HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-2-27, Page 6(i Iirootory of Churohoo aria Saoiotiost It) tux Careen. --Sabbath Sert'ieem at 1.1 a,nl. and 0130 p.m. Hawley School nt 3: p.121. lies, J1". 111X22, 11. A., pustur. lis t'II u, :1 Sabbath Services at 11 340, And 0:it:, pan. ituday wrhoel 1110:30 part. Rev. 8. Jews, 24-0er, 4r..i„•, ;'., t'ht era,- ,0021 2(11 Services at I e,m, 0ne1 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:10 a.m. I1cv, w.' T. ('luffo, incumbent. Ill: Tlllln:,t' l` :Irma -.Sabbath H rvicsa at 10;2110 83(.11. •"1,i 1210) p.m. Sunday School at 1:3) p.m 1'a,tor!ter. D. U. Clappinau. Ron,:; 2'2ra'tin ('nr,u'1t.—Snubnth Ser. ''Lee tftre! sanlny ill v1 01'3 11101211 at 11 a.m. Rev 1' 1 41'12, priest. i,nttow's Lerma every Thursday eeeuiug to 2irelmm's block, 3In s:' Lni,,,:Tuesday at Jr 1,e 1. all moon Pt 22 alums' block. ), 1). l . W. 1,01.11: 1110s48 00 011,1 nut 1080'44c•,lnesdnv eVt'llilipt each nuItll, Fours -ivies a1.) 211 and last \)onlay oven212 of O'aeh month is Oma, a hell. L. O. L. 1111 11,4100 in avers mouth iu Orange ]lull. 1'o r la rirc. tiftke. Mums in 1:1 + a. m. 1,, 7p. nn. 3Isr14un'u Iss'2lxoric ltendiog ltoetn and ,brary in Ilo:mus' blook, over S. 1). smnle'e store, will be open from 0 to 7 p.m. ‘da 'Wed- nesdays and Fridays and from .1 to 0 p.,1. on Saturdays. VAR I.E1'l I*i. Although J barber shop i, 1101 a gambling .1&'n, yet the dyes are often handled there. Is it because ignorance is bliss that courting is so much pleasure to young people ? A boy with a moustache Iles out feel down in the mouth, 11 is down is not long enough. A woman barber in Ciucion'ltti has talked Live husbands to death, 1(11 is boldly crying "next.” The skating season ought to be a harvest time for the phrenologists, on Ilcctilnt of the increase of bumps. Aro you troubled with Salt Rheum, hough Rands, or old Soros or any loud that punnet be 1 healed? Even though at bo of mire standing .lictirogor h Parke's Carbolic Comte -will ogre it. Beyond the shadow o1 a doubt it ie the best healing compound ever known. 11ei15, 1''estot'ings, Prost Bites, Burns or au' mbei Trouble, arc ace cured by it. Sold at cent 1! Jno. Hargreaves & Co., Druggists, '1110 mnu who stuffs himself jos More going i0 had ought not to b 0nagiuiutl'd with the still' aha dreams are made of. An exchange says : "The dude 1132 two watch -chains and no watch.' This is to distiignish hlnl from the species that goes about with the organ grinder, and has but one chain. A geutlemau who had made an en- gagement with a phrenologist, begged to be excused when the artist in bumps arrived, giving as an excuse that 11e had been to to skating rink the previous evening and really was not responsible for the external state of his character. Clergymen, Singers and Public Speakers, 10,11 and rtobinson'n9'Los ,horize,1 mmalsian of the greatest benefit to them, whore there is any tendency to weakness of the throat or 0ruacllial tubus. as it Bootlace the irritated membrane, gives fall•toue and strength to the vocal organs and imparts new life and vigor to tho enfeebled constitution. Palmistry is socially popular. It 183 very easy to learn. A. small soft, babyiilce hank without a prick of a needle or the fniutca suggestion of a steam burn is a sign that the fair owner will not he worth three cents A 211)1011 111 - son)), Statue (aunat sue and be Knell, bit she 0011 00111 - plain and be oourt0,1. Au Athens, (la., lawyer defended a uarrow•ga11ge