HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-2-13, Page 7S:I111'dnr 1:1, /loon that Boatriou cared for him, that 8110 wits always doliglitad to Seo 11111, that slur contrived always to hoop the boat 11111(006 for 111111, 111(1,1 w1he11 110 544.44 pro8mtt sho forgot (ivory one else, - Thu world smiled approval o11 this lova story, simple and swot ; 1(11 ono kucw wino tile young card thought ; that leo nllnliretl tho beautiful was rluitu certain. IVi othrl' h1) wuiid ask her to 1)0 11111 wifo was quit° another thing, Y,eatricu was happy enough when iliac brilliant 61//118011 wan ('21440(1, and when H110, with Lady Penrith, retnrlted to ;1121 0081410, 6110 1-1•21.4 hardly to bo recognized. All tiro glamour of 11rst love wan 1)l 1111 her, her oyes full of (homily splendor, her wholr' Pace trausformtsl. Thwro had boon nu proposal of 10arringe, but Choy 'Uro to moot again, at Hyde, at the end of the autnum, and in the moo ntim0 the Earl of Kelso had asked if ho might $0ul(timmi wl'ito to h0r. In her happy,sauguiuo young heart that was gnito enough ; 110 icer:) was wanted. It was Htrnmga that she took Agatha for her conli(latitc, but olio Agatha W1t11 110w a beautiful '.woman of twenty-six, retaining all the fairness and frrshnl •4s of youth—no ono would have thought her to b1) more than twouty, sho dire not look °Ven that— her fair, dolicato 1040111118a was of tho kllld tilat 801;100 dins or grows old. Beatrice had a worship forthobeanti• ful young governess and alio 1r1 8t0t1 11141' with tho whole of her love story. Sho never said one-half so lntich to her tuot11111448110 did to Agatha; illu'41, with Lady Pourith she was just elle 1 '1» roo reserved, as young girl, ar,. .: times oven with the roost 1: nder of ,.11(41'8. Agatha she revealed 000ry (('5'001 tl gilt of her young heart, and 248 8133 111144 to the gay. tender word8 of the tit• her heart wont back to her own 100, ,:y ; this r0laindcti 1101' ul it, bra, ('1448,• liven:1e° 80(:01041 to love hot Immo tune!) (21:.;•'.1410luta 1040.1 hers. She h 3,.11),1 often until her blip 1 ,1 itt, Lot .,'ara and Lea' Lead: 10101'.viii' 1:1,1".'lrr.irla 1.14311. It 'rt, t3(' ::alt"\, 18, 100'1111 of'.1sly, whin Lim cool 1..21121 of 11141 ;;roes y.,, rl.:, 1110 ripple of tlo 1•r".,,1 1.181', th, 1,(1411117 of tin,,limp lakes at 1' •!mi ', 1)',•r„ all `141.14 oro r, ;!,l dc•+irr ; tiler; 4211; o,,.d :.ha,ln to found imam, the white rock., down in Co. ghai, by ;•110 w,,141:18ll, 1(0101' the i1, 1'ru0e, and l : ncath the 11111: trt:t..i, in their full glory. Agatha, going t( wral'11 the 1030- glory. ti, 000 a 1001.age b -; 1.1'' ra:01 at •d ,,::, 1L4 -r,: 141001 501110 :'.ow,x-, saw L'11siriec there. Sh(4 looked lip with a 80110 that n(ha never forgot, and hell out her Iuu,,ls. "What do you think I novo here?" 811" asked. "Something that has tomb you look as bright as the morning and happy as an angel." "You aro always thinking of angels, Miss Brooke," replied 1110 girl, laugll- ingl&: "clow is it ? Why do you never ARV. ' Happy as a 11110011 ?' " '11001tn80 I 11E100 heard of