HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-2-13, Page 3l'11l1a'41ty 111, IDAti, ,ioctrnt ;,T, 1'11,10,N'r1NPP5 MOI'tN, Young Cupid awakes, emit arrnw•,v lin takes And swiftly tory tly from. the bow ; And 11141,1 1A Oto heart That withstsiala am dart Of the rosiest rot;uu I know, Ile quietly shred; tie's heart for his steals, And cares not how he is treated ; It his ttiut is vain itt trjot.it,;t;till And t \ r 'ycv ut,t:e ilefuatod. 4o here's to tilt. hoaltdt Of tlu• pad , 1 wealth, !told within i n-+• goldon me ;hos ; \Vltich will ni.ver rust 14pile Cupid we triNt R'ith ileo human It art so precious, .!mina fiL,iar :1. RIitn(rg,a /al* 1I:11111s'S \V.1.N'1';i AND IS1Ds1. 1 want a piocu of ttditu 1'o Hutt my doll n drone ; I ;Ln ;ai't a^mt a big piucc. -- A y -n1 1 tri,, 1 gueem, I•.rih lit 1r ay is Nile, 'stem Bend '.r,' thimble, Uue-- 1 have such lumps of sowing 1 don't knn•.v wheat to do. I)Iy Topeey's lured her moron A templet,' dorm the eta.ir, And (•'trsar't. lost his pantaloons, And needs 'snugger pair. I wants my !hard a new bonnet tlho hnan't none let til, And Fred .rust have a new jacket, 1114 uxrer one's too small. I wants to go to grandma's— You prnnisttd ins 1 ;night ; I know alto wants to see Ise -- I wants to go t7 night, She lett Il:."tvtt3h the di.lteo And Vet in grandpa's t:atop ; IOW T wish- I'd free, four pennies To bay ,.tela batter-Rlutttlt, 1 n itt • aur n:",v r inittatts--. 1 wish all knit ma some, 'Cause tl my iing,ats freezes, Th, y look so in the funs, I wortd it out last summer A puffin' tieurgtt s siod ; I wish you wou'dts't laugh so -- It hurts tae its uiy head, I wish I had a cor.,kie ; I'm hungry as I exit be ; 11 rou hasn't pretty i,,rge odea You'd Letter bring me free. TIII: OATS. Iferr the wnrbiitt' td the e.tis— Merry itt Oh 1 lave tc hear the music of their mid- right nightly spats ! to they ',may. u•+mna and frisk all, In rho icy ;dr of night, ILL to {Say so weird and brisk all, While their shapely tails they whisk all With a C'atalinc delight— Keeping tium with their tails, Lilco a lot of Runic flails, To the coucat•cante.ntstion, sung in sundry sharps tool flats, Of canticle of rats, !tats, rats, rats, rats— To a wild carnivorous canticle on rats Hear the turbulent Tottt cats, haddy cats! now the catttpuitic 'bootjack interrupts their fiendish chats 1 lu the darkness of too night. IIow their ghoulish outcries smite Portland flats From their gelationstte throats An intcnue Cataphonic ditty floods I'u the turtle eat that gloats— Ott the fence l— lt, the tsihy rat that listens, while she gloats, To the surging cataclysm of their wild, catarrhal notes 1 Hear the hoarse grandfather cats— Aged cats ! How they make atm long to grasp a soofo of rattling good brickbats! They have caught a bad catarrah, Caterwauling at the moon 1 (See it ? Caught a had cat 11 1) You may hear them from afar, Roll it liko a British 11, Out of tune, Ina , Initoroui appealing to tho aged tabby cat, In a futile, toad appealing to the deaf, old tabby cat ! Shrieking higher, higher, higher, Like -a, demon in n fire -- While the litho kitten cats -- Infant cats— Sing an emulous, sweet ditty of their fovo for mice and rats 1 That's But a rudimental spasm of too capers of the cots 1 There is nothing that loops au animal's systout at ,voll regulated and 'seems to slutrpeu their appetidioa its well as a judicious use of salt. Tho careless stock•breedet' should remember the warning foot that do - Motive points aro more only of ropro- duction than more desirable proper. Hoe. As egg-produocra, Fanny Field ro. Commends the hamburg fowls as be. ing the first in rank, Legliorns next, and after thorn the Hon dans, La Moho and Black