HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-2-27, Page 71
I.rnni11mov 27, 1365.
'' Will you play to me, 'Beatrice ?
11111810 is 11111810 twien oval? w11011 0110
boars it in the gloaming.'
"I sat down at onoo whorl loo wished.
I did not sing to blm, but played all
those beautiful old oratorio airs you
RICO NO 111lla11 indeed. 1 hart+ lolrmal
thorn bode you. leu was gnito sflolt,
and I bolt sura that urn on,joyed tho grand
old airs, for fro lay back iu bis °hair
with hill Oyes 01013(311, 'Plum 1 played the
one you love No much, I forgot the
name, but tiloso words go with it :
'While I baro eyes ho wants no light.'
You remember it, .Hiss Ilrooke ?"
Remember it, 1 She could have
cried aloud with the Nick aching of hoe
boort, Slio saw the ole( church, with ite
oalicu roof ; the groat window, with the
fair-haired sahib; she hoard again tutu
grand roll of the organ, Yes, oleo ro-
niombored it. Would Heavou, in His
groat mercy, evor allow hor to forgot ?
Beatrice I'ourith continued
"file was 8o silent after that, that I
wont up to him ; and when ho opened
bis eyes they wero heavy with tears—
real tears.
" 'Now 1 havo made you sad l' I cried,
"IIo looked at me for a few momouts
as thoagb ho did not know mo—as
though he had j ust returned from a land
of dreams in which I clid not dwell.
Then ho said
y'out Beatrice?'
"And I laughed. 'Who else should it
be? my music has made yon sad,' I
said. 'I will not )"lay for you in the
Child,' lm said, 'it is as though I
had heard the ang;'ls singing,'
"'.ucl thou he was quite silent. Now,
do you not think 110 loves music very
010•'11, Miss 1h'ook0 ?"
"1 should think so. You must do
•in' best. You have grcab talent, and
.01 aro young,"
"I shall try hard," said Beatrice. "1
.1 so ploosiol to know what pleases
Loll But, ":ills Breoko, 1 'have trod
yon. Yon loot very pale, and your hands
"You have not tir011 mc, Beatrice. I
liko to hear you speak of your lover.
You conhl never tiro inn."
Iiow little tela beautiful young girl
whose heart wall full of her own lova
soorots--how littlo she dreamed how
' much pain awl sorrow those few words
brought back 1 It was strange that
this groat earl, tho lover of Beatrice,
should have tho salvo taste as Sir Vano,
whom oho hallooed to be hor husband.
How Orton he had said to her, when the
shadows of night were falling on the
mountains, "''lay my favorite airs,
Agatha," and if she omitted this one,
he would say always, "Now the ono
you played. for 10 in the old church,
Agatha." How many timos 'she had
heard him murmur tho words, over and
over again, "Whiter have oyes he wants
no light." Well, it was only natural
that many people should love the same
Mace of music.
"I shall rise very early in the morn-
ing," said 1leatricm, "so as to have plouty
of lima with my music. I know I aro
joalous new, for I should not like any
one else to plenso my earl so much as 1
ploased hint than. You have not seen
him yob, Miss Brooke ?"
"No; not yot," said Agatha. ".Pon.
ritll Castle is so large I (night livo hero
for twelve months and novor 800 oua of
your visitors."
"will yon (0010 clown to tho drawing.
room ?"said Boatrioo, cagorly. "3faruma
often wishes that you would."
"No ; thank you. 1 should not like
it. I must ho patient. I am anxious to
two Trim, and without doubt I shall 8oe
your marl soon,"
The words wow a prophecy.
"A fancy ball," crier( lioatrico Pen.
rith ; "of all tho beautiful idoas that
over emanated from mamma's brain
that is tho most beautiful; a fancy ball;
itis the ono thing I have always wished
to sec—it is tho only kind of hall I havo
not 8000. 1 am so pioasod,'hiss Brooko."
And, indeed, Boatrico was at that
moment so ontiroly happy that it was
rcfrwshmg to look at (ler.
"Mamma Nays flow pleased 81(0 stall
be if you will hole mo to ohooso a cos-
tnwo; do find somothilg that will
plenso my oar'; the costume of 807110
011e who was very young and who loved
same ono very touch—just as I love
"I will think it over," said Agatha.