Tomos who ilaw, never known ono day'/ happiness tl'otu the tiro thov 1110 in the oradlo until rimy'.w(n'( p1)4(4 1 In their graves.' "'This is 1)134 11rst love-lo,tter," said the r'irl, with a beautiful, vivid flush, "my very first. I have had ninny 111110 notes, you uudorsts,ud, but cover a love.10t1or—noV01: 0110; it is Icy wry first, lty heart beat when I saw it: and mamma was s0 Mao, sho gave it to mo without s0omimg to 8310 1110 handwriting. She said, ' Loatrico, dear, hero 111 a letter for you,' just in the most indifferent marmot% Was it 1101 hind of lar?" "Very kind," ropliocl Agatha, gravoly. "I c0nid not road it indoors, I wanted to b(1 out with the birds and thn Ilowore. Tho happiest n101n0Ut of my life '.vas when I broko tho 8tsab What a 111111,1 ;ling a lector i:4, to malt" a girl's heart s0 happy and light. There i)1 not ono bit of poetry in it," sin 0011- tiuuod, raising her beautiful fano to Agatha's, 'blot ono; but 1111 says that he (las thought of mo /ivory night and clay 1411014 110 loft me. Now is not that beautiful ?" "'loot beautiful," replied Agatha, WW1 a warm audio. Thu girl mooned to think that this was the only Iovo-latter that bail ov0r boon written. "Ito says," continucld 13eatrioo, "that tho morning sunshine )20111ind8 him of 1110, uud that leo shall 0021111 the (lays 1111111 w0 181001 at 1tycle. What a hind lottor I What a, happy girl I am 1 All, wolf may the Walt/ sing 1 nob ono of deem has rt heart so happy as I. Miss Brooke, nit down hero among tho roses and lister to mm. I must tali about him, or my heart will brook, it i8 so full of 1o'.'o, 150 you think any ono hag aver been so -happy as I ?" "Hearin] help yon, Beatrice, I" said Agatha, for sho saw that wornau'5 doom WW1 On 110x, "to love, t0 41111(11', and t0 die," CIIAi'TEII LIII., " AIY 1111.5110 WENT 011T TO 21)22." "1 like to tall; divot hint," continued tho girl, 1)t all t110 honest enthusiasm of lova; "it is lilt) reading a poem 01: listening to 111nm10. 14I1s4 Brooke have yon over car0d s0 much for any ono? Bob no, T tun 8uro you 11.40 not," sho 5001i111t011. "Why n,ro you so 830'0 ?" shod Agatha, with a faint, sad (mile, "I3000030 it you ha(1 you could n0vcr bear this quiot• life. You Know those 110;;1080100 hounds of papa's—do you think, .1151 tho excitement of tho eha80, filmy could bo oontont as watch (logs Whon ono has drunk of tho champagne of lifo who cares for its leas ?" 1(iAgatha l000ked droamily at tho young "it seams strange that you should know 80 180(111," 8130 said; "I olid not when I was of your ago." "Wlton you 'oro of my ago, 11118 13rooko," said tllo girl, "you must ha 1001;0,1 lilt° an nngol,'' "I dill not not Mtn ono," though Agatha with a 1(0cn bang of 84111•'0 pran'l 1, 1 atoll say to mamma," ccutinuod 111nlgirl happily, "that if you tool( 11118 1:111)6 00,•1',lrosn that w0 (10, y011'vonld lin lattid other than any of no. 11,,11;1'01 you think sokiutlly of oto, (11111innol Agatha, "It lit ;'no,1 to 1)0 young, and it is good to Lo L'.tni,illil," Sant; out 110atrico, "1,114 in full of good and bnautifutthinga loco mown) t110111 all." \'"H lova crown them," sighed Agatha nail also woud0rod what this bli1h0 'happy girl would say or think if 1,11 1.