The Brussels Post, 1885-2-6, Page 5'kettoeuv 0, 188G. The County Connell. (3nnrrulcn, Jen. 27, 1885. The cnnnuil met on 'humility 2(t 8:• 80 p,ui„ pursuant to ndjourun)ont, the crept ill the chair, All themem. burs em- bers were present and put in t111 credentials except 1)r. 11uebnatim. Thu clerk called the roll, lull request• ed the °mow l to elect their harden. Moved by \Ir, Alc11i1Ian, Het:ouded by Ni. Raiz, Ibul, Thus, Strachan, reeve of Grey, be Warden for tho cul'• rent year. Afuved by Air. Jobnetnn, anointed by Mr. Kay, that Patrick ICllly, ruove ofMythl, be warden fur the current year. Upon a ballet- be. iug taken there wel•o twenty-six voted for Mr. Dolly, and twenty -throe for 1L, kitrnnbau, when the clerk (leclar- etl Air. Kelly elected warden for the openly of Huron for the current year, The warden, Laving taltcu tho chair, thanked the council fur tho honor they tied conferred upon lion, and made and subscribed tbu declare. lion of orrice, Moved by C. Wilsou, seconded by AIt. Cook, that a coin- mittee Of five be halicited for to select OW Stialding committee for the eurreut year—Carried. Upon a ballot beim; taken the ceninlitteu was declared to bo Aluisrs. Hallinan, Kay, linins, Henning:, and Elliott lloveil by Air. Beacom, seconded by Air. Cook, that Jas. Patton bo appointed auditor Tor the current year. Moved by Mr. ltissun, se\,olyded by Air. C. Either, that,\V.lt. 'Watson, of Scafor•th, be auditor for 18H5. Carried on a vioiou by a majority of ten. The warden appointed James Patton the other tutrh:or. Moved by Mr, .[Iuys, eeecceded by 1[r, Alertly, that this council do adjourn, to meet Lo -mor. row m0reim; (et 10 o'cluck. .I ttu, 28th, 1885.--'1'lu• council met purauanl to adjournment, the warden in the chair. All the numbers wore present, The minutes of yesterday were road anil appruved. The peti- tion of Airs. )toss and 21 other- ladies of the+ Jiluuvale ChrieOen Temperance Union, prityiug the council to erect it house of refuge for the poor, wee read and referred to the epceittl cotntnittee. A circular from the oouuty of Oxford was read and referred to the special committee. A communication from Dr. Roseburgh, requesting a grant to the Prisoner's Aid Society, wear( read and referred to the finance committee. A circular from Lieut,•Col.. Otter, re. questiug a grant to the Ontario Rifle Association was read and referred to finance committee. A circular from the county of Waterloo was read and referred to the rued and bridge com- mittee. A. letter from Mr. Garrow, county solicitor, with opinion in re- ference to JJr, littrbottle's claim for extras at Hoftuesville bridge, was rend and referred to road and bridge committee, A communication iu re- feremee to erecting a telephone In the courthouse from Mr. Imrie's was read and referred to gaol and courthouso committee. A circular from the comity council of York, iequestiug the co-operation of this eouucil in re- questing the government to amend the law so that registrars of county and surrogate be county pincers, and coulee power on county councils to appoint the same, was read and re- ferred to special committee, A oiron- lar Froin the county council of Lincoln iu refcrenco to tux exemptions, was rend and referred to the special com- mittee. A circular from the county council of Oarletoo, requesting the co•oberation of this council in mom- orializing the Government of Ontario to provide additional accommodation for the idiots throughout t110 province was read aid referred to the special committee. A circular from the county counnii of Welland, 01 questing the cooperation of this eouucil in petitionieg the Dominion Government to assimilate the passenger and freight charges on the different rail - reads iu the Dominion, was read and referred to the special