railroad in a shit, aria all that he got in payment for his ser- vices was the road itself. "F111ll0r e1t2pd s roguish boy, "I hope you 0,,n't low any ibaro j;nti• powder tett for mother." "\Vhy not?" "118301100 every lino' sum drinks it elle blows 11') 1)1)." A Detroit ao2D'l' knocked ,1 mini down with ,a club In a :arae( quarrel and then charged Bial $2 for fixing up his scalp. Yon can't stomp a doclur With hard tiln)M. Tbo body of a Ulan with a pencil behind his ear. it pair of shears i0) 1 his right 110321, and his pockets filled with gold, has been 1xeavatotl nt, Pompeii, Ile is suppore'd to have been an otiitur, Wile--W11nt'8 the !natter now, John " fins. baud --01), that neuralgia nod tecthaohe 2101Lr killsmvesRLeo-s\,yhuod-o)1n't yud gg0 t to-b-Joabhaila ofPlnlkanitueuaroo sue'. (h)0g0 asToothathe, Neuralgia, Aoad- 1 aehe,Linn,lgo, Earache, Sore throat, ere. It Lives Instant relief. An ie' ' .1riens farmer left to tend the bah), ,.ailed a box to the plough beam, put 111m Tutu g.ster in it and proceeded with his work to the great satisfaction and amusement of the chilli. A p10ng;h ,hare of fun for the baby. The Irishinou oxpiaiued that lie W08 smiling bocau..a he had seen his 0.1320221 from Cork that day. On being; asked it there Wal sly flows from home, he replied : "I only saw hint across tho street; au1 when I ran ftp to him, I faiud he was not the man," d (.rent nb.rove'ry. MG', W01, Thom as, of Newtnu, Ia., save 7–'14 wife lion bean n 01011017 ailed' ,l vita a orn 00- oough for ta'euty-eve 71)118, '111 this spring m verely than ever hetero, 8110 hail used :many remedies without relief, and being urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery, did so, with meat gratifying results. The first bottle re- lieved her very much, and the 0020120 bottle has absolutely cured 3122,', She 111113 1101 had so good health for thirty years,' Trial bottle tree at G. A. Deu,hnnu's Drug Store. Largo size $1. 12 Man 18 a harvester. He begin e I life at the cradle ; learns to handle f the fork : ofteu lbws rakish ways and 0 8021 h wild oats ; thrashes his way s through the world, end when he ar rives at the sero and yellow leaf, time s mows flim clown and his remains are ' planted on the hillside. Young wife (in great tregidatiou— to her brother).—"Tommy, I a)n go. ing to give the cook warning. Just listen at this corner, and as Bonn - as you hear me say, "Cook, I give you a months warning from t') day" min c1 you call me rind say 1',11 wanted hu. mediately'." "What's the crawl ?" queried a stranger as he noticed a stream of visitors going into a fashionable resi- dence. "It's a silver woddin'," obligt- inglyreplied his iuformamt, • "What's a silver weddin' ?" "Why, to chap's been married 211 ti es, and the fool's a colebratin' of il," 3evtw (120(7 1,p. It you are sufrering with low and depressed tpirlts,1000 of appetite, govoral 401111 ty, dao• 0000002 blood, weal, cunstltntlouhendao171, 0r 21110 disease 0l 0 bilious nature, 0.y ,12) 010012 s procure a bottl00f 1010(10;, atter,. Yen 214121 b , surprised to coo the rapid inblruvemout that will follow 2 7001:11 00110 be 2)011100,1 with now life; strength ease, ty avid Coturn, pale null rejoice y will Cana,, end leotriurtll yon Solt at n' the praise 0f 1'(1001, i0 Bltiore, Bold a1 lttty cents a ('01010 by 223, A. Dominion. Fair caller to curate's wife: Please lend me your linsband's shoes to get his size; I want to make 11in1 a pair of slippers for Christmas. Wife ; I'm sorry to tell you the shoes all gave`out four clays ago. Only this morning Some ladies waited an flour to measure his wet foot marks after he had left the bath -room. A Fall Cut,—A teacher asked a bright little girl the other day what 0011 try wag opposite is (211 the globe. "I don't know, sir," was the roily. ",Well, now," persneil the teacher, "It' 12202'0 to Imre is hole through tlo earth, and you were, 10 go in at this end, where world Voll enure out?" "Out of the hole 011'," Said the pupil in triumph, as a wife, Over an ion in Ireland hung a sign entitled the "Four Ails." It represeutod n lung with III rob.; au 1 sceptre, a bishop with his nnllre, a warrior with his sword and it poor mnu kneeling in his rags. Thehang is saying, "I rule all ;" the bishop says, "I prey for all ;" the soldier says, "i. fight for all," and the leer man bays "And I pay for all." 1/luckiest's Arnie Salve. The best salvo in the worldior Cute,Btvleee Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Lover Soros, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or nopav required. It is guaranteed to give per - fret satisfaction, or money refunded. Primo 13 cents per las, For sale by O. A, Deadman The live -year old son of it family the other day stood watching his baby brolhe", 40110 was malting a great noise ever having his face wa011- ed, Tho little fellow et last exclaim- od to the baby : ""on think you have lots of tremble, bat you don't know anything about it, Wait till you're big enough to get a liekin', and then you'll see, won't he, mamma ?" 1'12o]l1NrN'r nomng the greatest 110,128311 lis• enemies, by the mnnv ouree It has u1foo(d, )loGire or e Speedy Cure leads the van, Sub. looted to the minutest chemical aualveia, ,t has been found to contain Lone Of those injur. toss ingredients Characterizing the worthlese specifies dally offered to the public. Every ingredient possesses a peculiar adaptability to tbo various complaints for which It ban boon led, mud its 0111cnn lisped bytestimonials hour y r000lv0d. W0 "Perth Cortnt1- Noter,s. In the Ontario `Tan101220 curling competition at Toronto, Orilli t heat St. Mary's seven points. Bev. W. Carry, of Attwo0ll, takes the place alley. 111. Sirrcll as .11aitist Minister of tbo N1801nri churches, Ou Wednesday afternoon John Mc- Cut0110011, sr.. of West Nissouri, was badly gored by a bull. lie now lies in a very oritieal condition. THE BRUSSELS POST. Jo0,4 R1111ugs 8332 1)11111011(1', tqgr_y{,���;y�ppa LAW Impudence, illgratitllde, lguol'a111:e, mla7 p6, °9 ea��ataM(� as 20 and enwtlydice (make 1321 the kneed 00 iniid0lity, Did you :ever liver 0' 14 Ulan r0. no)1ucin1 Christianity on his doth boa, and Writing iulidol ? (1aulblers, nor 122(0.thi1lu,rs, hay. elft faith (mutt' ill their professions to (83(001 it to their 141111)122032. Nu atheist, with all las boasted bravery, 1100 ever yet flared to al'er• ti5e his unbelief en his tuuto•ati11. It 1z n stet:stilittl fait that the wick• ed wort: harder to roach hell than the rigbteons do to cuter Heaven. 