The Brussels Post, 1885-2-6, Page 8S THE BRUSSELS POST, FEnaoARY (iv 1885, RANO TRUNK RAILWAY. n n yn c lax uxveNeroe,w. a. S D. I3 Tr.tille leave itruseel, 854tlon, north and nth nn tnilmve: 7alfti H eTrr. OOIN) N1111Tn, 1ltll.., .- .7:10 :Lau .1 gf(mid OM a,m, ltxnteas. 11160 aan• 1 atoll 2L/1 Y tu, tflsod.,.... . 8:50 non. 1 Express 0:65 p,ra The morning train south and the night. train a srtS will only run on Tilosdays, Thurs- days,and Saturdaya, LOCAL_ NEWS ITEMS. A o Worn among Yo ratio' nota A u'laith he'll pront it, W, A. TATE alae seoured a situation lta traveller for a 'Vinegar Works firm. P1civATP funds to loan on farm property. Apply at this offioo. THE Batt: Baud play several airs with Salvarinn Army tones woven m. Aztat you reading our continued story ? ORIS WELLS is spending a few days with friends, at Zurich, this week. THE boll at tho Town Hall will not be rased this year except in oase of fire, A. mem boy can obtain a situation at the post oflice. Soo Peoples' col umn. Tilos. HALL disposed of 32,000 lbs. of pork to Joseph Clegg, so we are ha - formed. REPORT says another brick storo will bo erected next summer: We hope it is true. Tno milk routes of the Morris ,36 Grey choose factory, for 1885 will be let next week. See advt. OWING to giving the proceedings of They go good ton. the County Council in full several in. SEE the new advt. of Geo. Thom. toresting items are crowded out. son this week. IIe is wirking up a See notice of dissolution of partnl r - large grocery trade. ship of Ironstone Bros. and the form- ation of a new first to be known as Wm. Vanstuoo & tions. L'Ens true fling public on our lino of raiir,a': .1 be sorry to learn that Conductor Quirk has been transfer. red from the W. G. & B. brauoh to the L. I3, & 13. TEEM: Wit" no service m Knox Church lout Sunday on account of the pastor being at Monlcton. W. C. Paccron, an old veteran fresco reenter, was in town thie week looking up some work for tho corning 3118011, Tun Luoknoty Sentinel say's tho pulpit of the Methodist Church in that plaeo was very ably filled by G. L. Ball, of Brussels, last Sunday, tipped the beam at 1680 ponucls, He SEVERAL letters of warning have ; is 2 soars and 8 months old. been sent to some of the tocol boys Now is your chance for bargains. who have too "largo" a tisue at the AS will be seen by advt. in this Issue, Arley tuoetinge by.one of our magie- A. Veal has decided to go out of the Crates.•fltrnitnro business altogether and will THE heavy draught stallion belong- ing to Thompson & Armstrong was put on the scales last Tuosdny and J. _l[. )TntiTHk:RB, of Stratford,! disposo of his stook on Saturday of spent Several days in town this week. I next weok. Seo what he has to loll. We aro pleased to learn from him thatTHE Goclericll Star says:—"F. 0. our old townsman A. L. has lunch Roger',ice• the most energetic of salt proved in health, men, has sent a box of his c°lsbrated NEXT Sunday morning the regular prime salt to the 'World's Exposition quarterly meeting will be held in rho at New Orleans. :lir. Rogers has a Methodist Church. Rev. lir, Sabine, good article and ho is visa in letting of Walton, will preach. 5uulay rho world know it." Yon are right School will be withdrawn. I3ro, Star, Jcsr received a fine lot of Lake Huron L. 0. L.—The Co. lodge of North Herrings in prime condition, Geo, Thom- Hnrott was held iu Brussels on Tues• yon—Gruudy's old stand. day, The following oflleors were elect. 