Galt, and woe to remove on Saturday to
lots new home, After satisfying the waute
of the inner man with a feast calculated to
eatiefy Gm greatest epicure, the table was
cleared and the following program entered
upon :—
Toast, "Thu Queen and Royal family,"
song "God save the Queen." 'Tho Army
and Navy" elicited rho old sang "Brittania
the gem of the ueean." In response to the
toast of "The Governor -Conant' and
Houses of Parliament" E. 11, Wado and
Jas. Drew° oracle short and appropriate
'pooches. "Tim guest of the evening" was
responded to in a most enthusiastic man-
ner. The following original poem was
Bung by the company :-..
G001.) 13YR FRED FREY.
To soy good bye to Fred we halt,
Good bye, good bye,
To -morrow ho gens off to Galt,
Good bye good bye ;
But our bold.hearted Terry O'N'otl
las dished the oysters np : don't squeal,
Wo all feel -0h 1 door—
To part with Fred we squeal.
(AIr--WILL 2111 NO' COMB 0101C AGAIN.)
Whone'er we view that ruined home
Fred's village home, with fere laid low,
We'll always wish 11fm back again
In as good house, as loud to crow.
Will he no' come back again,
Will he no' come back again,
Better lo'ed he canna be
Will he no' come back again.
(AIN—A11143 001( taw.)
Thou hero's our hands to you Fred Frey
And gio's a hand o' thine
And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For the days o' mulct Lang Syne. ,
For aalet Lang Syne, Fred Frey,
For auld Lang Syne,
We'll talc a 0011 0' kindness yet
For the clays o' aulcl Lang Syne.
(010—so OAT 01 ALL.)
So say we all of us,
So say wo all of tis,
So say we all ;
Fred Frey's a jolly good follow,
Fred Frey's a jolly good fellow ;
Fred Frey's a jolly good fallow
With a hip, hip, hip, hurrah 1
—By John dlexander, Poet Laureate.
After which Mr. Frey addressed the
gathering briefly, stating his regret at part-
ing with Brussels friends and looped he
would again have t11e pleasure of being book
as a resident of this sonars little town.
Speeches were also made by Jno. Alex-
ander and L. McCrea of a very eulogistic
character. "The manufacturing interests"
brought responses from A. Wilson, D.
Shragg, Wm. Blashill, and L. W. McCrea.
"The merehanlile interests" were toasted
and spoked to by Jas. Draws. "The
Learned Professions" drew spicy spcoohes
from Mr. Mitchell and O. MoPhayden.
A. Delgatty and M. Shines replied to "The
Agricultural interests of our Country." D.
MoKinnon looked after "The Ladies." In
response to the "float and hostess" Mr.
O'Neil mado a short alveoli and Mrs.
O'Neil sang "Our good old friends" in good
style. During the evening eonge wore song
by A. Wilson, his. Dion, Jas. Laird er,,
Alex. Delgatty and James James. The
°➢fair was filled by Jno. Alexander who is a
host in himself at a gathering of this kind.
Councillor Vanetone °coupled tho vice
chair. At a late hour tho company separ-
ated, attar' singing "Auld Lang Syne,"
wishing Mr. Frey and family long life,
many friends ind plenty of prosperity.
The people of Galt will find Mr. Frey a
thorough gentleman and one well qualified
to conduct a !hotel in a first -chess style.
Tins burning c f his fine largo hotel hole
last spring --the Teoninseh House—and the
passing of oho Scott Aot m Huron were giv-
en as reasons for his removal to Galt.
Brussels Hook Parlfameat.
e usual weekly 8esslon was held
on Wednesday evening. After read-
ing the minutes the debate on the
question of the Independence Of Can-
ada was taken up for discussion. The
debate was opened by D. Robertson
for the government and he was backed
up by A. Strachan and J. J Doornail.
Fur the Opposition Dr. ]lutehinson,
A. Hislop and Juo. Alexander dilated
on the question after which the
Houso adjourned fora weak. Want
of spaceoompele us to withold a ey-
nopsis of the speeches until next
The Quebec Legislature opened on
London East voted Monday on the
by-law sanctioning amalgamation
with the city, carrying it by 288 inti.
The State Legislature of letichigatl
has voted to restore the death penalty
for murder. This will make it ae 110.
safe to commit murder on one side of
the Detroit river as on the other.
Chas. Hickok, n, Hamilton hotel.
keeper, was on Saturday fined $,1:0
by the police magietrato for keeping
his billiard room open after 11 o'clock.
