HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-2-27, Page 1VOL.. XII. Ivairammeausansuireainatrar giseareinlaimmalliteratisteemmnomatlEIMMOMMeliallappolam BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEB. 27, 1885. (ALAN)) 01tAN61,1 1,01)0E. r.r 73enuott,P. G. I .,...100 00 Tho annual meeting of the Provin- 105 •1s cin! Grand Orange Lodgo of Ontario 81,220 27 West was held in the toren hall, 'Wing- Reference was mute to the fact hem, on Monday, Tuesday (11113 Wed- nesday that ,$1,08G is due to the Grand of last week. There was a Lodge, for the collodion of which very largo attonclnucc of delegates, prompt measures are suggested, as upwards of 800 present. Tho umbo well as that $88.80 of arrears from would have been grently increased but lodges in difficulty has been struck for the baci weather and bloelciog up off• of some of the railroads, and on that Reports of the various committees account quite a number of delegates were presented, and after some rout- account enable to be present. A few nr- ane business the Lodgo adjourned nn - rived on Monday, the bulk on Tues. 9 o'clock the following morning. day morning, and some did not reach Tho Grand Lodge resumed business here until Tuesday evening. Theat 9 a. in., and after routine business business of the Lodge proper cone - by members formed in lino, headed meiseed on Tuesday nfteruoon, by the Mayor azul corporation of the The Grand Lodge lost at 2 o'clock, towel and the Wingham brass band p.m.on T'ueeday. Right Worshipful and marched to St. Paul's church, II, A. L. White, of St. Mary's, Grand where divine service was hold. The mega, in the chair, and W. W. Rev. lural Dean Cooper, 13. 1)., of Fitzgerald, of London, Deputy Grand Huron, preached the annual sermon, Master, in the deputy chair, support- taking for his text Acts xxviii, 22 :— ed by 13ro. Henry Perkins, of Gorrio, "But we desire to hear of the what Junior Deputy Grand Master. thou thinkest ; for as concerning this A committee on credentials was sect, wo know that every where it is appointed, as well as one to strike the spoken against." standing contmitteee, and reported In the afternoon R. W, Bro. Major accordingly. Bennett, P.G.M., was presented with Bro. Perkins, the County Master a gold watch Omen by Jiro. Parkhill, for North Heron, presented ars ad• on behalf of the delegates. dress of welcome, which tuns suitably The election of officers for 1885 re- ackeowlodged by the Grand Master. salted as follows —R. W. Grand Various committees wen appointed master—Major H. A, L. 'White, of rafter which Secretary Birmingham Se. Mary's ; R. W. Deputy Grand gave a summarized report of the con. blaster—\V. W. Fitzgerald, London ; clition of Orangeism u1 the various R. W. Junior Deputy Grancl Master– countiee showing that the Order is in Henry Perkins, Gorrio ; R. W. Grand a vrry progressive state. Chaplain—Rev. Wm. Walsh, Font - The report of the Grand Secretary hill ; R. W. Grand Treasurer—E. F. began by a reference to the amount of Clarke, Toronto ; R. W. Grand Sec. correspondence during the year, and rotary—R. Birmingham, Toronto ; by suggesting that an amendment R. W. Grand Lecturer—William should be urged at the Sleeting of the Douglas, Eglingtou ; R. W. Grand Grand. Lodgo of British North Ameri- Director of Ceremonies—Artbur Robb, cat to effect en improvement in the Stratford ; R. W. Deputy Grand Soo system of ending ie reports from sub- rotary—J. A. Burgess, M. D., Lista- ordinate lodges. Fifteen warrants wa were issued during the year, being an Several resolutions were passed aft• increase of eight over the previous term, Reference was made to the benevolent work accomplished by the Order in assisting the poor and needy and the Society's approval dale aims and purposes of the Protestant Or. phials' 1101110 tuns expressed in warm teams. The necessity for evangelical mission walk was commented on, and the erganlzatioe of now lodges spoken of. A. reference 3111333110(10 to the eel ebration of the Battle of the Boyne, and the advantages of the mutual benefit society were brought before the meeting. The rapid increase since July last from 184 to 424 and the en- couraging