'Inc proprietor of the Bruesels and ed:—H. Perkins, Co. Master; L. Seaforth stage lino has placed a firma. Netherly, Dep. Co, Master : Wm, iug new, covered sleigh on the route. Wilson, Chap, ; M. Morrison, Rec.- .lir. Welsh is determined to do all be Sec, ; James Drew°, Fln.•. Sao. ; .13, can for the comfort of the travelling Gerry, Dir. of Ocr. ; A. 11lotllauuus, Pohl;°, Lee.: Thos. Watson, Co. Proxy. of Now is the time to advertise. The Grand Lodge; B. Gerry, P. L. M. papers not beiug so crowded with ad. There will be no county procession on vertisements, the latter have a better the coming 12th of July. It is left in display and attract more attontlon the boucle of the District, Lodges to than during the "rush." Make a celebrate the day where they choose, note of it, CsoniL SoexEnr.—Tile first regular NOTICE.—P. C. Rogers' stores will meeting of the Brussels Choral Society be closed every evening at 7 o'clock, was held in the Mechanics' Institute Saturdays excepted, until April let, room on Tuesday evening last. There after that date and luring the sum. seem about 50 pros°nt, of whom the mer months tbo tilno for closing will the greater number were members of be 8 o'clock. the Society. The work of organizing Toa County Sunday School Con wars completed. The following officers vection will be hold in Seaforth next were appointed :—lst Vico•President, Tuesday- and Wednesday. An excel. D. Stewart ; 2nd Vice -President, Mrs. lent program lits been prepared, S, R. Malcolm ; 3rd Vioe•Presiclent, Miss H. Bioko, of Toronto, is expected to Joan Ross; Secretary, W. I3. !loss: be present and deliver an address. Treasurer, D. Strachan. Itlanaging W. J, SHANNON, Thos. Wilson and committee :—Robert Malcolm, Chas, Wm. Douglas have been appointed as Harris, Peter Thomson, John Alex. licence commissioners for the East ander, Miss Bennett, lilss Inman. Riding of Huron under the Crook's The appointment of President was Act. J. 13, Geiger, Edward Cash and left over to sem° future meeting. R. Selclon were appointed for South Teaching and practice occupied the Huron. greater part'of tho time. Next meet mg will be held on Tnoadsy eveni(tg, ON Thursday evening of last week Feb. 10th at 7:30 p,m. the Army held their jubilee in the `town Hall. Iu addition to the Brits- PrnsoEAL,—We clip the following els corps there were Capt. Tegal, of honorable mention of ono of Huron's Listowel, Cap:. Sumner and Cadet nlilliouairos from the Daily British Hamilton, of Seaforth, and 21 sold• Whig of Jan. 15th :—The First Rail. ion; from the Iaet mentioned town. reader—a survivor of the times of Wo regret to hear of the loath of George Stephenson, a hale old gentle. Elijah Fr11y ne, of Greenwood, form- man yoke-3oeepll Whitehead, of Olin - •L'i'ly of l31'useols, who departed this ton, the first iniad to fire a railway 'life on Jan. 13th. He had that ten•• locomotive, is at the Royal hotel, in ibis complaint Known 08 Bright's di. ICIugston. Mr. Whitehead in 1827 Reuse and suffered a great deal, The at a8 On the engine built by George .