1 1ntiss ono tiling ; when a man gits into a tito spot ho don't hover send for his 1'1'20111 the devil, to gut 11111 1,1122. I had rather he an idiot than an infidel ; if I tun an infidel, 1 hove made (myself one ; if an idiot I lrlaz made so. I never have met it free t11ioker yet who didn't believe a hundred times more nonsense than he lieu Rud in the Bible ennyW11ere. 11 16 alwus eafo to follow the relig. ions 1,eleaf that our mothers taught us—there never was n mother yet who taught her child to bo an infidel. U' an infidel eoakl only lcompreheud that 110 can prove more bt his )aide Ilion 1122 eau bi biz reason, his intim• be much less offensive, TU deuce wu11111 Unbelievers are ah\'lts so rtddy rind anxious to prove their nubeleaf that I hey thought they 111110 be just a lit- tle doubtful about it themselvos. Tho infidel in hiz impatience will ask you to prove that the flood till occur, when the poor idiot himself luult 0veu prove, to save his life, what makes one apple sweet and another sour, or tell 01)1 a hit's egg; iz white and a duok's egg blue. When I hear a noizy infidel pro- claiming Its uubelenf, I wonder if lie Will send for sum brother infidel to cum (13201 so him clip. I guess not. He will be more likely le soud for the orthodox. maw who engineers the little brick church ,just arouud the korner. It40112puv the farmers of the surrounding tuwn8bip0lw call at the I3I'tl' ,51+;i: 1?OUN.DRY Au,l sooner stook 0f PIMP (11114,I (!ARROWS St'L'1+U1.l:ne, CH.1101' CUTTERS, lt')10411 VOWELS, 2 I,ANDnohlasutl,Sre Which are gut u1(1701al ly to ,lleettho w'nutt of toe Form hlgeulumnulty Weals() give 05001111 .attention to eopsir0 of every description 3211 Steam tingine t Hollers, Reapers, 04)11•'• ere,'t'324•tre1101e0tnchnlos, Plonghn, :321 any Implement timed 011 the farm SATISFACTION et C.11RA1tT'10Ela AT REASONABLE RATES Pull stock nflit'en m, Witter 01121 4i118 Wllµw alwaysonhnnd. \'o oordilali luylte inspection at the old tand dIlll Bt,.nanr 1ho Post Cillce, Wf\I, R. WILSON, Farm Notes. Practical shepherds say that no more than 110 sheep 811oulll be kept under one roof', Dr. Peter Collier is reported to 1180'0 said that sorghum sugar could be made at lc per ponud. The harrowing of growing wheat in the fall is considered an 011ferltrnete experiment by some who have tried it. Farmers who Have not tfouo so might try the experiment of investing susplus wealth in Unproved live stock. The National Live Stock Journal advises the breeders of the Ayrshire dairy cattle to take heart an 1 eater the 11sti again. Don't let the cattle run on the moadlws when they era bare duriug the winter. They do more harm than all th0 grass they pick can do them good+ Tho Popular Science News protests tignln5t t110 1180 ei]silege, or any other form of fremeutcd feoll for dory cattle, as hurtful (alike to the animal's null the customers of their milk and butter. • Dry coarse cornmeal, and plenty of mills to drink, always prod Ueda healthy chickens. Wet fool Is not congenial 101320 sort of feathered stock ; it sours and spoils In all weathers, null stops growth. A cattle raiser of Churchill cone ty, Nevada, began business twenty years ago with a Durham 0002 for which he plaid $500. He has sold descendants from her for 180,000 and has $10,- 000 worth of the sono stock left. A New Hampshire farmer keeps breeding sows and raises pins, giving them the run of a large orchard. Since this plait luta been adopted nod the Wiutlfelle eaten, the ravages of in- sects have decreased, the grain fed swine 1111'1011 the ground s0 that the trees boar every year, Uuderdrioning makes the ground Blore spongy. Dratue of tile help take the water from the soil by draw - lug it from a depth of two feet or more ; therefore mach t11o1.0 water passes through the soil above the lev- el of the drams 111100 011)111 pass thr0' uudruined soil. The pure White Shorthorn steer Clarence k.irklovington, bred