Spanish. A Now York farmor reports in the llusbandtunn that Imo raised 8,800 bushols of turnips on live and ono•half acres of Ittndi, at it cost of 1;- °outs par hushe1s. The crop was raised after too grain teas taken off, TO _SAND PURTirsia,v6 HOUSE 10,000 Ellvtlepct, that vo will Mnitltly with your Card Neatly. Printed on the 0017101[21t the HEMS Meier as you buy therms elsewhere Poiret!. A. Largo 'Now itttit']t of 017 A, 0,x00 P:,9 CDR, :x0')1) Ilb;i ODs, LETTER ERA OM, Sd0',00OPlt,l.'i 070'1tW, lrr.ATtitlIi..v't' ti0:tttttvlli, t',tRO)H, .0020, sud01At, TAGS, ate., &c. All Kinds of Printing, frnnl the Largest Poster to the Smallest Card, done in a Wn:lltnauliko- lllanner meltd at living price;�• _.._�0_._..._ tI wL. POST Devotes the 13ulk of its Space to the Publication of LOC'ATt AND DlS- T1tfCT NEWS lain for that reason it MO BE Y!'! EVERY S d§M! fl, Ily knowing the condition of the t1,uncr1T alone may be a good many Dollars in Your Pocket. - We aro desirous of Securing CORRESPONDENTS ill 1.2oeltlities not uttw represented and will be pleas- ed to Fear from Persons who are nulliclently interested to Send us a \V1)1:KLY BUDGET. SEND AIOAw I'OUR JIOVLF W. H. Kerr, Publisher. 1i1a1 B1tMiklJI L1i POST 0N1 -Y T(1 I,i';N11, Any amount ltmoy to Jttmit on 1x'ttrm or Village property at 1; s. iI PEE Straight !.gnats with 1.dvilege of re- paying when retlnirotl. .,apply to A.-IRTNl'I'IJd Div. Court Ultok, Brussels. 7110NEY To J.l)A\, M,.ngy to tom. ,. , ft... pr::t.,.rty at LOWEST 1tA'1'bl, . PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS `V. ii. 1 )letitiN, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. ]17;;TAT1'.NUTICE. NOTIC'1•I TO ClIEDITOIIS. 1'urattttut to the Avil (e, 1'io, (itt. tt, !Ontario the creditors of iiiuti1 s EIDN1;Y tH111'I1, lath of the 'Township .l tory, in too ( ut:ty of Bursa, Yoenutn, wh!1 y dieon or about the ;tet ley of 1!nce,un.r, 1841, and other4 having ruspeet to hi„ estate ,trU hereby 1111,1 to send ou or Lt for. Ott 97th day of Feb- ruary, 18.1, to Alexau•L,r hunter, of nrusxuts, for tin,t+u,euiori.t the pone -22241 020,02 end effects of the mitt tier Caned, thhir menet aid eddres,os 411.1 Ott full vertieul•tre tat their t•saints end of tho xteuri ti 04 (if any) hold by here and 221 .20 cant Int!uodint,ly atter the Nail dtdto too emote of Ott maid deeoaaftd wlil bit distributed n now; too pertlen entitled thereto, beving regard only to clahns o1 which Olio 0xonutors haw thou natio(' anti tot axon - tors will not be liable for any emote m0 tit• trlbuted to any person of whose Clamor they shall not have had uotho. A. ilirN'lwl,. I:xnctt tars. JAS. a'C'liNllI Lt i Detol et Itrti,anle, this 221t1 day of Jan., 1A/E. 1)ARTNE1tSII11) NOTICE. A l'ttrtiarship brut this day two forme.! be- ts:, en Oho ander„ gnod s,: bltllc•re, trtna and produce dottlera, in the Village of lirtmeele, in the County o1 ntlrnn. Under Olio nittlt0:tit d flrltl a1 ValtNtolto et Sore, WM. V.tNsroNI.. w1t. F. VANSTONE. O. 1t. V.1Nal'ON10, Dated Slat Jau., 1ea3. EXTENSIVE AUCTION ION SALE ' L ItT S.' a Thar lat : t ; ;t- r4 As I have made up lay mind to go into the Manufacture of the J. L C. WIRE CURRY Coal/B, I will sell the whole of illy Stock of Furniture, Without Reserve, to the Highest Bidder on SATURDAY, FEB. 14th, 1885. The Stock eon -slats of beautiful Parlor Suites in Silk and Hair Cloth, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Whatnots, Extension, Fall Leaf and Centre Tables, Enclosed and Open Washstands, Lounges, Sofas, Easy Chairs, Afattrasses, Spring Bed Bottoms, Cane, Perforated and Wood Seated Chairs, 2.4 different kinds to choose from, t1, largo lot of Beautiful Pictures in Oil and Water Colours. Also at the Same Time and Place a Lot of SECOND I1AND FURNITURE, be- longing to MR. FRED. FREY. Romoniber the Place, Opposite the New Brick Woolen Mill, Main, Street, Brussels. TERMS. ----All Bums of $5 and under Cash ; over that amount Three Months Credit on furnishing approved Notes. 