(8'11 the perils and pains that love hat br.,au11 her. "\\l10n 7 was (pit() a child," continue Ileatrice, "I thought n great deal ttbou the future, and what it held for mo, lu 1 u(nver thought of anything so fair as I f 1t 1 ,t, 1 (41(1 mum that 111 the whole 1411 wide world tln_re is no other emu. t^re ti11 blithe, so happy US I," Agatha never forpnt 1110 800)10, Tho Lr;Ili11n1 nlolui114)11411" hundreds or roses 1.11 ill bloom ; the tinging of the birds in the to ('s; the ripplo of'the /moot groin leave:4 ; the 1ale(hing spray of tit fowl in n 1111110 teal,.) rose in tho sw1- 11- ,t1) 3 tbo odor of the thousand tlower8 that ).10ntu0d; tbn bright beautiful face of the girl who hail taken her out among lyres to tell 111r tlio story of her • TFi1:1 BB,USL,t LS is 0 ST 3.1';R1' TU LOAN, 1'r1, ,4,F'undt(. API„y at Tul:l'„x'r 1', lard. 1 ye (al 13..,(24,,, I,,,4 • 11 - •4,?t?' 11 11 I. 1 1i l l , i, T '�)••R' lintels t:1),l rH 1 0 t�In,my' astomlrx! r (4 ilr al support fur lb. 1)81 1,i', '818 n•lfhou tetldrou, 8'1,21, ((.ai 1 tlg luau (4 af4110ek Maw] 7114514"Sul8 tlhr 1,1 111)44(0'1 41)ork 1,_ or,t 'n 11,111 )411140 0 4 1, hole. to tar n 11114, 0,1,1 " 11(1,0 ,r,, and ...Ian), "Ow 1•114811 111er 111 to giro him: a call, I keep nothing brit sant-,l,"t '41r,6ta (11)141,01221 of 1'nultri 040(44 1'.ua,our Moot Ur• i 1170rto to 011parPo of 3110 TolOu 7'n•e. 1.1.811 nal4torYat8tdek. 4 11f;TlUN "Alli 011' � 1 , d )finder and by virtue of Pea 01 }'111,- t tabled In a 001'3..1,, At orr5agi ,'1,1.5 Din L, predncad 1)t limo of Fiala, uud neon whirl d.: t by 1117 Public Auction, the o, LbarO wiil Ln lel4 by 1',,01111 AuctLOu, at the (,11'01•:':' '014;I., (44,0 V,AOt' 6]il'8'111t.ti, -(!n 41w 0021Il1,10 of IduILIrou, (1" 11 Tvesday, Feb. ,s71414, ,1. D. Il143, atUlu 1r,ur o' 1 to ;110 001''4)l1'..', f 11rips: V1011041,' 1,ud mud prim18 „. 1,01 avmber bovsatora, 121 1130 crrtdnn of ;1,,.')°'1''1.(11 0f (Ivy 11.0 ,-f'c tr 1)1 tdnron, co,tainin1 ono hundred more e,"ru tl1 -s T110 ,;1,014'196 \1.111,11,• 33,1 11 .02. 4 1)l .rt it undnLnlf llriloe fle,rUo lit ,gf 141u000ln. About tWouty ncrue orr6i,1 t„ Ix, clear of 010n,p0; on oho ,i,.rcln1) l8oc ,0 (1tact^d n log .111'0111141, 81014,. 0141, ban,, T111381), ren per cont. to be 111t1 ,4 1)t the limn 01)40181 8tIIl r r t n111.18 4 with later tat 11(301 11 1q. r•,.1)t. 1''i'0l rusk° up of •thln,.('r 4418lw 1 1 far halanco, tormn 11, 1 1,1 ,1 1 11 l ),news 1)t (Ulu Salo. 1 or 110.111,r . .. ,.,,.... 11.21y to Je14 , 1,011, "Do I tiro yon, 111, 'Brooke?" asked 11011ny 13(•atuco. ":111 uta 1 I ](opo not. it 1 no sweet to have mane one to toll. :amus is 6O 1(1131(1, but sho is a groat lady—statOly and gracious; but sho would not understand. I should not think that great hulks like nlamma over fail in love; do they, .11118 Tirooko ?" "I (bonhl tllitll(," said Agatha, "that love is a blessing or otlrs0 that fails to the lot of ovary olio," "It can 'lever