by Mr. John Hope near Brantford, told which won the grand sweepstakes at the ate Ohieogu Fat Stows show, weigh. ed 2,0100 lbs , dressed carcass 1,0(291 lbs. .His heart weighed nine lbs, 111 three seasons Clarence K. wow ; 837 in prizes at tile Chicago show alone. The advantages of mixed food for Shoop should receive more tattention. It is said that they do much better on greiu and roots together' than on either' separate. The roots keep the digestive organa of the sheep it prop. or 00nditfon ter 1110 hotter assimila- tion of the gram and also appease the appolito for green fool. Hoop thein Contented and therefore more thrifty. ootnnoun y is henry; oatr1,. I_.. _.._ ..�........ aro therefore confident that we have 8 5repar. atoll which wo eon offer to the public Watt the assurance that It wilt be found not only a re- lief but an 1150111(0 lure for Dyspepsia, Liver lloniplalut,Indigostion,Coustipotlon mud im. pare Blood. Free trial bett,105 at Hargreaves` Drug Storo. A child and its governess w0r0 pass• lug a 0bircll 0130 evening when a :strong smell of burning leather per. waded. the air. "I wonder what that }fnunysmell is ? said the child, thought. ;fully. "1 should think it was the 32101 nI tal0lity," carelessly remark- ed the g everile5M. "YOM,(' answered t11(2 oleve' ci11111 "fol' 1t smells of poles." sTEWAET DEAi► Brigadier•Goneral Sir Herbert Stewart (lied at Gakdul on 111e 16th. Elis death has cast a gloom over the whole army. Surgeons state Stewart's wound was of 811c11 a nature that his recovery war) hopeless from the first. A dispatch frtlw Wolseley, announcing the death of Gen. rt,•'vart sags ;— "Stewart will hebnri:,, 42 flnl(dpl, No braver 0, 1,1101, or more brilliant leader, ever wore the f `':eon's nnlform. Eng- land Call ill 811'0111 fo lose (1114 3'0ang genera 1. THE RATI+IPA.RS OF Brunch and SURROUNDING COUNTRY. In order to Save You the Trouble of' writing to Guelph for the GENUINE BELL ORGAN, yell can be supplied at Mr OFFICE, 0S T am the Agent for this section. I give this notice So that the Public Inay not be compelled to buy TNe1:R- IUR ORGANS. GEO LOVE. 1 111.0011.0, J:1:;. 22331, 113811. Fuulrr.,av N.7 hitt;,, i\'I A. 1\'U.. MI 0 T I PADK Hardware Store. Clearing, Sale Pfrc-riiofr.ti' 11),Xlnck-(((,kill4l Prim Away Downs 30 Days Only, NO\V 1.11 '1'111'; '1'1)1E :TO 131'\ - Cheap Hardware. Jas, :Oxcwe, 38 BROADWAY HOUSE. 38 Read and don't forget that Ross pros. have just Opened out the Larg- est Assol'tod Stock of Tweeds ever shown 111 Brussels, consisting of BEAVERS, FRIEZES, NAPS, FANCY WORSTEDS, 1L\11 EA N, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, 1111)1 a, those all have 10 be run off this \\-inter t.1 100.ve 10)0111 for Spying Stocl( you can depend on getting; 11 (,un11 and ('heal) Suit (0' Overcoat. Call and Examine Our Stook and you will he Satisfied that you can Buy Suits and 1)vert'oitia Cheaper than any place else. 1\'P 1-L\.VE ALSO ENLARGE 1) 01 It. STOCK OE 11112.11 & CAPS IN M,L SHAPES AND S1'Yl 11 2, OUR STOCK( OF I7NI)1 1.1\VJ':A-11 1S ESP1+;('IALLi' \\'011'1'111.1)1 ATTENTION, being 111' Exceptionally Good Value. Some Extra Large Sizes i1) Shirts and Drawers of Good. Quality. In ,t's. Jori,/atar r' ,ab0' ...1 , netil.k,Ga i j `k''czs We Shaw a Complete Stock of Desirable ( antis. Suits Made to Orderon shortest possible notice. Call Early and Secure your Choice as We 111tcnil Rushing these Goods 01101 Ones, ROSS B OS., FashiaonaJbl,o Tvjla s. ' kale's Old Stand,