"It is my birthday on tho twenty-
sov011t11 of Soptombar," oleo continued,
"and as it will bo my last at tomo,
mamma said I might Ohoo80 what form
ok amuselnont I liked bust—llrivato
theatricals, charades, a ball, or anything
I liked. The groat dosir0 of my lifo
has boon to see a fauey ball where
pooplo had wit onough to sustain tho
cbaraotors—and wo shall all manage to
do that. We aro going to Bond out a
largo nurubor of invitations. I wish
you would °omc, Miss Brooke, you
would enjoy it so much, and I would
find you plenty of partners. Why (lo
you always refuse to join in everything
w11011 wo should B(µ1(0 you so welcome ?
"Do you not see, doartist lleatrico,
the diflorouco betwoon us—your lila is
boginnitrg, n11n0 is ending."
µ'What 110115Ons0," iaughod Boabriao,
"you aro—OV°r'yone says, who NOOS you
—ono of tho loveliest women iu 11110
world, and no matter how wino you try
to look, I am onto yon cannot bo more
than twenty-four, and I do not believe
you 1100 that,"
"Wo do not all inoasur'o our ago by
years," said Agatha, "tlioro aro plenty
of pearl° who Iwo ton yoars in ono."
"Do 001110 to tho bail. I should like
to dross you aN Mario ;"](dart, or Mario
Antoinette, or any of those beautiful,
quoeuly women."
"No, I cannot 1 bot if the dancing�++
takes place in the groat hall, I ailonid
liko to Boo it from thegallory,"
"That can bo easily managed," said
Beatrice ; "and you will help iso to find
a beautiful costamo, ono that will 01µ1l0
Um eµ11 loon iso bettor, and will make
hint proud of mo."
'1 will do my bust," said Agatha, µ11c1
from that day until the day of tho ball,
Penrith Ca8tlo was dolivored into the
hands of Bing 11li8ru10,
Tho invitations scut out extended
half rotor the county, every one of note
or celebrity was included, and, 08 ovary
one know why tho ball was gluon, there
ware no rofu8a18, The comity pooplo
were very proud of 13eatrico Ponritll---
proud of her beauty, and of 1110 8110(1.
did marriage sho wait leaking, '.Choy
crowded to do her honor. It was a
time of pretty, fantastic fancies, and
while it lasted Lady Penrith saw mom
of Agatha than oho had ever clone, Miss
Broolco was so clover, Ito anliablo, ready
to (10 anything for any oue;'iudt- ti, it
was a pleasure to milt her to do any.
thing. Lady Pol+ribh was always going
tho school -room with sketches and
suggestions; sho entreated Agatha to
go to the ball, but alio as firmly dc.
µHued. Sulo said to herself that sloe had
finished with the world, and she would
have no more of its hollow gayeties ;
she would do anything to help any one
"Tho costume of a Swiss peasant is
very picturesque," said Lady Penrith
to her one clay, and Agatha tromblecl at
the words,
During this time 61(0 never sale the
earl. The children spoke of flim, they
showed her the presents ho brought
them, they tallied of all tho 1'00108 they
had ; but, by some strange Ammo, she
had novor seen him. The whole couuty
seemed to be alive with preparations,
and nothing was tallied about in tbo
country -houses but the fancy bail at
Penrith Castle.
Every ono had agreed over Beatrice
—she must bo "Juliet," the beautiful,
passionate young daughter of the
Uapuloto ; J'uliet, who gave op her
heart at ono word, and never counted
the cost of her love. She was delighted
at the choice ; the dress would snit her
girlish style of loveliness, and, above
all, it suited her frame of mirui. It was
the ouly character, she declared, that
131(0 could have thrown her whole energy
Lord Kelso laughed ; his boantiful bo.
brothsd should havo 11011 own way, of
course. If she were Juliet, he must he
Romeo, and that, he said, was almolit
equivalent to a marriage.
"After snob a very pronoun0Od atfair
as that, nppoaring in public as bunco
and ,T1lioc, there coul(1 bo no ;Tutting
mut of the eugagemeut for either of
"Do you want to got out of it, as you
phrase it ?" asked Beattie°.
".Do you ?" asked Lord Kelso, by way
of a (0(000,
'That I certainly do not," slue replied,
with It blush and a swilo, and a look in
her eves that tnuchId his heart. "After
all," she said, slowly, "Juliet and Romeo
wore notortuuato lovers ; they both
died. If 1 had thought of that, 1—"
"Whitt?" asked the 00111, with selrio
littlo anmisement.