committee. .A. circular from Dir. Robinson, in refer- ence to the 0(208118 Land Law amend- ment, was read and referred to the special committee. A letter from Mr. Williams, in relent= to deposit of debentures in tho bank was road and referred to finance committee. A letter from Mr. Dickson, in reference to the gaol repairs, +gc., was read and roferred to gaol and court Louse committee. A cirnular from Oarswell t Oo., in reference to Mr. Lewis' In- dex to Ontario Statutes and Criminal Manual, was road and ordered to bo filed. Moved by Mr. Girvin, second- ed by Mr. Young, that the sum of K000 bo raised by this council for the improvement of the boundary lines of the respective municipalities, the said sum to be expended as di. rooted by by-law passed for this pur- pose, and that each municipality bo paid after the Juno meeting, when the cleric calculates the amount corn. Mg to each municipality. Referred to the finance committee, Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr, Mc. 111112(22, 41181 111(1 1pee1111 eouuuittoe be Met -meted to enquire if it houso of 0201)2(1 suitable for the require:mont: of 411113 county could bo ureetetl fur $12,000, and report to ibis meeting 111 Friday nlnruuig, Carried. Mov- ed by A1r, 13onouttl, seconded by Mr, 122(1(12, 11101 P. A4aln00sl ruin F. W. Jol.mle10u 1/0 111/18/11111111 on the board of audit J2( tering of 1110 net lu that bobalf. Carried. Moved by Mr. Juhneteu, seconded by Mr. McMur- chic, that 1)r. McLean, Guderieh, 1), 111. Menzies, of Clinton, nod 8, J. McCaughey, Snafurtll, be appointed high ecb0ol trustees of their respect. ive school. Catried. Moved by 1)r. Buchanan, 1ecouded by AIr, AfePlier- sou, that the sum of $300 be graut•o(l by 11110 council to be egnell,y divided between tho branch agricultural and horticulture) societies, Carried. Moved by lir. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Me3Iillan, that this council mem- orialize the Local Legislature, setting forth the desirability of adopting some Measure for reducing the num- ber 0l members iu cauuty councils. Lest on it division by n Majority of 21. A letter from the county trees urcr, with schedule of non-resident taxes collected and when wan read and referred to the finance committee, Aluvt,l by D. 1). Wilson, secuuded by Mr. Campbell, 112111 this coue111 re- commend the selecting committee to .:•educe the number upon the (2t(udiu+, Cowulittees from eleven t0 seven ineul1ers upon each conunitt e, Car. ' rigid, `rho council adjourned on mo. tem to meet again at 10 a.m. tomor- row. 20.—Tho conned mot purse• alit to adjournment, the warden 10 -the chair. All the 100mbcr1] were pregem1. Tho tniutttos of yesterday were read and approved. Tenders for prit:tine were refcrrol to 111e print- ing committee. Temlers for building bridges between Ilay and Stauley and between ]lay and Stephen were read and referred. to tho road autl bridge committee. Report of the selecting committee was read mid adopted. Statement of 111e amount paid to each at the I. P. schools by tho county for 1884 was read and referred to the school committee. Report of lir. Girriu, road commissioner, was road and referred to the road and bridge committee. The inventory of tho county tools in charge of air, Tedford, Clinton, was read and. ordered to be filed, Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Betz, that all bridges within the (county except bridges on bound- ary lines and incorporated villages ho hereafter altogether maintained nerd assumed by the local municipality wherein such bridges are, and that the by-law assuming these bridges be repealed. Lost on a,division by a majority of eight, Atoved by Mr. Durnin, seconded by Mr. Beacom, that the 01001(5 of the different muni- cipalities be iuetrueted to forward the assessment rolls to