A witness testified toot l.e played
pool all night, and loet $85.
i ,lbs editor 01 Tug PONT,
DEAR Stn.—Last Sunday afternoon I
wont to the Army meeting and being late,
had to take a seat near the door. There
was n crowd of boys, from 14 to 20 yoare of
age, around tho door noel their conduct was
dlegrncefnl. There was a good experionno
mooting going 0)1 when 1 wont hi, with oo.
casional eonge, and the yelling of those
young moo and /toys ,vas very annoying,
several respectable christlan people loft the
church disgusted. One of the soldiers came
down end advised them to stop their nniee
or he would take down their names and
havo them exposed, but so little did they
care for him, or his threat, that despite all
he could say they yelled louder and loonier
until you could very easily imagine yon
had mistaken tho place and got into a lun-
atic ssylurn. How I wished, as 1 sat there
that some of their parents saw theta as 1
saw them, turning everything that was said
and done into ridicule. If they had been
thero,perhaps some of them would bo more
careful in speakingdisrespeotfulty of relig.
ion before theor children. If rho Captain
would enforce the law and send some of
them to Godorioli it might silnnco the rest
of the brawlers. The conduct of some that
occupied seats was anything but becoming r
and 1 eincerely hope that those who so b•
richlydoierved it will get t110 full bought
of the law. Yours,
Brussels, March and. A brnarArou.
S. S. instruction," by Rev. E. Mc- ]u1 wax
�luecroe, Winghnm ; "The H. H, and from btm<u 11 Th 'll i d t, fore
its outfit, arras em0nt tan n "
y W. I3. Button, Winghain. A
"Report of 8, 8. throughout the
Presbytery," was read by the Bev.
D. Bickel], convener of 8, 8. woven-
!tions. A mass meeting of the S. 8.
children was addressed by the Rev.
G. Brown, of Wroxeter,
Evening Session.—"Address of
Welcome" by Rev, D. Cameron,
Lnaknow ; "Teachers' Qualifications,
by Rev. Jno. MoN,abb, in the absence
of Rev. J. L. Murray, Kincardine ;
"The place of the Shorter Catechism
in the S. 8„” by Rev, Mr. Sutherland
Ripley ; "How the S. 8. should be
suprorted financially," by the Rev.
J. A. Anderson, Wliileahuroh.
Morning Session,—"Duties of 8.
8. Superintendent, by Elder Wilson
in the absence of 0, Cameron, Dun-
gannon ; "Books for the S. S, Lib-
ary," by Rev. A. McKenzie, South
Of the above addresses given those
of the Rev. Messrs. Brown and Huth- ,
erland deserve special notice, and we confined in Pictou goal i
The regular meeting of Brussels muni-
cipal parliament assembled Monday even-
ing with Reeve Young presiding, All ;he
members of the Board were io their places.
The minutes of the last meeting wore
read and declared correct. As usual there
worn .,ccounts presented, accounts that
footed up to over ,$IS4. They were as fol-
lows ;—
Titre Co. attending 8 fires viz., Tecumseh
House, F. 0. Rogers stable, and Adam
Angus' house, with 27, 21 and 22 men, re-
epeotivoly, 070 ; Thos, Town, Oolleotor'e
salary, postage ceo. 646 ; Thos. Kelly, Troas-
nror's salary 640 ; F. S. Scott, registering
Howe by-law, making out assessment roll
for 1884, for Co. Clerk, Re. work that
should have boon done by the Clerk Last
Year, 511; Geo, Hartwiok and Alex. Hun-
ter 68 each for auditing village acaonnts ;
W. F. Vanetone, wood for Mrs. Williams,
R. Graham moved and P. Scott seconded
that the foregoing aceounte be paid. Car-
Tho Auditors' report was presented and
laid over for further oonsidoration.
A communication was read from Dr.
Holmes, of Goderiohh, bearing on the eettle-
ment of the Land Improvement fund with
Morris township. Moved by W. H. Kerr,
seconded by W. F. Vanstone that the Clerk
be inettuated to write the Lieutenant•Gov-
ornor on the subject, at once. Carried.
Geo. Bowe was present and tie matter
of his paying half of the exponsa of Goo
peeving of the Bowe by-law, ae was under-
stood by the members of Ole old Council,
was talked over. ItOr. hews affirms that
ho never agreed to pay luta the expense.
His share would be somewhere about 866
or 870.
The agreement with Jno. Meadows, as
caretaker of the Town hall and Fire En-
gine was road and signori by Mr, Meadows
and the Reeve.
Moved by W. 11. Kerr, seconded by
W. F. Vanetone that we borrow 81,(10
from Thos. Kelly, for 10 mouths, to bear
interest at 8 per cent. por minium Carried,
This was necessary as the Co. rate for 1883
and 1884, amounting to 8608 is still unpaid
and is bearing interest at 10 per cont, and
to moot eurreut expcasos.