surely, bo a curse I" said Beatrice. "I always 1111014 that ladies 11110 mamma have to be wooed by proxy by grand ambassadors. I run so glad, so thankful, flint I am only (1 girl, and not a groat lady." " i'on will bo a groat lady some clay," amid Agatha, slowly; "Countess of Kelso." "I do not caro for tho titlo or tho money, althongbi people any that 3110 earl is very rich ; that he had ono largo fRrtimo before ho camo to this. Ib 1s lumaelf I lora." ""Chat is right," Raid Agatha. Ah, lac 1 How long was it (ince 8110 had sat in the 10un10 ')ree11 'mals, thiul,11 ') the same thoughts, her heart filled with just 14110 same happines(-= how long ? and now her 110ar1 11'68 sore (114431111(11:11(1 10aVe8 in autumn, "I do not remember," she said gently, "that I liavo heard the USI00 of Kelso 1 Is it a now title ?" "New 1" cried Beatrice. "No ; it is one of tho 0144081 in Euglaml—ono of the wiry oldest; hub the late earl was a crows old num; ho spent the greater part of 111,1 lila abroad, Iio lived in Athens for mow than thirty years ; 110 10118 Whitt tho people call oocentrio. 311au11110 says that Lord liolso—my earl," /motioned the girl, with 11 happy laugh, "did not euro much about Gni earld0nl, although it has made him mac of tho first moon in England. Do you Know, .1ii88 13rooko," she continuod, shyly, "I do not think I lilt° young— that is, very young men. Lord 1181440 is not very young; ho is trot in tho least old, hub 110 is s01110 years older than .f 2101. Mamma says itis a good tliug bo be able to look up to yo0r husband. I had many, what pooplo call, a(1111ir,:.rs during my ono Reason 1n town, but 11talty of them warn young." :1821(1 um(0 wore half so 11ioeas Lord Kelso,' lnrughecl Agatha. "No, none. Thoro was a young soldier—young in years but old in fame, bo had won tbo Vioteria Cross—Captain Garai dLoigll. ,Flava you hoard anything about him, lltiss 1 iroul(0 ?" Agatha rcpcatal the name gently to horsolf—Cal,baiu Gorski Loigh. "No; I think not," sho ropliod; "bub then 1 have not boon much in the way of English n0nspat4ers. In what way (lid 1,o win tho cr0.,a, 0'y clear ?„ ilur faco bright/mod, as it always did wh0u 8110 heard or spoke of auy noble decals. "'Ho said it was simple 0uougll, but mvory ono else stunned to think it very graucl. He says that many such (leads warn d0uo during 1110 war. no was out in thin trouchol;—if you know what that moans, 1\Iiss Brooke,' do not --attending to 801110 04014)111011 1800, 111111 as ho stood spooking to ono or them, a 1ih011Sirod by 3110 11u0u1 y fall 1111110ir millet. If it had osplo(lod they must ell 113100been killed: hut he 0185011 it in his hand and lluu4; it away, coolly, malady, as though ho had Imo raisin;; a crial.ct ball. It injured him terribly. 50010 people 1111111c ho will never have 3138 pru11r use of his right 10.1,1, but le lavuoi ouunbloss 11vos, I heard that whin tllequeon distributed the 0001(81), 21110 was amazed to 3100 s0 young a mall, 15m l alio 8p0ko so kindly to hint ; it was Oliougll to ('lake all men heroes. How 1;raud it is to bo young and bravo," said the girl forvontly, and Agatha looped with admiration at the bright beautiful face, "And this young hero --what of him ?" 