"I would not have chosen it," olio re-
plied. "Itis a bad omen, and I thought
it :oath a good 0170."
"I will not lob you say that 11 is lb 1,011
onion ; there can bo 1(0 such thing for
you and mo, sweet Beatrice. Now
smile, 01111 he happy again, my beautiful
Certainly the young daughter of tho
Capulets could not have looked fairer
than this beautiful young daughter of
tho P:mitis on tho night of her birth-
day hall. Tho dross of 1111it0 satin,
with its vesturo of pearls, suited her to
admiration ; she had never looked so
well ; but the groatost charm of all was
tho woudorfcl brightness and baanty of
her fact+, the tendarneos of tho bright
oyes, the lovo that soonred to ho hi am-
bush rouud the sweet, curved lips, the
passion and poetry that had novor been
80 apparent as now.
Lord Kelso's oyes followed hor in ad-
"I thought 1 had wooed a child," be
said ; "and I have now the passionate
bond of a beautiful woman."
IIo was astonished, but kept his s110•
prise wisely to himself.
Well might 13oatrioo Pourith look
happy ou her birthday. Sho 1(µc1 every.
thing that hoavon and earth could giro
her. She had youth, beauty, woalth
mud' love; a beautiful past, and a
mom boautifol fntul:o. She had net a
cam 01 a trouble, and ou tho dawn ccf
that birthday sho was certainly the Hap-
piest girl nud01: the 8nu. Letters and
pr esen is came from all hor friOnlli,but silo
valued most that which Lord Kelso gave
hoe—a superb diamond ring, auel the
happiest hour of hor birthday was the
ono silo spent with him, when he plaoocl
it on hoe !Angor, and whispered to hoe of
another ring bo hopocl to plead (bore
soon. The world was all light to her
after that; oleo seamed to tread on air.
It is pitiful to 800 tho waste of true love
in this world.
Novor had Penrith amino looked so
peofoot as on this day. Tho grand old
hall, which had boon used as a bauquot-
ing hall when kings visitod tho old
castle, was timid as aball.room, instead of
the moclorn room built for tho purposo.
It was of enormouo length, lofty, and
boaublfully d000ratod; no pains 11ac1 been
8pont in its decoration, biors upon. tiers
of magnificent blossoms ro8o num.!. the
ovalis, tall paha troos stood in solitary
grandour, fountains of fragrant waters
gave a musical ripple, tho lights wore
brilliant—hundreds of colored lamps,
some ons4�)0ad0d from tbo lofty coiling,
abhors hiciclon among the green leaves,
"It is liko a fairyland," laughed
Boatlioo. "There novor was such a
birthday or such a ball. I wish it worn
Ono to begin. Mamma could wo not
dill ]ons( with dittos and bogiu at once?"
Lord liolso laughed.
"I do not think your programme
would bo approoiatod I3oatrioo," 110 said.
"Von will Mal (honor a very important
(vont in the livos of most pooplo."
(To bl; 0031T1il0Y'4D
I'd vutl 1"undo. Aiquynt 11 1(1 , 8111'ul-01sF..
lug Home, 1144
• AT M. 13LA 511 .14 L.
nutcher. (,.solder his
many osl1n"'rs t or (baso lhrr.
k jjl 51 support f or the poet 50 nn r1(
0101105 (ember,, 0110111 tlut1 1(1
Ing burned o(Itofthnald stand hasfttedup s
shop in Nulale'r Vlach in fest-elms utyl( ,
Wln're uta hope„ t 0 use all )1 old uustolnort!
nod nelnnny new'(0018500(1110 give hint
n wall. I keep nothing bu t arsl.03, 10 (0(341,
allkinds sf )looney and Sausage Meat lin•
livered to al lnnris of the Town Gree, Cash l
nal(' fcr1'atht0clr.
rrxr .r>:: r1(•^ n . r. a ,u.•.en.•nT: x • ' , - r ...x.101_!µ.....g. ur .
il(111tlglltn (11 ref muting th.t.11 .. I,. lb( 1 ,.uj,1, (!J' (.IU Il lrrl,:Jli
and Surrounding Country 1'ul' their Lil!rl•1(1 l'ittroue ;hiring 11117• past
It y'1µ10 ut0(1(1 f(•sju equity intimate ilei' 1 , ha:. (.(:µi1.1 rc stem a( lutl41.
eras and will be f(rul,d at 11(17 01c1 Starlet, r,:,(ly t(1 nttou(1 In 11u lt'ants
Of 111s ('uhl(In1313.
a� Teel EITDS 0IP:TOS 'Err G7-
'P110 Dinootinli 02 the Morris tied t•Iroy - • 1_N '1111; L'LA.('J15MI'J'Il I,INE---
•Chocso l''actory will elect at tho TOwo 11,11,
Brussels, on
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 'inmru, 1st(5, TO.