(loeettsed was a brother to Joseph Stephouson. It wits a ten ton ma• h'rayne, of Grey tOwosbip, chine, worked with It beats, and wits line. J. W. Sinn has purchased altogether an awkward looking affair. p Last evening to many !auditors he re - the vacant lit, between Mrs, Long's nod Jae, Deewe's brick blocks, from Dr. Holmes and will erect: a brick building early in the spring. The ,site 13 an excellent one and with a meat building upon it will give the east side of the eteet a finished ap pearanee, TRE joint stock companies doing business under the Ontario Act are being pointedly notified by the receipt 1,3 printed fortes that :—"ivory com- pany incorporated under this sot :hall, on or before the first day of February, in every year, motto a list in duplicate of ell persons who on tho 31st day of December previouely were shareholders of tho company, and such list shall state the names, alphabetically arranged, and rho ad• drosses and calling of all such per. bons, tiro amount of stock held by them, and the amount paid thereon, and shall also make out te summary of the state of rho affairs of the OOm' pony on the 81st day of December preceding.. Timms persona wore 1'ecoived into the morberaltip of Molvtllo Oharoll Inst Sabbath, MRs, ClnauA51, I4I!as S!nelair, Alec, Stewart and Donald Stewart will ro- preeent fielvillo Ohuroh at the Sab- bath School Convention to he held in Seaforth next wok. AFTER, tall Mosos Oates may com- fort himself with the reflection that this is an open wluter—open to ob. joctiou on aocount of the continuity of the cold. Look to your chimneys. The ex- treme cold weather of the past few days has occasioned so much burning of wood that elle soot easily ignites, SEND along the Reins of neWS 1311031 as births, marriages, deaths, personal items, reports of gatherings, socials, &o. Tile revival servicos aro still in progress in rho Methodist ohuroh. J.D. RONALD has had a tough time of it getting through with his firs en- gine to Now Westminetor. NEVL••ii 1 Never ! Never ! in the history of Ethel have goods been sold so cheap. Tho great sale, the half priors sale; the long-to-be•remembered sale of A. It. Smith. People do not ask how ears we do it ? They all know the reason why. Goods bought at 00 cents on the dollar can cortainly bo sold much cheaper than when bought at 100 emits on Cho dollar. Come on with your little auction sales and conuter attractions, all the better for me. It is my goods that are for sale not myself, Yon can't ]seep the public from finding out where they get tho best value for their hard earned money. Yon might as woll try to stop a tidal wave as to try and keep the people from coming to A.. R. Smith's to boy goods. Now is the time for 60 days, don't delay, first there, first served. 1r$rar•oai ¢.:cunt' . otels, James Hannon, of the township' of Stephen, has sold a colt, five months old stroll by " Old Enterpriao," to James C`ardiuer, of Farquhar, for the handsome sum of ,$135, Neil McNeil, living near McInnes, and John Urquhart, of the township of Stepilun, wore arrestor] for lin attem- pted burglary at the house of Neil lIoCnislt in the same township last Tuesday, aid committal to Goderioh to stand their trial. It ap.peara McCilsh hadsom° money in the house and the prisoners know it. but Mannish and his homily were to much for the world -be burglars, and used a club with good effect and beat them off, wounding one of thein pretty bad- ly. Canadian News. Harry Piper is building an lee pal- ace at the Zoo, Toronto. A 518 pound hog was sold on the Paisley market last week. Warden Creighton, of Itingatou Penitentiary, diod on Saturday. The Scott Act goes into force in Dufferin County on Mee, ist. A. B. Flint, tho dry.goode merch- ant of Toronto, has assigned. The smallpox has been stamped out in the township of Seymour. Steps aro being taken to have the Scott Act, submitted iu Victoria coun- ty. Montreal burglars carried off it 500 pouud safe from au ilotol office on Monday night. Rev. Charles Hamilton, of Quebec, has stgutfied his 