25814044 Agatha. "laic likodme,"replica Boatrioa,shyly. "If I11aif never soon Lord Kelso, thou I should have lilted Gorald Leigh. Per- haps she oon1i111od, naively, "you never Board a 8olcli01' make love 1" "No," roplod Agatha, "I am/pito surd that I novas did," "They make the boat l0vors in all tho world. Thorn is a romauco about thom; 111044 aro so bravo and faarlo88. I thought, en(10 upon a time, that I should bike a soldier lover; but now—" "What now ?" asked Agatha. "I prefer an earl. Gerald Iloigli wag very fond of sue. *o..yoma would not tire Ddi oONTINUFD,) �•(iY 1,•'d C,:i'.f'S I i `�¢J�4r V11W tLL� IS wtl ll.av t1,1, fo.ru"a•s o' tb8 aurrounbir.g townships 10 call at the BRUSSELS FOUNDRY' And Duoour(tuck of PLOT 0118, HA141)01013 SC1.71+FLU1:/• ('11:1I0F Ci.'1"1'011 s, HORSE POWERS, I LAS;DILUIS.EI;$,3,o V,'hfoharo got up specially to ru1otthe 3.00(8 of theFarmfngcnmmanity w081,10 glen 0(41101.1 attention w rapeil4 of e very d escriptlou ua 1temira 8(ugfae dt Rollers, Reapers, 1344804- ()215,1'34214'2)01113111111('3131(00, View.grte, and anylvn)lemetatmsrad onSher-arm SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AT REASONABLE DATES Pull stook of Steam, iynl0r and (!110.4 A'lpea 8lWayaen hand. Wo oorditnlr iu7tte inspection at the old tund]f111 at•.8oar the PoatOfllco, WM. R. WILSON. MEAT MARKET, ¶SA1tr 8101LL tr t', 082.16(00(4. 4N0RE1'J CURRIE, Prap'r, FREON OM GALT MERT5 Ofthe bcsiqullity alwnyt 01.118nd and 440110 ore° in anypart of tbo Villancfroc of cbargo TEEMS Very Fa1orablc, FAT CATTLE WANTED, For which the highest market price ',Mho paid. I also m alto a Specialty ofbuy mEhido sand Skins. Don't forget the Place, nest deo, t0 Vie rcher'sawarellryS tore. ANDI(EW om xr ALL ALIVE 9. Tho undersigned begs leave to 111111001100 to the Public. generally that lin has purcha00d tho Entire Stock of 31, BFrain, hnrn('sn maker, and Navin brought a Large stook of his Own Vak1 ,l0 is prepared to Com. polo w1111 the llt`(tpt'Ht, an 110 1111348 Strictly for 03011 A. Complete Stock of MGM AND IIBAVY HA1ZN1413H, COLLARS, WHIPS, BRUSHES COMPS TRUNKS, HOUSE, BLANK1'ITIl AND VALTB.I.:S, And Everything in the Barman Lino e a Ilarucas made to Ordor ft'ont bent 1110. towed on Shortest Notice. 6:.0" Repairing Promptly Attended to. (.sir' SATISFACTION GUAI1AI4 TEED. Pte' A Oa olieitod before E'0461lasing Llscwl1oro Don't forget tho place, in lir Graham's ITlook, D, Frain's Old Stand, !stain Street, Brussels. R. STEVENSON . mSp.1� id 3 011..F.f31411014,11.tmNNAM^tW]IaT� 1,[ 1121,31,,101 FRONT AGM '111, 1114114'i'F1111041 :11 101111111111! 111;11,1.,.. 1" 1114' .1'(•(,1,11: ul' (o"t111)11'1)„I: 211:(1 i1,,rl'uUl:(Ii)l % t'l 84 fl' 11.1' th(.i), 1,'o "1 1'1:inooli(n ;1111111'^ Ito' H 44111), 1.1'131(1 1'1'.1.1 ;'1111)1', 114411111114' 11.'1''1 1• 1'14 ("'1111 14 1.1111(11 1111?1• I r'' In i1 will 1.: ;': 211.1 3l; 111(. 