Thos. Ainlay and Geo. Hnycroft asked
the Council for a grant to the Band for the
ensuing year. Moved by W. F. Ironstone,
seconded by R. Graham that the band re-
ceive a grunt of 875 fur the onsnulg year
w1 condition that they play weekly in the
park, during rho summer months, Carried.
The attention of this delegation was
culled to the members of the band taking
better care of the Town Hall propgrty on
practice nights.
Moved by W.11. Herr, eoco» ded by R.
Graham that the arrangement with the
Fire Brigade, viz., paying each fireman 81
for each tiro if ha reports himself to the
Sao., bo rho same has last year. Carried,
Caretaker meadows reported 10 small
chairs and 3 arm chairs mioeing from rho
Hall dining the past your,
The Reavo was appointed to see tho late
aleck regarding ,tit. rent of Hall foe the
year 1884. In 00nueotion with this subject
it was moved by W. II. Kerr, seconded by
W. F. Vanstone that a monthly statement
be laid baforo this Board of the amount of
Hall r01rt received, and that the Treasurer
post his ledgsr so as to bo table to give a
statement of how each amount ovory
3 mouths. Carried.
After chatting over eevern! items of
municipal work the Board adjourned for a
We clip the following from the
Seutmel T110 Presbytery of Mohs
laud held to S. 8. Convention iu Knox
Church, Lnaknow, on the afternoon
of Tuesday and the forenoon of Wed-
nesday last. It wee rumoured that
the number of delegates expected was
about 700, but as nsu't1 Dame Rum-
or eerily exaggerated, Crying to a
want of proper publicity the number
of delegates amounted to about 26.
After devotional exeroises the Rev.
Mr, Roe 4, of Brussels, was ealled to
the chair, and the first session began.
The following subjeeto were intro -
desert, s the grsatest credit for tem wary in
wbtch he has followed up these men, states
that halloo collected a vast anhouut of evi-
dence, and is sore of securing It conviction.
Tuesday evening's late train brought De-
tection Rogers to Bruecols and tar Widnes.
day morning, in (economy with (luielables
Minks, Chapman and Ainlay, they took a
conveyance and drove np the 12tH eon. of
Grey township to the residence of James
Bird. After a little conversation Miss Bird
told the ollioore that their nuepiclons were
right and part of the goods they wore
searching after wore in their possession, A
2 quart gem jar, was dog out of a snow bank
in the roar of the elable and contained
broaches, oar rings, chains, Sic. In the
Louse a quantity of clothing was obtained
and 2 gold watehes. The plunder was
brought to Bird's immediately after the
robbery. Detective Rogers took the noon
train on Wednesday for Guelph carrying
with him the results of hi, search. The
third party iu the robbery is still at large.
Canadian P'(ewrl,
The Detroit'I'imei is deli,➢. Loss
A man
undergoing the most horrible suffering
from an attack of hydrophobia.
Another special exeureion ii being
arranged by lir. Hill, secretary of the
Industrial Exhibition Aeeociation, to
start from Toronto for New Orleans
and Florida on the morniug of 1larch
the 11 th. The route will be via
Detroit and Cincinnati, ,arid the Queen
and Crescent line to the Crescent City,
County Attorney Fenton was not-
ified that an indecent pnblioation
named the Police Record is being is.
sued weekly from the Yonge street
arcade, Toronto. It was started a
few weeks ego, and is at present dis-
tributed gratis throughout the city,
Tho County Attorney instructed the
Chief of Polios to have the publication
suppressed and the publishers pros-
About a dozen pupile of St. Thomas
Montmagny College, actoompanied by
the rector, went on a snowshoeing ex-
pedition no the shore ice at that place
a few days since. When some dis-
ttouae out a floe of ice, measuring a.
bout five miles in length and one
broad, brol[•e away from the shorn,
carrying its captives with it down the
river St, Litwrenoe about two guiles.
Their position becoming critical, they
determined to explore the ice island,
and ninah to their joy found a large
canoe with Dare which had also been
carried out, and by this 105008 they
all reached the mainland in safety,
At the London Division Court a
ease in whioh a technical point of
interest to meroliauts was raised
came off. Dumbrill, a merchant of
Stratlroy, sued ,lis Grand Triune
Railway for $11.28, rho value of
eleven panes of glues that the plaintiff
claimed had been broken in transit
between Loudon and Stratliroy. The
Judge found for the defendant's first
on the grouud that no proof had been
furnished that the glass was all right
when given to the company, nod
secondly that the plaintiff tumid not
recover because lie had not furnished
the railway with particulars of his
claim within 86 hours after the goods
had been delivered.