the county clerk ou or about the first day of December in each year. Carried. Moved by McMillan, seconded by Mr. Brit. ton, that a DOW bridge bo built at L'ondosboro, with store abutments and all 1101) superstructure, anal that the work be proceeded with at as ear. ly a date as possible in the spring, the old bridge being in au unsafe condi. tiou. Referred to road and •bridge committee. A number of accounts were presorted and referred to finance committee. Moved by Mr. Currin, seconded by Air. Ilonuings, that tho bridge at Fisher's mill, at Wingliam, be examined with regard to its sound - 31085, and if sufliciont to stand anoth- er year, and in tho event of its being rebuilt whether it would bo' advisable to 51101/011 it. Referred to road and bridge committee. Oonnoil then ad- journed to moot et 10 o'clock on Fri day. Jau, 801h,—The council met per• suaut to adjournment, the warden in talo chair. All the councillors worn present. The minutes of yesterday wore road and approved. Moved by D.D. Wilson, seconded by A, Allan, that this council employ a competent engineer to attend to all work in the county at present under the caro of tho road commissioners, and that the warden's committee advortiee for ap- plicants p-p11 01)1s for said position, end bo em- powered to engage a suitable party at a salary not exceeding $700 per an- num. Lost. Moved in amendment by Mr. O0oll, seconded by O. Wilson, that instead of employing an ongiaoer for the county, that the reeve of each municipality attend to the building and repairing of all bridges, and ro• (solve from the county $2 per clay for such work, and bavo power to call t110 assistance of an ongiueer or other competent person, if necessary. • Car- ried by it majority of 10. Moved by Mr. Clegg, s000ndod by Mr. Beacom, in amendment to the amendment, that L. Hardy, 0. Girvin, G. Elliott and Thos. Strachan be appointed road oelnmissioners for the current year. Curled on a division by a majority of THE BRUSSELS POST three, Moved by Mr. Campbell, se ended by Mr. Currie that Jas. Ilny bo added to 010 number of the rust commissioners. Carried. Moved 1, Mr. Durnin, 1310)01141141 by Mr, barber that this councilpees 11 bylaw die pehsiug with the levying of le dog tax within the county of Heron, it being iu aeeur11atate with the rea1nte, and leave it ep1ioted ei1(1 01e 'twat Iun111• eljlal(11+'li to impose a flog tax or other. 019e, b00t ,111 a div1si011 by a major- ity of 10, iIovect by lir, Kay, sCc- ondud by Mr. II0011ey, that lfr, (lardy ecouruisstouer, be instructed to have tate bridge aE Wiuehelmea tend 1'.11111. villa pelt in a 12(210 sotto for public travel 144 soon as possible. Carried. Moved by 11. hither, rieeon 1111 by Mr. Itatz that clause Die, 8 of the spewed committee's report be (21110011(111 am fellows :—Tluit this v1hu011 1alu+ no 12otwu Ju building It 2008 house. Upon the names beiug called for their votes for the 1LlueedluonL—)Iessrs, Horsey, Buchanan, Walker, Audersan, 3lauly, Oliver, \lilac, (kennings, McPherson, Straelutu, (Ervin, Currie, Campbell, Simpson, Rennie, Wray, 1). lIc3Iur- ehie, Griffin, 01200, C. Wilson, Cook, Durnin, Beacom. Elliott, C. Either, FL Either. Ratz, Kahle, Kay, Su[lit and Forsyth --31. For the report -- Messrs. A. blcIfurcbiu, Coats, Brit. tun, Hays, Clegg, Saunders, Young, McMillan, DA). Wilson, Ii1n'dy, Es. son, Johnston, Young, 1)0altio, Allan, 11eelyuluut, Cameron and Bissott•- 18. The awc11dment was carric,l by a majority of 18. The report, as amended, was again submitted to the 00une11 and adopted. Moved by \!r, Campbell, seconded by Mr. Siwpeon, that this eouucil pctitiwt Logislattlt•e, 11012111g the repeal of sections 70'tautl 84 of the a,sessrncut act, colnpclliug farmers' suns and persons not assessed to do two days statute labor or con. mutation