prospects of the Order were also referred to. The report of the Grand Treasurer showed that during the year ho had received from all sources the hand- England is well-known and admired some sum of $2,245,4n, which includes by all loyal subjects of Great Britain. ab8essments collected on account of We believe there has been no time in eKath claims of the widens of deem-. the history of the Empire when you (r eel mnbcrs of the Orange Mutual as lovers of British liberty should bo 13enefit Association. Tho balance on more zealous in the defence of the handat the end of last Orange fiscal great principles of civil and religious year rias $1,700.01, which with the liberty than the presont, and eve have total amount received during the year no doubt your noble order will coli - and a cheque for $40 not yet returned thine to uphold those great principles to bank, being donation of Grand so interwoven in your constitution. Lodge to Hamilton Orphans' Home, In conclusion, I again tender you a sent to et Past County Master of sincere and hearty W810omo, and trust Wentworth, makes a grencl total, in- that your stay with us will be pleas• eluding $25.80 paid in since books out and that the result of your defib. were closed, of $8,471.27, a sum far 0001ti0ns on this memorable occasion in exe088 of the receipts of the Grand will be productive of m0011 good to 'Treasurer's office during 01113 former your institution, year—the nearest approach being the receipts for year ending 10th Febru- There aro over 1,000 loaded freight cry, 1884, itl110t11ltmg to $2,288.14. car's tor Chicago and \Voetoru points Ile had disbursed the sum of $2,085.• side -trudged on the GrandTrunk be. 50 ; but of this amount $400 is tweeu Windsor and Se. Thomas.chargeable to the endowment fend of the ivlutted Benevolent Association, anti $187.75 was disbursed he pay- ment of medical examination fees, printing enol general expenses of that play, association. There stands to the credit of 1110 endowment fund a bal- ance of $05.48, while the general 00- 90113108 account of the 10F8001a±1031 shows a balance duo 1110 Grand Lodge pee- pe0 of $60.53, for the payment of which, and other impaid incidental expenses, no doubt 111e Secretary evill male proper provision. The balance at credit of the GrandLodge, to pay Grand Lodge clues, salaries of eflieers, cost of printing annual reports, and other liabilities and requirements of the Grand l.oiagc, 1x00311±e to the stun of $1,220.27, 318 follows : Bel. in bank ns perpose book.. „41,819 00 Cheyne not roturnoc to bank.. 40 00 llue0 0011ee±ed since clos3ug books 25 80 111,885 70 er which the convention adjourned. The next meeting of the Grand Lodge will bo held en the city of Brantford. The following address of welcome was presented by Major Neolauds :— To the Right Worshipful Grand Hasler and members of the Provincial Grand Grange Lodge of Ontario West :— Gentlemen, on behalf of the muni- cipal council of the town of Wingham I beg to tender you a sincere and hearty welcome to our ±01311 011 this auspicious occasion. This being the first time in our history that we have been Honored by a meeting of this hind, wo assure you the honor of lav ing so imporlant a meeting of your loyal and time honored association in our town is fully appreciated. Your loyalty and devotion to the Crown of Itis 90ner1117 believed that Air I. II. Radford whose coat was so myster- iously found the other clay in a boat on Niagara river, has met with foul !hie endowment fnnd....6 65 4.3 Vote of Grand Lodge for presentation bolero, l(3e4. A Stretlroy lintel -keeper hits elated bra intention to vote for the Scott Act. He does not wish to sell liquor iu connection with his business of hotel - keeping, and he 5088 iu the Scott Act itmoaneofa severnuee not so 9(3.01i0- nblo render tbo present sy5±enl. Petitions are being circulated by every Knights sof Labor organization in 0nn0tcla praying the Dominion Gov- ernment to abolish the present pelmet of aee1811ng paupers to omigeeto from the Old Oottnit'y to Oanada, They claim that the poficy- is injurious to the progress of the country, tluat it is oely flooding tlso laid