Thera has boon under consideration
for some months pasta proposition,
which, if successfully molded out, will
furnish some good end interesting
sport in the cricket field during the
coming summer. Several doctors of
Western Ontario }ropy to organize a
cricket team composed entirely of
members of their own profession,
with the view 111 enjoying a weeks
tour together. If possible to toga.
plot() arrangements, this novel organ -
teatime will play Paris, Galt, Guelph,
'esti/wet, tit. Marys and London
Asylum, beginning at Paris ort the
Monday and mulling with the asylum
team on the Saturday of the week se.
looted, probably tho last week of
June, Dr. Bray, of Chatham, Dr,
Boomer, of London, Dr. Burt, Paris,
and Dr. Cameron, of Toronto, com-
pose the committee of manttgmlunt,
rind from the onthusiestio encourage -
merit which they Ii,tvo rhos fur re.
eeived there Gari be little doubt that
the plan will mast with sueceee, Se
for as the r000rds haus been searched
no trace has been found of any ten
made up entirely of medical men, ev.
on in 01(1 England, the home of aria.
hot. The countenance which ,t hued=
Teal team will lend to cricket as a ra-
tional and recreative sport should
serve in soma slight degree to polio.
Jarmo Gin garno jo Ontario
feel sure that all S. 8. workers who
had the good fortune to listen to
them wont away with a far greater
appreciation of their responsibility to
the little flocks among whom they
labor. A very striking instance of
the horror with it blob certain of the
"Old School" miuistere hold the or-
gan or "calf" as some call it, was
brought out during the discussion of
]ver. Hutton's subject, with regard to
the "outfit" of the school. It was
asked by the rev. gentleman if he
(Mr. Hutton) considered the organ as
one of the necessary articles in a S.
8. This fell like a boteb•shell on the
members of the Convention, but be-
fore the learned gentlemen could re-
cover from their astonishment or be.
fore the dangerous missle lad time
to explode another rev. gentleman
rushed forward, picked it up, and
metaphorically tossed it out of the
room. After this heroic aot another
rose with the intention, we presume,
of congratulating his brother on his
bravery, but the chairman remarked
that the time for that eubject had ex.
On December 24th last Max. Simoueki, a
Sow pedlar, while going through a bush
near Parker, Welliugtou county, was set
upon by three men who came out of the
bush, each with a revolver. They forced
him to get out of the rig, and than, after
gagging him, took him about 80 rods into
the hush and tied hire to a tree, first but.
toning up his coat and putting mitts on his
•barrds, Not quite satisfied, they returned
with a loather strap from their own rig
and added that to Ins other fastenings, fin-
ally loaning hint with the advice that 11e
should keep himself as warm as possible;
\Vben they first bound the Jew they rifled
his pockets, seouring 8200 in cash and his
Two of the men then took the podler's
ria and drove off, While the third relurnod
with the livery rig, having delivered up
which ho disappeared. The two with the
pecllcr'e rig drove eight nodes when they
upset. This troubled t11om but they solved
the difioulty by dotaJh10g the forst bob of
rho sleigh packing all of the watches and
jewelry in two boxes and a valise, and then
drove off, leaving the balance of the sleigh
and etoak behind, first, however, securing a
new outfit in the dry goods and handker.
chief line for eaoli. The robbery took place
about four o'olaolc in the afternoon on a
woll.travellod road, bat the thieves got
off without molestation. provincial De.
tautly° Joseph Rogers was given the case
and two days totter started on the track of
tllehigltwnylnen, He traced them through
Glen Allan, where they divided too money,
Dorkins, Tyrone, Listowel, Elmo Centre,
Attwood, Newry, Brussels, Blyth and Sea.
forth, where they left the hors°, completely
exhausted, by the side of rho road. Then
they tools to the railway, roaohed London,
purchased tickets for Detroit, and that was
the last hoard of them. They wore prob-
ably safely aoroes the line whoto Dsteotiio
Rogers was placed 101 charge of the case,
But though tho omen had escaped for the
tone being, Doteethre Rogers did not lose
hop° of being'ltirnelely able to effect their
capture. 137 inquiries made he bonnie sat-
isfied that they would eaturu, as they were
both ]Chown in Michigan, and ho posted men
to watch for their return, Last week he re-
ceived word that they Were again in Canada,
though they hal eluded tho officers sot to
Wata11 them, and immediately started oil the
trail ugOn, resisted by Constable Arneson,
of Arthur. Thoy got track of the parties on
Saturday, only to find that their birds load
been ought in the aot of robbing school
helloes in the county of Ncrfollc. Aloug
with Munson and a person who was ampule -
tad width the melt he preeoalod to Mame,
identified the mon and took thereto Guelph,
'whore they are at present. The two mon
want under tem names of Rd. Adams and
ltiehard Davis, but their right nnmo8 Aro
George bunk and Joseph Armstrong, both
desperate criminals. Both havo, it le sold,
served time in Kingstree penitentiary And
)4iohigae state prison, Armstron3 eepooial.