12 per cent. discount on credit amounts. C. R. COOPER, .4RTHUE T'E4L, r,47zctioraeer. Proprietor. C UNDY'S OLD STAND. TEAS ! TEAS ! TE A_S (5 Lbs. Young Hysou for $1 worth $1.25,1 15 Lbs. Uncolored Japan for $1 worth) ($1.25, 2 Lbs. Young Byte. for $1.00) worth $1.25, 2 Lbs. Japan for ;1, worth, ($1.20, 2 Lbs. Gunpowder for $1 worth) X51.20, 2 Lbs. Young Hyson for 1 worth ! $1.40, 2 Lbs. Japan for $1 worth $1.40.1 Coffees from 250. to 35o, per Lb. Pato Spices at reduced rates. Cannod Fruit and Fish. Try Our Famed Acnie Soap. Crockery and Glassware 15 per cent below usual price. Fresh Oyste>s always en ]land. Quality our Leading Feature. Terms Oash or Trade. Gepp ThoOrion, GRIST AND EilLQ)\_r1_L NULLS. The undersigned having completed tileehalil:•trfrom the Stolle to the CErLEBRATED HUNGARIAN SYSTEM U:1' GRIND. ING, has now the Mill in Mi Two !a 4 $ at f lYtll INF 0,ViDER, And will be gllul to see all the Ohl Customers unci as inahsy new onestiApossible. Chopping. (Julie. LOUR AND FEED ALNA.Ya ON 11.9.11. r ---e HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD WHEAT :JET ara ria o ""' JAMES BUY 4110 loe R S \ft NIi1'AC'TJIii:.d1 (Il Buggies, Carriages, Democrats, 3v aagwz/s, Express Wagons, &C., All made of the bast material and finieb.ed in a worltmau-like manner. Repairing and Painting Pro i.ptly .r5,ttealded tet. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. Ititotlni•:Nc11s,—liarsdeu Smith, B. Laing, James (Jutland William Mc• Kolvey, Grey township; 4'!m, Cameron, Wm. Little, George Breway, an -d David lirockouritlge, Morris township; Thos. Town and W. 1)lashill Brus- sels; Eov. E. A. Fear, Mor,kten, and T. Wright, Turnborlty ioirra+hij . 'Iiemomber the stand—South of the bridge, 1TA�.=F3T:I•YM1�v ATWAL RLLER i111L18 I o00 VANSTONE .1BR S., Proprietors. --•-000--� We havo much pleasare in auuouncing to the public that our New I1ol1'et Mill is in complete running order and is giving the beet satiefaclion. SHORTS, MEAL, SHAH & CHOP CONSTANTLY MI NANO. t We also mako the following brands of FL0UI1 Patetn, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing attended to with promptness, ALL KINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO 0BDEr. Berlin .Foundry ! I tt. GREAT Clf,a:icl: To EKE .Q L+ y MAIWFA(1rPtt$11a OF ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL MACHINERY, &c. Small uprigh6 En in(a a� Booilez°a sl Npeci(tlty. Vor ins t use ittritict,lart !WS ti Olson c Cot, Berlin. ,l'ON! ITU N U S t'RI i. 110 'dp 7,m,rfre.Itt 0114 000 to 0rta�date , 1 Aoroa MRS EU WANTED. Qua ,A oaten Woad: at Skase arae itnn.DO Pariss ainadyempl,aimeniataxo4 salaries to an willtngirl work. URN AND WOMEN clta 1000 pleat 0 n WORK THE YEAR ROUND. (load tutSat. new oat tleta tram (4181 to :845 pat tuont), tun 4 expouw'seer ( Setontsesetet b4ithey, 11,1tairMat6 9SWLa018 h w..twaaaa176f9'080. TOR O(dT0, 011 T. Ontfl tworth alarge stint of money all roc h Ten nit)and YDL'It .D'(1121TL'N14 0E11 CIlOCUI,t11y, GALT C11,41B wig' )10E1 Ti .11.kilikl WrTerros and Outtltl'aet:, 3.(2. vet. 2 our 141.02114ra rrtt,. Adtn•ae4— 111410 alar ra1.t,1:111116 (tt. St. enthorinhe,Oitatfo,Cennctt MONEY TO LOAN, $' ltd1 V.4.rule1.11 38' IU 1)(n;, 011 $20,00-0 ateIan 24how; jmitt I'ee.u1,lerri !a 1 )t•o(t•iv foo in rvit.na ct 1 el At 7 Per Cant, tl grow ens 'sett ULAN/ l.l34.4. lr.t1.14. 044,1 h 1 t 124 tts►c. ml0'iet'f`Onit, Ir. snt.4fertre•.. .0ttsl y F. F,