with 'tinware 39130, being enable to obtain ,work at the present time, become a bert1011 on the municipalities in which they live. !Clio knights 10 Toronto Levee already secured a large number of signOttres. .0.UW. Aiutuitt 3400553(0 or the Grand 5Adge. • el'be 7±11 annual session of Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workman of Ontario, met in the City Hall, Toronto, last week. Grand Master Warren Totten's re- port shows that progress has been made during the year. Now lodges have !leen established fu Merrickvillo, Iroquois, Cornwall, Quinto, 14fhnioo, Maitland, Lambeth, Mansfield, Port Sydney, Waubaushsne, Penetangui- shone, Etmvals, Credit, Toronto, liil]sclale, Lefroy, 000lest0wn, Ivy, Moorefield, Bishop's Mills, Twenty new lodges were organized during the year, with an average membership of fifteen. The Grand Recorder's report Shows the total number of beneficiary oer- tiftcatos issued to date 10,684, an in. create. for the year of 1,722. The death rate for the year has been some- what greater than in previous years, attributable to the number of 11001 - dents that have befallen the brethren, and not to natural causes. The number of assessments during the year were sixteen, four more than last year, but the average has been only slightly increased. The total benefic- iary oollooted during the year wee $126,822 ; balauee on band Jan. 1, 1884, $286.87, total beneficiary fund, $127,058.87, out of which was paid $125,818,19, leaving a balance of $1,240.68 in the hands of the Grand Receiver. Tho total amount of general fund received was $12,- 809.97 ; balance on hand Jan. lst, 1884, $0,295.95 ; total, $18,605.92, out of 10111011 there has been paid $12- 020.48, leaving a balance of $6,585.- 49 in the hands of the Grand Receiv- er. The total montes reeotved from all tonnes were $1 42,541.82. The Finance Committee's report 'shows that during the year 68 death claims have been paid, amount. Mg to $126,000. The order now I1 number 284 lodges, with it member- ship over 8,700 in good standing.) Beneficiary rieks are carried to the value of $16.916,000. Tho death rate per 1,000 members for the past 6 years has averaged qnly 645. The average cost of management per member for same time has been $1,29. Last year it was $1,25. Sieoe 1880 the order has paid 170 death alaime in Ontario, equal in amount to $840- 000. The average age of the above 1170 deaths was 40 years and seven months. tie Dr. 7. II. Widditield, the Provine- 1 medical examiner, in his very cone - pieta and interesting report, Bays : "Tho membership of the Order in this grand jurisdiction is doubtless considerably upwards of 0,000 at the present time. The number of bene- ficiary certificates 180110d to Dec. 81, is 10,684, and it is not likely that the deaths, withdrawals and euspens• ions have reduced the membership even s0 low as the figure stated. The number of dlathe that occurred clurmg the year was 03, which (coin - tinted on an average membership of 9000) would give a death rate of 7 per thousand. Tillie though (t 0507 satisfactory rate of mortality from au hisuranee standpoint of view, is nev- ertheless au increase of ono death per thousand as compered with the year 1888. The cause of the iuereaoe appears to have been elmu8t wholly duo to the unusual prevailence of ty- phoid fever in the Province, which carried re no less than nine of our tnombers. There were 1,300 onsets of suicide last year, widish Dost the order $4,000, I deem it my ditty to espec• e tally call the attention of the Grand Lodge to the subject. It is right that e we should continue to pay death 0101315 of this allar00±er ? In my 0 opin]ou it is not. No institution : 1 031011 ns 00(8-110 1118110an08 company i = 1.13.02[3:44MIL NO. 34. Cursrtcliuru, Nco'±voe. The Union Bridge Company o Buffalo has auspondod operations throwing about 200 mon out of 0111 ployment. Tho Woodstock Athletic Association announces a field meeting for the 25t1 of May, at which' will b0 men $850 1001111 of prizes. Ald, T. Bourke has resigned from the Windsor town aounoil, His fail - ere in business disqualified him from retaining his seat. Between thirty and forty members