1;0 let 1110 remaining Milk Routes, awl to
Boil tho Whey for tho Coming Saloom by
A Partnership has this day boon lnrmed be-
twe0n tho undersigned ns 1i111ers, grain and
1110 0155 dealers, in the Village of Brussels, in
the County of Huron, undor tho nµ10 and arra
of Vans tons
0. 11 YANSTGNL+,
Dated 31st an., 1885,
Stoves, Furniture 8t,c.
`rho Sterling Cook Siovc just tLc
thing fur farmers 1150, Ilas a large
oven, takes 27 incl( wood and weighs
over 400 lbs.
The Marquis, one of t11e most conven-
ient and handsome town Cool( Stoves
ever offered to the public, 0180 in
CALL AND 81411 Tali
Itis Simple nuc(1)urable and does a
larger range of work than any other
lua0hiue in the market.
A TuraL t:1IPPLY 01•'
—CO/401801NG OB'—
Next door to
Drewoll hardware store,
m 3. W'fd5aR®ue
wax N9nerlsC, suatost15,l.
O7 Cho boat(luality nlwn)s 0nhaud and do11v
oroninmayoral oftho Villagefrom of charge
T11(110 Vary Favorable.
For which tbo highest marital price wiibo
Ialso make Spocinity0fbuy1ngllid0a and
Skins, 'Don't forget the flare, next door
to 0i030her's,lee'ollr0$t0rc.
Tho undersigned begs loavo to mammal to
tho Public generally that ho has purchased
the Entire Stock of D. Frain, harness
01µ10r, and havin brought a Largo Stook
of his awn Motu ,ho is preparod to Com -
polo with the heapest, as 110 Buys Strictly
for Cash A Conipict° Stock of
And Everything in tho IIarness Lin
roe Hµ111 0 014 1110310 to Order from bust 010'
torte( on Shortest Notice.
t 1(i" Repairing Promptly Attended to.
(151' A. Ca olicitecl before Purchasing
Wanted at Once,
will bo tauten in Exeloom ,for anything in
the Ifarness Lfno.
r Don't forgot the pin °,inDi 0rahamis
Block, D. Elrain's Old Stand, h1µ1(1 Stl•oet,
.7E3 \'1✓ AaC'0icr
will he Under tho Management of a First -C1µ s \JcallaniC.
Jte;;l-,;ring of .11. 11 Itirzds ,lttenilrtt to.
Yl''e also Mahe cz. Specialty of - ezo Work,lot zip
First -Class Style and Gzbarazftecd
to give,Sati,oPtetiou•
11'e 1100 blur' Orly Firm in ilio Dominion of Canada li'anttfac'tu;•irg the
Victoria ""'11,."oacl. Cart,
allowed by Competent Judges to be the Best of All two wheel 'Vehicles.
Intending Pttrcllubtrl. Should Call and Examine.
Bruoselz Ztone Grist &Plowing Mill.
The undersigned, thanking hie. many aastaulcl o- for their patronage (luring
the past tear, 11 lilies to inform the public that the 11(111 has undergone a
thorough repair, scum of the latest improved machines have been introduced
--but still retain the stone grinding system.
—AND --
Ail Sorts of mill Feed Delivered F1'cmptly
to Order.
G-I'V i V S
Commencing Folrv. 2nd, 1836, the following oditions of Tmu DAILY GLOB will bo mailed
to subscribers throughout Canada, tho TJrlltod States and Great Britain:
DAILY GLOB1Morning Edition .. 3 mos. $1.75 0 mos. $3.50 12 mos. $".00
DAILY Glioma -12 o'clock ,( ., 1.00 n 000 0 0,00
DAILY GLUM— 8 0 „ 1.00 1 2.00 0 4,00
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'11110 R81. B:. Spurgoon 10, beyond question, the most a'ld
bud is always ra0y, praotlool and luetr00ttva,