0coeptauoe of alto bishopric of Niagara. The Scott Act in Bruce has been appealed agaiust on account of irreg- ularity 00 the part of the filers of the petition. J. I, isleIntush, of the Guelph 11'er- cury, hoe accepted a position on the Globe ptlrliameulary staff of the Local Legislature. J. and R. Miller of Guelph have re- lated the storyol' his earlylife,and re- ceived an order to supply the Gov- ornor•Geueral's table with is choice it was very interosling. He 30 iho assortment of boef, lamb and veal, The proprietor of the Walkerton Glocica is at preeemt enjoying the lux- ury cf a libel suit, the plaintiff in this ease being the Roy, R. V. Pireb, of Berlin. Prof. Brown, of the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph, lute been invited by the American Agricultural Association, to deliver a lecture at bhe World's Exposition, New Orleans. Tho Montreal Carnival was a great sucoessfor out -rivalling its predooee. sora in the number of visitors from outsido points, the number of whom is shown by railway statistics to bavo been botween forty and fifty thousand, Tho heat in Buenos Ayres. South America, is frightful; the thernnomot. er marking 185 deg. in the shade, and 142 dog. in the sun, Some places have molted 180 in the shade. If rain does not soon come great loses solo survivor of those who were Lden- tified with tho operations and work - Inge of the first locomotivo, \Vhon the engine would go into the ditch an old gray horse was secured to work a crane tvhioh lifted it on to the track a- gain. He looks now with astonish• meat on the marvellous progress made in railroading. At first 10 miles au hour was good work ; recently ho had ridden over a road at the rate of (30 miles an hour. Then a good wind would stop the train, now it would require a terrific hurricane to even ro- duoe the speed. At Chicago the first engine was shown along,sido a levia• than of 85 tons. 't'fle contratet w,00 wonderfnl. Mr. Whitehead calm to Canada in 1840 and located in Olin. ton. Ho has been i ulilied with the railroads here. he owns valuable estate., in 'lfanztoba, is a vigorous old man, an ,b.ug,i,hman by birth, and energetic enough to livo many years a,re fearod. There aro largo ttaots yet' burning. It is estimator] that the system of drainage proposed for the city of lf.ingetou will coat $44,000, Tho Nova Saotia Sugar Refining Co. of Halifax, is said to Have lost $200,000 on last years operations. Tho Toronto Presbytery, by a vote of 17 to 12, docidet that a man may lawfully marry his deceased wife's eistor. Tho Ontario Branch of the Dom- inion &Mimeo hits appoiuted Rev. B. B. Roafer goner al agent of the branch. At an egg•eating match at Putor- boro, a short time since, one I an htt0 fortyouo eggs and alio other forty. The eggs were raw and taken from it baskot in a grocory store. Tho basket was emptied, and tho winner said ho could eat a dozen more. Dnucan 0. Rost, of Cleveland, who was reported as Laving gone over to tho ministry, seems to have backslid• ed, for he issued a chttllcngo on Sat- urclay to any mall In the world at mixed wrestling and geuoral atbelotice or broadsword contest, Ho dopoe• ited $250 with Mayor Farloy, of Cleve. land. Nowa from rho lumbering regions is to the effect that them ie enough snow to hake operations fairly notivo. Owing to theinelentuucy of the wrath. cr, and Hutt the int put till, year will ha small, there is a 10000 towards bettor pricoe. Home of the ilealore from Quebec have been up to Ottawa with a view of making