of the Dufierin Riad, Brantford, have !landed in their names for active ser- vice in Egypt if a regiment is formed in Canada. At a meeting of friends of the Soott Act in the town of Peterboro' on 'Mon- day, it was decided to take immediate steps to submit the measure to the el- ectors of the county. A depudation is at Ottawa from Elgin county in the interests of the Aylmer Packing and Canning Com- pany, to urge the Government to 1n crease the duty on all canned geode. At the Woodstock roller rink Chas. Rice, of Chatham, defeated H. 0, edit - ler, of Woodstock, in a five mile race for the championship of Canada. Time 1.9 minutes, 44 seconds ; Miller } lap behind. The Montreal Times calls attention to the neglected state of the lunatic 'taylums in that Province in the mat- ter of firefighting facilities, and sug- gests tbo possibility of a repetition of of the Blockley Almshouse horror at Philadelphia. The well•]cnotvn wholesale boot and shoe firm of John Garrett & Co., of Hamilton, has been in financial em- barrassment for some tune, and, it is said, has made an assignment It is believed, however, the firm will be able to pay 100 cents on the dollar, The electron protest entered against Mayor Naeh, of Emerson, formerly of London, to declare him illegally elect- ed, has fallen through, Judge Taylor having decided that he had no jnris- dictiun. Tho complaint was that a Registrar 000131 uoc hold the office of Mayor, The steamboat owners of Ontario met in Toronto and formed themselves into an asseei31t1on,to be called the Canadian Marine Association. A dopotetlon was also appointed to in- terview the Minister of Marine and re- quest the withdrawal of the rognlatiou requiring a fog -horn on each vessel. I St. Marys is agitating for a town courrtery. f Joh11 August, of Bothwell, froze his , nose in bed last week. The Niagara river is now brooked I from Queenstown two miles oat late 1 the lake, making au roe bridge nine 1 I miles long. I The Western Ontario apple exhibit j at the New Orleans Exposition has Isecured a number of prizes, notably in single varieties. Several parties are in Ottawa inter- viewing the Government from the Lake Superior section of the Canadian Pacific Railway. They complain that they menet get their pay from the contractors. Charley Mitchell, pugilist, at the request of the Lieut. -Governor, called at Government House, Toronto, on Tuesday morning and spent a pleas- ant hour. Several prominent citiz- ens were present. The Caughnawaga Indians intend banquetting the "braves" of their tribe open their return from the Sou- dan. The list of invited guests include Lord Melguud, the Grand Chiefs of Oka and St. Regie, 310(3 several mesa• here of Parliament. At Hamilton, on Tuesday, a team of Henctrie's Clydesdales, driven by David Dolman, drew a load of sugar to the G. T, R. Station that weighed 22,630 pounds, or close on eleven tons and a half. One of the animals was bred 111 Clinton, the other in Hes- peler. A petition has been filed in the Queen's Bench against the return of Matthew 'William Pruyn as Af,P, for Lennox. The petitioner is 112r. Can- ton, of Napanee, and the petition sets forth bribery and corruption by re- spondent and agents. This is the third Lennox Dominion election peti- tion sloes the last general election. Last fall the steamer Osborn was run Into and sunk in the Sault Ste. Marie river daring a dense fog by the Oanada Pacific steamer Alb- erta. The latter vessel was libelled by the Osborne's owners fur the dam- ages, and judgment was rendered yesterday at Detroit, declaring both vessels in the fault and decreeing that the damages be divided. The British Columbia Legislature, by a vote of elxteen to seven in a full House, has ratified the agreemeut entered into between the Govern- s, eat and the Oauadrau Paoafio Rail- way Company, whereby the latter a• gree to locate the terminus of the railway at Coal Harbor on considera- tion of receiving a laud grant of 6,- 000 acres from the Government. The historic village of St. Ann's Que„ had au elopement case Wednes- day. Hiss Tremblay, the young and pretty daughter of the leading etore- lceeper, eloped with a