011 latus '1 33,;(10 121 ;111.1,4] L; 111( \ion, U;.1.,141 L. - : `: 1111: liT.::1C11SMi'1'11 .3. RO LI.1 : t iii 1:4' U'1a1t p 11,1 ATTENDED TO. �•1'lf. 'I'l'11:_.1" ,. ,.. 1:. •1,, i11r,. .,ir.Cll.11llll'. Tlr•�,c !if! .111• !i, 1l(ie(1 to. !1/(' ((((110 Mak e" ([, ilSi ecio1/.y 0/' t 'i' Ji iii'' 1/ 1''(44'4.1-('/, Style'://1(/`Oi('li"/(/)( ,(14 t!(1 Giro ,�'(l isf,r(('/7UIt. iTtl ,i.1'I ht' ii.4 1)r.; i11 tlw 1)e:lililn1n of ;.'7111.'la .111t1111fnett?3')11g allowed Ly Cl 1111 < l0i t I iS to be the 134-st of All t.,, o wheel Z'ehielr:.. Inteluln::l; Ilu(L,,,,114 1,111n11,d Call and Exa011i11t:. lit, ryryyy qq�� l:at'cS,'Crn : , R 1' q L %4 i',21021.0 iqaSy¢ag c4:t� dal, T110 nndtt'al4n((i, 11151:11?tig hi: in :a 11241( ..t(1 1 o their pil•trou('ge rinds4) 1110 pa1.3 year, 5.i3hlo de 11,1„1143 1111 I' Ilk' 141(13 (1., 11i11 h•1, l.nd€rent• a thorongli spoil', 1,1).1 ei'the latest improved nlac1inc,= how. beer intrcclue( d ---but Stlii 1'1111:)14 til(• atone griudil 1 system, FINE FLMOU 49 8."t,e:11l'i4.i?'a !f'3 C°21'61. 1LF C,(vu( "•rry Pik.'"DoT An Sorts of Mill Feed Delivered ed Promptly to Order, CIIOPPING LI<l:';., 103' THE 1'+Li0]i1'E:1'i' ENTIRE SA.1_i'1.i1 ".t"J'] 1N GI:Ali ".'1'.EE1 •. lat .J Commencing ll'oby. 2nd 1833 tho following editions of Tm: natty Gunn,. will ha mailed to Subscribers throughout Canada, the United atatos and Groat Rdtatin: DA1r.Y GLOnle-Morning Edition .. 3 mos. xot 1.73 6 08. $8,50 1311100. 47.00 11,410.0 (0101)1-12 °'clod .. 1,00 ' 2,00 " -2,00 DAI10 (Lo141e- 3" 236' I1310 GLonm-Saturday Morning Tdttlon .131 12a n E WEE LI! GLOBE SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP -TWO W© MONThS C1TT .,7 15 0= S' We want to increase our plmsrnt largo 11st o4 subscribers by tett ihonsnnd'.withi5 the nr""1 30 days, and for this pmu'poao make the above liberal and unprcoedontod otter. An addition to the above 311 ,111 ol1'cr we loathe the. following: ANYONEa1 (111x(405 75 yenta and 5 subscribers will receiv0 an extra copy for two 00(11110 fro'(. 41,10 and 103uhscrihors will rceciv1, an extra ropy for tiro months free. 52.25 end 13 su1301'11,o1•s will rcc1iv0 a copy of Biography of the lute (+cargo Drown, ^$3.00 and ''20 sub.rribers will reco)1 o a copy of Tu ,1 14 1n1KL0 (43,0me for one year free. *14,111151111110 subscribers will I'yt't'i(l1 it copy of Saturday's 311(0LY 820104 One year flee, 537,30 and 60 subscribers will receive n ropy of Tun DAILY groom four months frc,e. $10,00 and 100 subsurlbers will receive n copy of Plum 0 21410.0 qto/u one year tree. )41Wscribe now 311(33 41.01!0' reports of bods Parliaments for en3y 1I cents. 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AS All AGRICULTURAL IdliWSPAA'F1R !1'12115 001411111,10 61,00519 AM UNSUIt1'ASSED, PURG O:'. 'c SER `di®AC(! Revised by,' Spnrgeon's 0;441 hand), 4)�Ivn11 own leek in Sntur(lny's Dime- (itenm and in Tut: W11111010 (10.0192, nutter spacial 0,1)11 5x014113(00 arr0ngtnnont for the .Dolnhdon of Canada, 'rho 13151v. O. 13, Spurgeon is, beyond qItostton, the most w111035 -road preacher in th0 world, and is always roar, pra0dcal and instl'tcll0o, Address, THE GLOBE PRINTING CO.