purchases. J, T. Lambert, Ottawa, has roceiv- eel official notification that the Caned - mu voyageurs will leave Alexandria for homo ou the 0th of Febnary, and will in all probability arrive at Halifax on the let of March. Seventy-five of tho Ct,nadians have accepted a throe months' engagement with the Imperial sorvice, and will remain in tho Nilo Army for that period. Canadian farmers will scarcely credit the fact that on the experi- mental grounds at Rotllamateatl, Eng- land, - wheat hoe beau growu forty years 1n sneeessloll without manure, and averages 14 bustle. per acre. Bat the other eido of this story helps to explain it. Tho land is thoroughly tilled after each harvest before eeeditng, is carefully hood alio following spring, and not a wend is allowed to grow. The fourteoo bushels, therefore, 10110,3 soot tho amount of plant food which good culture will develop in modera- tely fnrtile soils without manure. Aa; IRON SALES. MONDAY, TEs, !Orn. 1 arm stook and Implomeuts, on lot 14, con, 10, (Blind Lino) Grey. Sale at 1 o'clock p. m. Join 1'. Backer, prop., Alex, Dolgetty, aunt. 313r.•rnats,'olle 2rXarket. CORRECTED CAREEIILLY EVERT WEER, White Fall Whoat.... .. .. 78 80 Red Winter 78 80 Spring Wheat 78 80 Barley 45 07 Oats ... - .. 27 00 Peas 55 57 Butter, tubs mid rolls 10 17 Eggs per dozen 20 (1': Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50 Potatoes 80 00 FIay per ton 0 00 00 Hides per lb 7 8 Dressed Hogs 5 50 5 85 Salt per bbl., wholesale . •1 00 02 Shoop skins, each 50 1 00 Wool 18 00 r elE PEOPLE'S COLO I3. TTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE °heap, for cash, Apply to W, 73.MIONSON. QET SINGLE AND DOUBLE kJ Hareem, oleo a flrat•ulass warranted cloak to exoliange for wood. Enquire at Postelnoo. ANTED, -A YOUNG- PERSON to learn post office work• must bo of good habits, 11avo nor eaucatiou, hoard et home and not less than 15 soars of ape, J. 11, GRANT, Postulator, VARAI FOB SALE. '1'fIAT VAL. sable farm, being composed of the north ha J of lots No. 29 030, con. !Morris, 200 acres. Terms easy, Apply On the prOmisos. B. FRAM= 1m't RED OATS 'FOR SALE.—A tel quantity of McAllister Oats, They are an early Alto oat natn very protluottvo. Apply to A, E. 18013E TS°N, 8101 Lot 10, Con, 0, Morris. 0 T 10 L.—THE DIRECTORS Of the 1300rris R Grey Cheese E'aotory will moot 011 Saturday, 8'ob. 14th. 1880, in the Town Hull, Bruesele, et Ono o'clock pan,, to let the milk hauling along rho dtiferout routes for rho season of 1880. Any patties who wish to on - sage o attend. 80-010 this DONALD MoLAU0aiLIN,misted tProsidout, (TRAY + D FROM LOT 0, CON. 7, Morris, about oat. ibth, olx yowling eat, lo, throe steers and throe netters, Thoy oro spotted rat and white. with n split in this lett ear. Any Information Matting to tho r000vory will bo liberally rewarded, J. MOIN'r08H 2101, Brunets. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. •rhe l'artuerehip horototoro nsisttu between the undoroiguod NO Millers, lea., rile day boon dissolved by 303101101 eetieent. A,h fnenies duo theists firm Mout bo paid wan8101 m & Runs, by thorn all Nabilittos of the „ u firm will be settled, Dated 3100 Jnn.1885. W. If, AANBN A, 117/NT/411,117/NT/411,117/NT/411, WJtnoss.l C. it. YANSvONiilE, CA1KINC. 1't(c1NTOc111 & 1IcTACoOJt 1T, BANKERS- • R!IUSSELVAdflrt: TRANSACT A GENERAL BABICIIIG 11 USINPSS. Notoeofhmnddt90oun0od, Interoatallowod on deposits ropay'ablo on demand. PrOmptattentiOnglveu to n 1lsellons• 8.8't:; LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ai1'1+'AilD 