Mr. Lalonde, a well-to-do farmer of Iele Perot, thereby disappointing 11er father's choice, a young gentleman in the Eastern Townships. More than 100 guests were bidden to the ceremony, and ail were dioguated at the sequel. The happy couple were a,8ieled ]u their flight by a well•kuowu notary of Montreal, The Masouie Grand Lodge of Manitoba1 concluded its annual session last week, ici. \V. Bro. J. H. Bell, G. 1±1, presiding. To the coarse of his address he said :—At our organization in May, 1875, a pamphlet of ten pag- es was sufficient to record our pro• oeetliugs ; last year it required 78 for the same purpose. There were then but three lodges in this jurisdiction, with 208 member's, and the receipts of the Grand Lodge for the first year were $881.75. On the 11th N'obru- ary, 1880, when I was Merited to the Grand Past, our numbers had mora ac- ed to ten warranted lodges and one lodge under dispeneaticn, with 313(1 members, with $446,85 of Grand Lodge revenue, an increase during the first five years of eight lodges, 157 members and $115.26 of receipts. During the five years that I have lied the honor to preside as your grand master our numbers have increased to 28 warranted lodges ruder dispens-- al]en, with 1,246 members, and $1,- 698.21 of Grand Lodge r0o0ipts, an nereaee in the five years of 20 lodgos, 886 tuetnbere and $1,251.26 of Grend Lodge revenue, or i1 tonal ltlel'0ae0 in he ten years of 218 lodges, 1,042 Members and $1,385,41 of Grand Lodge revenna. L'tse Grand Score• tary'e report showed a bin of 144 on membership during the year. There a now 28 chartered lodges. The finanoial8±atement woe most favor - hie, showing ba';tnee of $1,419 15, John Boyle O'Reilly, editor of the Boston Pilot, who was convicted at Dublin in 1803 of high treason and sentenced to twenty years' imprison• meat, but shortly afterwards cooaped to the United States and became a naturalized citizen, was invited to de- liver a lecture in Montreal by the President of St. Patrick's Society, but hue had to decline, owing to the pre• emptory refusal of Earl Granville to permit him to visit Canada, England, or Ireland. A secret meeting of the 0(ltinual executive committee of the biers rev olutionary army was held at Buffalo last Tuesday. Delegates are known to have been presont from New York, Chicago and Detroit. Several old Fenian leaders were among them. It is determined to take advantage of England's present embarrassment and melte an invasion of Canada. Their plan is believed to lnvolv0 tb8 cross- ing of the border at two 00 three d]f• fere nt pointe 3IMO ltau eonely, Buffalo being one of them, They claim to be well supplied with arms and able to concentrate 85,000 men at a given point at short notice. Montreal Gazette:—Hitherto, in every 0nnadia11 history, French oe :ngil811, we have been told that the word "Quebec" wee Indian, meaning trait or prom0ntary, while others have imagined that it is a corruption f "Qnel bee"—±bat (b beak. Here s something quite other and gaito low. Mr. Haney W. Chapman, an ugliah nntiquery, thea writes:—"1: rave an idea that it was liriguebec, u Normandy, about two and ono.lralf leagues from Cherbourg, which gave the name t0 Quebec. The el18±0an of Brigoeboc was granted by Henry V., King of England. France and Nor- mandy, to Willians cle la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, and on bis seal he calls t himself Comes ole Quebec,. This was in 1420, 72 years before the di•eovery of Amori0a, Bence it is probable shot Brsgnebeo was formerly celled Quebec also. Tho seal is in the pos. 858si0!) of the Duke of l3uel'tingheen, and is in the library of Stew," a —1s jnetiliod in offering n premium ; E for self•destructiou. It is notorious 1 that men who contemplate suicide 5 frequently insure their lives just be- fore o0nunittiug the orad act, The whole question is worthy of the ser, ions consideration of the Grand Lodgo." The election defacers resulted as follows:--Graed master, Warren Totten ; grand foreman, Ii. B. Tay- lor ayfor ; grand overseer, W. Goldeboi'• ough ; grand recorder, James Rueh- tou. 81. Catharines has been fixed item as the next place of animal meeting,