therefor. Lost on a (tivls• ion by a majority of 33. The cuuneil thou adjourned to meet again at 3 p.m. On reassembling tho Finance Com- mittee report was read, w11e11 it was moved by Girvin, seconded by Young that No. 28 of the report be not ad- opted, but that the suet of $3,000 as asked for bo granted to im(r(ve boundary linos—carried by a majori- ty of two. 3to3Itlhau—Be,icoui-That clause No. 11 Lo amended by grant• ing the Outerio Rifle Association $10 —carried. A copy of the Ontario Statutes was ordered for each Reeve and Deputy. Itir. b'trachau wee in• strutted to examine the Zetlaucl bridge and tho one between upper and lower Wingham, and report their condition at the June Meeting. John. etou-Kay—ThatMossrs. Harstone, of Seaforth, Gregory, of Exeter, and Halls, of Godericb, bo appointed the couuLy Boardfof Examiners for the exawivation of teachers for the our- reut year -carried. It W118 moved, sec- onded and carried, that the council would receive no account tinkles it contained a detailed statement of it- ems, A motiou to grant $200 for the purpose of building a lock-up at Gorrie was referred to Finance cow• witted. The reports of tho school and visiting and jail and court houso committees Were read end adopted. Oook—Coats—That the Road com- missioners bo paid $2 per diem and travelling oxp021500 When actually em• pl0yod 111 county wore -lost by it (ma- jority of 9. Report of Road and Bridge committee read and adopted. Flyuu's bridge in Ashfield was, on motion of Griffin, seconded by Clare, assumed by the county. The enamel! then adjourned to 7 p.m. At 7 p.m. the Warden tools tho (heir. 111000— Anderson—That the Equalization committee meet ou the first Monday in June at 8 pan., to equalize the rolls—carried. The bylaws appoint- ing Auditors, Board of Audit and Road cuulmisslouors were severally passed. Mr. Elliott was ordered to inspect Bayfield bridge ;and bavo sawn repaired if necessary. The council adjourned to meet on the first Tues- day in Juno, i cl I ' 0 F AN 'D 1\4 LEND: P1) LEN. Any 111(1011111 if 3louoy to Loon John Carr and Wm. G. Coombos crit 80 thousand feet of lienaloot into logs in three days, of vino Roars each. Beat that who can, Quite a commotion was caused, in this little village when it was known that M. Nichols formerly of Craubrook, was coming to reside here, It appears that ho has been troubled,;,with a disease of the heart, for ho has taken to himself a partner to sliaro Iris joys and sorrows and thus make life a happy dream. A short time ago Wm. Docket re- quosted. a number of our boys to come amt help him to out some wood and at the close of the day they spud quickly to the houses of their fair ones with the intention of bring- ing them to trip tho light fantastic toe, Which they did until about 4 o'nlook in the 121000 111. 1 r; PUBLISJ L,Y( HOUSE 10,000 Envelopes, that we will supply with your Card Neatly Printed on the corner at the same price as yon buy #Meru elsewhere retail, A Large Now Stock of N05'(1 118'. 2)4, I,OTO.02r 118A1)4. J( 8,11 MCA N1) 4•rAT1841E1f1• 014A A11:04, (''ARDS, 82.1, SIZES, T.4.2.4, .te., otic. All Binds of Printing, from the ]'largest Poste r to the Smallest Card, clout' 1,1 111 Wnrkniaulike Manner and at living prices. THE -DOS 1)11•ut1s the: 13u1k of its Spaec' to the I'tiblication of Loc.4L :1121) 1)IS- TItIC'1• NEWS and fur that reason it SEM MY MO, By knowing the condition of the MARKET alone may' be a good inn 11y Dollars in Your Pocket. We aro desirous of Securing Coxinosroxol:Nrs in Localities not now represented -and will be pleas- ed to Hear from Persons who are sufficiently interested to Send us a WEEKLY .131IDGLT. SEND ALONG.: YOUR MONJJ I' ^AND-^ ioi((i)R)i(3 91718ETii PCeser.e. W. H. Kerr, Publisher. I+ aria or \'flhage properly 1211 ou l; a 0?