1!] L LI 0 '1'. L A W \JI Onluu, Onto t'c Block, BI'ti,eols. A0onoy to loan. 11.41 li. WADE, IIA1ti3IST'EI:i, &c• Ltd • Mlles formnrly oe copied o y A. J. Mo Coll,iioq„tu bock Ws Block. Money to Lind, % 13, 1.)WKSON, 17atn with (Jarrow h t'rotldfoot, Godo • r�h1 Solicitor, OOuvnyaneor, dm. Otlleo In Grant's /look, lirnafole, Money to Loan. ,A, LEX, HUNTER, CLERK OF 1. tho t'ourth .nlvi,inn MOM. Co, Huron, 110110000U900,N*Cary Put lie,0. and, Loan and. I*eli ;nee AK,ut, Pundit invested and to Lonu. Collootlans made. 01nc0, (*0010011 Miceli, Musicals • MEDiCAL CARDS. •!]t' ltcl.l[l:i.l)h,N, 1[. D„ (I. 31. 11. %31. (1, P. 8,,l. Nay aleiau, Singe°ll and Ao- mmo:der, Office and rustdeuee, neer Nightlu. gale 0 C:o's store, 1 1A. McNAUGIITON, 111. D. C. EY o M., L, lt, O. P„ Edinburgh, i'hywicion, iiutg0Ou and Acco101mo r, OMRum an drosidenue 1 (108ur 1limborrde3, 1ntpsiweyllab,y hr, T. 11, Iloluos, i J)OC'r01t A, 11oKI3LVFY. Physhci an, Surgcan *nil Acrourhour, ilradttete of Trinity University, of Toronto Lori ul•ly of Mie of 1'ordwi 111, Utoetcu A.Nn lntaluuxcO,--Jlrjck )nevem op” doshto 1,,uglis)1 ehuroli, Main St., Drum eel a.2e;;j j. A. IIU'1'OIIINsoN, 11, D, 0. R. 4'. P. Edinburgh. Has remo vol to hie reeilunee 0, Milt Street, tho holm formally °coupand by Dr. Graham, and will ba than at nigut. No stat retains an ogioo at llargreavus' Drug Store DENTAL. CZ. L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR e Ooaluate and member of Chu Royal Collage of U,•utal Burg^ono, Tomah), Carica 10 Struthers Week. \\'M visit 311051lam wilco only of Wednesday until hie u10duut returns from (lollop. 11000 possible pains 1111101)10 ell oporati0uu. Charges mollorato, hours eam. to 5 pan, HOTEL CARDS. % MERICAN HOTEL, 1311.11S - cat.. 81L8, 1101115&G/obol,proprietors, large and o envouion t sample 0uum0, Special atten- tion to Conn0olTtel and other rravellvra. Tho bar is always supplied with tbo choicest Uranus of Liquors and Cigars. Au attoutivo hostler always on Maud, �f,'IEN'TRAL HOTEL, BRUSSELS. I will be pletaisedtto 000a all of 1 fr this s and hope oo111nleltatio11nnd boss stable, wltl attentive bar -Condor and hustler so secure many now 81100, 1'. O'NE':AL, Proprietor, UEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS. torlun »nhisgorldor them at pres�oltt, a0 the never in new Pr'Opriotur has taorougtliy refitted the house, 'Pim Dar Is supplied with the etlulco0t liquors Duct cigars, Toms Si per day. Good Sample ltoom0t or ('ornnteroial mon, 1t. \Y• TUCK Proprietor BUSINESS CARDS. w. li. MoCRAO EN, Issuer hllarriago Lioonsee. OROeo ut Lie grim Dry, Tern bei ry street, 1.2-211 OLLN NOTT, VETE111NA11Y 7.7 Cones° 1L 01orrto,7ltestll ofOntariooath e ll oueom aioly 00ouplo1 by dire, J. Parker ,,Alainstroet, Brun - sole, Lt l.LiNAIR, ISSUE Lt OF MAR - .i1... naso Lloo*see. by appointment of Lteutolant-Governor, Commissioner, Vim„ Q B. cone oyanoor and Agert F'iro Insurance Co Office at theOrnnbrook Post001oo, 80132'. CUNNINGHAM, Insurance Agent, Gu0r,Pw, ONTAriro. H. L. JACKSON, PPatioai Watohmakor and tpoweilar, Satisfaotlon Guapanteea in all Repaipin t, --SH. P AT -- W. .s. JA(11(8011'8 s00Etl1, 815185sleGS C`1RANBROOIi SAW MILL: Tito subsotibor has taken the Machinel'y ant of his mill and raised tho 011(11. Ile Will be randy to out right along. Custom sawing 02.25 per iv. Logs talion in lex. change for Sawing. Whoa trade is talon $2;50 par 141 will bo charged. ALt, Knits or Loyttgt Tor. Szr,E Cmalr GIVE MB A OALL. $1Cx.E:w.1 te1 W$lorx3.3s Prop.